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December 05, 1956 - Image 10

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Michigan Daily, 1956-12-05

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American Youth Hostels Set
Week Long Yule Ski Tripj

American Youth Hostels of Chi-
cago recently scheduled a one week
ski trip for college students during
the Christmas vacation period.
Trip, set for Dec. 25 through
Jan. 1, will be to Arapahoe Basin,
Colo., one of the highest ski areasl
in the state.

Estimated cost or $80 covers
transportation, lodging, and plan-
ned evening recreation.
AYH membership, required for
the one week trip, may be obtained
by writing for an application to the
American Youth Hostels Office,
431 S. Wabash, Chicago 5, Ill.

argus IT'S I
Quick push-pull of the slide-
lever shows, changes and
storesislides automatically. Santa loves a warm reception.
Aluminum slide magazines
with individual frames pro- He knows the delight and joy
tet slides from dirt, dust, that fashion-filed comfies bring
finger-prints or damage.
Single magazine holds 36
New 4-inch, f:3.3, wide- LADY FAIR
angle lens and new light con-s
eninsystem for brighter- $495
than-ever pictures. Handy
Argus Slide Editor-in-,r
eluded at no extra cost- Black - White
lets you preview slides in- r .
dividually. Super-efficient
cooling system keeps slides t
and projector safely cool. ..
Easy finger-tip elevating de.
Special Price
Reg. $62.50:
Now $4995
Complete with carrying case'
and slide magazine
Purchase From Purchase HAREM TEARS
CAMERA SHOP Black Velvet
1116 So. University
"Purchase from Purchase"
Use304 S State Streeti
Daily Classifieds
" iY
k {

This is Pat's Store
Full of everything to make her (and YOU)
A favorite Santa this Christmas.
Look in this window !
See the skirts and sweaters.
See the blouses . and . scarfs.
See the hand bags and robes.
Everything to make h er oh and ah
when she opens her beautiful package xmas morning.
(We gift wrap it, of course and mail it
anywhere in the United States free of charge)
Shop Now . . . Pay in January
Just Show Your I.D. and Say "Charge It" at

Santa Claus Gives
HiRs Own Answers
. Special To The Daily
NORTH POLE-"Yes, there is a Santa Claus."
When we were younger, we were never quite convinced.
In fact, we weren't convinced until we experienced an Ann Arboi
Christmas season.
We recently trudged many blocks so that we could make our yearly
visit to Santa and tell him what to drop in our stocking and spread
under the tree.
'Ran To Biggest Store'
We ran straight for the biggest store in Ann Arbor and asked
to see the laughing, friendly figure.
We thanked the saleslady kindly, but mentally scratched our head.
We were sure Santa, or at least one of his helpers would be there.
(We were never sure which had been taking orders in the stories beck
home since the day after Thanksgiving.)
To make sure that the saleslady was not wrong. We decided to
go to the other Ann Arbor stores.
We Were Laughed At




-Daily--Charles Curtiss
FESTIVAL OF LIGHTS-(1. to r.) Judy Faber, '57, Irwin Wagner, '58, Carol Krohn, '57, Bette Fried-
man, '58, sing Jewish songs of praise as Bert Fain man, '57BAd, Hillel Foundation president, lights
the Menorah in their eight-day celebration of Hanuka.
Candles Will e Lit for Last 'Time
Tonight in Jewish Hanuka Festivities


The last candle in the eight-
branched Menorah will be lit this
evening as Jewish students across,
the campus conduct the closing
ceremonies of their eight-day Ha-i
nuka celebration.
Hanuka, or the Festival of
Lights, celebrates the re-consecra-
tion of the Temple of Jerusalem
after it had been defiled by Greek
Although it commemorates a
military victory, it is a religious
celebration reminding its parti-
cipants that in any free society
there must be strong resistance to
groups or ideologies which seek
to impose upon a people a mental
or spiritual uniformity. It is a
plea for the cause of religious free-
dom and separation of church and
Antiochus Imposed Culture
In 168 B.C., Antiochus IV, rul-
er of Syria.-- then including Pal-
estine - sought to impose the
Greek culture on the Jews and
declared Zeus the national god.
He further decreed that all Jews
must offertsacrifices to Zeus on
altars of their temples.
Led by Judah the Maccabee, the
Jews revolted and, after a series
of guerilla battles, defeated the
Syrians and recaptured Jerusalem.
There they found the Syrians
had stripped the Temple of itsI
treasure, defiled it with impureI
sacrifices, and extinguished the
sacred altar lamp.
One Lamp Burned
According to legend, only one
small cruse of purified oil, enough
for a single day, could be found to
relight the lamp. But the flame
remained burning for eight days
until the people were able to press
olives for a new supply.
Each evening at sunset this pastj
week, many Jewish students have
attended ceremonies at Hillelt
Foundation, in Jewish sororities
and fraternities and in some resi-
dence halls.
Here they lit the candleabra,
called the Menorah, and recited
special prayers of thanksgiving for
each evening. Traditional Hanu-

ka songs and games were also en-
Has Eight BranchesI
The Menorah has eight bran-
ches, each containing a three inch
golden candle. The Shamash or
servant, candle used to light the
others - is usually placed in the
Antique brass, pewter, and sil-
ver Menorahs from early 18th
century Italy, France, Germany,
and Great Britain were loaned to
various dormitories, sororities, and
fraternities from one of the larg-
est collections of Jewish art ob-
jects in the nation. This collec-
tion belongs to Charles E. Eline-
berg, president of the Argo Oil
Co. in Detroit.
Following an old custom of giv-
ing gifts and donations to charity
every night, many roommates, and
some sororities and, corridor groups
exchanged gifts.
Students in Mood
Strains from "Hanuka Come
Light the Menorah", "Who Can
Retell", and "S'Vivon Sov Sov
Sov" kept students in the holiday
mood as they walked back for
lunch each noon.
Professor Percival Price, Uni-
versity carillonneur, played an-
cient Hanuka songs which he had
adapted for the carillon himself.
Hillel Foundation's staff and
student officers provided appro-
priate supplies, suggestions for the,
ceremonies, and English transla-
tions of the Hebrew songs for any
groups* which wished to observe
the festival.
Shapiro Spoke
Decked with banners, stars of
David, and shields of the Macca-
bees, Hillel Foundation received
Dr. Judah J. Shapiro, newly ap-
pointed national director of B'Nai
spoke last Friday at their regular
B'rith Hillel Foundations, who
spoke last Friday at their regular
evening Sabbath service.
In addition to celebrating Ha-
nuka, this service commemorated
the thirtieth anniversary of the
Hillel Foundation here at the Uni-
Dr. Shapiro spoke on the "Quest
for Jewish Integrity,"

Later in the weekend, he con-
ducted an informal discussion with
officers and committee chairmen
on Hillel problems and issues.
On Saturday, Hillel held an
Oneg Shabbat, which translated
litterally means "A Sabbath of
Delight." At this informal cultur-
al session, ancient and modern
Jewish songs and dances were
A special Sunday evening serv-
ice was also conducted by the Is-
raeli Student Organization, Hillel
Foundation, and Hadassah, the
Ann Arbor chapter of the women's
organization in behalf of Zionism.
Non-Jewish students will have
an opportunity to view the Ha-
nuka ceremony this Friday after-
noon at 4:15 p.m. in Lane Hall.
Students Sing
At this weekly meeting of the
Council of Student Religious Af-
fairs, representatives from Hillel
will light the Menorah, recite
thanksgiving prayers and sing
Hanuka songs.
Latkes, a type of potato pan-
cake and Jewish delicacy, will be
Students will also be taught one
of the most famous of the Hanuka
chilren's games, Dreidel.
A Dreidel is a four sided top.
On each side is carved the first
letter of the Hebrew words mean-
ing "A Great Miracle Happened
Each, child spins the top and
depending on which side it falls,
wins all, half, or none of a pile of
Thus, Hanuka is a family festi-
val, interesting to even the young-
est child.

Each time we asked for Santa Claus we were laughed at and told
that: "Santa isn't here today."
We soon tired of playing silly question-and-answer games with
sales personnel, so we decided to cut a few classes and see for ourselves
if Santa was really at the north pole.
We hopped into our jet-mobile, and-after driving only a few
hours came to the top of the world.
A glance around the barren scene sent flames of panic into our
What if there really was no Santa Claus?
But Then, We Saw Him
Suddenly a slight figure gaily skipped to us.
"If you want to see Santa, Just follow me," he sang as he
danced away.
We followed eagerly.
An ice castle, with surfaces polished to a diamond-like brilliance,
appeared before us like magic.
We ran in, excited to be seeing the man of our dreams, the real
Santa Claus.
We Were Greeted
Mrs. Claus greeted us graciously and put a cup of hot coffee into
our hands as soon as we entered, "to warm us up."
She ushered us into a room that was twice as big as Hill Audi-
torium. All around the room were dolls, sleds, cashmere sweaters,
borgana coats and 1957 convertibles.
Standing in the center of the room, checking a list, was a stout,
bearded figure in gym shoes, wash pants and an ivy league jacket.
He looked familiar, but the clothes he was wearing seemed so out
of .character that we weren't sure he was the man we wanted to see
until he welcomed us by saying, "Ho, Ho Ho!"
'We Were Sure
Then we were sure. He was Santa Claus.
We rushed over to him and couldn't help asking him why he was
wearing those clothes.
He laughed again, and said, "To be important to modern young-
sters, one must be collegiate.
"Just by looking at the gifts we're planning to scatter around
Christmas trees you can tell how modern we've become.
He told us that, as usual, all good boys and girls were going to have
their wishes fulfilled at Christmas time.
Those who are not good, however, would get passed by.
"How can we be sure that we will always be good so that our
dreams would always come true?" we wanted to know.
One Must Believe
"The only sure way is to keep believing in me. If you do that, I'll
always exist."
Then he sent us away, telling that he had a lot of final prepara-
tions to complete.
We left, feeling very happy.
After all those years of uncertainty, we finally knew without a
doubt that Santa really did exist.


Campus Slates Pre-Holiday Season Events

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Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeer,
galloping across snowy drifts, scientious party-seeker will be able
halo-crowned cherubs singing to find some festivity during the
carols and heavily spiked Christ- pre-vacation period.
mnas punch, and mistletoe are; The annual Christmas quad-
heralds of the annual Christmas rangle dances, fraternity and sor-
holidays. ority pledge formals and the Law
Just as in the spring "a young Club's annual "Wig and Robe" are
man's fancy turns to thoughts of scheduled for coming weekends.,
love" at Christmas time "a young "Noel Moderne," the South
collegian's fancy turns to thoughts Quadrangle dance and its coun-
of partying." terparts in East and West Quad-
Even in the book-conscious en- rangle are slated for Dec. 15,
vironment of Ann Arbor, a con-, Robert Hughes. South Quad so-
cial chairman announced names
of committee chairmen for the
event last week.

In addition to pledge formals,
campus affiliates will sponsor a
children's Christmas benefit par-
ty, Dec. 15.
1956 MUSKET presentation of
Brigadoon will be given today
through Saturday.
The coed show, replacing Union
Opera, will star Patricia Wright
Sin the lead role of Fiona.
Herb Start will play the male
lead. Tommy.
Tom Sexworth will play the
leading non-vocal role in the show.
In addition the Union will con-
tinue its weekly Little Club and
Sunday evening record dances.

our complete
selection of
Letter Paper
Choose your favorite from our
wide variety of colors and sizes
in Eaton's fine letter papers.
So convenient, selecting your
paper from Eaton's Open Stock.
Paper and envelopes are sepa.
rately packaged so you can
always buy more of what you,
need. Always available, always

Christmas ~
Fine selection of assorted
and single cards at prices
that will please YOU!
(LAST call on imprinted
cards) Christmas notes
j (for that personal mes-
sage) in many designs.
A Christmas gift that will be appreciated!
! Many fine values in plain and decorated
papers for men, women and children.
SWe have a lre ,eectn ion of nores


Heap Big Style
at Papoose Price!


Cozy and snug as a tepee, soft-sole
Indian beaded moccasins with matching Bunny


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