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October 25, 1956 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1956-10-25

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Sixty-Seventh Year

"Small World, Isn't It?*

"When Opinions Are Free
Truth Will Prevail"

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

R N~

Toward The Unknown
'Extended Newsreel'.
TOWARD The Unknown" is a typical Air-Force propaganda vehicle,
with a few mysterious sub-plots imbedded in the celluloid.
William Holden plays the part of a major who was brainwashed
for a couple of years by the compmunists. So he finally signed some
type' of confession and was returned. But he finds it difficult to get
his old job back testing planes, partly because of . . .
Lloyd Nolan, a tough general who tests his own planes and tests
his ownwomen. He is skeptical of Holden because the poor fellow
signed that fake paper but lets him help out around the base anyway.
Girl in the picture is ...
Virginia Leith, a sultry looking dish who can't act worth a con-
tinental, but looks pretty and smiles nice.
ESSENTIALLY, the picture is this. The top research boys have
developed a real hot rocket job, with wire wheels and dual exhausts.

Action at Cornell
An Example for SGC

NEW sorority emerged Monday night at
Cornell University. It isn't actually new.
It had previously been in existence for many
years as the Alpha Zeta chapter of Sigma
What is new about this sorority, and what
is winning the admiration of Cornellians, is
that it has a spirit, an enthusiasm and a prin-
ciple in which it firmly believes - the right
to use its own discretion in selecting members.
The Cornell sorority's decision to go local.
is the culmination of attempts to get its Na-
tional Council to explain why the chapter was
suspended this summer. Its efforts and its ac-
tion Mondaynight have rallied the support
of 'the student body and administration at
The Cornell community has shown, first
of all, that action can be taken despite an un-
cooperative national. It has stated explicitly
why it is concerned about the national's rash
action, why there can be no other reason for
the suspension than the Negro girl in this
year's pledge class. It has erased the reason,
"for the good of the sorority as a whole," as
Justification for the suspension.
IN HIS letter to Sigma Kappa's National
President, Cornell President Deane W. Ma-
lott said, "I am aware of the difficulties of
maintaining what seems to be your policy, in
the face of various pressures and points of
view. We, too, have similar problems as our
students seek a way of life which meets their
needs and justifies their own sense of justice.
When national organizations determine the
way in which Cornell students shall live, with

whom they associate and under what condi-'
tions, you inevitably come into an area of con-
cern to me as President of Cornell University."
Mr. Malott has stated here not only the.
position of Cornell University, but also that of
Student Government Council at the University
of Michigan. His letter deserves admiration
and respect. The fact that the national has
not replied testifies to the arrogant and unco-
operative attitude it has taken ever since offi-
cially interested parties began seeking an ex-
planation for the suspension of the Cornel
and Tufts chapters - the only two which
pledged Negroes.
THE point in which SGC should take pride
is that it has the power and the stature to
effect a reasonable solution. SGC can, if it
wants, say the same thing the President of
Cornell has and command a wide respect. The,
future status of Sigma Kappa on this campus
will be determined by peers of the local chap-
ter members, by students with whom they as-
sociate in their University life. SGC's thinking
may coincide exactly with that of Mr. Malott,
but the important thing is that its decision
will have the prestige of coming from students
themselves who have acted, as they have
rarely, in a rational and unemotional manner.
The Cornell President and the Cornell
chapter have shown that action is possible.
SGC must demonstrate that students also are
capable of making rational an ddifficult de-

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Ike-and John Brown's Body

H-Bomb Issue of Questionable Value

IT MAY be that the most significant state-
ment to come out of the massive report just
issued by the government on testing of nuclear
weapons is President Eisenhower's comment
that "the critical issue" is one of preventing
war, not testing weapons.
The political atmosphere plus the technical
nature surrounding the question makes it very
doubtful that much intelligent debate can de-
velop about it. The heart of the- problem is one
which cannot be resolved - that is, the lay-
man does not have the information nor the
ability to judge the issue as he is being asked.
It can be assumed that the layman will
opinions of scientists. Who, then, is he to be-
draw his conclusions on the arguments from
lieve when the scientists cannot agree, as they
do not?
If there was an agreement to stop testing
and Russia violated the agreement, how long
would it take to catch up with the developmer.-
tal lead they might assume? Answers range
from eight months to a year to never.
Would continued explosions pose a danger
to excessive radioactivity in the atmosphere.
Scientists again disagree but few are certain
one way or the other.

Would our present nuclear capacity be cap-
able of waging war against an aggressor, if this
became necessary, if we did not continue re-
search? This treads on secret grounds, making
definite answers impossible.
ONE question that the layman can argue
somewhat more intelligently is the practi-
cality of stoping tests without adequate safe-
guards. Even here there is no technical agree-
ment on whether nuclear blasts can be de-
tected anywhere in the world.
It can be reasonably asked if Russia has
today developed and, more important, proven
an attitude toward democratic nations, toward
freedom and toward humanity to warrant
trusting them on a matter as critical as this.
We feel they have not.
So the question, on the wiole, resolves
to a point where we must admit we just do not
know. Where we do know, only problematical
conclusions can be drawn. Discussion of prob-
lems of this sort is certainly healthy in a
democracy, but, because of its critical and
emotional nature, of questionable value in a
Presidential campaign.

Letters to the Editor must be signed
and limited to 300 words. The Daily
reserves the right to edit or with-
hold any letter.
Professional Opinion...
To the Editor:
''SATURDAY the President will
undergo a head to toe physical
checkup . . . as he promised the
American people he would." (Lest
we fret too much about Nixon) the
burning question is, "So what?"
I've lost bets before, but who
will take me up on this one? It
takes little courage to predict that
the results of the forthcoming
examination will be roughly as
1. They (the doctors) will be
"amazed at the completeness of
2. He will be "surprisingly robust
and active" (and they may add,
"for a man of his age.")
3. And, of course, "Absolutely
no medical reasons for reconsider-
ing his candidacy."
How do you make a thousand
mile diagnosis? Not on medical
principles, that's for sure. The
President has accused Mr. Steven-
son of "cheap theatricals," but
what can you call this? I'm a
med student and I don't want to
disparage the profession, but what
physician would stand before the
people and, one week before a
presidential election, say that an
extremely popular presidential in-

cumbent must, for medical reasons,
be replaced by the most controver-
sial vice-presidential candidate in
modern history? I respectfully
submit, very few.
With all the medical information
that is being spread around these
days, I'm surprised that no one
is quoting Dr. Paul D. White's re-
port of his recent research on
coronary thrombosis. This report
was made not long before the Pres-
ident became his patient. He used
to think that "the five year sur-
vival rate of moderately severe
coronary thrombosis in persons
over 60 is 50 per cent." Statistics
on the possibility of recurrence of
illietis is highly controversial but
certainly over 50 per cent, and the
type of surgical procedure used to
relieve his last attack usually re-
quires a follow-up operation.
Nevertheless, the President of
the A.M.A. (with considerable au-
thority and from an even greater
distance) says that "the President
is in better shape today than any
of his opponents have ever been
in their lives." Now really!
The ultimate test of our credulity
may yet be made (and it would be
a logical conclusion to the "infor-
mation" which has been given us
so far.) Perhaps some enthusiastic
M.D. will actually say, "Heart at-
tacks are good for you!"
You'll excuse me if I still harbor
some doubts.
-Henry Hirschman, '59M

Guillotine Next

To the Editor:
have long enjoyed the Michigan
Band's performance at football
games, but I seldom have been as
enthusiastic as I was over the
Band's performance at last week's
Army game. It was a real eye
I had never before considered
hanging an especially amusing or
entertaining affair, nor had it
struck me as being a particularly
appropriate subject for depiction
at a football game. But having wit-
nessed the spectacle of a hundred
contorted bandsmen graphically
forming the limp figure of John
Brown at the scaffold, I am im-
pressed with the tremendous po-
tential available for band forma-
tion ideas in the hitherto untapped
area of "sadistics." The sight of a
hundred flashing maize and blue
uniforms gaily tripping to the Iron
Maiden Waltz or the Gas Cham-
ber Clog should bring tears to the
eyes of even the most hardened
Congratulations, band, for ush-
ering in a new era of band ideas!
Am I going to miss this week's
game? And miss Marie Antoinette
at the guillotine - not on your
-Manuel Krashin

. . .

Close Races
In 29 States
Associated Press News Analyst
GOVERNORS will be elected in
29 states Nov. 6 and some of
the standout races are in three of
the largest states=Illinois, Ohio
and Michigan.
Iowa and Massachusetts present
races of unusual interest, too.
On the basis of what has hap-
pened over the last six years, five
or more governorships may be
expected to shift from one party
to the other.
IN 1954, Democrats won 19 of 34
races, turning out eight Republi-
can state administrations.
In 1952, Republicans won 20 of
30 races, turning out five Demo-
Of the 29 governorships at stake
next month, 13 are now held by
Democrats and 16 by Republicans.
Maine has already re-elected its
Democratic governor.
It would also appear that in
nearly every one of the 29 states
President Eisenhower may be ex-
pected to poll more votes than the
highest state Republican candi-
The reverse is reported in most
states as to Adlai Stevenson and
the Democratic state candidates.
Some specific state situations:
ILLINOIS - Democrat Richard
B. Austin is conceded an upset
chance against Republican Gov.
William G. Stratton.
THE PRIME issue centers on
the conviction and imprisonment
of Orville E. Hodge, a Republican
who was state auditor, for the
theft of 11/2 million dollars in state
funds. Hodge quit the GOP state
ticket on which he had sought re-
The relative national and state
party strength is an open question
in Illinois.
MICHIGAN-The present out-
look is for Democrat G. Mennen
Williams to win an unprecedented
fifth consecutive term as governor.
However, Republicans are mak-
ing the strongest organizational
efforts in years, behind Albert E.
Cobo, three-time winner as mayor
in Detroit's nonpartisan govern-
ment. Cobo and the other Repub-
licans are hoping that Eisenhower
will give them-a lift by a visit to

Lloyd Nolan wants to test it him-
self so he can see the ionosphere
first hand.
Unfortunately, Nolan is too old
for this sort of thing, and every-
one knows it almost. Anyhow this
is one of the mysterious sub-plots.
Virginia Leith, Nolan's secre-
tary, is on strangely familiar
terms with generals, majors, etc.
Somehow, the idea of this pretty,
insipid woman keeping half the
unmarried top brass (and two-
thirds of half the married ones)
awake nights is ,discomforting, if
Some of the jet and rocket
scenes are well photographed, and
if the Force seems overly hard on
William Holden's defection, even-
tually he is redeemed. So it all
ends happy, like good 'propaganda
With most everything subordin-
ated to a glorification of the Air
Force and its "special hand-picked
invaders of space beyond the
skies", there is not much empha-
sis upon the Unknown which this
film is ostensily directed Toward.
However, considered as an ex-
tended newsreel with occasional
side glimpses into the lives of the
participants, "Toward The Un-
known" is not particularly objec-
A Stevenson political short con-
tains a scene featuring statements
by his three sons which is almost
enough to make one vote Repub.
-David Kessel
The Daily Official Bulletin is an of-
ficial publication of the University of
Michigan for which the Michigan Daily
assumes no editorial responsibility. No-
tices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN
form to Room 3553 Administration
Building before 2 p.m. the day preced-
ing publication.
General Notices
Persons wishing to be tutors for Unt
versity students this year should con-
tact the student offices of the Michi-
gan Union NO-2-4431.
selective Service Qualification Test
will be given on campus Thurs., Nov.
15, 1956. Students should apply in per-
son for the applications between 8:00
a.m. and 12:00 N, 1:00 p.m. and 5:00
p.m., Mon. through Fri., at the Local
Board No. 85, Room 212, Fritz Build-
ng, 103 East Liberty, Ann Arbor. The
deadline for securing the application
from Local Board No. 85 is 5:00 p.m.,
Oct. 30, 1956. They must be postmarked
not later than midnight, Oct. 30, 1956.
To be eligible to take the Selective
Service College Qualification Test, an
(1) Must be a Selective Service regis-
trant who intends to request occupa-
tional deferment as a student;
(2) Must be satisfactorily pursuing a
full-timecollege course, undergradu-
ate or graduate, leading to a degree;
(3) Must not previously have taken
the test.
A 12-hour course in programming
for the IBM 650 Computer will be held
(Continued on Page 8)

Public View Not Clear


Associated Press News Analyst
W TH all the words that have been fired off
in the last few days about testing hydro-
gen bombs, the American public is in little
better position to judge between Stevenson and
Eisenhower on this issue than it was before.
Stevenson says the United States should
take the lead in stopping the tests, both be-
cause of what he calls the dangers of radio-
active fall-out and because it would be a
step toward peace. He says the United States
doesn't keep up with Russia in making propo-
sals that sound peaceful.
The White House, bearing the responsi-
bility of national security, says it has carefully
considered a ban on bomb testing for a long
time and decided that the chance is too great
to take.
Editorial Staff

As a campaign issue, asking the public to
decide is like asking lay advice on any scien-
tific problem connected with war.
U SE OF the atom bomb in the beginning was
a fateful decision in the history of Ameri-
ca. The whole idea of mass destruction, in-
ucluding noncombatants and cultural institu-
tions, is foreign to American thinking. But it
was the experts on war, both political and phy-
sical war, not the public, who decided.
Stevenson, of course, by stressing his pro-
posal, has been saying to the voters that
Eisenhower and the Republicans are not the
only ones who can think and act about peace.
That's his real point. He is under considerable,
compulsion to get around this idea, which the
Republicans have sought to foster, aided by
the President of the United States as a key
figure in the search.
There is some question whether the voters
have accepted the question as a campaign is-
sue at all.
THEY undoubtedly see that Stevenson, if
elected, would seek and probably get some
sort of agreement with Russia.
They probably see that Eisenhower would
like to do it, too, and will do it if what he
thinks is a safe situation should arise.
There is no indication that the public
has developed a rash on the topic, or that it
is in a hurry. But there is so little general ex-
citement about this campaign that the pub-
lic's views are not clearly apparent at any
New Books at the Library
Beaton, Cecil - I Take Great Pleasure -
N.Y., John Day, 1956.
Bryher - Beowulf - N.Y., Pantheon Books

Poland, Europe, Russia, and Military Alliances

Jt can be said of what is hap-
pening in Poland that it was
sure to happen once external con-
ditions permitted. I have been to
Poland only once since the war,
and that is some years back when
Gomulka had not yet been purged
and was still in office. It was
perfectly evident then, even be-
fore the worst of the Stalinist
tyranny began, that with rare ex-
ceptions the Communist Poles
were like almost all other Poles,
very anti-Russian and proudly
Polish. Among the Westerners
who have been to Poland since
then I cannot remember meeting
anyone who thought the Russians
had any success in winning over
the allegiance of the Poles.
In fact, if sentiment alone had
counted, what we call Titoism,
the longing for national inde-
pendence, has had all along even
stronger roots in Poland than in
Yugoslavia. The Yugoslavs, nev-
er having been under Russian
rule, have felt their kinship with
the Russian people and have had
had i great deal of natural af-
fection. The Poles have a history
K of being partitioned and subju-
gated which for all practical pur-.
poses makes impossible any trust
or affection in their relations with
Why then did the Yugoslavs as-
sert their national indenendence

earlier. The answer to that is
that the great military stalemate
which now prevails in the world
has relaxed the tension and has
gone far toward neutralizing mili-
tary force. Because the tension is
so much relaxed, because there is
such a general feeling that a
world war is improbable, the to-
talitarian system inside of Rus-
sia and in the satellite orbit is
harder and harder to maintain.
For a totalitarian system needs
the threat of an external enemy
to sustain its suppression of lib-
erty. And because military power
in its nuclear development is now
so hideously dangerous, all the
powers are afraid to use any mili-
tary force, fearing that it might
lead to a nuclear war.
This underlying condition in
world affairs exists on both sides
of the iron curtain. What is hap-
pening among the Soviet satel-
lites in Eastern Europe is the
counterpart of what is happening
from Morocco to Indonesia. The
Russians are deterred in dealing
with Gomulka by the same ulti-
mate considerations which deter
the Western powers in their deal-
ings with Nasser.
The stalemate in nuclear wea-
pons has been spreading to all
other weapons. For there is a
growing conviction that were
shooting to start in which the
great powers were involved, ev-
en At cand hand- +h.v wmfl

ing to mean in world politics. We
tions between Russia and the
Western world. We can never af-
ford to forget that Poland lies
between Germany and Russia. We
must not forget that she has an-
nexed much German territory.
We must not forget that for Rus-
sia, be it Communist Russia or
Czarist Russia, Poland is of vi-
tal military interest. No Russian
government will tolerate, if it
can prevent it, the existence of
an unfriendly Poland which has
become part of the military sys-
tem of the West.
We may expect that because of
all this, Polish-Russian relations
will come to a fork of the road.
One way will lead to a reaffirma-
tion of the military alliance, of
which the core is a Russian guar-
antee as against Germany of Po-
land's newly acquired territory.
The other way, which supposes
Polish-Russian enmity, is the
classic gambit of a Russian-Ger-
man alliance based on the unifi-
cation of Germany and the parti-
tion and domination of Poland.
The second way will not be pos-
sible while Adenauer is in pow-
er. But it must not be ruled out
of our calculations.
* * *
IT IS TO this fork in the road
that we should address our minds,
examining the possibilities of a
statesmanlike solution that would
safeguard the independence of

Eastern Europe which might, ex-
tend from Scandinavia to the
Balkans. This would make a re,
spectable place for the former
satellites, also for Austria, Yugo-
slavia and Greece, and not in-
conceivably, for a united Ger-
many. There are risks and com-
plexities in such a multi-lateral
project. But they may be smaller
risks than the most likely alter-
native, which is a series of bi-
lateral deals, especially as be-
tween Germany and Russia.
1956 New York Herald Tribune Inc.



by Did

Editorial Director

City Editor

GAIL GOLDSTEIN. .....Personnel Director
ERNEST THEODOSSIN............. Magazine Editor
JANET REARICK........Associate Editorial Director
MARY ANN THOMAS..................Features Editor
DAVID GREY.............................Sports Editor
RICHARD CRAMER............Associate Sports Editor
STEPHEN HEILPERN..........Associate Sports Editor
VIRGINIA ROBERTSON...............Women's Editor
JANE FOWLER..............Associate Women's Editor
ARLINE LEWIS................Women's Feature Editor
VERNON SODEN.................Chief Photographer
Business Staff
DAVID SILVER, Business Manager
MILTON GOLDSTEIN. Associate Business Manager
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