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December 12, 1956 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1956-12-12

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e;4r Mt. ligan 3aly
Sixty-Seventh Year

"There Are Many Different Paths To Socialism . ..

"When Opinions Are Free
Trutb Will Prevail"

a' e
, _

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.



SGC Should Recognize
Injustice Done Sorority



AS STUDENT Government Council considers
the status of Sigma Kappa sorority, one con-=
sideration should and probably will be upper-
most in the minds of the Council members: the
great injustice which has been dealt the local
It was never accused of willfully discrim-
inating in its membership practices, nor was
its good faith in accepting University recogni-
tion called into question. Yet it is the local
which will undoubtedly bear the brunt of any
action taken as a result of last week's accurate
finding of a violation of University regulations.
The local's actions during the current crisis
have not been exemplary, it is true. A strohg
protest against the summary dismissal of its
sister chapters at Cornell and Tufts would have
been better received by those who strongly be-
lieve in the philosophy of the 1949 regulation
on membership restriction than was the lo-
cal's silence on the moral issues involved in
its national council's action. But a young chap-
ter whose status is so seriously threatened must
possess exceptional courage to take so strong
and risky a stand, and the local's caution was
certainly understandable, at least as long as it
could hope its national would support it. And
there is little which such a demonstration of
good faith on the part of the local could have
accomplished, since the national's good faith,
not the local's, was the issue at hand.
FOR THAT reason the injustice being done
the local did not, as some have claimed,
make SGC's finding against Sigma Kappa any
less valid or less justified in the face of over-
whelming evidence of discrimination by the
sorority's national council. The injustice may
not be blamed on SGC. It only acted in accord-
ance with regulations which have been on the
books longer than Sigma Kappa has been rep-
resented on the campus.
The injustice may be entirely attributed to
the national officers of Sigma Kappa, who last
year misrepresented their sorority's member-
ship policies to SGC and apparently to the lo-
cal as well. The actions at Cornell and Tufts
constituted a breach of faith with SGC, which
granted recognition conditional on an open
membership policy, and especially a breach of
faith with the local chapter, which accepted
emotional and physical allegiance with a na-
tional and counted on it for support and com-
pliance with University standards.
Although it is not responsible for the in-
justice, SGC should, in considering the local's
status, give maximum consideration to the
wishes and needs of the local consistent with
its finding of a violation of regulations.
THE COUNCIL is bound by that finding to do
certain things. It is hard to imagine, for ex-
ample, that it can allow any further initiations
of Sigma Kappa members so long as the vio-
lation exists, nor under such circumstances can
it allow the local to functio) indefinitely as
Sigma Kappa.
But it can give the members of national
Sigma Kappa a chance to erase the black

mark on their sorority's name which will exist
so long as the national council's decision on
Cornell and Tufts stands unrepudiated. SGC
can, for example, postpone any final withdrawal
of recognition until either the national has
indicated its unwillingness to call a conven-
tion this summer or until such a convention has
had an opportunity to act.
To wait until Sigma Kappa national held its
regularly scheduled convention in 1958 would
be to negate the meaning of last Wednesday's
action. Nothing short of a full and satisfactory
explanation or a sincere offer to reinstate the
dismissed chapters would be convincing evi-
dence that Sigma Kappa does not discriminate,
and 1958 would be too late. The Tufts chap-
ter, which had its charter withdrawn, has al-
ready established itself as a local organization,
and by 1958 the Negro woman in the Cornell
chapter will have graduated without being ini-
tiated into Sigma Kappa. An offer to reinstate
at that distant time would be a hollow gesture
F RECOGNITION is ultimately withdrawn
completely, the local chapter has indicated it
will not try to remain as a group at the Uni-
versity. If so, it would be a loss to the campus.
But the "consensus" which the local's presi-
dent expressed at the Council meeting is not
necessarily final, and should the sorority re-
consider, SGC should out of fairness do every-
thing in its power to make possible or easier
the transition to a local sorority.
In all its considerations, the Council should
not let distaste for the haughty action of Sigma
Kappa's national council prejudice its attitude
toward the local, nor should it let sympathy for
the local interfere with orderly enforcement
of the University regulation which Sigma Kap-
pa has violated.
Fighting Fans Mar
Toronto Hockey Game
AN INCIDENT at the Toronto player's bench
near the end of Monday night's game mar-
red what had been an extremely exciting
hockey game.
It is true the Toronto players were a bit
ruffled after seeing their chances of victory
dim with Michigan's last minute goal. This
type of let down is only natural in a highly
competitive sport such as hockey, especially
after a team has played four games in five
The hostile treatment accorded the visitors
by some Coliseum fans was in extremely bad
taste. What they intended to prove by fighting
with the opposing team is difficult to under-
Acts of this type only bring Michigan fans
a bad reputation.. And when the Michigan
team plays games away, this reputation of its
fans is carried over into the treatment of the
team at opposing arenas.


Khrushchev Emerges on Top

to the
Letters to the Editor must be signed
and limited to 300 words. The Daily
reserves the right to edit or with-
hold any letter.
Who's to Blre. -? . .
To the Editor:
I have noticed that many resi-
dence-halls connoisseurs have
the mistaken opinion that the
Board of Governors, the various
quadrangle directors, and/or the
dieticians are entirely to blame
for the substandard quality of
dorm food here.
But the blame does not rest on
their shoulders. The quality of
residence halls food does not de-
pend on people as much as it does
on that great material asset,
money. The reason there is not
enough money is the story of the
failure of a system and the failure
of an obstinate group of men to
realize the failure of the system.
The scheme that has failed to
provide enough money for an ade-
quate dormitory diet is the so-
called "self-liquidating" system,
the idealistic theory which says
that over a period of time the in-
come from students' room-and-
board fees will be sufficient to off-
sett: the debt incurred in build-
ing a dormitory, the cost of up-
keep, and the setting aside of
funds to provide a share of con-
struction costs of the next dorm,
when an increasing enrollment
demands it.
This is a good plan, provided
University enrollment increases
only slightly from year to' year.
But if the enrollment mushrooms,
as it is doing now, the system can't
keep up. It is so busy paying up
unpaid construction costs of the
dormitory already in existence
that it cannot save enough money
to build a new one when it is
The obstinate group of men is
the Legislature, which believes
that it should not have to spend
any money on something that
should pay for itself. So it re-
fuses to devote any part of the
whopping annual University bud-
get to construction of new resi-
dence halls, and instead allots
huge sums of money to University
What the Legislature should re-
alize is that along with expansion
of facilities there will be an ex-
pansion of enrollment. Since the
University cannot itself provide
needed new dormitories to house
the increased number of students,
the Legislature should now under-
take to provide construction costs
for new dorms.
Without a huge debt saddling it,
the self-liquidating system then
would work; more money could be
allotted to the food budget, re-
sulting in improved meals; and
s t u d e n t room-and-board fees
could be reduced substantially and
still provide enough upkeep and
food budget finances.
The recent food riot was not
completely negative in its effects.
It has started people thinking
about the dorm food situation. I
hope it has started those who can
do something about it thinking.
David C. Lyon, 'iG
Winter is u Cumen in . .
To the Editor:
IN the midst of these engineer
And these fierce winter blizzards,
I look forward to the great reward,
Returning to California,
Where "It never snows on Wil-
shire Boulevard."

Walter M. Nunn, Grad.

THE see-saw of power politics
inside the Kremlin has put
party chief Nikita Khrushchev on
the upgrade again.
The reason is that even though
the full might of the Red Army
has turned loose against the Hun-
garians, the revolt against Com-
munist rule in this brave little
country is still going on. This puts
Khrushchev in the position of
saying "I told you so," because he
had opposed using the Red Army
against the Hungarians. U.S.
sources in Russia report that the
Kremlin shows every sign of being
confused and jittery over what to
do next. Now that the Red Army
has embarked on a policy of bru-
tal reprisals, it cannot turn back.
It is certain to be moreuruthless
than ever.
Top administration officials
have been instructed by President
Eisenhower to try to come up with
a dramatic gesture of friendship
to all of the enslaved people in the
satellite countries.
Ike has told his staff that we
must take some spectacular steps
to reassure the satellite people
that we have not forgotten them.
One idea still in the planning
stage is to set up a large airlift
operation to carry food, clothing,
and medical supplies into the sat-
ellites. Various advisers warn,
however, that this would risk war.
** *
BEFORE THE Civil Aeronautics
ok'd the new jet transport plane
for civilian passenger use, it did
a unique thing. Eighteen C.A.B.
officials took a somewhat hazard-
ous experimental flight from Se-

attle to Los Angeles in the first
model of the forthcoming Boeing
CAB board member Joey Adams
took over the controls for ten min-
utes of the flight. Adams is a Ma-
rine reserve flyer and has been
checked out in both jets and heli-
It was the first time in history
that the CAB has gone direct to
to an aircraft factory to obtain
technical data. However, with a
new age of air travel dawning, the
board realized that unique prob-
lems will develop. Safety regula-
tions, schedules, airline financing,
all will become obsolete or revolu-
tionized when the big jets take
over the airways in 1959.
Besides the Boeing plant in Se-
attle, the CAB visited the Doug-
las Plant in Los Angeles where
another giant jet transport, the
Douglas DC-8, is on the drawing
boards. Like the Boeing 707, the
Douglas DC-8 will make present
airliners look like Model T's.
* * *
IT NOW LOOKS as if Uncle
Sam may be forced to supply oil
to Egypt as well as Western Eur-
ope. The Egyptian government
has asked for emergency oil to
replenish her dwindling reserves.
see how we can turn down Egypt
as long as we are shipping oil to
Britain and France.
A confidential State Depart-
ment cable from Vienna reports:
"Total Hungarian refugees ar-
rived, 92,325. Departed, 21,947."
The State Department expects
another 100,000 to sneak across
the border to freedom during the

months ahead. Most Austrians
have given up their Christmas
money to help care for the refu-
gees. Meanwhile, American aid
still has not reached Austria in
signficant quantity.
Congressman Jim Patterson,
Connecticut Republican, is circu-
lating a petition among his col-
leagues, demanding that the State
Department refuse to recognize
the Hungarian puppet govern-
gary: Secretary of State Dulles and
Henry Cabot Iodge, our Ambassa-
dor to the UN, are bickering over
American policy toward Hungary,
Secretary of State Dulles and Hen-
ry Cabot Lodge, our Ambassador
to the UN, are bickering over Am-
erican policy toward Hungary.
Lodge wants the United States
to refuse to recognized the new
Hungarian puppet . government.
But Dulles says no. He thinks ap-
peasing Russia might bring a
softer policy by the Kremlin.
Dulles is anxious to reassure Rus-
sia that we have no ulterior de-
signs on her satellite empire.
Lodge, however, favors not only
cutting off diplomatic relations
with Red Hungary but also refus-
ing to seat the Hungarian delega-
tion in the United Nations.
Natural gas headaches: It looks
as if Speaker Sam Rayburn and
Senate Leader Lyndon Johnson,
both oil-minded Texans, will not
take the initiative in bringing up
the controversial Natural Gas bill
next session.
(Copyright 1956 by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

The Daily Official Bulletin is an of-
ficial publication of the University of
Michigan for which the Michigan Daily
assumes no editorial responsibility. No-
tices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN
form to Room 3553 Administration
Building before 2 p.m. the day preced-
ing publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
General Notices
Social Chairmen of Student Organi-
zations are reminded that the calendar
is closed to student sponsored activi-
ties for ten days prior to the beginning
of a final examination period. For the
present semester, no such activities
can be approved beginning Jan. 10. This
means that the week-end of Jan. 5 is
the last weekend on which social
events may be scheduled. Requests for
the approval of this weekend should
be registered in the Office of Student
Affairs not later than Fri., Sept. 14.
February Graduates must place orders
for caps and gowns at Moe's Sport
Shop, 711 N. University, before Dec. 21.
sa and gowns are required for Com-
mencement Exercises Feb. 26, 1956.
Trained fencers - men and women,
students and faculty members - are
invited to meet and fence with a new-
ly organized mixed fencing group
Wednesday evenings in the main sec-
ond floor room of the W.A.B. located
at Forest and North University. Foils
and some protective equipment can be
provided. Usual time is 7-9 p.m. but
this week only the time will be 8-10
p.m. Spectators are welcome. Fencers
unable to participate at this time or de-
siring further information are urged
to call NO 2-2400.
Try outs for the annual French play:
Thurs., Dec.s13, Fri. ,Dec. 14, Mon.,
Dec. 17, Tues, Dec. 18 from 3 to 4:30
p.m. in Room 408, Romance Languages
Building. All students interested In
taking part in the play invited. Those
unable to attend may call Mr. Car-
cuner, Ex. 405.
3rd Floor Conference Room
DEC. 12, 1956
Minutes of the previous meeting
Officers' Reports:
President: Board in Review, stay-of
action removed. University Calendar
committee. Joint Judiciary appoint-
Vice President:
Treasurer: Finance report.
Al Lowenstein
Administrative Wing: Final report.
Coordinating and Counseling: Americas
Rocket Society-constitution. Men-
nonite Student Fellowship-requests
M-Handbook Study Committee.
M-Handbook: motion
National and International: Foreign
Student Leadership Program, Report,
motion. NSA report. Hungarian Stu-
dent Scholarship.
Cinema Guild Study Committee: Report
Student Representation: Student Ac-
tivity Scholarship
Military Counseling
Public Relations: Progress Report
Activities: Jr. IFC, Jr. Panhelleni.
Christmas caroling project and mixes,
December 18, League
Old and New Business
Members and Constituents time
NEXT MEETING: Dec. 19, 1956
My Client Curly, a radio fantasy by
Norman Corwin, will be presented by
the Department of Speech as a radio-
studio demonstration in the Speech
Assembly at 4:00 p.m. today in the
Rackham Lecture Hall. Open to the
public with no admission charge.
Leland Stowe, professor of journal-
ism, will again open his Current World
Events class, Journalism 230, to the
campus public. His topic will be "Red
China's Enormous Gamble: Wholesale
Collectivization By 1960, And Its Mean-
ing to Us." Thurs., Dec. 13. 11:30 am.
Aud. D, Angell Hall.
Thomas Spencer Jerome Lectures,
"Greek Architecture in Ancient Italy".
by Prof. William B. Dinsmoor of Col-
umbia University. Sixth lectre: "Tem

pies of the Classical Period", Thurs.,
Dec. 13, Aud. B, Angell Hall, 4:15 p.m.
Research Club in Language Learn-
ing is sponsoring a lecture, "Approach
and Techniques in Phonetics Teaching
at the Summer Institute of Linguistics"
by May Morrison. Wed., Dec. 12, 7:30
p.m., Room 451, Mason Hall. Open to
Meeting of the Michigan Chapter
A.A.U.P. Thurs., Dec. 13, 8:00 p.m., Rack-
ham Amphitheater. Dr. Ralph Fuchs,
General Secretary, A.A.U.P., will speak
on "The Progress and Problems of
A.A.U.P." Discussion and question peri-
od will follow Dr. Fuchs' talk. This is
an open meeting. The entire Univer-
sity faculty is invited.
Juno and the Paycock, by Sean O'Ca-
sey, will be presented by the Depart-
ment of Speech at 8:00 p.m. tonight in
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
Student Recital: Beverly Baxman, pi-
anist, will perform works by Bach,
Beethoven, Bartok, and Schubert in
partial fulfillment of the requirements
for the degree. Master of Music. 8:30
p.m. Wed., Dec. 12, Rackham Assembly
Hall. Miss Baxman is a pupil of Ben-
ning Dexter. Open to the public:'
Student Recital: June Howe, soprano.
will sing works by Santoliquido, Wolf,
Marx, Massenet, Britten, and Rachman-
inoff on Thurs., Dec. 13, at 8:30 p.m. in
Aud. A, Angell Hall, in partial fulfill-
ment of the requirements for the de-
gree Master of Music. Miss Howe will
be accompanied by Miss Joyce Noh. She
is a pupil of Chase Baromeo. Open to
the public.
Academic Notices
All Mechanics)l and Indus'trial En-





TV Education Poor Substitute

THE UNIVERSITY of Detroit's new program
to offer many of its freshman courses via
television will provide a new high in educational
Admittedly, educational television has values.
Laboratory experiments can be shown in minute
detail, and facts offered at large lectures can
be as easily imparted over television as they
can in person.
However, placement of even this sort of
teaching in the home rather than the classroom
defeats the advantages they have to offer.
Certainly, the new U-D freshman will be
able to sprawl in front of his new UHF T.V. set
sipping cordials or even a coke and be more
comfortable than he would in the straight
backed tablet arm chairs of Angell Hall.
But his isolation, both from teachers and
fellow students obviates any advantages. Edu-
cation, Detroit style, seems to require memori-
zation of facts regurgitated during the quiz
period provided every three weeks for this
Editorial Staff
Editorial Director City Editor
GAIL GOLDSTEIN ................Personnel Director
ERNEST THEODOSSIN............ Magazine Editor
JANET REARICK .... .Associate Editorial Director
MARY ANN THOMAS. ..... ..FeaturesEditor
DAVID GREY ............... Sports Editor
RICHARD CRAMER.,.........Associate Sports Editor
STEPHEN HEILPERN .........Associate Sports Editor
VIRGINIA ROBERTSON....... .. .. Women's Editor
JANE FOWLER ............Associate Women's Editor
ARLINE LEWIS ............. Women's Feature Editor
JOHN HIRTZEL................ .Chief Photographer
Business Staff
DAVID SILVER, Business Manager
MILTON GOLDSTEIN. Associate Business Manager
WILLIAMPUSCH................Adertising Manager
CHARLES WILSON .... . .Finance Manager

ALTHOUGH COMPUTING machines haven't
yet been developed to measure its value, give
and take discussion between student and stu-
dent, and student and teacher is of infinite
value in one's education.
Only through discussion, and only through
the knowledge that learning is a human ex-
perience, can the student discover how to
think and understand the basic problems of
our time or anytime.
A student needs guidance from someone
more experienced, if only to point up fallacies
in thought. It's doubtful that an iconoscope
can provide this.
Rev. Steiner, director of U-D, pushing his
rationalization of T.V. education to rather
absurd lengths, speaks of escaping the narrow
confines of the classroom.
He overlooks that only in the classroom can
the student rub elbows with other people work-
ing out the same problems.
He speaks of the choice of a "first rate T.V.
lecturer," or a second rate teacher, when this
choice need not be made.
Realizing the shortcomings of the program,
he plans "social hours" every three weeks where
the student can meet his fellows and his teach-
Possibilities in this area are astounding. If
the student can get near his teacher-after all
more than a thousand people might be taking
his course at once-conversation could hardly
be stimulating and provocative.
TELEVISION CAN BE a valuable adjunct to
education; it can certainly improve the edu-
cational status of those people who can't afford
to attend college regularly.
But, it should be clearly viewed as a supple-
ment to college education, not as the thing
New Books at the Library


Arabian World Frightened of Soviet Embrace


AP Foreign News Analyst
BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP)-A dan
gerous vacuum is developing
east of Suez. Britain has been
disgraced in the Arab world and
disgraced in Iraq because of her
action beside the French in Egypt,
and her rapidly diminishing influ-
ence leaves a void.
"Please, please," said a veteran
Arab socialist leader in Iraq, "for
the love of God tell the United
States to step into this vacuum.
Please tell the United States to
join the Baghdad Pact now. There
is no time to waste."
But a young Arab nationalist in
Baghdad told me the same day:
"Please stay away from the Bagh-
dad Pact. Please give us a reason
to turn to the United States in
our need. If we must have a pact,
please give us a pact with a clean
name." And another young Arab
extremist told me in Baghdad:
"Don't give us any pacts at all.
Give us sympathy and under-
standing. We want to turn to the
United States if they let us."
On all sides in the Arab world,
particularly in Iraq, one hears
this repeated theme. "The Arabs
seem frightened of Russia fright-
ened that events will carry them

American influence and prestige
have grown tremendously. They
ardently want American help.
Foreign diplomats, foreign ob-.
servers and responsible Arab lead-
ers all agree: Never did the United
States have a greater opportunity
to capture the imagination of
the Arab world with bold leader-
ship. Never, they say, since the
end of World War II has the
United States enjoyed such popu-
larity in the Arab world as it
does at this moment. The Arabs
look upon Eisenhower's stand as a
symbol of hope.
EGYPT'S President Gamal Ab-
del Nasser still is the most popu-
lar man in the Middle East, but
Eisenhower runs second. A sober-
ing thought, however, is that the
Kremlin ranks third.
The Arabs want to be told firmly
what must be done' But'they want
to retain their pride and dignity.
Iraqis-all, apparently, but those
directly associated with the gov-
ernment of Premier Nuri Said-
find no dignity in a further associ-
ation with Britain. They say they
will never forgive the British for
fighting against Arabs on the same
side astIsrael.
For the Arabs, Britain's name is

direction for them to turn-toward
the United States.
The Baghdad Pact was con-
ceived as a northern tier to pro-
tect the strategically vital Middle
East against Soviet designs. But
it has been assailed in Egypt,
Syria and Jordan as an instru-

ment to maintain a grip of British
colonialism on the oil-rich area.
In Iraq, opponents of the pact
say it means "three more years o.f
trouble." The pact, linking Bri-
tain, Iraq, Turkey, Iran and Paki-
stan, is a five-year treaty which
came into being in 1955.


< , .. ,J.

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