Latest Deadline in the State
Tunisians Fight
French at Border
North Africans Attempt To Keep
Invaders from. Crossing Frontier
TUNIS (AP)-Fighting has broken out between French and Tunis-
ian troops near the Algerian border, Premfer Habib Bourguiba an-
nounced yesterday.
The government said Tunisians near the frontier are digging
trenches and building barricades to prevent French soldiers from
, crossing from Algeria.
A communique reported many Tunisians were wounded when a
French military convoy from Algeria forced its way across one road
The Assembly, tense and excited, burst into the hymn of Bour-
guiba's neo-Destour party which led Tunisia to independence from
Bourguiba interrupted a speech to report the fighting at Ain Dra-
Mobs Attack
In Singapore
SINGAPORE (M)-Chinese mobs
rampaged through Singapore and.
its suburbs today seeking out and
assaulting Europeans and defiantly
charging police patrols.
The outbreak stemmed from of-
ficial attempts to end a pro-Com-
munist student strike.
The British army prepared to
intervene with an armored car
A rigid curfew was imposed on
the colony but was lifted a few
hours later. Assemblies of 10 or
more persons have been banned
and schools were ordered closed
Riot casualties mounted steadily
in the early morning hours. Police
said 50 persons were injured, nine
of them Europeans, and 15 were
taken to hospitals.
Twenty rioters were arrested.
The riots began on the east side
of Singapore Island near the
Chungi Cheng High School. About
2,000 Comunist-led students at
this and another Chinese school
have been staging a sit-in strike
since Oct. 10 to protest the gov-
ernment's ban of their Student
Union and arrest of four of the
union officers.
Police had set a deadline yes-
terday for the students to leave
the school building.
When police began tearing dowvn
banners and posters denouncing
the government, the - crowd
charged. The crowd was scattered
under a baton charge by Gurkha
- Nepalese - soldiers serving as
police under British command.
At about the same time, a crowd
of about 4,500 leaving a rally of
the extreme leftist People's Action
party in the center of the island
charged through the neighborhood
and overturned two police trucks
and burned two cars belonging to
Britons. The car owners escaped.
Helmeted police charged this
' mob and dispersed it with tear gas.
ham and Souk el Arba, both about
80 miles west of Tunis.
Then he left the Assembly and
summoned a special Cabinet meet-
Information Minister Bechir ben
Yahmed announced the army is
under orders to resist any French
attempt to cross the frontier from
Algeria and to hold frontier posts
at all costs.
In Paris, however, French Armed
Forces Secretary Max Lejeune said
movement of French forces was
in the opposite direction-from
Tunisia into Algeria. He denied
reports of clashes between French
and Tunisian soldiers.
But French officials in Tunis
acknowledged "some normal mili-
tary convoys have run into dif-
ficulties. These officials denied
French troops tried to force their
way through barriers and said
there were no casualties among
either French or Tunisians.
Bechir told a news conference
15 small vessels of the French
navy had sailed into the harbor of
Abes, on Tunisia's east coast, and
provoked riotous 'protest demon-
stration in the town. By this ac-
count, a French military vehicle
was burned and windows were
smashed throughout Gabes. Both
French troops and units of the Tu-
nisian National Guard fired into
the air to disperse the mobs.
Time Nears
For Mailing
Absentee Vote
Deadlines for absentee voting
application for absentee balloting
are nearing rapidly, officers of the
University Young Democrats and
Young Republicans have warned.
Students, both from Michigan
and other states, must be familiar
with the laws governing their ab-
sentee vote if they are to cast a
valid ballot in the coming elec-
Both student groups are offer-
ing help to registered voters who
have not yet completed the pre-
election procedures. A short sum-
mary of state deadlines for bal-
lot application and casting made
available by the campus political
clubs is as follows:
Michigan Voters
In Michigan, registered resi-
dents must request a ballot in
writing from their city or town-
ship clerk before Nov. 3.
The voted ballot must reach the
local board before polls close on
Election Day.
In New York, application for a
ballot must have been made at the
time of registration. In the case
of students, however, applications
may be obtained from the Board
of Elections at their county seat,
by those who registered earlier,
and must be returned before Oct.
Those who have already ob-
tained their ballot or are 'able to
do so before Oct. 30 must mail
their vote early enough that it
reaches the local board not later
than 5 p.m. on Nov. 2.
Ohio voters may request offi-
cial application from the Clerk of
their Board of Elections before
Nov. 1. After returning the appli-
cation and receiving the ballot,
the voted ballot must reach the
Clerk of the Board not later than
noon, Nov. 2.
New Jersey Ballots
New Jersey ballot requests must
be made to the County Clerk be-
fore Oct. 29, wlile the voted bal-
lot must be received by the Clerk
on or before Election Day
Illinois voters must request of-
ficial application from the Board
of Elections Commissioners in
SGC Study
Of Dorms
in Question
May Probe Financing
of Residence Halls
Counter proposals on the future
of a Student Government Council
committee to study Residence
Halls finance came yesterday from
two SGC members,
Work of the proposed commit-
tee was described by Joe Collins,
,58, as fact finding "to acquaint
SGC with Residence Hall finance."
He said the study is not in-
tended to investigate, recommend
or produce a report for action.
But Inter-House Council Presi-
dent Robert Warrick, '57E, said
he wants "some ultimate results
from SGC as a result of the com-
mittee." He further claimed that
the committee "would be jump-
ing into the problem in the middle
when it should be starting at the
Explains SGC Study
Collins, who co-sponsored the
motion to establish the committee,
with Lew Engman, '57, explained
the rationale behind bringing the
issue before the all-campus gov-
ernment as:
1) Every student must live in
the Residence Halls at some time
and thus has a stake in their ex-
2) The size of the Residence
Hall system affects all housing
in Ann Arbor because the spiral-
ing nature of room and board
rates forces students to seek
apartments and push city rents
higher. Further, the size of the
system affects the size of the Uni-
versity plus the availability of
Warrick said he also believed
the SGC committee would dupli-
cate the work of the committee
by the Board of Governors of the
Residence Halls "to consider the;
entire area of room and board
Agrees on Duplication
Collins agreed but said SGC'sa
group would conduct "a much
more sweeping study than the
Board's committee.";
The motion, which was tabled;
until next week, called for a re-
port early next year.
Warrick said he felt this was
too soon and described his con-
ception of the committee, saying:'
1) It would be a five to ten year
2) It would investigate the
amount of space that can be ex-
pected from the affiliated system,
the co-ops, and the city and then
decide how much Residence Hall
housing was needed, and
3) It would then consider the
methods of financing the Resi-I
dence Halls.
Gives Jordan Jets
AMMAN, Jordan () - Egypt
turned over five British-type jetl
fighter planes to Jordan's army
The gift was the largest Egyp-
tian contribution yet to Jordan in
the drive to build up this coun-
try's strength following the deter-I
ioration of the Israeli-Jordan1
frontier situation in recent weeks.
Rheolution" '"'
In Poland
Revolution in Poland might be
"a sign of strength" of the Com-
munist movement, Prof. N. Mar-
bury Efimenco of the Political
Science department said yester-
He explained that this would in-
crease the "flexibility" of Com-
munism as Communist states in
the future would not have to be
tied to Russia.
The revolt was clearly a result
of Nikita Krushchev's liberaliza-
tion policy, the professor said. Last'
year he told Tito that it was pos-
sible for countries to adjust and
"follow different paths toward
Polish revolt was motivated by
two very strong forces, Commun-
isin and Nationalism, and this
combination is hard to overcome,
Prof. Efimenco added.
However, this may pose a seri-
ous problem for Soviet military
strategy. Poland is a border state
and could be vital to Russian de-
fensive policy he declared..
Krushchev's position in Russia
right now, of course, is not clear.
He apparently favors decentrali-
zation, but he undoubtedly is "ar-
guing his point out" right now.
United States can't afford to
be too obvious about aid in this
situation, he said. Probably, "and
this is just a guess," we might give
them limited aid in proportion
to their cooperation as we have
done with Yugoslavia.
Of course, he added, we could
help them for humanitarian rea-
sons such as alleviating a food
shortage. "We've done that be-
Not much is known about the
Hungarian uprising, the professor
said. All our information is from
"external sources."
Ypsi Students'
Raid Stopped
. .State police were called to Ypsi-
lanti yesterday to help squelch a
mob of Eastern Michigan College
men who paraded through the
city streets with near-riotous ac-1
According to the Ypsilanti Police
Department, more than 100 stu-
dents, in high spirits before their
homecoming football game yes-
terday marched down main
streets, blocking traffic and tram-
pling over the tops of cars.
Apparently the men had gath-
ered originally to stage a "panty
raid" and moved toward the down-
town area when the raid failed to
tS ovie
PLAID BASKETBALL HOOP?-Delta Gamma girls put finishing touches on part of a Ho
display. A corresponding large-scale plaid basketball was not in sight. From State Streett
from Washtenaw to Victor Vaughan, hammers, saws, screams resulting from smashed th
shouts of sidewalk superintendents resound across the campus while students work at Ho
Candidates Discuss Major Isu
SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (P) - Adlai
S t e v e n s o n contended yesterday
that President Dwight D. Eisen-
hower has broken the promises he
made to the farmer to win their
vote in 1952.
Stevenson said that President
Eisenhower had told the farmers
they would have their prices sup-
ported at 90 per cent of parity.
"Did President Eisenhower keep
those promises?" Stevenson asked.
"He did not!"
In a speech at a big farm rally
in Springfield, the Democratic
presidential nominee hit at Presi-
dent Eisenhower again and again.
"I'm not going to mince any
words," Stevenson said.
At one point he said:
"Mr. Eisenhower is, I am sure,
a well-meaning man. But indiffer-
ence and ignorance can be as dam-
aging as ill will."
While he was at it, Stevenson
didn't spare any of the Republi-
cans' big horses. He whipped them
all - Vice-President Richard M.
Nixon, Secretary of State Dulles,
Secretary of Defense Charles E.
Wilson and, especially the Secre-
tary of Agriculture, Ezra Taft Ben-
There was an indication he went
out of his way to deal with Ben-
son. For there was a page insert
in his prepared remarks that dealt
exclusively with the secretary of
This insert Stevenson labeled
"The Strange Case of Ezra Ben-
son's Book."
Jet Fighter
Shoots Self;
WASHINGTON .() -- The Navy
disclosed that one of its super-
sonic jet fighters outsped its own
gunfire and accidentally shot it-
The pilot was injured severely
and the plane was badly damaged
in a crash landing. The ship was
a new single-seat, carrier-based
Grumman F11F1.
As a result of the accident, des-
cribed as the first of its kind in-
volving faster-than-sound air-
craft, the Navy has advised pilots
of fast jets to turn off course or
pull up after firing their guns.
Vice Adm. William V. Davis,
deputy chief of Naval Operations
for Air, told of the strange ac-
cident in a luncheon talk before
the Aviation Writers Assn, at the
National Press Club.
Further details came from Rear
Adm. William A. Schoech, as-
sistant chief of the Bureau of
Aeronautics for Research and De-
NEW YORK (kP)-President
Dwight D. Eisenhower said yester-
day his administration will "go on
steadfastly seeking safe and sound
means for disarmament so that
history can never say this genera-
tion left humanity to be crucified
upon a cross of iron."
In a nationwide television-radio
address at a Madison Square Gar-
den rally, the President hit out
against at the proposal of his
Democratic rival, Adlai Stevenson,
that the United States take the
lead in seeking world agreement
to ban hydrogen bomb tests.
President Eisenhower also swat-
ted hard once more at Stevenson's
call for an end to the military draft
under conditions consistent with
national security.
Without mentioning Stevenson
by name, the President accused
the opposition candidate of politi-
cal "double talk" in saying that
the Eisenhower administration has
come up with no new ideas since
the President tooknoffice.
Bidding for New York's 45 elec-
toral votes, the biggest bloc in the
nation, President Eisenhower
painted an optimistic picture of
the American economy, as well as
of the outlook for eventual endur-
ing peace inthe world.
The President at one point took
specific note of the current strife
in Poland and Hungary. He said
of those countries, in discussing
the over-all international picture
as compared with four years ago:
"We await-this night-no chill-
ing word of some new assault upon
a free nation. We hear, instead,
from the peoples of Eastern Eu-
rope the solemn word-the solemn
proof-that men who have once
known the blessings of freedom
will lay down their lives in its
The President also kept up his
heavy drumfire of criticism of
Stevenson's position regarding H-
bomb tests and the military draft.
The President said there is
"nothing amusing when the oppo-
sition's political techniques are ex-
tended to discussion of world af-
?resident Eisenhower has con-
tended all along that a ban on
H-bomb testing could jeopardize
national security. Stevenson has
argued, on the other hand, that
there need be no such risk.
U.S. Court Rules
On Desegregation
ST. LOUIS (P') -- The United
States Court of Appeals. ruled yes-
terday in a test case that admin-
istrators in desegregating public
ident Richard M. Nix
terday that "bold Eis
cisiveness can exploit
tunity offered the fr
anti-Russian riots in)
Poland" whereas "wea
indecision" could not.
Nixon advanced thi
ment for the re-electi
dent Dwight D. Eisen
took notice publiclyf
time of the ferment i
lite nations.
Out of the drama
ments, he said in a
party rally, "may cor
in which the monoli
global communism wi
"We don't know
what may emerge,"'
"But we do know tha
critical hour when the
under firm and exper
ership, can assist th
loving people who so
want our help.
"This is a time for
hower kind of wisdo
long years of high
rather than the Steve
which comes second
advisers whose incr
judgment has been ex
cent days."
The vice-president s
only conclude from wi
Stevenson's weak, wish
decisive and confusedc
ing this campaign thi
be putty in the hands
Khrushchev and Bulg
Greek We
Ball Chap
Bill Johnson, '57, wa
chairman of Greek
night at executive com
ing of Interfraternity
IFC ball chairman i
del, '58.
Men were chosen,
views at the Union.
Panhellenic Associati
vided a general ch;
Greek Week.
Problems of pledge
also discussed at mf
Leedy, IFC president
that three fraternity
been picked up by tY
they were running
house at 3:5PO a.m. aft
After explanations
they were released, bi
pose a problem for ho
* Asks Troop
East German Troops
Mobilize Defenses
For Possible Riots
VIENNA (te) - Violent fighting
continued yesterday in the heart
of Budapest, with Hungarian
troops and tanks in some cases
joining the side of the rebels in
defying Soviet military might.
The government, trying desper
ately to end the Hungarian rebel-
lion as it went into its third night,
announced it was ready to seek
the withdrawal of Soviet occupa-
tion troops from the country.
The Communist party shook up
its leadership, naming a new sec-
retary general, apparently under
orders from Soviet Deputy Pre-
les Curtiss mier Anastas I. Mikoyan, who
)mecoming went to Budapest trouble-shoot-
to the Hill, ing yesterday just as he had gone
humbs and to Warsaw last week amid the Po-
omecoming lish outbreak.
Rebels Fight Red Tanks
Fighting swirled around the
United States and British lega-
tions and in Parliament Square.
Tanks manned by rebels slugged
it out with Soviet tanks.
Soviet reinforcements were said
to have poured into Budapest
-Vice-Pres- Wednesday night.
on said yes- In Berlin, Communist East Ger-
enhower de- many yesterday worker fighting
the oppor- groups were mobilized with a call
ee world by for vigilant defense against any
Hungary and tide of revolution such as that
Lk Stevenson sweeping Hungary.
Emergency Alert
s new ardu- Thousands of police and securi-
on of Presi- ty troops stayed on emergency
hower as he alert to head off any possible anti-
for the first Russian upheaval. Neues Deutsch-
n the satel- land, the Communist party news-
paper, warned the restive East
tic develop- German people to toe the line.
speech at a 'The newspaper disclosed that
te a new era East German worker shock groups
ihlc face of -set up after the June 17, 1953 re-
ill be weak- volt-began mustering Wednesday
after what it described as the
yet exactly "Fascist rebel putsch" in Hun-
he went on. gary,
t now is the Foreign Minister Dmitri Shepi-
e free world, lov said in Moscow yesterday So
ienced lead- viet troops acted in Hungary to
ese liberty- help control demonstrations at the
desperately request of the Hungarian govern-
r the Eisen- Peaceful Evolution
command He described developments in
enson brand Poland as a "peaceful evolution,"
-hand from 'but declared the Hungarian crisis
edibly bad was caused by "reactionary ele-
posed in re- ments" acting under plans made
long ago. This had created a
aid. "we can "more difficult problem" in Hun-
tnessing Mr. gary, he said.
y-washy, in- "The movement in Poland
conduct dur- caused patriotic feelings through
at he would the whole country. There were
of men like many meetings. But the new gov-
anin." ernment appealed to the people for
discipline and has already taken
steps to solve economic problems.
"But in Hungary we witness a
ses more complicated situation. There
has been discontent there for
many different reasons. There
I have been difficulties in the living
conditions of the Hungarian
rrnen people."
as chosen ast SGC Candidates
Week last .,a
mittee meet- n.
Council. Briefe(e on issues
s Dick Spin-
Candidates for the coming SOC
after inter- elections attended the first of
three meetings yesterday designed
ion also pro- to acquaint the candidateg with
iairman for the real issues facing student gov-
ernment, according to Sandy
raids were Louvre, '59, Candidate Training
.eeting. Tim Director.
texplained Council president Bill .Adams,
pledges had '57 BAd, outlined the purpose of.
he police as student government as the repre-
out of the sentative of the student body and
er a raid. pointed out to the candidates that
were made if they were elected each would
uit this' does be called upon at times to give a
th fraterni.. representative opinion of his fel-
( I
Playbill Offers Two Top Dramas
The speech department's first
Experimental Playbill of the 1956-
57 season will feature two one-
act plays at 8 p.m. today and to-
morrow in Lane Hall.
"The Devil and Daniel Web-
ster" by Stephan Vincent Benet,
and Act III of Louis Coxe and
Robert Chapman's drama, "Billy
Budd" head the bill.
"The Devil and Daniel Webster"
tells the story of a New England
farmer, Jabez Stone, who sells his
soul to the Devil for material
"Billy Budd', a dramatizationI
of a novel by Herman Melville,
concerns a young sailor who is im-
* ' pressed into the British Navy in
1798. When he is falsely accused
of inciting the crew to mutiny, he
strikes out in fury and kills the
Master-at-Arms. At the court
marialtheship's officers have
The victim of the Sept. 21 ac-
cident was Tom Attridge, test pi-
lot for Grumman Aircraft En-