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December 08, 1956 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1956-12-08

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c1 Atir4ljoau Batty
Sixty-Seventh Year

We'd Love To Have You Drop In Some Other Time"

-- -
hen Opinions Are Free
Truth Will Prevail"

'Infernal Machine'
An Uncoiling Spring
SINCE SOPHOCLES first bound Oedipus in the sticky coils of irrevoc-
able fate, that tragic here has walked endlessly on his pierced feet
through the fields of literature. criticism, and psychology The horror
that surrounds a man who, though all unknowing. murders his father
and marries his mother has a universal fascination No one has been
able to improve on the Sophocles original: later uses of the story
story have been mostly those of free adaptation or analysis. Dramatists.

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

AY, DECEMBER 8, 1956


Science in Liberal Education:
A Broad Intellectual Experience?

pHE FOUR new "liberalized" science courses
announced by the literary college represent
real progress in adjusting distribution require-
ments to the educational needs of the students.
Any one of them can be used to satisfy the
four hour non-laboratory science requirement
of the literary college. The college's adminis-
trators are to be congratulated for attempting
to make that requirement more palatable.
But the average "non-science major," as the
literary college catalogue describes him, must
still face the stiffer requirement of eight val-
uable hours spent in a laboratory science.
The advisability of a compulsory requirement
can be questioned, but it might be more profit-
able to discuss the present system of required
introductory laboratory science courses in
terms of the philosophy of the requirement it-
self-"to provide all students with a broad in-
tellectual experience in the major fields of
knowledge and to ensure that every graduate of
this College will have personal experience with
the content, method, and system of values of
the various disciplines by which men try to
understand themselves and their environment."
This is a noble aim, and one quite in line
with the educational needs of all who seek a
"liberal" education, whatever the field of ma-
jor emphasis. And it is certainly desirable, at a,
time when science i so powerful a material and
intellectual influence, that the educated man
understand its methods, philosophy and his-
IN MOST departments, however, introductory
laboratory courses are designed to provide
a firm grounding for students planning to do
further work in the field. They must be tech-
nical and specialized enough to dothis impor-
tant job, and are not designed to provide a
"broad intellectual experience" as much as to
equip technicians with the tools of their trade.
And those who plan to do further work in
the field are necessarily searching harder for
the technical data needed for good grades.
This cannot help but put at a heavy disadvag -
tage those nbn-science majors in search of a.
"broad intellectual experience," not always best
gained by learning the names of mouth struc-
tures of grasshoppers or the mathematics of
computing distances between stars.
What is needed in the literary college is a
course in science generally, or in a specific
science, designed to meet the needs of the stu-
dent seeking intellectual and philosophical
values -- if not the myriads of facts and de-
tails - which the sciences have toyoffer. It
need not be a course any "easier" than those
now provided, though the compulsory nature
of the requirement might be cause for think-
ing along those lines. What is important is
that the course be geared to the college objec-
tives, not to the needs of technicians and pro-
Such a course or courses might take as a
framework the fascinating history of man's
attempt to understand his physical environ-
ment. If the general history of science is too
broad a topic to provide much depth of under-
standing, the history of a specific science
alone might be covered or correlated with a
general history.

T HE LATTER suggestion seems the most in-
triguing. A course might be designed with
one or two lectures a week describing the in-
tellectual atmosphere and general scientific
advances of a period. A second lecture or part
of a laboratory period could be devoted to de-
scribing in more detail how a specific science
was able to capitalize on these advances and
itself progress. The rest or all of the labora-
tory periods could then be used to recreate
and analyze classic experiments in the field.
Lectures and labs could be supplemented by4
moderate doses of homework from the exten-
sive literature in the field.
Such a course would serve the purpose of
putting science, so often viewed with either too
much awe or sheer contempt, in proper his-
torical perspective. It would make clear that
the world of science was not discovered in the
Twentieth Century, nor was it very clearly un-
derstood by Aristotle. And it would provide
working illustrations of the methods, philo-
sophies, values and logic - as well as the fal-
lacies - with which scienctists have worked
for centuries.
It would be an ambitious year of study, and
its objectives could not hope to be fulfilled a
"snap " course. There would need to be no
compromise of academic standards in teaching
it. But it would be a year much more reward-
ing to the non-science-major - perhaps to
the science major as well - than the eight
hours of technical lectures and dreary labor-
atory now required if one expects to become a
graduate of the literary college.
Grass Roots Work
Pn Student Counseling
STUDENTS have been screaming about lack
of counseling facilities for years - and we
suspect the screams are justified. Certainly
the academic counseling is no more that a
troublesome rubber-stamp operation.
In the past the screams have produced little
except noise, and even that dies down fast.
The reason nothing has gotten done is that a
counselin'g system can't be revised overnight.
We've often gotten discouraged at all the
grass roots work that has to be done 'before
revision can even be considered.
Before any improvements can be instituted
all sorts of information must be compiled -
where we are now, where we 'fall short, what
students expect, what it costs.
STUDENT Governments counseling commit-
tee has finally gotten around to the grass
roots work. To get information on which to
base recomendations for a general overhaul of
our deficient counseling services, a question-
naire is being sent to every tenth student.
This questionnaire shouldn't get heaved in
the circular file.
If you get one, please sit down and write
out some thoughtful answers. If the counsel-
ing committee gets cooperation perhaps the
students who come after us will have the coun-
seling we're always screaming about.
City Editor

t- C>
Hammarshjold Mission Denied

however have attacked the myth
from all angles.
The Infernal Machine, Jean
Cocteau's version of the events
surrounding Sophoeles' hero, is
presented as an "experimental
playbill" by the Department of
Speech. This means that the play
is delivered by readers standing
behind a row of lecterns and is
presented without benefit of scen-
ery, costumes, make-up, or stage
business. Expression is limited to
faces, voices, and manual gestures.
Few modern plays conceived for
conventional presentation can
stand such a test. "The Infernal
Machine" is an exception.
Cocteau is concerned here with
the "unwinding" of the inexorable
machine of human life-a ma-
chine constructed by the gods. In
the unwinding he deals in the first
three acts of the play with events
which antedate those of the Soph-
ocles play. Like all of Cocteau's
work it bears the stamp of his
sensitivity, his unconventionality,
his delicate style. A pioneer in
film-making, Cocteau made movie
history with such films as "La
Belle et la Bete," "Les Parents
Terribles," and its companion-
play, " Les Enfants Terribles,"
which appeared in the United
:States as "The Strange Ones."

ontrary to what the Secretary
General of the United Nations
had been led to believe by the
Kadar delegate in New York, the
Kadar government in Budapest is
not willing to discuss arrange-
ments for a visit on Dec. 16. For
all practical purposes that govern-
ment is not only refusing to admit
the observers from the UN, it is
refusing to admit the Secretary
General himself.
How can this refusal be recon-
ciled with the obligation of a
member? Surely there can be no
1real doubt about the inherent
right of the official agent of the
United Nations to discuss with
any government that belongs to
the United Nations any question
with which the United Nations
are concerned.
In the Egyptian affair no ,)ne,
not Britain, France and Israel, not
Egypt, not the governments which
are hesitating and abstaining a-
bout Hungary, has questioned the
right of the Secretary General to
go to Cairo to implement a reso-
lution of the General Assembly.
On what ground can his right to
go to Budapest be questioned now?
And on what ground could any
member of the UN justify its own
failure to uphold the authority
and to defend the rights of the
United Nations?
KADAR'S delegate in New York,
Mr. Imre Horvath, should be re-

fused the right to speak or to
vote in the General Assembly until
his government in Budapest ad-
mits the Secretary General. This
would be the appropriate reply to
what is in substance a refusal by
the Kadar government to main-
tain full diplomatic relations with
the United Nations.
It does not, of course, mean
the "expulsion" of Hungary, which
as a nation is a lawful and wel-
come member of the United Na-
tions. Nor is it a withdrawal of
the recognition of the Kadar gov-
ernment, even though in law it
is not the legitimate government
of Hungary.
The proper rule for the United
Nations is to deal with de facto
governments, But the refusal to let
Horvath speak or vote in the
General Assembly would be to sus-
pend in New York the diplomatic
relations which have been sus-
pended in Budapest.
* * *
THE REFUSAL to receive the
Secretary General is consistent
with the fundamental policy of
the Kadar government, of the So-
iet Union and of its satellites,
This is to prevent the United Na-
tions from dealing with Hungary.
This policy is being enforced by
the paramount power of the Red
Army in Central Europe. Because
of that military power the reso-
lutions of the UN are ignored, its
agents are kept at a distance.
Hungary is a country under the
military occupation of the Red

Army and the supreme law in
Hungary is the law laid down by
the Red Army.
But this assertion of military
force is being rationlized by the
claim which has made an impres-
sion in many capitals, that the
Red Army is acting lawfully in
Hungary and that to interfere
with what it is doing is to vio-
late Article 2 of the Charter.
This article denies the right of
the UN "to intervene in matters
which are essentially within the
domestic jurisdiction of any state."
IN THIS connection, I would
recommend the study of a mem-
orandum, first published in the
middle of November, by the Inter-
national Commission of Jurists,
which has its headquarters at the
Hague. This memorandum is called
"Hungary and the Soviet Defi-
nition of Aggression." It contains
the clearest and most succinct ac-
count available of the events in
Hungary which led up to the Ka-
dar usurpation.
I would be surprised if anyone
whd reads it with an open mind
will disagree with its conclusions
-that Kadar is a usurper and a
puppet, that his government is
illegitimate, and that by the So-
viet Union's own official defini-
tion of "aggression," as proposed
to the United Nations in 1953, the
Soviet Union's action in Hungary
is aggression.
2956 New York Herald Tribune Inc.

direct, Cocteau writes on several
levels of meaning-he seldom ap-
pears obscure, but there is always
more to be uncovered beneath each
new surface.
This stark performance allows
the poetry of the work to be re-
vealed. Much credit must be given
to the cast members, who, for the
most part, made excellent use of
the limitations imposed on them.
Some of the minor roles were only
read, no more. But the fine timbre
of Beverly Canning's voice placed
Jocasta in three dimensions; Glen
Phillips, the narrator, might well
have been John Daly, and Richard
Allen as Oedipus progressed con-
vincingly from arrogant youth to
blind penitent.
-Roberta Hard
Israel War
THE current showing of the Is-
raeli film, "Hill 24 Doesn't An-
swer," certainly comes at an ap-
propriate time, only several weeks
after the cessation of recent hos-
tilities in the Middle East.
Despite the definite pro-Israel
bias of the movie, which, inciden-
tally is in English, it depicts some
of the historical background es-
sential to an understanding of
present politics in the Mediter-
"Hill 24" is the story of four
Israeli soldiers assigned to obtain
and protect a key hill overlooking
an important road out of Jeru-
salem just before the establish-
ment of the UN cease-fire of July
18, 1948.
IN A somewhat disjointed fash-
ion, primarily through flashbacks
of two of the soldiers - a New
York Jew who had originally
come to the Holy Land as a tour-
ist and an Irish "Christian" form-
er British detective who had fal-
len in love with an Israeli girl --
we learn something about the
Zionist dream and the conflicts
of the Jews, first with the British
and then with the Arabs.
The story does not flow smooth-
ly, the acting is far from impec-
cable and the technical quality
of the film does not meet Holly-
wood standards
However. there is a sincerity of
purpose in its production, with the
reality of the war atmosphere
present during the actual filming,
that succeeds in giving a reason-
able presentation of the Israeli
* * *
THE FILM is a reminder that
it was the Arab states. not the
new-born Jewish nation, that ini-
tiated hostilities in the spring of
1948 following the termination of
the British mandate.
Some of the success of the Is-
raeli military campaign is ex-
plained by the fervor and devo-
tion of its people - many only
recently released from Nazi con-
centration camps.
Before the young New Yorker
joins the Israeli army, he asks
various residents about their pros-
pects in the war with the Arabs.
* * *
"NO CHOICE -- that is our se-

The Daily Official Bulletin is an of-
ficial publication of the University of
Michigan for which the Michigan Daily
assumes no editorial responsibility. No-
tices should be sent inTYPEWRITTEN
form to Room 3553 Administration
Building before 2 p.m. the day preced-
ing publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
General Notices
The University Senate will hold its
regular fall meeting on Mon., Dec. 10, at
4:15 p.m. in Rackham Lecture Hall.
In accordance with regulations es-
tablished by the Board in Review, a
meeting has been requested by one of
its members to review action taken by
Student Government Council at its
meeting of Dec. 5, 1956 with respect
to National Sigma Kappa. According-
ly a meeting of the Board in Review
has been called for Sun., Dec. 9 at
10:30 a.m. The calling of this meeting,
therefore, operates as a stay-of-action
until such time as the Board in Re-
view makes its determination.
Fifst annual Carl V. Weller Lecture,
auspices of the Michigan Pathological
Society. 5:00 p.m., Sat., Dec. 8 in the
Rackham Building. Howard T. Karsner,
M.D., L.L.D., research adviser to the
Surgeon of the U.S. Navy and pro-
fessor emeritus of pathology, Western
Reserve University, will speak on "The
Place of Pathology in Biomedical Re-
Thomas Spencer Jerome Lectures
"Greek Architecture in Ancient Italy",
by Prof. William B. Dinsmoor of Col-
umbia University. Third lecture, "The
Ancient Approach: Dimension and De-
sign", Mon., Dec. 10, Aud. B, Angell
Hal, 4:15 p.m.
University Lecture, auspices of the
Department of Romance Langages.
Dr. Walter Starkie, former director of
the British Institute in Madrid. "The
Wanderings of Don Quixote and San-
cho.' Mon., Dec. 10. Rackham Amphi-
theatre 4:10 p.m.
Hansel and Gretel will be presented
by the Department of Speech and the
School of Music at 2:30 and 8 p.m. today
in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Late-
comers will not be seated during the
The Infernal Machine, by Jean Co-
teau, will be presented by theDepart-
ment of Speech in a Readers' Theatre
performance tonight at 8 p.m. in Aud.
A, Angell Hall. This Second Experimen-
tal Playbill is open to the public with
no admission charge.
Academic Notices
Astronomical Colloquium. Sat., De.
8, 2 p.m., McMath-Hulbert Observa-
tory, Pontiac, Michigan. iDr. Leo Gold-
berg will speak on "Recent Studies of
the Chromosphere."
Doctoral Examination for Munir
Ridha EI-Saden, Mechanical Engineer-
ing; thesis: "Viscous Flow through
Small Clearances with Application to
the Problem of Leakage in Recipro-
cating Pumps", Mon., Dec. 10, 329 West
Engineering Bldg., at 3:00 p.m. Chair-
man, G. V. Edmonson.
Placement Notices
The following vacancies have been
listed with the Bureau of Appointments.
Chapel Hill, North Carolina (North
Carolina Symphony Society, Inc.) -
cellist; double bassist.
Chicago, Illinois (Institute of News-
paper Operations, Inc.) training assis-
tant - Newspaper mechanical opera-
Englewood, Florida -3rd grade for
January; 2nd grade for August, 1957;
5th grade for August, 1957; 6th grade
for August, 1957.
For additional information contact
the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Ad-
ministration Building, NO 3-1511, Ext.

Personnel Requests:
Bauer & Black Co., Chicago, Ill., is
setting up a new branch in Kalamazoo,
and is looking for a man for the Sales
U.S. Army & Air Force Exchange Serr
vice announces vacancies for steno-
graphers, accountants, statisticians,
managers, supervisors, and buyers
working with food, automobiles, and
other equipment in France, Germany,
Libya, Fr. Morocco, England, Spain,
Turkey, Japan, Guam, Iceland, Green-
land, Labrador, Newfoundland.
Hawthorne Center, Northville. Mich.
needs two students for the switch-
board and reception desk, work Sat.
and Sun.
Civil Service:
U.S. Civil Service Commission an-
nounces an examination for Student
Trainee in Forestry, GS-3 and 4, for
duty with The Dept of Interior - Bu-
reau of Indian Affairs and Bureau of
Land Management, and the Dept. of
Agric. - Forest Service. Requires at
least one full academic year of study.
New York State Civil Service an-
nounces the Professional and Techni-
cal Assistant Exam, open to any coi-
lege seniors, juniors or graduates. The
tests will be given in New York and
at various colleges and universities
throuechout thecontnrv on Fb 6









Equalization Not Amateurism,

SGC Decision Comes Under Fire

"EQUALIZATION" plan for subsidizing Big
Ten athletes raises at least as many prob-
lems as it hopes to solve.
Equalization is a financial formula where-
by athletes will be paid subsidization dollars
publicly by member universities. They will be
given the difference between their families'
financial means and the cost of going to school,
Conference athletes may average more dol-
lars in aid grants than under the present sys-
tem. One observer close to the scene com-
mented, "about $1500 should be par".
This 'plan places the athlete in a highly fa-
vored position compared with other students
who must prove scholastic prowess or need to
get aid. Advocates of the plan argue, "Money
will be doled out on the basis of need". It might

also be argued that "being an athlete" is an-
other basis.
Also, the football player will still be awarded
gratis tickets which can be sold for "financial
Last, oral recruiting will no doubt have its
heyday. High school player will still be invited
to "drop down and see the campus" by Con-
ference coaches.
\FQUALIZATION is more than a stone's throw
from amateurism. There are some valid
presumptions it will intensify an already rot-
ten situation,
Chances are this proposal will be adopted
by the Big Ten soon. It should be adopted only,
on a trial basis.

g ti ian EuiI4 New Books at the Library

Broader Scope -. -
To The Editor:
Democracy involves two main
types of responsibility. Individ -
uals and minorities are responsible
for upholding the rules 'and laws.
of the majority. At the same time.
the majority has the responsibility
for protecting the rights of its
constituent minorities. In our
Democracy these minority rights
are internal in nature. That is,
a minority is entitled to freedom
of action as long as their action
does not injure anyone else. In
the present Sigma Kappa con-
troversy the goal of SGC is cer-
tainly desirable and SGC is en-
titled to take action against Sig-
ma Kappa under existing rules,
However, membership in fraterni-
ties and sororities is not compul-
sory. and it is possible to get a
good education without belonging
to one. Therefore, a serious prin-
ciple is at stake. Fraternities and
sororities are minority groups, and
as such they should be allowed to
set up their own internal rules.
Interference by SGC in internal
affairs is in conflict with the
Democratic principles stated above,
SGC is using undemocratic means
to reach a desirable end. In light
of this approach, the question
takes on a broader scope. It is
not whether there should be bias
clauses or not, but whether there
should be fraternities or sororities
or not. If you are going to en-
courage minority groups you are
Airp n. '. ionA, -.nn fn n r ctnne

government has sunk to a new
low in political cowardice.
It is evident that the majority
of the council chose to apply a
technical and completely unfair
University regulation to escape the
real question. Whether or not Sig-
mb Kappa has violated a rule
which applies to only a minute
percentage of our students, is not
the question.
The issue. which a student gov-
ernment worthy of the name would
have considered is this: "Is dis-
crimination practiced by any of
our Greek letter societies? And,
if so, should discrimination be per-
mitted to continue?"
Why should Sigma Kappa and
the other groups which have come
on this campus since 1949 be pena-
lized for discriminating when, pre-
sumably, everyone else can? More-
over, why hasn't the SGC tried to
develop a more comprehensive
Could one of the reasons be that
some of the fearless fighters for
racial equality whc sit on the
Council are themselves members
of fraternities and sororities which
do discriminate?
-George Denison '57
-Lloyd W. Mason '57
-John Maire '58
To the Editor:
have patiently endured the ris-
erable treatment accorded mo-
tion pictures shown at the Cinema
Guild. But Thursday evenings's

was cut? - only the most impor-
tant sequences necessary for s
complete comprehension of the
theme. The director's magnificent
speech on the essence of theatre
was completely missing - so was
the sardonic staircase sequence
during the party scene - and fi-
nally, the most cutting cut of all
came a: the end which was not the
end at all. The last scene origi-
nally had the young girl take the
coveted award from the hands of
the critic, don the mantel, hold
the prize tightly in her hands and
bow to herself in the threeway
mirror. This ironic and bitter end-
ing gives complete meaning to the
movie and was completely omitted
from this version - the result, a
hollow triumph with the audi-
ence missing much of the original
intent. All About Eve was a re-
cipient of several Academy Awards
and many continental prizes. It is
one of the most distinguished
movies ever made and surely one
of the wittiest. It needs to be kept
intact, and it certainly needs bet-
er handling than it was accorded
I sincerely hope that the Cine-
ma Guild does not keep up this
deplorable practice of ruining
great motion pictures.
--Leonard H. Manheim, Grad.
h, But They Can! ... j
To The Editor:
Fvidently, the sororities at Tufts
and Cornell are given at least



Editorial Stafff
Editorial Director City Editor
GAIL GOLDSTEIN................Personnel Director
ERNEST THEODOSSIN.............r.Magazine Editor
JANET REARICK ...Associate Editorial Director
MARY ANN THOMAS................ Features Editor
DAVID GREY .............. Sports Editor
RICHARD CRAMER..........Associate Sports Editor
STEPHEN R'EILPERN .........Associate Sports Editor
VIRGINIA ROBERTSON....... .. ... Women's Editor
JANE FOWVLER............Associate Women's Editor
ARLINE LEWIS..............Women's Feature Editor
JOHN HIRTZEL................ .. Chief Photographer
Business Staff
DAVID SILVER, Business Manager
MILTON GOLDSTEIN.... Associate Business Manager
WILLIAM 2135CH................ Adertising Manager

Brooks, Van Wyck and Bettmann, Otto L. -
Our Literary Heritage; A Pictorial History of
the Writer in America. N.Y., Dutton, 1956.
Cather, Willa - Willa Cather in Europe.
N.Y., Knopf, 1956.
Compton, Arthur H. - Atomic Quest. N.Y.,
Oxford University press. 1956.
Fane, Francis D. - The Naked Warriors.
N.Y., Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1956.
Fife, Austin and Alta - Saints of Sage and
Saddle; Folklore Among the Mormons. Bloom-
ington, Ind., Indiana University Press 1956.
Horgan, Paul - The Centuries of Santa Fe.
N. Y., Dutton, 1956.
Neutra, Richard - Life and Human Habitat.

w.. 1

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