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November 16, 1956 - Image 5

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Michigan Daily, 1956-11-16

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Students Deferred on Occupational Basis

One of the primarf criteria for
the Selective Service classifica-
tion of draft-age men is the im-'
portance, in the judgment of his
local board, of his occupation in
the "maintenance of ntesnation-
Under this provision for the de-
ferment of men engaged in acti-
vities adjudged necessary to the
national health, safety or Inter-
est, certain qualified college stu-
dents may arrange to postpone
the fulfillment of their military
obligation until after graduation.
Some time after a student reg-
isters, his local board will mail
him a classification questionnaire,
which must be filled out and re-
turned within 10 days. This should
include any information which he
feels might affect his classifica-
SAppeal Permitted
* If the student feels he has been
improperly classified, he may ap-
-peal the board's decision in writ-

mng, or request a personal appear-
ance, or both.
To aid in classification$ of ccl-
lege students, the Selective Serv-
ice System sponsors a special Col-
lege Qualification Test twice
yEach$ student may take the test
only once during his college ca-
reer, and must achieve a score of
70 or better to be eligible for con-
sideration for deferment on the
basis of the test results.
The test, administered by. the
Science Research Associates of
Chicago, Ill., will next be given
on April 18, 1957.
Applications for this test may
be procured from any local board,
and must be submitted by March1
5, 1957.
Class Standing
Another criteria of eligibility
ihe os tdn' class standng. f
a student may apply for defer-
ment if, in his fresl7man year, he
achieves a scholastic standing

Publicity Top Factor in Future
Elecions, Says Dem. Chairman
(Continued from Page 1)

Staebler felt that Gov. G. Men-
nen Williams, who was re-elected
for his fifthi term, received a
"qute fai pes" But it wa
"frfrom athat i.many outstat
Staebler suggested, wasv that
"we've got a good administration
here in Michigan. A lot of people
are aware that they're having
good government. They are not
quite so sure on the legislative
Contact With People
The ascendancy of the Demo-
cratic Party in Michigan, the
state chairman commented, is
Slargely attributable to "contact
with the people" established under
Gov. Williams. "We've got a good
product and a lot of good people
selling it."
As to the future, Staebler con-
firmed reports that Gov. Williams
is seriously considering ending his
ten years as governor with a bid
for the seat of Sen. Charles Pot-
ter, a Republican, which expires
in two years. But he "hasn't made
up his mnind and he won't for a
Beyond that, Chairman Staebler
says it's "too early to make a pre-
diction," but he does not rule out
the possibility of Gov. Williams
becoming the Democratic Presi-
dential nominee in 1960.
Te "likeliest candidate," how-
ever, would be Pennsylvania's
Gov. George Leader. "Me's been an
outstanding governor and is clear-
ly a possibility," Staebler said.
"But the party is rich in can-
didates-let's not use the word
rich-we're fortunate in having a

number of fine governors and
Suggests Possibilities
Others he suggested were Gov.
Orville Freeman of Minnesota,
Sen. John Kennedy of Massachu-
setts, Sen. Hubert Humphrey of
Minnesota, Sen. Estes Kefauver
of Tennessee, this year's Vice-
Presidential nominee, and Sen.
Wayne Morse of Oregon, whose
Presidential candidacy he termed
"not entirely outside the realm of
As for twice-defeated candidate
Adlai Stevenson, Staebler said
while "he has sa great following
in the country, I do not see a
candidacy at the national level.",
He called it "entirely possible"
Stevno iht sek anther
election as governor of Illinois o
a seat in the Senate.
"Within the party he will con-
tinue to have great influence. He
is the most articulate person that
we have in the Party.",
Staebler, who supported Stev-
enson at the convention after
Gov. Williams withdrew his fav-
orite-son candidacy, felt in retro-
spect that he was the strongest
possible candidate. But "I don't
think the Democratic ticket made
any difference" in the election.
The President, he speculated,
would have won no matter whom
the Democrats had nominated.
The 1960 election will be a dif-
ferent story, he predicted. It
would be "most astonishing'' if
Vice - President Richard Nixon
were not the Republican candi-
date, and the Republicans will
"trouble" trying to give him the
same publicity buildup Staebler
feels President Eisenhower re-

which ranks him in the upper one-
half of the full-time male students
in his class.
In his sophomore year, the stu-
dent must rank within the upper
two-thirds of his class to be de-
f erred f or his junior year. Inth is
junior year, he must rank within
the upper three-fourths to be eli-
gible for deferment to complete
his senior year.
To establish eligibility for a de-
ferment based on graduate school
work, a student must attain a
test score of 80 or be ranked in
the top one-fourth of the male
students in his last under-gradu-
ate year.
Healing Arts
The requirement for students in
a professional school of the heal-
ing arts is a test score of 70 or
a rank in the upper one-half of
his class in his last undergradu-
ate year.,
A student meeting one or both'
of the above criteria (test score
and class standing) is eligible for
Tereis o a 1-S () classi
are entitled.
If a registrant has been ordered
to report for Induction, he may
be deferred by requesting the Uni-
versity to send the local board
certification that he is satisfac-
torily pursuing a full-time course
of study.
Written Request
In addition, he must make a
written request that he be con-
sidered for fdeferment in a 1-S
If granted, this will permit him
to complete the current academ-
ic year. At the end of that time,
he may apply for 2-S classifica-
fion for the next year.
Information concerning any
stuen'sclass standing is pro-
vided by the college or university
on Selective Service form 109. The
applicant must request his col-
lege registrar to submit the com-
pleted form to his local board.
In communicating with any unit
of the Selective Service System -
national, state or local - a stu-
dent must be sure to include his
full name and selective service
The selective service number
consists of four elements - 28-
12-36-286, for example. The first
number denotes the state (in this
case New Jersey)'.
The second is the number of
the local board, the third is the
year of birth, and the fourth de-
notes the order of birth among
the registrants under the juris-
diction of that board born in that
Many students also have avail-
able to them the various military
officer procurement programs, as
the ROTC.
Men who are certified as satis-
factorily participating in such a
program are eligible for deferment
in class 1-D.
More Information
More information concerning
this means of deferment may be
secured from the officer in charge
at the University in the depart-
ment in which the student is in-
terested (Army, Navy, Air Force
ROTC or Marine platoon leaders'
Every able-bodied man between
the ages of 1812 and 26 has a
mandatory military obligation of
eight years. There are a number
of ways of fulfilling that obliga-
A student may devofe three
years to a military program in
college plus two years active duty
and three years In ready reserve.
Otherwise he must spend two to
four years on active duty, depend-
inug on the branch of service, ad
the rest in ready reserve,an

[I] Ara-seenonly by US. exlrr
SArea not seen by U. 5. explorers
but explored by others.
WUnexplored areas.
^ ^^^^^^M^RIE B'YRD LAND lf
( 1
- ~ A rca ' 4COATS LAND

Researehers Try to Find
Caus of ernicious AnemiaR

Researchers at the Simpson Me-
morial Institute are attempting
to determine underlying causes of
progam uaccording to a repor by
Dr. Frank H. Bethell, Director of
the Institute.
It has been established that the
ailment is a deficiency disease
caused by a physiological inabil-
ity to absorb vitamin B-12 from
the diet.
The researchers are trying to
discover the cause of this inabil-
ity, giving special emphasis to
the properties of the secretions
in the stomach 'which affect the
absorption into the blood of the
It has been demonstrated at
the Institute that the efficient
absorption of vitamin B-12 re-
quires that the vitamin first be
chemically bound to a vitamin
present in gastric juice.
Itowever, the relationship of
this binding action to the absorp-
tion is not yet understood.
thsOideasugess ha a
makes the vitamin "unavailable"
to intestinal organisms which
might use the substance for their
own growth.
In this way the vitamin could
be conserved until it reaches a
place in the digestive tract where
it can be absorbed.
The second hypothesis suggests
that by combining with certain
protein molecules in gastric juice,
vitamin B-12 is brought into close
contact with the absorptive sur-
face of the intestines by means of
"receptors" on the intestinal wall.
Experiments recently performed
at the Institute in which a com-
pound closely related to vitamin
B-12 - which, can substitute for
it in microbial, but not mammal-
ian metabolisms -- has been used,
indicate that the latter hypothe-
sis may be correct.

These observations point the
way toward the solution of cer-
tain nutritional problems.
If the means by which higher
organisms are able to separate and
d igest essential nutrients now in
foods only in minute quantities
can be solved, a means of more ef-
ficient extraction, either in the
human digestive system or in the
laboratory, might be found.
Other aspects of study at Simp-
son, according to the report, have
been the extension of research
and diagnosis in the study of ab-
normal functions in a variety of
blood disorders, particularly other
types of anemia.
A project now in progress will
study the anemia associated with
chronic kidney disease and the In-
fluence of the element cobalt on
It has been shown that cobalt
has a favorable effect on the util-
ization of iron for red blood cell
production in patients with kidney
cooperation with the Radio-iso-
tope Unit of the Veteran's Ad-
ministration Hospital.
This unit is also cooperating in
studies of the aging process of the
red blood cefl, using radioactive
chromium as a tracer.
The significance of these stu-
dies lies in the shortened life span
of the red blood corpuscle, which
characterizes many forms of ane-
During the past year, these stu-
dies have been extended to eval-
uate the role of the spleen in the
destruction of these blood cells.
Since the spleen is an important
site of destruction for aging red
blood corpuscles, the measure-
ment of the radioactive chromi-
um In this organ gives informa-
tion regarding the extent of cell
destruction within.

Associated Press Newsfeatures Writer
Unie teigh oter nations,d th
United States never has mad a
claim to any part of Anarctica,
even though one of its naval off i-
cers was the first man to establish
th fatthti was a continent.
Studiously refraining from
miaking a claim of its own, th
Unied taes long ago estalse
a policy f noti recognizing te
Zealand, Norway, France, Argen-
eight countries who assert the
have rights of ownership to pie-
shaped pieces of Antarctica's
frozen real estate.
These claims never have been
tested and the Antarctic remains
the only continent on the globe
still up for grabs.
Notices J
Nov. 16, 1956
Roger williams Fellowship, meeting
for writing letters to Japan. 8 p.m.,
Guild House.
Hillel, Sabbath servIces, 7:30 p.m.,
main chapel, speaker: Prof. Philip El-
ving, "Directions for Significant Liv-
Lauyheran Studen Associatin Spsh
* * *'
wesleyani Guild, Dutch Auction, B
p.m,. Wesley Lounge.
Union, brdeclub meeting, 7:30
* * -*
Newman Club, Turkey TrOt, 8 p.m..
Father Richard Center.
Congregational and Disciples Student
Guld s-M sports night, 7:15 p.m.,
* ' *
Scholarship to Free University of
Berlin, petitions are available in the
Office of Student AffaIrs, 1020 'Admin-
iratio Be uilding. Petitions are due

This condition is not likely to
go on forever. A day of reckon-
ing is likely to be brought closer
by the current surge of South
Polar activity and interest stem-
ming from the elaborate scientific
studies to be carried out by 11
different nations this year and
next as part of tlle International
Geophysical Year.
No, Claim Yet
Although the United States has
not yet made any claim, she ob-
vioslyis acting asthough she
The most recent evidence of
this Is a map released in Wash-
ington by the government, identi-
fied solely as "one of a series of
maps issued periodically to show
the progress of exploration.",
The map, basis for the accom-
panying Illustration, indicates
that U.S. explorers have investi-
gated far more of the Antarctic
terrain than those of all other
nations combined.
It also shows that only approxi-
mately one-third of the continent
is still unexplored.-
Discovery and exploration, how -
ever, are not the sole support fo:
a claim of ownership. Also im-
portant are occupation and con-
Operation Deep Freeze
A sizable chunk of the U.S.
exploration shown on the map
came last year during phase one

of Operation Deepfreeze. Navy
crews made nine flights into the
interior from a bumpy landing
strip on the ice at McMurdo
Sound, flying over the South Pole
four times, discovering a new
mountain range, and taking pic-
tures over what was estimated at
the time to be one million square
miles of previously "unknown"
*Judging from the new map, the
United States considers "explor-
ed" the land 50 miles to each side
of an aircraft's line of flight.
Phase one of Operation Deep-
freeze had the primary job of set-
ting up supply bases for American
IGY stations to be established this
year. Last week advanced units
of a Navy expedition reached the
contingent of Seabees who spent
the long South Polar winter (sum-
mertime in the United States) at
Little America and McMurdo
Soon the new men will tackle
their toughest and most ramatic
assignment: building a scientific
station at the South Pole itself.


72 days of cultural, educational, and
pleasure tt'avel ttnrough 14 countries
Russia, Yugoslavia, the Freuch and
Italian Rivieras, and England.
For further information call




Tough Job
nThe job is toughh be a itns
range aircraft-the only practical
means of transportation -- can
land and take off in the thin air
of the 10,000 foot polar plateau.
It is dramatic because as yet in
history only 10 men have walked
the snow at the South Pole itself.

(Continued from Page 4)
True, piano, Sheila McKenzie, violin,
Robert - Rickman and Jean Harter,
violas, and Harry Dunscombe, cello, 8:30
pm. Sn. No.1, inAud A Angell
Haugland, and Mozart; open to the
general public without charge.
Composers Forum Program, 8:30 p.m.,
Mon., Nov. 19, in Aud. A, Angell Hall.
Compositions by Boris Blacher, Donald
Foster, Alexander Post, and Seymour
Altucher, performed by George Crumb,
Donald Foster, James Edmunds, piano;
Sally Baird, flute; William Donahue,
clarinet; Sheila McKenzie and Mar-
jorie Crampton, violin, Robert Rick-
man, viola, and Cynthia Kren, cello.
Open to the public.
Academic Notioes
Psychology Colloquium: "The New
Concept of Health - Physical, Mental,
and Social." Dr. Brock Chisholm, form-
er Director-General of World Health
Organization. Fri., Nov. 16, at 4:15 p.m.',
in Aud. C, Angell Hall.
Astronomical Colloquium. Fri., Nov.
16, 4:15 p.m., The Observatory. Edward
A. Spiegel will speak on "The Criter-
ion for the Onset of Convection In a
Radiating Atmosphere."
Operations Research Seminar: Abram
Charnes, Purdue University, will lec-
ture on "Linear Programming in in-
dustry". Due to the Thanksgiving hol-
iday the meeting time of the seminar

By appointment purveyors of soap to the late King George VI, Yardley & Co., Ltd., L.ondon

has been changed to Tues., Nov. 20,
at 3:00 p.m. in Room 229, West Engi-
neering Building. All faculty members
nero-Perez, EMathematics;rthles "e
gendre Integral Transforms", Sat., Nov.
17, East Council Room, Rackham Build-
ing, at 9:30 a.m. Chairman, R.V. Chur-
chill. Acting Chairman, C. L. Dolph.
Events TIod-ay
4Coffee5 Hour today at Lane Hallefrom
4:1 t 530p.m. for al inereste.
Personnel Requests:
Thornton Township High School and
Junior College, Harvey, Ill., wvould like
to find a Recreation Director for an
eight weeks program this summer.
P.R. Mallory & Co., Inc., Indianapolis,
Ind., is looking for a man with an MBA
and major in Acctg. or at least two
years experience in Acctg. work for
training in the Controller's office.
For further information contact the
Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin.
Bldg., ext. 371.
National Security Agency announces
a Professional Qualification Test to
be given senior men and women in-
terested in employment with the agen-
cy. Engrg., Chem., Physics and Math.
students need not take this exam
which will be given Dec. 1, 1956:
For further information contact the
Bureau of Appointments.


Professor of Chemistry
"Directions for Significant Living"


$3.00 Includes Transportation and Ticket

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7:30 P.M.






We have again bee n selected
to show the fabulous


footbal standings for the University of
Michgan ince 1943.
Date Standings W L T Pet. Pts. Opp. Pts.
1943 1 6 0 0 1.000 207 32
1944 2 5 2 0 .715 137 65
1945' 2 5 1 0 .833 106 36
1946 2 5 1 1 .785 165 46
1947 1 6 0 0 1.000 172 40
1948 1 6 0 0 1.000 190 37
1949 2 4 1 1 .750 94A 54
1950 1 4 1 1 .750 96 60
1951 4 4 2 0 .667 115 54
1952 4 4 2 0 .667 138 86
S 1953 7 3 3 0 .500 63 80
S 1954 3 5 2 0 .715 118 61


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