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October 10, 1956 - Image 1

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Dulies, Shepilov
Split Over Suez
Soviet Union Rejects International
Supervision of Crucial Waterway
UNITED NATIONS, N. Y. (AP)-Secretary of State John Foster
Dulles and Soviet Foreign Minister Dmitri Shepilov split sharply yes-
terday over Dulles' call for a Suez settlement based on the principle
of insulating the canal from national policies.
The disagreement of the United States and the Soviet Union thus
was thrust into the spotlight as the UN Security Council ended public
debate and began secret talks in a desparate search for a Suez solu-
Y "The heart of the problem," Dulles said in a 26-minute speech

to the council, "is acceptance of
World News
By The Associated Press
VIENNA, Austria - Poland'
Deputy Premier Hilary Minc fel
from power yesterday as dismis
sals stemming from the Pozna
bread-and-freedom riots reache
into high government levels.
Radio Warsaw announced Min
resigned both his deputy premie
post and his membership in th
Communist party Politburo "be
cause of bad health." Until re
cently Mine was regarded as Po
land's top economist, responsibl
for the country's first six-yea:
Earlier, the Warsaw radio sai
four undersecretaries of state in
the Polish Ministry for Machin
Industry had been dismissed. Th
dismissals brought to nearlya
score the number of Polish gov
ernment officials losing their post
since the Poznan riots in June
* * *.
NAPLES, Italy - Gen. Alfred
Gruenther said yesterday Sovie
military capabilities "are increas-
ing all the time, despite the smile:
and cocktail parties of the Rus
In a news conference befor
leaving for Paris, Gruenther sai
"The No. 1 objective of Sovie
policy is to secure the dismember-
ment of NATO"
* * *
International Atoms - for - Peace
Conference yesterday voted down
a Soviet attempt to seat Red China
i in a world atomic agency.
The Soviet amendment would
have allowed any nation to be-
come a founding member of the
agency by signing and ratifying
the constitution within 90 days.
* * *
geons yesterday reported a graft-
ing technique by which one square
inch of borrowed skin can be made
to cover 10 square inches of burns
A split-thickness of healthy skin
is mixed with salt solution, then
whirled in a kitchen blender for 10
minutes. The skin separates into
clumps of 10 to 100 cells and the
liquid looks like buttermilk.
This mixture is then sprayed or
poured onto gauze, to remove the
salt water, and the gauze is in-
verted and placed over the de-
nuded area.
When the gauze is removed two
weeks later, islets of skin have
started growing. Within another
week the whole area is covered
with new skin.
BOSTON-Eight men were sen-
tenced to life in prison yesterday
for the $1,219,000 robbery of the
Brinks Inc. money transfer firm
nearly seven years ago.
Without a trace of emotion, the
prisoners - all from Greater Bos-
ton - heard Judge Felix Forte
mete out the sentences in Superior
Five Campus
Houses Looted-
Five fraternity houses were rob-
bed early Sunday morning accord-
ing to Bill Cross, fraternity ad-

the principle there- should be a sys-
-4tem to insure that the canal can-
not be used by any country as an
instrument of its distinctly nation-
al policy."
Rejects Principle
Talking to newsmen in the coun-
cil lounge after Dulles spoke,
Shepilov rejected this principle
as a-cover for internationalizing
s the canal.
i He said any international group
- created to run the canal would, in
n the state of the world today, be
d influenced by the politics of the
countries on. the board. Further-
c more, he said, the Soviet Union re-
r jects international operation of the
e canal.
- Dulles expressed some condi-
tional interest in a suggestion by
Foreign Minister Mahmoud Fawzi
e of Egypt for a group of reasonable
r size to attempt to negotiate a set-
d Shepilov Proposal,
Dulles rejected, on the other
e hand, a proposal by Shepilov that
a group Qf six or eight members,
e picked on the basis of proper bal-
a ance, attempt such negotiations.
- Speaking with sudden heat, Dul-
les charged that Shepilov, by thus
disregarding the users of the canal,
wants to establish a committee "so
d constituted that we can know in
t advance that it can never agree,"
Shepilov replied to the newsmen
s that Dulles was not "consistent"
- in "sympathizing" with the Egyp-
tian suggestion and criticizing his
e idea.
' Two Senators
eAttack Labor's
Political Role
publican members of a Senate
group keeping tabs on the current
campaign clashed yesterday with
AFL-CIO officials over the financ-
ing of labor's role in politics.
Testimony by Walter Reuther
and another union leader was
challenged by Sen. Carl T. Curtis
(R-Neb.) and Sen. B. M. Gold-
e water (R-Ariz.) at a public hear-
ing of the Senate elections sub-
Reuther, president of the United
Auto Workers and an AFL-CIO
vice president, said all donations
to candidate by the UAW and the
AFL-CIO Committee on Political
Education, COPE, come from
"voluntary contributions of union
members and other individuals."
Such spending is not financed
by "monies collected through reg-
ular union dues or assessments,"
he said.
Sen. Curtis long has contended
that dues paid by union members
l dre used for political activities "in
violation of the law."
He and Sen. Goldwater pressed
this view in questioning Reuther
r and James McDevitt, a codirector
of COPE.
McDevitttold the subcommittee
that COPE has both a political
education fund, which he said
comes largely from union treas-
uries, and a political campaign
fund which he said comes exclu-
sively from individual contribu-
Sens. Curtis and Goldwater ques-
tioned the uses of the polit-
ical education fund. They chal-
lenged McDevitt's assertion that
voter registration drives and the
publication of a - COPE "Voters s
Guide" fall in the category of po-
litical education.

'U' Studies
New House,
Center Plan
Would Accommodate
A Thousand Students
A proposal for the construction
of a new International Center
which would include student hous-
ing is being considered by the Uni-
versity Administration.
Proposed by James Davis, dir-
ector of the International Center,
the building would house one
thousand students, bothforeign
and American.
The administration is hoping
they can find some group to
finance the housing unit, accord-
ing to James A. Lewis, Vice-presi-
dent of Student Affairs.
Hasn't the Funds
"The University hasn't the funds
to finance it," Lewis added.
Calling the project "purely a
dream up to now," Lewis said the
housing unit is still in ,the dis-
cussion stage.
"We are in the process of re-
viewing what we waht contained in
the building," he said.
,According to the building pro-
posal, selected American graduate
students (Y3 to %) and mature
foreign students would be accom-
odated in apartment and residence
hall types of housing.
A few suggested facilities to be
included in the structure to serve
the residents and student body
are meeting rooms, social hall,
lounge areas, a library, activities
room, typing rooms and a dark
Also included would be a cafe-
teria and offices for International
Center counseling, administrative
and clerical staff members.
Housing Unit Cost
The cost of this unit has been
roughly estimated at four and one-
half million dollars.
Commenting on his proposal,
Davis said, "The main thing we
want is the housing."
"If we only get the housing unit,
it will do a certain job, but doesn't
help in our Center's problem with,
the lack of space," he continued.
Davis said if the proposal were
accepted and the unit was built
in town," it would be a multi-func-
tioned thing.
"It would serve people who live
in it and the campus in general,"
he said.
If, however, the structure were
built on North Campus, Davis as-
serted the building would be al-
most exclusively housing because
of its distance from campus.
To open r'
Talk Series
Nationally syndicated Washing-
ton correspondent and news ana-
lyst Marquis Childs will open the
103rd season of the University
Lecture Series at 8:30 p.m. today
in Hill Aditorium.
"The Road Ahead" will be the
topic of the address by the award-
winning journalist, known for his

Ike Lashes Dems;
Adlai Attacks Ike

SGC Study Committee
To Make Sigma Kappa
Rdeport, Suggest Action


-Daily-Larry Carbonelli
SUEZ SEMINAR-Participants (I to r) Salah Tewfik, Andy
Chaudhry, Edward Moss and Jean Paul Desparmet discussed issues
concerning the Suez Canal controversy in Rackham Amphitheatre
last night.
Suez Question Debated
By Foreign Officials
Egypt's primary reason for nationalizing the Suez Canal was the
olk canal company's failure to make improvements, Salah Tewfik,
cultural attache of the Egyptian Embassy said yesterday.
Participating in a discussion on the Suez issue with French and
British consuls, Tewfik said Egypt had always respected the free
pasage of ships through the canal and would continue to do so in
the future,
He maintained the legality of nationalization on the theory that
the Universal Suez Maritime Canal Company was recognizably Egyp-
tian in nature and therefore in -

the sphere of internal decisions.
French counsul Jean-Paul Des-
parmet referred to international
occurrences happening as late as
1954 which seemed to indicate that
Egypt had previously recognized
the international nature of the
He questioned the Egyptian
promise of keeping the canal open
to all nations on the atmosphere
of doubt caused by broken agree-
Edward Moss, British Consul in
Detroit, contended that "for the
West, the dispute was primarily a
matter of international confidence.
"The Western powers," he said,
"do not trust Colonel - Nasser and
do not dare to leave the vital Suez
lifeline in his hands."
Moss suggested that Egypt might
have gotten what she wanted, with
respect to nationalization, had she
gonethrough normal diplomatic
Instead, the Englishman said,
her move seemed calculated to
humiliate and defy the Western
powers, with Egypt in a heroic
Continuing, Moss indicated that
Egypt circumvented Western re-
strictions on selling arms to Israel
and Jurdan so that she could play
the West and Soviets against each
Tewfik denied this statement.
"Our hand is extended to both
East and West," he said. "We have
not rid ourselves of British control
yesterday in order to accept Soviet
domination today."
Referring to Western proposals
for international control of the
Suez, Tewfik said that such control
would place the canal in an arena
of world politics, thus endanger-
ing its operation.
The Egyptian censured Britain's
threat to use force and the West's
economic pressures as contrary to
the United Nations Charter.
Consul Moss explained that a
good deal of the intense feeling
over the canal issue resulted from
its identification with the question
of colonialism.
"What disturbs us about Colonel
Nasser and his associates, he said,
"is the force of hatred which they
are working up against the colonial'
powers at a time when colonialism
has very nearly passed into. his-


Brooks Score
1-0 Triumph
Over Yankees
BROOKLYN E;)- Jackie Robin-
son lined a single over leaping
Enos Slaughter in the 10th inning
yesterday to give Brooklyn's Clem
Labine a 14 victory over the New
York Yankees' Bob Turley and
square the 1956 World Series at
three games each.
It was a tense battle all the way
between Labine's sharp-breaking
sinker and Turley's smoking fast
ball until Robinson finally came
through with the blow that assured
the Dodger fans of a seventh game
at Ebbets Field today.
Gilliam had walked on four
pitches after Labine popped out
to open the home 10th. Pee Wee
Reese dumped a surprise sacrifice
bunt and barely was thrown out
by Turley.
Manager Casey Stengel's strategy
called for an intentional walk to
the dangerous Duke Snider, Tur-
ley's eighth pass. Then Robinson
came through with the bell-ringer.
Brooklyn had only four hits off
Turley, who had carried the string
of shutout pitching to 18% con-
secutive innings before he finally
gave up a run. One of the hits was
a short fly that Slaughter lost in
the sun on Gilliam in the third.
Another was a double by Labine in
the eighth when Slaughter raced
toward the left field corner and
finally stopped short of the wall,
the ball bouncing into the seats
for a ground rule double.
Time after time the Yankees
threatened to get Labine but they
never could get the base hit they
Slaughter said he thought he
See KUCKS, Page 3


SEATT'LE (J)-Adlai E. Steven-
son said yesterday that "the undue
delegation" of presidential respon-
sibilities by the President "is haz-
ardous at any time, let alone times
such as these."
He added that the present ad-
ministration is "narrowly repre-
sentative of a limited interest" and
that the- Democrats will insist that
problems be met by "an executive
who assumes the full responsibil-
ities" of his office.
Have Not Told Truth
The D e m o c r a t i c presidential
nominee said in a speech at a po-
litical rally that the Republican
administration "has not told the
truth" about the "crucial facts of
"And I say whatever the reason
that the undue delegation of re-
sponsibility and authority by the
President is hazardous at any time,
let alone times such as these, and
diminishes the office of the presi-
Stevenson pitched most of his
talk on "the problems raised by
the explo'sive power of nuclear
Met with Sneers
He said his suggestion that the
country start to find a way to
stop the testing for hydrogen
bombs had been met by the Presi-
dent and other Republicans "only
with sneers and astonishing dis-
tortion of what I said, and with
implications that even talking
about this prejudices the nation's
He said his proposal "reflects a.
desire that I am sure is deep in the
minds of all mankind."
"I have- indicated my complete
willingness to accept any better
proposal for accomplishing the
same purpose but I can't accept
the apparent administration posi-
tion that we are powerless to do
anything to stop this headlong race
for extinction."
Turning to the development of
the atoms for peace; Stevenson
said he favored "the fullest coop-
eration between government and
private industry but not the ab-
dication of public responsibility in'
this field with the result that little
progress will be made."'
.NSA Executives
End Tour of '
Two members of the National
Student Association E x e c u t i v e
Committee . will complete a two-
day inspection tour of the Uni-
versity today.
Cliff Sheats, Executive Vice-,
President from Wayne University
and Ann Beckner, Educational Af-
fairs Vice-President from Denison
University are in Ann Arbor to
look over facilities and make ar-
rangements for. the 10th NSA Con-
gress, to be held here in August.
Both Sheats, former Michigan
Region chairman, and Miss Beck-
ner are on their way to an Am-
erican Council on Education meet-
ing in Chicago.

PITTSBURGH (R) -President
Dwight D. Eisenhower yesterday,
accused the Democrats of "politi-
cal irresponsibility at its worst"
and credited his administration
with a good record of "clear ac-
complishments" toward enduring
peace and prosperity.
In a nationwide television-radio
address at a campaign rally at
Hunt Armory, President Eisen-
hower swung hard again at his
Democratic rival, Adlai E. Stev-
enson, on many fronts.
He launched a fresh attack on
the Stevenson suggestion that H-
bomb tests be halted and the mili-
tary draft be ended, both under
certain conditions.
Without naming Stevenson but
leaving no doubt as to his target,
the President said:
"They - the opposition - have
urged stout military defense with
greater reliance on modern weap-
ons-but they advise stopping our
atomic tests.
"They have promised national
security and a bold role in world
affairs-while they urge us to start
thinking about ending the military
Reject Proposals
Again' rejecting those proposals,
President Eisenhower added:
"I, as your President and com-
mander in. chief of the armed
forces, cannot and will not make
proposals contrary to national in-
terests-nor offer you attractive
prospects unjustified by world
realities. #
"I will not promise that winning
a peace based on justice will be
cheap and easy."
The President went on to say
that the draft is "a matter of the
safety of our nation."
"We need the manpower," he
said. "We cannot pretend that
rockets and bombs make brains
and hands obsolete."
Draft Needed
He said, too, that the draft is
needed "because our future mili-
tary burden must not be borne en-
tirely by veterans who have al-
ready earned their nation's grati-
tude," and "because we cannot
encourage our allies in the world
to shoulder arms while we throw
ours to the ground."
President Eisenhower's speech,
his fourth major TV-radio address
of his reelection campaign, was
billed in advance by the White
House as a reply to "some of the
misstatements made * . . by the
Eisenhower said that in the
"political oratory" of the oppo-
sition "we find a whole series of
curious statements falsely imply-
ing that this administration cares
nothing for the man they rather
patronizingly call "little fellow."
John Wrona, '57, is not president
of business administration school1
as reported in yesterday's Daily.
He was a candidate for president
of lit school.

Cornell Daily
Sun Prints'
Alum Memo
Letter Says National'
Had No Authority
For Summer Action
A report and recommendations
of the Sigma Kappa study com-
mittee will be presented to Stu-
dent Government Council tonight.
The committee was set up two
weeks ago to investigate and re-
port on Sigma Kappa's position on
this campus. Because two chap-
ters, one at Cornell and one at
Tufts, were suspended after they
pledged Negro girls, national Sig-
ma Kappa may be in violation of
University requirements for recog-
SGC, which recognized the Uni-
versity chapter of Sigma Kappa a
year ago, may not recognize an
organization which practices dis-
Cornell Sun Story
According to feports in the Cor-
nell Daily Sun, nine alumnae of
the Cornell Sigma Kappa chapter
have sent a memorandum dated
Sept. 25, to "all Sigma Kappa
members - active and alumnae,"
charging that the National Council
which suspended the two chapters
was acting without proper auth-
The letter, reprinted in full, con-
tends "that National Council has
"1) To provide counsel for the
chapter (Alpha Zeta, Cornell)
"2) To work with the dean of
women to provide mature counsel
for the chapter.
"3) To provide a fair and open
discussion of their own views and
those - of the chapter before the
delegates at the convention."
Came After Convention
The Council's action came after
the sorority's biennial convention
during the summer. There was no
discussion of Alpha Zeta's action
(pledging a Negro) at the conven-
tion, the letter says.
The memorandum also charges
that the national president, Edna
B. Dreyfus, made a secret visit to
Mrs. Charles I. Sayles, a Cornell
Sigma Kappa alumna, in an effort
to persuade her to force the local
chapter to reverse its pledging ac-
Revision in Constitution
Calling for a revision in consti-
tution, the memorandum says,
"The decision to suspend these
chapters by 'star chamber' pro-
cedure leads us to the conclusion
that any chapter is open to similar
The letter further says, "This
revision in constitution should pro-
vide for more democratic partici-
pation of 'its members through
their representatives at conven-
tion. It should also provide that
any chapter, faced with suspen-
sion, have a hearing, a just trial."
At today's meeting, 7:30 p.m.
in the Union, SGC will- also:
1) be asked to approve an inter-
im Council position, left vacant
when Sara Gullette, '58, appointed
to the post two weeks ago, with-
drew from the University last week
because of mononucleosis.
2) hear a progress report from
the Counseling Study Cpmmittee,
set up by SGC last spring to in-
vestigate University counseling
services, and

3) hear a finance report and the
proposed budget for 1956-57.
Mantovani Concert
Will Be Presented
A program of light operatic
works will be played by the Manto-


New Polio Vaccine Uses Weak Virus

... to speak today
work on the St. Louis Post-Dis-

The oral vaccine announced by
Dr. Albert Sabin of the University
of Cincinnati is a combination of
three strains of live virus, attenu-
ated by genetic or chemical means,
according to Dr. Gordon C. Brown-
associate professor of epidemiology
at the University.

patch and for the numerous books
he has written on economic, politi- R
cal and international affairs. RE bd(Il tuIn1 lb

able to innoculate humans with
attenuated or weakened living vi-
rus before the population can be
expected to reach a satisfactory
level of immunity."
Dr. Enders compared the new
vaccine to the anti-smallpox vac-
cine, which also uses a living virus,
attenuated by mutation.
Dr. Brown suggested that an ob-
j ection of others in the field of epi-
demiology to the vaccine may be
the possibility of its reverting to
the virulent stage. Dr. Enders, re-
sponding to this suggestion, said

Dr. Sabin had also reported that
the mass tests would be conducted
next year in several foreign coun-
tries in addition to the United
States, although he "preferred not
to say what the countries are".
At the time of the historic an-
nouncement of the success of his
vaccine in April, 1955, a statement
made by Dr. Jonas Salk at the
University partially justifies the
development of the Sabin vaccine.
Vaccine Differences
At that time he said that anti-
body levels induced by natural ex-

visor. G-C Childs received a Sigma Delta
The five fraternities from which AU i oL1US Award in 1955 for "sustained in-
personal belongings and money sight in national affairs, first-
were taken are Delta Chi, PhiSt d Gr u hand reporting and effective writ-
Gamma Delta, Trigon, Lambda ing." He is also recipient of the
Chi Alpha ,Sigma Alpha Epsilon coveted "distinguished service in
and Chi Phi. Student Government Council Ex- journalism" award of the Univer-

1! U 1.1111 ... 1, u u.


Greater problems involving not
simply the killing of the virus as
in the Salk vaccine, but attenu-
The Boston Symphony Orches- ating or weakening it, are atten-
tra, Charles Munch conducting, dant to the sucpessful development
will perform at 8:30 p.m. Monday, of the new oral vaccine, which Dr.


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