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December 04, 1956 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1956-12-04

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Editor Attacks Failings of Journalism

Quad Food

Drum Major Blows Last Whistle of Career

Journalism as it is practiced in
the United States today lacks
understanding of the American
people and their needs, Norman
Isaacs, managing editor of the
Louisville Times, said here yes-
Speaking at a lecture sponsored
by the journalism - department,
Isaacs declared, "While some of
the journalism in the United States
today is clearly of a very highi
order of responsible performance,
there is entirely too much of it
which is degraded, both from a
professional point of view and
from the reader's side."
{ "Too many of our modern news-
papers," he said, "have a dupli-
cating machine process - canned
news and canned editorials, many
written in a far-off city."
Appalled at Conformity
Isaacs said that he was appalled
+ at the overpowering trend in re-
cent years toward conformity. He
expressed delight at the "signs
of revolution" on campus last
night, referring to the student
demonstrations over residence hall
"This is the first sign of stir-
rings on an American campus in
years," he declared. "Too bad it
wasn't over something more im*
Isaacs stressed his belief that a
newspaper's primary function in
a society is public service. "I have
come to feel," he warned. "That
our greatest shortcoming is that
of intellectual insularity.
We have a tendency to put out
newspapers more for each other'
than for the people we are osten-
sibly serving. The fetish of em-
phasizing the technique of our
calling has very nearly resulted
in the form overpowering the con-
Isaacs enumerated six points

By S tudents
(Continued from Page 1)
so terribly blown up out of pro-
portion all over the country."
Men of Reeves and Kelsey went
through the line refusing to take
the main plate of corn beef and
cheese. Those who did were booed
as they entered the dining room
and many left the plate on the
relish table.
Shouting followed before the,
men got up and left the dining'
room together. The shouting and
demonstration spread only slightly
to the other three dining rooms
and was over in 15 minutes.
Students continued to mill
around outside before a group of
S o u t h Quadrangle residents
marched into West Quadrangle
where a similar disturbance was
taking place. It is doubtful if the
crowd inside or outside ever ex-'
ceeded 900.
A group between two and three1
hundred marched to East Quad
which had experienced no trouble,
during the evening,-demonstrated
for five minutes before moving on
to University President Harlan'
Hatcher's home.
Dean Rea met the group and'
asked them to disband saying
their complaints will be taken up'
if they were submitted through
proper channels. The entire dem-
onstration lasted an hour and a
Rea said yesterday that reports'
printed in Detroit newspapers
that a crowd demonstrated in
front of the Union and at Huron
and State, that students rocked
cars, that food was thrown at
South Quad and that dishes were
broken were "completely false."
He said 'that "absolutely no
damage was done."

It's Saturday afternoon, half-
100,000 fans are huddled to-
gether under parkas and .blankets
as the Michigan Marching Band
takes the field.
Leading those 161 dancing musi-
cians in uniform is one Gordon'
Patton, the high-stepping
"Champ" from Mt. Morris, Michi-
gan, the University's drum major.
One isn't enough
One drum major isn't enough in
the Patton family, as Champ's
brother is presently a drum major
at rival Michigan State Univer-
"Champ" denies that there is
any rivalry between them, but
does admit that one of his most
thrilling experiences was at State,
when the brothers were leading
their respective bands, a tremen-
dous three-minute ovation was
Igiven the University Band in
"enemy territo'ry."
Having just completed his third
and final year of drum majoring,
"Champ" claims the job is similar
to that of a sergeant. "I have
two things to do out there, he
says. "The main thing is to give
the band the right commands at
the right time, but also we must
look good and put on a good
Student Support 'Terrific'
"Champ" believes that the stu-
dents' support of the band has

been terrific. "They tell us if we
have done a good job, but don't
fail to let us know if we have done
a poor one too."
Drum-majoring is but one of
the myriad talents and interests
of the 21-year-old pre-med stu-
dent. His roller skating is so
proficient that he has turned pro-
fessional and teaches exhibition
skating. He has further directed
his talents toward playing the
The drum major's campus
achievements have included the
presidency of Delta Sigma Phi
fraternity last year.
Wants to Return
He would like 'very much to re-
turn to the University next fall as
a student in the medical school.
The "Champ" suggests that you
drum major aspirants realize that
"you must have a sincere desire
as it's a lot of hard work," he
"But, that feeling of accom-
plishment when the fans stand up
and cheer makes it well worth it."
Reveres Revelli
William D. Revelli, director of
the band, is highly revered by
the retiring drum major. Champ
says, "He gets as much out of us
as possible, and consegently we
produce like no other band."
In his four years at the Univer-
sity, "Champ" has seen the band
do many numbers but his favorite
'is still "St. Louis Blues."

NORMAN ISAACS-Managing Editor of the Louisville Times
speaking on "Selling Newspaper Readers Short."

which he said he believed to be
basic in the newspaper's duty to
society, and its minimum require-
ments in fulfilling that duty:
Six Basic Points
(1) A concIse, literate, under-
standable account of what is hap-
(2) An account which is un-
tainted by opinion or bias.
(3) A sufficient amount of back-
ground information to make this
news fit into a larger context.
(4) Photographs, maps and
other pictorial data to give the
reader a visual as well as a textual
conception of the news.
(5) A steady ) pulling-together
of the loose threads of the major
developing stories so that therel

can be a focusing, for this reader,
on the total problem.
(6) Finally, an intelligent and
courageous editorial that com-
ments on these new developments
in such a way as to awaken the
reader's interest and his reasoning
"If we believe what we preach so
often-that America's democratic
process works-that the destiny of
the nation is in the hands of the
voters-then clearly it is our duty
to keep the voter adequately in-
formed," the editor said.
The primary responsibility for
the fulfillment of a newspaper's
duty to the community, Isaacs in-
dicated, rests with its ownership.

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-Photo Courtesy University News Service
KICKING HIGH-Graduating Drum Major Gordon "Champ"
Patton shows the form that led the Michigan Marching Band
for the last three years.



The Daily Official Bulletin is an of-
ficiali publication of the University of
Michigan for which the Michigan Daily
assumes no editorial responsibility. No-
ticesshould be sent in TYPEWRITTEN
form to Room 3553 Administration
Building before 2 p.m. the day preced-
ing publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
General Notices
Air Force ROTC Stanine "AFOQT"
Tests will be given in Kellogg Audi-
torium on Thurs. and Fri., Dec. 6 and
7, starting promptly at 7:00 p.m. ALL
AIR SCIENCE II students must take
the test at this time.
Additional ushers are needed for the
Department of Speech and the School
of Music production of Hansel and
Gretel in the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre this Wed. through Sat. Call
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre Box Of-
fice: NO 8-6300.
In action taken Dec. 2, 1956 the Board
in Review qf Student Government
Council withdrv its stay-of-action
with respect to the motion adopted by
the Student Government Council at its
meeting of Nov. 28, 1956 concerning de-
nial 'of thepetition of galens Society
for a campus drive on Dec. 7, 8.
Veterans who expect to receive edu-
cation and training allowance under
Public Law 550 (Korea 0. I. Bill) must
fill in VA Form VB 7-1996a, Monthly
Certification, in the Office of Veterans
-Affairs, 555 Administration Building.
between 8:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. by
Wed., Dec. 5.
TIAA-College Retirement Equities
Fund. Participants in the Teachers In-
surance and Annuity Association re-
tirement program who wish to change
their contributions to the College Re-
,tirement Equities Fund, or to apply for
or discontinue participation in the
Equities Fund, will be able to make
such changes before Dec. 14, 1956.
Staff members who have % or
of the contributions to TIAA allo-
cated to CREF may wish to change to
a 1/, basis, or go from the latter to a
1f4 or f basis.

Applications for Fellowships and
scholarships in the graduate school for
1957-58 are now available. Applications
for renewal should also be filed at this
time. Competition closes Feb. 15, 1957.
Blanks and information may be ob-
tained in the Graduate School offices.
Rackham Building. Only ptudents who
intend to enroll in the Horace H.
Rackham School of Graduate Studies
for 1957-58 may apply.--
Fellowship Applications are. now
available for the Margaret Kraus Rams-
dell Award. This Fellowship is used to
assist students of the University of
Michigan in pursuing graduate studies
in this country or abroad, in religious
education or in preparation for the
Christian ministry. Both men and wo-
men may apply for this fellowship. Ap-
plications should be made to the Dean
of the Graduate School, on forms ob-
tainable from the Graduate School. The
deadline is March 15, 1957.

Reading Hour: Two interpretative
reading classes from the Department of
Speech will present a reading hour
from 3 to - 4 p.m. today in the West
Conference Room of the Rackham
Building. Open to the public without
admission charge.
Thomas, Spencer, Jerome Lectures:
"Greek Architecture in Ancient Italy,"
by Professor William B. Dinsmoor of
Columbia University. First Lecture,
"Ancient Colonization and Modern
Studies," Tues., Dec. 4, Aud. B, Angell,
Hall, 4:15 p.m.
University Lecture: Gustave Reese,
Adjunct Professor of Music in the
Graduate School of New York Univer-
sity and head of publication depart-
ment of Carl Fischer, Inc., 4:15 p.m.,
Wed., Dee, 5, in the Rackham Amphi-
(Continued on Page 4)

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