British, French Forces
Gain Suez Canal Control
UN Seeks To Organize Peace
Police Force for Middle East
Hungarians Still Battling
Russian Tanks, Troops
(Continued from Page 1)
103-mile canal. The time was 2
a.m. in Egypt, 7 a.m. yesterday
Egypt announced it would ac-
cept the United Nations request{
for a cease-fire if all foreign troops
withdraw from Egyptian soil and
if other conditions are met.
The British and French asked
the UN to confirm that a pro-!
jected international police force,
to be made up under UN auspices
from the troops of several nations,
can be set up soon to patrol a Suez
buffer zone. Secretary General Dag
Hammarskjold replied this could
be done. It remains to be seen just
how the zone can be set up since
Israel will not want to withdraw
from the Sinai territory it has
North Half
The capture of Ismailia gave
British and French forces the
northern half of the waterway
after two days of battle.
Port Said, the northern termi-
nal, was overrun yesterday.
The French said the cease-fire
was possible because the British
and French have achieved their
main objective of restoring the
canal to international control.
The next step is to turn control
of the waterway over to a UN
police force now being organized
Radio Interupted
Cairo radio interrupted a pro-
gram to read the UN announce-
ment that Britain and France
agreed to a cease-fire.
Then the radio announcement
laid down these conditions of ac-
ceptance previously insisted upon'
by Egypt:
1) The cease-fire must be im-
2) All foreign troops must be'
withdrawn from Egypt.
w3) Combatant forces must with-
draw behind the 1948-49 armistice
4) There must be no outside help
to combatants.
5) Free safety of p a s s a g e
through the Suez Canal must be
Agree To Pull Out
Britain and France announced
they would be willing to pull out
once UN police forces can take
control in the canal zone.
Israel has announced it agrees
to a cease-fire. It has said nothing
about giving up any of the Sinai
Peninsula wrested from Egypt last
Egypt gave indications of fight-
ing on, apparently in the belief
that all its conditions will not be
Cairo dispatches said total mo-
bilization was proceeding.
The Egyptian capital was tak-
ing on the appearance of an
armed camp. W o r k m e n dug
trenches and gun emplacements.
In Paris, a Cabinet spokesman
said France will reply with full
force if attacked after the cease-
(Continued from Page 1)
(Continued from Page 1)
up an advisory committee empow-
ered to convene the Assembly
again whenever questions of "ur-
gency and importance" arose on
the functioning of the police or-
Sponsors of the resolution were
Argentina, Burma, Ceylon, Den-
mark, Ecuador, Ethiopia and Swe-
den. Countries on the committee
would be Brazil, Canada, Colom-
bia, India, Iran, Norway and Pak-
The Assembly was called to
meet at 9:30 p.m. last night on
request of the Asian-African group
of delegations. Later the meeting
was postponed to 10:30 a.m. to-
day. The UN apparently will have
little trouble recruiting a police
Eight countries were quick in
announcing their readiness to con-
tribute. They were Canada, New
Zealand, Colombia, Denmark, Nor-
way, Pakistan, Sweden and Fin-
India Agrees Conditionally
India, a leading power in the
Asian-African group, agreed to
contribute forces on one condi-
tion, Indian sources said. The con-
dition is that the force would not
be a military occupation force and
would not remain in permanent
possession of the Suez Canal.
Others are expected to be added
as the peace momentum of the
force grows. UN officials expressed
the hope the police patrol can be
on the spot within a short time,
perhaps in two or three days. At
least they Would like the UN Com-
mand, under Maj. Gen. E. L. M.
Burns of Canada, to set up head-
quarters in the area at the earliest
possible moment.
Worried About Russia
As these developments occurred,
diplomats expressed deep worry
about the Russian threat to inter-
vene in the Middle East in force.
The cease-fire agreement appeared
to ease the situation somewhat but
this did not allay the apprehension
that the Russians might try some
other way to exert a stronger in-
fluence in the troubled zone.
Secretary General Dag Ham-
marskjold, speaking calmly but
with deep emotion, read to a hur-
riedly summoned news conference
a letter from Britain's Sir Pierson
Dixon announcing the joint deci-
sion of the British and French. His
hand shook slightly as he read the
document. He made a brief state-
ment and correspondents bolted
for the door.
He reminded the reporters that
Egypt and Israel already had ac-
cepted an unconditional cease-fire.
He said he was convinced that if
the Assembly accepted the pro-
posals he has made regarding the
international police force "the
force will be competent to secure
and supervise the attainment of
the objectives" set out by the As-
sembly Nov. 2.
Cites Objectives
These objectives were listed as
the cease-fire and a halting of the
movement of military forces and
arms into the area, withdrawal of
Israeli forces behind the 1949
armistice lines, a halt on raids
from Egypt across the armistice
lines into Israel, and the taking of
effective steps to reopen the Suez
Canal and restore secure freedom
of navigation,
Regarding the withdrawal of Is-
raeli forces, Israel accepted the
cease-fire but indicated clearly it
will hold the territory it has cap-
tured in the Sinai desert and the
Gaza Strip until a general peace
settlement is made.
The police force is being recruit-
ed from the small powers. No offi-
cers or men are being accepted
from the United States, Britain,
France, Soviet Union or National-
ist China.
In his final report to the Assem-
bly on the force, Hammarskjold
said it does not have military ob-
jectives. Diplomats interpreted
this to mean it would not be used
to force Israel back into the old
armistice lines. The UN hopes to
resort to appeals and moral force
on that point.
Gerard Jaquet, Secretary of
State for Information, told news-
men after a Cabinet meeting:
"We will stay until the United
Nations' international force has
been formed."
Everything would be done, he
added, to get the canal working
A French military spokesman
said Egyptian ground forces along
the canal were destroyed or scat-
tered, 95 per cent of the Egyptian
air force was wiped out and the
Egyptian navy seriously damaged.
A British-French headquarters
communique from Cyprus said'
both Port Said and neighboring
Port Fuad were firmly in Allied
'Russia Offers
Sympathy, Aid
To Egyptians
MOSCOW (P)-The Soviet Union
and Russians individually offered
sympathy and volunteer fighting
help to egypt yesterday on the
festive eve of the Bolshevik Revo-
lution anniversary.
Communist party secretary
Nikhail Suslov, in the 39th anni-
versary keynote address, demand-
ed penalties - called sanctions --
against Britain, France and Israel.
In parallel nonofficial moves in
the mounting Kremlin campaign
on behalf of Egypt:
1) A number of men identified
by the Egyptian Embassy as So-
viet reserve officers applied for
service as volunteers with Egyp-
tian forces.
2) Soviet crowds demonstrated'
for a second day in front of the
British, French and Israeli diplo-
matic missions. They violated
British diplomatic immunity by
surging into the embassy com-
Since Soviet citizens cannot
leave the Soviet Union without of-
ficial assignment and permission,
it appeared the volunteers were
officially inspired by the Soviet
government. Demonstrations such
as those described are carried out
only under tolerance.
It's Haircutting and
Hairstyling time.
Ask Upperclasswomen About Us.
No Appointments Needed.
The Dascola Barbers
Near Michigan Theater
uneven fight continued in Buda-
pest and other parts of Hungary.
An unimpeachable diplomatic
source said yesterday he had re-
ceived information from Buda-
pest that the rebellion there
against Soviet domination was in
progress yesterday. He reported
fighting in several parts of the
Radio Pecs in southern Hun-
gary, now in the hands of the
Russians, broadcast another ap-
peal late yesterday for assistance
of the populace in disarming the
The Pecs Russian commander
said that Russian guns would be
turned on any house from which
the rebels were shooting. He asked
the inhabitants to take guns away
from the rebels "to avoid further
damage to housing."
RFE Broadcast
Radio Free Europe reported al
broadcast from Rakoczy radio, a
rebel transmitter, in southwest
Hungary, which said:
"The Russians demand that we
lay down our arms. We won't do
it and if it is ,necessary, we will
fight to our last drop of blood."
Trustworthy information reach-
ing Vienna yesterday said Russian
troops fired on the Yugoslav lega-
tion in Budapest, killing a young
diplomat. Several members of the
legation staff were reported
A convoy of 28 automobiles
brought 36 persons to the Austrian
border at Nickelsdorf late yester-
day. They had left Budapest at
8:30 a.m. Sunday.
Workers, Correspondents
The party includeI mostly Red
Cross nurses and welfare workers.
One Austrian newspaper corres-
pondent, Peter Eder, and two Ger-
man radio reporters of the Sued-
deutsche Rundfank, Peter Schier-
Griebowski and Kurt Gewissen,
were in the party.
Eder said he heard that deposed
Premier Imre Nagy already had
been in jail for two hours when
his appeal for help was broadcast
to the UN and the world.
As the convoy moved westward
from Budapest during the day,
Russian tanks were stationed at
every bridge. There was no fight-
ing along the main highway, Eder
The Russians behaved "wildly,"
he said, and their tanks complete-
ly blocked off the Parliament
building where the Nagy govern-
ment, which demanded independ-
ence and neutrality for Hungary,
was installed.
Russians Searched
Eder said the Russians searched
all members of the party thor-
oughly, going through their lug-
gage, and confiscated all films,
The Russian soldiers called the
Austrians "swine," Eder said, and
acused him of going to Budapest
to write about "alleged Commu-
nist bloodshed."
Eder said that when the convoy
arrvied at Komarom near the
Czech border, on a detour from
the main highway to Vienna, Rus-
sian troops fired over their heads.
Later they were permitted to pro-
ceed to Gyoer, but there the Rus-
sians held them 36 hours without
food or heat, Eder said. Gyoer is
a border town northwest of Buda-
pest which was a sort of rebel
headquarters at the outbreak of
the revolt.
Austrian security authorities
said that two Russian army offi-
cers appeared at the frontier to-
day, turned over a list of names
of Hungarian refugees in Austria
and demanded they be returned to
Hungary. The Austrians turned
down the request on the spot.
U.S. Denounces
Soviet Accusation
(Continued from Page 1)
States and operating from Austria
had supported the Hungarian an-
ti-Communist revolt.
Press Officer Lincoln White said
such accusations were made "in
attempting to justify the Russian
government's indefensible actions
in Hungary."
The blunt State Department an-
swer yesterday appeared to be a
warning to Russia not even to con-
sider any retaliation against Aus-
tria for allegedly permitting such
American action.
Austria has opened its borders
to some 10,000 anti-Communist
refugees from Hungary who have
fled the fighting. These have been
interned in line with Austria's
neutral position as provided by
the Big Four agreement in the
Austrian peace settlement.
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