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January 13, 1957 - Image 6

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1957-01-13

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Relate Music
T o Courses,
Bryden Says
Teachers should incorpoate mu-
sic into courses other than those
which deal only with fine arts,
Prof. John Bryden of the Wayne
State University humanities de-
partment said yesterday.
Prof. Bryden was a leader in a
discussion entitled, "How Can Mu-
sic Enrich High School and Col-
lege Subject Areas?" held as part
of the 12th annual Midwestern
Music Conference held here Friday
and yesterday.
"Many students are afraid of
music," Bryden commented. They
feel, unless they play an instru-
ment of some sort, they are not
musicians and therefore cannot
enjoy even listening to music.v
If teachers would bring this art
into a course by relating it to the
subject, he said, students would
have to become interested in mu-
sic and learn to enjoy it.

American Studies Program Gains
Prominence in Many Universities

"Students gain a broad vision of
the humanities in the American
culture program", Prof. Joe L.
Davis of the English department,
said yesterday.'
Studying American life from
carious points of view to get
at the foundation of culture in
America is the basis for this type
of program, the chairman of
American Culture studies added.
He described the program as
an "oportunity for superior stu-
dents to transcend specialization.
The program was part of the
curriculum in the early 1930's.
Resumed after the war through
the efforts of Prof. Davis and
his committee, it brings together
iseveral interdepartmental disci-
plines in a humanistic approach
to American culture.
Directed for the "versatile, su-
perior student who is able to han-
dle ideas in human activity and

(Continued from Page 4) cal Analysis Research, University of
- ______ _____- California at Los Angeles will speak
uon "The Solution of Complicated Pro-
for Women offers a semester course on gramming Problems on Machines of
Fridays from 3:00-5:00 p.m. during the Limited Versatility." Tea and coffee in
second semester. Freshhman women LmtdVraiiy e n ofei
and upperclass women who are in- Room 3213, A.H. at 3:45 p.m.
terested should fill, out application
blanks which may be obtained in 'e -
Room 15, Barbour Gymnasium. acem ent Notice$'
The instructors will meet with stu- The following schools will be at the
dents wishing to discuss the course Bureau of Appointments to interview
further on Fri. Jan. 11 at 3:00 p.m. at. for teachers for Sept. 1957.
the Women's Athletic Building. Thurs., Jan. 17
Friday, Jan. 18
Room Assignments for Final Ex- Sat., Jan. 19 (morning only)
aminations, English I and II, held on San Diego, California - All Elemen-
Monday, Jan. 21; 2-5 p.m. tary (K-6); All Secondary Subjects.
English I Tue., Jan. 29 (afternoon only)
Aivas, Sec. 51, 2412 MH, Sec. 87, 2413 Wed., Jan. 30 (morning only)
MH; Allison, Aud. C.; Barrows, Aud. C; La Mesa, California - All elementary
Bond, 2235 AH; Brown, 1018; Burns, (K-6); 7th & 8th Homemaking; Shop;
103 Econ,; Cooper, Sec. 83 and 100, 101 Art; Special Education (mentally re-
Econ.; Cox, 1007 AH; Drake, Aud. A; tarded).
Duclos, 33 AH; Engel, Aud. C; Fanger, For additional information and op-
2223 AH; Fisher, 2235 AH; Gindin, Aud. pointments contact the Bureau of Ap-
C; Gohn, 35 AH Grace, 35 AH; Gra- pointments, 2538 Administration Build-
ham, Aud. B; Green, Aud. B; Groll- ing, NO 3-1511, Ext. 489.
man, 451 MH; Hagopian, Aud. A; Hart,
2082 NS5; Hope, 35 .AH; Howes, ,2203
AH; Hughes, 101 Econ; Huitsing, 2435
MH; Huntley, Aud. A; Hutton, 1020 O gn z ,on
All; Isle, 3023 AH; Jackson, 2003 AH;
Kennedy, 435 MH; Kinney, 2225 AH; Notices
Klein, Sea. 4 109 Tapes See. 661 110 Tap;
Kleinberg, 215 Econ; LaBranche, 2231
AH; Levin, 2203 AH; McGehee, 443 MH; Congregational and Disciples Student
Manierre, 2003 AH;llMathes, 3017 AH; Guild, Student Panel on USCC Con-
May, 3231 Alt; Milgate Aud. A; Mor- frne udy a.1,70 ~.
den, 13 Tap; Morillo, 25 AH; Nicholson, Co great onaly hurc. 13, 7:00 p.m.,
Aud. B; Paskoff, 103 Tap; Prettyman,
2037 AH! Quackenbush, 2016 AH, * * *
Rhodes, 2402 MH; Rice, 'P., 439 MH; Graduate Outing Club, Tobogganing
Rockwood, 1429 MH; Russell, 3 Tap; and Supper, Sunday, Jan. 13, 2 p.m.
Schmerl, 2054 NE; Schutter, 447 MH; Rackham.
Seward, Sec. 18, 202 Econ, Sec. 10, 203 * *
Econ; Shafer, 2215 AH; Smith, 229 AH; Hillel, Hillel Chorus - men wel-
Spilka, 1433 ME; Stanwood, Sec. 27, come, Jan. 13, 4:30 p.m., Main Chapel.
2439 MB, Sec. 63,. 2440: MB; Ter Maat,***
1408 MH; Thackrey, 225 AH; Thomas, Hillel, Supper Club, Sunday, Jan. 13,
2042 NS; Wall, 2029 AH; Wareham, 2408 6:00 p.m.
MH; Wasserman, Sec. 6, 2013 AH, Sec. . * *
90, 2014 AH; Weimer, D. 2420 MB; We- Lutheran Student Assoc., Supper at
White, 2443 MB; Wiebe, 2 Tap; Wigod 6:00; p.m., Program at 7:00 p.m., Jan.
429 MH; Williamson, 25 AH; Yosha, 13, tutheran Student Center.
102 Econ. *
16 GB-Warschausky, 2225 AH; 11GB Roger William Fellowship, Bible class
-Bloom, 1025 AH; 9GB-Lid, 1025 AH; studies, 1 and 2 Chronicles, Jan. 13,
7GB-Clugston, 1025 AH; 2GB-Kinney, 9:45 a.m., Guild House.
2225 AH. * * *
English II Russian Circle, Monday, Jan. 14 at.
Bloom, 1025 AH; Clugston, 1025 AH; 8:00 p.m. in International Center. Play
Hill, 1025 AH; Hynes, 231 AH; Lid, 1025 and Movie.
AH; Miller, 1035 AH; Muehl, 231 AH; * * *
Orlin, 1035 AH; Wykes, 231 AH. Unitarian Student Group, Dr. Men-
sienhafll: "What do the Dead Sea
Mathematics Colloquium Tues. Jan. Scrolls Mean in the History of Reli-
15 at 4:15 p.m. in Room 3011 Angell gion?" Business meeting will follow.,
Hall. Prof. C. B. Tompkins of Numeri- Jan. 13, 7:00 1st Unitarian Church.

study," the program, according to
Prof. Davis, is flexible to permit
wide selection of courses in spe-
cific interests.
Examine Cultural Evidence
Sudents examine cultural evi-
dence in several areas. The courses
primarily are in literature, history1
and social studies. Concentrates
are permitted to choose a pattern
of selected courses in anthropology,
economics, education, geography,
journalism, philosophy, political
science and sociology.,'
Courses in fine arts, music and
speech in American life, are also
credited to concentration in the
program. Discussion topics from
the various disciplines range from
the impact of folk ballads and
television on American life to the'
social consequences of historical
and litererary documents.
The seminar in American stu-
dies, required of each concen-
trate, brings togetherseveral as-
pects of American culture. - The
course focuses on the historical
and literary study of the frontier.
It is also concerned with the sig-
nificance of political science, fine
arts and literature in discerning
a useful American tradition.
It examines American character
from the various discplines such
as sociology, anthropology and
Broadens Student
Aim of the program is to broad-
en the student, rather than pro-
vide him with vocational training.
The humanistic approach permits
him to learn the significance of
facts andvalues from the histor-
ian, humanist and social scientist.
One of the advantages of the
program, Prof. Davis commented
is a "preparation for graduate
study in individual interests. The
program may provide training for
work in journalism or for teach-
ing social studies.
"It enables," he added, "a pre-
law student for example, to obtain
a liberal arts background."
That the study of American cul-
ture should be approached with
breadth and variety was an idea.
which developed after 1919. When
the United States emerged as a
world power and cultural con-
sciousness was at its peak in the
1920's, groups of students at Yale
and Harvard were concentrating
on American literature and his-
After the depression, scholars,

re-examined American values. By
1939 programs called "American
Culture," "American Studies,"
"American Civilization" and "A-
merican Values" were set up at
five colleges and universities.
Stimulated by curiosity about
the traditions and institutions
fought during the second world
war, educators and students be-1
came more enthused about study-J
ing American culture.
Interest in the midwest was
stimulated by Prof. Tremaine Mc-
Dowell of the University of Min-
nesota. He belived "the past, pre-
sent and future flow as one stream
in an approach to American cul-
Prof. McDowell's original com-
prehensive program at Minnesota
and handbook on the history and
philosophy of American studies
spurred other colleges to set up
similar programs.,
Increase In Programs
Today approximately 80 to 1007
colleges and universities offer sim-
ilar American studies programs.
Publications of the "American,
Quarterly and regional American,
Studies Associations, one of which;
is in Michigan, have been set up
to inform and interest faculty
members in the interdisciplinary
approach to American life.
Under consideration here is a
graduate program in American
Culture similar to those at the
Universities of Minnesota and
The proposal indicates that the
American Culture concentration
program is on its way to taking
its place next to the conventional
concentration areas.
Colds Decline
In December
Student health for December
was "very favorable" according to
Health Service Director Dr. Mor-
ley Beckett,
A "considerable decline" from
previous years in head colds and
other upper respiratory infections
was reported by Health Service
Dr. Beckett reported a large in-
crease in out-patient clinic nurse
visits and cited as the reason a
rapidly increasing number of pol-
iomyelitis immunizations.g

NAPANEE, Ont. (MP-The Na-
panee Beaver, a weekly news-
paper, states in its current
"You may notice some typo.
graphical errors in this paper.
They were put in intentionally.
This paper tries to print
something for everyone and
some people are always look-
ing for mistakes."
Cadets Hold
An Air Force ROTC area con-
ference was held yesterday at
North Hall for 35 junior and senior
cadets holding top positions at
Michigan universities.
Represented in the conference
were cadets from the University,
Michigan State University, Wayne
State University, University of
Detroit, and Michigan College of
Mining and Technology.
The conference was divided into
groups during the morning to dis-
cuss various problems and to ex-
change ideas concerning each
school's cadet training program.
After luncheon, the cadets re-
turned to the discussion groups
and a summary of the findings
was presented at the end of the
Union Plans Trip
A Union theatre trip to see "Cat
on a Hot Tin Roof" in Detroit is
scheduled for Tuesday.
The cost of the ticket is three
dollars which includes the price
of the theater ticket and bus fare.
Tickets may be purchased from
2 to 5 p.m. daily in the student
offices of the Union. The deadline
to buy tickets is Monday.
lZOVi Vut nivesi

A Union representative body,
composed of men students from
the various housing units, was
recommended at the'recent meet-'
ing of the Union Board of Direc-
The recommendation, made in
the form of a joint proposal by
Roy Lave, 57E, Union president,
Fred Trost, '57, executive vice-
president, and Herb Karzen, '57,
administrative vice-president, cal-
led for a Union forum which
would meet twice a semester.
The recommendation suggested
the Forum be composed of vice-
presidents of residence halls and
fraternities. It would be an or-
ganization somewhat similar to
the Women's Senate at the Lea-
After the proposal was discussed
by the Union Board, a motion was
passed approving the recommen-
dation, and authorizing Union
senior officers to form a program
and present more specific details
to the Board of Directors.

Union Board Proposes
Senate TypeForum


Lave discussed the feasibility of
the proposed forum commenting
there must be "interest and know-
ledge among the students" and
the size of the organization "must
not make it unwieldy."
Karzen commented that a pur-
pose of the organization would be
to develop a feeling of students'
belonging and participating in
Union activities and "everyone
could take a hand in the policies
and ideas expressed by the Union.
"A very definite action should
be taken to reach the men;" Trost
added. "This proposal has tremen-
dous potential."
In replying to the comment that
the proposed forum would be "one
step from a suggestion box," SGC
President Bill Adams, '57 BAd,
compared men students to "stock-
holders, not merely customers of
the Union."
Lave commented that the forum,
should be organized to make pro-
posals as. well as to discuss - the
policies expressed by the Union.


The Engineering Council wil
conduct a faculty evaluation M
day and Tuesday, according
Dick Markstone, '58E, chairman of
the Council evaluation commitee.
The evaluation will be run on a
voluntary basis on the part of the
engineering faculty, and all in-
structors have been asked to par-
Students will hand in evalua-
tions to their instructors after
final grades are out.
Union offers Men
Life Membership,
Union life membership cards
may now be picked up in t*e
business office of the Union, ac-
cording to Don Young, '58, Union
public relations director. '
Men students who have com-
pleted eight or more semesters at
the University are entitled to life


The Ann Arbor Friends Meeting invites you to a panel discussion
on this subject at the Friends Center, 1416 Hill St., at 2:30 P.M.
on Sunday, Jan. 13. The discussion will be opened by Kenneth
Boulding, Howard Harris, and Conner Mills; Chairman, Alfred

1204 South University
10:30 to 7:30 P.M. Daily
Except Saturday






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