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January 13, 1957 - Image 5

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Michigan Daily, 1957-01-13

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--HE MI c-s -IGm.aN Dg- iLY. Pafl* Wfl?1k/Y

men's Senate Airs Opinions
League Voting Methods, SGC

GREAT DAY DAWNING By Virginia Robertson
Women's Editor

Nightclub Life Will Prevail at



At Senate meeting Wednesday
afternoon the League Elections
iestion was first on the agenda.
It was decided that individual
secret ballots would be retained
; en voting for league officers
and that voting would be done in
tgree ballots rather than one.
It was also felt that in the larger
dormitories, voting should be done
iri small groups such as on the"
corridors rather than in house
meetings. The senators felt that
5b to 60 girls voting at a time
would be better for discussion pur-
poses. In very large groups,. dis-
cussions tend to get out of hand
axid not everyone has a chance to
voic an opinion.
Discussion of Candidates
The senators also felt that there
'ould be some discussion of the
candidates before voting but that'
Vs should be limited, in so far as
possible to constructive comments.
Ir order for a~ student to voice a'
~olnment on a candidate, she must
quaIfy her statement and must
have. had experience working in
direct contact with the candidate.
This would eliminate biased
ments from students who
heard" about the candidate from
someone else who had worked with
Senate decided that due to the
work involved in" printing pamph-
lets on the candidate's platforms,
they should be limited to one per
room. The coeds should have these
t'o read before and during the dis-
cussion of the candidates.
SGC Problem Posed
Another problem posed by a
senator was whether Student Gov-
ernment Council should come be-
fore them on a student referendum:
oncerning its reevaluation poli-
Some of the senators voiced the
opinion that SGC has too much
power and should be placed under,
strict constitution. They added
at many SGC members do not
always have the consensus of stu-
lent opinions and tend to make
broad generalizations.
Another senator remarked that
she would like to see political par-
ties running for SGC which would
ha've specific platforms.
Constituents Time
It was also brought out that SGC
should not limit" constituent time
and that a forum should be added.
' Around The Town
Cinema Guild is presenting
y "Susan Slept Here" with Debbie
Reynoldls and Dick Powell to-
night at 8 p.m. in the Architee-
ture Auditorium.
The Union record dance will
be held from 8 to 10:30 p.m.
tonight in the Union. These
dances will be continued
through the entire examination

Another senator remarked that
ex-officio members of SGC should
know the majority opinion of the
group he is representing; taking
this into due consideration before
he votes on an all-campus issue.
Lastly, some senators stated that
since student opinion may differ

from the opinion of the SGC eval-
uation committee, they would like
to see a separate report submitted
to the.Board of Regents, contain-
ing student opinion concerning
SGC thus far.
The senators present at the
meeting felt this was a good idea.

THE BATTLE of the sexes may
be going on till the last hour of
time, with men saying it's a wom-
an's world and women saying it's
a man's world, but one thing'sw
sure, the American woman today
is the luckiest in the history of the
Looking back only a few genera-
tions, the changing status of the
married woman can be traced from
that of little more than a house-
hold drudge to her queenly posi-
tion today as lady of an almost
work-free home, and respected
member of the community, shar-
ing responsibilities of the home
and community as her husband's
For the woman who kept her
single status, it used to be that
no occupations were open to her
except nursing and teaching. She
was apt to remain an unwanted
dependenit, leaning on an unlucky
brother or sister, serving without
pay in a family in which she had
no rightful place. Now, if she
doesn't marry, there isn't a profes-'
sion in the world she cannot enter.
She is doctor, lawyer, captain of
industry, engineer, architect,
member of the armed forces and'
specialist in a thousand fields.
The pay scale for men and women
in these fields isn't quite balanced,
but then more women work on a
short. term basis, since. they are
more likely to stop working to take
care of a home.
Tremendous advances in medi-
cine make it possible for her to
have children in almost complete
safety. Her great-grandmother, on
the other hand, stood only a 50-50
chance of strviving, and could be
certain to lose at least one of her
children at birth or during the
first year of life. She was an old
woman while young, and some-

times lived her last years as a
semi-invalid, useless member of
Grandmother fared a little bet-
ter, but her life was nothing to
envy. Still burdened with the
heavy work of household chores,
hand scrubbing her washing, iron-
ing with a five-pound weight,
cleaning, cooking on a wood burn-
ing stove, sewing and mending by
hand, she too, aged before her
Mother was somewhat luckier.
She saw the great technical and
social changes being wrought in
our civilization. Cars replaced
horses, and assembly line produc-
tion put a car in practically every
American's hands. Electricity,
great miracle of our century, pro-
vided the power to run washing
machines, dryers, irons, stoves, to
give heat and light, to do hundreds
of the back-breaking chores that
were once a woman's lot.
* * *
TODAY'S WOMAN is better edu-
cated; usually establishing her-
self in a line of work to which she
could return in later years. .She is
healthier, better informed, and has
more leisure hours in which to
perfect a hobby. And these quali-
ties make her a more interesting
person to her associates, family
and friends.
She doesn't age as fast physi-
cally, and can keep up her appear-
ance and enjoy luxuries that once
were only available to queens.
For women, this is a great life
and a great day. Capable, self-
confident and successful, there is
nothing she can't do, and you can
be sure that as she trys to improve
herself and her lot, and as she trys
to do her jobs better, she'll be play-
ing an integral part in improving
the lot of the world.

"La Rue Basin," complete with
scenes from New Orleans night-
club life and the accent of jazz,
will be the setting for the J-Hop
to be held Monday and Tuesday,
Feb. 4 and 5.
Booths 20 feet long will be de-
picted as individual night clubs,
each with an authentic New Or-
leans name. Dimly lit street lan-
terns, bearing the names of fra-
ternities and dorms, will be placed
between each booth and to lend
atmosphere to the scene.
Couples will dance around a

water fountain to the music of
Duke Ellington and Buddy Mor-
row under a dusky grey ceiling.
The setting for the dance will
show "every color you can imag-
ine," according to decorations
chairman Pat Skelly.
Black cutout grill works will bel
placed around the bands. Cutouts
of musical instruments will adorn
theatrical curtains.
End murals will depict the in-
side of clubs prominent in New

Orleans night life. Others will
show street scenes.
J-Hop committee members work-
ed on the decorations in conjunc-
tion with a decorating firm from
Syracuse, New York.
Although the theme concerns
American jazz, the music will be
primarily for dancing, as Ellington
and Morrow take requests for many
of their great hits.
Tickets are on sale now end
may -be purchased from noon to
4:40 p.m. on weekdays. The last
day of sales is Jan. 15.





Coeds' Engagements
Announced by Parents.

Smith-Wh itten
PeggyJoan Smith's engagement
to James 1. Whitten, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Stephen Whitten of De-
troit, was announced by her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Gleonard D.
Smith of Detroit.
Miss Smith is a junior in the
School of Education. She is a
member of the Michigan Christian
Mr.:Whitten is a sophomore in
the medical school.
During the Christmas holidays
Mrs. Ann C Paterson of Detroit,
announced the engagement of her
daughter, Nan D. Paterson to.
Ciarles W. Carter, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles, King Carter also of
The bride-elect is a sophomore,
in the literary schoolrand a memn-
ber of the Choral Union.
Mr. Carter is a junior in the
member of Theta Xi,
School of Engineering and a
The engagement of Norlene M.
Herrmann to Frank S. Martin, son
of Mrs. M. Martin of Milford, has
been announced by her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Harold A. Herrmann
of Livonia.
Miss Herrmann is a junior in
the literary college.
Mr. Martin, an army veteran,
is a junior in the School of Engi-

The couple plan to be married
Saturday, June 22. They will re-
side in Ann Arbor following ,the
wedding in order to complete their
Mr, and Mrs. Caroll E. Caldwell
of Ypsilanti, have announced the
engagement of their daughter,
Nancy, to Warren E. Mead, son
of Mrs. Wallace E. Mead of Ann
Miss Caldwell is a sophomore in
the literary college. She is affili-
ated with Kappa Phi.
Mr. Mead, once a student at the
University, is now a senior at East-
ern Michigan College. He is a
member of Tau Sigma Chi, Pi
Kappa Delta and Alpha Phi
and Alpha Phi Omega.
The wedding is to be held Sun-
day, June 23.

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This is Pat-


our of your busy
ette with perfect
and comfortable,
of admiring eyes.
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Srtiped button-back jacket makes a costume of
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linen rayon by Reltex.
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In a whirl of sweaters, sweaters, sweaters!'
Wondamere just sent us a new
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Come see the new spring colors
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Here Pat wears a nifty short cardigan
with ribbed knit collar and cuffs.
Pat's skirt is the answer to YOUR requests.,
of permanently knife pleated light weight wool,
in navy or greV. 10 to 16.


1, 0'



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