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January 05, 1957 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1957-01-05

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Sixty-Seventh Year

"We Forget How It Got There, But It's Sacred"

hen Opinions Are Free
Trutb Will Prevail"

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express he individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.


Inadequate 'Itch' Just
Partly ,Pleasant
GEORGE Axelrod's "The Seven Year Itch" is not one of the finest
plays of our time, but it is undeniably a tight and admirable piece
of theatrical craftsmanship. The play is a fast and funny sex comedy,
but the current production by the Ann Arbor Civic Theatre loses many
of the virtues. It is a spotty, performance, sometimes hitting the mark
and sometimes missing.
The play tells the simple story of an average-type, slightly intimi-
dated American male rapidly approaching middle-age who suddenly
has the opportunity to get a little thrill out of life. The little thrill
is represented by a fetching young actress who lives in the apart-
ment above, and since our hero's wife is away for the week, the time
is ripe. Only one actual event of importance takes place before the
curtain descends. and you can guess what that is. The rest of the

Michigan Drinking Laws
Buried in Age of Puritanism

JNIVERSITY officials and Michigan state
legislators would do well to read the report
of the New York State Governor's Committee
to Study the Sale of Liquor to Minors. The
three-member group recently told Gov. Har-
riman that it is unanimously opposed to rais-
ing the present 18 year-old drinking age to 21.
The report presents persuasive arguments
for the 18 year-old drinking age and treats
the problem far more realistically and prac-
tically than law authorities in Michigan do.
Stressing the difficulty of enforcing regu-
lations preventing the 18 to 21 age group from
drinking, the report notes:
"Experience has shown that young people
from 18 to 21 have quite 'enough energy, in-
genuity and freedom of action to circumvent
any prohibitory statute of this kind."
New York, committee members felt, has "no
special problem" with liquor sales and was
able to enforce the present law "quite well."
Contrast this with the University situation.
THE unfortunate fact about present state
and University drinking regulations is that
their only consequences are bad.
First, they are so contrary to the social
mores of the age group at which they are
directed that they are totally ignored. This
encourages disregard for regulations.
Second, the prohibitory rules prevent not
drinking but attempts to educate students to
drink' safely. As long as drinking is officially
prohibited it is a contradiction to try and teach
students to drink moderately,Legislators usu-
ally consider the question: should students

drink or not? It would be far more realistic to
ask, instead: students do drink, how can we
best prevent harm?
Last spring's two car collision following an
illegal drinking party which resulted in the
death of three University students and near..
death of a fourth dramatically illustrates the
folly of useless prohibition.
TfHE NEW YORK committee reported that
arrests and convictions resulting from
abuses of the 18 year-old, minimum "have al-
ways been relatively small," further indicating
that education, not prevention, is the answer.
(New York State has a compulsory high school
health course which usually treats drinking.)
If it was desirable that students not drink
(and there is little to indicate that this is the
case) and if it was possible to prevent their
drinking, then the fact that students refused
to accept the regulations would be .a weak ar-
gument for removing the regulations.
But the lack of acceptance, coupled with
the immense difficulty of preventing drinking,
indicate that a sounder and more construc-
tive approach should be sought.
Gov. Williams should consider setting up
a committee similar to Gov. Harriman's -
but with the opposite goal in mind. It is time
for the State Legislature to pull their- collec-
tive heads out of the sands of Puritanism and
take a look at the 20t.h century -- it would
shock them but it might remedy a chaotic and
unhealthy situation.
City Editor

i. IMF 111-4-4 vt.PrnIv.




play is taken up with dream fan-
tasies indulged in by the hero as
he gradually gets his courage up.
TO KEEP the audience alert,
this play has got to move along at
a rapid pace, but the Civic
Theatre is sadly deficient in that
department. Instead, the show
drags, especially during the first
and second acts. There are some
bright moments and some scenes
that proceed briskly, but the dead
spots are all too apparent.
To be sure, this is a difficult
play to do, because the burden of
it falls almost completely on one
man who is hardly ever off stage.
A major comedian is needed, and,
in part, he should be especially
adept at the art of pantomime.
As played by Ted Heusel, who
also directed the play, the hero
is a likable enough fellow with a
decent amount of charm. But it
is not a performance, for all its
nice qualities, which can carry
the show. Heusel has a pleasant
manner and some obvious comedy
skill, but it is not quite enough.
THE YOUNG lady who finally
complies is well played by Ruth
Livingston, who conveys the fresh
naive charm perfectly but lacks
the proper amount of vivacious-
ness needed to make her charac-
ter as inviting as the play de-
mands. Al Phillips as a psychia-
trist who bounces in and out of
the play at regular intervals is
perhaps a bit aggressive in style
but is facile enough.
The production does gain mo-
mentum as it proceeds and oc-
casionally the comedy is most en-
joyable, but in almost every in-
stance it is the broader stuff that
comes off, the subtle stuff which
I'm afraid this "Seven Year
Itch" is not all it could be, but
it does have its moments.
-David Newman

The Daily Official Bulletin is an of-
ficial publication of the University of
Michigan for which the Michigan Daily
assumes no editorial responsibility. No-
tices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN
form to Room 3553 Administration
Building before 2 p.m. the day preced-
ing publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
General Notices
Plans for Midyear Graduation Exer-
cises, Saturday. Jan. 26, 1957, 2:00 p.m.
Time of Assembly - 1:00 p.m. (except
Places of Assembly:
Members of the Faculties at 1:15 p.m.
In Room 2054, second floor, Natural
Science Building, where they may robe
Regents. Ex-Regents, Deans, and oth-
er Administrative Officials at 1:15 p.m.
in the Botany Seminar Room 1139,
Natural Science Building where they
may robe.
Students of the various schools and
colleges in Natural Science Building as
Section A - Literature, Science and
the Arts - front part of auditorium,
west section.'Education - front part
of auditorium, center section. Business
Administration - front part of audi-
torium, east section.
Section B - Graduate - rear pat
of auditorium with doctors at west
Section C - Engineering - Rooms
2071 and 2082. Architecture -- Room
2033. Law - Room 2033 (behind Arch.)
Pharmacy - Room 2033 (behind Law.)
Dental - Room 2033 (behind Phar-
Music - Room 2004 (behind Natural
macy), Natural Resources-Room 2004.
Res.) Public Health - Room 2004 (be-
hind Music) Social Work - Room 2004
behindPublic Health).
March into Hill Auditorium -1:40
p.m. Academic Dress.


cA,. ' r tjA,, c4a C K ='P"Sr c ,


State of the Union SpeechS

'Divided Government' Outlook Good

THE OPENING of the 85th Congress marks
this country's third postwar experiment in
"divided government," with Republicans con-
trolling the White House and the Democrats
the Congress. Senator Frank Lausche of Ohio
confirmed this Thursday by voting with the
Democrats for organization of the Senate.
Divided government has not worked out as
badly in recent years as many theorists had
anticipated. Party discipline in the Congress
is almost non-existent, and the Eisenhower
Administration has frequently met with success
in getting its program through Congress.
Shortly after the 1954 Congressional elections,
(in which he campaigned indefatigably for
Republican candidates) Vice-President Nixon
told .the Cabinet he expected the Administra-
tion's foreign policy programs would fare better
with the new Democratic Congress than with
the old Republican one.
The record would' appear to bear him out,
and despite Democratic rumblings over the
new "Eisenhower Doctrine," a working, if not
a friendly cooperation between the executive
and legislative branches can be expected.
20 years by a conservative coalition of Re-
publicans and Southern Democrats, the only
real issue is control of House and Senate
committees. And the Administration's cause
will not be hurt by the fact that Republicans-
McCarthy, Jenner, and Bridges will not become
chairmen of important Senate committees.
While a number of Southern Democrats be-
ing assigned chairmanships offer little cause

for rejoicing, at least their obstructionist habits
are largely confined to civil rights questions
and do not extend to the heart of our foreign
IN FACT, the Democrats in Congress often
seem more guilty of ommission-in the area
of constructive criticism and alternatives to
the Eisenhower policies-than of commission
of obstructionist acts.
We can only hope that the upcoming debate
on the new Middle Eastern policy does not
make the later half of his observaion woefully
Of Coeds and Cops,
And Bicycle Bans
A coed on a bicycle barrelling up the side-
walk between William .and Liberty;
An Ann Arbor policeman standing on the
corner of State and Liberty;
A sign to the effect that bicycle riding on
State Street sidewalks is prohibited by city
The coed, the cop, and the sign -all within
fifteen feet of one another;
The cop completely ignoring the situation-
no ticket, no reprimand, no nuthin'.
What happened to the big anti-bicycle cam-
-R. H.

FIRST drafts of President Eis-
enhower's proposed State of
the Union speech, scheduled Jan-
uary 10, have already been re-
turned to the White House by
Cabinet officers with their com-
As it now stands, the speech
will be devoted primarily to for-
eign policy. Ike will issue a strong
reminder that our traditional
British-French allies are our true
friends. He wfil also mention Am-
erican sympathy for people every-
where who wish to be free. He will
call for a big foreign aid program.
On domestic issues, Ike will call
for mild reforms in farm legisla-
tion, civil rights, the Taft-Hartley
law and social security. He will
also speak hopefully of America's
prospects for continued peace and
It's interesting to scrutinize the
treatment two prominent Negroes,
Joe Louis and congressman Adam
Clayton Powell, are getting on
their taxes and how they are
taking it.
JOE LOUIS, the ex-heavyweight
boxing champion, owes Uncle Sam
$1,119,437 in taxes on the big
money he once made in the ring.
At that time money came easy,
Joe didn't realize how high his
bracket was, and didn't lay it
away for the tax collector. He
never fudged on his taxes. But he
did get behind in payments, and

at the rate of 6 per cent on back
payments this can run into
Lately Joe has gone into wres-
tling to try to pay up; in the last
three months has paid $124,000.
However, the Treasury recently
attached a $65,000 trust fund left
for his children, Joe, Jr., 9, and
Jacqueline, 13. Joe has not
claimed this was racial discrimin-
Meanwhile, Congressman Pow-
ell, as a congressman, is supposed
to know more about taxes than
Joe, Louis. Last summerhe found
himself in tax trouble, shined up
to Vice President Nixon, finally
switched from the Democratic
party to Eisenhower. However, a
Federal Grand Jury in New York
is still considering his case.
* * *
POWELL CLAIMS this is ra-
cial discrimination. Friends of his
in the Brotherhood of Sleeping
Car Porters have protested on his
Two of Powell's secretaries have
been convicted in connection
with paying salary kickbacks; one
secretary has been indicted.
Meanwhile, the Grand Jury has
been digging into additional in-
formation supplied by an ex-
member of Powell's staff that he
paid his rent while in Washing-
ton by putting his landlord on
the government payroll. His land-
lord was Belford Lawson, Jr.

This column checked into the
charge and found that Lawson
had been on congressman Pow-
ell's payroll for $77 a month from
January to June 1945. These are
the months that Congress was in
session, and $77 a month is not
far from the amount one would
pay for the rent of a room in a
private home.
The recdrds of the House of
Representatives also showed that
Lawson was on Powell's payroll
for $88 a month from January
to March 1946.
* * *
THIS IS MONEY, of course,j
which is paid by all the taxpayers
to a Congressman for his staff
to help his constituents. It is not
supposed to be paid for rent, orL
food, or the personal expenses of
a congressman.
When Lawson was queried
about this, he admitted Congress-
man Powell had rented a room
from him for $60 a month and
admitted he had been on the
payroll. He vigorously denied,
however, there was any connec-
tion between the two.
"I was put on the payroll," he
claimed. "for advising Powell on
civil Irights."
"I continued to give him free
advice," Lawson explained, "then
quit altogether when my advice
wasn't taken."
(Copyright 1957 by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)


Calendars and Cut Classes

Legislation and the Filibuster

OFFICIAL figures haven't been released yet,
but no one would be too far wrong if he
guessed that over half of the student body "cut"
classes either before or after the scheduled
Christmas vacation.
On Friday, December 21, classrooms appeared
about half full. Few attended Saturday classes..
The Thursday return to classes found num-
bers depleted about one-third.
This was the student's first taste of the new
calendar at Christmas time and it was a bitter
one, Besides missing many classes to get home
in time for Christmas and its associated shop-
ping, students found the holidays non-remun-
erative. The post office and stores weren't
anxious to hire students a day or so before
Christmas. Some students must have spent
a third of their pruned-down Christmas vaca-
tion (10 days) traveling.
WHICH BRINGS US TO the object of student
discontent -the new calendar. Student
Government President , Bill Adams recently
labeled it a "net loss" for students. That it is.
Editorial Staff
Editorial Director City Editor
Business Staff
DAVID SILVER, Business Manager
MILTON GOLDSTEIN ? Associate Business Manager
WILLIAM PUSCH..............Adertising Manager

Students gained a "scheduled" Thanksgiving
recess and one-day study sessions before final
exams, things that were realities before the
formalization. Students were cut down from
a full two weeks of Christmas recess. Students
attend classes about five more total days than
they did last year.
Faculty and administration proponents of
the new plan argue like this: there are now
15 full weeks in each semester, the "Tuesday,
Thursday, Saturday" sequence is treated fairly,
and the "lame-duck" session after Christmas
vacation has been somewhat shortened.
This new calendar differs so little from the
status quo ante 1956 that it is difficult to
understand who benefits from the new "com-
promise" plan.
W HAT TO DO? This new plan is on a three-
semester trial basis, reports Erich Walter,
assistant to the president. At the end of that
time it will be hashed over by the calendar
committee which seats a couple of SGC-ap-
pointed student members. Student dissatisfac-
tion must wait to be vented but until then su-
den committee members Georgia Strain and
Harlan Givelber can begin preparing an organ-
ized case for the student body and muster sup-
port from discontented faculty personnel.
We hope the review meeting isn't a mean-
ingless device for placating student wishes to
get gripes on the record. We hope faculty and
administration members lhave a sincere desire
to review the present trial calendar with open
minds toward possible changes in it. We hope
the new calendar is still considered by faculty
and administration members as a trial opera-

ALTHOUGH a group of north-
ern Senators is attempting to
limit the right to filibuster-the
right, that is to say, of unlimited
debate in order to prevent a vote
on a bill - it would be a spectacu-
lar surprise if the Senate voted to
amend its own rules. The amend-
ment would require not only a big
majority of the Senators. The
Senators would have to be in a
mood to fight for the amendment
to the bitter end and at the risk
of stalling all the other business of
the Senate. For Rule' XXII, which
allows the filibuster, is in effect a
veto, held by the southern states,
on Federal legislation dealing with
the relations of Negroes and
It is interesting to note the his-
tory of the filibuster. As summar-
iped by Mr. Irving Brant, the bi-
ographer of President Monroe the
right to filibuster did not exist in
the early days of the Republic.
From 1789 until 1806 debate could
be ended at any time by a vote of
the majority of the Senators pres-
ent. From 1806 until 1917, there
was no limitation on debate.
In 1917. on the eve of our en-
erance into the first World War,
the filibuster was used to block
war-like measures which the Wil-
son administration was proposing.

ate amended its rules in favor of
the filibuster, and to make it vir-
tually impossible to limit debate.
It adopted the famous Rule XXII,
which some of the northern Sena-
tors are now trying to amend.
Rule XXII does two things. De-
bate can be ended only if 64 Sena-
tors are present and vote affirma-
tively to end it. Thus if 63 Sena-
tors voted to end debate, while
only 13 voted not to end debate,
the 13 would prevail and the de-
bate could not be ended. Then to
protect this right of filibuster,
Rule XXII provides that there is
an unlimited right to filibuster
against an attempt to amend Rule
XXII itself. \
What happened in 1949? What
happened was the Truman admin-
istration, with its determination
to pass Federal laws dealing with
race relations. Although there was
unlimited debate in the Senate
for more than a century and until
the first World War, the right to
filibuster was never entrenched as
it has been since 1949. The proof
is that in 1917 the Senate did
adopt a rule for closing debate. It
was not until 1949 that Rule XXII
virtually deprived the Senate of
the right to amend Rule XXII. It
is plain enough that Rule XXII
was designed to establish what is
tantamount to a southern veto on

crimination is one of the most im-
pressive phenomena of our era.
But it is highly unlikely that Fed-
eral legislation will be allowed to
play much of a part in this move-
ment. The movement will proceed
mainly by local actions that reflect
extraordinary change of public
opinion in almost all sections of
the country.
Another interesting question
about the powers of Congress is
posed by the President's request
for authority to use force in the
Middle East. The theory of the
Constitution is supposed to be that
a state of war should be declared,
Congress then has the power to
legalize the waging of war. In a
vinced before Congress is con-
case where the President is con-
vinced that war is inevitable or
that it is necessary - as for ex-
ample President Roosevelt before
Pearl Harbor - the legal au-
thority of Congress has acted as
a powerful check upon the Presi-
dent's pre-war actions.
The Eisenhower procedure is to
ask Congress to underwrite in ad-
vance, even if it means war. the
moves the President may decide to
take. In the nature of things it is
impossible for the President to be
specific or clear as to what moves
he may feel impelled to compelled
to make. Therefore, a Congres-

Loily Pops
In 'Frisky'
A more or less delightful. film
is now on view at the local.
Orpheum theatre. It is "Frisky", a
somewhat curious affaire featur-
ing the dual charms of Miss Gina
Lollobrigida, a notorious Italian
actress who, we are told in a
gaudy blaze of advertising, put
the IT in Italy.
As usual,- whatever Lollo wants,
Lollo gets: what she does want
cannot be printed here, but her
methods of attaining her ques-
tionable goals are not particular-
ly unique, either.
It's obvious that Hollywood's
new codeofuethics for films was
not in effect when this one was
produced, or at any rate, that its
international influence is weak.
Several scenes, especially the one
with the Turkish officer, were cut
from the Ann Arbor shownig, for-
tunately: when I first saw "Fris-
ky" in New York, a while ago, I
recall that many irate citizens
picketed the theatre with placards
reading ,"Indecent", "Improper"
and things like that. I scanned
the crowd outside the Orpheum
hopefully after the performance,
but was unable to find any signs
of a demonstration.
It certainly is encouraging that
Ann Arbor ctiizens, and more spe-
cifically University students, have
not the decency to protest the
showing of such a film in our
city; or perhaps they do not un-
derstand the subtle nuances of
the story.
* * * .
IT MIGHT be noted, that the
principle suspense of the drama
was not dependent upon the plot,
or any of the characterizations,
but rather upon the costumes.
Miss Lollo's dress was as conceal-
ing as a fluoroscopic examination.
GENERALLY, the audience
seemed to appreciate this fihp,
especially the ill-fed, ill-housed
men from the dormitories, who
were quite vocal in their approval
of the proceedings, also quite
frisky. It's good for a laugh, any-
Unfortunately, the Orpheum
theatre is not good for a laugh.
It seems to grow smaller as the
years pass by, and the seats grow
more uncomfortable, the screen
more dim.

Clement Attlee (Earl Attlee), po69-
war Prime Minister of Britain, will be
presented Mon., 8:30 p.m., in Hill Audi-
torium as the fifth number on the
1956-57 Lecture Course. He will discuss
"The World Scene". Tickets will be on
sale at the Auditorium box office Mon.,
10 a.M.-8:30 p.m.
Prof. Robert S. Lopez, Dept of His-
tory, Yale University, will deliver a
public lecture on "East and West in the
Early Middle Ages - Economci Rela-
tions and Influences,' Mon., Jan. 7,
4:15 pin., Aud. B, Angell Hall; co-
sponsored by the Depts. of History and
Near Eastern Studies."
A cademic Notices
Doctoral Examination for George
Bernard Rabb, Zoology; thesis: "A
Study of variation in Iguanid Lizards
of the Leiocephalus Carinatus Com-
plex", Sat., Jan. 5, 3024 Museums
Building, at 9:30 a.m. Chairman, C.F.
Doctoral Examination for Tony
Brower, Economics; thesis: "The Lim-
itation of the Work Week: An Analy-
sis of its Rationale, Enforcement, and
Economic Effects", Mon., Jan .7, 103
Economics Building, at 4:00 p.m. Chair-
man, William Haber.
Doctoral Examination for Chih Kang
Wu, Education; thesis: "The Influence
of the Y.M.C.A. on the Development of
Physical Education in China", Mon.,
Jan. 7, East Council Room, Rackhbzm
Building, at 3:00 p.m. Chairman, E. D:
Placement Notices
The following schools have listed
vacancies on their teaching staffs for
Feb., 1957.
Ann Arbor, Michigan (Carpenter
School) - 4th grade; part time Librar-
ian; part time Vocal Music.
Benzonia, Michigan - Senior High
Social Studies;
Bloomfield Hills, Michigan (Hickory
Grove School) - Kindergarten, xx day/
Music K-8 % day.
Dearborn, Michigan (School District
No. 3) - Primary; Later Elementary;
Junior High; Art
Hammond, Indiana - Math; Geog/
U. S. Hist.; Sociology/Psych.; English;
Marysville, Michigan - 4th grade;
Elementary Librarian.
Melvindale, Michigan -- Art; Girls
Physical Education.
Plymouth, Michigan - Junior High
Math/Gen. Sci.; Mentally Handicapped,
Pontiac. Michigan (Waterford Town-
ship Schools) - English; 7th grade
Language Arts/SS.
Rochester, New York-Social Studies.
Waldron, Michigan - Commercial.
For additional information contact
the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Ad-
ministration Building, NO. 3-1511, Ext.
Personnel Requests:
veteransiAdministration Hospital,
Saginaw, Mich., has a vacancy for a
Dietitian CGS-5, for a temporary period.
Mich. State Civil Service announces


* 1 1


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