Sixty-Seventh Year
"It's Not a Magic Wand. Is It?"
When Opinions Are Free
Truth Will Prevail"
Editorials printed in The :Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
AY, NOVEMBER 6, 1956
OT ENOUGH can be said here or anywhere
else regarding the right and the duty of the
tizen to vote.
Unfortunately, most of it has already been
aid, again and again, making it harder and
arder every two or four years to say it con-
But the basic democratic obligations remain.
ot only can the eligible American exercise
xday his right to determine the policies of his
overnment, but he must do so.
'HE AMERICAN nation is now at one of the
most critical positions in its history; one
olitical party holds up the current "peace and
rosperity" while the other claims to be on
:e verge of a "New America"-and yet, in
he light of world affairs, the United States is
ertainly not finding existence peaceful or
Foreign affairs at this time may overshadow
omestic problems, but both are just as im-
ortant in their respective spheres. Both Re-
ublicans and Democrats have made charges
rd promises-statements that must be ex-
mined, to. the best of his ability, by every
ngle voter in the country.
Criteriafor judgment are up to the individ-
al-everyone is free to vote on the basis of
is own likes, dislikes and penchants.
JOWEVER, one should not lose sight of the
realization that he is casting his approval
r disapproval of present and proposed policies.
This is the time to speak up and say whether
r not you agree with President Eisenhower's
ast actions or Candidate Stevenson's pro-
posals-today's the day you tell them just what
you think of them.
The polls are open until 8 p.m.-if you need
a baby sitter or other help, just telephone one
of the local party headquarters and you'll
no doubt find eager assistance waiting for you.
In any case, if you haven't done so already,
please vote.
Several Faculty Poll
Responses Very Amusing
SEVERAL RESPONSES to the Daily's faculty
poll on the election were a fair riot.
It was quite enlightening to see how lightly
a few of the faculty take the election, especi-
ally as most of the student replies to a like
sampling were deadly serious and made rather
dull reading.
One prof, calling himself a Christian Demo-
crat (a political party in Italy), listed Eugenio
Pacelli as his choice. Eugenio, Cardinal Pacelli
is perhaps better known to the world as the
Vatican's Pope Pius XII. Another faculty
member, a self-appointed Communist, chose
none other than Richard Nixon as his prefer-
ence for the Presidency. Clever, clever..
Then there was the prof, when asked for
his party affiliation, announced that he liked
his parties with "wimmin and liquor."
Don't we all?
Yes, indeed, in this day of grave problems,
it's cheer-ing to see some of the funny, funny
faculty not take polities so seriously.
-R. H.
. ,
- S
Casadesus Superb
In Schumainn Concrt
CONSIDERED BY MANY to be the undisputed master of continental
pianists, Robert Casadesus again proved his worth last night, giving
the audience at Hill Auditorium a masterful interpretation of the music
of Robert Schumann, in commemoration of the centennial anniversary
of the death of the latter.
With a minimum of histrionics (a favorite vice with lesser virtu-
osoes), Casadesus performed ,with exact and detailed timing, delicately
phrased rubato, and' subtle shades of dynamics. His runs were clear,
his chords neat-all of which is to be expected from an artist of his
THE ULTIMATE MOMENT of the evening was the final
of the program, the heroic, youthful Etudes Symphoniques,
Op. 18.
fg tPwAMx fF4 OP' ' ,
Second Thoughts in Washington
Supporting Dramatic Arts Center
rTHE unsteady stand in Ann Arbor's cultural
world which the Dramatic Arts Center has
carved out in the past two years stands with
less solidity than at any previous time. Like
most theatrical groups, the DAC needs audi-
ences, it needs people who will attend its
performances, not spasmodically but as sea-
son patrons. ;
The major reasons why people do not visit
the DAC with any kind of regularity are pro-
bably 1) that they do not know anything about
the DAC; 2) that they have not been satisfied
with previous performances; and 3) that they
are unsatisfied with. the plays chosen for pre-
For thoee who do not know what the DAC
Is, it can quite easily be defined as a profes-
sional theater group which puts on seven plays
each school year. It is "living"- theater, that
means, as Joyce Grenfell pointed out in her
rezent concert, "real actors and real viewers."
For those who have never seen a "real" play,
the DAC can be a rewarding experience. It
is not Broadway professionalism, but it is the
best theater that Ann Arbor has known in the
past few years. To lose it, purely through lack
of use, would be a serious blow to the commu-
IN ITS first two seasons, the DAC put on
some mediocre performances and some out-
standing performan'ces: e.g., "No Exit," "Pyg-
malidn," "The Doctor in Spite of Himself."
The organization has distinguished itself suf-
ficiently to warrant support - a few bad pro-
ductions are insufficient grounds for abandon-
ing Ann Arbor's only regular professional
As for the final reason, that the outfit does
not always choose its plays wisely, there is
some ground here for discomfort. Its first pro-
duction was a weak play by Denis Cannan,
"Captain Carvallo." Its next production,CStrind-
berg's "The Father" is a much better play and
one which should prove more pleasing.
One wonders .for example how Medea will
look in an arena stage. One wonders, too, why
the DAC people do not turn their ideal spot
to advantage by constructing an Elizabethan
stage and, putting on Shakespeare.
But if the DAC does not always deliver the
high grade material it promises, it is still an
organization whose vanishing would prove dis-
astrous to the community, and an organization
which deserves the support and interest of any-
one who wants to keep theater alive.
THE American position, as Pres-,
ident Eisenhower declared it in
his televiison address on Wednes-
day evening, is now markedly
different from what until then it
had been supposed to be. The
terms of our UN resolution - the
resolution which Britain and
France vetoed-meant that Israel
had committed an illegal act, one
which it had not moral right to
commit. The inspired comment
from official quarters in Wash-
ington accused Britain, France,
and Israel of aggression. Every-
thing pointed towards a policy in
which the United States would
lead the accusers, perhaps by ap-
',lying economic sanctions and
probably by action in the General
But what the President said de-
fined a quite different American
attitude: "As it is the manifest
right of these nations to take
such decisions and actions, it is
likewise our right ,if our judg-
ment so dictates; to dissent." If it
is the manifest right of these
nations to do what they are doing,
then, of course, the President can-
not and will not attempt to have
them judged aggressors. What
he will do is to "dissent," to
point out that "the action taken
can scarcely be reconciled with
the principles and purposes of the
United Nations."
The policy of dissenting, having
acknowledged that they have a
"manifest right," is a very differ-
ent thing from a policy of leading
a movement to have them judged
guilty of aggression. The Presi-
dent's policy means, if the line
he laid down is now followed, that
we shall regard the UN not as a
tribunal to judge, condemn, and
punish but as an organ to mediate
and promote a settlement.
* * * .
which reflects the second thoughts
of the Administration, is wiser
than the first angry and unbal-
anced reaction in Washington on
Monday. If the original line of
policy, which was embodied in
the Lodge resolution, had pre-
vailed, we would have had to go
on to seek to condemn not only
Israel but Britain and France as
well, rallying the world in part-
nership with the Soviet Union
against them. This would have
made our present differences,
which are not now radical, into
an irreparable conflict.
What, taking the situation as
we now find, it, is the American
interest? In the .first place, to
refrain from moral judgment. If
we do not, we shall find ourselves
arguing that Nasser is not an
aggressor when he crosses his
frontiers, which he has been do-
ing several times a week, provided
only that he uses small forces
every time he crosses the frontier.
The true friends of the, United
Nations will recognize that Nasser
by his raids into Israel, his inter-
vention in North Africa, by his
intrigues in Jordan and Syria, has
created problems of security which
the United Nations have not been
able to solve. It would be a mortal
blow to the United Nations if it
transpired that the practical ef-
fect of its operations was to in-
vest an aggressor like Nasser with
Therefore, in the interests of
the United Nations, which is also
a vital interest of the United
States, let us insist that it be an
organ for the solution of the prob-
lems of Suez and Palestine and
not a tribunal of judgment.
* * *
will be judged by the outcome -
in the first instance whether the
military objectives are achieved in
a reasonable time and at not too
great a cost. If they are not
achieved, the decision will have
been a gigantic blunder which
may well have catastrophic conse-
quences. The' American interest,
though'we have dissented from
the decision itself, is that France
and Great Britain should now suc-
ceed. However much we may wish
they had not started, we cannot
now wish that they should fail.
If their action is successful,
then the standard by which it will
be judged is how statesmanlike
is the settlement which they pro-
pose. I assume, or at least I hope
we have a right to assume, that
London and Paris have no illu-
sions that they can restore the old
Suez Company, or something like
it under another name. The moral
credit of Britain and France,
which is now shaken, can be. re-
paired if they use with great
imagination and maganimity the
power in the Middle East that
they are now fighting to gain.
Then the surgical operation,
though painful, will have been
1956 New York Herald Tribune Inc.
Rising to epic heights through the
the evening's aesthetic peak by his
now fiery, now soothing, now lilt-
ing rendition. This piece demands
the finest technique, with an abun-
dance of interpretive intuition,
and Casadesus excelled in both.
Other noteworthy episodes oc-
curred in the Waldscenen (Forest
Scenes), Op. 82, a programatic
product of Schumann's later years.
In particular there were the glist-
ening, magical arpeggios of "The
Prophetic Bird," and the essen-
tially Romantic close, "The Depar-
ture." In this work, the music
alternates from dramatic to lyric
mood for each of the nine sections.
* * *
DURING THE first part of the
program, consisting of the Novel-
ette, Op. 21, No. 8, and the descrip-
tive Carnaval, Op. 9, Casadesus
seemed to have A small difficulty
in warming to the Romantic es-
sence of Schumann's music. Per-
haps this was due to a desire to
avoid the opposite extreme of lush
over-ripeness one so often encoun-
ters in performances of this kind
of music.
One had the opinion, at this
time, that Casadesus would have
r been more at home with a Mozart
Sonata, due to his rather classic
touch and considered moderation
in a realm where such was seldom
observed. Occasionally there seem-
ed to lack the spark that was the
young Schumann.
However, this by no means im-
paired his mastery of technique,
and perhaps the effect was in-
tended. The Novelette may have
given the impression of a dancing
ballerina with very large feet, but
no one could dispute thq propriety
of the gay, fiesta mood prevalent
throughout the Carnaval. And, as
has been strongly indicated, there
was no evidence of such interpre-
tive reticence after the intermis-
An enthusiastic audience re-
called Mr. Casadesus for three
encores, which served as a tasty
dessert after a delicious 'main
course. All three were brief pieces,
in the mode of the then-frequent
"Album Leaves" for piano.
~ * * *
appeared in the rather meager
program "notes," listing the musi-
cal sections of Carnaval, the letters
ASCH, and SCHA, with the paren-.
thetical addition, "Lettres dansan-
tes." Before his marriage to Clara
Wieck, young Robert Schumann
had a romantic attachment to a
girl named Aesch, and he gave her
immortality by incorporating her
name into some of his pieces. He
did this by devising a motif from
the letters of her name, A-Es-C-H,
which was the German equivalent
of A-E-C-B-flat. SCHA was a
variation on this theme. It was
anticipated about a century earlier
in Bach's famous musical signa-
tures, using the same system.
-Brendan Liddell
stirring score, Casadesus achieved
(Continued from Page 3)
men students who have completed
their physical education requirement
may register in classes as electives on
Mon., Tues. and Wed., Nov. 5, 6, and 7
in Barbour Gymnasium from 8 a.m.
to 12 noon. Attention is called to the
opportunity for instruction in swim-
Mathematics Colloquium: Tues., Nov.
6, at 4:10 p.m., in Room 3011, Angell
Hall. Prof. W. J. Leveque w illspeak
"On the Frequency of Small Fractional
Parts in Certain Real sequences." Tea
and coffee at 3:45 in 3212 A.H.
Events Today
Science Research Club, November
meeting in the Rackham Amphitheatre
at 7:30 p.m. on Tues., Nov. 6. "Machine.
Translation," Robert E. Machol-Engi-
neering Research Institute; "Studie
on Blood Fluke Diseases in the Phil-
lipines," Nelson G. Hairston-Zoology.
Election of new- members, introduction
of new members. Dues for 1956-57 ac-
cepted after 7:10 p.m.
Placement Notices
Personnel Interviews:
Representatives from the following
will be at the Bureau of Appointments:
Wed. & Thurs., Nov. 7 & 8
Esso Research and Engrg. Co. (form-
erly Standard Oil Development Co.),
Linden, N. J. - men with B.S., M.S., or
Ph.D. interested in iPersonnel and In-
dustrial relations, for positions in Em-
ployee Relations and for Research and.
Special Studies. This probably will be
the only time this year that a repre-
sentative from this company will be
Thurs., Nov. 8
Swift & Co., Chicago, 1l. - men with
degrees in LS&A, preferred majors -
Econ. and Chem., for Mgt. Training,
Purchasing or Sales. February grad-
Fri., Nov. 9
Magnolia Petroleum Co., Dallas, Tex-
as. - men with M.S. or Ph.D.. in Math.
for Field Research. Research is aimed
at improved exploration and producing
techniques and equipment and ate
made available to other Socony Mobil
For appointments contact the Bureau
of Appointments, 3528 Admin., Bldg..
Ext. 371.
Personnel Request:
Clinton Machine Co., Clinton, Mich.,
is looking for men or women to work
as Cost Accountants. Prefer someone
with experience.
Examination Notice:
The Bureau of Appointments has re-
ceived booklets from the National Se-
curityAgency, concerning the test to
be given December 1, 1956. Everyone
who interviewed with the Agency this
semester or who plans to interview next
semester is urged to take the examina-
tion. As far as we know, this is the
only' time the exam will be given in
the 1956-57 school year. It is open to
people in various fields such as lan-
guages, economics, political science,
history, geography, money and bank-
ing, world trade, Journalism, area stu-
dies, et cetera.
For further information contact the
Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin.
Bldg. Ext. 371.
Ukranian Demonstration Justified
gELDOM IS THE reality of our taken-for-
granted freedom appreciated by Americans.
Saturday night on this campus that reality was
driven home to those who watched the 30 pla-
card-armed European refugees hound three}
visiting Russian officials inside the Union.
But one had to talk with these Latvians, Lithu-
anians and Ukranians to really appreciate what
they were attempting to express.
This was not a spontaneous demonstration.
They had planned it for two weeks. Their "Go
Where Joe Went," "Wipe The Blood Off Your
Hands Before Coming Here," - and "Latvia
Bleeds Under the USSR" signs were carefully
painted in advance.
At- 7:15 p.m.\ Saturday night they were
scheduled to rendezvous behind the Administra-
tion Building. In fifteen monutes everyone was
there. Everyone was reluctant to be the group
spokesman before the press, so someone sug-
gested "collective leadership" which brought
chuckles from very serious people.
Editorial Staff
Editorial Director' City Editor
GAILT GOLDSTEIN..................Personnel Director
ERNEST THEODOSSIN................Magazine Editor
JANET REARICK...........Associate Editorial Director
MARY ANN THOMAS.................,Features Editor
DAVID GREY....................... ,.. Sports Editor
RICHARD CRAMER .........Associate Sports Editor
STEPHEN HEILPERN........Associate Sports Editor
VIRGINIA ROBERTSON............Women's Editor
JANE FOWLER............Associate Women's Editor
ARLINE LEWIS .............Women's Feature Editor
JOHN HIRTZEL .................Chief Photographer
Business Staff
DAVID SILVER, Business Manager
MILTON GOLDSTEIN.....Associate Business Manager
WILLIAM FUSCH..................Adertising Manager
CHARLES WILSON...................Finance Manager
PARPCIA LA MBERTS.A........a 1'-. Ror.. ,Mne
From they, they drove to Willow Run to meet
the Russian's plane. Failing to make contact
there, they followed the dignitary-loaded Uni-
versity bus back to the Union. At the Union
they cornered the Russians, glared at them and
presented their placards.
SUNDAY morning they were up at 9:00 to
follow the Russians as they made a bus-
window tour of the campus. Seven cars of refu-
gees tailed the bus into Detroit Sunday night.
Their job was done.
Their action was anything but hospitable.
Was it justified?
First, this was not a personal rebuff to
Messrs. Rubenstein, Solovyev and Kudrvavtsec.
They came smiling and representing a govern-
ment and it was that sham smile and that
totalitarian, murdering government that was
objected to.
"They have recenly murdered as many people
in Hungary as _ attent the University," said an
angry demonstrator. "That is a fact and
Americans mustn't forget or minimize it. The
smiles of these men can't pull the wool over
my eyes," he concluded.
Second, these refugees have experienced the
Red terror more directly than Americans can
realize. Expressed one, "Every member of our
group has had a close relative murdered or
imprisoned by these criminals."
Few Americans, meeting the unpunished ac-
complices of their parents murder, could re-
strain themselves to placard-waving. .But in
the United States, man the animal, man the
"eye for, an eye" creature has been restrained
by something which the Soviet has no use for
LASTLY, they did this most of all for Ameri-
cans. They intended it to be an eye-
"You Americans," complained one, "are too
gullible. These men are henchmen of a murder-
Readers Comment on World Situation, Presidential Election
An Educator *
To the Editor:
THE SOVIET visitors were ach-
ing with indignation. Their
hosts explained the principle of
free speech. The visitors argued
that such demonstrations in the
ty's house were unhospitabl e. It
University's house were unhospit-
able. It was explained that the
Union was a public house to stu-
dents. The Soviets were immut-
able; they would suffer this breach
of host-guest tradition in the
streets, but not in the University's
house. They would not attend
the dinner but remain locked in
their rooms unless the demonstra-
tions were obliterated.
Vice-President of the University,
Mr. Marvin Niehuss, approached
the play of demonstrators who in a
tortured indirect fashion might be
considered the Soviet's hosts-East
European men and women who es-
caped in the shadow of their moth-
er land's bones cracked by the ass-
head of such welcomed guests as
"How," said one Ukranian stu-
dent to a reporter, "can you wel-
come these criminals and murder-
ers with open arms?" The reporter
said something about communi-
cation. The Ukranian's friend, still
Wake up, his thoughts seemed to
Mr. Niehuss approached these
"rude" hosts. He believed that the
demonstration should disperse. Mr.
Niehuss was faced with a problem.
The Soviets would not leave their
rooms if the demonstrators re-
mained. The demonstrators had
been standing mute and motionless
in face of this argument.
Mr. Niehuss spoke succinctly. He
was not a circumlocuter for the
Russians as those before him had
been. He showed more than a cas-
ual nod at the posters; he showed
an unmistakable earnest sympathy
which he contextually conveyed,
an earnest sympathy that would
sooner find the visitors fetid all
nightrin their rooms, an earnest
sympathy that found its culmina-
tion with his spontaneous positive
reaction to a demonstrator's re-
quest for the time program of the
Russians while in Ann Arbor. With
this information, and in faith that
Mr. Niehuss was not putting some-
thing over on them, the students
We left the Union Saturday
night with people vitally and sym-
pathetically aroused. But we felt
somewhere somewhat good, proud
to be students of a University di-
rected in part by people intelli-
gent, sensitive and functional, peo-
- - - -- nn " NI nal er e
regation, public housing and wel-
fare and the farm problem have
been sloughed off with the usual
stock of well worn cliches. It has
essentially been a campaign of
personalities and manufactured
issues, foremost among them Mr.
Stevenson and his hydrogen bomb
Even now with all the trouble
in Egypt and, the Near East we
find both candidates hashing over
American policy and coming up
with nothing of any significance.
President Eisenhower has stated
that we will not go to war nor
take military steps (at least until
after today) in the Near East and
has been answered by Mr. Steven-
son with the generalities and
empty phrases all too familiar to
this campaign.
Yet, in the long run, this whole
avoidance of issues is but another
reflection of the political lethargy
of the American people - an apa-
thy - glaringly, disgracefully re-
vealed in the voting statistics. If
the candidates had been pressed
they would have had no alterna-
tive but to discuss the major prob-
lems - but since they weren't
America must once again go
thorugh the motions of a glorified
popularity contest today.
-Bill Lewis
for Nixon, Dulles, Eisenhower and
-Frank L. Huntley
Denunciation . . ,
To the Editor:
J WAS distressed to read that a
fellow citizen of the United
Kingdom saw fit to denounce the
actions of Her Majesty's Govern-
ment at a public debate on the
Suez situation.
Great Britain has been com-
pelled to fight a police action to
separate the Egyptians and the
Israelis in order to keep open the
'Middle East, and to prevent the
collapse of European economy.
This action would have been better
taken by the United Nations as a
whole, but that organization is
paralized at the moment, chiefly
by the attitude of the USSR, and
partly, by the impending elections
in the USA. It is not the first
time that Britain and France have
stood alone to keep a free world.
The United States has, within
her borders both raw materials
and manufacturing power. Great
Britain and Western Europe have
only a small quantity of raw
materials in proportion to the
population. We rely on imports
to keep our peoples in full employ-
ment. If the Middle East with its
were fortunate enough to obtain
the Panama strip outright wheras
we merely held the Suez Canal
Zone on lease and we left before
that lease expired. If the United
Nations had insisted on interna-.
tionalization and had bought the
Canal Zone from Egypt at the
time that the British Army with-
drew the present trouble would
not have arisen.
The American Press has not, on
the whole adopted an unbiased
attitude to the present situation.
For example, sone newspapers
published the Egyptain reports
of the bombing of Cairo city by
the RAF almost as if it were an
established fact.
We British need not be ashamed
of our record in the Middle East
in the past, nor need we be
ashamed of our present action,
which, without dobut, history will
show to be the only possible action
in the circumstances.
-Tom B. Boulton
Suggestion . * *
To the Editor:
ONE LITTLE suggestion f6r your
political writers during the few
hectic days before elections: When
you report faculty attitudes toward
"issues," let's identify the general