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December 02, 1956 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1956-12-02

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0 4r mlrhgan Daily
Sixty-Seventh Year

"You Say There Might Be Bears Around Here?"

"When Opinions Are Free
Truth Will Prevail"

Choral Union 'Messiah'
Is Memorable Event
Handel is reported to have said, in reply to words of praise for the
first "Messiah" performance: "I shall be sorry if I only entertained
them; I wished to make them better." Perhaps the evaluation of
present-day performances should include, therefore, a consideration
of the spiritual factor as an important element influencing success or.
failure. For regardless'of the sensational, operatic and dramatic quali-
ties of the "Messiah," it remains, fundamentally, a religious work and
should be so presented.
Last evening's performance was essentially in this spirit and was
only marred by the minor effects of late-comers and occasional chatter,


Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

Oil Shipment to Britain,
France Premature Move

T HE UNITED STATES has once again moved
to extricate Britain and France from a dif-
ficult situation which it had little part in
Britain and France foolishly launched an
assault on Egypt, designed to protect their
rights to the Suez Canal and insure the con-
tinued flow of oil to Western Europe. The re-
sult was a miserable failure. Instead of keep-
ing the canal open, the attack caused the
canal to be blocked with sunken ships, a blockA
age which will take an estimated six months
to clear.
The invasion resulted in the sabotage of oil
pipelines in other Arab nations friendly to
Egypt, thus further choking off the oil supply.
Now that the consequences of the Allied
move are being. acutely felt in Western Europe,
Britain and France have turned to the United
States for help. and the U.S., responding to the
pull on the leash, is jumping to send it-up to
1,100.000 barrels of oil daily. This is short of
the need, not because of unwillingess on our
part to fill the need entirely, but simply because
there aren't enough tankers available to trans-
port more.
The United States has consistently and
strongly opposed the continued presence of
British and French troops in Egypt, yet she
now stands ready to condone through action
the very thing she has opposed in words. This
is no less than hyprocisy. The fact that Britain
and France have made some lukewarm prom-
ises to withdraw "most" of their troops by
Christmas doesn't alter this, especially in light
of the qualifications repeatedly being added
to the promise.
Only a few hours after Allied withdrawal was
promised, French Foreign Minister Pineau made
another statement reiterating his nation's
position, insisting that "certain political ques-
tions" must be settled and some "satisfactory
military arrangements" made before the troops
could be withdrawn. This is the same stand
which the U.S. has so strongly opposed. It in-
dicates no response to U.S. requests.
WHY, then has our State Department seen
fit to act completely at variance with our

stated policy? Because our government lives in
mortal terror, apparently, of a break in the
Atlantic alliance. This fear has been exploited
to the fullest to force the United States into
compliance with European whims.
The time has come for the U.S. government
to show some backbone in dealing with our,
supposed Allies. By simply withholding the
shipment of oil to Europe until the British and
French effect a major change in policy and
make some concrete moves to pull their troops
out of Suez, the United States could bring to
bear tremendous economic pressure.
Instead of taking advantage of the situa-
tion, however, the State Department is suc-
cumbing to its fear for the safety of NATO
and thereby helping to defeat it's own ends.
The American government need not assume
sole responsibility for the survival of NATO.
The Allies would be next to helpless without
American military backing; they have far more
to lose by the destruction of NATO than does
the United States.
It has been argued that a Europe without oil
would be a defenseless Europe-a sitting duck
for a Soviet sweep, a sweep which would leave
the United States to fight alone. It is per-
fectly reasonable that we try to prevent such
a situation from ever developing. But Britain
and France should fear it even more, since their
very survival is at stake.
It is time the United States assumed its
leadership of the Free World, stopped playing
nursemaid to our allies, and being a "patsy" to
their whims.
THIS IS NOT to say the Allied cause is errant.
Egypt's President Nasser is very probably
trying to be "king" of the Arab world. He is
attempting to become an Arab "little Hitler"
and deserves to be stepped on. But that is a
job for a united effort, through the United
Nations, not for Britain and France alone.
The only way now open to the United States
to assert its leadership is to let Britain and
France "stew in their own juice" for a while.
It won't take much cooking to bring them to


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Atlantic A lliance Moral Issue

Interference in Galens' Function

ON WHAT GROUNDS can the Student Gov-
ernment Council deny Galens the right to
hold their annual campus Bucket Drive for
Christmas? What authority do they have over
an organization older and often more respected
than SGC itself?
SGC, in compelling Galens to submit to Cam-
pus Chest control, is acting with legality on its
side. The student body of the University voted
them jurisdictional power over all campus or-
ganizations. Moreover, it must have that power
to succeed.
But Wednesday night, SGC used that power
in an objectionable manner. It is coercing Ga-
lens into joining the SGC sponsored Campus
Chest. therefore denying Galens the right to
hold its Bucket drive this Christmas. If Galens
does not join Campus Chest, it will cost their
charity clinic $2,000.
In reaction to the cagey dealing, emotional
appeal and the superior attitude of Galens'
president Bob Kretzschmar, SGC has in fact
taken partial control of Galens' major source
of income, the Bucket Drive.
MOST who attended the meeting believed that
Galens presented their case in an ill-con-
ceived manner. Bob Kretzschmar's appeal to
council members' emotions was crude and
worked against him.
But those present were also aware that the
real issue was Galens' reluctance to join a
drive that would kill Galens' identity on cam-
pus and might actually be a great failure. Al-

though the Campus Chest has guaranteed Ga-
lens an amount equal to what Galens collected
last year, Galens believes it can better this
amount in a bucket drive this year by working
for itself.
As the largest and most successful charity
organization at the University, Galens is justi-
fiably reluctant to give up a sure thing (their
Bucket Drive has been highly successful in
recent years) for the yet untried Campus
MOREOVER, the SGC meeting Wednesday
night was as much a struggle for power be-
tween these two organizations as a difference
of opinion on the best method of conducting
campus charity drives. Campus Chest is a pet
project of SGC, and Galens was boycotting it.,
Members of SGC seemed to feel challenged by
the superior attitude of Galens, a graduate
group, toward SGC and Campus Chest, under-
graduate groups.
But SGC also failed to realize that behind
the emotional appeals there are the crippled
children whom Galens has been rehabilitating.
SGC took it upon itself to coerce Galens into
joining their Campus Chest or lose, every year,
$2,000 needed for its clinic.
SGC's action certainly falls under one in-
terpretation of "jurisdictional control." But
under another interpretation, it looks more like
a costly and utnecessary interference in the
affairs of another organization,

THERE is no doubt that the
President is most sincerely
concerned to repair the break
which has opened up within the
Atlantic alliance. But if the break
is to be repaired, and not merely
covered up, the deep cause of it,
which is a moral issue, will have
to be resolved.
How do we judge the interven-
tion in Egypt? Was it naked ag-
gression against an innocent and
law-abiding country? Or was it
a reprisal, however unlawful and
unwise, against a willful disturber
of the peace who has long been
in open defiance of the spirit and
of the specific orders of the United
Nations? Unless we can come to a
common judgment of this issue,
the spiritual unity of the Western
alliance will be broken.
* * *
THE JUST VIEW is, it seems to
me, that Britain, France and Is-
rael acted wrongfully but under
great provocation, that they should
not have defied the United Na-
tions but that the United Nations
has been unable to defend their
vital interests, that they must
leave Egypt but that, in view of
the provocations, they have the
right to be assured that the U.N.
will defend their rights.
As this is the justice of the is-
sue, so it should be. I believe, the
moral foundation of United States
policy. We should not allow our-
selves to remain in the position,
into which we have drifted and
been pushed, where the whole
weight of our influence is against
the wrong done by our allies and
no serious part of our influence
is against the wrong done to our

THE PRESIDENT will be able
to repair the break in the alliance
when he corrects the one-eyed
moral bias upon which his ad-
ministration has been acting. He
will also have a solid and realistic
foundation for a practical policy.
If he identifies this country with
an insistent and resolute demand
that the U.N. deal with the prob-
lems that caused the explosion, he
will make it possible for the Brit-
ish, the French, and the Israelis
to withdraw and to comply with-
out dishonor and abject surrender,
This is of the highest import-
ance. For if we do not open up for
them an honorable way out of
the error into which they were
provoked, if we merely compel
them and do not persuade them,
there will be left in the aftermath
a most unhealthy state of mind.
There is an urgent need within
the Atlantic alliance for a re-
newal of confident consultation,
and this will not be possible as long
as the moral issue, which I have
been trying to describe, is not re-
solved. The situation in the middle
of Europe is far from being stab-
ilized and is full of the most dan-
gerous possibilities.uWe must be
prepared-and by us I mean the
British, the French, ourselves, and
the other NATO countries-to see
the convulsion, which has en-
gulfed Hungary, break out else-
IF IT BREAKS out in Eastern
Germany, as it could and as it
may, all of NATO will be faced
with grave choices. We have been
impotent in Hungary except to
protest. But what will our armies
in West Germany be doing if East

Germany blows up? We must be
prepared for that, and we must
not be caught by surprise and with
no clear policy. which we have
concerted with Britain, France,
and West Germany. For if what
has happened in Hungary were to
happen in East Germany, we would
be nearer than we have ever been
since 1945 to being sucked into
a great war.
No one now need -predict that
there will be an outbreak in East
Germany. Much can be done to
avert one. But there could be an
outbreak. And so great would be
the danger that we may say, quite
cooly and soberly, that the West-
ern alliance should be prepared
to avert' it by taking big meas-
ures in the near future. It should
be attempting to negotiate with
the Russians some kind of working
settlement, perhaps only partial
and intermediate, about the se-
curity of the middle of Europe.
1956 New York Herald Tribune Inc.
Stock Market
NEW YORK (/P)-The stock mar-
ket chalked up its fourth straight
weekly loss last week and ended
November at a lower level than
on Oct. 31.
In the past week, just as in its
predecessor, the only rally came
The month of November began
with a surging pre-election rise
based on confidence President
Dwight D. Eisenhower would be
re-elected. The market settled
back after the election and rises
were few and far between.

inappropriate dress of several
choir members, and the inevitable
* * *
THE CHORUS, as the center
of Handel's oratorio style, should
be given first consideration. and
it may be said simply that the 330
members did a truly admirable
job. The entries were precise and
neat, the diction excellent, and
rhythm and pitch accurate. Per-
haps their best achievement was
force in combination with grace
and agility, so often, with huge
singing throngs of this type, one
cannot help but be reminded of
a tired elephant wading through
glue, but one heard none of this
last night. Lagging and plodding
were absent entirely, giving a
spirit of bouyancy and sponta-
neity which was acredit tohthe
highest ideals of the "Messiah"
The orchestra was competent
and at no time badly inaccurate,
though many spots left something
to be desired. With only six re-
hearsals in all, and two with
chorus, the difficulty is perhaps
accounted for. Nevertheless, it is
unfortunate, for one must judge
them in the light of the finest
moments of the evening; and in
this comparison, the criticism is
* * *
ratt, tenor, deserves special men-
tion for his deeply moving, "Thy
rebuke hath broken his heart."
This is perhaps the most beauti-
ful spot in the entire oratorio.
Miss Addison showed fine music-
ianship in all her solos, and was
at her best in the familiar soprano
aria, "I know that my redeemer
liveth." Mr. Smith, bass, sang al-
ways with dramatic feeling and
deep conviction, and added much
to the performance. Miss Frahar,
contralto, has a pleasing voice,
but often her rendition appeared
uninspired and superficial. Her
best aria was, "He was despised,"
which was excellent.
Lester McCoy should be highly
commended for his excellent di-
rection. For those who love the
music of the "Messiah," and who
does not, this is a performance
whichnshould not be missed.
-Charlotte Liddell
to the
To The Editor:
New Organization .. .
THE Musket staff shares Janet
Rearick's belief that our future
shows should be student-written.
Musket is essentially a student
production. The use of a Broad-
way musical this year was neces-
sitated by the newness bf our or-
ganization and the short time
available for the preparation of
an original script. We encourage
student writers to submit scripts
and scenarios for our considera-
Fred S. Steingold, '57

The Daily Official Bulletin is an of-
ficial publication of the University of
Michigan for which the Michigan Daily
assumes no editorial responsibility. No-
tices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN
form to Room 3553 Administration
Building before 2 p.m. the day preced-
ing publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
General Notices
Air Force ROTC Stanine "AFOQT"
Tests will be given In Kellogg Audi-
torium on Thurs. and Fri., Dec. 6and
7, starting promptly at 7:00 p.m. ALL
AIR SCIENCE II students must take
the test at this time.
All veterans who expect education
and training allowance under Public
Law 550 (Korea G.. Bill) must turn
instructors' signature form in to Dean's
office by 5:00 p.m. Mon., Dec. 3.
Mark VIII Graduate Women's Coop-
erative House, located at 917 S. Forest
St., presently has vacancies for room-
ers and boarders. The average cost Is
$13.75per week for roomers and $875
per week for boarders. Approximately
five hours of work per week is re-
quired for both roomers and boarders.
For further information and a free in-
troductory dinner contact Celia Brown,
NO 3-5974 or Luther Buchele, NO.
University Lecture in Journalism.
Norman Isaacs managing editor of
the Louisville (Ky.) Times, will speak
on "Selling Newspaper Readers Short"
in Rackham Amphitheatre. 3:00 p.m.,
Mon., Dec. 3. Open to the public.
Thomas Spencer JeromeLectures:
"Greek Architecture in Ancient Italy,"
by Professor William B. Dinamoor of
Columbia University. First Lecture,
"Ancient Colonization and Modern
Studies," Tues., Dec. 4, Aud B, Angell
Hall, 4:15 p.m.
Operations Research Seminar: C.
West Churchman, Case Institute of
Technology, will lecture on "Cost
Accounting and Operations Research"
on Wed., Dec. 5. Coffee Hour at 3:30
p.m. in Room 243 West Engineering
Building and seminar' in Room 229,
West Engineering at 4:00 p.m. All
faculty members welcome.
"Messiah" (Handel) will be presented
by the University Musical Society Sun.,
Dec. 2, at 2:30 p.m. in Hill Auditorium.
Participants will include the University
Choral Union, the Musical Society Or-
chestra, Mary McCall Stubbins, organ-
ist; with soloists: Adele Addison, so-
prano; Patricia Fraher, contralto; How-
ard Jarratt, tenor; and Kenneth Smith,
bass; and Lester McCoy, conductor.
It is respectfully requested that tick-
et holders be seated amply in time,
since latecomers cannot be seated aft-
er the performances begin.
Student Recital: Clark Bedford,
pianist, will present a recital in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for
the degree of Bachelor of Music at
8:30 this evening, in Aud A, Angell
Hall. Bedford Is a pupil of Helen
Titus, and his recital will be open
to - the general public.
Stanley Quartet, Gilbert Ross ad
Emil Raab, violins, Robert Courte
viola, and Oliver Edel, cello, assisted
by Clyde Thompson, double bass, will
perform the second program of the
first semester series at 8:30 p.m. Tues,
Dec. 4, in the Rackham Lecture Hall.
Haydn's Quartet in G major, Op. 76,
No. 1; Milhaud's Quintet No. 2 (1952),
commissioned by the University of
Michigan and dedicated to the Stanley
Quartet and Clyde -Thompson; and
Brahm's Quartet in A minor, Op. 51,
No. 2. Public admitted without charge.
Academic Notices
February Teacher's Certificate Candi-
dates: The teacher's oath will be ad-
ministered to all February candidates
for the Teacher's Certificate during
(Continued on Page 8)







Danny Kaye Makes Television Debut Today


Cooperation in United Nations

J HE UNITED NATIONS is faced with two
major problem areas today. Hungary and
the Middle East. The cooperation it is getting
in each of those areas illustrates fundamental
differences between two political worlds as well
as a basic problem the United Nations has to
bear with in doing its job
On the Egyptian scene, the United Nations
is getting about as much cooperation as could
be expected from beleigerent nations.
As British and French troops withdraw and
Editorial Staff

United Nations troops move in, Egyptians are
coming to terms with checkpoint establish-
ments and other military matters. Of course,
there were disagreements at first, but Egypt
has proven itself understanding and friendly
toward the United rations' position.
TN HUNGARY. however, the United Nations
has run up against the great stone wall
of Soviet Russia and has found no cooperation
from the Communist nation either inside or out-
side of the General Assembly.
The situation there has necessitated Secre-
tary General Dag Hammarskjold's confering
with representatives of the Hungarian delega-
tion in special meetings.
Moreover. Hungary refuses to allow United
Nations representatives to enter the country,
for any sort of observation.
The problem of a lack of cooperation among
the members of the United Nations is essen-
tially one of the inability of two major world
powers and their allies to get together and
arrive at a solution.
This situation is nothing new, ofl-course-it
is the same situation that has hindered the
effectiveness of the "npa enlvin-a natinna" nf

Daily Television Writer
ONE OF the very few perform-
ing artists who has been a
"television holdout" for the past
ten years makes his television de-
but this afternoon as Danny Kaye
stars in a special "See It Now"
presentation, "The Secret Life of
Danny Kaye" for UNICEF at 5
p.m. on CBS-TV.
Kaye, in his most unusual role,
travelled 50,000 miles with "See It
Now" camera crews, visiting UNI-
CEF child aid programs in many
European, Asiatic and African
countries, staging a continuous
one-man show and vividly telling
the story of UNICEF as it has
never been told before-by sing-
ing, dancing and clowning.
Kaye and the "See It Now"
crews travelled an average of 800
miles a day for 56 days. He put on
from one to six shows a day, some
of them thousands of miles apart.
His material included some of the
best-known and best-loved rou-
tines from his recent international
tours, expertly blended through
his comic genius with zany im-
provisation to fit the time, the
place and the audience. His aud-
ience ranged in size from one un-
Amilina xrninglnn- efe+ ,n, in

Fred Allen before his death will
be seen this Thursday night. "The
Jazz Age" is the story of the roar-
in' 20's, complete with Will Rogers,
Babe Ruth, Al Capone, the Charle-
ston, and the flappers. It will be
narrated by Allen and will tell
the story of the day of this era
in America.
As could be expected, Walter
Winchell has made his TV can-
cellation a major catastrophe. And
in order to save face he has blam-
ed it all on the rating systems. He
has started negotiations to have
a Congressional investigation of
the various rating systems, which
he claims are a "racket."
These are the same rating sys-
tems which he used as the meas-
ure of his popularity on radio and
television for many years, and
even as recently as this year, when
his show was a success, rating-
IF THIS Congressional action
ever does take place it will prob-
ably be televised. It would then be
interesting lo see the rating for
these programs.
For those of you who had
thought at one time that you
might attend in person, but have
sincen decided tothe aontrsarvhere

describing the coverage of the
parade will be Charles Collingwood
and Charles McCarthy (assited by
Edgar Bergan).
* * *
BY WATCHING it at home you
will avoid an annual traffic jam
that exceeds any other such tie-up
in the nation. The parade, which
has grown to its present eminence
as the world's greatest floral pag-
eant from its beginning 68 years
ago, will cover a route approxi-
mately five miles long through the
heart of Pasadena.
The game itself will be televised
by NBC-TV, in compatible color.
It should, make for a very relaxing
afternoon of televiewing in the
comforts of your home.
The latest report on television
program cost shows that "Caes-
ar's Hour" is the most expensive
weekly television show, costing its
sponsors $120.000 a week. (Ex-
cluding time costs, which run from
$1,000 to $1,500 a minute). The
other big hour night-time variety
shows run between $65,000 and
about the cheapest of the hour-
long variety programs at $70,000
nor woolr even with all nf his hio-

With all of the Arthur hirings
and firings seemingly q u i e t e d
down it went almost unnoticed
when Arthur recently hired Jan-
ete Davis as producer of his "Tal-
ent Scouts." That just goes to show
if you have the right talents you
can go almost anywhere in tele-



by Dick Bibler


, ' f/b-L
1,2rf/ 10


Editorial Director

City Editor

Business Staff
DAVID SILVER. Business Manager
MILTON GOLDSTEIN.....Associate Business Manager
WILLIAM PUSCHi...., ...... Adertising Manager
CHARLES WILSON ............ Finance Manager
PATIA.AM f A R.-A^fl - -_ .,




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