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January 08, 1957 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1957-01-08

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04r :ftrigant HlJ
Sixty-Seventh Year

"When Opinions Are Free
Trutb Will Prevail"

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

Dodge and Ford Grants
Also Create Problems

T FIRST GLANCE, the Dodge and Ford
grants to MSU and the University seem
highly desirable. Universities are always in
notorious need of money, and gifts totalling 20
million dollars are almost a reason for dancing
in the streets. To question the value of such
donations is near blasphemy.
Now, after the cheering has subsided, a close
examination of the ramifications of these gifts,
a look below the facade of generosity, is
necessary for their proper evxaluation.
The Dearborn school will be established on
a co-operative basis, with students working at
"local industry." Ford is lopated at Dearborn.
The Dodge gift is going toward a branch
school to teach engineering, business and the
arts-in that order.
It would appear that both Chrysler and Ford
will be getting their own technical schools-
not unlike G.M. tech-with the state footing
the bill. One wonders just how long General
Motors will continue to pay for their techni-
cians' education, particularly when they can
unload their burden under the guise of a char-
itable act.
THERE ARE PROBLEMS presented by these
schools more important than the motivation
for their establishment.
Money for support of the two new schools
is to come from the State Legislature. Last
year the University asked for 17 milliondollars
for capital improvements and received only 8
million. Governor Williams, whose assiduous
avoidance of unpopular moves has become
somewhat of a political legend, had out the
request even further than that.
It would appear from this there is not an
unlimited supply of funds pouring from Lans-
ing; that there are times when money will go
no further. States taxes do more than pay for
It takes a great deal of cold, hard cash to
maintain a first-rate quality educational insti-
tution. This is not only for plan expansion
and improvement and salaries high enough to
attract top professors, but for enough pro-
fessors to keep the student teacher ratio at a
respectable level. Can the state afford to take
the responsibility for two new schools and
maintain high standards of education?
ADMITTEDLY, BOTH NEW institutions, or
branches, will provide educational oppor-
tunities for many more students, students who
might have been unable to receive them without
the schools.

But, the University has been expanding
steadily to accommodate more people. Projected
plans call for 40,000 students by 1966, and the
engineering college has recently announced a
vast expansion program.
This expansion is being attempted without
sacrifice in quality of education within the
limitations of great size. A degree from the
University, so we are told, carries a great
deal of weight and prestige, and most people in
the administration, again we are told in count-
,ess public relations speeches, would like to see
it remain that way.
Can it possibly continue with the new Dear-
born branch?
COMMENT ON THE decreasing status of the*
liberal arts caused by this type of gift is
apparently futile. At least Michigan will be
able to turn out engineers to help meet the
Russian threat, and thereby do its bit.
University officials dream of ten million
dollar windfalls. if they dare, but these must
be carefully examined for accompanying pit-
falls-that is, if they want do do more than
present degrees to the greatest possible number
of people.
Possible To Put Fund
To More Worthwhile Use?
ONLY 33 to 40 per cent of approximately
$1,000,000 available to students in the form
of loans is being used for that purpose.
At the present time a study is being carried
out by Frederick Oliver, general accountant in
the business office attempting to discover ways
and means of making loans more interesting
to students.
Perhaps the best answer would be to convert
the loan money into a scholarship fund. It
must be acknowledged that a loan fund is
necessary for students who occasionally feel a
financial pinch. But why is such a large fund
not being used?
The University makes short term investments
with unborrowed loan money. It might prove
feasible to invest a large portion of the
million dollars and award scholarships financed
by the returns on the investments.
A plan to make the funds available in the
form of scholarships would certainly be better
than allowing dollars meant for students to
be used for other purposes.

"However, We've Been Pre tty Successful In Keeping
American Newspapermen Out Of China"
- -
$ /
Senator orse ides Nixon


to the



A BRIEF, pointed exchange be-
tween two men who don't love
each other occurred when Sen.
Wayne Morse of Oregon took the
oath before Vice-President Nixon.
Nixon had gone out to Oregon
twice to defeat Senator Morse.
The campaign against him was
considered the "Yale Game" of all
the Senate elections. A member
of the Eisenhower Cabinet had
even resigned to run against
So, when Morse came up to
the Senate rostrum to take the
oath and shake hands with the
Vice-President, he said:
"Mr. Vice-President, I want to
thank you for those speeches you
made in Oregon. They helped elect
Mr. Nixon gulped, then recovered
"Well, I'm glad they helped,
he shot back with a smile.
"They certainly did," replied
"YOU ROLLED with the punch-
es," chuckled Nixon.
"And you threw a few your-
self," said Morse.
It was all over in 20 seconds.
No one except the two men knew
what had happened.
(Note - Though there was a
slight note of sarcasm in Morse's
voice, he halfway meant what he
said-that Nixon's speeches had
helped. For, when Nixon first
came to Oregon he gave a pep talk
to GOP leaders at Salem urging
them to go out and get Morse.
"Don't pay any attention to is-
sues," he said, "get out the vote."

Day and Jordan
Tense, Tense, Tense
"JULIE" is one of those suspense movies "well-calculated" to keep
you in a constant state of anxiety.
Throughout the film Doris Day has the most fearful look on her
face while trying to escape the vengeful hands of her murderous hus-
band, Louis Jordan.
There is never a clear explanation of how she ever got into the
mess in the first place. But it seems that Bob (her first husband who

Later ex-Secretary of the Interior
Doug McKay got this confused.
"Issues are not important," he told
the audience. "It's the votes that
Morse hung this around Mc-
Kay's neck. In speech after
speech he said: "I want to let
you in on a big secret. You know
the position of my opponent, that
issues aren't important. Well, at
2 a.m. on November 7 he's going
to discover that issues were im-
portant after all and that he's
going back to that struck auto
agency of his in Salem and sell
Cadillacs again."
* * *
really throwing the hooks into
John Foster Dulles on his mid-east
policy, and doing it deliberately.
Shortly before the Senate Foreign
Relations Committee met with
Dulles last week, Senate leader
Lyndon Johnson phoned four
members of the committee-Mans-
field of Montana, Sparkman of
Alabama, Fulbright of Arkansas
and Humphrey of Minnesota__
advising them not to pull any
They didn't. On top of this
Johnson attended the closed-door
session himself and wrote notes
to the senators suggesting ques-
tions to ask the secretary of state.
Democrats were ired at the way
the administration was forcing
"Eisenhower Doctrine" by the bar-
rage of publicity leaked to the
press in advance. They gave Dulles
such a rough time that at one
point he said:
"There's only one man respon-

sible for the foreign policy of the
United States-the President."
"Then why are you coming to
us with this resolution?" the sena-
tors cracked back. "If the Presi-
dent has the responsibility, let him
exercise it."
*I * *
prise statement that he believed
the present filibuster rule "un-
constitutional" actually had been
carefully worked out in advance.
The people who worked with him
were none other than some of the
most liberal Democrats in the Sen-
ate, led by Hubert Humphrey of
Humphrey went to Nixon in ad-
vance of the showdown vote, asked
point blank if Nixon would answer
a "point of order" if it were asked
of him during the debate on end-
ing filibusters. A point of order
is a parliamentary inquiry which
is not binding on the Senate.
"Don't get the'wrong idea," said
Humphrey,. "we're not trying to
put you on the spot. But if you
give the right answer it may make
another Abraham Lincoln out of'
Nixon listened sympathetically.,
"If you give the right answer,"
Humphrey continued, "We think
it would influence some Republi-
can votes and that's why we're
asking you."
Nixon discussed the matter care-
fully, indicated he would probably
give the right answer. Later he
did. His statement should have
far-reaching effects on his Negro
voters if he runs for President in
(Copyright 1957 by Bell Syndicate, Inc,)

Letters to the Lditur must he signea
and limited to 300 words. The Daily
reserves the right to edit or with-
Please, LEAVE ...
To the Editor:
T THE present time, the Medi-
cal Library often remains un-
filled because medical students do
not itilize the facilities. Neverthe-
less. when students enrolled in
schools other than Medical School
attempt to study in the seats which
would otherwise remain vacant.
they are requested to leave. This is
a waste of facilities and something
should be done about the situa-
One suggestion could be for stu-
dents from other schools to be
restricted to a certain area of the
library, and a medical student
could be given the privilege of re-
questing such students to leave,
providing that the remaining
seats were occupied. This plan
keeps in mind the fact that the
medical library exists primarily
for medical students and yet it
does not encourage waste of the
facilities by senselessly keeping it
exclusive to them.
-Marsha Firk, '60
-Raylene Abrams, '60
The Liberal Engineer
To the Editor:
Lochner, Jr., (Daily, Jan. 4)
for an intelligent and very learned
discourse on the world situation
today and its relation to the engi-
neer. You are entirely correct. He
who wastes the least amount of
time liberalizing makes biggest and
best bomb. But contrary to Pro-
fessor Johnson's notion that the
American engineer has a reason-
able background, and your impli-
cation that he has an excessive
background in liberal arts, the
United States still makes a pretty
fair brand of bomb.
The average enginesering sched-
ule at this university calls for 6 or
6 hours of non-technical electives
and a few engineering English
courses, geared to enable the stu-
dent to produce a reasonable fac-
simile of coherency in his technical
reports. These few courses are to
be sandwiched adroitly among a
whole battery of technical courses
in order that the student might
graduate with his sanity intact.
Then clasping his diploma in
one hand and his slide rule in the
other, he looks around to see the
world ituation just as you de-
scribe it. The world peers out from
behind curtains of fear, propagan-
da. and bomb shelter material at
the monstrous power created by
petty, narrow-minded men, utter-
ly devoid of the message of the
I do not assert that these men
are engineers, but only that the
engineering student of today rep-
resents a definite potentiality of
becoming mired in this rut of tech-
nological improvement to the ex-
clusion of everything else.
So, why don't we just eliminate
all attempts to liberalize our en-
gineers Then we could attain a
univ?ersal mediocrity in that field.
Let's not worry about the prob-
lems of humanity. Leave that to
the ivory tower 'boys in Angell
Alan MacKellar, '58E
S by Dick Bibler

is already, dead before the movie
begins) and Miss Day were enter-
taining Jordan as a house guest.
Jordan had become infatuated
with Miss Day and one evening
Bob, for no apparent reason, com-
mitted suicide by hanging him-
self from a pipe in the basement.
* * *
MISS DAY is already married
to Jordan when the film starts.
(Her grief over Bob's death is
quite short, it seems.)
Her new husband is rather a
jealous and ferocious man and
just can't stand to see Doris even
talking to another male. One
night Jordan admits that her first
husband hadn't committed suicide
at all, but had been murdered out
of his intense love for her. He
hints strongly that the same thing
might happen to her if she ever
tries to leave him.
The remainder of the evening is
one of extreme terror for Doris.
When morning comes, she tries
to get away from the house as
fast as possible. After getting her
husband away from the house on
a phony errand, she stupidly de-
cides that she must pack her
clothes before she runs away.
thrown into the story to enable
Jordan to sneak back to the
house, remove a vital part of the
engine - and sneak away again.
Doris hears the hood slam, and
gets even more frightened - if
that's possible, and decides not
to pack her clothes after all.
She rushes out to the car, finds
that it will not work, and then
frantically runs down the road
until she hitches a ride to Los
FOR THE REST of the film,
her mad husband pursues her up,
down, and over the Pacific Coast
with the intent of murder. We
never find out how he was able
to locate her all the time, but
mental telepathy or something
keeps him two paces behind her.
The picture starts off at the
height of an emotional crescendo
and never lets down. The situa-
tion is tense, tense, tense, Murder
may be committed at any minute!
And after a while we wish that
the homicidal maniac would get
the girl so that the fiasco would
be over.
* * *
WE WON'T reveal the ending,
but will advise those who plan on
seeing "Julie" to bring along a
spare set of fingernails. You'll be
biting them'until the very end of
the picture.
-Sol Plafkin
The Daily Official Bulletin is an of-
ficial publication of the University of
Michigan for which the Michigan Daily
assumes no editaial respbnsibmity. No-
tices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN
form to Room 3553 Administration
Building before 2 p.m. the day preced-
ing publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday,
Tuesday, January 8, 1957
General Notices
Student Driving Regulations will b
lifted between the first and seconc
semesters, from 5 p.m., Wed., Jan. 16
1957 to 8 a.m., Thurs., Feb. 7, 1957. Al
student driving permit holders are re-
minded that new automobile license
plate numbers are to be reported tc
the Office of Student Affairs within
days after being changed.
Student Accounts: Your attention is
called to the following rules passed by

the Regents at their meeting on Feb.
28, 1936: "Students shall pay all ac-
counts due the University not later
than the last day of classes of each
semester or summer session. Student
loans which are not paid or renewed
are subject to this regulation; how-
ever, student loans not yet due are
exempt. TAny unpaid accounts at the
close of business on the last day of
classes will be reported to the Cashier
of the University and
(a) All academic credits will be
withheld, the grades for the semester
or summer session just completed will
not be released, and no transcript of
credits will be issued
(b) All student. owing such ac-
counts will not be allowed to register
inrany subsequent semester or sum-
mer session until payment has been
General Electric Fellowship Applica-
tions must be received in the Graduate
School, Room 1020, Rackham Bldg. by
4:00 p.m. today, Jan. 8.
Spanish Play. Tryouts on Tues., Jan.
8, and Wed., Jan. 9, 3:30 to 5:00 p.m.,
in 408 R.L.

Handicaps in Foreign Policy

SINCE THE END of World War II the foreign
policy of the United States and the men who
make it have been the target for constant
attacks by various segments of our country.
Three primary reasons for this continuing
stream of attacks can be seen. First, foreign
relations are of vital importance. Secondly,
there is the mistaken belief that our policy has
been an almost total failure while Soviet policy
a nearly flawless success. Thirdly,some have
set an impractical goal which requires all
nations to love us like a bride loves her hus-
band on their wedding day before our policy
can be considereq successful.
Apparently little consideration is given to the
immense problems that confront the nations
of the world.
A quick glance at the multitudiness world
problems such as distrust between France
and Germany. hundreds of year of wars among
European nations, animosity between Arabs
and Jews, the powerful rise of international
communism and their admitted goal of con-
trolling the world, the grinding poverty and
overpopulation of the nations of the Far East
and their intense drive for independence, the
desperate clinging of England and France to
fast fading glories of the past, and the scare
of two giant world wars in the last thirty years
make it a minor miracle that a third war
has not yet destroyed us all.
Editorial Staf t
Editorial Director City Editor
GAIL GOLDSTEIN ............... Persoonnei Director
ERNEST THEODOSSIN........ Magazine Editor
JANET REARICK Associate Editorial Director
MARY ANN THOMAS ..... Features Editor
DAVID GREY..............Sports Editor
RICHARDCRAMER...........Associate Sports Editor
STEPHEN HEILPERN.........Associate SportQ Editor
VIRGINIA ROBERTSON .... Women's Editor
JANE FOWLER ...........Associate Women's Editor
ARLINE LEWIS................ Women's Feature Editor
.TOHN HIRTZEL............... Chief Photographer

FOREIGN POLICY is not conducted in a
vacuum where brilliant ideas meet no re-
sistance. It is carried on by mortal men with
all their human failings and by nations with
their prides and vanities, different aspirations,
unequal status in the world hierarchy, varying
degrees of wealth, dissimiliar internal problems
and a general lack of understanding which has
so plagued the world through history.

Like a football game, it is easy to
shots from the stands where the critic
pressure and has no responsibility
decision should it go wrong.

call the
feels no
for the

Much of the criticism of the
Eisenhower Administration is1
alleged lack of "boldness and
Such criticism fails to fully
horrible results of the failure of

policy of the
based on an
consider the
"bold" action.

Banning of the Atomic Bomb without ade-
quate controls on the invalid premise that
Russia would not dare cross world opinion,
armed intervention. in Hungary on the belief
that Russia won't fight, or the keeping of
Western troops in Egypt in the hope that Soviet
threats to send "volunteers" is a bluff could
bring total world disaster should our assump-
tions be wrong.
Perhaps the critics would be a little less
"bold" if the results of a wrong guess were
personalized. if he realized that the dangers,
which seem far away and a little untrue, could
lead to the elimination of himself and his fam-
The line between boldness and foolishness is
thin indeed.
ANOTHER IMPORTANT aspect of policy
which critics neglect is the attitude of the
American people toward that policy. Make no
mistake that the 'conduct of foreign affairs
takes place only in Embassy Row in Washing-
ton and in foreign capitals. That policy must
be satisfactory to our people first and to other
nations second. The success of any given
policy is largely dependent on the ability of
the administration in power to convince the
people of its soundness

For the Young in Mind: 'Baby Doll'

" A B Y D O L L" (pronounced
Bahbe Dahl) is Tennessee Wil-
liams' latest pastoral paean to the
decadent South, the land of
crumbling mansions, moonshine
and natural cleavage.
Baby Doll (Carroll Baker), a 19-
year-old shepherdress type with
a fourth-grade education (she
can't do long division), is married
to Archie (Karl Malden), a middle-
aged lout with shattered nerves.
Archie's nerves are shattered be-
cause he can't consummate his
marriage until Baby Doll's twen-
tieth birthday: they made a "bar-
Baby Doll likes the simple pleas-
ures in life- she lies in her crib
and sucks her thumb. Archie runs
a cotton gin. But the industrial
revolution has made its way into
the countryside. A Sicilian named
Silva Vacarro (Eli Wallach, has
established a syndicate tton gin.
and Archie can no longer make a
The credit union takes Archies
furniture away an( Baby Doll
warns him: no furniture, nc fun.
So Archie, drunk with capitalistic
doctrine, burns down the syndi-
cate gin to increase his business.
Silva sets out to prove that

Doll coos. "I'd like to take a nap,"
Silva answers. She leads him to
her crib and tucks him in. so
that he, too, can enjoy the simple
* * *
THERE ARE TWO basic things
wrong with "Baby Doll:" 1) it
keeps "suggesting," but fails to
carry through, a tiresome business;
2) it never decides whether to be
a primitive suburban tragedy, a
roaring farce, or a tone poem to
Bacchus Director Elia Kazan
doesn't help much either, despite
the good performances he gets
from his players. especially Miss
Mr. Kazan has by this time de-
veloped such a self-conscious art
technique that every scene looks
like it was mapped out with slide
rule and vernier caliper.
As for Mr. Williams-well he is
still trying to rewrite "Bambi"
from Zola's point of view: he has
yet to learn that barnyard fowl
wil) never replace domesticated
* * *
"BABY DOLL" has created im-
'nense national controversy. Its de-
fenders have claimed it as a pro-
gressive step in the attempt to

its intense naturalism, its relish
for pictorial detail and its studied
photography will probably pass
for "art." Some may even find it
studded with metaphysical sym-
bolism of the noblest variety.
-Ernest Theodossin

'R F21 AANA-ET i Ml

Business Staft
DAVID SILVER, Business Manager
MILTON GOLDSTEIN Associate Business
WILLIAM PUSCH ............. Advertising
CHARLES WILSON ..............Finance
PATRICIA LAMBERIS......... Accounts

Should Washington fail to do so,
how intrinsically good a plan may'
it prove unpopular for any one of a
reasons, it will not work.

no matter
be. should
number of


While. of course not every move since World


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