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November 06, 1956 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1956-11-06

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TUESDA*, N4VE ER S. 1956




'U' Fails To Do Its Share
On United Fund-Worrell

According to Lee Worrell, Cam-
pus Drive Chairman for Ann Ar-
bor United Fund, the University
community has failed in its con-
In an open letter to the Uni-
versity community, Worrell said it
". ..failed to do its fair share in
relation to other community units
-for example, the Medical Cen-
ter, which gave more than 100%
of its quota."
He defined University commu-
nity as faculty members, adminis-
tration, and University employes,
such as clerks, receptionists and
"This year, with Red Cross and
Michigan United Fund also in the
drive, we have realized about $35,-
000 to apply to a quota of $48,500,"
he claimed.
Worrell said "Last year, the
campus unit contributed about
$29,000 to the Community Chest
Art Museum
To Present
Two Exhibits
Two exhibitions will be on dis-
play in the galleries of the Museum
or Art in Alumni Memorial Hall
during November.
They are "Textiles and Stencils
from Japan" to be on display in
the north Gallery Nov. 7 through
Japanese exhibition is from the
collection of the Metropolitan Mu-
seum of Art and is being circulated
by the American Federation of
Arts. It includes three priests'
robes, 75 fragments of textiles -
principally from the 17th, 18th and
19th Centuries-and 18 stencils.
But their brilliant artistic im-
provisation which began in the
it7h Century resulted in the crea-
tion of what may properly be
called native styles of decoration
in textiles.
Exhibition demonstrates the
scope of Japanese textile designers,
with the colorful woven silks and
the stencils offering an interesting
contrast in basically different
technical processes.
The exhibition of the Museum's
prints will include about 50 Dutch
and German examples of the 15th,
16th and 17th Centuries. They
were acquired both by purchase
and gift, not only during the last
10 years but also during the years
when the University was forming
its earlier collections.
Among the Dutch printmakers
represented will be LucaseVan
Leyden, Van Ostade and Rem-
brandt, and among the German,
Aldegrever and Durer.
Two of the Rembrandts are of
recent acquisition, "Study from
Nude" and "Abraham Entertaining
the Angels," Three other Rem-
brandts came to the Museum re-
cently in the Margaret Watson
Parker bequest.
Meeting Planned
Representatives of campus or-
ganizations with space allocated
to them in the Student Activities
Building will meet at 7 p.m. today,
in rooms 3K-L of the Union.
Meeting will concern evxplana-
tions and detailed presentations of
the building's fracilities, according
to Dick Good, '57BAd.



He said that although both Uni-
versity salaries - and number of
Univexrsdty employes have' in-
creased significantly since last
year, U; iiversity community did
not mak e a "noteworthy advance"
in its d nations.
"Wi rile there have been many
very g enerous contributions," he
said, "'too many hundreds of us
gave only a dollar."
Worr'df" said Ann Arbor Fund
Drive h aid assigned 15% of its to-
tal quoita to the University Com-
"If twne who failed to give had
given, Aif those who gave a dollar
had ma de it two or three, if those
who authorized a payroll deduc-
tion of one dollar for one time
had all'owed the deduction for
four or .f~ive times, we would have
had no 'Irouble meeting a not un-
reasonable quota," he emphasized
in the letter.

Labor Part
Of Politics,
White Says
More labor affiliates are becom-
ing active in Michigan politics ev-
ery year, John White ,instructor
in the political science depart-
ment, said recently.
"Labor now las active leaders
working as precinct delegates and
members of the Democratic state
central committee," White de-
He called the United Auto
Workers the largest active group
in Michigan labor politics.
"This is only natural," he said,
"since the UAW is concerned pri-
marily with the manufacture of
automobiles in - a state that is
noted for its production of auto-
mobiles. The UAW has also al-
ways had a tradition of being pol-
itically militant," he added.
White noted the influence car-
ried by UAW head Walter Reuth-
er but remarked that Reuther does
not control the Democratic Party
as many people contend.
"Labor does not control politics
in Michigan. Since 1948 there has
been a liberal-labor coalition in
the Democratic Party," White ex-
plained. "Under the guidance of
Governor G. Mennen Williams
and state Democratic chairman
Neil Staebler, this alliance has re-
sulted in one of the best organized
political groups in the country."
White declared that before Wil-
liams took office in 1948, the
Democratic Party did not have
this liberal-labor coalition,

Excited chattering of students
almost drowned out the clatter of
the teletype machine on the first
floor hall of Mason.
Since the beginning of the Arab-
Israeli crisis, American and a
large predominance of foreign stu-
dents cluster around the journa-
lism department's Reuter's and
Associated Press teletype ma-
chines in an attempt to obtain
first-hand news of the world cri-
The machine is usually turned
on at 6 a.m. and shut off at 12
midnight, "but lately, we've had
it on a twenty-four hour basis,"
Ruth de Heck, Journalism depart-
ment secretary, said.
Prof. James MacDonald of the
journalism department said, "We
have had people here who have
wanted to stay all night, but the

security officers eventually chase
them out."
. Many of the more attentive stu-
dents are Arabs and Israelis who
read the copy word for word as it
is hammered out on the paper.
The machine area has become
a center for discussions on Hun-
gary and the Suez, with occasion-
al arguments arising.
"About the second day of the
crisis, we had a near-riot up here."
Prof. MacDonald said. "There was
a group of Egyptian and a group
of Israeli students watching the
teletype news and they got, into
a terrific argument which we had
to break up."

Students Mob Mason Hall For Late News

-Daily--Len Cyr

-Daily-Len Cyr

He sai d that while other units
have shown "85%, 90% or almost
100% relcords for participation,
the Uni versity has about 2,600
contributions out of a total of
about 8,000 persons on University
His letf er also expressed "sin-
cere tharirts to the seven members
of the central committee, to the
approximately 100 unit chairmen,
and to a 11 the other who have
worked u nselfishly and tirelessly
in an attempt to help the campus
communit r meet its civic obliga-
h- - IVtU V








The Daily Official Bulletin is an of-
ficial publication of the University of
Michigan for which the Michigan Daily
assumes no editorial responsibility. No-
tices should lye sent in TYPEWRITTEN
form to Ro nxn 3553 Administration
Building befor e 2 p.m. the day preced-
ing "publication.
General Notices
Fresmen anml Transfer Students who
have been noified by the Admissions
Office of an appiontment with their
former high s<;hool principal or college
dean are remi. tided to be punctual for
their appointn Tents Thurs., Nov. 8.
Veterans who expect to receive educa-
tion and traint ig ilowance under Pub-
lic Law 550 (K orea G.I. Bill) must fill
in VA Form' VB 7-1996a, MONTHLY
CERTIFICATION, in the Office of Vet-
erans' Affairs, 555 Administration
Building, by 3 30 p.m. Tues., Nov. 6.
National Scifnce Foundation an-
nounces senior 'postdoctoral fellowships
in science, to ptrovide an opportunity
for individuals several years past the
doctoral degree to supplement their
training. Fellow ships will be awarded
in the mathema tical, physical, medical,
biological, engineering, and other sci-
ences, including anthropology, psycho-
logy (other thaett clinical), geography,
certain interdis( ;iplnary fields, and
fields of converg ance between the na-
tural and social, sciences. Fellowships
available to any citizen of the United
States who has , demonstrated ability
and special aptitude for advanced
training and productive scholarship
in the sciences -snd who, at the time
of application, h as held a doctoral de-
gree in one of the fields of basic sci-
ence for a minip,'um of five years, or
who has had 1b*~ equivalent in re-
search experience and training. Those
holding an M.D., D.D.S., or D.V.M. de-
gree for at least five years and who
desire further training for a career in
research will alscv be eligible. Stipend

based on the Fellow's normal salary as
of the time he makes application for
the award. No award less than $4000 or
more than $10,000 per annum. Allow-
ances for travel, tuition, fees, unusual
research expenses & special equipment
in an amount not to exceed $2000.
Tenure will normally be either an aca-
demic year of nine months or a calen-
dar year of twelve months. The dead-
line is Jan. 14, 1957. Applications and
information may be obtained from the
Division of Scientific Personnel and
Education, National Science Founda-
tion, Washington 25, D. C.
Operations Research Seminar. Merrill
Flood will lecture on "Efficient Dis-
tribution of Product" on wed., Nov. 7.
Coffee Hour at 3:30 p.m. in Room 243,
west Engineering Building and seminar
in Room 229, West Engineering at 4:00
p.m. All faculty members are welcome.
Sigma Xi Lecture. Wed., Nov. 7, 8
p.m., Rackham Amphitheater. Fred T.
Haddock, associateprofessor ingastro-
nomy and electrical engineering, will
speak on "Radio Astronomy", PublicI
invited. Refreshments served.
Academic Notices
Premliminary Examinations in Eng-
lish: Applicants for the Ph.D. in English
who expect to take the preliminary ex-
aminations this fall are requested to
leave their names with Dr. Ogden,
1634 Haven Hall. The "Old style" ex-
aminations will be given as follows:
English Literature from the Beginnings
to 1550, Tues., Nov. 13; English Litera-
ture, 1550-1750, Sat,, Nov. 17; English
Literature, 1750-1950, Tues., Nov. 20;
and American Literature, Sat. Nov. 24.
The "new style" examinations will
be given as follows: English and Ameri-
can Literature, 1550-1660, Tues., Nov. 13;
1660-1780, Sat., Nov. 17; 1780-1870, Tues.,
Nov. 20 and 1870-1950 Sat., Nov. 24,
The examinations will be given in the
School of Business Administration,
Room 271, from 9 a m. to 12 m.
Sports and Dance Instruction. Wo-
(Continued on Page 6)


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