See Page 4
:43 rti
Latest Deadline in the State
VOL. YVXII, No. 27
'U', City Open
New Fund Drive
"A message of importance to YOU.. ."
These are the words that launched the first Ann Arbor United
Fund Drive, a campaign that has set its goals at $306,210, 64 per cent
more than last year.
For the first time the Ann Arbor Comunity Chest, the Washtenaw
County Chapter of the American Red Cross and the Michigan United
Fund have united their efforts in a single drive. This year the citizens
give once for all. This is a movement' toward complete units of Ann
Arbor fund raising agencies.
Because the University constitutes a large proportion of.the livli-
hood of Ann Arbor, we are depended upon to contribute our share to
the campaign. Prof. Lee Worrell "
Don't Park Here
of the pharmacy department, who
is in charge in handling campus
solicitation, announced the quota
for the campus has been set at
Although the campaign is half-
way over, only $6,000 1has been
collected thus far, compared to
the $28,700 procured last year in
the Community Chest drive.
All 8,500 faculty members and
University employees have been
asked to contribute. Because of the
great University expansion a new
system has been divised for solic-
The new plan consists of 100
unit chairmen, each in charge of
collecting from a particular seg-
ment of the University. Every per-
son on the payroll has received an
IBM card which offers him the
opportunity to make a contribu-
tion in one of three ways: payroll
deduction, a personal pledge or
Last year some people felt the
use of personal IBM cards was an
attempt to coerce a contribution.
Prof. Worrell claims no such action
is intended. "We must recognize
automation is the only way to ex-
pedite the attempt to give every
employee of the University an op-
portunity to help us meet our
quota," he explain.ed.
Students have been approached
through the University housing
Plane Crash
Kills Three
'Navy Men i
reported yesterday three men were
killed and five were injured in the
crash of one of seven planes fly-
ing to the antarctic from New Zea-
Six other planes carrying ad-
vane units to McMurdo Sound for
a scientific operation landed safe-
ly, the Navy said. The seventh
crashed on the antarctic ice shelf.
A dispatch from New Zealand
reported a white-out blizzard, one
of the antarctic's worst features,
led to indefinite postponement of
a third flight of planes over the
2,250-mile route.
Read Admiral George Dufek,
commander of Operation Deep-
freeze, flew to McMurdo Sound
Wednesday. He sent back this
message Thursday: "Visibility zero.
Total white-out blizzard covering
runway and walking area. Do not
send any planes until further
Reports from New Zealand said
six of the planes in yesterday's
flight barely reached the airstrip
before communications almost:
blanked out.
Co-ed Dormi
mitories are going to be approach-
ed in a similar manner.
This year Prof. Worrell is striv-
units. Every sorority and frater-
nity on campus has received a
letter requesting a contribution.
So far only two have donated. Dor-
--Daiy-vern SOden
TICKETING A CYCIJST - An Ann Arbor patrolman tickets
Cycling University student in front of Nickels Arcade. Local or-
dinance forbids sidewalk riding or parking of bicycles in this area.
10,500 High School
Bandsren To Perform.
Tomorrow is Band Day.
More than 10,500 bandsmen from 171 Michigan high schools will
crowd onto the gridiron during the half-time show of tomorrow's
Big Ten clash of the Wolverines and the Wildcats.
In addition to the mass band performance during half-time in-
termission, spectators will view Michigan Marching Band in one
of the most varied pre-game shows staged in Michigan Stadium.
After high-stepping from the tunnel onto the gridiron, marching
band will team up with the cheerleading squad in spelling out its
"M I C H" cheerleading yell. This I
Crisler Says
Aid Report
Only .Appraisal;
Not Legislation
Associate Sports Edtior
A report on recruiting and fi-
nancial aid, released last Monday
by the Big Ten, is not to be con-
sidered a recommendation, accord-
ing to H. O. "Fritz" Crisler, Michi-
gan's athletic director.
Crisler, a member of the com-
mittee issuing the lengthy and
strongly worded report, told The
Daily yesterday the member in-
stitutions are under no obliga-
tion either to accept or to reject
the document's principles.
"The job of the committee was
to analyze the trends of recruiting
and financial aid in the Western
Conference," said Crisler.
"We did not ask that any legis-
lation be passed by the Big Ten
schools; we put our findings into
the hands of the members. It's up
to them. They can reject, accept
or ignore our findings."
If any legislation concerning aid
based on economic need is to result
from the report, it will probably
be during the Conference meeting
in December.
Crisler, who fully concurred
with the report, described it as "a
good self-appraisal" of Big Ten
athletic activities.
"There are two significant points
which should be considered," con-
tinued Crisler. "One, it is a very
searching, frank, harsh review of
Conference rules and their effec-
tiveness; and two, the report is a
projection of what can happen 10
years from now."
"This last point has confused
many people who have read news-
paper accounts of the report. The
'horrible' situations referred to are
not taking place now, but are
merely predictions of what can
happen in the future if nothing is
Crisler, when asked how Michi-
gan would be affected by the 24-
page report, mentioned that no
schools in particular were named.
"We'll have to wait until some
legislation is passed before we can
discuss how our school is affected."
Some speculation was made as
whether or not University officials
would confer with Northwestern
University officials who will be
here this weekend for the Michi-
gan-Northwestern game.
However, University Athletic Ad-
ministrators did not comment up-
on the possibility of such confer-
Chester Bowles Will
Speak Today at Union
Chester Bowles, former ambassador to India and former governor
of Connecticut, will speak at a Democratic Second Congressional
District dinner at 8 p.m. in the Union ballroom.
The speech will be preceded by a reception for Bowles and local
Democratic candidates at 6:30 p.m. and dinner at 7 p.m.
Bowles, who has been widely mentioned as a possible Stevenson
Secretary of State, will be introduced by Prof. Preston Slosson of
the history department.
Students will be admitted for the speech only for 50 cents, and
Report Commie Police
Ordered to Halt Strikes
In East German Plants
ing for 100 per cent student par-
ticipation. If this goal is achieved
it will be a big step toward the
University's proposal to units the
various student drives with the
Ann Arbor United Fund.
This suggestion was brought up
and approved last year, but it was
too late in the year to consolidate
them for this fall's drive.
Last year eight fraternities con-
tributed $125.22 six sororities gave
$52.47, while 11 dormitories con-
tributed $131.82. The grand total
for student participation was 25
contributions totaling $309.51.
The University campaign is not
aimed at the student, however, put
rather at the faculty and em-
ployees, who are citizens of the
city with civic responsibility.
will be followed by "Mr. Touch-
down, USA."
Following the "Star Spangled
Banner," the band will fete high
school twirlers attending the
eighth annual Band Day with
"Baton Twirlers March."
The band will host Northwestern
University supporters with "'Go U,
In block band formation, the
band will perform "Artistry and
Rhythm," as styled byh Stan Ken-
Half-time mass band perform-
ance will lead off with John Phil-
lip Sousa's immortal "Stars and
Stripes Forever," and will be fol-
lowed by "Mr. Touchdown USA."
Mass band will perform "The
W i f f e n p o o f Song," "Anchors
Away," and "The Marine's Hymn."
A special feature of the half-
time show will be "Drums and
Bells," a march written and dedi-
cated to Band Day by Paul Yoder,
Polish Reds
May Demand'
WARSAW, Poland (MP-Poland's
Communist Central Committee
was reported yesterday to be pre-
paring a demand that this coun-
try's relations with the Soviet Un-
ion be placed on a basis of full
The United Workers - Commu-
nist -- party Central Committee,~
meets in Warsaw today. The de-
cisions it makes could have his-
toric meaning for the future of
the whole East European Commu-
nist bloc.
Anti-Russian feeling in Poland
and an obvious need for a gigantic
rescue operation to save this coun-
try's sagging economy seem to dic-
tate the line the Central Commit-
tee will take.
Thus, responsible sources say, a
resolution will be drawn up close-
ly following the line of the Bel-
grade declaration in which the So-
viet and Yugoslav parties renewed
contacts on the basis of indepen-
Neither Secretary of State Sohn
Poster Dulles or other Cabinet of-
ficials would offer official com-
ment on the effects of the demand
on Soviet relations with the U.S.
for the dinner and speech for $5<
an individual or $6.50 a couple. '
Also attending the reception will
be Democratic State Chairman
Neil Staebler, National Committee-
man Thomas Quinby, National
Committee woman Margaret Price,
and C o n g r e ssio n a 1 candidate
Franklin Shepherd.
Bowles will speak on current
policies toward India and the Mid-
dle East.
During World War II he was
head of the Office of Price Stabili-
zation, and served as director of
economic stabilization in 1946.
He was elected governor of Con-
necticut in 1948 but was defeated
for re-election in 1950. He was
appointed Ambassador to India
and Nepal in 1951, serving in that
post until the end of the Truman
He is author of a number of
books, including "Ambassador's
Report," "Waging the Peace."
"Tomorrow without Fear," and
"New Dimensions of Peace."
Elvis Fights
MEMPHIS, Tenn. (-) -Teen-
age idol Elvis Presley engaged in
a fast fistfight with a service sta-
tion manager yesterday, leaving
the latter with a black eye that
"looked like a traveling bag.''
Presley, manager Ed Hopper,
42, and a latecomer to the fight,
Aubrey Brown, 21, were allcharged
with assault and battery and dis-
orderly conduct. They made bond
of $52 each.
'U' Students
Need ID's
For Game
All students have been asked to
show their I-D cards along with
their tickets and to enter through
First Community Chest
Drive Set for May
.Campus Community Chest announced it wlil hold the first unified
charity drive in the Universtiy's history May 6 through May 11.
Working on the Community Chest principle, Chairman Don Mac-
Lennan said the drive wlil replace four separate yearly campaigns
usually held on the campus..
At the same meeting, a letter from the Woman's Athletic Asso-
ciation announced WAA will join the unified drive, giving Campus
Chest its portions of the proceeds from Michigras and Spring Weekend.
Only one charity organization, Galens, will not participate in the
Campus Chest's drive. Bob Kretszchmar, '57Med, president of Galens,
said it only remains for the Cam-<
pus Chest and Galens to decide on
how much of the Chest's proceeds
Galens will get.
Whether Galens will join is a1:-
most an academic question, as they
cannot expect SGC approval for
a separate bucket drive. At pres-
ent, the Galens have an offer of a
$7,000 guarantee and a percentage
of the proceeds if they will merge,
theri efforts with the Chest.
Kretszchmar said the Galens will
DAC Opens With '
Davis Submits Blueprints
For International House
James Davis, International Center director, last week submitted a
plan for a new international house to the University Administration.
The proposed building would accomodate 1,000 selected American
and foreign students in apartment and residence hall types of housing.
Foreign student opinion on this project has been largely favor-
able. Bipir C. Desiafl, Grad., from India remarked that many in-
ternational students now live in "self-imposed segregation; Indians
with Indians and Turks with Turks."
Desai said the proposed International Center would give many
of these students "a chance to know people from other countries
"> including the United States in the
best way possible, by living with
David Kaye, Grad., from Great
CJBritain, commented, "The present
° ' llo 'housing situation places most for-
' eign students in overpriced, unsat-
C arvaiio hbeivdtenwcnrmgt
isfactory rooms at the mercy of
Ann Arbor landlords." Kaye said
alleviate conditions.
Taking a somewhat different
view was Andy Chaudhry of Pakis-
tan who suggested the complete-
ness of the proposed project might
offer some foreign students an op-
portunity to avoid wider contact
with Americans.
Chaudhry said he believed thisj
effect might be lessened if some
system of rotation were utilized.
"In this way," he continued, "the
arriving foreign student might
have the advantages and security
of living in an international house
for a few months. Then he could
move out."
Seven Try
-Daily-vern Soden
NEED ID'S-All students must
present identification cards with
their football tickets at the gate
to be admitted to football games.
the student gate only, for Satur-
day's football game with North-
Blue athletic cards will be re-
quired from those using, spouse
These stipulations are being re-
quired by the Athletic Administra-
tion because of the large number
of student tickets believed trans=-
ferred and sold at the recent Mich-
igan State and Army games.
To Celebrate
UN Birthday
Commemorating the twelfth an-
niversary of the signing of the
United Nations Charter, Student
Government Council and Interna-
tional Student's Association will
sponsor a week-long program be-
ginning Sunday.
United Nations Week, celebrated
throughout the world, will be rec-
ognized by the University with an
international dinner, a debate and
a Consuls Day.
Initiating the program will be a
buffet dinner to be held at 7 p.m.
Sunday in Lane Hall.
Students from Greece, Syria,
Pakistan, the Ukraine, India,
China, Japan and Korea will pre-
pare their favorite national dishes.
Entertainment will be provided by
Filippino and Puerto Rican danc-
On Tuesday, graduate students
from Israel, Pakistan and the
United States will debate "The
United Nations is a Failure" at
7:30 p.m. in the Natural Science
Professor William W. Bishop of
law school will act as moderator
for the debate. Particinating in
v Slow down
Says Paper
2,000 Police
Rushed to Town
BERLIN (P) - Communist East
Germany's secret police have been
ordered to quell slowdown strikes
that are gripping key factories,
Western sources reported yester-
The League 'of Free Jurists-a
West Berlin anti-Communist or-
ganization with numerous contacts
in the East-said the secret police
have been sent into factories in
Madgeburg, a tense center of labor
unrest. Der Tag, an independent
West Berlin newspaper, said 2,000
police have been rushed into Mag-
deburg from East Berlin.
The newspaper said the strikes
have spread to factories in Erfurt
and Karl Marx City - formerly
Chemnitz. The newspaper and the
Free Jurists said the strikes re-
sulted from long-standing grie-
ances about low pay and high work
These were the same issues
which sparked the East German
workers rebellion of June 17, 1953.
Acknowledge Unrest
The Communists themselves have
acknowledged that Magdeburg has
labor unrest, but have denied
strikes are taking place.
This acknowledgement was made
Tuesday, in the official labor
newspaperdTribuene. It said work-
ers at four Magdeburg factories
were angry about low pay and ex-
cessive work quotas.
A Communist party spokesman
in Magdeburg-reached by tele-
phone yesterday-denied the strike
Five Factories Strike
The Free Jurists said five big
Magdeburg factories have been
affected by the strikes. Two were
formerly owned by the giant
Krupp firm. One of the ex-Krupp
plants-now called.the Thaelmnann
works, after an East German Com-
munist leader-has been solidly
ringed by police, the Free Jurists
However, the Free Jurists said,
secret police have been sent into
all the factories, and Communist
functionaries are trying to nego-
tiate agreements with the workers.
Weekend Crisis
"It is generally expected," the
Free Jurists said, "that the crisis
-will come to a head during the
The Free Jurists said its report
was based on information supplied
by residents of Magdeburg. So
far, it said, there have been no
reports of arrests or violence.
Magdeburg is 60 miles from Ber-
lin. Western reporters were denied
permission for a trip to the city.
Graduation ceremony for Febr -
ary graduates is being considered
by members of the Senior Board
and the administration.
Literary College President Duke
Gregory, '57, and John Wylie, '57
BAd., president of busineshadmin
istration school, said they had dis-
cussed the possibility with Uni-
versity President Harlan Hatcher
and Erich Walter, assistant to the
(The University now holds one
graduation ceremony a year, in
Juine. February graduates may at-
tend the June ceremony.)
Gregory said both President
Hatcher and Walter favored Feb-
ruary graduation exercises but
Plan Group
T dM- -have to approve this amount be-
fore they join.
On a motion from a previous
+~ meeting a committee was estab-
Planning for the proposed co- lished to determine allocations to
educational dormitory on North various charities.
Campus will be resumed this aft- The committee will consist of
ernoon by the Inter-House Coun- Vice President James A. Lewis,
cil and Assembly study committee. Prof. Worrell, Bill Adams, '57
With 15 new members appointed BAd., President of SGC, Michael
by IHC and Assembly, the group McNearney, '59, Charman of Joint
will resume the work they began Judiciary Council, Joel Tauber,
last winter. '60L., student representative of the
A complete report of the past Board of Review and Don Mac-
history and action of the com- Lennan, Grad., Chairman of the
mittee will be presented at the Campus Chest Board.
meeting according to Robert War-
rick, '57E, IHC president. It was also decided to take Cam-
Plans for the future of the com- pus Chest's operating funds out
mittee will also be determined, he of the hands of SGC. Lew Eng-
A new Dramatic Arts Center
season opens at 8:15 p.m. tonight
with the performance of a satiri-
cal comedy, "Captain Carvallo"
by English playwright, Denis Can-
Also initiated will be a new pol-
icy allowing patrons to reserve
main floor tickets. Although bal-
cony seats will remain unreserved
as in past years, tickets for main
floor seats may be reserved by1
phone and will be held until 8:00
p.m. of the night of the perform-
The cast, headed by director Jo-
seph Gistirak includes Audrey
Ward, John MacKay, David Met-
calf, James E. Grodhead, Nell
Burnside, Ralph Drischell and Dr.
Henry G. Owens, head of the for-
eign language department of East-
ern Michigan College, the only
member of the cast no tengaged by
Gistirak for the regular season.I
I For SGT~
.... . ....