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November 29, 1956 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1956-11-29

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Sixty-Seventh Year

"Who Else Do We Pick Up In This Car Pool?"



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"When Opinions Are Free
Truth Will Prevail"


Excellent Photography
Bouys Up Factual Lack
THE LATEST addition to the deluge of natural history movies, "The
Silent World" differs little from its spectacular, pseudo-scientific
Jacques-Yves Cousteau's production is a delightful experience in
photography, interspersed periodically with the below- and *above-
surface escapades of the "Calypso" crew, a group of scientific investi-
But actually, this film has little more to recommend it than the
mechanics of the photography involved. Without doubt, the colors
of the coral reefs and the leaping of thousands of porpoises were

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

Faculty Senate Urged
To Reevaluate Athletics

THE FACULTY Senate meets today to dis-
cuss reform proposals which will be pre-
sented at the Dec. 5 meeting of the Big Ten. It
will probably discuss the "equalization" plan
which calls for equalizing economic aid to ath-
The Senate is also expected to consider a
motion, tabled Monday, commending Fritz
Crisler and Prof. Marcus Plant, Big Ten facul-
ty representative, for their work.
Western Conference (Big Ten) regulations
stipulate that final control for athletic poli-
cies of member schools must rest with the
faculties. At the University, this control is
largely delegated to the Board in Control of
Intercollegiate Athletics.
But the faculty still retains ultimate, if
loose, control. Faculty members are appointed
from a panel chosen by the Senate Advisory
Committee, and the Advisory Committee may
request full information from the Board on
any of its policies.
Although we are confident that the Univer-
sity's athletic program is conducted on a high-
er plane'than that of many Big Ten schools,
we are just as confident that it has strayed
far from pure aniateurism.
BECAUSE of the respect it commands, the
influence it wields and the authority it
has, the Faculty Senate is the logical group to
investigate and reevaluate our athletic pro-
If the sums spent on recruitment and sub-
sidation are so large as to suggest loss of proper
perspective then the Faculty Senate ought to
recommend a policy change.

A review of athletic scholarships would cer-
tainly be within the jurisdiction of the Senate.
We would like to see a discussion of the value
of athletic scholarships and what place, if
any, they should occupy in the total scholar-
ship picture.
We are not convinced that the Board in Con-
trol of Intercollegiate Athletics represents the
various facets of the University to the extent
to which they deserve representation - and
this matter deserves the Senate's consideration.
Certainly the "student" representation is a
farce. Because of their names, varsity ath-
letes are invariably elected to the Board. And
it is hard to conceive of varsity football play-
ers opposing the policies of Fritz Crisler.
THE BOARD is entrusted with the responsi-
bility for ensuring proper ticket practices.
That the courtesy tickets given varsity ath-
letes for their parents and relatives are more
commonly scalped for fancy prices illustrates
that this responsibility has been shirked.
And when the Board is faced with the ticket-
scalping problem, its glib reply is "prove that
such a problem exists." In light of the resources
available -to those who bring the charges, stu-
dents and faculty members, such proof is vir-
tually impossible to obtain - but that doesn't
alleviate the problem.
For these reasons we urge the Faculty Senate
to undertake more than a discussion of the
"equalization" plan. We urge them to re-
evaluate athletics at the University.
If they don't, it is unlikely that anyone will.
City Editor

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'Generation' Shows Vision of Life

Hospitalization Plan Assessed

IT IS TOO early to assess the University's
student hospitalization plan as it hasn't
yet taken final shape. However, comment on
problems inherent in such a plan is not pre-
An analysis seems to indicate that the pros
present a better case than the cons.
Best argument for a plan which Dr. Morley
B. Beckett, director of Health Service, defined
as "insurance for all students covering hospi-
talization for accidents and illness" is this:
students would get timely, inexpensive medi-
cal care.
Basically, hospitalization is an economic
question. Some people have labeled it the van-
guard of socialism. But it is only tangentially
concerned with the production of goods. Hos-
pitalization is merely a manifestation of the
insurance principle, an accepted practice in
our modified capitalistic society.
Economists call it "pooling your risks" --
a substitution of a small payment for a large
uncertainty. Statistics show the frequency of a
certain contingency among a certain number
of people under measured conditions and in-
surance companies fix premiums accordingly,
adding costs of soliciting and administering the
policies. The state doesn't enter the picture.
THIS PROTECTS that minority of people
who might be put in the red by a sudden ill-
ness. Dr. Beckett can name lists of students
who have been thrown into tough financial
straights by long illnesses here. He faces a real
problem when a student needs expensive medi-
cal care, when the Universtiy can chip in only
the "basic costs", and when the student is
lacking in funds.

In short, everyone should have the insuranc'e
"right" to medical attention when he needs it.
Final argument for the pros is that the large
number of students at the University and the
occupational safety of this group would insure
rock bottom premium rates.
ARGUMENTS against a hospitalization plan
here are contingent upon what is finally
drafted by University administrators. It would
be interesting to know how many students are
already covered by policies of their own or of
their parents, and for whom a University plan
would be superfluous. Beckett mentioned that
students who suffer from the present arrange-
ments aren't "in the majority", but if it is
found that ninety per cent of the student body
is already covered, it might be difficult to
muster student opinion behind the new scheme.
Beckett said University administrators want
the plan to blanket the student body. This is
ideal for collecting fees, but the "majority"
may object to it.
Lastly, students will be interested in how
much the plan will cost and what coverage
will be extended.
At this stage of the game, University admin-
istrators should be commended for their work
in this area of student health and advised to
investigate the effects of a blanket hospitaliza-
tion plan fully before' presenting it to us.
Probably, the "majority" of students would
rather cooperate with a blanket plan than
have a school-mate "burst" an appendix be-
cause he didn't have the money to receive time-
ly medical attention, but this too should be in-

ers,'* a few lines early in the
story offer a germ-culture of a
blight which has sterilized fiction
for a third of a century. The lines
The door of Henry's lunch-
room opened and two men came
in. They sat down at the coun-
"What's yours?" George asked
"Ihdon't know," one of the
men said. "What do you want
to eat, Al?"
"I don't know," said Al. I
don't know what I want to eat."
The Hemingway blight - from
which Hemingway never suffered,
like other carriers-made langu-
age unappetizing, flat, and drab
to many young writers who imi-
tated not wisely but too well.
one is heartened to discover, has
regained its appetite. Not only is
there verve and relish for the
bright colors, the pungent flavors,
and the odors of this life, but
an amazingly wire-ranging vision
of life. The Gulf of Mexico,
Venice, a small town on Sunday,
a New York neighborhood made
exotic, are vividly put before us.

David Levy's critical apprecia-
tion of Isaac Babel's rich world
in many ways sets the tone of this
issue. Levy's review, like Babel's
prose, "overwhelms us with sen-
sation." He quotes generously such
morsels as, "Through the fence of
wild vine the sun reached at them,
its fiery disk enormous. Bronze
gleams lent weight to the women's
black hair. Drops" of sunset
sparkled in diamonds - diamonds
displayed in every possible place:
in the profundities of splayed
bosoms, in painted ears, on puffy
bluish she-animal fingers."
Notable among the stories is
Allan Duane's "The Vacant Lot,"
with its steamy bayou and Stan-
ley, who slides off a piano seat to
encounter a femme fatale in a
flour sack dress. Another appeal-
ing story of children is Roberta
Hard's lyric treatment of a little
girl, Sunday sin, and death. David
Newman gives us an homme fa-
tale: Marco the compulsive Casa-
nova, whose ritual dance of hyp-
notic courtship has a death beat
in its rhythms. Thomas Parker's
"The Ring" has a textured brilli-
ance in imagery; the glitter shim-
mers so that depths are obscured.
* * *
THE POETRY offered is versa-

tile and lively, too. Doyle Fosso's
"Trees are Wondrous Dancers"
exercises strenuous images that
gash and gall in a golden shower,
and Marge Piercy's work is done
from a strong pallette. Nancy
Willard contributes a short poem
with the grace of line that char-
acterizes her pen and ink draw-
ings. One mishap escaped the
vigilant eyes of the editors. "A
Public Life in Brief" by Curt
Shellman was mistakenly credited
to Earl Jean Prahl.
Those who have followed the
recent history of GENERATION
will be gratified to discover it
once more an inter-arts maga-
zine. Line drawings, oils, litho-
graphs, etchings are reproduced.
as well as "Two Songs from Ben
Jonson" put to music by Fred
Coulter. F. I. Wilkins' oil "Still
Life," which won second place in
last spring's Inter-Arts Union ex-
hibition, has power in its receding
masses asymmetrically balanced.
Mr. Wilkins' cover design is to be
commended also.
Such creative activity as ex-
hibited in the current GENERA-
TION deserves encouragement
and support. The contributors
and editors must be congratulated
for their work in this fall issue.
-Robert F. Haugh

almost awe-inspiring. A prelimi-
nary of sharks about to make a
meal of a young whale was an im-
pressive bit of photography,
though, here again, falling into
the pit of presenting nature as
beautiful, though infinitely cruel.
w * .
THE ATTEMPT at emotional
appeal is continuous and dubbed
in mood music is used throughout
a large part of the film where
effective narration could have ex-
plained such points as the dead-
liness of the rays, and "pilot fish"
swimming in front of the shak.
This film merits extensive praise
in that "devices" were not used
to speed up and slow down, mag-
nify, or present the undersea life
in some sort of abstract form.
However, for the appeal to sen-
timentalists and young children,
writers and film producers invari-
ably feel they must endow lower
forms of vertebrate life with hu-
man thoughts and emotions or
they have no story. 'It is some-
what disturbing to think of a
large seat turtle "crying" because
she is tired after laying her eggs,
or a somewhat gluttonous Grouper
becoming "a good friend."
R R .
A FEW of the transitions be-
tween episodes were uncomfort-
able. For example, the divers of
the "Calypso" sneaked up on a
helmeted sponge diver encumbered
by safety line and air hose. Im-
mense build-up of mood music.
Slow, methodical swimming of our
heroes in the aqua-lungs. The
"climax" came and they shook
hands. Immediately we found our-
selves on the surface and it was
As a picture of undersea life,
the film is excellent, as an explan-
ation of the graphic illustration, it
leaves much to be desired. Yet
even from this somewhat over-
dramatized version of marine life,
the impression remains that
"science truth" is just as fascinat-
ing as "science fiction."
-Janet Rearick
Nhew Twist
Old Story
iT'S always easy to find witty
things to say about a bad movie,
but when a comparatively good
one comes along, it's often diffi-
cult to find the right words to
correctly describe it. Although
"All About Eve" doesn't leave one
wildly raving with ecstatic en-
thusiasm, it must be considered a
good movie, and consequently one
whose effect is hard to convey.
The plot is simply a new twist
to an old story of the stage. Eve
Harrington, a not-so-naive young
ingenue, comes in contact with
MargoChanning,a not-so-young
actress, and with a dubious burst
of brilliant talent, almost suc-
ceeds in stealing Miss Channing's
glory as well as her not-so-devoted
groom to be.
The psychological idiosyncrasies
of the characters, however, hap-
pily save this story from being as
trite as it threatens to be. The
difficulties that ensue as each
of them figuratively hop on and
off the psychiatrist's couch, range
from the ordinary temper tan-
trums to melodramatic confes-
sions, and eventually result in
both the salvation of Margo and
her followers, and in Eve's sub-
mission to the will of the nasty
critic who has seen through her
from the beginning.
* * *
ANNE BAXTER, who plays the
role of Eve, does a fine job of act-
ing in the part of the girl who will

sacrifice everything to get what
she wants, and will use all her
power to keep it. The real dra-
matic credit, however, belongs
not to her, but to Bette Davis.
As an aging star who is fighting
hard for security and love, she
sometimes speaks so convincingly
that it is difficult to determine
whether the speaker is Margo or
Miss Davis, herself. When she
finds happiness in the end, one
can only feel that she deserves
it - in spite of her temper, her
jealousy, and her age,
Somehow, the ending is right.
* * *
been used often enough in the
theater to make the ordinary audi-
ence aware that all is not sweet-
ness and light in the tinsel.tar-
nished world of the stage. "All

The Daily Official Bulletin is an of-
ficial publication of the University of
Michigan for which the Michigan Daily
assumes no editorial responsibility. No-
tices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN
form to Room 3553 Administration
Building before 2 p.m. the day preced-
ing publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
General Notices
Professional Qualification Test: Na-
tional Security Agency. Students tak-
ing the Professional Qualification Test
on Dec. 1 are requested to report to
Room 100, Hutchins Hall at 8:45 a.m
The following student sponsored so-
cial events are approved for the com-
ing weekend. Social Chairmen are re-
minded that requests for approval for
social events are due in the Office
of Student Affairs not later than 12:00
noon on the Tuesday prior to the
Nov. 30: Alpha Xi Delta, Beta Theta
Pi, Delta Theta Phi, Huber, Jordan,
Kappa Delta, Kappa Sigma, Martha
Cook, Phi Delta Phi, Phi Mu, Stock-
well, Zeta Tan Alpha.
Dec. 1: Alpha Epsilon Pt, Alpha
Kappa Kappa, Alpha Tau Omega, Allen
Rumsey, Alpha Epsilon Phi, Alpha
Sigma Phi, Delta Gamma, Delta Sigma
Delta, Delta Sigma Phi, Delta Tau
Delta, Delta Theta Phi, Delta Upsilon.
Hawaiian Club, Nu Sigma Nu 'M'
Club, Phi Delta Phi, Phi Delta Theta,
Phi Kappa Sigma, Phi Kappa Tau, Phi
Rho Sigma, Psi Omega, Psi Upsilon,
Scott, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Sigma Chi,
Sigma Nu Strauss, Tau Kappa Epsilon,
Theta Xi, Trigon, Van Tyne, Zeta Ps.
Dec. 2: Gamma Phi Beta, Phi Delta
Leland Stowe, foreign correspondent
and professor of journalism, will again
open his class,,)ournalism 230 Current
World Events, to the campus public.
He will discuss "Moscow's Cold-War
Crisis: An Assessment of Recent Soviet
Gains, Reverses and New Problems,"
Thurs., Nov. 29, 11:00 a.m. in Aud. D.
Readings by Members of the English
Department. Prof. Karl Litzenberg.
"Narrative and Dramatic Poems: In-
cluding the New Testament, Shakes-
peare, Tennyson, Browning, et al." Aud.
A, Angell Hall, Thurs., Nov. 29. 4:10
Research Seminar of the Mental
HealthrResearch Institute. Dr. Bert
Hoselitz, professor of social science,
University of Chicago, will speak on
"Some Relations of History and Be-
havioral Science" Nov. 29, 1:30 to 3:30
p.m., Conference Room, Children's Psy-
chiatric Hospital.
Astronomy Department V isi t ors'
Night. Fri., Nov. 30, 8 p.m., Rm. 2003,
Angell Hall. Lowell Doherty will speak
on "Unusual Stars." After the lecture
the Student Observatory on the fifth
floor of Angell Hall will be open for
inspection and for telescopic obser-
vations of Mars and a double star.
Children welcomed, but must be ac-
companied by adults.
Lecture, auspices of the Department
of Library Science and the School of
Education. "The Great Mosaic." Vir-
ginia Sorenson, writer of children's
books and novelist. 4:15 p.m., Aud. B,
Fri., Nov. 30, Angell Hall.
Education in Russia. Fri., afternoon,
Nov. 30, DeWitt Baldwin, co-ordinator
of religious affairs, will speak inform-
ally about education in Russia, as he
observed it when touring through Mos-
cow and Leningrad this summer. This
will be part of the weekly coffee hour
of the Office of Religious Affairs, Lane
Hall, 4:15-5:30.
University Lecture on Fri., Nov. 30,
at 8:00 p.m., in Rm. 1300, Chemistry
Bldg. Sponsored by the Department
of Biological Chemistry. Dr. Fritz Lip-
mann, Harvard Medical School, "The
Isolation and Enzymatic Synthesis of
Active Sulfate."

Recital of Chamber Music under the
direction of Eugene Bossart, 8:30 p.m.
Thurs., Nov. 29, in Aud. A, Angell Hall,
Compositions by Beethoven, Ravel,
Barber and Brahms, performed by Mary
Mattfeld, contralto, James Berg, bass-
baritone; Patricia Stenberg, oboe, John
Bauer, clarinet, LaRue Kendall, French
horn, Eleanor Becker, bassoon, Sara
Savarino, flute; Sheila McKenzie, Mar-
garet West and Elnore Crampton, vio-
lins, Robert Rickman and Alice Dutch-
er, violas, Beverly Wales and Camilla
Doppman, cellos; Sara Scot, Joyce Noh
and Carol Kenney, piano. Open to the
public without charge.
Academic Notices
To instructors of engineering fresh-
men: Eleven week grades for all En-
gineering Freshmen are due in the
Secretary's Office, 263 West Engineer-
ing Building, on wed., Dec. 5, 1956.
Solid State Physics and Chemistry
Seminar. Thurs., Nov. 29, 4:00 p.m.
(Refreshments at 3:30 p.m.), Briefing

lock 'M' Ends Successful Season

1 4

Anti-Filibuster Move

THE STATEMENT by Sen. Thomas Kuchel
of California that he will support an anti-
filibuster move in the opening days of the
Congress brings to ten the numbers of Sena-
tors committed to such action.
The anti-filibuster action is currently being
pushed as indispensable to any civil rights
legislation, which has been talked to death for
years under the Senate's lenfent debate rules.
Present rules allow debate to be ended only
by a vote of two-thirds of all members of the
Senate, an exceedingly difficult number to
muster, especially if attendance is low. It re-
quires only 32 Senators, either by vote or by
absence, to block a move for closure of debate.
The issue over Rule 22, the one governing
debate, is frequently confused. The current lib-
eral effort is not designed to limit legitimate
debate. Rather it is an attempt to achieve a
closer approximaion of majority rule in the
deliberations of the Congress.
No one sponsoring the anti-filibuster resolu-
tion is interested in preventing the orderly pre-
sentation of all sides of Congressional issues,
insofar as time permits. The issue is rather
whether a small minority, aided by normal
absenteeism, is to be allowed the power to pre-
vent the enactment of important legislation,
1i-n i

T HE FILIBUSTER can be defended in these
terms, though not too convincingly. It can
be argued that it is essential to unity in a fed-
eral system where sectional interests vary. It
is surely an effective means of preventing the
national will from prevailing over minority
will, and as such is a protection against ma-
jority tyranny. But just as it is designed to pre-
vent abuses, so is it capable of being grossly
abused itself.
The Supreme Court, functioning as it does
to check possible Congressional violations of
the Constitution, is another such check. But
its operations are governed at least by certain
written criteria embodied in the Constitution
The filibuster operates within no such limits.
Unlimited debate against a bill may be de-
fended on grounds of "due process of law"
or "white supremacy." And even when Consti-
tutional arguments are utilized to defend the
filibuster, they are being used by politicians re-
sponsbile to an electorate, and their actions
are governed more by political considerations
than by any sense of justice or higher law. The
proponents of the bill in question are largely
governed by the same _ considerations, and
neither side can ordinarily make any rightful
claims to superior justification for its actions.
OUR GOVERNMENT is theoretically one of
representative majo'ity rule. Where it is
not, the conditions are clearly outlined. For

Best for the Block.. .
To the Editor:
THE BLOCK "M" central com-
mittee wishes to thank every-
one who participated in the flash-
card section. We think that this
year has been our best one so far.
Cooperation was excellent and the
stunts, as a result, were, on the
whole, very successful. Our big-
gest imperfection was a number of
empty seats showing through the
designs at our last few games. and
this was minor.
We would also like to thank The
Daily for their article on Satur-
day. However, the outcome of the
stunts should not be based on the
merits of the pictures that were
published. As we have found in
the past, black and white photo-
graphs fail to distinguish differ-
ences in colors; therefore, many
details and separite color areas
are lost. This happened in the
two pictures by The Daily, giving
a very inadequate representation
of the Block. Many objects in the
designs that were actually seen at
the game did not show - up at all
in the photos they published. From
our own experimentation it was
found that black and white pic-
tures of Block "M" should be
taken of stunts using only two
colors, and those colors must be
ex tremely contrasting ones (as
our blue and yellow "MICHIGAN
As soon as they are ready, we
will show color movies that were
taken of the Block and we will
also display our color photographs.
If the rest turn out as well as the
ones we already have, the campus
will see how well Block "M" really
1tnnkzpH {

those which wo do with the bands.
Upon previous agreement, we will
not perform while any bands are
on the field, except to do stunts in
direct coordination with their for-
mations. All other types must be
)ield until later. We cannot per-
form two succeeding formations
since it takes a minimum of thirty
seconds to prepare for each stunt.
Also, we will not ask Block "M"
members to perform while the
band is doing a dance number so
that (1) they can watch and (2)
they do not detract other people's
attention from the intricacy of the
dance steps. This is why there are
so few stunts during band per-
formances. As it is, we work with
visiting bands to add to the num-
We have doubled the number of
stunts later in the season bringing
the total up to 8 in one perform-
ance. We are trying our best to
find ways of ever increasing this
next year.
Secondly, Mr. Winkelstein mis-
takenly accused us of running our
performance into the second half
and this has not happened all
season. The closest we came was
at the Illinois game, but we fin-
ished before the kickoff!
We agree wholeheartedly that
students should come' early to the
games and have practice sessions,
but at present we have no way of
enforcing it.
We are now contacting flash-
card sections of other schools in-
cluding UCLA to get ideas to
improve our own. We're looking
forward to an even more success-
ful season next year.
-Carolyn Fisher,
Design Chairman

described by Mr. Mendler. It is
true that the U.S. Security Forces
in Japan form an independent
community, that there is very
little contact between them and
Japanese and that such contact
usually goes a little way toward
understanding Japan and the
Therefore it is easily imagined
that the misconceptions indicated
by Mr. Mendler may be brought
back from Japan by quite a few
Americans. I think, however, that
we need not worry about it and
that Mr. Halloran's excellent com-
ment will not be overwhelmed.
Even if such misconceptions seem
first to overwhelm a true opinion,
it is obvious that an opinion based
on fair observation, exact judge-
ment, penetrating analysis and
good will, will prevail sooner or
later. In any case, I sincerely hope
that the real Japan will be intro-
duced to Americans not only by
Mr. Halloran but also by as many
people as possible including Mr.
-Tatsuro Tanabe, Grad.
Busy Doing Nothing .
To the Editor:
PROF. Mikel Dufrenne should
be commended for declaring
"that the French government had
no right to march into Egypt be-
cause when we provoke war, it is
Also he should be praised for
stating "socialism works better be-
cause there is more organization
and decisions" for naturally what
is better than a socialist. govern-
ment, especially when there are
inferior democratic governments

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