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September 17, 1956 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1956-09-17

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Bureau of Appointments
Helps Students Get Jobs



Main purpose of the Bureau of
Appointments is to help people get
Located in the Administration
Bldg., the Bureau has three divis-
ions. The teaching division is pri-
marily concerned with positions
available in education. General
division aids people who want
jobs in industry, business and gov-
The summer placement division
helps undergraduates find tempor-
ary jobs in resorts, camps and of-
Graduates and alumni benefit
most from the contacts and in-
troductions p r o v i d e d by the
Bureau. After registration, creden-
tials consisting of recommenda-

tions and previous job experience
are compiled.
The Bureau of Appointments
sends letters to major firms in
business and industry, camp or-
ganizations and resort establish-
ments. These letters, usually dis-
tributed in January, ask firms if
they will have summer job oppor-
tunities for University students.
Letters request requirements for
such positions and ask for details
concerning remuneration and
other benefits to student appli-
Response to these letters has
increased, and plans are being
made to distribute them earlier
next season.


MICHIGAN NEWCOMERS soon discover the resources
of State Street include one of the mid-west's largest and
best book stores, Bob Marshall's Book Shop at 211 South
State across from Lane Hall.
Bob Marsholl's compares favorably with the best book
stores of New York, Boston, and Chicago.

Here's why:

* MORE BOOKS-perhaps more individual titles from which

ecucrr irtI I is ,
it « Rra (! t ilift 60
tNr tN i~

to choose than any other store in middle-USA.


COMPLEXITY-Seven-channel tape recorder for recording and analysis of both seismic and acoustic
information at Willow Run Laboratories
University-Owned Airport
Used For Research Projects


In 1946 the University acquired
Willow Run Airport "to carry on
aeronautics research and an edu-
cational program and operate the
field as a public airport.
Willow Run, Detroit's major air-
field, is located 25 miles west of
Detroit and 13 miles south east of
Ann Arbor.
It had been a bomber plant for
an automobile manufacturer dur-
ing World War II, and in 1946 was
udeclared war surplus.
For one dollar, the University
became the owner of an almost
2,000 acre airport.
Actually, the University der-
ives no profit from the field and
Willow Run became the first ma-
jor airport in the United States
to be self-sustaining.
Airlines National Terminal Ser-
vice Company, which is comprised
of the airlines that operate from
the airport, is entirely responsible
for the terminal.
Nine airlines, American, Capital,
Delta, Eastern, North American,
North West, Trans-World, United,
British Overseas, and Slick, a fre-
ight line, all use of the airport.
About 390 commercial flights
take-off or land there daily.
There have been several attem-
pts to make Wayne Major Detroit's
airport, because it is considerably
closer to the city. However, pro-
hibitive costs have prevented this.
But, the University's primary in-
terest in this Airport stems from
research facilities it provides.
Early in 1946 a group of faculty
members of the College of Engi-
neering submitted a proposal and
received a contract award from
the Air Force for a large research
and development program in gui-
ded missiles.
Aeronautical Research Center
eU Sponsored
Students from all over the world
participated in the Summer Lin-
guistics Institute last summer,
sponsored bythe University in
conjunction with Linguistics Soci-
ety of America.
Among the 175 students who;
registered for the eight week course
were students from India, Egypt,
and Pakistan. ^
Faculty members from Dublinf
Institute for Advanced Studies,
Brown University, University ofI
Chicago and University of South-Y
ern California, along with Uni-1
versity faculty members, partici-f

was established and research at
Willow Run began for the Univer-
Now, ten years later, the staff
has grown from less than a hun-
dred to around six hundred peo-
ple. This includes not only engine-
ers and scientists, but drafting de-
partment, administrative offices,
a publications group and other
service groups.
The emphasis has shifted from
aeronautical research to electron-
ics, and the center is now called
Willow Run Laboratories of the
Engineering Research Institute.
Most of the work done in the
low gray buildings is on govern-
ment contracts with a small per-
centage going to industry.
Project Michigan
Right now most of the research
is built around Project Michigan
About three-fifths of the funds al-
located to the laboratories in 1956
are for the project.
Project Michigan, which was
set-up in 1953, is conducted to as-
sist Armed Services in battle-field
In other words, methods are
being studied for detecting tar-
gets and obtaining information
about the military situation on the
battle-field by means of special
The problem covers basic phy-
sical sciences, such as acoustics,.
seismic, optics and vision, radar,
and infrared radiation.
Acoustics covers fundamentals
of sound waves in the atmosphere,
what constitutes usable sound sig-
nals, and methods of detection.
Seismics is concerned with
waves that travel along and
through the earth. It is possible
to detect, through vibrations levels
in the earth, those waves which are
produced by nature and man-made
Optics and vision are concerned
with natural and artificial illum-
ination, and atmospheric trans-
parence involved in the use of
unaided eyes, as well as the ap-
plication of the eye to special sur-
veillance devices.
One of the important devices
for detection of objects under
conditions of bad visibility and
bad weather is radar, both ground
based and airbourne.
Infrared work on Project Michi-
gan is concerned with improve-
ments in techniques used for de-
tecting objects by use of infra-red
radiation. This is radiation which
can't be detected by the human
At Willow Run Is located the
Infrared research center of the
nation. Infrared Information and
Analysis, IRIA, has been created
for "the collection, evaluation, and
dissemination' for all information

Sears, Welcomes
the students to
With a timely reminder
that you can always
Shop at SEAR'S
and SAVE!
On All Your Campus Needs-

* BETTER BOOKS-a carefully-selected and discriminating
stock of the good and great books of this and all the past
centuries of publishing, representing most fields of man's
search for knowledge and self-expression.
* MORE PAPER-BOUNDS - at Bob Marshall's you'll find
one of the largest selections of quality paper-backs any-
where.., plus a huge selection of low-priced paper books
* MORE BARGAINS - there is always a sale at Bob Mar-
shall's. Usually the sale is of considerable proportions (as
it is right now) with several thousand different titles on
sale table display. These sale tables are loaded with the,
cream of currently-ovaitable offerings of publishers' over-
stocks and remainders, all marked way down. The sale
tables at Bob Marshall's change rapidly, with new stock
added every week of the year.
* MORE USED BOOKS - our South Wall is a good used
book shop in itself, a shop within a shop. All the used titles
at Bob Marshall's are modestly-priced. The original price
is listed also. If the title is out-of-print that information is
furnished too.

concerning research and develop-
ment in the fields of infrared phy-
sics and technology" on a continu-
ing basis.
Because of complexities in all
of the surveillance devices being
studied, Project Michigan has in-
cluded in its research a data-pro-
cessing program to determine the
co-ordination of these.
The problem is complicated by
the fact that the very data-pro-
cessing system involves human
decision elements, while many
human characterists applied are
not well known.
Home of MIDAC
Willow Run is also the home of
MIDAC-Michigan Digital Auto-
matic Computor, which is one of,
the world's.largest electronic bra-
MIDAC was designed to solve
some of the involved equations
in nuclear physics and higher ma-
Now, Laboratories are looking
for more industrial contracts to
provide work for the computor. It
seems that it works better when
steadily kept in operation.
In fact, the laboratories are in-
terested in more industrial resear-
ch tasks, as they now only com-
prise a small percentage of the
work undertaken.
The University makes no profit
from research carried on in Wil-
low Run. All Projects are figured
on a cost accounting basis, and
fees are charged accordingly.
with the look o


Disguise that unmade bed.

4.98 to 9.98


Blankets 1.69 to 12.98
No student is ever warm enough.
Clocks 2.19 to 6.95
Get to those 8 o'clocks.
Bookcases 10.95 to 19.95
Books are required at this school.
Desks 24.95 to 69.98
Sometimes used for studying.
English Bikes 49.95 to 61.95
Easier to park than a car.
Radios 10.95 to 54.95
Keep in touch with the outside world.
Television 99.95 to 329.95
You can't sudy all the time.
Overshoes - Boots - Rubbers
Designed for our Michigan weather.
.Luggage 5.95 to 21.95
Good looking enough for your roommate to borrow.
Foot Lockers 8.44 to 21.95
For the stuff you brought you don't need.
Waste Baskets 35c to 3.29
Excellent place for old exams.
Auto Supplies
Keep the old jalopy running.

* MORE BROWSING - browsing is an integral and natural
part of the bookish atmosphere at Bob Marshall's. Com-
fortable chairs, lots of room, and a lack of high-pressure
(or even low-pressure) selling tactics back up this invita
tion.You are always welcome, even during the so-called
textbook rush, to come browsing here. You will never be
made uncomfortable or out-of-place if you do not choose
to buy ... assuming you can resist the blandishments and
temptations of a fabulous stock. It is not an overstatement
to suggest that browsing at Bob Marshall's is an essential



part of your university experience.






* MORE HOURS - for your convenience and especially for
your browsing pleasure, Bob Myshall's is open six days of
every'week from 9 AM. to 10 P.M. Closed Sundays.
* MORE SERVICES - our staff is a full-time, professional
staff of experienced book people whose competence is ac-
companied by an almost "missionary" zeal for good books.
We can obtain any book you want, regardless of the coun-
try of origin, whether in-print or out-of-print. Gift-wrapping
and/or wrapping-for-mailing at no charge.
* LESS ETC. -- because this is a book store, believing in the
efficacy and the viability of the world of books you will
find no supplies, no sweat shirts ... nothing but books plus


Typewriters 119.95 to 121.95
Don't hide your brilliance with poor penmanship.
Binoculars 28.95 to 64.95
See the field from students' seats
And hundreds of other items.

One glance convinces you that here,
indeed, is a shirt truly worthy of the
term handsome. Deftly shaped by New
England's finest shirtmakers, it boosts
such niceties as the button-iri-back col.
Iar, center back pleat and ocean pearl
buttons. The fabric is superb Egyptian








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