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December 01, 1956 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1956-12-01

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Sixty-Seventh Year

"Freezing To Death Isn't So Good Either"



"When Opinions Are Free
Truth Will Prevail"

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the .individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
Validity of Student Opinion
In Sigma Kappa Consideration
Student Government Council spent two hours Student opinion may not only be irrelevant
Wednesday wrangling over possible limi- but harmful because, in many cases, it will be
tation of constituent debate when Sigma Kappa based on emotion rather than information.
comes up for consideration next Wednesday. Sigma Kappa members, legal advisers and dele-
It was a case of war between practicality and gated representatives are likely to be most
principle. If constituent debate is condicted 'informed and should, of course, present their
along the lines of that during the deferred case. But debate similar to that on deferred
rushing hassle last year, it will indeed be what rushing would be chaotic and contribute noth-
President Bill Adams termed a circus. On the ing td a wise decision.
other hand SGC, cannot in conscience deny its Up pops principle-all students have a stake
constituents the right to speak on any issue, iUpthisi. ilargethaejustSim
much less on one of such major importance. inpti i ndisar ha n ra.
If student opinion is what the Council wants, Kappa, involving discrimination in general. And
the forum Tuesday should be able to fill the students should have the right to speak,
bill admirably. However, if all the facts that
will be presented Wednesday are not also pre- f SGC does allow constituent debate, the
sented Tuesday, the Council cannot regard the debate should certainly be limited in time,
opinions expressed Tuesday as completely or nothing will be accomplished. SGC must
valid, also decide when it will allow debate-before
its deliberations, or during the regularly sched-
T here is also the question of whether student uled constituents' time near the meeting's end.
opinion is really relevant to the case at The former would very likely confuse the
all. The regulations exist-no organization may real issue-whether or not' regulations have
maintain recognition if it restricts member- been violated. The latter would be worthless
ship on the basis of race, religion or color. If if the Council wants student opinion.
the regulations have been violated, SGC has no T
alternative but to withdraw recognition. The question for SGC members to decide
A decision must be made on the basis of when they meet tomorrow is whether or not
fact, not opinion, and no amount of student student opinion is really relevant to the issue.
opinion, pro or con, will alter the facts. -TAMMY MORRISON
Christmas Out of Hand?
B AH! HUMBUG! This "Christmas" thing is getting material returns for his hard-earned
approaching ridiculous heights. cash, he has the deep glow inside from giving
Window dressing, light-pole decorations, 70 to one of the zillion charitable organizations.
foot trees with 150 ornaments in department Trouble is . . . there are so many of them. It
store dining rooms . . . the list is endless . . . has reached the point where it impossible to
beset all but the most isolated hermit. Santa walk across the Diag without having a squirrel
Cflaus, in one of Chicago's major emporiums amble over to you, sit up on his haunches and
is enthroned at the opposite end of a maze chatter for a hand-out.
of green bannisters. The old gentleman (one Perhaps the best thing to do is turn into
of the more reputable fellows - considering one of those blissfully unaware hermits - or
the war-torn specimens which often adorn the at least try. Wear cotton in your ears when
street .corners), must share the honors with y . edn your eassen
some sort of "gingerbread house". you do your Christmas shopping. Sunglasses
ou es r s "gangrrthdih Sle Night" are wonderful for blocking out all sights on
Loud-sreakers rasp forth with "Silent Night'" a dismal winter day.
or "Ooh, ooh, Santa Baby". The question is
which is in poorer taste. Then, on the quiet night of December 24,
you can reach for your radio, turn on the tele-
IMPRESSIVE? Oh, yes; we're promoting vision, or attend church. The carols will be
Christmas . . . but let us, please, finish our familiar but not grating - then is the time
Thanksgiving- turkey first! to acquire your Christmas Spirit.
But people make money - yes, indeed they -JANET REARICK
do. And when Mr. Average American is not Associate Editorial Director
U.S. in Baghdad Paet?

: P,

Up TAd~FR h
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The Great American
Fight:* .dull
IT IS QUITE obvious that playwright Susan Glaspell has set out
, to give us the historical and ideological background of Americana
and to focus the great modern dilemma in "Inheritors," the current
Dramatic Arts Center offering. Aside from her incompetency in
handling dialogue and her tendency to let her play become a series
of monologues. Miss Glaspell has the further ingratiation of shabby
Briefly, "Inheritors" tells how pioneer Silas Morton gave part
of his land to the public for the construction of a college in 1879.
Morton's decision is prompted by Felix Fejevary II, his best friend's
Harvard-educated son, who quotes Matthew Arnold and Darwin to
cement the farmer's ideas into a block of truth.

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Hungary-The Longer View

The college is going to standa
tion of all ideas. But, after coffee
and cigarettes, we discover that by
1920 Morton College has only pre-
served some ideas.
MADELINE is upholding the
rights of "Hindus" to distribute
posters for Indian independence
and Madeline is there beating po-
licemen on the head with her ten-
nis racket, upholding free expres-
Obviously, what Madeline (and
all Americans) has "inherited" is
the fight for liberalism. And lib-
eralism must combat anti-libera-
lism, which means, in Miss Glas-
pell's terms, stupidity, authority,
reactionary senators, insane far-
mers, narrow-minded wives, im-
potent professors and comprom-
ising college presidents - oh,
Madeline floats down a river of
cliches, buoyed up by her trusty
tennis racket.
In playing her little game, Miss
Glaspell is not a very considerate
hostess: she gives all the chipped
checkers to the anti-liberals, all
the good checkers to the liberals.
And while the anti-liberals must
make their moves under the ana-
lytical sneer of the writer, the
liberals play with abstract con-
cepts, universal truths and a mish-
mash of poetic metaphors.
Jesus Christ, Lincoln, Darwin-
they are all on Madeline's side;
and at the play's end, Madeline,
with a spanking newdtennis rac-
ket, goes off to fight for liberal-
WITH SUCH a tedious play,
the DAC performers get little op-
portunity to display their talents.
Nell Burnside plays Madeline with
the breathlessness of a pre-debu-
tante attending her first formal,
which is exactly how Miss Glas-
pell creates the character. Sydney
Walker is fine in the double role
of Morton and his son. Audrey
Ward is first cast as a grand-
mother whose entire body has dis-
sipated to the point of immobility,
yet whose lungs are so well pre-
served she can ring local bells by
sheer vibration; but in the role of
Madeline's aunt, she gives her best
performance this season, a studied
1920's community leader that is
clearly defined and believable.
David Metcalf as Felix has the
physical handicap of looking and
acting young enough in the first
act, but too young in the subse-
quent scenes where he is a sixty-
plus-year-old man. The remain-
der of the cast contribute what
they can, but Miss Glaspell has
already doomed the audience to a
dull evening.
-Ernest Theodossin

There can be few in this country
who have not felt how sharp
is the contrast between what we
have been saying about Hungary
and what we are doing. The stark
and brutal fact of the situation is
that Hungary lies wholly within
the iron grip of the Red Army,
and that neither we nor our Allies
in the Atlantic alliance have the
means to intervene and to chal-
lenge tle Red Army.
This has left us doing two things
-protesting and trying to arouse
world opinion on the one hand,
and on the other doing something
to bring aid and comfort to the
large and growing mass of refu-
gees who are fleeing into Austria,
This, most of us would feel, is
not nearly enough, and that be-
sides words and charity the coun-
try should at least be preparing,
even if it is too early to propose, a
solution of the underlying prob-
lem from which these horrors and
agonies arise.
THE ESSENCE of the underlying
problem is manifest in the plight
of the refugees. According to the
latest figures available, nearly
90,000 refugees have fled across
the border into Austria. Before
they came there were already in
Austria-a small country of about
7,000,000 inhabitants-170,000 re-
fugees from the world war. Austria
does not have the buildings to
house this mass of refugees, and
as a makeshift the Austrian gov-
ernment has closed all the schools
in eastern Austria and most of
them in Vienna, and it is using
all public buildings available and
also railroad cars. The tempera-
ture in Austria is now about eight
degrees above zero.
Obviously, Austria cannot carry
the burden except on an emer-
gency basis. Nearly 20,000 of the
refugees have found at least tem-
porary asylum in other countries,
foremost among them Switzerland.
According to the United Nations
estimate, it may be possible to
resettle outside of Austria some
30,000, which would include 10,000

for the United States. But this
leaves a mass of 60,000 to be
cared for in Austria, not taking
into consideration the refugees
who will be coming from now on.
At the last official count available
here they were still coming at the
rate of 3,500 a day.
** *
raise a fundamental question of
policy. Is the Western world go-
ing to assume that the refugees
are permanent expatriates from
Hungary for whom new homes and
new jobs must be found in Europe
and in the New World? If so,
there is a work of planning and of
international cooperation to be
done on a scale and of a scope
beyond anything now being im-
Or is the Western world to as-
sume as the principle of its policy
that the great mass of these re-
fugees should regard their exile
as temporary, and that they can
expect to go back to Hungary? If
so, then the problem to which we
must address ourselves is whether
by negotiations with the Soviet
Union we can contribute anything
substantial to an Hungarian set-
* * *
FOR A BROAD settlement, what
has been happening in Poland and
in Hungary has demonstrated, I
think, two- critical propositions.
The one is that in Eastern Europe
the hope of national freedom has
behind it the masses of the people,
not only the old privileged classes,
but the workers, the peasants, and
the students. This hope of national
freedom is opposed by the power
of the Red Army, and would pre-
vail everywhere, as it did first of
all in Yugoslavia, if the Red Army
were withdrawn.
The second proposition, demon-
strated negatively in Poland and
positively in Hungary, is that the
, Red Army will in fact be used
ruthlessly against any East Europ-
ean government which threatens
to move outside of the strategic
orbit of the Soviet Union.
* * *
THE CRUCIAL question is whe-

as an institution for the preserva-

ther terms can be offered to the
Soviet Union which would bring
about the withdrawal of the Red
Army from Eastern Europe. This
withdrawal would carry with it
not only the reunification of Ger-
many but also the national free-
dom of Poland, Hungary and
We do not know whether the
Soviet Union today would agree to
such a military withdrawal at any
price. But we should be getting
ready, it seems to me, to find out
whether there is a price which is
tolerable, at which so much can
be done for the peace and free-
dom of Europe.
1956 New York Herald Tribune Inc.
With obvious concern over the
rift in free world solidarity caused
by the British and French mili-
tary action in Egypt, Western
statesmen. are now taking steps
to mend this rift, to iron out their
differences and, above all, to save
their alliances from serious dam-
These alliances, as instruments
of collective self-defense and as
power reservoirs of the United Na-
tions, are and must remain the
priincipal bulwarks against the
great menace of our days - the
threat of continued communist
This characterization applied
especially to the North Atlantic
alliance. It is not only the main-
stay of our other alliances; it is
based on a common civilization
with common ethical and moral
values which have their roots in
the Judeo-Hellenic-Roman heri-
tage and have flowered into the
democratic way of life.
Any real impairment of this
alliance can only encourage the
-The New York Times

The Daily Official Bulletin is an of-
ficial publication of the University of
Michigan for which the Michigan Daily
assumes no editorial responsibility. No-
tices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN
form to Room 3553 Administration
Building before 2 p.m. the day preced-
ing publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
General Notices
Professional Qualification Test: Na-
tional Security Agency. Students tak-
ing the Professional Qualification Test
on Dec. 1 are requested to report to
Room 100, Hutchins Hall at 8:45 a.m.'
Board in Review, Student Govern-
ment Council. In accordance with regu-
lations established by the Board in
Review, a meeting has been requested
by one of its members to review action
taken by Student Government Council
at its meeting of Nov. 28 with respect
to a request from Galen Society for
permission to hold a campus fund drive
on Dec. 7, 8. Accordingly, a meeting of
the Board in Review has been called
for 10:30 a.m. on Sun., Dec. 2, in Room
3A, Michigan Union. The calling of this
meeting, therefore, operates as a stay-
of-action until such time as the Board
in Review makes its determniation.
Mark VIII Graduate Women's Coop-
erative House, located at 917 S. Forest
St., presently has vacancies for room-
ers and boarders. The average cost is
$13.75 per week for roomers and $8.75
per week for boarders. Approximately
five hours of work per week is re-
quired for both roomers and boarders.
For further information and a free in-
troductory dinner contact Celia Brown,
NO 3-5974 or Luther Buchele, NO.
University Lecture in Journalism.
Norman Isaacs, managing editor of
the Louisville (Ky.) Times, will speak
on "Selling Newspaper Readers Short"
in Rackham Amphitheatre, 3:00 p.m.,
Mon., Dec. 3. Open to the public.
"Messiah" (Handel) will be presented
by the University Musical Society Sat.,
Dec. 2, at 2:30 p.m. in Hill Auditorium.
Participants will include the University
Choral Union, the Musical Society Or-
chestra, Mary McCall Stubbin, organ-
ist; with soloists; Adele Addison, so-
prano; Patricia Fraher, contralto; How.
ard Jarratt, tenor; and Kenneth Smith,
bass; and Lester McCoy, conductor.
It is respectfully requested that tick-
et holders be seated amply in time,
since latecomers cannot be seated aft-
er the performances begin.
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for John Wil-
bur Price, Political Science; thesis;
"British Attitudes Toward European
Unity as Reflected by the Participa-
tion of the United Kingdom in the
Council of Europe" Sat., Dec. 1, East
Council Room, Rackham Building, at
9:30 a.m. Chairman, N. M. Efimenco.
Events Today
A Career Clinic for all University wo-
men, sponsored by Scroll, Mortarboard,
and Senior Society assisted by the Bu-
reau of Appointments, will be held this
afternoon at the Michigan League,
from 2:00 to 5:00. Each speaker will talk
for fifteen minutes at the beginning
of the hour indicated. All of the speak-
ers will be available to talk informally
to anyone Interested during the rest
of the afternoon any time between )
and 5. Undergraduate women are urged
to attend for information which will
be helpful to them In deciding on a
field of concentration and later In a
choice of jobs. The program will be
as follows:
2:00: Advertising - Genevieve Hazzard,
Acct. Exec., Campbell Eward, Detroit.
Counseling - Mildred Snell, Em-
ployment Manager, A & P Co., De-
Civil Service - Dorothy Kirkoff, U.S.
Social Security Admin., Detroit.
Banking - Jeanette Edlund, Nation-
al Bank of Detroit.

Bilological Research - Dr. Rhoda
Michaels, Upjohn Co., Kalamazoo,
3:00: Journalism - Laurena Pringle,
Fashion Editor, Detroit Free Press.
Librarian Work - Louise Lage, Chief
Librarian, Eli Lilly Co., Indianapolis,
Insurance - Ella Lyons, E. B. Lyons
Insurance Co., Detroit.
Personnel - Virginia Phillips, Col-
lege Relations, Michigan Bell Tele-
phone Co., Detroit.
Physical Therapy - Virginia Wilson,
University Hospital, Ann Arbor.
4:00: Publishing - Fred Wieck, Direc-
tor of University Press, Ann Arbor.
Radiot& TV - Fran Harris, WWJ,
Retail - Ruth Dunn, Counselor, J. L.
Hudson Co., Detroit.
Social Work - Detroit Dept. of Pub-
lic Welfare -- Roberta Tarbell.
Airline Hostessing - Virginia Roiz,




' 4



THE American warning to Russia and Syria
against interference with Iraq is likely to
be followed by renewed pressure on the United
States to join the Baghdad Pact directly.
Pakistan, Turkey, Iraq and Iran can point
out that membership itself would hardly entail
any greater responsibility than is assumed
under the warning statement, which said any
move against them would be viewed "with the
utmost gravity."
In the beginning the United States, which
proposed the pact, considered it sufficient to
link it with the North Atlantic Treaty Organ-
jzation through Britain and Turkey.
It was considered better that Russia, al-
ready agitated about American military bases
from which she could be hit, should not be
faced directly by the United States on that
part of her perimeter.
BRITAIN has now, however, made herself
persona non grata with her smaller partners
in the pact, and since her invasion of Egypt
their meetings have been held without her.
Iraq has always promised her loyalty to
the pact on the reservation that if the other
Arab countries became involved with Israel
she would go to their aid. Israel would cer-
tainly be involved in any general outbreak in
the area.

Iraq has asked for more U.S. arms with
which to face the Russian buildup of Syria.
But there is a question whether she would be
able to use them with her present mobiliza-
tion, and also the question of what Turkey's
reaction would be to a further buildup on her
First reaction among Turks seems to be that
they would not worry, since aid for one Bagh-
dad Pact member can be considered aid for
all, but that it would be better, first, if the
United States would join the pact and send
training missions to Iraq.
VJHE United States, of course, issued her
statement not as an invitation to further
discussion about joining the pact, but as a part
her long-standing policy of trying to fore-
stall any misunderstanding among the Com-
munists as to where her interests lie.
This could be even more firmly expressed
by joining the pact. It could be done without
putting Iraq in the position of becoming an
American base - and Iraq has made it clear
she does not wish to become such.
It can be argued, of course, that joining
more pacts cannot make the position of the
United States any clearer. She is already in-
volved, around the world, in what many ob-
servers consider an overcommitment to de-
fend other nations.
Buther membership in the pact would serve
to replace the loss of Britain's position in it.




to the


'Tragedy in a Temporary Town'

dti gian ait New Books at the Library

Editorial Staff

Editorial Director

City Editor

GAIL GOLDSTEIN ................Personnel Director
ERNEST THEODOSSIN.............. Magazine Editor
JANET REARICK .....Associate Editorial Director
MARY ANN THOMAS................ Features Editor
DAVID GREY. ................ Sports Editor
RICHARD CRAMER..........Associate Sports Editor
STEPHEN HEILPERN .........Associate Sports Editor
VIRGINIA ROBERTSON....... .. ..Women's Editor
JANE FOWLER ............Associate Women's Editor
ARLINE LEWIS..............Women's Feature Editor
JOHN HIRTZEL................. Chief Photographer
Business Staff
DAVID SILVER, Business Manager
MILTON GOLDSTEIN ....AssociateBusiness Manager
WILLIAM PUSCH................. Adertising Manager
CHARLES WILSON.................Finance Manager
PATRICIA LAMERTS...---. Ap.m.... fccontyner

Crankshaw, Edward-Russia Without Stalin:
the emerging pattern; NY, Viking, 1956.
Garraty, John A.-Woodrow Wilson: a great
life in brief; NY, Knopf. 1956.
Holbrook, Stewart H.-The Rocky Mountain
Revolution; NY, Holt. 1956.
Jones, Virgil Carrington-Gray Ghosts and
Rebel Raiders; NY. Holt. 1956.
Mencken, Henry L.-A Carnival of Bun-
combe; Baltimore, John Hopkins Press, 1956.
Morris. James-As I saw the U.S.A.; NY,
Pantheon, 1956.
Murray, Pauli-Proud Shoes; NY, Harper,
Smith, Ethel Sabia-The Dynamics of Aging;
NY, Norton, 1956.
Swinnerton, H. H.-The Earth Beneath U1s.;
Boston, Little Brown. 1956.
Atkins .Tohn-Tnmorrow Revealed: NY Rnv

The repeat performance of Regi-
inald Rose's provocative tele-
play, "Tragedy in a Temporary
Town," last Sunday was a refresh-
ing reminder that television is
still capable of producing imagi-
native, intelligent work.
Reginald Rose is one of the
more socially - conscious young
writers whose work has appeared
on television. Though he does not
possess the deep, personal, "slice
of life" insight of writers like Pad-
dy Chayefsky, he writes more pur-
posefully and with a greater in-
tensity. He is trying to "say"
"Tragedy in a Temporary Town"
received national attention when
it was originally presented last
spring, Actor Lloyd Bridges had
used the ad-libbed expletive "god-
dam" in a scene in which a group
of transient workers were beating

had gotten intensely involved in
his role.
Some of the residents of the
"temporary town," frustrated,
restless transient workers, had
formed a lynch mob and, seeking
a scapegoat for their own anxie-
ties, began beating the high-
strung Puerto Rican for a sup-
posed attempt of rape,
Bridges, whose own son had
actually been the perpetrator of
the act which had frightened the
girl-an impetuous peck on the
lips in the dark-did not act at
BUT when he saw the grotesque
nature of the mob's behavior, he
stormed against the men, initially
calling them, as directed by the
script, "stupid pigs." Feeling his
role strongly, he found himself
involved in more than a condem-
nation of the actors who were
iAmnner-r, yhis ntAonnwe an the

concerns himself more with an
analysis of therindividual than
social commentary, has described
TV's creative capacity in an an-
thology of his own plays.
a *
"TELEVISION," he writes," is
a strange medium, limited by a
thousand technical problems,
hemmed in by taboos and adver-
tising policies, cheapened by the
innumerable untalented and of-
ficious people you will always find
in a billion dollar industry. Never-
theless, for the writer there is
still area for deep and unprobed
.This is an age of savage
introspection, and television is the
dramatic medium through which
to expose our new insights into
ourselves. . .More and more, the
television writers are turning away
from the slap-dash activity of the
violence show and turnin tn the

Re: Two Differences
To the Editor:
Open letter to Woody Hayes:
We read with interest your
comments as to the gentlemanly
behavior of your boys after their
ignominious defeat last Saturday.
It is indeed fortunate that you
have not been corrupted by the
maturity and sportsmanship of
your team.
-Edward H. Poindexter
Res. Assoc.
-John J. Stephens, Grad.
-Stanley C. Wecker, Grad.
Jews In Egypt . .
To the Editor:
WHEN an armed attack was
launched against Egypt, much
was said about UN Charter and
peace. Moral, as well as human,
declarations were made against
aggressors, regardless of the
amount of Soviet arms collection
or Fedayeen raids-carried out by
Racial (or religious)) discrim-
ination is being now brought into
force in Egypt against Jews. The
Jewish community as a whole has
never admitted and has hardly
been accused of having connec-
tion with Israel. I fail, however,
to read or hear now the 'moral'
and 'human' declarations; nor
have I come across a meeting'
"Upholding" ... UN Charter.
It would be too much to expect
from people to get excited about
a matter which: (a) occurs miles
away, (b) apparently has hardly
any effect on Middle East mess -
certainly not on U.S. (c) might
(?) have 'legal' justification. I
hope. however, that the campus is

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