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October 09, 1956 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1956-10-09

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"Put Down: 'Variable Winds'"

Sixty-Sixth Year

"When Opinions Are Free
Truth Will Prevail"

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
An Open Letter
To Harry Truman
DEAR Mr. Truman: tend to be an asset to his campaign, why do you
Where do you stand? criticize his opinions in public?
Are you actually supporting Illinois Gov- Mr. Stevenson has said he is in favor of
ernor Adlai E. Stevenson, or are you pre-occu- banning further H-bomb tests if Russia would
pied with something else? do the same. Mr. Stevenson has taken a rather
As former leader of the Democratic Party firm stand on this issue.
(you must admit that Mr. Stevenson now holds But, in Detroit this weekend, Mr. Truman,
that position), the voting public would quite you said "I would consider all tests that are
naturally expect you to take a solemn stand on necessary to 'give us the knowldge we need
issues of the day, and announce your feelings for use of the atom, either for war or peace-
concerning the candidates. time use, should be made,"
This, Mr. Truman, you have not done. It appears that you are disagreeing with
Mr. Truman, you told a nationwide tele- the candidate you purportedly are supporting.
vision and radio audience, during the conven- Also in Detroit, Mr. Truman, you said you
tion that is, that Adlai could win. Seems that had little sympathy for the farmer because of.
you pledged your wholehearted support to Mr. the way he voted in 1952.
Stevenson. Didn't you tell him, with the nation
listening in, that you would do everything in THAT won't win votes either, Mr. Truman.
your power to aid him in his campaign? In fact, you are detracting from the appeal
of Mr. Stevenson's adamant stand for farmer
MR. TRUMAN, it would appear that you're aid.
not living up to your promises. Of course, I wonder, sir since you are an active cam-
you're not a candidate and consequently can't paigner, would you be so kind as to tell the
:be expected to make many promises. However, public where you stand?
if you support Adlai Stevenson, and if you in- --RENE GNAM
First Time in the Series
DONALD J. Larsen, who pitches for the New 1922. Yesterday's was the first perfect job
York Yankees during the summer (and part ever recorded in a Series.
of the fall), is 6'4" tall, and weighs 225 lbs.
Admitedly, he's a pretty big man. IN HIS second year in the big leagues - 1954-
But these measurements don't begin to tell Larsen won three games and lost 21 in be-
the story of Larsen's size yesterday afternoon half of the Baltimore Orioles. Last season he
at Yankee Stadium in New York City. He was was traded to the Yankees, but spent about
big then, all right--bigger than the entire team affilae, as he did iner, the r minor-leauer
.known .as the Brooklyn Dodgers, Baseball aflae sh i ihteprn lb fe
Chamion softhe WBrlynDigersaSier, a slow start this season, he managed to finish
Champions of the World. Bigger than Snider, fairly well for the Yanks to pick up 11 victories.
Hodges, Furillo, Robinson, Campanella and all He was knocked out of the box in the second
game of, the current Series last Friday.
For Mr. Don Larsen threw nine innings' So yesterday must have been a pretty sat-
worth tf World Series baseball-nine innings' isfying day for Don Larsen, the big man of
of fast balls, curves, change-ups and what- the New York Yankees. For despite his past
have-you - at the World Champions, and not performances, one almost has to agree with his
a .single one of the Flatbushers managed to boss, Casey Stengel, that "this kid is a good
get on base. The last time a man pitched a per- pitcher."
fect game in major league competition was in -JOHN HILLYER
Apathy and Leadership in IHC
O problems represent a rankle in the fu- with the Board of Governors of Residence Halls
ture of Inter-House Council just as they and passes on down through deans, resident
have in the. past. advisors, house mothers, staff assistants, and
The first is apathy, widespread through. finally IHC. It would probably be hoping for
out the residence halls. Year after year thous. too much to think of IHC having the same
ands of freshman rush into quadrangles filled strong control held by Inter-Fraternity Coun-
with the "house spirit" they read about in the cil, but under present circumstances it cannot
University brochures. Following a few rip-roar- even "bend a twig to incline the tree."
ing "hot-chocolate hours" an'd then rushing The word of IHC does not hold prestige.
with its glimpse of fraternity social life, many, With few exceptions, its major accomplish-
too many, decide that life in the residence' ments in the past fall within the "teaparty,
halls is definitely not what it was cracked clssifications. But there are many problems
up to be. The result: apathy which soon spreads facing the residence halls for which the council
to' the house councils and finally seeps into should have a quick and definitive power to
the attitude of house presidents. act.
IHC, in the past, with its great congrega- Reorganization into a smaller group (such as
tion of "I don't care" members, did nothing to the presidium) is far from the final answer.
alleviate the situation. It seems quite unlikely Even the presidium shows signs of wasting
that the new presidium council will be able to time with petty quibbling over what commit-
accomplish much more. Long before the year tees should be formed and what committees
is finished, too many house presidents don't should do what.
care either. A much more drastic revision is badly
needed. As long as IHC lacks the power to back
sECONDLY, IHC has no control over the resi- up its decisions, it can never -gain the respect
dence halls. The council sits at' the bottom it deserves on the University campus.
of a ladder of dormitory rulers which starts -DALE MCGHEE
Nasser Looking for Out


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New Polio Vaccine Scandal'

Quality In
'A .acl!'
THE HISTORY of Hollywood's
artistic attempts and some-
time-achievements is marked by a
predominance of war pictures. I
am not quite sure why this should
be; perhaps there is something ele-
mental and fundamentally real
about a war situation that makes
it adaptable for quality art. In any
case, the roster is full of examples:
"A Walk in the Sun," "Story of
G. I. Joe," "All Quiet on the West-
ern Front", and the ambitious off-
beat "Fear and Desire." The latest
attempt at an artistic try is "At-
"Attack!" is by no means com-
posed of the mucky sentimentality
that has characterized the last
few year's outpourings on the ev-
erlasting glory of the infantry, air
force, marines, you-name-it-so-
long-as-it-fights. As a matter of
fact, the U. S. Army has officially
seen fit to show its displeasure
with "Attack!"
s "
It is the story of cowardice on
the fighting front, and the situ-,
ation is ugly in itself. The film
sees fit to portray corruption, dis-
honesty, and violation of law in
the top ranks.
The plot concerns an infantry
company called Fox and their
captain, a psychopathic coward.
The captain is responsible for the
deaths of men which could have
been prevented had he acted when
he should have. The men loathe
him, and his superiors don't think
much of him either. However, the
reason this Captain Coonie (the
spelling is a guess) is allowed to
maintain his position is this: the
captain's father is a powerful poli-
tical figure back in the states,
and his immediate superior, a
lieutenant-colonel, is a shrewd,
cunning man with big political
Sambitions. So long as Coonie is
kept a captain, the colonel is as-
sured of a free-ticket into politics
once the war is over.
Coonie, as portrayed in the film,
is a thoroughly weak and con-
temptible human being. We don't
knew of the psychological troubles
that account for his weakness un-
til the picture is reaching its last
reels. The film is forced, also, to
pre-set certain things. For two of-
ficers so hate this man that they
mean to kill him. The film con-
fuses its issues, however, by having
a character say something to the
effect that, "This is not only cow-
ardice; this is criminal action, be-
cause deaths have resulted."
* * *
SUCH A line of argument
clashes with the picture's attempt
to make the captain creditable
through revelation of personal dif-
ficulties. Do we hate him or do we
feel sorry for him? Whether we do
one or the other is based on what
the film offers, but "Attack!" nev-
er makes its stand clear.
Much to the good, though, are
the handling of the personality
conflicts, the stark, pictorially
composed photography, the in-
sight and reality of the perform-
ers, and the straightforward hon-
esty of the script. Eddie Albert,
one of the most distinguished ac-
tors in this country, gives his Cap-
tain Coonie the complexity and
sincerity that the character needs.
Watch him - watch his reactions
and expressions. Jack Palance
turns in a strangely sensitive per-
formance as Lieutenant Costa, the
man who wants to kill the captain.
Costa as a character is a little
overblown, but Palance holds him

down when necessary and gives
him full reign when such is
Finally, there is a tight, excit-
ing portrayal of the colonel by
veteran actor Lee Marvin that is
an acting gem.
When Hollywood tries and'fails
a little, it is a hopeful sign. At
least we know they're still trying.
-David Newman

WASHINGTON - The Fountain
subcommittee of Congress is
about to explode a new polio-vac-
cine scandal. Congressman L. H.
Fountain (D., N.C.) will hold hear-
ings beginning Wednsday on how
the polio companies allegedly con-
spired to overcharge the govern-
ment for polio vaccine. Millions of
dollars are involved.
Congressman Fountain points
out that the 84th Congress appro-
priated $44 million for the pur-
chase of vaccine, plus another $7
million that could be used either
for buying vaccine or for admin-
istrative costs.
His investigators find that the
largest of the vaccine producers.
Eli Lilly & Co.,, presumably set
the price on bidding. From October
1955 to February 1956, Lilly bid
$7.13 for 9 cc's. The other four vac-
cine producers bid $7.12.
* * *
FROM February 1956 until June
30, 1956, Lilly bid $6.34 for 9 cc's.
All the other companies bid one
cent lower, namely $6.33. For the
June 30, 1956, to June, 1957, peri-
od, all five companies bid $5.70 for
9 cc's.
The other four companies are
Wyeth Laboratories, Sharp &
Dohme, Pitman & Moore, and
The Fountain committee will
charge that these five, companies
got together to set high prices for
vaccine, because they knew of the
terrific public demand and because
they also knew that the govern-
ment had appropriated ample
Basil O'Connor, chairman of the
Polio Foundation, has informed
me that he borrowed $9,000,000 to
advance to the drug companies
to get them to manufacture the
Salk Vaccine in large quantities.

O'Connor said he was sure from
advance experiments that the
Salk Vaccine was sound, and he
wanted the children of the nation
to get it just as soon as possible.
* * *
PRIOR TO this, the drug com-
panies had not been willing to
take a chance on mass production.
Dr. Jonas Salk had patiently pro-
positioned some of the' top drug
companies, but all except Parke-
Davis in Detroit turned him down.
They weren't ready to invest any
money in advance, wanted to be
sure they had a hard-and-fast
It was after this that Basil
O'Connor borrowed $9,000,000 and
advanced it to the drug companies.
However, out of the first amount
they produced, the first 500,000
cc's did not go to the Polio Foun-
dation, which a d v a n c e d the
money, but was shipped to the
drug companies' regular commer-
cial distributors.
Since then the Eli Lilly company
in Indianapolis has almost trebled
its profits. It announced that last
year's profits jumped from $6,-
800,000 to $16,600,000.
* * *
SOME businessmen are gluttons
for punishment. They also don't
realize that they won't have clean
Government unless they help to
keep it clean.
To illustrate, the Bible of the
insurance industry, the "National
Underwriter," has just made an
amazing confession. The St. Louis
Post-Dispatch unearthed the fact
that Governor Stratton of Illinois
permitted a system whereby the
law firm of his insurance commis-
sion collected exorbitant fees from
out-of-state insurance companies.
Following this, the "National
Underwriter" confessed that in-

surance men had known this for
a long time but were afraid to do
anything about it.
ORDINARILY it costs less than
$100 for an insurance company to
register in any state of the 48
statts to do business. But in Illi-
nois it costs around $5,000, all be-
cause of so-called "legal fees" paid
to the brother of George Barrett,
the man Governor Stratton ap-
pointed Commissioner of Illinois.
Commissioner Barrett's brother
had raised a large amount of
money for Stratton's campaign ex-
penses so the insurance companies,
in brief, had to pay it back.
Governor Stratton is the man
on whom President Eisenhower fo-
cused nation-wide attention when,I
in his telecast from Peoria, he
praised Stratton as a "man who,
cleans up fast." He referred to the
$1,500,000 theft by Stratton's state
auditor, O r v il1 e Hodge, and
Hodge's imprisonment.
According to the "National Un-
derwriter," however, neither Gov-I
ernor Stratton nor the insurance
men tried to clean up a scandal
which was a matter of common
* * *
INSURANCE men throughout
the country have been appalled by
the situation in Illinois," admits
the "National Underwriter," "But
they have kept their opinions to
themselves. It was felt no good
would be done the cause of state
regulation to air ,the dirty linen
from Illinois . . . while insurance
people, for these and other rea-
sons, would not initiate publicity
concerning the Illinois depart-
ment, we are sure they welcome it
now that it has been developed by
an outside source."
(Copyright 1956, by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

The Daily Official Bulletin is an of-
ficial publication of the University of
Michigan for which the Michigan Daily
assumes no editorial responsibility. No-
tices should be sent In TYPEWRITTEN
form to Room 3553 Administration
Building before 2 p.m. the day preced-
ing publication.
General Notices
Intensive Short Course on the Type
650 Computer, from 3-5 p.m. in Room
2014 Angell Hail, Wed., Thurs. and Fri.,
Oct. 10. 11, and 12, Wed., Thurs., and
Fri., Oct., 17, 18, and 19. All interested
persons contact Mrs. Brando at Ext.
2128 or 2942.
Meeting of all interested in Rhodes
Scholarship Wed., Oct. 10 at 4:15 p.m.,
in Room 2013, Angell Hall. Applications
for the Scholarships will be due Oct.
19 and should be handed In at 2026.
Angell Hall. Further information may
be obtained from Clark Hopkins, 2011,
Angell Hall.
Blue Cross Group Hospitalization,
Medical and Surgical Service Programs
for staff members will be open from
Oct. 8 htru Oct. 19, 1956, 'for new ap-
plications and changes in contracts now
In effect. Staff members who wish to
include surgical and medical services
should make such changes in the Per-
sonnel Office, Room 3012 Administra-
tion Building. New applications and
changes will be effective Dec. 5, with the
first deduction on Nov. 30. After Oct.
19, no new applications or changes can
be accepted until Aprl, 1957.
Tickets for all Lecture Course at-
tractions on sale today. Individual tick-
ets for all of the eight numbers on the
1956-57 Lecture Courses will be placed
on sale today, 10 a.m. in Hill Auditorium
box office. Season tickets are still avail-
able through tomorrow night when
Marquis Childs opens the series. Stu-
dents are offered 'a speial rate of $350
for the compete course, second bal-
cony, unreserved section. Box office
hours are from 10 a.m.-5 p.m.
The Ford Foundation is offering fel-
lowships for the academic year 1957-58,
for study and research on foreign areas
and foreign affairs. Fellowships are
available to college seniors, graduate
students, young faculty members, and
scholars who have already received the
doctorate. Applicants should be under
40 years of age. Persons in the fields of
law, social sciences, humanities, and In-
ternational relations are Invited to ap-
ply. Work should pertain to Africa, Asia,
the Near East, the Soviet Union or East-
em Europe. Study and research may be
undertaken in th"' Unitd States or
abroad beginning as early as the summer
of 1957.
Applications will be accepted thrugh
Dec. 15, 1956. Details and more nforma.
tion may be obtained in the Offices of
the Graduate School. Applications may
be obtained by writing to the Ford
Foundation, 447 Madison Avenue, New
York 22, New York.
Marshal Scholarship Lecture. The
British Government is offering 12 Mar-
shall' Scholarships to students In the
United States who wish to study In
Great Britain. Applicants must be
either college seniors or graduate stu-
dents. Edward H. Moss, British Consul
from Detroit, will discuss these scholar-
ships and show a movie concerned with
this scholarship program in Angell Hall,
Aud. B, at 4:00 p.m. on Tues., Oct. 9.
Operations Research Seminar. "Opera-
tions Research, in Industry." Philip
Morse, Massachusetts Institute of Tech-
nology. Coffee hour, 3:30 p.m., Wed.
Oct. 10, in Room 243, W. Engineering;
seminar, 4:00 p.m. in Room 229. Ali
faculty members welcome.
American Chemical Society Lecture,
wed., Oct. 10, at 8:00 p.m. Room 1300
Chemistry Bsilding. Dr. Cyril Grob of
the tUniversity of Base, Switzrland, will
talk on "Electrostatic Effects in Organ-
Ic Chemistry."

Academic Notices
Law School Admission Test: Applica-
tion blanks for the Nov. 10, 1956 admin-
istration of the.Law School Admission
Test are now available at 122 Rackham
Building. Application blanks are due in
Princeton, N.J. not later than Oct. 20,
Schools of Business Administration,
Education, Music, Natural Resources
and Public Health.
Students, who received marks of I,
X or 'no reports' at the end of their last
semester or summer session of atten-
dance, will receive a grade of "E" in
the course or courses, unless this work
is made up. In the School of Music this
date is by October 17. In the Schools of,
Business Administration, ' Education,
Natural Resources and Public Health,
this date is by October 19. Students,
wishing an extension of time beyond
these dates in order to make up this
work, should file a petition, addressed
to the appropriate official-of their
School, with Room 1513 Administration
Building, where it will be transmitted.
Make-up Examination of the Spring
Semester, 1956, for Botany I final Oct.
9, at 7:00 p.m. in Room 2004, Natural
Science Building.
Sociology I, Makeup Final Examina-
Stion; Wed.,Oct. 10, 2-4 p.m., Room 5634
Haven Hall.
Anthropology Club. The first in a
series of four lectures dealing with
"Mathematical Thinking in the Social
Sciences" will be held at 8:00 p.m. Tues.,
Oct. 9 in the East Lecture Room of the
Rackham Building, C. H. Combs of the
Psychology Dept. will speak on "Mathe-
matical Models and Measurement
Theory in the Social Sciences". Open
Mathematics Club will meet on Tues.,
Oct. 9, at 8 p.m., in West Conference
Room, Rackham Building. Professor
William J. LeVeque will talk on "The
Thue-Siegel-Roth Theorem".


1 t





AP Foreign News Analyst
PRODDED by both India and the Russians,
Preseident Nasser of-Egypt seems to be seek-
fig actively for a way to crawl back off the
limb in the Suez, Canal crisis. Guarded hints
Editorial Staff
Editorial Director City Editor
GAIL GOLDSTEIN .......Personnel Director
ERNES'1 THEODOSSIN............ Magazine Editor
JANET REARICK ... .. Associate Editorial Director
MARY ANN THOMAS............Features Editor
DAVID GREY ...................,Sports Editor
RICHARD CRAMER .... Associate Sports Editor
STEPHEN HEILPERN .. Associate Sports Editor
VIRGINIA ROBERTSON ...........Women's Editor
JANE FOWLER .............Associate Women's Editor
ARLINE LEWIS............ Women's Feature Editor
VERNON SODEN..............Chief Photographer
Business Staff
DAVID SILVER, Business Manager
MILTON GOLDSTEIN ... Associate Business Manager
WILLIAM PUSCH........ Advertising Manager
CHARLES WILSON............. Finance Manager
PATRICIA LAMBERIS...........Accounts Manager
HENRY MOSES..........Circulation Manager

from Cairo make it possible that the United
Nations can cover itself with glory and come
up with an acceptable solution.
These hints, though heavily veiled, indicate
Egypt would accept a settlement along the
following lines:
Recognition by Britain and France of
Egypt's sovereign right to nationalize the Suez
Another international conference, this one
intended to review the terms of the 1888 Con-
stantinople Convention covering unrestricted
navigation through the canal,
T HE United Nations would then guarantee
such unrestricted navigation for all states
and would preside over such matters as the fix-
ing of canal fees. In this capacity, Egypt would
present its canal books to a United Nations
agency for examination of the expenses of
maintenance wtih relation to the fees collected.
Egypt would then agree that any dispute
arising from her operation and control of the
canal would be referred either to the U.N. Se-
curity Council or to the International Court.
Nasser, by concentrating so much of his
spotlight on the Suez crisis, is getting into dif-
ficulties in the Middle East, not only with
Arabs impatient to resume harassment of Is-
rael, but from those who stand to lose revenues
through diversion of shipping away from the

Pennsylvania: a State to Watch on November 6

EDITOR'S NOTE: This is part of a
series of articles by AP's political
reporters surveying sentiment in key
CLEARFIELD, Pa (f) - For a
special set of reasons, Pennsylvania
is a state to watch as the race
for the presidency picks up speed.
It has 32 electoral votes - a
quota equalled by California and
exceeded only by New York's 45.
Sincet it is President Eisen-
hower's adopted state, both parties
attach special prestige values to
carrying it.
Every major campaign argument
touches somebody in Pennsylvania.
It bustles with big and small busi-
ness. It has great industrial areas.
In the mining districts, some
people are not working. And there
is a patchwork of handsome farms
-many of them "family farms."
Although Eisenhower appears to
be leading Adlai Stevenson, most
observers says it is still anybody's

and Allegheny County, embracing
Pittsburgh, by 14,000.
It was the areas in between, the
small towns and, farming com-
munities, that gave Pennsylvania
to Eisenhower.
Let's look at a heartland area.
Clearfield County lies near the
center of the state. It has some
small towns, some industry, coal
mines - some of which are idle -
and many farms.
- * * *
NEITHER PARTY can be sure
of Clearfield. Registration figures
show the Democrats with 16,845 to
the Republicans' 16,518. It went
Democratic in a senatorial race in
1950, to Eisenhower in 1952, then
Democratic again in the governor's'
election of 1954.
You discover that many people
in different economic categories,
and without regard to party affili-
ation, like Ike.
A few miles outside the city of
Clearfield is a brick plant. You
question 17 men there, foremen,

FEW PEOPLE seemed concerned
about Eisenhower's heart attack
or operation. Typical comments:
"He's in better shape than Steven-
son, I figure' . . . "If he thinks he
can run, that's good enough for
Democrats, wooing the small
businessmen, argue they are suf-
fering under the policies of the
present administration. Newspaper
advertising is usually an accurate
barometer of business health and
in the Clearfield Progress, this
city's daily paper, advertising vol-
ume is ahead of 1955.
E. G. Iddings, operating a garage
and service station, said his busi-
ness is better than last year. He
will vote for Eisenhower again, he
said, "because he has done a good
job, and times are good."
N. Robert Bair went into busi-
ness for himself last April. Yes,
he had to borrow money.hNo, he
had no trouble getting the loan.
Things are going well for him, he
said, and he has not heard of any

What about the farmers?
Here you run into some contra-
dictions. Some said their income
this year is below last year, an-
other said it was up, another said
"it's about the same."
None, however, said he was
switching parties as a result. A
part-time farmer, John Shifter,
said his income is up but that he
is a registered Democrat "and I'm
voting Democratic."
J. HAROLD McFadden, a farm-
er and a GOP offlical, said, "there
las no question that the squeeze is
on the farmer." He predicted,
nevertheless, that most of those in
the county would vote for Eisen-
Anbther part-time farmer, Earl
Bachelier, raises poultry and he
voiced this view: "Around here,
people don't run to the government
for help. When our prices go
down, we just don't raise so many
chickens." He said his income is




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