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December 01, 1956 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1956-12-01

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Yalidity of Student Opinion
In Sigma Kappa Issue
See Page 4


Latest Deadline in the State

471 t




SGC Head Hits
New Calendar
Student Government Council President, Bill Adams 57BAd, as-
sessed the new calendar plan as a "net loss" for the student body at
a Wednesday get-together of Calendar Committee representatives.
He noted students gained only "a scheduled Thanksgiving re-
cess and one day study sessions before final exams - two things
that we had informally under the old calendar."
Greatest loss under the 1956 calendar, remarked Adams is a
shortened Christmas vacation "preventing students from securing
holiday Jobs."
]Five More Days
Students will be in school approximately five more days under
the new calendar plan, Prof. Paul Dwyer of the mathematics de-
partment observed.


Orders I
Eur ope;

. .



Erich Walter, assistant to
Held Today
On 'The Man
Administration, IHC
Parley %on Education
More than 125 students an
administrators will discuss "Th
Man-Resident and Student" a
the third annual Inter-Hous
Council Conference today in t
Intended to formulate bette
methods to contribute to the resi
dence hall student's educatio
the conference will for the fis
time also include special discus
sion groups for House committee
Four men from each House wi
take part in the regular discussio;
groups during the two morni
and one afternoon sessions. Eac
session will have four separat
discussion groups.
IHC Executive Vice-presiden
Don MacLennan, '58, said th
discussions will "attempt to con
sider the man in his dual role O
resident life and student life, an
find ways to add to his educatio
in both realms."
He said the new special comn
mittee meetings will have mem
bers from the IHC, Quadrangle
and House levels present to fin
ways to improve the work of eac
The five committees to be repre
sentedare Social, House Service
Scholarship, Orientation an
Public Relations.
The regular discussions in th
first morning session will include
North Campus Planning, do stu
dents have a voice in planning it?
Continuing Orientation Program
what is it, is it needed and. ho
to promote it?; Individual Recon
sidered, cultural and intellectua
value of the House; and The Ma
and the House Council, their re
Moore KO'd
In The Fifth
CHICAGO ()-Floyd Patterso
became the youngest heavyweigh
champion in history last nigh
when the 21 year old Brooklyn bo
knocked out ancient Archie Moor
in 2.27 of the fifth round befor
a roaring near-capacity crowd a
the Chicago Stadium.
Dazzling the 39-year-old ligh
heavy king with the blazing speed
of his fists, Patterson thus ci
maxed his amazing rise from
Olympic champ to king of the
world's heavies in only four years
Patterson was piling up a lea
on the official cards against hi
wildly missing opponent when h
crashed home a terrific left hoo
tothe jaw in the fifth round.
'Delayed Action' Effect
The left hook had a delayec
action effect on old Archie. wh
had hoped to become the oldes
man ever to crash to the heavy-
weight title on a second try. Fo
a split second, he started to com
on. then he spun and fell on hi
face. Dazed and befuddled b
this scowling young tiger, Moon
barely beat the count of Refere
Frank Sikora, rising at the coun
,of nine.
As Moore wobbled, unsteady or

the president, revealed, "The new
- calendar plan is on a three semes-
ter trial basis". However, Walter
remarked that a 10 year projected
calendar was already inked, that
lecture series and other cultural
presentations were being sched-
uled in accordance with it, and
that it would be "difficult" to re-
Walter said a student poll indi-
cating the desire to begin school
earlier in the fall and complete
the first semester before Christ-
mas "could not be taken serious-
ly", observing "students wouldn't
want to return any earlier in the
d Athletic Dept. Say Nix
le Dwyer and Walter raised addi-
It tional arguments against an ear.
e lier return. The Athletic Depart-
e ment objects to it. Many confer-
ences of educators are held early
r in September. It doesn't leave
- enough time for the summer ses-
Ssion participants to rest up.
- Dwyer suggested desire for a
s calendar change came from the
ll faculty who "objected to the
n shorter length of the old calen-
g dar." He also argued the new cal-
h endar offers 15 full weeks of class-
e es each semester, treats the Tues.-
Thurs.-Sat. sequence fairly, and
It shortens the "lame-duck" session
e after Christmas vacation.
i- Adams suggested students still
f wanted "in earlier-out before
d Christmas" plan saying, "Most
n students don't work after Labor
Day, faculty personnel must be
- back early to enroll their children
- in school, and registration could
, be shortened by night extensions
d and increased pre-registration."
h 3
e Please
University officials said Thurs-
day they are "pleased" Parke, Da-
v vis & Co. is locating a $10,000,000
- medical pharmaceutical research
l center on North Campus.7
n Wilbur K. Pierpont, vice-presi-
- dent of the University, said, "We
are pleased Parke, Davis hasE
.found the facilities and oppor-
tunities in Ann Arbor suitable tol
its nedes for an advanced researchI
According to Dr. A. C. Fursten-
burg, dean of the Medical school,t
the establishment of the new fa-
bility "will strenthen the re-i
search programs of both that
pany and the University's medicalc
Tom D. Rowe, dean of the Phar-
macy school asserted, "This lab-
t oratory and its employes will be t
y valuable assets ot Ann Arbor." 7
" Parke-Davis is the first com-
e mercial firm to locate itself on
North Campus, an area which1
University officials have indicatedI
t will be the site of future Univer-I
d sity growth.
- Bendix Co. has also expressed in
locating a plant in this area. t

Evac atrn11
Action To Ease
Suez Problem
East, West Leaders Show Concern
Over Syria; Major Crisis Feared
LONDON VP) - Britain and France yesterday were reported
ready to withdraw most of their troops from Egypt by Christmas,
thus easing the Suez crisis.
But Syria shaped up as a new potential Middle East powder keg.
Fears of a flareup in the strategically located republic were open-
ly expressed by leaders in the East and West.
Western diplomats said they suspected a Soviet plot to gain con-
trol over Syria, where a pro-Russian army group is believed exercis-
ing heavy influence over the country.
Turkey Moves
Turkey, which lies between Syria and the Soviet Union, has
rushed Ethem Menders, acting foreign minister to Paris and Lon-
don for high-level talks on countering Communist tactics.
Diplomatic officials reported the British-French agreement to




U.S. Readies Half
Million Bbls. ail
Major Oil Companies Combine
Resources To Increase Output
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON -- President -Dwight D. Eisenhower gave
the signal yesterday to ship a half-million barrels of oil daily
to Western European countries facing critical shortages be-
cause of the Mideast crisis.
In answer to Europe's mounting pleas, the President fi-
nally ordered into operation standby plans for emergency
shipmets which had been drafted last August.
President Eisenhower acted, informants said, after what
he regarded as sufficient backstage assurances that Britain
and France would pull their troops out of Egypt.
Diplomatic officials reported from London about the time
the White House made its announcement that Britain would
withdraw most of its troops

UN Troops
Enter Suez
Bduffer Zone
EL CAP, Egypt OP)-United Na-
tions troops launched their his-
toric peace patrol between hostile
forces yesterday and it wasn't
They took over British forward
positions almost without a hitch
but were barred from Egypt's en-
trenchments across the truce line.
By nightfall, UN troops occu-
pied a buffer zone 600 yards wide
and 1,000yards deep between a
British sector of the British-
French front and the Egyptian
Danish troops wearing blue UN
helmets moved into sand-bagged
British foxholes about 24 miles
south of the British-French head-
quarters in Port Said. They car-
ried machine guns and rifles.
Egyptians Stubborn
As they moved up across no-
man's-land, British soldiers moved
back northward.
A UN observer told correspond-
ents that while the British and
French were ceding their front-
line positions, the Egyptians did
not reciprocate.
The observer said the Egyptians
agreed only to let UN forces es-
tbalish lightly manned check-
points 20 yards in front of their
forward foxholes.
At midmorning, when the take-
over was scheduled to begin, the
Egyptians balked.
The UN observer said the Egyp-
tians insisted UN troops remain
1,000 yards north of their front!
There followed several hours of
negotiation through Maj. Gen.
E.L.M. Burns, the UN force com-
mander in Cairo.
The Egyptians finally agreed to
UN checkpoints 20 yards from
their outposts.

Twithdraw from the Suez area.
With tensions subsiding in the
Suez area there were these devel-
opments elsewhere affecting the
Middle East:
1. Moscow radio began whipping,
up the Arab peoples with reitera-
tions of accusations by Foregin
Minister Dmitri Shepilov that
Britain, France and Israel were
hatching "new plans of aggres-
sion" against Syria and Jordan.
This was drummed into the ears
of listeners in constant Arabic
broadcasts beamed to the East.
Pipeline Trouble
2. The British Foreign Office
said Syria had ignored demands
that it repair the Brtiish-built
pipeline which carries oil from
neighboring Iraq to the Mediter-
The British charged that the
Syrian army sabotaged the pipe-
line shortly after Britain and
France invaded Egypt.
3. Baghdad dispatches reported
that five Arab nations - Iraq
Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Sudan
and Libya - were bracing to
block the spread of Red influence.
These countries, fearful of
openly relying on British and
French support, awaited a lead
from the United States whose
middle role during the Suez cri-
sis won acclaim in the area.
Ranged against these five were
Egypt, Syria and Jordan. Syrian
Foreign Minister Salah Bitar
claimed Turkey, Iraq and Jrael
were assembling troops on the
frontiers of his country. -
Official sources in Paris re-
ported French trade negotiators
have accepted Russian offers to
increase the flow of Soviet oil to
France immediately and raise the
level to almost 1,900,000 tons an-
nually by 1959.
The Soviet Union's oil deliveries
to France this year will reach
350,000 tons.
The trade negotiators agreed to
get 650,000 tons to France next
year, 875,000 tons in 1958. France
normally gets some 23 million tons
annually from the Middle East

-Daily-Norm Jacobs
PEACE THROUGH VIOLENCE?-Discussing "Is Violence the
Path to Peace?" in Angell Hall last night were 1. to r. Profs.
Morris Janowitz, Anatole Rapoport, Kenneth Boulding and Pres-
ton Slosson. Prof. Robert Angell (center) was moderator.
Winpeace With World
Unio*n'- Prof. Slosson
"Peace in the world will only be effected by the coming of a world
community," Prof. Preston W. Slosson of the history department said
last night at an Angell Hall debate.
Participating in a faculty discussion concerned with violence
as a means to peace, Prof. Slosson maintained that peace had never
existed for a long period of time except under rule -of law which in
turn relied on force.
Federal Union
Today, he said we have international courts but no police." He
advocated the collectivization of force and the formation of a federal
union of free nations as a step toward desired world. government.
Continuing, Prof. Slosson supported military defense measures by
explaining that if the United States were to abandon all arms and
utilize non-violent methods of resistance, it would leave itself open
to aggression.
Opposing force as a means to world peace, Prof. Anatole Rapoport
of the Mental Health Institute cited the difficulty of defending the
aggressor in current internationals-
affairs. "Each side belives the l
other is the guilty party," he said.

by Christmas. France was un-
derstood to be planning simi-
lar action.
President Eisenhower's decision
nevertheless came as a surprise.
Only Thursday top officials said
the emergency plan would not be
triggered until Britain publicly
announced Monday a specific
time-table for troop withdrawal.
Overnight President Eisenhow-
er's administration leaders de-
cided, informants hinted, that in-
voking the plan in advance would
encourage the British government
to carry out its tentative promise.
15 Companies
President Eisenhower's directive
specifically gave 15 U.S. major
oil companies permission to pool
tankers, production and distribu-
tion outlets to meet Europe's oil
demands more efficiently.
About 300,000 barrels of extra'
American oil already are moving
to western Europe via. normal
commercial channels.
This flow will be stepped up to
500,000 barrels daily - and main-
tained at this rate indefinitely -
under the emergency arrange-!
To make these extraordinary
shipments posible, American hem-
isphere production will be boosted
by 800,000 to 850,000 barrels, daily
mainly in Texas, Oklahoma andi
Louisiana. #

Local GOP
Rep. Want's
New Party
George Wahr Sallade yesterday
proposed a ."Modern Republican"
legislative program for the con-
sideration of his fellow legislators.
Sallade, a local businessman and
former associate editor of The
Daily, presented his ideas in a
letter to the 85 Republicans in
both houses and at a meeting with
13 of them in Ann Arbor.
He called it the first step in an
effort to "rebuild" the party so
that in 1958 "an aggressive candi-
date for governor could lead us to
The program included develop-
ment ofcommunity colleges, a 90
cent minimum Wage, increased as-
sistance for the aged, the blind,
the disabled and dependent child-
ren, and new hospital space and
research, including a center at the
University's medical school de-
voted to' the problems of the aged
and chronically ill.
Sallade called the response of
those at the meeting "favorable."

Continuing, Prof. Rapoport sup-
ported highly organized but non-j
violent resistance as a way to frus-
trate the aggressor and differen-

s Today

tiate him sharply from the de- First performance of Handel's
fender. oratorio, the "Messiah," will be
He mentioned boycott and sabo- presented at 8:30 p.m. today at
tage as examples of this type of Hill Aud.
resistance.1 The second performance of the
Success of Restriction work is scheduled for 2:30 p.m.
Referring to the Soviet suppres- Emice Alberts contralto, who
sion of the Hungarian revolt' was scheduled to perform in the
which occurred as soon as the "Messiah" is unable to appear be-
"shooting started," Prof Rapo- cause of illness. Patricia Frahers,
port questioned the possible suc- a well-known artist, will appear in
cess of this rebellion had it been her place.
restricted to non-violent measures. In addition to Miss Frahers,
Prof. Kenneth Boulding, also Adele Addison, soprano, Howard
supporting non-violence, upheld Jarratt, tenor and Kenneth Smith,
that although force "may tempo- bass, will perform in the annual
rarily achieve quiet, it can never work.
achieve peace. The Musical Society Orchestra
The economics professor defined and the University Choral Union
peace as the creative resolution of directed by Lester McCoy will also
conflict. perform.

Louisiana. thos at th 1mGU1inpJ. at r eta C&U.
No Rationing Five of the legislators were fresh-
Administration leaders said em- man members, but Sallade called
phatically no rationing of oil or the response good among the old-
gas was in prospect for the United er members at the meeting as
States despite the stepped-up well.
American oil shipments to Europe. In presenting his outlined pro-
Most of the extra oil - some gram, Sallade cited- "two of the
450,000 barrels-will come from most humiliating and total de-
Venezuela's rich oil fields. feats in recent Michigan history"
Authorities also emphasized
that the emergency shipments
would fall 20 to 25 per cent short
of meeting Europe's normal oil
Enough oil is available, they
said, but there just aren't enough
tankers available to move it to
To help ease the world tanker
shortage, the White House ordered
39 World War II tankers taken -
from the government's mothball
fleet and reconditioned to help in
the transportation task. This in-
cludes Maritime Administration
ships and Navy vessels"
Next Few Weeks
The surplus tankers, each capa-
ble of hauling 120,000 barrels, will Y -
be pressed into service within the
next few weeks.
While agreeing to move the oil
to Western Europe, the Eisenhow-rz
er administration shied away ._:._-
from the task of deciding exactly REP GEORGE SALLADE
where it will go.
This job, officials said, will be which "small legislative or con-
handled by the 17-nation Organ- gressional gains cannot hide."
ization of European Economic Co- He said the "so-called disunity
operation which has been study- of the Michigan Republicans has
ing European requirements. been exaggerated," and he re-
By handing the task of sharing ported an "absence of resentment"
the oil to 17 European countries, among his fallow legislators at his
this government obviously also presenting the program.

Snowfall Fills Campus

With Ominous Quiet

The night is still, the quiet is ominous;
The moon shines through the branches
And kindles the snow on the ground
Into a myriad of separate fires
Couples trudge wordlessly through the snow
Watching their breaths form in the air,
Listening to the snow talk
Under thep ressure of their feet.

! r -

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