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January 15, 1957 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1957-01-15

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Sixty-Seventh Year

"Why Don't You Help M e Get This Poor Fellow
Back On His Feet?"

hen Opinions Are Free
Truth Will Preval"

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

Good Entertainment,
Poor Analysis
"ROCK, PRETTY BABY" is merely a 1957 version of the famous
adolescent program of radio's heyday, "Henry Aldrich." Only this
year's "Henry" is a young man who moves at a much faster tempo than
his predecessor.
As a film attempting to analyze the problems of the contemporary
teen-ager, Rock Pretty Baby fails miserably. However, as a motion
picture taken solely for its entertainment value, it is quite excellent.
The universal problem of parent-child conflict is handled quite
superficially, but with a pleasant touch of humor. John Paxon, who
looks and tries to act like Jack Palance, is a rather mature-looking



)AY, JANUARY 15, 1957


Solving ousing Problem
Needs More Student Initiative

A NEW ROLE of responsibility in helping plan
and operate the University has been opened
to students this year-and it would appear they
are falling short of accepting this job.
The recognition of student participation in
this area-housing-undoubtedly has its roots
in the past, but has come into full bloom this
year with the student committee's work in
helping plan the new Residence Halls for
North Campus. This committee is the big
precedent for student participation in housing
troubles but they now must take a tighter hold,
on the opportunity and make their influence
felt in other aspects of this perennial problem.
Because of the students' closeness to the
problems, shortcomings and advantages of Uni-
versity housing, and because of their obvious
concern over their living conditions, the value
of student co-operation with the faculty and
administration can hardly be questioned.
Further, it may well be .that the students
will have to supply the major impetus in
finding a solution to these problems. We hope
the administration and faculty will not make
this necessary, but that students will have an
important role in finding the answers. Student
opinion and ideas can carry great weight.
They must use their strength through their
representative governmental bodies, however.
Because of this a great majority of the work
in solving the housing problem must fall on
the shoulders ofInter-House Council Assembly
and Residence Halls student government lead-
ers. Nor can Student Government Council fail
to employ its crusading zeal in this crucial

housing problem will be in two veins: im-
mediate planning and long-range planning.
The first includes problems facing the resi-
dence hall system now and in the next few
years, such as methods for doubling-up in the
men's system next year and asurances this will
be only temporary. Long-range planning re-
quires the greatest amount of imaginative
thinking. Students surely cannot be entirely
void of new ideas and these they must set forth
if the housing problem for the really big influx
is to ;be met.
And in these two veins of planning at least
three areas of work present themselves: 1) the
methods by which residence halls are to be
financed (which controls room and board rates
and thus all city housing rates); 2) the phil-
osophy under which the residence halls will be
planned-the methods and devices to be used in
contributing to the students' education; and
3) the actual management of the Residence
Halls once they are built.
ALL OF THE PLANNING and the problems
to be met require more and better co-opera-
tion between students, administration and
We believe the first group will have to- take
more initiative in adopting their role, but the
latter two must also not only be willing to
accept student help, but, in fact, urge it.


high-school boy with a great love
for "rock 'n roll" music.
* * *
BUT HIS father, shabbily por-
trayed by Edward C. Platt, wants
his son to "follow in his footsteps"
and become a physician. And he
refuses to lend his son $300 which
he needs for an electric guitar
,which will help lead his "combo"
to fame and fortune.
At this point, we're sure that
Saxon is going to become ei'igaged
in some illegal activity in order to
obtain the money-but, while our
appetite is being whetted for some
rela criminal-type, the instrument
is procured in a legal transaction.
Papa's rejection eventually
changes without any real credible
motivation. (Maybe, somewhere
between a "rock" and a "roll".)
He then begins to stupidly parrot
his son's "jive" talk as he recog-
nizes the lad's right to individual-
ity and personal self-determina-
* . * *
film gives good advice, but is basi-
cally shallow and unconvincing.
Very little analysis is made of the
problems of our younger genera-
tion, though cliches such as "adol-
escents are only part-time adults"
are readily thrown about.
Particularly unfortunate is the
performance of Sal Mineo as the
"hep-happy" drummer in Saxon's
band. Director Richard Bartlett
has really thwarted and twisted
the talents of this able young actor
who did such a magnificent job as
the pathetic young friend of
James Dean in Rebel Without A
AN EXTREMELY capable per-
formarice is given by George Wins-
low as Saxon's kid brother as he
sets the humorous pace of the
film with a constant stream of
humorous quips.
The music, generally interspersed
between the lines of the thread-
bare plot, is pleasant and not
limited to unimaginative versions
of 'rock 'n roll" themes, as one
might expect in a film of this
-Sol Plafkin
Stock Market
NEW YORK (P)-Steels and
other metals took sharp losses
Monday as the stock market suf-
fered its worst setback in almost
two months.
Pivotal issues fell from frac-
tions to around $4.
Steel shares lost ground as it
was reported that the industry,
operating near capacity, was ex-
periencing a new and unexpected
slackness in demand for some
steel products, notably those used
for autos, appliances and office
Copper stocks had a beakground
of slower European demand for
the red metal to dampen enthu-

Knowland Looking to1960?

QENATOR KNOWLAND recently announced
his resignation from the Senate for 1958,
telling newsmen that" he plans to run for the
goveriorship of California.
In 1960, Mr. Eisenhower must step down from
the Presidency. There is reason to believe that
Knowland, a highly ambitious man, will make
a concerted attempt to get the Republican
nomination for that office. History shows that
the governorship of a large state is an excellent
springboard to the Presidency, Moreover, there
are fe' governorships more prominent than
that of California.
Being Governor of California has an added
advantage. To win in California, Knowland
will have to beat the incumbent Governor Good-
win Knight. This would be u double victory.
First, he will have dealt one of his top competi-
tors for the presidential nomination a serious
blow, one from which he could not easily re-
cover. As Governor, Knowland would also com-
mand the voting strength of his state's delega-

tion to the Republican National Convention,
possibly robbing Richard Nixon of these votes.
IF KNOWLAND plans to use the governorship
of California as a stepping stone to the
Presidency, his concept of the responsibility
and purposes of government position should be
Men in government have a trust which should
sueprcede their personal interests. In Know-
land's case, this may not be true. His actions
imply that he considers some public officies to
be a means for gaining further political power
rather than an end in itself.
It was once said that the difference between
a statesman and a politician is that the first
looks to the next generation while the other
looks to the next election.
On the eve of the last election, Senator
Knowland of California seems to be looking to
the next.

pOLICY-makers have been burn-
ing the midnight oil at the
State Department trying to figure
out how to spend the $400,000,000
president Eisenhower wants for
the Middle East.
They have definitely decided,
however, not to finance the As-
wan Dam for dictator Nasser.
They figure this would guarantee
Nasser's power for the next 10
years. Instead, they will offer
Nasser economic aid, but only on
a year-to-year basis.
The first big grant will probab-
ly go for clearing the Suez Canal.
Uncle Sam expects to get stuck
with most of the $40,000,000 bill
for opening the Suez again to sea-
going traffic.
The State Department also ex-
pects to take over Britain's an-
nual $35,000,000 subsidy to Jor-
dan. This is considered urgent to
keep Jordan from being annexed
by next-door, Communist-domi-
nated Syria. Our policy-makers
are particularly anxious to pre-
vent two military airfields in Jor-
dan, now used by the British, from
falling into Red hands.
Present plan is to offer econo-
mic aid to all Arab states, includ-
ing Syria. It is expected, however,
that Syria will spurn U. S. aid
and turn to Russia instead.
* * *
VENERABLE congressman Clar-
ence Cannon of Missouri got in a
few last licks at his old Repub-

lican rival, Dewey Short, at the
secret caucus of House Democrats.
Short was defeated by 36-year-
old Charlie Brown, Democrat, last
November. He had served 24 years
in the House of Representatives,
Cannon is now starting his 35th
"Mr. Chairman," boomed Can-
non in the closed-door session,
"Missouri now presents the eighth
wonder of the world.
"This is a great occasion, Mr.
Chairman," declared Cannon. "for
the young manI am now present-
ing defeated a Rhodes scholar, a
man who spoke four languages,
an incomparable rabble rouser
who was a great catch-as-catch-
"I am speaking, Mr. Chairman,
of the accomplished, the un-
bridled, the irresponsible Dewey
. * * ;
the impossible. He defeated a man
who had been here for 24 years,
representing a district that the
state legislature had gerryman-
dered for the Republicans.
"It was a remarkable achieve-
ment," continued Cannon, "in a
year when the President exerted
such vast influence that he car-
ried the.district by the wide mar-
gin of 30,000 votes."
Freshman Congressman Brown,
nonplussed by Cannon's bombastic
introduction, rose to acknowledge

the applause and laughter.
* * ,
Foster Dulles is no exception to
the human animal's capacity for
Dulles has been excoriated by
Britain's Conservatives for soft-
ness toward Nasser and denounced
by Laborites for being too mili-
taristic. Despite that, Dulles con-
siders himself a hero to the Brit-
ish people.
Questioning Dulles at a session
of the House Foreign Affairs
Committee, Rep. Wayne Hays (D.,
Ohio) recalled that on October 11
President Eisenhower denied at a
press conference that there was
any misunderstanding with the
British over Middle East policy.
Yet shortly afterward the British
marched into Egypt without noti-
fying the U.S.
* * *
"WHAT I want is some reas-
surance 'that your evaluation of
the situation today is better than
the Administration's evaluation
prior to the election," demanded
Rep. Hays.
"I could produce, if there were
time," replied Dulles, "letters cov-
ering the period you speak of in
which high officials of the Brit-
ish government expressed their
very great appreciation for what
we were doings and our coopera-
tion with them.
(Copyright 1957 by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

The Daily Official Bulletin is an of-
ficial publication of the University of
Michigan for which the Michigan Daily
assumes no editorial responsibility. No-
tices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN
form to Room 3553 Administration
Building before 2 p.m. the day preced-
ing publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
General Notices
Plans for Midyear GraduationExer-
cises, Saturday, Jan. 26, 1957, 2:00 p.m.
Time of Assembly - 1:00 p.m. (except
Places of Assembly:
Members of the Faculties at 1:15 p.m.
in Room 2054. second floor, Natural
Science Building, where they may
Regents, Ex-Regents, Deans, and oth-
er Administrative Officials at 1:15 p.m.
In the Botany Seminar Room 1139,
Natural Science Building where they
may robe.
Students of the various schools and
colleges in Natural Science Building as
Section A - Literature, Science and
the Arts - front part of auditorium,
west section. Education - front part
of auditorium, center section. Business
Administration - front part of audi
torium, east section.
Section B - Graduate - rear part
of auditorium with doctors at west
Section C - Engineering - Rooms
2071 and 2082. Architecture Room
2033. Law- Room 2033 (behind Arch.)
Pharmacy - Room 2033 (behind Law)
Dental - Room 2033 (behind Phar-
macy) Natural Resourcs- Room 2004
Music - Room 2004 (behind Natural
Res.), Public Health -+ Room 2004 (be-
hind Music), Social Work - Room 2004
behind Public Health.)
March into Hill Auditorium - 1:40
p.m. in Academic Dress.
Parking Lot No. 19: Meter Parking
Lot No. 19 on Forest Avenue is now
available for parking. Regulations will
be enforced beginning Jan. 15, 1957.
Church Street Parking Structure Is
now open for parking to holders of
"staff" permits. Users of the struc-
ture will be required to/ observe an
eight mile an hour speed limit, always
keep to the right in going up and down
the ramps and to drive cars into park-
ing spaces rather than to back them
The University of Michigan assumes
no responsibility for articles left in
cars or for damage to cars or theft of
cars or accessories while parked in this
There are two entrances and exits on
Church Street and one on Forest Ave-,
nue. After 6 p.m. the Forest Avenue
entrance and the southerly entrance on
Church Street will be closed and traf
fic will enter and leave through the.
north entrance adjacent to the office.
Cars which are parked in the sout,
ramps of the structure can cross over
to the north ramps to leave the build-
ing on either the top level or the bot-
tom level of the structure.
Alimited number of spaces are re-
served on the first level for University
An attendant is on duty from 7:30
a.m. until 10:30 p.m. to assist you in
your parking problems.
Enforcement of the above rules as
well as all other established parking
rules and regulations will begin on
January 15, 1957 by the Ann Arbor Po-
lice Department.





GOP's State Chairman


month in an attempt to find a new state
chairman who can bring the Republican Party
some political victories in this state.
Retiring chairman John Feikens did a medi-
ocre job during his incumbency from 1952 to
1956. Although he was able to increase the
Republican letgislative margin, he failed twice
in the gubernatorial elections.
These failures were enough to bring pressure
for his resignation from both city and rural
leaders. It is doubtful, however, whether any
leader would have been able to defeat such a
popular personality as Democratic incumbent
Governor G. Mennen Williams.
Postmaster General Arthur Summerfield, who
opposed Feikens' nomination at the last state
conventon, is not considered to have any
influence in selecting a candidate. Because he
did not, help the Republican cam'paign during
the spring election, most state officials feel
that "anyone Summerfield selects for state
chairman is sure to be defeated."

Since Governor Williams took office in 1948
the gubernatorial race has been one of person-
alities instead of issues and the Republicans
have not been able to find a candidate with
equal appeal.
Now with Governor Williams expected to run
for the Senate in 1958, the Republicans have
lost their best opportunity to win some state
TO ACCOMPLISH this feat the Republicans
will need an upstate candidate who can
reclaim some of the lost upstate vote. This
leader will have to work tirelessly and will have
to have the ability to match the clever strategy
and methods of Democratic State Chairman
Neil Staebler.
The Republicans have their work cut out for
them. But with a vigorius leader who can find
candidates with ability and personal appeal,
they should be able to regain the state control
they had nine long years ago.

Rubenstein Powerful,
But Often Inconsistent

Collegium Musicum
Performs Old Masters


Confusion or Complexity?

Associated Press News Analyst
THLU.S. AIR FORCE has just awarded
contracts for designing, making and testing
of airframes for two intercontinental ballistic
The United States has just proposed in the
United Nations a new basis for discussion of
disarmament, including control of such missiles
and a halt in production of fissionable materials
for weapons.
The Secretary of State of the United States
has just told a Senate committee that Russian
troop deployment around the Middle Eastern
perimeter has taken on new implications be-
cause of the weakening of British and French
strength as a deterrent in that area. He was
urging prompt action on the administration
proposal to pledge American military action
against any Russian aggression resulting from
this situation.
THESE STRANGELY conflicting incidents are

situation in which there is no peace and no
major war.
There is an attempt to make an ultimate
And there is an attempt to be safe, and
prepared, while doing so.
An interesting part of the latest disarmament
proposals is the inclusion of space satellites
among the devices which should be subject to
international controls.
Despite the limitation of the first space
satellites to scientific purposes, the war poten-
tial of such devices has been apparent since
they were first projected. The armed forces
have been prime movers in their development
in the United States.
If there had been a war, the first ones would
have been built to carry warheads instead of
scientific instruments. Because there is no
war, the first ones will be launched within a
matter of months in one of the most exciting
exploration projects ever designed by man.
T- is nnccih +,hn+ +hoa 1iMOP halls will heln

ARTUR Rubenstein upheld his
reputation as America's pop-
ular concert pianist at Hill Aud-
itorium last night, as he flayed
and gestured powerfully through
a heavy program of musical selec-
tions from almost every major
country of Europe
Unfortunately, popularity does
not imply perfection and this was
evident in most of the works per-
formed Rubenstein opened the
program with Beethoven's Ap-
passionata Sonata, Op. 57, which
was well chosen. However, many
runsuwere uneven, many arpeg-
gios unbalanced, the left hand was
often ponderous, and there were
more than a fair share of mis-
takes. The Presto, however, was
well done and flashy, a fit ending
for this shcwpiece.
Schumann work, the Fantasies-
tuke, Op. 12. This was delivered
with spirit and feeling, especially
the one section, "Fabel," with its
alternating slow and bouncey mel-
odies. Rubestein seems much more
at home with the romantic ele-
ment than the classic.
The more enjoyable moments
came after the intermission, as
three Debussy pieces were offer-
ed. The familiar La Plus que lente
was the best and most typical of

Debussy's style, although in per-
formance Rubenstein lacked a bit
of the ethereal quality usually
associated with Debussy.
There followed two mediocre
,pieces from Spain, Navarra, by Al-
beniz; and The Maiden and the
Nightengale, by Granados. The.
former was a second-rate work
with many dissonant chords which
did not lead anywhere; while the
latter was redeemed by some
shimmering glissandos,-toward the
RUBENSTEIN grew into his
own as he ended the evening with
three Chopin numbers, a Ballade,
the Nocturne in F-sharp, and the
Scherzo in B-flat. These were ac-
corded all the rubato, feeling and
schmaltz which go with a more
romantic interpretation, and this
is Rubenstein's forte. An encore
of a Chopin Waltz, and La Pun-
chinello by Villa-Lobos (a sure-
fire smash hit in any concert!)
left the audience appreciative and
A particularly annoying eccen-
tricity was his preliminary crash-
ing chord before the Beethoven
sonata, and later his keyboard
flittings between numbers.. What-
ever the purpose, be it to gain at-
tention or to limber up, it has no
place on the concert stage, and
tends only to detract and distract
frnm m .wn rv-ic + I-n nb--n h r

AROQUE chamber music is
the meat of the musical intel-
lectual and a sizable number of
these were treated Sunday night
to a superb serving of their fa-
vorite, entree, as the Collegium
Musicum presented its first con-
cert since the summer, under the
musical direction of Robert War-
ner, Florian Mueller, and Louise
The orchestra of some fifteen
players opened with a Suite by
J. C. F. Fischer, a contemporary
of Bach. This piece was notable for
an imaginative passacaglia on a
four-note descending theme, with
variations in the violins. Oddly,
at one point, one was strongly
reminded of the slow movement of
Beethoven's great A minor Quar-
Marilyn Masoa was her cus-
tomary delightful best on a spark-
ling new harpsichl d which, un-
fortunately, carried very poorly,
causing unbalance in the ensemble
sections. The solo passages in this
somewhat uninspired concerto by
William Felton stood out with the
fragile timbre of the old English
virginals, due in most part to Miss
Mason's technical skill and tonal
** *
MARCELLO'S C o n c e r t o for
Oboe was a worthy vehicle for

as mogla by Provenzale. A la-
aent, which is a fixture of Bar-
oque opera -this aria has an aa-
usually -naunting rYelody, and bit-
ter-sweet harmony. Miss Heyde's
controll smooth, rich voice
evoked cLearly the emotional long-
ing and despairing sorrow in-
tended by the composer. Such mu-
sic quickly dispels the sometimes
repeated condemnation of Ba-
roque music as being coldly intel-
A Concerto for Two Claviers by
Pergolesi (first performance in
America) ended the program.
Charles Fisher and Maurice H.n-
son joined forces on the two pi-
anos, playing with finesse, equal-
ity, balance and sensitivity. Kudos
are due Mr. Fisber for his caden-
zas, which proved to be quite in
k(eping with the sArit and na-
terial of the music.
THE ORCHESTRA itself, small,
compact and fluid, was equal to
,all occasions, being at times dom-
inant and proud in its own right.
at other times subservient and
auxiliary to the soloists. It dem-
onstrated quite aptly the not."nm
that a few coordinating players
can do as well, if not better in
some cases, than a full-blown
string section. Their playing was
not uniformly perfect, but this did
not detract from their competent

Hopwood Contest for Freshmen: All
manuscripts should be left in the Hop-
wood Room,' 1006 Angell Hall, on Wed,
Jan. 16, by 4:00 p.m.
To All Students Having Library Books!
1. Students having in their posses-
sion books borrowed from the General
Library or its branches are notified
that such books are due Wed., Jan. 23.
2! Students having special need for
certain books between Jan. 23 and
Tues., Jan. 29 may retain such books
for that period by renewing them at
the Charging Desk.
3. The names of all students who
have not cleared their records at the
Library by Fri., Feb. 1, will be sent to
the Cashier's Office and their credits
will be withheld until such time as
said records are cleared in compliance
with the regulations of the Regents.
Library Hours during the examina-
tion period and between semesters:
On Sat., Jan. 19, additional hours of
6-10 p.m. will be observed in the First
Floor Study Hall, the Main Reading
Room, the Periodical Reading Room
and the Circulation Desk of the Gen-
eral Library. The customary Sun. hours
of 2-6 p.m. will be maintained in these
areas on Jan. 20 and Jan. 27. In the So-
cial Science Library. the Sun. hours
will be 7-10 p.m. as usual.
On Sun., Jan. 20, only, Angell Hall
Study Hall will be open 7-10 p.m. to
accomodate the overflow of students
from the Social Science Library. The
Music ListeningaRoom will also be open
7-10 p.m. on this date. The complete
schedule of hours for the Listening
Room will be posted on the door of
417 Mason Hall.
The University Libraries will close
evenings following the examination
period, beginning Tues., Jan. 29.
From Tues., Jan. 29 through Wed.,




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