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October 24, 1956 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1956-10-24

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Sixty-Seventh Year

"One Thing About The Campaign It's Getting
The Kids To Bed Earlier"

"When Opinions Are Free
Truth Will Prevail"

Editorials printed in

The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.


' Polish Nationalism
Spotlights New Cold War

WILLIAM L. RYAN, AP foreign news analyst,
writing in yesterday's Daily, referred to the
Poland revolution as another fumble of Khrush-
chev, saying, "He has brought the Communist
party face to face with a disastrous world
propaganda defeat."
This is not the case. There is no evidence
that communism as a social, political and
economic way of life suffered any "defeat" over
the weekend. Russian imperialism did. There
is an important distinction.
Another fallacy concerning. the Polish coup
assumes that a loss for Soviet imperialism is a
gain for United States power and prestige.
There is no evidence of this.
These fallacies arise from erroneous defini-
tions of the 1956 version of the cold war. Two
definitions are widely adhered to; a third hasn't
yet been appreciated.
.First, the cold war is the struggle between .
communism and democracy. Until Tito's break
with Stalin in 1948 this school was the correct
frame of reference for international relations.
Tito brought to the scene the element of na-
tionalism and it precluded the communism-
democracy contest.
Polish nationalism has been labelled a defeat
for communism. But why so? Gomulka 'is an
adamant communist-so are the others on the
Central Committee. Have they returned prop-
erty to a private status? No. Have they even
hinted it? No.
Second, the cold war is the struggle between
the USSR and the United States for hegemony
in the world. Here again, many look at the
Poland imbroglio and claim a victory for the
U.S., a loss for the Kremlin.
But wait . Has Russia's might (H-bombs and
Bison bombers) deteriorated an iota? No. Has
she lost any divisions? Perhaps a couple of
poorly trained Polish ones. Has she lost a buf-
fer state? Yes, but who thinks the next war
will be fought on the ground.
Or has Poland denounced her allegiance to
the anti-NATO Warsaw Pact? No. Has Poland
indicated anything other than a national breech
with the Soviet? No. Yesterday, the official
Polish Communist newspaper, Trybuna Ludu,
warned that under the "new freedom" Poland
still remains. a close friend of the Soviet
THIRD, the cold war is the struggle between
nationalism and imperialism. This is it, a
premise with which to assess the Polish business
and most other international affairs in October
of 1956. 1
Look around the 1956 world. Where are the
trouble spots?-Cyprus, Algeria, Egypt and the
Suez, Egypt and Israel, and now Poland. What
United Nation

is the common basis of these crises?--national
aspirations vs. big power imperialism.
Thus, contemporary world politiking can't be
analyzed in communism vs. democracy or Russia
vs. the United States terms. These premises
assume fixed geographical boundaries on each
side and a toe-to-toe, containment of the
opposing philosophy or states.
But boundaries are in a constant state of
flux and have been since 1945. Self-determina-
tion is the order of the day and imperialism is
a hasbeen. Note the arrival of these new states
on the scene since 1945: Israel, India, Pakistan,
Libya, Somailand, Eritrea, Burma, Ceylon, Jor-
dan, Syria, Lebanon, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam,
Indonesia, Philippines, Korea, Outer Mongolia,
Nepal, Yemen and Sudan.
These will attain national status soon: French
Morocco, Spanish Morocco, Tangier, Tunisia,
Gold Coast, British Togoland, French Togo-
land and Malaya.
AND NOW nationalism must sweep the Soviet
satellite empire. This is one hundred more
times inevitable than the ultimate collapse of
The central point is that in 1956 the power
struggle between the USSR and the United
States cannot be vented, because neither side
knows who he can count on. The ferocity of
the USSR-US rivalry will come to light in
perhaps 10 years when both sides will be dug
in with all the allies they can persuade. This
ultimate locking of horns' seems to be avoidable
only if the new states form a significant neutral
bloc which would keep both the super-powers
on their moral best behavior.
It would be a supreme stroke for United
States foreign policy if we could be farsighted
enough to recognize that nationalism vs. im-
perialism is the cold war of today and formu-
late our policy accordingly. We may in the
short run alienate Britain and France with
a moral stand on this issue, but we have many
millions of the uncommitted to gain.
This country must accept the permanence
of communism in some countries. We must
woo the Communist Pole, Yugoslav, Hungarian,
Bulgarian, Rumanian, Czechoslovakian and Al-
banian td the moralistic, anti-imperialistic
America from the communist, but imperialist
With such an anti-imperialist foreign policy,
the Polish uprising could have been a victory
for this country.
As it is, the Polish independence declaration
is a victory for nationalism (butressed by an
historical hate for the Russians, a tradition of
freedom, and the influence of the Catholic
Church), a defeat for Soviet imperialism, and
for the United States a lost opportunity.
is Ineffective

Rare Music
Well Played,
CHAMBER music in twentieth
century America attracts a
small audience as compared with
attendance at symphony, choral,
and solo concerts. If this is true
with regard to string quartet pro-
grams, It is even more noticeable
when woodwind quintets perform.
This is regrettable.
It is particularly regrettable that
so few heard last evening's con-
cert in Rackham Hall. Selections
of great variety and originality'
were combined with musical per-
formance of the highest quality.
Each of the participants, a fine
soloist in his own right, retained
his individuality as a performer,
and at the same time subordinated
himself to the attainment of a
higher musical unity by the group
as a whole
This remarkable oneness of the
ensemble, the perfect communica-
tion among its members as a unit
to the audience, was perhaps the
most rewarding aspect of the pro-
NO LESS significant was a first
performance in Ann Arbor of three
compositions, and a rendering of
two others which are seldom heard.
There remains the sixth number,
the Adagio in B-flat (K. 411) by
Mozart. If the word beautiful car-
ries any "absolute" connotation at
all, perhaps one may simply apply
it here. To most, this was the only
familiar work on the program.
The opening composition was
the Quintet in G by the little-
known composer Danzi. The music
itself was technically quite "well
made," and most enjoyable to lis-
ten to, but occasionally went for-
ward only by cliches of style in
the hands of a less than first-rate
The two-movement Quintet
which followed was composed by
Elliott Carter, a member of the
School of Music faculty. This work
was extremely difficult to perform,
both musically and technically.
The complex contrapuntal nature
of many passages, and the striking
use of dissonance, require a some-
what thorough knowledge of con-
temporary music, if one is to un-
derstand and appreciate it.
4 * *
THERE WERE other factors,
however, more easily accessible.
Each part was admirably suited to
the unique qualities of the individ-
ual instrument. The work left
many with the general impression,
"Let's hear it again!"-always a
significant thing for a composer
to achieve in. a first performance
A programmatic "Chimney of
King Rene," by the contemporary
Darius Milhaud, the Concerto in
G for woodwind trio by Vivaldi,
and the modern Czech composer,
Leos Janascek's "Mladi" (Youth),
completed the program.
In the last work, Mr. Teal (bass
clarinet) joined the Quintet in an
interesting, original, and well writ-
ten composition-a fitting climax
to a fine musical evening.
-Charlotte Liddell


ON January 13, 1953, just seven
days before the Eisenhower
Administration took office, this
column, in appraising the new
cabinet, wrote of new Secretary of
the Treasury George M. Humph-
"He has built up one of the
bigger holding corporations of the
nation. The M. A. Hanna Com-
pany, which he heads, controls the
biggest coal company in the world,
steamship companies, steel mills,
rayon factories, vast ore deposits,
a sugar company, and one of the
biggest banks in Cleveland.. This
background has the advantage of
bringing great ability to govern-
ment, but it also puts a cabinet
member under constant fire for
possible favors to his own far-
flung companies.
"When Mr. Humphrey becomes
Secretary of the Treasury and
when his many companies and
their subsidiaries come up for gov-
ernment benefits, as is inevitable,
the situation may prove em-
This column, however, did not
t give the entire story, and investi-
gators for Congressman Jack
Brooks, the tough Texan now
probing Chairman Len Hall, have
dug up the rest of it. It may bear

out the prediction of embarrass-
* * *
FOR, ON January 16, three days
after the above-mentioned column
was written, and four days before
he became Eisenhower's No. 1 fis-
cal cabinet member, Humphrey
concluded an important agreement
with the government. Discreetly,
Humphrey kept out of the'negoti-
ations and let his son, George W.
Humphrey, sign for the Hanna
Three days later, January 19, the
Senator Humphrey testified before
the Senate Finance Committee re-
garding his stock holdings. Sen.
Harry Byrd of Virginia was wor-
ried about conflicts of interest on
the part of the new Eisenhower
cabinet with their ramified stock
* * *
THE NEW Secretary of the
Treasury told the senators in brief
that he was not selling his stock
in the M. A. Hanna Company and
its various subsidiaries. He said
he had consulted and had been
advised there would be no conflict
with his work as Secretary of the
Three days before, on January
16, 1953, Humphrey's son had
signed three contracts with the

government for the production of
nickel, then desperately short as
a result of the Korean war. Nickel
was needed for jet planes, and the
Hanna Company had acquired im-
portant low-grade nickel deposits
in Douglas County, Oregon, on the
develQpment of which it had been
given a tax write-off of 85 per
cent on $22,000,000 just three
weeks before Humphrey became
Secretary of the Treasury.
The final agreement signed with
the government by Humphrey's
son, provided:
1. Humphrey's company would
sell 125,000,000 pounds of nickel
content of ore to Uncle Sam for
20 cents a pound. This meant a
profit of around 16 cents a pound
or about $19,000,000.
* * *
2. THE government agreed to
"loan" Humphrey's company $25,-
000,000 to build a nickel smelting
plant alongside the mine. Later,
according to the contract, the gov-
ernment was to pay back the loan
to itself, including interest. Thus,
the $25,000,000 was advanced to
Humphrey to build the plant, then
this money is paid back to Humph-
rey and the Humphrey company
keeps the plant. This meant the
plant is a free gift.
(Copyright 1956 by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

to the
'Los Olivadados'.. .
To The Editor:
s officers of the Gothic Fil6
Society, we have received a
number of protests against the
inclusion of tht' Mexican film "Los
Olvidados" in the Society's series
this year. Lest the confusions
which characterize these protests
spread, we feel that a statement is
The showing by a film society of
"Los Olividados" - the English
of which is "The Young and the
Damned" - should require no de-
fense. It is true that this-film dis-
plays a savage, immoral and de-
praved world. Indeed, the events
it portrays and the absence of an
explicitly moral point of view may
shock some who view it.
However, we believe that it is as
legitimate for the cinematic art,
as it is for any.other dramatic or
graphic art, to examine any aspect
of life - as long as there is no ex-
ploitation of shock for its own
sake. "Los Olvidados" is a film of
artistic integrity. It attempts to
explore - not exploit - degrada-
On another matter, we must
ourselves make a protest to The
Daily. A recent article described
Gothic Film Society as a group
that shows "ultra-art" films." We
don't exactly know what "ultra-
art films" are, but we would cer-
tainly not join a group, which
boasted of showing them.
The words strongly suggest an
atmosphere of affectation, pre-
ciousness and snobbery which
Gothic Film Society has always
successfully avoided. We hope that
any who may have hesitated to
join on account of that unfortun-
ate phrase will hereby be. reas-
sured that it just isn't so.
-Allan Silver, Grad.,
--Herbert Salzstein, Grad.,
Forget the Book! .. .
To the Editor:
ATTENTION, Dave Kessel: Your
discourse on Mantovani left
something to be desired-namely,
an accurate review. You seem to
have a misguided conception that
one must believe everything one
reads, on record -jackets. Manto-
vani's music at the concert cer-
tainly wasn't designed for "book
lovers" or "record jacket enthusi-
asts." It was designed to give the
listener two hours of pleasure, and
this it certainly did.
A book has no place at a con-
cert. If you want to read, why not
go to the library? You're wasting
your time at a concert. Why not
try to relax and listen to the nu-
sic? Music cannot be enjoyed ful-
ly when one is trying to read or
merely listening between chapters.
No one will argue that Manto-
vani could compare with the Phil-
adelphia Orchestra or the Boston
Symphony. The question is -
-should Mantovani in all fairness
be compared with these "institu-
tions?" Size, instruments, and
works which are played by these
orchestras are only some of the
differences. (An accordian has no
more part in the Philadelphia Or-
chestra than a tuba in Manto-
vani's orchestra.
A further point. If you are go-
ing to compare orchestras as to
composition, why not .compare
them on' something each has
played? "Serenade for Strings"
and Detrich had nothing to do
with the program.
The next time you write a re-

view, would you please 1.) try lis-
tening to the music, giving it your
undivided attention, and 2.) judge
the music on the basis of the or-
chestra's own limitations. If the
music wasn't pleasing to the ear,
why wasn't it? Leave the ration-
ale of popularity, record jackets,
capacity crowds, etc. to the pub-
licity men.
-Richard Motz, '58
The Daily Official Bulletin is an of-,
ficial publication of the University of
Michigan for which the Michigan Daily
assumes no editorial responsibility. No-
tices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN
form to Room 3553 Administration
Building before 2 p.m. the day preced-
ing publication.
General 'Notices
Student Art Print Loan Collection.
Students who have signed up for pic-
tures for the current semester must
pick them up by 5:00 p.m. Thurs.,
Oct. 25. On Tues., Oct. 30, the Collec-
tion will be open for rentals for those
pictures which remain.
Fellowships are being offered by the
Bell Telephone Laboratories for pre-
doctoral study. The field of study
should have a direct bearing on elec-
trical communications and may in-



THIS week United Nations Week is being
celebrated at the University and through-
out the world commemorating the anniversary.
of the signing of the United Nations Charter.
For twelve years, this body has been a
sounding board for international disputes, but
as far as action taken on these disputes, the
UN has proven ineffective. Exemplifying this
assertion is the Suez conflict which to date the
Security Council has merely hashed about,
knowing that any concrete proposal either side
submits will be vetoed by the opposing power.
This organization, founded on the assump-
tion that the five nations which led the
struggle against Germany, Japan, and Italy
would continue to cooperate, has found itself
constantly impeded by Russia's barrage of ve-
toes. In the Security Council, composed of
China, Russia, France, the United States and
Britain, ope veto is all-powerful. This "wea-
pon" has been used time and again by Russia
to obstruct any possible constructive action
by the UN.
ON THE positive side, as an organization to
promote conditions of stability and well-
being among the member nations, the UN has
been successfully working through such spe-
cialized agencies as the World Health Organ-'

ization and the International Labor Organiza=-
We don't need a world-wide organization to
act merely as a sounding board for interna-
tional disputes and promote a certain amount
of economic stability through specialized
agencies. We do need an organization that can
act effectively in attempting to conserve world
peace, not just a panel discussion of these
The only way the UN can be strengthened
is to revise the charter so that it will not per-
mit one nation to completely obstruct UN ac-
tion toward peaceful moves.
Possible revisions might be: Permit a dual
veto only by Council members to stop UN ac-
tion, thus eliminating Russia's sole veto from
halting progress; or utilize 8 simple majority
vote in the Security Council, or possibly a
two-thirds majority; the charter could allow
a Big Five nation to use veto power only when
action has to do with its own country.
Admittedly, none of the members of the
Security Council, especially Russia, are par-
ticularly willing to give up the security of the
veto power. This in itself is a demonstration
of the vicious circle of ineffectiveness in which
the United Nations is unfortunately enmeshed.

Farmers Express Dissatisfaction with Ike


Contortions of Communism

EDITOR'S NOTE: This is a com-
pilation of articles by AP's political
reporters surveying sentiment in key
states on the 1956 presidential cam-
By The Associated Press
Kentucky . .
seems to have demonstrated in his
recent breezy visit to this blue
grass area that personal presi-
dential campaigning is more ef-
fective in many ways than televi-
sion appearances.
From the evidence of a before-
and-after survey here, the politi-
cians seem to be right. In direct,
local political appeal, an Eisen-
hower in the flesh is worth many
times an Eisenhower on the TV
screen. And the, effect has a ten-
dency to ripple out across a whole
This effect obviously is more
psychological than tangible. But,
unless all the outward signs are
wrong, the impact of a personal
visit can't be matched by the wid-
er coverage of television. In his
nationally - televised Lexington
speech on Oct. 1, Eisenhower had
gue that any doubtful voter was
convinced he should stamp the
Republican ticket just because he
saw Eisenhower step out of the
Columbine III onto Kentucky soil,
flash his famous grin, make a few
remarks and then take an arm-
waving ride through crowd-lined
A But they say Eisenhower's fit

Minnesota . . .
President Dwight D. Eisenhower
has a big but diminishing
backlog of respect and popularity
,that may carry him to a repeat
political victory in Minnesota. But
by no means is it a safe bet that
this will happen.
Minnesota still has some un-
happy farmers, despite the best
corn and soybean crops on record.
And Eisenhower's i mp re ss iv e
strength of 1952 clearly has been
melting away. The presidential
race is so tight that Adlai E. Ste-
enson could well win the state.
Professional politicos are mak-
ing the expected claims. Yet the
Republicans concede Eisenhower
isn't as strong as he was four
years ago and that the battle for
Minnesota's 11 electoral votes is
uncomfortably close.
* * *
Minnesota poll, which has a repu-
tation for calling the political turn
pretty accurately, reported in late
September that the Eisenhower-
Nixon ticket was a share ahead
of the Stevenson-Kefauver team
in what was almost 'a neck-and-
neck race.
The GOP was doing better in
smaller cities and towns, the Dem-
ocrats in the major cities and on
the farms.
The farm issue is the big one.
It is in rural areas that Eisen-
hower's popularity has skidded
Farmers tell you hog, cattle and
egg prices are better than thov

Interviews with scores of farm-
ers indicate the Tennessean, nom-
inated by the Democrats for the
vice presidency, is considerably
more popular on this state's farms
than is Adlai Stevenson, the par-
ty's presidential candidate.
Democrats are counting heavily
on Kefauver to change the pres-
ent political outlook which on the
basis of views expressed by po-
litical leaders, farmers and farm
leaders, business and professional
men and newspaper men - is for
an Eisenhower victory in the state.
* * *
party leaders at Newton that the
vice- presdiential candidate will
spend quite some time campaign-
ing in the state.
Hog and cattle prices between
now and election time could fig-,
ure importantly in the campaign
because these meat animals will
be principal products Iowa farm-
ers will sell in the meantime.
Alfred Loveland, of Waterloo,
undersecretary of agriculture un-
der the Truman administration
and later a Democratic candidate
for the U.S. Senate, predicted that
if hog prices drop below $15 a
hundred pounds Stevenson will
win. Prices have been running a
little above this level, but in-
creases in marketing are ahead.
* * *
Oklahoma . .
WILL A. STRUCK, who farms
480 acres of wheat land hard hit
by drought, leaned on the front
fendr o f a nh~ared ar ondr en-_

revolt is overrated. Anyway, they
are betting on big majorities in
Oklahoma City and Tulsa, where
Eisenhower four years ago rolled
up a formidable 52,000-vote ad-
Walter E. Curry, Republican
state chairman, predicts Eisen-
hower won't do as well as his
87,000-vote margin four years ago.
On the Democratic side, Sen.
Mike Monroney figures Stevenson
to win by 80,000 votes. He's bank-
ing heavily on farmer discontent
to infect the small town mer-
As for the state political report-
ers, they're so evenly divided that
Oklahoma will have to go down
as truly doubtful.
* *, *
Wisconsin . .
DEMOCRATS are crowding up
to the political wailing wall
in Wisconsoin. And this is making
the Republicans uneasy.
Te hear top Democrats talk, the
presidential election is over before
the voting-and Adlai E. Steven-
son isn't the winner.'
Republicans are afraid this idea
Is spreading among President Ei-
senhower's supporters and too
many of them will sit home Elec-
tion Day and not bother to vote.
*, ' *
THAT'S ONE factor that may
cut down the 3-2 vote margin Ei-
senhower rolled up in taking Wis-
consin and its 12 electorial votes
four years ago. Another is the



Associated Press News Analyst
covered from the confusion caused by the
downgrading of Stalin, is now facing an even
more serious crisis.
The Stalin thing, although, confirming what
the rest of the world has been saying about him
for years, was primarily a family affair.
Today, with the spread of independence
demonstrations in the European satellites, both
the central command at Moscow and the parties
in other countries have a factual situation with
which to deal.

T HE AGREEMENT between the Communist
parties of Yugoslavia and Hungary is not an
important part of the independence movement,
although it could become so. It is so far an
outgrowth of the pacification efforts directed at
Tito and begun in Moscow more than a year
It has as its background, however, the "liber-
alization" statements made by Khrushchev.
These statements gave nationalist leaders in
the satellites just enough rope so that they now
may be able to jerk it out of Russia's hands.
From a settlement of the 1948 feud Hungary
and Yugoslavia may be able to progress toward
a united front against Kremlin control.


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