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January 04, 1957 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1957-01-04

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FR ID A Y , JA N U A RY| 4|||,1957 rfljm-|||||||||||||||||||||u|||||||||||||ll-- m um mu|mm mmmm -mmml1fl Cnm mmmmi Cmmmm--N- B -A H Y e mm


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A Il-Stars

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Standout of the Michigan sen-
iors who played in the inter-
sectional, all-star, football games
over the holidays was right half-
back Terry Barr.
Barr, along with Capt. Toni
Maentz carried the Maize and
Blue colors to the Shrine game.;
In the Blue-Gray game the
Wolverines were represented by
tackle Al Sigman and end Char-
lie Brooks. while in the North-
South game Michigan had its
largest contingent in Jim Mad-
dock. Mike Rotunno. and Dick
'ies Record
Barr's nine pass receptions tied
the Shrine game record and
proved to be the main attack ofl
the East team which lost to the
West, 7-6.
Ine addition to catches which
were good for 85 yards, Barr's
running was instrumental in the:
four drives of the East deep into
West territory. the third of which
was climaxed by a touchdown by
Illinois' Abe Woodson.
One of the few players to goj
both ways throughout most of
the game, Barr and teammate
Maentz, who played right end.
were strong on defense.-
Maentz Stops Arnett !
Maentz stopped USC's Jon Ar-t
nett on the one-ft. line with a'
clutch tackle which started a
drive for the East that ended on,,
the West one-ft. line with a
fumble by Notre Dame's Paul
In the drive, Barr caught aj
Hornung pass for 16 yards and a
first down on the 50. Four plays
later he took another Hornungl
pass for 18 yards and a first down;
on the nine. On second down he
took a pitchout at the seven arid
was knocked out of bounds on'
the two. On fourth down Hornung;
fumbled trying to sneak over the
goal line.l
In the second East drive Barr
gained 26 yards on three succes-
sive plays. As the fourth quartert
started he gained two yards and

a first down on the West 42. On
the next play he went around
right end with a pitchout for 11f
yards to the 31 and then he
caught a pass from Milt Plum up
the middle for 13 yards to the 18.
On the touchdown drive for the
East. Barr's pass snaring set the{
stage for Hornung's screen pass'
to Woodsor: who carried in from
the 35.
On the kickoff Barr caught Wy-
oming's Jim Crawford after a fine
43-yard return to the East 32.
Barr led the fourth drive with
his record-tying catch on the
West 19-yd. line.
Maentz. who saw only littlea
activity on offense, was a stand-I
out on defense with his fine clutch
playing. In the first half he was
credited with four tackles and
three assists.
Blue-Gray Game
In the Blue-Gray contest, Mich-
igan's Sigman and Brooks both
started on offense for the North
Blue team.
Sigman did a fine job in keep-
ing All-American tackle Earl
Leggett of LSU out of almost ev-
ery play until Legett was shifted
to offense late in the third period.
What made it so spectacular was
that Sigmar was outweighed by
over 20 pounds.

Brooks anchored the left side
of the North line over which the
North , backfield gained most of
verine quarterback Jim Maddock
its yardage.
In the North-South game Wol-
displayed one of his late game
marches that he culminated in a
game clinching field-goal from
the 13-yd. line which secured a
17-7 North victory.
Reminiscent of his exploits
against Iowa. Maddock took over
the team at his own one-yd. line
and directed them to the South
Michigan center Mike Rotunno
{ as instrumental in setting the
first North touchdown when he
made the first of his two fumble
recoveries on the South 25
Dick Hill, Michigan guard,
turned in a fine performance in
the middle of the North line.
There are two more bowl games
yet to be played and Michigan
will be well represented not in
quantity but in quality.
Tom Maentz will travel co
Honolulu to participate in the
Hula Bowl game held in Hono-

M C. Burton admittedly was a
little nervous when he stepped
onto the court at Yost Field
House last Dec. 1.
It was his first appearance in
4 ! the Maize and Blue uniform of
the Michigan varsity basketball
squad, but he overcame those
butterflies" as he netted 24
points and displayed some fancy
+ ebounding.
During his high school career
Burton played center on the 1953-
54 state championship Muskegon
showin run- Heights team and was picked to'
nstrated his the All-State squad at that posi-
Vest All Sta ,ion. However, Burton, at 6'5",
et Alle Star just wasn't tall enough to remain
Eh nine pas' at center in the Big Ten, a con-
ference filled with court giants.
Learns New Style
r; When he arrived at Michigan,
0 r Buiton was converted to forward,
a switch which involved learning
- t-t

H'S ON HI WAY--Michigan's Terry Barr (41) is
ning against Army in last season's battle. Barr demon
prowess once again in post-season pay in thie East-W
Game held last Saturday and tied a Srine record wit
!. 'IAP,'Oss(i'ted Pre s
the show v An esflimat

Burton and teammate George
Lee were the decisive factors for
the freshman squad's 70-61 up-
set victory in the annual fresh-
man-varsity game a year ago.
Burton accounted for 21 points
to cop the scoring honors.
Basketball and Books
Burton realizes that his major
purpose in being at Michigan is
let basketball interfere with his
an academic one. He tries not to
studies and his solid B average
points up that he spends most of
his time off the court with the
A serious student, Burton plans
to enter Medical School after he
graduates from the LAterary Col-
lege. In recent summers, he has
served as a hospital orderly and
now he says he's more sure than
ever that he wants to be a doctor.
He claims that the initials M.C.
stand for "just plain M.C..
"They've been calling me that for
nineteen years," Burton adds.
Burton is anxiously looking for-
ward to the coming Big Ten bas-
ketball season. He takes an opti-
mistic view of the team's chances
saying, "When we get to working
together, we'll be the surprise
team of the conference."

tel 5,000 were

lulu, Hawaii, on Sunday.
Meanwhile Terry Barr '.v
ney to Mobile, Ala., to t
in the Senior Bowl to beI

w e
LPtchcC OGt C on fere
Pacific Coast Conference yesterday The two schools, aloz
he'd firm against modifying pen- Washington and Californ
alties already assessed member penalized last summer i
institutions and voted down a nro- involving illegal aid to ati
posal to alter the basic structure
of the round-robin football sched- booster and alumni group
ule. 955.
The action means that one-year The player eligibility edi
losses of eligibility against many most serious at UCLA, wh
tootball players who were juniors affected all who partici;
and sophomores at the Univevsity 1955, and at USC, where
of Southern California and UCLA listed.
last fall will stand. Perpetuation of the

Jan. 6. NEW YORK - A Gene Full-
ill jour- mer-Sugar Ray Robinson rematch
ake part in March appeared likely yester-
held to- day pending a final decision to-
day by the 36-year-old former
champ and his retinue of co-
managers and advisers.
C Fullmer, winner of a unninous
de cision in Wednesday night's
Madison Square Garden fight, ap-
peared at the offices of the In-
ternational Boxing Club, ready to
give Sugar Ray another chance
ng with As Marv Jenson, Fullmer's
a wr manager, said to promoter Jim
n tcsesNorris, "All we're interested in is:
in caes. Get us the most money you can."
h' s by New York Probable Site
s during Norris said he would like to pro-
mote the fight in New York, if the
icts were same sort of local TV blackout
ere they could be worked out.
patci in Robinson, the dethroned mid-
42 were dleweight champion, didn't show
for a scheduled news conference.
round- I George Gainford, his "chief ad-
all con- viser" said over the telephone he
t Idaho wanted a rematch at the earliest
football date whenever Fullmer is ready.
to the Ernie Braca, one of Robinson's
confer- co-managers, said a final de-
cision would be announced today.
he .nine There appeared little doubt
nended about a rematch. The official fi-
siy that iancial figures released by the
aireds a0 g;IC showed a crowd of 18,134 paid
gamesI a gross gate of $194,645.20 to see

turned away.
If Fullmer wam-s all the money
he can get, he can't be blamed.
The durable apprentice welder
from West Jordan, Utah, received
just $20,915.40 as his 12% per
cent share of the net gate. Robin-
son's 471,"2per cent, plus $60,000 of
the television money, gave him
8138.190.11. Fulimer got none of
the TV cash.
Although the return bout con-
tracts call for an even split, 30
per cent each of the gate and TV,
it probably will be attractive
enough to convince a man to keen
on fighting. As Robinson said
Wednesday night in his dressing
room, "Fighting is my business."
Back to Work
"I'm going home Monday," said
Gene. "And I'll be backaon the
>ame job in a week or so at $17.56
a day. It gives me something to
do and I enjoy it. I've got two
more years as an apprentice and
then I'll get a little over 819 a
The Robinson camp issued new
charges of "illegal punching" by
Fullmer and voiced bitter criti-
cism of the way Referee Ruby
Goldstein handled the fight. They
insisted they were going to pro-
test to the State Boxing Commis-
sion. Gainford claimed Fullmer
hit low.
Fullmer has denied the charges.

41 he "]1VY1 1311 n ; t12L

CHICAGO P - The football
Rules Committee for the nation's
high schools last night considered
solution of three problems of in-
fractions - illegal sideline coach-
ing, illegal use of arms in block-
ing and grabbing of face masks.
The committee was to a'ct, at
least by today, after studying re-
suits of a canvass of 20,000 prep
officials and coaches reported at
the second session of the National
Federation of State High School
Athletic Assn.s and National Ju
nior College Football Committee.
To solve the illegal coaching
problem, -it was recommended
that a quarterback or any other
player designated by his coach
may confer with the coach at the
sideline during any timeout
charged to either team. This is
similar to a rule now prevailing in
20 Countries, 70 Days, $1305
Summer '57-shorter trip optional
255 Sequoia--Pasadena--Calif.

.. "varsity ball is great"
a new style of play. "When you
play forward you drive different
... shoot dfiferent," he said.
However, after a year and a
half of working out at the for-
ward spot, Burton feels quite at
home in his new role and he
thinks playing varsity ball is

This Week Ii Sports
Sat rday, January 5
SWIMMING-Big Ten Relays-Varsity Swim Pool-7:30 p.m.
WRESTLING-at Pittsburgh


(Author of "Barefoot Boy 'Withz'Cheek;etaee.)

__ :../.-_ .J .4- .._ ra ...L- . , _ .r (71 i t.
Sw i~~l"! 7. 1~

robin schedule, in which
ference members exc pt
must play each other in
I annually, is a sorepoint
southern schools in the
The presidents of ti
member schools had recon

L Li'll

WL 7


The Michigan swimming team
successfully opened its 1957 sea-
son .with an apparently easy 53-
32 victory over u n d e r m a n n e d
North Carolina S ate Wednesday
night before a scattering of 500'
fans here.
North Carolina State brought
along four men-Dick Fadgen,j
Frank Nauss, Bill Robertson and
Dave McIntyre. The Wolf pack has
been having problems because of
the NCAA ban which keeps them
from competing for champion-
Could Have Been Beaten
Coach Gus Stager said, ".The
thing most fans won't believe is
that North Carolina State COULD'
have beaten us with just those
four men. The meet turned on the
100-yd. sprint. When our Fritz,
Myers beat their Bill Robertson we
could breathe easily"
The Wolfpack forfeited in :h,
400-yd. medley relay and the div-
ing. giving Michigan 15 points for
a starter. However. Coach Willis
Casey's quartet was represented ill
every other event. wining five
of them.
Michigan's Cy tiopkins and
Nortth Carolina State's great Fad-
gen, one of the nation's best in te
breast stroke, turned in the meet's
finest race. -okins led most of
the way, but couldn't quite pull
the upset as Fadgen <ot up in the
final length.
'The summary of 'ednesd:ys
400-yd. Medley Relay: 1--MICH-
IGAN (Dick Lahde, FlitA Myers.
Cy Hopkins, Dick Meh). Time-
220-yd. Free Stse: >-Fran.
Nausee (NCS).
50-yd. Free Style: 1--Bill Rob-
ertson (NCS). Time-:23.5.
20-yd. Buterfl,: 1---Dick Fad-
gen (NCS). Time-2:29.5.
-{ 5

on Dec. 2, not unanimou
Diving: 1 - D i c k K i m b a 11, each school should be req

I H-yd. Free Style: 1-Fritz
Myers (MICHIGAN). Time-:52.5.
200-yd. Back Stroke: 1-Ted
Ressinig (MICHIGAN). T i m e -
440-yd. Free Style: 1-Frank
Nauss (NCS). Time--5:00.2.
20-yd. Breast Stroke: 1-Dick
Fadgen (NCS). Time-2:21.9.
403-yd. Free Style Relay: 1-
MICHIGAN (Harrisoi Wehner, Ed
Fitzhugh, Fred Mowrey, P e t e
Fries). Time-3:39.9.

play only five conference




t ;: I :a

.1. '
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First Little Story
Once upon a time there was an Indian brave named
Running Bear who had a squaw named Giggling Water.
Giggling Water was sort of a mess, but she sure couldt
make beaded moccasins. Every day she whipped up a
brand-new pair of beaded moccasins for Running Bear
which were so gorgeous that all the Indian maids on the
reservation grew giddy with admiration.
Well sir, Giggling Water got livid about all the girls
making goo-goo eyes at Running Bear, and one night she
told him so. Then he got livid too, and they had a terrible
rumble, and he slapped her on the wrist, and she started
crying like crazy and moved out of the wigwam ar=
went home to her mother and never came back.
"Good riddance!" said Running Bear, but he soon
found out how wrong he was, for the Indian maids were
not really interested in him, only in his moccasins, and
when he stopped showing up with a new pair every day,
they quickly gave him the yo-heave-ho, and today he is
a broken man, sitting all alone in his tepee and muttering
ancient Ute curses.
MORAL: Don't fight the hand that beads you.

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STCy i h D E AN UA Y

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61e l~e f 11k, lke zV v~l Qb/fZ
Second Little Story
Once upon a time there was a sweet old gentleman
named Nathan who ran a tobacco counter at a large
American university. All of the students loved him
dearly, and they used to come over whenever they could
to buy Philip Morris Cigarettes and chat with Nathan,
both of which were highly satisfactory pursuits. The
Philip Morrises were highly satisfactory because they
are full of natural goodness that is friendly and humane
and soothing and no small consolation in this strife-
riddep world of ours. Nathan, like Philip- Morris, was
also Tull of natural, goodness that was friendly and
humane and all like that.
Well sir, the students smoked Philip Morris and
yocked with Nathan, and everything was lovely. Then
one day the university decided to fire Nathan and put
in a cigarette vending machine instead.
Well sir, the students did not take that lying down,
you may be sure! They organized a monster rally and
went over to prexy's house and made fiery speeches about
good old Nathan and how they loved him.
Well sir, prexy was no fool, and when he saw how
heartbroken the students would be if Nathan went, he
decided that the wisest course was to keep Nathan and
cancel the cigarette vending machine. This he did, and
they al lived happily ever after.
JORAL: Better' Xate than lever.

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