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September 17, 1956 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1956-09-17

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s +.

TWO TUE MI-C--G-N-'--..

Work Done
By Exchange
Although there is no University-
operated book store, Student Book
Exchange enables students to get
used texts at reasonable prices.
Operating as a non-profit stu-
dent service, the Exchange is actu-
ally a middleman between stu-
dent buyers and sellers. Students
turn in their books and set their
own prices.
Sponsored by Student Govern-
ment Council, the Exchange de-
ducts 10 per cent of the sales price
for operating expenses and remits
the rest to the student seller.
The Exchange has grossed more
than $9,000 in one semester. It
operates both during registration
in the fall and in the spring.
It was first sponsored by Inter-
fraternity Council. Student Legis-
lature took over operations for sev-
eral years and when SGC was
formed, they took over.


'U' To Use Closed-Circuit
Educatijoal Television Soon


Women's Dorm To H


NEW WOMEN'S DORM-A model of the new Residence Hall for women students, termed "Project 87," is shown above. Construction on the building is expected to
begin this fall with a tentative completion date of the fall of 1958. Living quarters are in the wings and dining facilities, lounges and other features are located in the central
area. Expected to house 1200 coeds, the new dorm will cost between five and six million dollars. The dorm will have snack bar, game rooms and lounges.


Planning for two new residence
halls and completion of a $2 mil-
lion addition to a third were
among steps taken last year to
meet the growing housing prob-
A 5-story addition to Couzens
Hall was the only structure com-
pleted but it created space for
266 coeds plus kitchen and dining,
facilities for all of Couzens. The
dorm, which now houses 536, did
not have these facilities before.
In the advanced planning stage
is a new women's residence hall.
For the future, a coeducational

tween the two will house offices,
lounges and dining facilities.
The dorm, which will be divid-
ed into Houses, will also have a
games room, a snack bar, small
lounges on each corridor, and one
set of music practice rooms.
In a still more nebulous stage is
planning for a huge coed dorm
for the University's rapidly-ex-
panding North Campus.
Little actual work has been done
in getting plans drawn up, but
student committees are working
with the architect.
To House 2000


Closed circuit television will soon be used by University depart.
ments for instructive purposes.
Most recent estimate is that it will be operating by the school
year 1957-'58.
Arthur L. Brandon, University relations director and chairman
of the University Television and Radio Commission revealed last spring
that the medical school was making plans for installation.
Dental School Plans TV
Dr. William R. Mann of the dental school said at that time, "We
have made provisions for television facilities in our blueprinted dental
building, now being considered by-
the State Legislature." Brandon was a consultant on an
Several aspects of educational educational television experiment
television were advanced by Dr. out on the West Coast last Spring
Mann. "More students could see which University administrators
a larger area of the demonstra- watched closely.
tions," he speculated, "by using Now in the formative stage at
perhaps a 50 inch monitor." San Francisco State College, the
Dr. Harry A. Towsley of the Television Research Project has
medical school claims, "Television been financed by the Fund for
is another audio-visual aid in edu- Advancement of Education, a Ford
cation. It could be especially valu- Foundation subsidiary, to find
able in demonstrating and in ways of meeting future college
teaching microscope techniques." enrollment, which is expected to
Some Concern Voiced double by,1970.
When it was first learned that University Given Grant
the University was going to install The University was given, dur-
education television there was ing the summer, a grant of $178,-
some concern by faculty members 750 by the Herbert H. and Grace
that the development further sig- A. Dow Foundation for research
nalled mass education. in application of color television
To this University administra- to medical teaching.
tors reply that television will be Other research objectives, be-
used to supplement, not replace, sides comparing academic per-
teachers. "There isn't anyone I formance of television groups with
know," Brandon says, "that feels control groups, were delineated by
television-in-education will be a the Television Research Project.
substitute for the classroom and Final results of the project,
the teacher. though, won't be known until fall
"It is only a supplement where of 1957.
certain large classes are involved." "No where yet," Brandon claims,
Largest of its Kind "is there enough knowledge about
When completed the University's education-by-television. I would
set-up will be the largest of its like to see the Project observations
kind and the only complete closed- include a course in science.
circuit television hook-up used in "It should be noted that Pen-
colleges today, Brandon said re- nselvania State ran a similar ex-
cently periment and the results indicated
"Other schools have installed a there was no significant difference
camera or two but none so far in the learning process between
have a complete closed-circuit net- classroom and television instruc-
work." tion," Brandon notes.
y 4:






,; ,
': , :.


You can buy most of your needs every day of the year at
great discount at HESSENAUR'S. We are WHOLESALE
DISTRIBUTORS for many Manufacturers. Why pay fac-
tory list prices when you can buy many things at dealers'
cost and below.

dormitory for the University's The dorm would probably house
North Campus is planned, about 2000 and might be complet-
Moved in February ed within five years, according to
Moved niShiel,
Women students, many of them Two significant aspects of the
from one of the converted Houses do g ctrs:
in West Quadrangle, a men's Res- dorm are:
idence Hall, were moved into the 1) It would be a pioneer in true
iduene additiolastebruarth.coeducational living in this coun-
Couzens addition last February. try. The University and some oth-
One of the features of the dorm er schools have a make-shift form
is a snack bar, the only one among of coed living, Two Houses in East
the group of women's Residence Quad, a men's Residence Hall,
Halls on the "Hill." were convertenseveral years ago
Bids are being taken and con- for women students to help meet
struction may be started by Sep- the acute housing shortage.
tember on a new dormitory for The House in West Quad which
women students, according to was converted at the same time
Francis C. Shiel, service enter- for o oenhas now been returned
prises manager. to men. It is likely, according to
The building, which will house administration officials, that with
approximately 1200, will cost be- the completion of "Project 87"
tween five and six million dollars, the two Houses in East Quad will
and should be ready by the fall of revert to men residents.
1958. 2) Students for the first time
Split Level Construction '-ve been given a hand in plan-
Built on sloping terran, th:e ring ;fut _ure Residence Halls. There
building has more floors in some has been complaint in the past
sections than others. It will be 10- that students help pay for new
cated in front of the present womn- dorms but have no say in their
en's Residence Halls on the( planning.
"Hill." One idea that has been ad-
"Project 87," as it has been la- vanced for the physical structure
beled, will be in the form of the of the coed dorm was four sepa-
letter "H" with the wings the rate units connected only by a
housing areas. The connection be- dining area.
Development Council Helps
Solicit Aluni Contributions


We specialize in
You epovt
We handle most all Famous, Nationally
Advertised Brand-name merchandise.


The Development Council ex-
ists to generate alumni contribu-
tions to the University.
Although relatively new, it is,
not unique. Most large schools
have organizations to encourage
alumni donations.
The annual alumni giving pro-
gram organized by the Develop-
ment Council was initiated in
1953, during which the Council
received more than $100,000 in
alumni contributions. In its sec-
ond year of operations, 1954-'55, a,
total of $153,000 was solicited.
Million Dollar Goal
"From a modest start it should
be possible to secure close to a
million dollars representing rea-
sonably small gifts from alumni
when the fund is fully estab-
lished," Alan W. MacCarthy, di-
rector, claims.
"When every alumni, including
graduating seniors, is a member
of the Alumni Fund, our job will
be done," he says.
The three-year-old AIM pro-
gram, "An Investment in Michi-
gan," has provided scholarshipsi
to students and faculty grants-in-
aid as well as five $1,000 awards
for distinguished teaching,
In its first year of operation,
$30,000 of Council funds went for
the purchase of the Stellfeld Col-
lection of Musicology, an asset to
the music library.
In 1954-'55 $30,000 was applied
toward construction of the recent-
ly completed University Press
Capital Gifts Program
A capital gifts program is main-
tained to accomodate major gifts.

Foundations and corporations
have always been generous in
contributing. MacCarthy notes,
"One of the jobs of the Develop-
ment Council is to see that the
University receives its fair share
of all such support.
Students play an important role
in the Development Council
through the Student Relations
Committee. The 10-member com-
mittee is engaged in student-
Coordinates Activities
Student Relations Committee's
role is to coordinate activities on
a student level.
Development Council was given
a threefold goal when it was es-
1) To assist University public
relations in areas leading to be-
quests and gifts,
2) To stimulate interest, and
3) To coordinate the Univer-
sity's fund raising programs.
Student Relations Committee
interprets these three functions
on the student level.
"A great deal of the Commit-
tee's work is oriented towards stu-
dent relations - giving the stu-
dent who is about to become an
alumni the feeling that he is a
permanent stockholder in the in-
stitution," Thomas Dickinson, as-
sistant director of the Council de-
As part of this work, the Com-'
mittee gives Alumni Clubs the
names of students coming from
their area.

-Daily-Donna Hanson
IT WASN'T ALWAYS THIS TOUGH - Years ago 'students
registered at the University simply by signing names in a
ledger book. Now, though, students can register only by filling
out endless forms of the traditional "railroad ticket."
Railroad Tickets' Have Made
Registration More Difficult


To most people the words "rail-
road ticket" simply indicate a mode
of transportation.
For University students though
the words are richer in meaning,
deeper in implication.
The "railroad ticket," in student
parlance, is almost two feet of lines
and blanks, endless repitions, per-
forations and odd little boxes to
Provides Filing Information
Used to provide information for
various University offices and
agencies the "railroad ticket" is a
convenient medium for all but the
student, to whom it represents a
period of tedium.
How long the "railroad ticket"
has been used is difficult to deter-
mine but secretaries who worked
in the registra's office as far back
as the 1920's said they couldn't re-
member ever using anything but
"railroad tickets."
Miss Fanny Kaufman, former
secretary to Registra Emeritus Ira
Smith, commented, "They may
have added a card or two but the
basic ticket has been the same at
least since 1929."
Newcomers Perplexed
Upperclassmen, seasoned in fill-
ing out the ticket, have little diffi-
culty but incoming freshmen and

Everything we sell is fully guaranteed by us
for the manufacturer.
We do not handle or sell seconds!

the going considerably easier. For
example, she would have signed
her name only once, and the only
other information requested would
have been her age and address.
Alumni Catalog Office recorde
disclose that registration was ac-
complished simply by signing a
large, ruled ledger from 1872 to
In 1903 the book was abandoned
and registration accomplished by
filling out four by six inch slips
of paper. Additional information,
father's occupation and names of
two persons who knew you, were
required but, so far as could be
determined,the student only had
to fill out one form.
After a while, no one seems to
know just when, the slips were
discarded and the traditional "rail-
road ticket" adopted.
Students Must
Weigh ROTC
One of the first questions which
a freshman at the University must



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