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December 15, 1956 - Image 10

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Michigan Daily, 1956-12-15

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Sixty-Seventh Year


"--Uh-There's Something I Ought To Tell You-"

"When Opinions Are Free
Truth' Will Prevail"

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
Condemnation of Russia:t
Serious Business or Idle Threat?

ON WEDNESDAY the United Nations General
Assembly condemned the Soviet Union for
her present actions in Hungary.
The effectiveness of this vote in supporting
Hungary in the struggle against Russia may
be questionable if the recent condemnation is
not followed by action which demonstrates that
the UN means business.
The free world is not relying on the UN,
for condemnations alone, but for immediate
action and direct results.
The League of Nations passed a similar vote
of condemnation in 1935 when it censured
Italy for aggression in Ethiopa. The imme-
diate and only result of this censure was Italy's
withdrawal from the League, for she was not
stopped in her African aggression.
The failure of the League of Nations to
stem Italian aggression, along with the ag-
gression of Germany and Japan, lay in the
organization's inability to put force behind
its words and resulted in its subsequent de-
HE UN IS IN a similar spot, for t must
follow through its censure with more force-
ful action if Russia does not comply with UN
demands. Yet, unlike the League of Nations,
the UN can utilize a military force - as was
used in the past in Korea and at present in
The follow-through in this case has been the
proposal the UN Secretary-General Dag Ham-
marskjold visit Budapest, a somewhat outdated
suggestion since he has been trying unsuccess-
fully to get into Hungary for several weeks.

Further proposals have come from U.S. Sena-
tors Knowland, Humphrey, and Capehart, pro-
posing economic and diplomatic sanctions
against Russia if the UN is not allowed to in-
tervene in Hungary.
This proposal may have more substance than
the attempt to get Hammarskjold into Buda-
pest, yet it still avoids the ineviable question
of using UN military forces in Hungary against
the Soviet Union.
The danger of setting off another World War
is, of course, a prime consideration, and it is
with this in mind that the UN must play its
role as prqtector of world order.
If the United Nations can bring about an
end to suppression in Hungary through sanc-
tions aganist Russia, then it will not have to
face the question of military force.
But if no ground is thus gained, then the
UN must face the problem - can it continue
as an effective body and also avoid military
action against Russia.
This is perhaps the key to UN success, and
is a question which has existed since the or-
ganization's founding in 1945.
THE SIGNIFICANCE of this vote of condem-
nation lies not in the censure itself, but
rather in the position of this action in a chain
of events - whether this is the beginning or
the end of a UN attempt to protect Hungary,
If it is the beginning, the true value of the
vote condemning Russia can only be deter-
mined by the extent to which the United Na-
tions will carry out its purpose.

Juno, Paycock, and the Readers

W HAT has been labeled a new
'poem by T. S. Eliot, "The Cul-
tivation of Christmas Trees," lias
been published in pretentious for-
mat (New York, Farrar, Straus &
Young, 1956, 1.25). Actually the
poem is two years old, having been
published first in Londn.
No one attempts to equate mar-
ket price with the worth of a poem
which, if any good at all, has no
measurable value: Has not' Wil-
liam Faulkner said that Keats'
"Ode on a Grecian Urn" is worth
any number of old ladies? If the
public must be "had," will nothing
except Christmas suffice as means?
Eliot's intention in the poem is
scarcely to add to the commer-
cialization of Christmas; indeed,
the opposite is true:
* * M *
"There are several attitudes
toward Christmas,
Some of which we may
The social, the torpid, the
patently commercial,
The rowdy (the pubs being
. open till midnight),
And the childish..."
The publishers must have pre-
sumed that the poet's name would
attract buyers who will be "smart"
at any cost.
A single poem from a poet who
has been writing since 1909, pro-
ducing, admittedly, very little
poetry to earn his fame, is no
basis for revising one's estimate or
re-writing the theses. There are
no footnotes and no Sanskrit.
Eliot moves in an nostalgic seren-
ity, a "glittering rapture, the
amazement/Of the first-remem-
bered Christmas tree."
The verse is straightforward
and muscular, even on so abused
a theme-source as Christmas. The
poem rises above, at least gets
around, the character of occasion-
al verse through its tenderness,
its concentration of all Christias
past and present without becom-
ing maudlin:
"So that before the end, the
eightieth Christmas
(By "eightieth" meaning
whichever is the last)
The accumulated memories of
annual emotion
May be concentrated into
a great joy
Which shall be also a great
fear, as on the occasion-
When fear came upon
every soul:
Because the beginning shall
remind us of the end
And the first coming of the
second coming."
The tone of the poem is a
changed one for Eliot, more remi-
niscent of "Murder in the Cathed-
ral" that of the more recent "Four
Quartets." Perhaps Eliot is learn-
ing, as he nears threescore and
ten, to be less modern and more
contemporary. "The Cultivation
of Christmas Trees" is a distin-
guished addition to his work, dis-
regarding, of course, "the patently
-R. C. Gregory
With the human tragedy of
Hungary and the explosive poten-
tialities of Eastern Europe over-
shadowing all other issues, there
is a growing danger that the Mid-
dle Eastern problems will be per-
mitted to drift into a prolonged
stagnation that could have grave
These problems involve the
clearing of the Suez Canal. . .and

beyond that there are the ques-
tions of a final determination of
the fate of the canal and a per-
manent settlement between Israel
and Egypt.
-The New York Times

The Daily Official Bulletin is an of-
ficial publication of the University of
Michigan for which the Michigan Daily
assumes no editorial responsbility..No-
tices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN
form to Room 3553 Administration
Building before 2 p.m. the day preced-
Ing publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
General Notices
Christmas Holidays. While the Uni-
versity offices and departments will be
open on the Mondays before Christmas
and New Year's Day, staff members
will have the option of selecting one
of the two Mondays as an additional
holiday. Those staff members who se-
lect the Monday before Christmas as a
holiday will work the Monday before
New Year's, and, conversely, those who
work on the Monday before Christmas
will have the Monday before New Year's
as a holiday.
January Graduates must place orders
for caps and gowns at Moe's Sport
Shop, 711 N. University, as soon as
possible. Caps and gowns are required
for Commencement Exercises Jan. 26,
Men who are experienced and in-
terested in becoming orientation lead-
ers for the spring semester can sign
up in student offices from 2-5 p.m.
Plans for Midyear Graduation Exer-
cises. Saturday, Jan. 26. 1957, 2:00 p.m.
Time of Assembly - 1:00 p.m. (except
Places of Assembly:
Members of the Faculties at 1:15 p.m.
In Room 2054. second floor, Natural
Science Building, where they may robe.
Regents, Ex-Regents, Deans and oth-
er Administrative Officials at :15 p.m.
in the Botany Seminar Room 1139,
Natural Science Building, where they
may robe.
Students of the various schools and
colleges in Natural Science Building
as follows:
Section A - Literature, Science and
the Arts - front part of auditorium,
west section. Education - front part
of auditorium, center section. Busi-
ness Administration - front part of
auditorium, east section.
Section B - Graduate - rear part
of auditorium with doctors at west end.
Section C - Engineering - Rooms
2071 and 2082. Architecture - Room
2033. Law - Room 2033 (behind Arch.)
Pharmacy - Room 2033 (behind Law).
Dental - Room 2033 (behind Pharma-
cy). Natural Resources - Room 2004.
Music - Room 2004 (behind Natural
Res.). Public Health - Room 2004 (be-
hind Music). Social Work - Room 2004
(behind Public Health).
March into Hill Auditorium - 1:40
p.m. Academic Dress.
University Lecture in Journalism. A.T.
Steele, foreign correspondent for the
New York Herald Tribune, will speak
on "Asia and Us: A Report on His Re-
cent Assignment Throughout Asia".
Mon., Dec. 17, atr3 p.m. in the Rack-
hamn Amphitheatre.
Pharmacology Seminar, 10:00 '.m.
Tues., Dec. 18, Room 205, Pharmacol-
ogy. "Experimental Neoplastic Chemo-
therapy." Dr. Alexander M. Moore, as-
sistant to the director of research,
Parke, Davis & Co., Detroit. Coffee will
be served in the departmental library
at 9:40 a.m.
'Juno and the Paycock, by Sean O'Ca-
sey, will be presented by the Depart-
ment of Speech at 8:00 p.m. tonight i
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for Ann Kron-
quist Fitz-Hugh, Education; thesis:
"The Conceptual Structure in Spon-
taneous Client Laughter During Coun-
seling Interviews", Mon., Dec. 17, East
Council Room, Rackham Bldg., at
10:00 a.m. Co-chairmen, E. S. Bordin
and H. Y. McCluskey.
Doctoral Examination for Walter
Duane Kline, Romance Languages and
Literatures: Spanish; thesis: "The Use

of Novelistic Elements in Some Span-
ish-American Prose Works of the Sev-
enteenth and Eig teenth Centuries,"
Mon., Dec. 17, East Council Room,
Rackham Bldg., at 4:00 p.m. Chairman
I. A. Leonard.
(Continued on Page 4)



* I



Fear and Frustration

Thursday over the non-appearance of Hun-
garian rebel leader Istvan Laszlo, it was coun-
ter-balanced by the insight displayed by two
men who did speak.
Professor Kish, discussing historical impli-
cations of the Hungarian revolt, developed two
points which have heretofore been pretty much
First, it has been assumed historically that
a people could not rise against dictatorship
without a strong leader and an army to back
them up. But there was no flame-eyed revolu.
tionary at the beginning of this war - men
became their own leaders, almost without wea-
pons, against unbelievable odds.
Second, all relief work has been directed to-
ward refugees who, of course, are terribly in
need and should be helped. But refugees com-
prise one or two tenths of one per cent of
the entire Hungarian population. Almost ten
million people are still in Hungary, and mo'st
of them are still desperately resisting Russian
What can be done to help them?
LITTLE, it would seem, short of all-out war.
We give words of encouragement via Radio
Free Europe, but cannot back up the words
with arms and men, because that would mean,
at least, another Korea and, at worst, World
War III. The situation is one of total frustra-
tion. No matter how we support the Hungarian
people philosophically, fear of war keeps us
from practical aid.
Al Lowenstein, A past National Student As-
sociation president, related the situation more
directly to students, paricularly American stu-
Although we, as students, suffered compara-
tively little in recent wars, we are afraid of
another. We have adopted a policy of waiting
and praying, hoping the crisis will go away
if we pretend it isn't there.

Hl UNGARIANS were tired of waiting and de-
cided to act, despite the fact that, tra-
ditionally, they are among the most abused
peoples on earth.
They need financial support, but it is not
enough. They also need, in that overworked
phraseology, moral support.
By our fear of the suffering and insane an-
nihilation that comes with war, we are paying
but hollow lip service to an ideal for which
others, no older nor more experienced than we,
are glad to give their lives..
Jets RDut No Philo:
A Decade of Growth
THE University has produced a technicolor
movie portraying growth and progress over
the last decade. Titled "A Decade of Achieve-
ment," the movie was filmed by Audio-Visual
Center last summer and shown to the Regents
Narrated by President Hatcher, it starts off
with some vivid shots of plant expansion. The
camera swings from the main campus to the
athletic buildings to North Campus. Next are
some fine pictures of students crossing the
diag with bar graphs illustrating enrollment
Services of the University, such as WUOM
and WUOM-TV, are illustrated, as is the
Michigan Memorial Phoeniz Project. Also fea-
tured, as examples of growth, are research in
metallurgy, scientific advancement in jets and
new techniques in harbour construction.
The movie is technically excellent. Color is
clear and camera effectiveness maximized.
There is no mention of the humanities or
social sciences.

Abbey Theatre .. .
To the Editor:
THE "Junorand the Paycock" I
saw at the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre last night, although sev-
eral of the older characters seemed
overly nimble and well preserved,
their youth shining through their
make-up, compared favorably with
the Abbey Theatre production I
saw in Ireland.
-J. F. Powers
Visiting Lecturer in Epglish
Synopsal Success
To the Editor:
IT SEEMS to me that most Daily
reviews have been eloquently
expressed but meaningless. In my
opinion, a reviewer should be con-
structive in accordance with his
praise or condemnation of a per-
formance. In other words, he
should be completely familiar with
the field he is criticizing such as
music and theatre.
David Marlin's recent review of
Juno and the Paycock was explicit
indeed. Throughout the greater
portion of his review he success-
fully synopsized the background of
the play, thereby removing the
function of the playbill. His short
biography of O'Casey was, in this
type of critique, entirely unneces-
sary. What I had hoped for in his
review was a corroboration or de-
nial of my own opinion of last
night's performance. Marlin let
me down in a great many respects.
One of the first mood conveyors
in any production, even before a
line is spoken, is the set. I was
greatly surprised that this unique-
ly designed and powerful set re-
ceived no recognition by the re-
viewer. I also feel that Dr. Norton's
brilliant job of directing should
have been included in the critique.
To say that this performance
was "generally uninspired" either

signifies a lack of awareness to-
ward audience response to this
production, or a complete insensi-
tivity on the part of the reviewer.
In my own judgment, I must con-
sider a performance inspired when
it causes the audience to react
emotionally, as this performance
I gather that the reason for
Marlin's brevity, as far as the
character portrayal is concerned,
is simply due to the fact that he
had used most of his alloted space
on the synopsis of the play. Al-
though I heartily disagree with
him on such points as the inter-
pretation of the three leads, Ger-
trude Slack, Brendon O'Reilly and
George Ward, I cannot condemn
his opinion. But again I must
emphasize his lack of dramatic
concreteness in his review.
I hope that the Michigan Daily
and David Marlin understand that
I realize it is much easier to
criticize the review than to write
the review itself.
-Sandy Beer, '58
Pre-Exam Cram . . .
To the Editor:
THE well intentioned editorial
"Where to Participate: Extra-
Curricular or Academic" (Dec. 10)
is the final proof of The Daily's
latent anti-intellectualism. While
there is little doubt that extra-
curricular activities per se are re-
latively harmless the habit of
identifying the non-participant as
abnormal reaches its ultimately
absurdity in the assumption that
he is not only a social failure, in-
capable of mixing an adequate
cocktail or of exchanging witti-
cisms, but is a half-educated man
as well. The myth propounded
here is that the "whole man" set
forth in this article is the banal
mixer who by cramming the night
before an exam acquires a satis-

factory point average. Certainly
a ghastly caricature of the classic
conception of the whole man.
The implication in this piece is
designed not to awaken the reali-
zation that an education can be
acquired only by intense intellec-
tual labor, and substitutes instead
the empty laurels of chairman-
ships and organizational recogni-
tion. In a university that is al-
ready making it all but impossible
to obtain a liberal education it is
indeed unfortunate that the only
major campus publictiy organ en-
courages this unhappy trend.
While it is perhaps too much to
expect a student publication to
exert any sort of intellectual lead-
ership over the university com-
munity it certainly has a moral
obligation not to assist in this
academic perversion. It is, of
course, impossible to tell how many
potential students have been rob-
bed of the exaltation that sincere
intellectual effort can produce by
this glorification of the profes-
sional joiner, but happily there are
still some who realize that the
purpose of a university experience
is to acquire the special skills
obtainable only in an atmosphere
of this kind, and who realize that
organizational activities will be
with us all the days of our lives.
-William L. O'Neill, '57
A.A. Playreaders . .
To the Editor:
I WAS rather surprised by the
editorial in The Daily (Dec. 11)
which called for the formation of
a play reading group. The A. A.
Playreading group has been in
existence fgr nearly 18 months
and has around 100 members. The
group is sponsored by the Dramatic
Arts Center and meets at the
Dramatic Arts Center.
-W. V. Caldwell



Use of Strike Ironie

Educational Television: Greatest Advance Since Administrators

Associated Press News Analyst
T'HE WORKERS of Eastern Europe could
hardly have turned a more ironic weapon
against the Communists than the one they
are using - the strike.
That is the weapon the Reds has appropri-
ated as peculiarly their own.
It is the weapon that the workers and youth
organizations have been taught to use in the
Red revolution. Now it is being used by those
same workers and youth organizations in the
anti-Red revolution.
Bereft of the arms with which they only
succeeded in arousing Russian repression, the
Hungarian rebels are making a day to day dis-
play of their distaste for Communists and com-
At the same time they have-drawn the Rus-
sians-into a posture which completely belies
their years-tong claim to big-brotherhood with
workers everywhere.
Ammes a s ..

IT IS THE students and workers of an imme-
diate neighbor who testify that the rela-
tionship with Russia which the Kremlin has
styled "cooperation" is actually the relation-
ship between slave and master.
In this atmosphere, when she is rattling
new chains to replace those the Hungarians
were about to break, the Russians accuse the
United States of interfering with Eastern
European nations.
Like the strike, this tactic of accusing the
other fellow of what you are doing yourself
is not a Communist invention, but an adop-
tion, and like the strike, it can boomerang.
Unlike the United States, Ru'ssia has never
been in a position to meet charges against her
with an invitation to investigate. While the
Communists fight and dodge UN investiga-
tion of their deeds in Hungary, the United
States can say "Come ahead."
Regardless of the subject, this has been
American policy in the UN for so long that you
would think the Russians would have learned
to avoid the trap.
There was a tendency among some delega-
tions to ignore the Russian charges and not
_ _na n114 - 1- o-n -aacy " n i. th4 - nrl, r

Daily Editor
With the University of Detroit's
announcement of its educa-
tional television program, it might
be wise for administrators here to
look into the prospects of a similar
program for the University of
The University's entrance into
the area of educational television
would perhaps be the first real-
istic solution to the problem of
educating the nation's citizenry
since the invention of administra-
Unfortunately, like every other
instance where progress threatens
an old way of life, there are still
a few die-hards who think edu-
cation is all right with its present
It is difficult to believe there
is opposition to progress. But
since there is, proponents of edu-
cational television must be stead-
fast and courageous.
TELEVISION has many wond-

engage solely in research. The
show must have a core if it is
to benefit the student, and the
faculty must keep abreast of the
latest developments. Only by con-
stant digging-up new ideas will
our standards of education keep
pace with advancements which
have made ETV possible.
Then of course there must be
someone to transfer this research
into a form presentable tothe
students. As those in the industry
say, we need writers, choreogra-
phers anddirectors. The program
must be well-written to keep the
student from switching to another
class or turning off the sound.
LIKEWISE, ETV necessitates
correctly staging ,nd lighting. And
by proper direction, the show will
stay on the right track to insure
the best possible viewing audience.
One thing to be careful of is
timing. Accuracy in this area is
essential to the preservation of
the notebook-snapping traditions
of any university offering a well-
rounded education.

develop some distinguishing char-
acteristic such as continually hold-
a lit cigarette or chewing gum.
Above all he must be a real person,
sincere and full of humility. He
must not force his knowledge-
filled shows upon students since
it might offend them.
* * *
look and sound something like
ANNCR: This is ETV. The time
is 8 a.m., Burton Tower Time.
(briskly), then fade)
ANNCR: Well students, it's time
once again to leave the modern
world of today and journey back
into ancient Egypt. And today we
have with us Professor Harold Ar-
gos to turn back the pages of his-
tory and take us on another ad-
venture in classical archaeology.
Take it away, Harry!
HARRY: Thanks Bob, and hello
again fellas and gals! (beaming
smile as audience is warmed up)
Today we are about to journey
through time and space to the
tnm of ncr nt.A n -i ..,,12..

didn't they? That's about it for
today, gang. Be sure to tune in
Wednesday when Professor Harold
Argos will answer the challenging
question, "Are the pyramids here
to stay?"
HARRY: That's right, Bob. And
say-don't miss my quizz show
Tuesday night when I'll have as
my guest Dean Alfred Newman.
Until then, so long! (winks at
(up and out)
* * *
OF COURSE, ETV will not be
a cure-all for all University prob-
lems.It will still be necessary to
give the students some incentive
to study and to test his compre-
hension of subject matter. The
University should seriously con-
sider installing electric eyes above
the desks of students to notify the
proper authorities when their best
effort is not being put forth,
Testing could be done on an
objective basis by flashing pages
of questions on the screen which
the student would cover with a
Pan~ii nna at, e aould

Take the student who is con-
tinually complaining about not
being able to become acquainted
with his professors. This problem
could be solved very capably by
a series of This Is Your Life pro-
grams, with different faculty
members featured each week.
* * *
grams with a special incentive to
study, such as The 64,000 Honor
Point Question and Two for the
Four Point. And you could take a
mid-afternoon break each day by
tuning in for Coffee with Hatcher.
ETV would offer a solution to
the old problem of the lecture ban.
All guest lecturers would have to
go through the studio and could
be cut off the air if their ideas
were too unpopular.
Studio controls would do away
with the senseless waste of time
which typifies an argument and
instead present the student with
the accepted facts right away.
In fact, ETV could even shorten
the amount of time it takes to
get an education by excluding all
the irrelevant matter and getting


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