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November 03, 1956 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1956-11-03

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Russian Election Observers
Deserve Reserved Welcome
See Page 4


Sir 43au



Latest Deadline in the State














Nagy Sends
To Russians
Hungarian Premier
Appeals for UN Action
On Troop Withdrawal
Russian tanks and troops encircled
Budapest yesterday and swept west
in an apparent drive to seal off
Hungary's frontier with Austria.
They blocked a highway six
miles from the Austrian border.
Hungarian Premier Imre Nagy
f sent three notes to the Soviet
Embassy protesting the rising Rus-
sian threat to his nation ravaged
by revolution.
Nagy also appealed to the UN
yesterday to order negotiations
immediately on the withdrawal of
all Russian troops from Hungary.
The appeal was the second re-
ceived at the UN in two days
from the hard-pressed leader who
is trying to break away from Mos-
cow domination and establish the
neutrality of his country.
Mindszenty Holds Conference
Josef Cardinal Mindszenty held
his first news conference since he
was liberated Tuesday by Hunga-
rian freedom fighters and pleaded
with the Western world to support
Hungary's fight against Commu-
nist domination.
Russian tanks were seen moving
toward Gyoer, rebel headquarters
in western Hungary, the officers
Nagy charged Soviet troops had'
occupied railway installations and
encircled the Hungarian capital.
He protested the movement of So-
viet troops westward from. Buda-
pest toward Austria.
Troops Regrouping
The Soviet ambassador told the
government Thursday the Soviet
tank and troop movements were
part of a regrouping in Hungary,
The Soviet forces began stream-
ing into Hungary two days ago.
Nagy protested that the Soviet
troops still were entering Hungary.
He informed UN Secretary Gen-
eral Dag Hammarskjold the Rus-
sians were confiscating railway
lines, railway stations and signal
"On the basis of this informa-
tion, the Hungarian government
considered it necessary to inform
the Soviet ambassador and all dip-
lomats accredited in Budapest of
the steps taken against our peo-
ple's republic," Budapest radio
quoted Nagy as telling Hammar-
Nagy requested Hammarskjold
to call upon the Big Four powers,
the United States, Britain, France
and Russia, to guarantee Hungar-
ian sovereignty and to direct Rus-
sia to begin immediate negotia-
Nagy announced Thursday that
Hungary was withdrawing from
the Warsaw Pact - the Sviet.
sponsored Eastern European de-
fense alliance-and he was put-
ting the country under UN protec-
Egypt, Arab
Students' Trip
Home Barred
The Egyptian Embassy in
Washington contacted the Arab
and Egyptian students yesterday'
both by wire and telephone, ac-
cording to Salah El-Zarka, presi-
dent of the Arab club, telling them

that they are unable to return
home yet because all means of
transportation have been cut.
Forty or 50 Arab and Egyptian
students had sent a petition to
their Washington Embassy Wed-
nesday saying:
"We are determined to leave
(Ann Arbor) to defend Egypt.
Please facilitate means of trans-
portation immediately."-
The return telegram from
Washington. was sent by the Egyp-
tian ambassador, Ahmed Hussein,
and read.
"Our sincerest appreciation to
you and your collegues for your
noble sentiments. Your offer will
be referred to Cairo. May God

Michigan Faces
Undefeated Iowa
Wolverines Picked by Small Margin
In First Away Game of the Season
Daily Sports Editor
special to The Daily
IOWA CITY, Ia. - The second of three straight rugged Big Ten
tests greets Michigan here today before a sell-out homecoming crowd
of 58,400 at the Iowa Stadium.
Last week it was Minnesota, next weekend it's Illinois back in
Ann Arbor, but today the Maize and Blue chips are down against
an unbeaten but also relatively untested Iowa football team.







With a grimly determined M
Offers Aid
To Hungary
WASHINGTON ()-In a ges-
ture-of support for the Hungarian
fight for freedom, President
Dwight D. Eisenhower yesterday
offered 20 million dollars worth of
food and medical supplies to the
embattled people of Hungary.
The action appeared to chal-
lenge the Soviet government to
permit the supplies to move freely
into Hungary.
Soviet military formations, at
last reports, control Hungarian
airfields and presumably could be
in position to prevent delivery of
large quantities of food if they
wish to do so when the supplies
are made available there.
However, an American Red
Cross statement issued yesterday
did not speak of any difficulty in
getting Red Cross supplies of food
and medicines to Hungary. It said
five representatives of the Inter-
national Red Cross have arrived
in Budapest "to coordinate and
speed impartial distribution of re-
lief supplies pouring in from Red
Cross societies all over the world."
"It is estimated there are 50,000
casualties in Hungary," the Red
Cross said.
Of the 20-million-dollar total in
what the White House called an
initial allocation for Hungary, 15
million dollars is designated for
food from United States surplus
stocks including wheat, corn and
flour. The other five million dol-
lars will go for fats, oils and medi-
cal supplies.

ichigan and a highly-keyed Iowa,
'the forecast calls for a wide-open
game with the Wolverines given
the very slight edge by many ex-
perts despite several important
Michigan Must Rebound
The visitors here must rebound
from last Saturday's loss to Min-
nesota to still be somewhere in
the running in the Western Con-
ference race, while the Hawk-
eyes see a chance to set them-
selves up for a possible Rose Bowl
trip if they can win this, the
fourth, of their six Conference
Iowa has not beaten Michigan
in 13 games since 1924, and the re-
venge motive is heightened by the

Van Pelt

Starting Lineups



Adlai Offers
Middle East
Democratic Leader
Hits Present Policy
Special To The Daily
DETROIT -- Adlai Stevenson
yesterday charged American poli-
cy "has led directly to the present
catastrophe" in the Middle East
and offered his own five-point
program for stability in the area.
He expressed "welcome" for the
United Nations resolution calling
for a cease fire, but told a cheer-
ing, overflow crowd in the Fox
Theater liere that "The President
has not a word to say about the
basis on which any real settlement
can be reached."
The Democratic nominee de-
clared that a hoped-for cease fire
would be only the "first step" in
a Middle Eastern settlement.
The next, he continued, would
be to "restore the sense of unified
purpose among free nations and
rebuild" the western alliance.
The "common policy" he urged
would include a restoration of
"security" along the Israeli bor-
der, insistence on recognition of
"international concern" for the
passage of ships through the
Suez Canal, and "an all out attack
in concert with like-minded na-
tions on the problem of resettling
the 900,000 Arab refugees who now
live in misery and hopelessness."
He also proposed an aid program
"to improve economic conditions
in the Middle East, and a return
to a "sense of coherence and of
human concern" in our foreig4
He offered his post-hostilities
program because, he predicted,
without it mere withdrawal of
opposing forces would constitute
"only a return to the previous
situation - which was dangerous
and unsatisfactory."
Stevenson accused President
Dwight D. Eisenhower of exploit-
ing the, Suez crisis for political
advantage "when he thought it
could be exploited," before the
current hostilities. "Now that his
policy has ended in failure, he
wants to silence discussion," he
He said our policy "has totally
lacked principle" except in words,
being marked by "opportunism
in action."
Stevenson received his largest
ovation of the evening when he
said simply that on Tuesday "you
will have said your last say about
who is to run your government for
the next four years."


Israel Announce's
Control O Sinai
City of Gaza Forfeited to Israelis
As Troops Meet Token Resistance
LONDON (M)--British and French troops are poised today in
jump into Egypt. They may be moving within hours.
The French Defense Ministry announced British-French air
forces have completed softening-up attacks on Egypt and said all
is set for the leap.
A junior minister in Prime Minister Eden's cabinet said yester-
day: "A few hours from now British and French troops will be occu-
pying territory in the canal zone."
In Tel Aviv, Israel yesterday claimed complete control over the
Gaza Strip, and the entire Sinai Peninsula. It said Egypt's resistance
to Israel's air and land onslaught
had collapsed.e
Capture of GazaUDenies

fact that in

the last three years

at Ann Arbor Iowa has held a two-
touchdown lead only to fall final-
ly 14-13, 14-13, and 33-21.
Barr Still Hobbles
Missing from the Michigan
starting line-up will be right half-
back Terry Barr, who is still both-
ered by a bad ankle. Barr will be
in uniform, but Coach Bennie
Oosterbaan is very doubtful about
using him.
Minor injuries also are hamper-
ing backs Jim Pace, Bob Ptacek,
See INJURIES, Page 3

-Daily-John Hirtzel
MR. CHAIRMAN-Archie Singham yesterday moderated a spirited
discussion concerning the Israeli-Arab dispute.
Student Speakers Attack
UN Charter Violations
More than two hundred students from nations all over the world
jammed a smoky Union room yesterday to hear student speakers
from the United States, France, Britain, India and Pakistan condemn
Britain, France and Israel for violating the United Nations Charter.
The opinions of the speakers, moderator Archie Singham of Cey-
lon said, were wholly their own and did not necessarily represent
the views of their individual countries.
Amidst cheers and applause, David Bell told the spirited crowd
that even "as a loyal citizen of the United Kingdom," he could not
condone Britain's "act of aggres-
sion .. . which stabs United Na- Israeli and Egyptian students. But
tions, , . the only legal body which after loud protest and pressure
can defend national interests . . . from thegroup and some parlia-
right in the back." mentary procedure Zollschan of
Andy Choudhry, Pakistani grad- Israel and Abbas Souka were per-
uate student, remarked that the mitted to give their views on the
issue did not involve criticism of situation.
Israel or Egypt, but rather "de- Israeli action, Zollschan de-
fending and judging of law," lared, was an attempt to wipe out
which he felt could only be carried terrorist headquarters in Fgypt.
out by the United Nations. He claimed Egyptian bands of
Indian 1itra described Israel as soldiers had repeatedly crossed
ndiupneM itradsribers Israeli borders and murdered citi-
'apuppet of two great powers. nsdirgdngheU cae-
"Britain and France," he charg- zens, disregarding the UN cease-
_.Y~_ 4'[-- fire orders.


Jubilant Israelis announced the
capture of Gaza headquarters city
of the 28 by eight mile coastal
strip of Palestine held by Egypt
since 1948.
Egyptian defenders put up only
token resistance with mortars and
howitzers, and the Arab-Palestin-

Israel, Egypt
More Arms

ian populat
only a few
when Israeli
froni three
Press corresr
the scene.
Israel long
strip was a:
because of t
The Israe
divisions ofo
an armored
units had

ion of 100,000 firedi WASHINGTON (/)-The United
shots from rooftops States has banned all weapons
battle lines advanced shipments to Israel and Egypt.
sides, an Associated Up to now, it has been allowing
pondent reported from small amounts to go to Israel and
very little to Egypt.
has charged that the The United Mates also has
menace to its security blocked development of new' eco-
he operations of com- nomic aid programs for these two
raiding bands based E warring countries, as well as
Lis said two Egyptian neighboring Syria and Jordan.
about 20,000 men and The State Department an-
brigade and auxiliary nounced these twin steps yesterday
been scattered and less than 10 hours after the


world News Roundup.J

By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - The Navy reported yesterday that transports
carrying more than 1,500 Americans from Egypt cleared Alexandria
Harbor "without fuss or feathers" at 12:59 p.m. EST-11:59 a.m. CST.
A one-word message from Capt. F. W.. Laing, commanding the
special relief unit, to 6th Fleet headquarters reported: "Outside."
The fleet commander, Vice Adm. Charles R. Brown, replied:
"Your one-word message is a classic ... A hearty well done."
* *
SPRINGHILL, Nova Scotia .- Rescue crews virtually abandoned
hope yesterday for 113 miners trapped in an explosion-torn coal
trapped in an explosion-torn coal -

red amidst demonstrations from the
enthusiastic crowd, "have com-
mitted an inhuman act."
Richard Halloran, Grad., of the
United States, remarked that mu-
tually agreed-upon international
law as upheld by the United Na-
tions is the only hope for eventual
peace "in this complex and emo-
tional situation."
The discussion, sponsored by the
International Committees for up-
holding the UN Charter, originally
did not include comments from

mine more than half a mile below
the surface.
Harold Gordon, directing rescue
operations, said a new rescue at-
tempt will be made but "the prob-
ability is that the men are dead."
* * *
House announced yesterday that
Vice-President Richard M. Nixon
will deliver a paid political ad-
dress Friday in reply to Adlai Ste-
venson's attack Thursday night on
the Eisenhower administration's
Middle Eastern policy.
Press Secretary James C. Hag-
erty said the Vice-President will
speak from Hershey, Pa. 8:30 p.m.,
CST in a nationwide television and
radio broadcast CBS.
Casadesus to Give
Concert Program


Nazi Emblems Painted on Hillel

Three 'Swastikas', emblems of
World War II's Nazi Germany,
were painted on the front wall
and step of Hillel Foundation early
yesterday morning.
Assistant Dean of Men John
Bingley said his office is investi-
gating the matter. He did not
know who painted the swastikas.
Dr. Herman Jacobs, Hillel's di-
rector said, "Your guess is as good
as ours."
He commented "The swastikas'
may be just a passing phenomena
or they may be evidence of some-
thing more."
Jacobs said the swastika has
represented oppression to Jews
since 1933 when Adolph Hitler'

Hillel Forum
Israeli Hopes
Speaking at a forum at Hillel
Foundation yesterday Michael
Bentwich, Israeli student at the
University, summed up what Israel
hopes to gain by present warfare
in the Middle East.
"If a balance of power can be
maintained," he said, "for one
month, for two months, for a year
or so, it may eventually be recog-
nized as a 'fait accompli'."
The forum, moderated by Prof.
Preston Slosson, of the history
department, started under the
topic "Background of the Middle
East situation."
It soon progressed to a discus-
sion of the current conflict.
Bentwich and Abraham Minko-
vich, another speaker,. agreed that
the right of Jewish people to Israel
is a basic assumption.
Minkovich declared "The trouble
is-the Arabs do not seem to want
to accept this."
He said the current conflict
started in 1948 when England "re-
fused to let our people go
home," referring to the large num-
ber of Jewish refugees following
the second world war.

wiped out in theGaza strip and
on the Sinai Peninsula.
There was no mention of cas-
ualties in the announcement ofI
Gaza's surrender.
Sinai Routes Free
Israeli sources said the entire
Ismailia road and other key routes
across Sinai were now virtually
free of Egyptian military forces.
The last major Egyptian resist-
ance, they said, was close to the
French-British "ultimatum line"
10 miles from the Suez Canal.
The British - operated Cyprus
radio announced the bulk of the
Egyptian forces have withdrawn'
from the Sinai Peninsula to await
a British - French invasion. The
Cyprus broadcast, recorded in
Beirut, Lebanon, said the with-
drawing forces had joined other
Egyptian units where the principal
Allied invasion was expected. Pre-
sumably that meant the Suez
Canal zone.
From the United Nations yester-
day came word that Egypt ac-
cepted the UN cease-fire resolu-
tion on condition attacking armies
cease what Egypt called their "ag-
gression against her.,"
UN Secretary General Dag
Hammarskjold announced receipt
of a comunication from the Egyp-
tian government's position.
The secretary general has not
announced any replies from Brit-
ain, France or Israel.
Lebanon Tanks
Reports from Beirut, Lebanon
said that tank and armored car
forces from Syria and troops from
Iraq were pouring into Jordan
today on Israel's eastern front.
A report from Jordan said the
movements were confirmed there
but the number of troops and
quantities of arms pouring in were
not known.
This may be a massing of Egyp-
tian-led Arab world forces to open
a second front and relieve Israeli
military pressure on Egypt along
the Suez Canal.
Egypt on Israel's western front

United Nations Assembly urgently
appealed for an end to the five-
day-old fighting in the Mideast.
U.S. Resolution
Press officer Lincoln White said
the arms ban was in keeping with
an American-sponsored resolution
calling for all countries to "re-
frain from introducing military
goods in the area."
Top government officials were
reported split over whether to be-
gin . a program of economic pres-
sure against Britain and France
for their attack on Egypt.
Informants said some State De-
partment officials favored quick
financial and economic action
against America's traditional Brit-
ish and French allies, believing it
would be unfair to crack down
solely on Israel and its Arab foes.
Seeks To Halt Fighting
Further hotly debated backstage
discussions on this are in prospect
during the next few days as the
Eisenhower administration seeks to
localize the Mideast fighting and
eventually halt the bloodshed.
The ban on military shipments
hits Israel harder than Egypt
which has been able to buy few
American military supplies during
the past year.
Israel has been buying. small
quantities of light American weap-
ons, electronic gear, replacements
and communications material.
White described the economic
measure as "a slowdown" but
stressed that nonmilitary ship-
ments already under way and
those formally 5ledged would move
forward on schedule, as far as
possible. He noted however, the
Middle East fighting has forced
numerous ships to stay out of the
area, thus effectively blocking aid
deliveries for the time being.
Three Russians
To Visit University
A three man delegation from
Russia will arrive in Ann Arbor
at approximately 8:00 tonight.

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