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October 21, 1956 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1956-10-21

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Sixty-Seventh Year

"We've Got A Campaign Going On, Too"


"When Opinions Are Free
Truth Will Prevail"

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

Stevenson's H-Bomb Proposal
Indicates Lack of Perspective


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The Candidates
And Their Parties
T HE CAMPAIGN has been showing that there are two distinct, though
of course related, elections in progress. There are the Congressional
and local contests. There is the Presidential contest. This is reflected,
we may suppose, in the extraordinary contradictions between what the
private polls- are indicating and what the actual voters in Maine and
Alaska have shown. The polls show Eisenhower running very well and
the early voting in Maine and Alaska shows great strength in the
Democratic party.Q
It is, it seems to me, too early to come to any conclusion as to what
these contradictions portend.
IT WOULD BE fair to say that until the past week or so the main
emphasis of the campaigning has been on the contests at the Congres-
sional level. Stevenson and Kefauver have been rallying the Demo-
crats in the various regions of the country, and the issues they have
been raising'are those which in the different states are most likely to
draw the Eisenhower Democrats of 1952 back into the fold.
Stevenson's speeches have been pointed primarily at the weak-
nesses of the Republican party as opposed to the Democratic party.

ADLAI STEVENSON'S campaign proposal for
the banning of H-bomb testing is positive
and imaginative but needs careful examination
within the context of contemporary interna-
tional power politics.
Mr. Stevenson's plan calls for halting Am-
erican H-bomb tests provided the British and
Russians, the other major nuclear powers, also
end their tests. The Democratic presidential
candidate maintains that the national security
would not be damaged as no major hydrogen
test can be made anywhere in the world with-
out American scientists knowing of it. Further,
research and experimentation to the point of
just short actual detonation of the bomb can,
be carried on without falling behind Russia,
should the Soviets not observe the ban.
Certainly, Mr. Stevenson's idea is feasible
and has a precedent in international relations.
The ban on the use of gas warfare was scrupu-
lously followed by both sides during World War
II even though great advances, if such they
can be called, were made by the Germans and
Allies alike in the quality and quantity of gas,
bringing it to a fine point of deadly effective-
ness. Even in his last desperate months, Hitler
did not resort to the use of gas, though more
from fear of immediate Allied retaliation than
on moral principle.
What was negotiated and observed with re-.
gard to gas should be applicable to the hydro-
gen bomb.
MR. STEVENSON'S proposal, however, seems
to be putting the cart before the horse.
There are numerous outstanding questions,
more fundamental to the establishment of any
sort of stabilized peace, which should be settled
before action can be taken along lines asked
by the Democratic candidate.
It is important, in the long run, to eliminate
the cause of war rather than the tools of war.
As long as the causes continue to plague man,
he will find a way to fight over his differences.
Mr. Stevenson has criticized, and we think
with much substance, the present foreign policy
of the United States and the manner in which
it is, or more often is not, conducted. He points
out that the Republican claim of world peace
is a fallacious one, that America is not being led
in the handling of her foreign affairs' but

rather is being allowed to drift, and that this
drift constitutes probably the greatest threat
to American security and prosperity and world
peace today.
One need only look to the partitions of Ger-
many, Korea, and Indochina, the unsettled
thorn of Taiwan and Communist China, the
rampant rise of Arab and Asian nationalism.
This latter, particularly, has not been recog-
nized by the American people for what it is.
Consequently, America is unable to understand
or to channel this force in directions, if not
compatible with American objectives, at least
not in opposition to them.
THESE are the threats that endanger the se-,
surity of the United States. They have deep-
seated causes and need far-sighted solutions.
These are the breeding grounds of war. Nu-
clear weapons are indeed a dramatic and teri-
fying manifestation of man's capacity for de-
struction. But atoms are still mere tools for
war, not the reasons for which wo go to war.
To even partially restrict ourselves in the
development of war material while overlooking
the real issues facing us is to hide our heads
in the sand.
To take this specific item, H-bomb testing,
out of its place in the context of today's in-
ternational situation is grasping at straws in
the wind. Far more urgently needed is an. ap-
proach which goes to the core of the day's
questions, a comprehensive and workable pro-
gram to ease the tensions produced by inter-
national sore spots. Banning of the H-bomb-
first the tests and then the bomb itself as it
now exists-should come nearer the conclusion
of a logical series of steps which begins with
a negotiated settlement of outstanding differ-
ences and proceeds to a more general agreement
on disarmament, including consideration of all
weapons, nuclear and conventional.
Mr. Stevenson's suggestion has merit, is well-
intentioned, and shows an imaginative approach
to American defense and foreign relations. But
he has failed to place it in perspective or to
come up with a proposal to solve the more
fundamental problems facing the nation.
Editorial Director


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Nixon Amazes Reporters

Bowles' Incisive Analysis

Daily Editor
RICHARD NIXON visited Cor-
nell Wednesday, attired espec-
ially for the occasion in a three-
button Ivy League suit and a new
pair of shoes to replace the politi-
cally worn ones (hole in left sole)
he exhibited the day before in
Ithaca was impressed and Mr.
Nixon made the most of it, as he
has been doing at towns on and
off the main drag throughout the
The local airport, whose runway
had coincidentally received its
annual patch-up job only hours
before the entourage landed, look-
ed by all indications as if it
wanted four more years.
Peaceful and prosperous parti-
sans greeted the "famous cam-
paign team" of Dick and Pat (Mrs.
Nixon), whereupon the Vice-Presi-
dent inserted the appropriate local
comments in his set speech and
adjourned, thanking the 1500
townspeople for "this wonderful
* * * -
ENTERING the airport offices
for his first press conference of
the afternoon, he filed by a table
decked with front-page spreads
of Ike and Dick on back copies of
several national magazines.
Mr. Nixon appeared not the
least bit scared by the press con-
ference. In fact, he seemed as if
he was plunging into a task he
relished with enthusiasm.
He eagerly awaited the first
question and handled himself
adroitly when it came. He bore up
well under this and succeeding
questions. Nor was he abashed at

some of the obviously baited ques-
tions asked that night by college
editors at a nationally televised
press conference.
Nothing stumped the Vice-Presi-
dent in Ithaca. He was never at a
loss for words. One must necessar-
ily admire his courage if nothing
* * *
BUT the Amazing thing about
the controversial Californian is
that he escapes unscathed by his
public utterances.
In his press conferences, he will
either answer in generalities,
twist questions to fit the answers
he has, or revert to the popular
gimmick of telling those assembled
how well he likes Ike.
Mr. Nixon is much more adept
at evading the question than
actually answering it. This in it-
self is disheartening to the mem-
bers of the press.
What is really disturbing is the
fact that audiences for the most
part are apparently satisfied with
the Nixon oratory. They are pleas-
ed that he is not the naughty boy
the Democrats say he is. They are
glad to hear that he likes Ike. His
answers sound sincere, even if
they areunrelated to the ques-
tions asked.
The Vice-President was asked
which side of the Republican
Party he would be most closely
allied with in the event that he
succeeded to the Presidency, after
he was reminded that in 1954 he
admitted that the "hard core" of
the GOP was divided.
* * *
HIS ANSWER consisted of an
explanation of why the American
party system was great (because

men could differ and still get along
together) and the usual praise of
the President ("Mr. Eisenhower is
the greatest President in my life-
time.") The assembled audience
R e p o r t e r s were consistently
dumbfounded by his ability to
answer questions in this way and
get away with it.
And while not satisfied, as the
crowds which Mr. Nixon is attract-
ing, that "the guy ain't so bad
after all," most college editors left
Ithaca amazed at a boldly-plan-
ned campaign which seems to be
taking its toll on the Democrats.

Reds To


Eisenhower has been involved only
insofar as he can be identified
with the Republican record. A rea-
son, I would not be surprised if it
were the main reason, why Steven-
son has not been arousing strong
national interest is that up to this
point his campaign has been very
largely devoted to helping the
Democrats in their local contests.
During this period the Republi-
cans has been on the defensive,
with Nixon working to activate the
Republican politicians and Eisen-
hower working to hold on to the
Eisenhower Democrats.
* * *
THE STRIKING characteristic
of this phase of the election, which
looks as if it might now be ending,
has been that the crucial issues of
the Presidential contest have been
allowed to lie under, though just
under, the surface of the cam-
paign. These issues are not farm
parities, big business in govern-
ment, or even the hydrogen bomb
tests and foreign policy. The cru-
cial issues arise from the funda-
mental fact that Eisenhower's
leadership and control of the Re-
publican party depend uniquely on
his own personality, on his own
active presence, and therefore on
his health and his energies.
Gen. Eisenhower's great default,
which is, I believe, the central
issue of the Presidential contest,
is that he has not provided care-
fully and reliably for a successor.
Given his age, given his illnesses,
it was his primary duty, if he chose
to seek a second term, to provide
for a successor.
It was his duty to offer the coun-
try a successor who was indubit-
ably a believer in his principles, a
man of unimpeachable character
and of proven ability. It would be
absurd to say that such men do
not exist in the Republican party.
Gen. Eisenhower's failure to bring
one of them forward is the crucial
issue in the contest between him
and Stevenson.
* * *
IN THIS contest the main point
is not that Stevenson is younger,
nor who is going to live the longer.
The main point is that Eisenhower
does not have a party behind him
and around him which can be
counted upon to carry on along his
lines if, for any reason, his ener-
gies diminish or fail.
There is here a risk to the pub-
lic interest and tosthe national
interest which cannot prudently be
ignored. It cannot be discounted
by saying that Stevenson too is
mortal. The essential point is that
Stevenson has a party around him
and behind him, and that if any-
thing happened to him, there
would be no risk, not even a prob-
ability, that the party would go
off course and in a very different
1956 New York Herald Tribune Inc.

C HESTER BOWLES gave a partisan speech
in the Union Friday. He spoke before a
Democratic fund-raising dinner, and neces-
sarily engaged in some exaggeration and one-
sidedness. But when the partisanship-and it
was not excessive-is lifted away, Bowles gave
an incisive analysis of the changes that have
occurred in the last three years of the Cold War
and to which the Eisenhower' Administration
has failed to respond.
As all political speakers must, Bowles blamed
his opponents too niuch for the world's troubles
during their Administration. Nixon, Dulles and
Knowland are not comparable to little boys
with gasoline cans and matches set loose in a
house, and the Communists are far more to
blame for the crises in Indochina, Formosa and
Korea, if not in Suez.
But Bowles hit the mark squarely when he
said that the future of Communism in Asia
lies not in Khrushchev charging through the
Khyber Pass on a white horse but in the dis-
content of the masses of Calcutta.
Bowels intelligently discussed the central
issue of the campaign when he said that the
Russians have shifted their tactics to "astute
political and economic maneuver," that they
have at least temporarily abandoned the use
of military force to extend their power and in-
fluence. And he echoed Adlai Stevenson's la-
ment over "lost opportunities" when he said
"the Republican Administration has found it-
self incapable of coping boldly and effectively
with the new forces and changing situations
which confront us abroad."
Editorial Staff

HE DESCRIBED the new "ruble diplomacy"
of the Soviets and the goodwill visits of
Russian leaders. He described the progress of
new Soviet tactics in making friends in un-
committed nations and how the lessened mili-
tary threat has weakened the determination of
our Allies.
"Although history shows us that a world may
be lost to political maneuver and subversion as
easily as to armed invasion," he charged, "the
Administration produced not one single new
idea, plan or program in response to these ex-
traordinarily successful Soviet tactics which
threatened our interests so profoundly."
The indictment is difficult to contradict.
Despite all the ridicule heaped upon it during
the 1952 campaign, the Truman foreign policy
is still in effect, burdened by an obsolescence
which grows daily.
FAR from attempting to woo our potential
allies we have insulted them with statements
that "neutralism" is "immoral and shortsight-
ed," we have frightened them with phrases like
"massive retaliation" and "brink of war." Far
from attempting to allay the concern of the
Asian peoples that in any war they again would
be the object of nuclear destruction from "the
white man's bomb," we have stubbornly re-
fused to declare a moratorium on hydrogen
tests. Far from allying ourselves with the Asian
desire for independence and economic develop-
ment, we have channeled most of our aid to
pro-Western dictators and little of it to un-
commited democracies; we have consistently
emphasized the military aspects of foreign aid;
we have refused Adlai Stevenson's suggestion
that there could be no question of strings at-
tached to American and Soviet aid channeled
through the United Nations.
The closest thing we have had to an idea
has been President Eisenhower's "atoms-for-
peace" program, and it has yet to get off the
There was some suggestion two years ago
that the Administration was planning a new
program of economic aid to the nations of
Asia, so at least some new ideas have been con-
sidered. At that time Adlai Stevenson heartily
endorsed the idea. But in the process of making
the decision, men like Humphrey, Dodge, Hoo-
ver and Hollister reportedly blocked the efforts
of Stassen, Rockefeller and even Nixon to get
the Administration to endorse such a program,
But if the President ever in fact made a
decision in the matter, it was a negative one,
and for, lack of any new thinking behind it our
foreign aid program annually increases in Con-
gressional unpopularity.
Meanwhile the Soviets continue to advance

U.S . Elections
Some Soviet citizens are about
to see for themselves how a de-
mocracy elects a president.
It's part of President Eisen-
hower's cultural-exchange pro-
gram, aimed at helping people on
each side of the Iron Curtain learn
more about each other.
In response to a State Depart-
ment invitation, Moscow is to send
two or three observers to the U.S.
around Oct. 21. The visitors will
tour the country, listening to cam-
paign speeches, attending political
rallies and, on election day, watch-
ing voters at the polls.
In return, a few Americans have
been invited to go to Russia in
1958 to watch the elections for
the Supreme Soviet, the Russian
-U. S. News and World Report

The Daily Official Bulletin is an of-
ficial publication of the University of
Michigan for which the Michigan Daily
assumes no editorial responsibility. No-
tices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN
form to Room 3553 Administration
Building before 2 p.m. the day preced-
ing publication.
General Notices
Meeting of the University Faculty and
Staff. General staff meeting at 4:15
p.m. Mon., Oct. 22, in Rackham Lec-
ture Hal. President Hatcher and the
vice-Presidents will discuss the state
of the University. Certificates will be
presented to the recipients of the Dis-
tinguished Faculty Achievement Award.
All members of the University staff,
academic and non-academic, are in-
Student Geovernment Council Elec-
tions, Nov. 13, 14. Students wishing to
run as candidates for election to the
Council may secure petition forms in
Room 1020 Administration Building,
Five one-year terms, two % year terms
open. Petitions must be returned by
6 p.m. Oct. 23. No extension of this
deadline will be made.
All students planning to reapply for
Fulbright Grants in the 1957-58 compe-
tition should check with the Fellow-
ship Clerk in the Graduate School as
soon as possible.
"The Best of Steinbeck", starring
Constance Bennett, Tod Andrews,
Frank McHugh and Robert Strauss will
be presented Wed., Oct. 24, 8:30 p.m.
in Hill Auditorium as the second num-
ber on the Lecture Course. Tickets are
on sale at the Auditorium box office.
Operations Research Seminar: S. N.
Alexander, United States Bureau of
standards, will lecture on "The Role
of Computing Machines in Operations
Research" on Wed., Oct. 24. Coffee
hour at 3:30 p.m. In Room 243, West
Engineering Building and seminar in
Room 229, West Engineering at 4:00
p.m. All faculty members are welcome.
Concert. The Berlin Philharmonic Or-
chestra, Herbert von Karajan, conduc-
tor, in its second American tour, will
be heard In the third concert in the
Choral Union Series, Sun., Oct. 21, at
8:30 p.m. in Hill Auditorium.
Student Recital: Patricia Jean Sten-
berg, senior in the School of Music,
on the oboe and English horn at 4:15
this afternoon, in Aud. A, Angell Hall.
A pupil of Florian Mueller, Miss Stn-
~berg will play works by Saint-Saens,
Alwyn, Fiocco, Bach, Handel and Ar-
nold, in partial fulfillment of the re-
quirements for the Bachelor of Music
University Woodwind Quintet, Nel-
son Hauenstein, flute, Florian Mueller,
oboe, Albert Luconi, clarinet, Clyde
Carpenter, French horn, and Lewis
Cooper, bassoon, will present its first
concert.of the academic year at 8:30
p.m. Tues., Oct. 23, in the Rakhani
Lecture Hall. Laurence Teal, bass clar-
inet, will appear with the Quintet in
a program of compositions by Danzi,
Elliott Carter, Milhaud, Vivaldi, Mo-
zart, and Leos Janacek. Open to the
general public without charge.
Academic Notices
Faculty, College of Literature, Science
and the Arts: The freshman five-week
progress reports will be due Wednes-
day, October 24, in the Faculty Coun-
selors Office for Freshmen and Sopho-
mores, 1210 Angell Hall. Arthur Van
Duren, Chairman, Faculty Counselors.
Engineers: "Equipment Problems in
Future Aircraft" will be discussed by
Charles G. Smith, chief of preliminary
design for mechanical equipment, of
the Boeing Airplane Company, at a
meeting sponsored by the Engineering
Placement Office and open to all en-
gineering students. Mon., Oct. 22, 5:00
p.m., Room 1042, E. Engineering Bldg.

Mathematics Colloquium Tues., Oct.
23, at 4:10 p.m., in Room 3011, A.H.
Prof. D. G. Higman will speak on
"Orders in Algebras".
Placement Notices
The Stuart Co.. Pasadena, Calif., has
openings for men interested in Phar-
maceutical Sales. A representative from
thercompany will be in Detroit for
interviews on Monday and Tuesday,
Oct. 22 and 23.






TV Campaigning Enters Torrid Home Stretch

Daily Television Writer
ABOUT this time millions of
Americans are beginning to ask
"How long, oh how long, oh how
long must we continue to watch
those television programs which
are preceded by 'the following is a.
paid poltical announcement'?"
It all began back in August when
the two national conventions were
held. Only that time the sponsors
picked up the tab, so it was not
really a paid political announce-
Surprisingly enough the conven-
tions did not attract such a huge
television audience. This is taking
into consideration the fact that
the viewers could not watch any-
thing else on the three national TV
networks when the conventions
were in progress.
Another interesting fact about
the convention coverage was that
the Republican convention, where
no battles were expected, drew a
larger average TV audience than
did the Democratic convention,
where the outcome was decided at
the convention. Also, the Repub-
lican convention came at a time
when the public had already been
exposed to roll calls and windy
orations for the past week.
THE SET-UP of the three net-

by the parties, but by the sponsors
and networks (who lost money by
televising the conventions).
The networks will soon begin
planning the 1960 convention cov-
erage. It is almost a four-year job.
The parties and the networks have
already promised, before this
year's result election has even
taken place, that the 1960 conven-
tion coverage will be more geared
towards the people at home, mak-
ing them more interesting to
watch on television.
* * *
parties have been presenting the
"paid political announcements."
They won't get another free ride
by sponsors until election night,
when it'll be all over except for
the shoutin'.
The new conception in television
campaigning, initiated this year
by the parties, is the buying of
the last five minutes of regularly
scheduled commercial programs.
In addition to this the -arties nave
continued to buy fun half-hours
and in-between-program spot an-
These programs, many of them
on film (especially the five min-
ute ones) have taken place in TVT
studios, on farms, at political ga-
--t.h~rn r n-c o.- A frnvnm i v i.r 1 -

IN THE 1952 campaign, the
parties spent about one-third of
their total campaign costs on radio
and television time. It is estimated
that this year's radio and televi-
sion expenditures will be about 40-
45 per cent of the total campaign
expenses. And this year's total
campaign expenses will be much
higher than those of 1952.
And the bulk of the campaign
programs have yet to come. Tele-
vision viewers are in for quite a
few political broadcasts and tele-
casts in the next few weeks. And
this news comes at a time when
most of us have already tired of
the political talks.
The climax of the television cov-
erage of the 1956 election will take
place on election night. Here is
how CBS will cover that event:
The plans call for the CBS net-
work to be given over completely
to coverage of the election from 9
p.m. (EST) on Election Day, un-
til the name of the President-elect
is known. CBS news will have its
main election headquarters set up
in studios in New York City's
Grand Central Terminal. All news
programs will originate from these
headquarters, which will be the
nerve center of a nationwide news
team composed of more than 250
reporting, production, technical,
and supervisory personnel, basic-

proved visual and tabulating aids
developed by the network to give
ist viewers fast and complete elec-
tion coverage. Also on hand will
be one old friend, UNIVAC, Rem-
ington Rand's all-electronic high
speed computer, which was the
first agency in the nation-human
or mechanical-to forecast correct-
ly the 1952 election. At 8 p.m.
(EST) ,on Election Day, before
many of the nation's polls had
closed, UNIVAC computed the odds
to be 100 to 1 in favor of an
Eisenhower victory.
Most prominent object in the
election headquarters will be a
huge, 80-foot curvilinear Presiden-
tial Tabulating Board. In addition
to carrying a running picture of
the constantly changing totals in
165 key contests around the coun-
try, the big board will show the
office sought, political party, name
and photograph of each candidate.
* * *
ADJOINING the Presidential
Tabulating Board will be eight
"recap" boards which will give, at
a glance, a summary of the current
situation in the popular and elec-
toral voting for President, the
Senate, House and Gubernatorial
races; and the newly emerging
composition of the Congress. Elec-
tion headlines will also be flashed
periodically on an electronicbuile-


Editorial Director

City Editor

GAIL GOLDSTEIN..................Personnel Director
ERNEST THEODOSSIN................Magazine Editor
JANET REARICK,.........Associate Editorial Director
MARY ANN THOMAS..................Features Editor
DAVID GREY...... .....................Sports Editor
RICHARD CRAMER............Associate Sports Editor
STEPHEN HEILI'ERN..........Associate Sports Editor
VIRGINIA ROBERTSON.....w.........Women's Editor
JANE FOWLER..............Associate Women's Editor
ARLINE LEWIS...............Women's Feature Editor
VERNON SODEN................Chief Photographer


Business Staff
DAVID SILVER, Business Manager
MILTON GOLDSTEIN.....Associate Business
WILLIAM PUSCH................ Adertising
CHARLES WILSON.................Finance
PATRICIA LAMBERIS.............Accounts


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