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January 11, 1957 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1957-01-11

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Language Lab To Be Expanded by Fall

By next fall, the presently over-
taxed Language Laboratory, will be
expanded and re-equipped, ac-
cording to Prof. James C. O'Neill,
chairman of the Language Labora-
tory Committee.
The lab is located in Rooms 1415
and 1407 Mason Hall. It now ac-
commodates 100 people simultane-
ously at tape recorders and phono-
graphs. It is open from 8 a.m. to
5 p.m. and 6 to 10 p.m. Monday
through Friday, and 8 a.m. to 12
noon Saturday.
Thomas R. Bradley, electron
technician, and a staff of four
part time assistants supervise the
lab and distribute the required
records to students.
Expansion Planned
Plans for laboratory improve-
ment include. extension o' the
present lah into the next room
and adding.50 booths, and a mas-
ter tape system whereby the, same
lesson could be piped out to many
students simultaneously.
New laboratory facilities will
also be provided in the Fries
Building, which will house the
Romance and Germanic Langu-
ages departments when completed.
A recent survey conducted by
Prof. O'Neill's committee to ."help
determine present and future lab
needs, revealed that approximately
2,500 students use the lab each
week for a total of about 4,670 lab
The largest percentage of these
are beginning. language students'
for whom some minimum of lab
work is compulsory for the course.
A considerable percentage 'of the
users are foreign :students learning
English through the English' Lan-
guage Institute.
Record Collection

Austrian Government
Offers Scholarships

The Austrian government is
offering American students four
scholarships for graduate study in
Austria during 1957-58, Kenneth
Holland, president of the Insti-
tute of International Education
in New York, has announced.
The awards, open to students of
an' fields in higher learning in-
cluding history, social sciences,
language, literature, and all other
liberal arts subjects, may be used
for study at any Austrian univer-
sity or institution of higher learn-
Eight monthly payments of 2,600
Austrian schillings (approximately
$100), which will cover room and
board, tuition and incidental ex-
penses, will be included in the
scholarships. In addition, the
government will offer one travel
payment of 1,400 Austrian schil-
lings (approximately $55).
Eligibility requirements include:
U.S. ctizenship; bachelor's degree
by date of departure; demonstrated
Congregational and Disciples Student
Guild, pizza party, 7:30 p.m., Guild

-Daily-David Arnold
LANGUAGE LAB-Two students make use of the linguaphone
facilities at the language lab in Mason Hall. The lab now accomo-
dates 100 students simultaneously at tape recorders and phono-
graphs. Plans are being made for extensive expansion and im-
.provement of the present laboratory.
conversation drill for beginning "Language is not something

academic ability and capacity for
independent study; good moral
character, personality and adapt-
ability; proficiency in the German
language; good health and single
The closing date for application
is March 1. Application blanks
may be secured from the Institute
of International Education, 1
East 67th Street, New York 21,
New York.
(Continued from Page 4)
in partial fulfillment of the require-
ments for the degree of Bachelor of
Music at 4:15 p.m. Sun., Jan. 13, in
Aud. A, Angell Hall. Miss Gosling is
a pupil of Chase Baromeo, and her re-
cital will be open to the general pub-
Collegium Musicum, 8:30 p.m. Sun.,
Jan. 13, in Aud. A, Angell Hall with
Norma Heyde, soprano, Marilyn Mason,
harpsichord, Florian Mueller, oboe, and
Charles Fisher and Murice Hinson,
pianists, and orchestra conducted by
Florian Mueller and Robert Warner;
music of the 17th and 18th centuries.
The Collegium Musicum is an activity
of the Department of Musicology of the
School of Music and this program was
arranged by Louise.Cuyler and Robert
Warner. Open to the general public
without charge.
Academic Notices
Application forms and further infor-
mation for the Cooperative Course in
Electrical Engineering may be obtained
from Prof. Carey, 2519 East Engineer-
ing, during the next two weeks. Inter-
views with the companies involved will
be scheduled during the first eight

weeks of the Spring Semester. Cooper-
ative arrangements can be made with
the following companies:
General Electric
Michigan Bell Telephone
Detroit Edison
Consumers' Power
Allis Chalmers
Chrysler Corporation
Bendix Aviation Corporation
(Missile Section)
For the first time in several se-
mesters, the School of Music will be
able to accept a limited number of
applications for voice lessons from
students in other units during the
2nd semester. Those interested in en-
rolling for voice instruction for cred-
it, please come to the School of Mu-
sic office as soon as possible and fill
out an application.
Graduating Engineers: Report your
acceptance of a job to the Engineering'
Placement Office, Room 347, W. Eng'rg.
Cards are being mailed to you for this
purpose-please return prmptly or re-
port in person.
Recreational Leadership: In order to
help meet the great demand for trained
leaders in camp and playground work,.
the Department of Physical Education
for Women offers a semester course on
Fridays from 3:00-5:00 p.m. during the
second semester. Freshhman women
and upperclass women who are in-
terested should fill out application
blanks which may be obtained in
Room 15, Barbour Gymnasium.
The instructors will meet with stu-
dents wishing to discuss the course
further on Fri. Jan. 11 at 3:0( p.m. at
the Women's Athletic Building.
Counselor Education Course: Students
wishing more information about the
Work-Study Program in Counselor
Education offered at the National Mu-
sic Camp during the coming summer
should attend a meeting at the Wo-
men's. Athletic Building today at 4:00
Psychology Colloquium. "The Gene-,
sis and Treatment of Childhood Psy-
chosis." Dr. Bruno, Bettelheim, Uni-{
versity of Chicago, 4:15 p.m. Fri., Jan.
11, Aud. B, Angell Hall.
Doctoral Examination for William
Thomas Bulger, Jr., History; thesis:
"The British Expedition to Charles-
ton", Fri., Jan. 11, 3609 Haven Hall, at
1:15 p.m. Chairman, W. B.1Willcox.
Doctoral Examination for Eugene
Robert Elzinga, Jr., Chemical Engi-
neering; thesis: "Heat Transfer to Li-
quid Drops", Fri., Jan. 12, 3201 East
Engineering Building, at 2:00 p.m.
Chairman, J. T. Banchero.
Doctoral Examination for Roy Dixon

Robinson, Education; thesis: "A Com-
parative Study of Religious Authori-
tarian-Permissive Attitudes toward
Child Training and Development", Fri.,
Jan. 11, Room 4023, University High
School, at 2:00 p.m. Chairman, W. C.
Doctoral Examination for Leonard
Breta Bruner, Jr., Chemistry; thesis:
"Thi Grignard Reaction of Organic
Azides", Sat., Jan. 12, 3003 Chemistry
Building, at 9:00 a.m. Chairman, P. A.
S. Smith.
Doctoral Examination for George Jo-
seph Honzatko, Geography; thesis:
"Macomb County: A Study of the Ex-
pansion of Urban Uses and the Ab-.
sorption of Farmland", Sat., Jan. 12,
Room 210, Angell Hall, at 10:00 a.m.
Chairman, S. D. Dodge.
Doctoral Examination for Harold
William Stevenson, Business Admin-
istration; thesis: "Common Stock Fi-
nancing in 1955", Sat., Jan. 12, 8th
Floor, Business Administration Build-
ing, at '9:30 a.m. Chairman, M. H.
Placement Notices
Personnel Interviews:
A representative from the following
will be at the Bureau of Appointments:
Tues., Jan. 15

Dewey and Almy Chem. Co., Div.
W. R. Grace and Co., Cambridge, Mas
-men wtih B.S., M.S. or PhD in Chem.
E., Mech. E. and Organic or Physical
Chem. for Research, Product Develop-
ment, Process Engrg., or Design Engrg.
and men with B.A. or M.A. in Engrg.,
Science, BusAd or LS&A for Production'
Supervision, Technical Market Devel-
opment or Sales, and Non-Technical
Development and Sales, and for Acetg,
and Finance.
This company manufactures and
markets a widely diversified group of,
chemical specialties, chiefly for indus-
trial use. In addition to plants and of-
fices in Mass., Ill., Calif., and Canada,,
the company also has plants and of-
fices in Brazil, Argentina, England,
Australia, France, Germany, Italy, Den-
mark, Switzerland, and Uruguay.
Tues. & Wed., Jan. 22 & 23 (during,
final exams)
U.S. Army, Special Services Recruit-
ment -- men and women in Library.
Science, Arts and Crafts, Fine Arts,
Theater and Drama, Recreation, Phys.
Ed. and LS&A for positions as Art Di-.
rectors, (Recreation Leaders, Librarians,
and Sports Directors in the U.S. and
Overseas areas includiig Germany,
France, Italy, Korea, Alaska, Hawaii,.'
Japan, Okinawa and Panama.
For appointments, contact the Bu-
reau of Appointments, 3528 Admin
Bldg., ext. 371.




and intermediate language stu-
dents, the lab collection includes
advanced dictation and conversa-
tion records 9s well as a growing
asortment of' poetry, drama and
other literary recordings.
The latest addition is a record-
ing of : Japanese short stories.
Students wishing to -learn a
language independently can use

that can be learned silently from,
a book," he maintains. "It is a
skill that can be acquired only
after constant repetition and imi-
"If one can't visit the foreign
country or speak constantly to a
native," he said, the next best
solution is the Language Labora-
Prof. O'Neill believes that ex-
pansion of the laboratory facilties
will. enable the various language
departments to make more effec-
tive use of the lab than is possible
under present conditions, much to
the advantage of language stu-

Roger Williams Fellowship,
house, 8 p.m., Guild House.
*e * s


HEATH stoneware combines
durability with excellent
color choices. Informal, dining will
be enjoyable in your home

The record collection encom-' complete liriguaphone courses
passes 18 languages including available in the lab with accom-
Portugese, Arabic, Chinese, Thai panying texts.
(Siamese), and Korean, in addi- According to Prof. O'Neill, lab
tion to the Romance, Slavic and experience is one of the, most
German languags.es.significant aspects of the Univer-
Although more than 80 per cent sity language training, program,.
of the records or tapes consist of especially for beginners.

Hillel, Sabbath services, 7:30 p.m.
Union Bridge Club, duplicate tourna-
ment, 7:30 p.m., Union.
s* *
Spring Weekend, skit night chair-
men, today is the last day for hand-
ing in scenarios. Scenarios should be
handed in between 3-5 p.m. at the
* S 0
Hillel Chorus, meeting, 4:30 p.m.,
Main Chapel.


Phone NO 8-6779

* 601 East Liberty





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