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December 04, 1956 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1956-12-04

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Sixty-Seventh; Year

"Nice Little Kitty"

"When Opinions Are Free
Trutb Will Prevail"°

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.



Quadrangle Food Riot:
Undesirable but Warranted


SUNDAY NIGHT'S food riot by West and
South Quadrangle residents was warranted.
Jointly, almost spontaneously, sponsored by
West and South Quad residents, the riots was
mainly an expression of contempt for quad-
rangle food. After demonstrations at the two
quads, some three to four hundred rioters con-
verged on Madison Street between the two
quads. It was just a short run to East Quad-
rangle, but caused no damage.
Then, approximately 150 rioters raced each
other to the residence of University President
Harlan Hatcher to draw the matter to the
president's attention. Stopped and pleaded with
by Dean Rea, the mob soon disbanded.
Mob action may not be the most desirable
method of expressing opinions, but in these
days of world-wide strife, it certainly appears
to be an effective method for gaining recog-
Q UADRANGLE food is naturally not up to
standards irrationally imposed by Uni-
versity students. It is next to impossible to
prepare the same quality food for several
thousand as prepared for an individual family.
Nevertheless, students do understand this sit-
Sunday night's riot was more specific in
nature. Quad students rebelled at what a few
dozen students thought was moldy food served
at supper, Sunday. Whether or not this was
true is hard to determine but is important as
a symptom of the situation.,
Essentially, major problems are these: quad-
rangle residents spend several minutes at noon
and evening meals waiting to receive their
food via cafeteria-style lines; this food is often
cold, meats being the prime example; certain
foods are served in insufficient portions; Jew-
ish students are not offered substitutes for
pork; lettuce in'salads is often dried out,; cof-

fee does not taste as it should no matter how
hard one tries to convinve oneself it does; in
general poor meals are often served.
Major example of a poor meal was the noon
meal on football's Homecoming Saturday. At-
tended by guests more than any other single
meal, it was expected that the kitchens would
prepare a decent menu. Instead, diners at the
quads received a slice of cheese, a slice of non-
descript hash-like meat, and a bowl of what
normally does not pass for soup. This type of
meal does not impress visitors.
It is not uncommon for students, when par-
ents and friends visit the University to prefer
to dine at a local restaurant rather than per-
mit their guests to eat dorm food.
QUADRANGLE residents are entirely justi-
. fied in their oft-voiced complaints over
dormitory food. But these complaints are sel-
dom heard by proper authorities, and when
heard are "refered to astudy committee" for-
Sunday night's food riot was more a good
than an evil, serving to bring the situation to
the fore. As a screaming South Quadder yelled,
"Guess we woke the administration up this
Food problems can not be passed over by
platitudes frequently issued by University ad-
ministrators. Riots do not contribute to Uni-
versity prestige, but it cannot be denied that
this riot brought problems to a point where
they must be solved.
It is good to note that Dean Rea and West
Quadrangle Resident Director Jack Hale both
promised rioters they would "look into your
complaints and see if we can straighten things
They've got a big job. We hope they're suc-

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to the
Letters to the Editor must be signed
and limited to 300 words. The Daily
reserves the right to edit or with-
hold any letter.
An Appeal ..
To The Editor:
n -a few days the Qalens will
hold their annual tag days in
Ann Arbor. I'd like to tell you
why I think everyone should buy
a tag. The Galen tag day sup-
ports many of the activities of
the University Hospital schoo
I have three sons who have hemo-
philia and in the past eight years
have been in the hospital over 90
times. Without the school their
hospital stays would have been
very unhappy times, instead of
pleasant and cheerful.
Every day is special at Uni-
versity hospital childrens' wards..
There's never a holiday, a birth-
day or special occasion without
a party. Christmas is very special
with all the decorations, trees and
parties. Even the stockings are
filled on Christmas morning. It's
not all parties either, there's
school in the morning so each
child can keep up with his class,.
there are movies, stories, super-
vised activities and free play, and
work shops for older children
Every day children are taken to
the ninth floor for these activi-
ties. They go on foot, in wheel
chairs or in beds. Once there,
tears are forgotten and smiles
and laughter appear. Those who
can't go to the ninth floor aren't
forgotten either. As often as pos-
sible the same activities are car-
ried on in the children's rooms.
The school teachers, known to
most of the children as "the Play
Ladies" go up and down the halls
with a special cart filled with
toys, games and special projects
for each day. An outsider going
down the hall might wonder if
he were in a play school instead
of a, hospital because everyone
seems so happy and busy. Every
child who enters the hospital re-
gardless of race, color or creed
and no matter whether he stays
only a day or two or for months
is a part of these activities.
So when you are asked on De-
cember seventh or eighth to buy
a Galens tag, think for a mo-
ment that maybe someday may-
be your child or grandchild, or .a
relative or friend may spend some
time in University Hospital and
receive some benefit from the tag
you buy.
-Mrs. Harold Jahnke
Same Time & Place.. ..
To The Editor:
The Daily missed a fine op-
portunity Friday evening to
print one of its standard reviews.
We are wondering how the Speech
Department Playbill, "The In-
fernal Machine," was going to
be presented simultaneously with
"Is Violence a Path to Peace" in
Auditorium A, Angell Hall at 8:00
that evening. Whilewe were ex-
ceedingly sorrowful that we miss-
ed the usual review, we were
delighted with the precision and
accuracy of reporting these two
events to be scheduled at the
same time and place. To you and
your staff, Merry Christmas.
-John Makowski, '59
-Stanley Rock, '59
-James O. Caswell, '59

Academic Notices
Junior Engineers: Technical work ex-
perience in a choice of 21 foreign coun-
tries is available during summer vaca-
tion through the Institute $of Inter-
national Education. If interested, ob-
tain detailed information and applica-
tion blanks from the Engineering
Placement Office, Room 347, West En-
gineering Building.
To Instructors of Engineering Fresh-
men: Eleven week grades for all E~no
gineering Freshmen are due in the Sec-
retary's Office, 283 West Engineering
Building on Wed., Dec. 5, 1956.
February Teacher's Certificate Candi-
dates: The teachers oath will be ad-
ministered to all February candidates
for the Teacher's Certificate during
the month of December in 1437 UES.
The office will be open from 8 to 12
a.m. and 1:30 to 4:30 .m. The teacher's
oath is a requirement for the teach-
er's certificate.
Astronomical Colloquium. Tues., Deo.
4, 4:15 p.m., The Observatory. Dr. Alan
Barrett of the Radio Astronomy Branch
of the Naval Research Laboratory will
speak on "Solid-state and Gaseous
Masers as Possible Radio Wave Ampli-
fiers for Astronomy."
Operations Research Seminar: 0. West
Churchman, Case Institute of Techno-
logy; will lecture on "Coat Accounting
and Operations Research" on Wed., Dec.
5. Coffee hour at 3:30 in Room 243
West Engineering Building and sem-
inar in Room 229, West Engineering at
4:00 p.m. All faculty mempers wel-



(Continued from Page 3)
theater: "The Polyphonic Magnifica"4
Before 1600." Open to the general pub-
Stanley Quartet, Gilbert Ross and
Emil Raab, violins, Robert Courte, vi-
ola, and Oliver Edel, cello, assisted by
Clyde Thompson, double bass, will per-
form the second program of the first
semester series at 8:30 this evening in
the Rackham Lecture Hall. Haydn's )
Quartet in G major, Op. 7$. No. 1; Mail-
haud's Quintet No, 2 (1952), commis-
sioned by the University of Michigan
and dedicated to the Stanley Quartet
and Clyde Thompson; and Brahms'
Quartet in A minor, Op. 51, No. 2.
General public admitted without V

Investigating VirginIs lands


forum on Sigma Kappa

TONIGHT, much of the haze of rumor and'
emotion which has surrounded the Sigma
Kappa issue for the past few months should
be dispelled.
Sigmha Kappa has been chosen by SGC as
the topic .for its first and long-awaited forum.
President Bill Adams will give a resume of
facts in the case and answer any questions
pertaining to fact. Stndents, on the other hand,
will be aisle to debate 'the issue at length, and
SGC members will be in the audience to hear
their opinons.1
In scheduling the forum with such a topic
and at such a time, SGC is fulfulling one of'
its major and heretofore neglected functions,
that of giving students a chance to express
themselves on major issues facing the Coun-
cil. But it is also fulfilling another, and per-
haps more important, function; that of pro-
viding clear, factual explanations of those
Unfortunately, in the flurry of emotionalism

that is sure to surround tonight's forum, this
will probably be forgotten. The usual affiliate-
non-affiliate campus will be intent on being
heard, not ion listening.
No MATTER which way the Council decides
tomorrow, one group or another will be
hurt. But the hurt may be less if both pro and
con sides listen carefully and judge the case
on a purely factual basis, as the Council should.
Something so important as the future of
one of the campus sororities and even more
important because it is symptomatic of the
problem of affiliated discrimination in general
shouldd not, even must not, be decided on the
basis of rumor and emotion.
We hope students who attend the forum will
bear this in mind and that, by their conduct,
they will set the pace for tomorrow's Council

T HE SUN smiles warmly these
days in the Virgin Islands. The
azure beaches have great allure.
That, perhaps, is why two con-
gressmen have been batting each
other over the head via Western
Union, arguing which should in-
vestigate the Virgin Islands.. Fi-
nally they decided that both would
Tiny though fascinatinfg, the
Virgin Islands actually don't need
much; if any, investigating. But
Congressman Earl Chudhoff, Dem-
ocrat of Philadelphia, who has a
good record, got the idea that now
would be a fine time to hold hear-
ings ni the semi-tropics for his
subcommittee on government op-
erations. Chudhoff 'is chairman of
a committee dealing with the In-
terior Deparment which super-
vises the Virgin Islands, and has
been doing a fine job probing
giveaways. However, he decided he
would give his staff, himself, and
other members of his committee a
gliveaway vacation in the Carib-
It developed, however, that Con-
gressman Leo O'Brien, Democrat
of Albany, N.Y., who is chairman
of the House Territories Subcom-
mittee wtih jurisdiction over the
Virgin Islands, already had made
plans to hold hearings in those
pleasant isles.
HE KNEW that Chudhoff had
held one-man hearings in the
Virgin Islands, with himself as
the sole member, just a year be-

fore, yet had failed to publish a
report. Therefore, O'Brien rea-
soned that a new investigation by
Chudhoff would lead to no addi-
tional report and was in fact a
vacation boondoggle.
So the Democrat from Albany
fired a hot telegram to the Demo-
crat from Philadelphia charging
him with overstepping his- juris-
diction, and wanting to know
what was the big idea.
Chudhoff promptly fired back
this telegraphic broadside:
"Was amazed and insulted when
I received your telegram of No-
vember 15.
"It appears to me that in all
decency before allowing a tele-
gram of the type sent out evident-
ly by a member of your staff you
would make sure of itscontents.I
tried to give your subcommittee
every possible courtesy and on No-
vember 14 had a conference - .
in order that there would be no
conflict or duplication of juris-
* * *
"I RESENT your implication of
bias of my subcommittee. Con-
gressman Engle had personally
commended myself and the sub-
committee and its staff for its
work. A copy of the commenda-
tion is in my file.
"Finally, I believe it would have
been a courteous thing to do to
have had you call me on the tele-
phone personally here in Phila-
delphia, and I am sure we would
have been able to work out any

differences that might exist be-
tween the two subcomi ittees.
(My) subcommittee . . . will start
hearings in St. Thomas, Virgin
Islands on December 3, 1956. If
you feel your subcommittee would
be embarrassed by our presence,
you may feel free to cancel or
postpone your visit."
That looked like a pretty tough
ultimatum. But Congressman
O'Brien was not easily deterred.
Finally California's Clair Engle,
chairman of the Full House In-
terior Committee, stepped in as
referee. He first phoned Chudhoff
and urged him to postpone his
hearing. Chudhoff flatly refused.
** *
THEN ENGLE suggested that
the Chudhoff Committee join the
O'Brien Committee in joint hear-
ings. Engle said he knew O'Brien
was sorry and promised to get him
to call Chudoff. The Pennsylvan-
ian finally agreed to this. Peace-
maker Engle then called O'Brien
and told him it looked bad for
congressmen to be quarreling. He
persuaded O'Brien to phone Chud-
off and patch up the feud.
Result: The two subcommittees
are now holding joint hearings.
Prior to the actual hearings on
December 3, however, four em-
ployees of the Government Oper-
ations Committee left for. the Vir-
gin Islands on November 22 to lay
groundwork - or you might say,
establish a "beachhead."
(Copyright 1956 by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

Sociology Undergraduate Forum: Dr.
Evelyn Duvall of Chicago, Illinois, will
speak on "Planning for a Successful
Marriage" in the Rackham Lecture
Hall, Wed., Dec. 5, at 7:00 p.m. Publi#
Events Today
Science Research Club December
meeting will be held in the Rackham
Amphitheatre at 7:30 p.m. on Tues.,
Dec. 4. Program: "Treponemal Test In
Syphilis Diagnosis," Albert H. Wheeler
-Dermatology and Syphilology: "Tis-
sue Culture: Large Scale Production of
Animal Cell Population,"' Donald J.
Merchant -Bacteriology. Introduction
of new members. Dues for 1956-57
accepted after 7:10 p.m.
Placement N 'oties -

Revision of Refugee Act

CONGRESSIONAL leaders who less than a
month ago pledged themselves to expedient
cooperation with the Eisenhower Administra-
tion now have a chance to prove the sincerity
of their promises.
More than 20,000 unquestionably valiant
Hungarian refugees are seeking a new home in
the United States. President Eisenhower has
slashed and disregarded the red tape of the
Refugee Relief Act of 1953 in an attempt to
swiftly admit and settle these thousands. His
action still awaits the necessary authorization
of, Congress.
In the past Mr. Eisenhower has asked Con-
gress repeatedly for revision of the act, only
to have his recommendations referred and re-
referred into blind committee channels. The
trouble with the refugee law, as it now stands,
lies not so much, in the insufficiency of immi-
gration quotas, but with the complex of tech-
nicalities involved in admitting the individual
Editorial Staff
Editorial Director, City Editor
GAIL GOLDSTEIN.................Personnel Director
ERNEST THEODOSSIN..............Magazine Editor
JANET REARICK . ....Associate Editorial Director
MARY ANN THOMAS....:...........Features Editor
DAVID GREY. ...................Sports Editor
RICHARD CRAMER.............Associate Sports Editor
STEPHEN HEILPERN..........Associate Sports Editor
VIRGINIA ROBERTSON......... ...Women's Editor
JANE FOWLER...........Associate Women's Editor
ARLINE LEWIS.............. Women's Feature Editor
JOHN HIRTZEL.................. Chief Photographer
Business Staff
DAVID SILVER, Business Manager
MILTON GOLDSTEIN....Associate Business Manager
WILLIAM PUSOR............... Adertising Manager
CHARLES WILSON.................Finance Manager
PATRICIA LAMBERIS............. Accounts Managter

For instance, each refugee is required to have
an individual sponsor in the United States,
and each must be able to show evidence of his,
activities during the past two years. With thou-
sands hurriedly fleeing their homeland, such
restrictions }cannot easily be satisfied.
1HE REFUGEE Relief Act expires in less
than four weeks. Under its present condi-
tions, the United States cannot possibly admit
all the Hungarians seeking asylum here.
When Congress meets again next month, it
will have an opportunity] to demonstrate its
professed spirit of cooperative effort by quickly
adopting the recommendations of the Presi-
dent in order that we may easily accept these
refugees who have gained the sympathies of
so many Americans.
New Books at the Library
Butcher, Margaret Just-The Negro in Am-
erlcan Culture, Based on materials left by Alain
Locke; NY, Knopf, 1956.
Cleary, Jon-Justin Bayard; NY, Morrow,
Condon, Eddie and Gehman, Richard, eds.-
Edie Concon's Treasury of Jazz; NY, Dial Press
Curtis, Jean-Louis-The Side of the Angels;
NY, Putnam's, 1956.
Huxley, Aldous-Tomorrow and Tomorrow
and Tomorrow and Other Essays; NY, Harper's
Kubeck, James-The Glaendar Epic; NY,
Putnam's, 1956.
"Miss Read" - Village School; Boston,
Houghton, Mifflin, 1956.
Moraes, Frank-Jawaharlal Nehru; NY,
Macmillan, 1956.
Morris, Wright-The Field of Vision; NY,
Harcourt, Brace, 1956.
Reverzy, Jean-The Crossing; NY, Pantheon
Books, 1956.
Rowans.Virminia-The Losing: CounleNY.

British Guiana to Black Market: Murder

Thomas Walsh: THE DARK WIN-
DOW: Little, Brown.
THERE is nothing phoney in
Thomas Walsh's crime novels.
His two earlier titles, "Nightmare
in Manhattan" and "The Night
Watch", were acclaimed by critics
as masterpieces of restrained re-
alism drawn within the limita-
tions of the detective story. Walsh
captures the reader's sympathies
early in this new book by offering
a detective who is no superman,
no Lothario, no resilient human
punching bag. Ray Cassidy is, in
fact, a man who wonders if he has
any courage left in him, after
having caught a slug in a gun
battle. As house detective in a
hotel where a refugee Bishop from
behind the Iron Curtain is lodged,
Cassidy finds murder and with it
the fresh challenge of violence in-
troduced by a group of criminals
who enter the scene intent on ap-
propriating the quarter of mil-
lion dollar fund that has been sub-
scribed by fellow exiles for the
Bishop. The whole case (which
suggests a true life parallel) is
tied up with an exciting chase
scene which punctuates an unu-
sually good detective novel.
CRIMEWRITER Webb, who, in-
cidentally, has no relation to
TV's Friday, brings back in this

viewer noted - on rough count -
at least ten errors in spelling and
punctuation of the Spanish that
was supposed to color up the scene.
This laxness, however, appears as
nothing next to the more serious
crime of sadly mistranslating
along the way one of the most
lyrical poems in Spanish litera-
THIS reviewer was highly en-
thusiastic over the first Gid-
eon book, "Gideon's Day"; so, it
is indeed a pleasure to see the good
inspector of Scotland Yard back
and in top form. The appealing
human warmth of the unspectac-
ular but shrewd and well-trained
detective is again a major factor
in the success the book achieves
over ground travelled by so many
Scotland Yard men we just don't
care to remember. They were fic-
tional. but George Gideon comes
to life - a middle-aged detective
with a daughter who has a tie-in
of sorts with a case he is inves-
tigating. A prison-break and the
stabbing of a young girl occupy
most of Gideon's Week, and it's
exciting business all the way. We
hopefully await "Gideon's Month."
Ellery Queen: I N S P E C T OR

ciety when he finds himself on the
brink of another, though now "un-
official" case.
The evil that Richard Queen
stumbles across on his Connecti-
cut vacation calls out to more
than the bloodhound instinct in
him, for one of the'persons deeply
involved in the murder investiga-
tion is a fortyish, attractive regis-
tered nurse by the name of Jessie
Sherwood. A late-blossoming ro-
mance grows between the two, and
the retired inspector soon finds
that he has to protect the woman
he loves from the murderer's
strike. We say without reservation
that this is the best Ellery Queen
novel in five years.
George Harmon Coxe: MAN ON A
ROPE, Knopf.
THE colorful backdrop of Brit-
ish Guiana about which George
Harmon Coxe writes so well, serves
as the scene for this new novel
of diamonds and danger. Barry
Dawson, whose role in the dia-
mond transaction seemed innocent
enough at the outset, soon realizes
that he is situated at the center
of a deadly intrigue being spun
about the cool one hundred thous-
and dollars worth of liquid gems.
In British Guiana as in the world
over, girls and gangsters are about
the same. So all the elements of
a 'good, fast-paced Coxe novel are
here - adroitly managed as al-

mystery behind it all is a devilish-
ly clever one. People of the pub-
lishing world populate the story-
writers, agents, publishers, with a
critic or two thrown in. The back-
ground for murder, therefore, is
quite enticing; and really all that
mars an unusually good whodunit
is the writing. Author McCloy has
e. widely influential book critic in
her tale write singularly 'inept
reviews, highlighted in one spot
by a reference to an author's
"principal protagonist". Further,
in the narrative itself, we learn of
a femal character that "her in-
tuition was quite sensitive";and
we are told in another instance
that "Basil's eyes were musing."
Over the years we have come to
expect better of Helen McCloy.
Brett Halliday: HEADS YOU
LOSE, Dodd, Mead.
1HIS Mike Shayne novel was
originally published in 1943 un-
der the already quaint-sounding
title of "Blood on the Black Mar-
ket". It is reprinted today, we are
told, for the benefit of the large
audience of Shayne fans who have
been wondering for some dozen
years now about what ever hap-
pened to Mike's first wife, Phyl-
lis. Under the new title, "Heads
You Lose", this is the account of
the first case Mike Shayne took
after Phyllis died in childbirth.

The following schools have vacancies
on their teaching staffs for February,.
High School Business Education; High
School Social Studies.
CO PLEY,aOIO--2nd Grade; Ele-
mentary Art; Girls Physical Education.
-Administration Building, NO 3-1511.
Ext. 489.
Junior High Art; Vocal Music-Strings.
mentary (4th Grade, 6th or 7th dradek
General Science-Biology.
School Latin-French.
thwestern Military and Naval Academy)
NEWARK, OHIO-2nd Grade; voca-
tional Home Economics; Slow Learners.
mentary Grades: English; Science;
Science-Math; Girls' Physical Educa-
UTICA, MICHIGAN - Elementary
Speech Correction; Shop; Math; Coun-
For additional information contact
the bureau of Appointments, 3528 Ad-
ministration Bldg., Ext. 371.
Personnel Interviews:
Representatives from the following
will be at the Bureau of Appointments:
Thurs., Dec. 6
Aetna Casualty & Surety Co., work
any one of 38 locations throughout U.S.
-men with any degree for Field Rep-
resentative Training. This is a sal-
aried sales position affording opportu-
nity for advancement to Sales Manager
U.S. Rubber Co., work throughout
U.S. - men with degrees in LS&A,
B.B.A. or M.B.A. for Manufacturing
Production, Supervision and Control,
Industrial Engrg., Industrial Rel., Pur-
chasing and Central Labs., Sales and
Administration, Distribution, Dealer
and Industrial Sales.
Thurs. & Fri., Dec. 6 & 7
U.S. Bureau of the Budget - men
with graduate training or seniors in,
Law, BusAd., and Economics to work
as Fiscal Economists, Budget Exam-
iners, or in Legislative analysis and
ov e rnme n tOrganizational work.
These positions are in one of the Bu-
reau's five branches: Military, Interna-
tional, Commerce and Finance, Labor
and Welfare, and Resources and Civil
For appointments contact the Bureau
of Appointments, 3528 Admin. Bldg.,
Ext. 371.
Personnel Requests:
Russell Kelly Office Service, Detroit,
Mich., is lootking for girls to work as
Sr. Typists, and Stenographers during
Christmas and Easter vacations as well
as during the summer. Sr. Typists must
type at 55 w.p.m. net and be able to

i .

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