See Page 4
Lw uyrn
Latest Deadline in the State
VOL. LXVII, No. 50
vaxs, 1 xx%.AJL:Av-
to Suez
? 4
Sped By Threat
Of Intervention
Nasser Requests Kremlin Help,
Calls for Troops To Join Egyptians
LONDON () -- The United Nations Middle East police force
flew itsfirst units off to the Suez Canal zone today.
They were sped on their way from Italy by a mounting threat
of intervention by Soviet "volunteers" in invaded Egypt.
For two days so-called technical difficulties and diplomatic obsta-
cles had stalled the UN emergency force vanguard in Italy.
Arab Diplomats
But yesterday an Arab diplomatic source in Moscow reported
Egypt's President Gamal Abdel Nasser had asked the Kremlin to send
to Egypt immediately the thousands of Russians reported to have
LYL at 'U
Dates Back
To Late '30s
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the third
of six articles arising from a year-long
investigation of the Labor Youth
League begun by writer Dygert when
he was Daily City editor in 1955-56.
This article recounts the seven-year
history of the LYL in Ann Arbor.)
Although the LYL first began to
organize at the University of
Michigan in the summer of 1949,
the foundation for its appearance
was begun in the late 1930s.
In 1937, the Young Communist
League appeared at the Univer-
sity. They held irregular meetings
for five years and folded in 1941.
The Michigan Youth for Demo-
cratic Action (MYDA), an affiliate
of the AYD, was organized at the
University in January, 1944. Such
affiliation was formally recognized
and approved by the Student Af-
fairs Committee upon the request
of the MYDA on Jan. 24, 1946.
Ruthven Letter
A letter from former University
President Alexander G. Ruthven to
Miss Harriet Ratner, President of
MYDA, dated April 22, 1947, noti-
fied the group that "its recognition
as a University student organiza-
tion is hereby withdrawn" because
"evidence which it is impossible to
to disregard indicates that the
American Youth for Democracy
has become conspicuosly identified
with Communist influences."
Slightly more than a year later,
the Young Progressives of America
was organized nationally. The first
organizational meeting for the YP
at the University was held on Feb.
8, 1949, and the group was ap-
proved by the Student Affairs
Committee shortly afterwards.
Distributed Literature
The YPs wasted no time getting
into trouble, they were notified
that it was off limits in distribut-
ing literature at registration in
February, 1949, and were finally
put on probation for the first
semester of the 1950-51 school
In the fall of 1952-53, 14 of the
29 campus YPs were also LYL
members. Also a YP member was
Ed Shaffer, an avowed Communist
who has never been officially a
member of the LYL although he
appeared, along with former cam-
pus LYL chairman Myron (Mike)
Sharpe, before Rep. Kit Clardy's'
subcommittee on Un-American
Activities in the spring of 1954.
The LYL's organizing at the
University in the summer of 1949
was first announced in the early
spring of 1950.
Lecture Committee
In the spring of 1952, the YPs
asked the University Lecture Com-
mittee to let them bring Arthur
McPhau, executive secretary of
>volunteered to join Egypt's armed
Within'a few hours of this re-
port, UN Secretary General Dag
Hammarskjold urgently ordered
the international force to proceed
promptly from its staging area at
Capodichino near Naples.
Before dawn today two Swiss air
planes carrying 95 Danes and Nor-
wegians, the first of the peace sol-
diers, took off from Capodichino
on the five hour, 1,300-mile flight
to an airfield near Ismailia.
Small Nations
More units from armed forces of
small nations will follow. Troops
for the UN force have been of-
fered by 17 UN members.
In Cairo, an Egyptian official
said UN Palestine truce observers
were arranging accomodation for
Sthe UN soldiers. They will be bil-
leted at a former British army
camp at Abu Suweir in the Egyp-
tian-held portion of the canal
Force Supervise
Egypt has insisted the UN force
must supervise the immediate
withdrawal of the British-French
forces from the Suez Canal zone,
and the pullback of Israelis.
This was not in accord with
British-French views that their
third of the canal could not be
surrendered to Egypt's President
Nasser, nor with Israel's view that
she must hold on to the Gaza
The dispute immobilized Ham-
marskjold's mission to Cairo for a
full day.
U.S. Opposes Intervention
President Dwight D. Eisenhower
said the United States opposes
any intervention in Egypt by Rus-
sia or Red China. His news con-
ference remarks left the inference
that the United States might ask
the UN to sponsor such opposi-
tion - as was done in Korea. He
said the kind of opposition "would'
depend upon the circumstances."
. The Arab informant in Moscow
said Egyptian Ambassador Mo-
hammed el Kony had been in-
structed by his government to re-
quest the immediate dispatch ofJ
Soviet "volunteers" to Egypt. In
Russia, and other Communist
countries, it is not possible to vol-
unteer for such military service
without government encourage-
Egyptian Embassy
The Egyptian Embassy in Mos-
cow had no comment.
But the government-controlled
radio in Cairo yesterday devoted
almost half its 30-minute news re-
port to President Eisenhower's
news conference statement that
the United States opposes any in-
tervention in Egypt by Soviet or
Chinese "volunteers."
Moscow has made it appear
there would not be much doubt
that the Soviet government would
approve the sending of volunteers
once a request was made. Four
days ago a Soviet government
statement declared the Kremlin
would not hinder the departure of
volunteer airmen, tank drivers,
artillery specialists and others for
the Middle East if Israeli, French
and Rridim1, hfnrepc t., d w ,++j t
Ike Pledges
To Support
UN Action
Will Block Arms Aid
From China, Russia
WASHINGTON {)-President
Dwight D. Eisenhower pledged
American support yesterday for
United Nations action to block
Russia and Red China from send-
ing weapons and so-called "vol-
unteers" into the troubled Middle
At a news conference, he said
I"it would be the duty" of the UN
including the United States, to
oppose any such Communist in-
Opposition Form
The President did not say what
form the opposition should take,
saying, "it would depend upon the
Asked what steps would be tak-
en "beyond simply subscribing to
resolutions," the President re-
"Well, I can't tell you what it
would be. But the United Nations,
if you will read its charter, is not
by any manner of means limited
to resolutions, and in one instance,
at least, showed that it was not so
"So I don't know exactly what
we would do. It would depend upon
the circumstances."
UN Military Action
The "one instance" to which he
referred apparently was the UN
military action against Red ag-
gression in Korea.
Replying to questions, President
Eisenhower made these points in
commenting on international
1. Russia's military onslaught
against Hungary violates "all jus-
tice and right in the world." How-
ever, he said his administration
has never advocated "open rebel-
lion by an undefended populace"
against overwhelming military
Summit Conferencel
2. This "is simply not .the time"
for a summit conference with Rus-
sia's leaders because the UN should
be given time to settle the Middle
East crisis.
4. The United States stands
ready to help guarantee permanent
boundaries in the Middle East, as
well as extend financial help to
both Arabs and Israel, in line with
a pledge voiced by Secretary of
State John Foster Dulles Aug. 25,
1955 but such U.S. aid should be
part of an over-all Middle East
Run Next in Vote
Winkelhaus, Cumming, Chrysler
Also Elected in Council Balloting
Maynard Goldman, '59, Joe Collins, '58, Janet Neary, '58, John
Wrona, '57, Janet Winkelhaus, '57, Mal Cumming, '58BAd and Scott
Chrysler, '59E were elected to Student Government Council last night,
Goldman was elected on the first ballot receiving a total of 841
first place votes, three more than the needed quota of 838.
James Wheeling, '57, Pete Cartwright, '59, and Jerry DeMaagd,
'58, were dropped on the third, and seventh ballots respectively, leav-
ing the way clear for incumbent Collins to be elected on the seventh
ballot. He received 854 votes. The quota on that ballot was 833.
Incumbent Neary
Miss Neary, another incumbent, was elected on the ninth ballot
by 850 votes out of a quota of 833.T
--Daily-John Hirtzel
FIRST WINNERS-The first four SGC candidates to be elected to Council last night were, top, left
to right, Maynard Goldman, '59, Joe Collins, '58; bottom, left to right, Janet Neary, '58 and John
Wrona, '58. Ballots were counted in the Union Ballroom. A total vote of 6,723 was recorded in the
Ie Claims
Voters Back
Modern GOP
WASHINGTON (P) - President
Dwight D. Eisenhower yesterday
sized up the election as offering
"somewhat of a mandate" from
the people to work "industriously
and incessantly" for a program of
modern republicanism.
Yet Eisenhower conceded that
an election cleavage which gave
him an enormous vote of confi-
dence while keeping Congress in
Democratic hands meant that:
"From my viewpoint, the United
States has not yet been convinced
that modern republicanism is with
us and is going to be the guiding
philosophy of the Republican
The president charted his future
course in broad outlines at his
first news conference since win-
ning a second term by a landslide.
In an obvious but not explicit
reference to the Old Guard of GOP
conservatives in Congress, Eisen-
hower said that even they must be
convinced that "some change in
the understanding that the public
has of the Republican party is
Puppet Governmen 't
Deporting Workers-
VIENNA (MP - Russia's puppet government in Budapest admitted
yesterday the Soviet army is deporting Hungarians to the east in
sealed railway cars in a desperate' effort finally to crush the revo-
This surprising disclosure came from Radio Budapest, which also
said Hungarian workers, aroused by news of the deportations, "are
leaving their jobs in increasing numbers."
Anti-Red Rebels
Bob Creal, '58BAd, was dropped on
this ballot.
After Joe Brown, '58, was drop-
ped and the quota lowered to 829,
ninth ballot totals gave Wrona
830 votes.
Incumbent Ron Shorr, '58BAd,
was dropped on the thirteenth
ballot, lowering the quota to 818.
After the quota was lowered to
799, Cumming's total became 816.
Photo Finish
A photo finish for the last Coun-
cil position ended on the sixteenth
ballot, in victory for Chrysler, who,
on redistribution of ballots, re-
ceived 791 votes, enough to top
Al Lubowitz's 766.
Goldman, Collins, Miss Neary,
Wrona and Miss Winkelhaus were
elected for full-year terms. Cum-
ming and Chrysler will serve half-
year posts. Those SGC members
whose terms expired were Miss
Neary, Collins, Ron Comstock,
'57E, Don Good, '57E, Shoor, and
Miss Winkelhaus. Wrona resigned
his Council position recently.
Commenting on returns early
in the evening, President Bill
Adams, '57BAd, said, "Early re-
turns almost make me believe that
students have fulfilled their duty
to elect responsible, competent
people." However, Adams express-
ed "general disappointment in the
rather poor turnout" of voters.
Count Night ended at 12:05, un-
usually early for campus elections.
All newly-elected Council mem-
bers will attend a special meeting
at 4 p.m. Friday in the Union.
U.S. To Wait
On Oil Suppl
For Europe
There were reports that the
to halt the train traffic eastward
by blowing up tracks, but were
mowed down by Soviet fire.
Hungary's economy was crip-
pled by a general strike which re-
ceived new impetus by defiant
Hungarians on Csepel Island near
Budapest even as their armed re-
sistance crumpled.
Tanks & Guns
Russian tanks and guns smashed
the last armed rebel positions on
that big island industrial area, but
workers refused to return to their
jobs and demanded anew that.So-
viet troops leave the capital.
A dispatch from Budapest said
the workers held a mass meeting
after putting down their arms.
anti-Red rebels tried desperately
LSA College
Liberalization of the literary
college curriculum will be dis-
cussed at the annual faculty-stu-
dent conference to be held at 7:30
p.m. today in the Michigan League.
Curriculum changes in the field
of social sciences, natural sciences
and the humanities will be discus-
sed by the six man panel.
Main topic of discussion is ex-
pected to center around the sug-
gestion that an increase in survey
courses be introduced in the lit-
Ballot Count
Watched By.
Just a little more than one
hundred students were on hand to
watch last night's Student Gov-
ernment Council balloting.
The coffee and donuts that were
provided early in the evening were
quickly consumed by the "crowd"
who, thus fortified, stood or sat
around the Union ballroom watch-
ing the counters count and discuss-
ing the rise and fall of the various
Interviewed by WCBN
As the balloting proceeded and
candidates were elected, the new
SGC members, or incumbants as
the case may be, were taken aside
from well-wishers to be interview-
ed by WCBN, campus broadcasting
network who had a remote unit
set up in the ballroom.
One candidate who was nervous-
ly awaiting the results of ballot
counting remarked, "Boy, I
wouldn't go through one of these
elections again for anything."
The figures 6723 which had been
ostentatiously chalked on one of
the bulletin boards representing
the student vote number drew con-
flicting comments from bystanders
and council members.
"The thing that bothered me,"
one student observed, "is the small
number of votes cast. If the Uni-
versity students want to see the
Student Government continue to
operate on campus, they must give
more support or it will go the way
of Student Legislature."
Vote an Average One
SGC member Tom Sawyer, '58,
said though this vote total is an
average one, "it is a pretty good
one for a fall election-especially
since it's only for SGC. There is
always more interest in the spring
As the ballot numbers on the
bulletin boards were changed and
more candidates' names were
erased, the crowd tension eased
and a relative calm prevailed. By
10:30 p.m. four candidates were
chosen and in what seemed a very
short hour and one half later, the
bystanders left the ballroom, leav-
ing the counters to clean up, tne
smoke to settle and only seven
names remaining on the upraise)
bulletin boards.
Polish Chief
Gets Welcome
-MOSCOW (1P)-Polish Commu-
nist chief Wladyslaw Gomulka,
pailed under Stalin for "Titoism"
was received with honor yesterday
when he entered the Soviet Union
at Brest.
Soplis Stage Show, 'Good New
erary college. WASHINGTON (R'--The United
States has decided not to trigger
its standby plans for supplying
oil to Europe until the United Na-
tions police force has established
order in the Suez area, informed
officials said yesterday.
Although this leaves Western
Europe facing a critical oil short-
age and rationing, it was disclosed
Sophomores will present to the that the United States is deter-
campus tonight the first coed class mined to do nothing which might
production called "Good News." endanger UN efforts to achieve
The musical comedy, written by a peaceful settlement of the Mid-
Lawrence Schwab and B.G. De dle Eastern crisis.
Sylva, will have its first showing The government was describedj
at 8 p.m. tonight in the Lydia as particularly anxious not to give
M e n d e l s s o h n Theatre of the the appearance of aiding the Brit-
League. ish and French in their conflict
"Costumes, songs and impres- with the Arab nations by replacing
sionistic scenery blend together to the crude oil shipments cut off by
bring back the days .when the the blocking of the Suez Canal and
model T car and flapper costumes the closing down of some Medit-
were the style of the day," Hank erranean pipeline facilities.
Kerr, '59, Central C o m m i t t e e This policy inevitably heightens
Co-Chairman said. the pressure on Britain and France
Professional Director to cooperate with UN Secretary
General Dag Hammarskjold by
Ted Heisel, professional director withdrawing their troops from
of te An Arbsivic TheatreEgypt and clearing the way for a
will interview members of the Soph U-uevsdrsoaino h
Show Central Committee and the i-upervised restoration of the
chorus will do .numbers from the vIt crude oil flow.
shoruw ill nh donupersgrm Whe In the fortnight since' Franco-
show on his radio program WHR British military action began in
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