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November 29, 1956 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1956-11-29

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Author Describes Japanese Literature

Cost of Living Index
Reaches Record Height


Great works of Japanese litera-
ture appear not in times of war
and confusion but in times of
peace and stability, according to
Yuzo Yamamoto, prominent Jap-
anese literary and political figure.
Tracing the history of Japanese
literature, Yamamoto clearly indi-
cated that the written master-
pieces of his homeland were pro-
duced during periods when Japan
lay in a state of national tran-
Yamamoto, the guest of the De-
partment of Far Eastern Langu-
ages and Literatures, has been
travelling extensively with Ws
wife, Hanako, in America since
mid-October. This is their first
trip to the United States.
Having no especial purpose for
coming to America other than to
"see for himself" many of the
things and people of which he
* has read, the Japanese novelist
will deliver several talks to stu-
dents of Japanese literature here.
Continues Description
Continuing his description of
Japanese writing. Yamamoto
noted that no major works have
been written in Japan since the
end of the Second World War.
Some good works have come out
but nothing which should be intro-
duced to the world. He considers
"Season of the Hot Sun," recent
winner of the Akutagawa prize,
Japan's leading literary award, un-
worthy as literature. Yamamoto
was at one time a member of the
Akutagawa selection committee.
The articulate author hopes
that with the coming of emotional
stability to the Japanese people,
literature will again reach its tra-
ditional high quality. He blames
post-war confusion to the current
absence of valuable writing.
Correlating literature with the
total scope of Japanese history,
Yamamoto was emphatic in point-
ing out that foreigners, when con-
sidering the history of Japan,
should study more than just the
modern period.
The modern era in Japan has
been one of imitation of the West
in government, technology, and
other cultural ingredients. As a
by-product of this imitation, Japan
has also acquired Western mili-
taristic aggressiveness. With one
exception in the 16th century, only
since the coming of the West has
Japan demonstrated expansionist
tendencies, a point usually over-
looked by foreigners, Yamamoto
Stresses Peace
Stressing the peaceful aspects
of 2000 years of Japanese history,
the famous author outlined the
necessity of looking at Japan's
recent period in the context and
perspective of the entire historical
J Yamamoto, a graduate of Tokyo
Imperial University, has been
writing plays since his student
days. The author of more than
20 plays and several influential
novels, he is also noted for his
translation from German of works
by Strindberg and Schnitzler. In
addition to writing, Yamamoto
taught at Waseda University, and
was head of the Literary Depart-
ment of Meiji University from
1932 to 1937.
Turning to politics after World
War II, Yamamoto was a founder
and leader of the Ryokufukai, an
important political faction in post-
war Japanese politics.
Characterizes Party
He characterizes the Ryokufu-
kai not as a political party but
as a political group treading a
path down the middle of the road.
In Japanese, Ryokufukai means
Green Breeze, signifying the me-
dian color in the political spec-
trum varying from the red left
to the purple right. Yamamoto
picked this name himself.
While the number of seats the
Ryokufukai holds in the House of

Councillors, upper chamber of the
Diet, the Parliament of Japan, is


NEW YORK (A) - The cost of
living is up again with predictions!
for more of the same.f
Government figures also put the
average take home pay of factory
workers at a new high:-This is all
to the good.
But more than half of the na-
tion's bread earners don't work
in factories. For those whose in-
comes haven't increased in line
with the government's consumer
price index the slow rise in the
cost of goods and services is scarce-
ly a cheerful prospect.
When the government an-
nounced its cost of living index
had set another record, thenpay
of somewhere close to two million
workers went 'up automatically.
Each year more labor wage con-
tracts include this escalator de-
The latest rise in the cost of liv-
ing index was credited in large
part to the nudge given by the
higher price tags on the new
model cars. The rise in the index
gave a million auto and farm
equipment industry workers a
two-cent an hour pay boost. High-

er price tags on new cars sent
the index up, and automatically
boosted the cost of making cars
and tractors.
Much of the most recent rise in
prices throughout industry has
been credited to the hike in the
price of steel that followed the
wage boost at the end of last
summer's strike.
The latest rise in the cost of
living index also all but assures
that steel workers will get a three
cents an hour pay boost automat-
ically the first of the year. And
even before this latest prospects
many steel mill owners were in-
sisting that still higher steel prices
are needed.
The rise in prices has been
slow-it isn't a runaway affair.
But it has been steady and is now
centering on its built-in features.
The family budget keeper has
his say also, in all but the bare
necessities of life. And dropping
sales volume of the non-necessi-
ties either brings a lowering of
prices or a cut in production. !

B'nai B'rith
will celebratei
on campus be
Dr. Judah J
director of th
Will open the
tion with an
Quest for Jewi
Years of Hill
spective" durin
vices at 8 p.m
A socio-dram
faculty memb
by students a
Hillel Players
present a cha
Oneg Shabbat
ing there willk
cussion with D
for all students
Luncheon o

Foundation Marks
Campus Anniversary
Hillel Foundation"
its 30th anniversary ucational and cultural reconstruc-
ginning Friday. tion in Europe. Israel and the
3. Shapiro. nationalMoslem countries. He is Director
e Hillel Foundational of Jewish Educational and Cul-
three-day celebra- tural Reconstruction for the Con-
thre-dy cee- ference on Material Claims
address on "The jaantGray
sh Integrity: Thirty against Germany.
ish Inerity:hiPr Author and lecturer. Dr. Sha-
el Service in Per- piro, who was formerly director
.g the Sabbath Ser- of the Hillel Foundation at Cor-
mra, cn tdb nell University, has organized
ma, conducted by a Hillel services in the Boston area
er vill be presented and has served in the Jewish Cen-
t 1 p.m. Saturday. ter Movement.
and Assembly will
nukah play at the
at 3 p.m. Follow- Miller To Discuss
be an informal dis-
r. Shapiro. A dance Campaign Roles
s will begin at 8 p.m.
n Sunday will be Prof. Warren E. Miller, of the

followed by a dramatization of the political science department and
BoOk of Job by the Hillel Players research associate of Survey Re-
Assembly. The 'luncheon is spon- search Center, will speak in a
sored by Hillel's executive com- graduate roundtable discussion at
mittee, administrative council and 8 p.m. tonight in Rackham Assem-
Assembly and may be attended by j bly Hall.
Dr. Shapiro is presently work-
ing on the program for Jewish ed- ANNOUNCEMENT BY
I Illinois College of

-Daily-Dave Arnold
VISITING NOVELIST - Yuzo Yamamoto, left, noted Japanese
author will deliver several lectures to students of Japanese lit-
erature here. Accompanied by his wife, center, he has been trav-
eling in the United Sates since mid-October. Their host while in
Ann Arbor is Prof. Joseph K. Yamagiwa, right, chairman of the
Department of Far Eastern Languages and Literature.

(On Request)


decreasing, the group continues to
exert influence as a middle group
often holding the balance of power
between the two major political
parties, the Liberal-Democrats
and the Socialists.
Yamamoto, a member of the
House of Councillors from 1946 to
1953, says that this decline is due
to lack of fundamental support in
the electorate. Not being a true
political party, the group has no
program on which to stand for
election. In issues before the Diet,
the Ryokufukai cannot force mem-
bers to vote a certain way; some
favor one side while others take
the opposing view.
Reflects Nature
The Ryokufukai thus reflects
the supposedly non-partisan, non-
political nature of the upper house
of the national Diet. The faction
is most effective in reaching com-
promises between parties in get-
ting essential legislation through
the Diet.
Scabbard, Blade
Tap 29 Squires
Know all ye citizens
That all true knights
Must through squireship
Go by starlight
Know all ye citizens
That many squires
Train by starlight
To become Sires
Know all ye citizens
Your obligations
For these men train
To lead our nation
Know all ye citizens
By the Five Stars
Squries these men are:
Thomas P. Anderle, '57, Thomas
W. Bailey, '57E, Gary E. Boe, '57,
Donald A. Briggs, '58E, John R.
Caldwell, '57E, Michael I. Cohen,
'58, Bruce Coleman, George Da-
vidson, '57, Harry Evans, '57E, Ar-
thur Friedman, '57BAd, John
Friess, '57BAd, William Hausman,
David R. Hedrich, '58NR, Jerome
L. Hollingsworth, '57BAd, Robert
W. Leuthauser, '57, Lloyd W. Ma-
son Jr., '57, James S. Menees,
'57BAd, Raymond G. McFadden,
'58E, Arthur M. McGrath Jr., '58E,
Duncan E. McVean, '58Ph, Wil-
liam L. Powell, '58E, Thomas L.
Raison, '57, Lewis S. Ramsdell,
'58E, Richard J. Vangemert, '58E,
Charles H. Rubin, '58E, Robert
Stahl, '58, Samuel R. Ward, '58E,
Edward C. Zeerit, '58BAd, Donald
J. Wille, '57E. THE FIVE STARS

In foreign affairs, while many:
Japanese intellectuals criticize
both sides in the cold war. this
does not mean that they are anti-
American, according to Yama-
moto. "Neither does it mean that'
the Japanese government is an
organ of the American govern-
ment," he went on.
Yamamoto was pointed in his
criticism of some of the actions of
the American Army in Japan.
While many exemplary incidents
have occurred, there are also many
others which create friction be-'
tween American and Japanese.

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Friday, November 30-8:30
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(On Request)
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Day or Night

I 'Notices


1. '1
Buro Cats, Mass Meeting, 4:15 p.m.,
Hillel, Beginner Hebrew Class, 7 p.m.,
* . -.
Westminster Student Fellowship, Bi-
ble Class, 4:15 p.m., League.'
Modern Dance Club, Meeting, 7:301
p.m., Barbour Gym.
Lutheran Students Association, Ves-
per Services, 9:30 p.m., Chapel.
Christian Science Organization Meet-
ing, 7:30 p.m., Upper Room, Lane Hall.
Baha'i Student Group, Discussion, 8
p.m., Fireside Room, Lane Hall.

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I Remember:
Classes do not end until
I Saturday Dec. 22nd

See the Show that Everybody
will be Talking About ...
-r -mo - - W -"4 -f-f.., -o&-


. I


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