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September 17, 1956 - Image 15

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Michigan Daily, 1956-09-17

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Bunche, Attlee To Speak At U'
Of Steinbeck
Also Slated
Dr. Ralph tT. Bunche, undersec- 4
retary; of the United Nations and
winner of the Nobel Peace Prize,
h and Clement Atlee, prominent
British Laborite, party leader and *
former Prime Minister, are among
the group of distinguished person-
alities scheduled to take part in
the 1956-57 Lecture Course here
at the University.
The Lecture Course, presented
annually by the University Ora-
torical Association, will feature a
total of ten men and women prom-.............. . . . .
inent In the worlds of politics,
theatre and the arts.-
Bunche, an international affairs
expert and holder of an honorary <'~
degree from the University, will
open the series on Oct. 10 with a
talk entitled "What Is Happening.
in the Middle East?"
Atlee To Talk
Atlee, who was British Prime ~ ~.
finister from 1945 to 1951, will
appear on Jan. 7 with a survey of NIE NAIN UNE SERTR - FRERP ME IITRClm tAtee
"The World Scene."UNTD AT NSU ER ECEAY - FRE PR E NST -Cee Ale,
On Nov. 13, Ivy Baker Priest, Ralph Bunche wil open the lecture series with a British Prime Minister from 1945 to '51, will
present Treasurer of the United talk on the Middle East. Bunche holds an hon- discuss the world scene on Jan. 7, as part of
States and one of the most promi- orary degree from the University. the University Lecture Course.
nent women on the Washington
scene, will deal with a complicated March 5, when he will suggest Four long-time popular stage "The Grapes of Wrath" and "Of
subject, but one with which she "Let's Take Another Look at and screen personalities will be Mice and Men."
is thoroughly acquainted, "Our China." ,featured on Oct. 24 in a program British journalist and speaker
Monetary System." Series to Present Comedienne presenting the "Best of Stein- Barbara Ward, editor of the
General Albert C. Wedemeyer Well-known British comedienne beck." ,"Economist" of London and au-
(Ret.), former Commanding Gen- and star of a successful one-worn- The. production will star Con- thor of "Faith and Freedom,
eral of the China Theater, and an show on Broadway Joyce Gren- stance Bennet, Frank McHugh, Policy for the West" will be the
author of the famous "Report on fell will be in Ann Arbor on Nov. Tod Andrews, and Robert Strauss, honored speaker on Feb. 19, when
Korea," is scheduled for the con- 1 for a presentation entitled "Miss and will highlight excerpts from she will discuss "The Unity of the
cluding lecture of the series on Grenfell Requests the Pleasure." such famous Steinbeck works as Free World."

To Feature
Freshman Rendezvous, spon-
sored this year by the University
Office of Religious Affairs, will of-
fer incoming freshmen a chance to
become acquainted with campus
leaders, outstanding faculty mem-
bers, and extra-curricular activi-
ties on campus.
The Rendezvous is a camp for
freshmen held the three days just
before orientation week begins. It
is planned especially to give new
students an opportunity to think
ahead about problems they will
meet on campus and to meet class-
mates they will face them with.
Addition of a special discussion
on extra - curricular activitie-
highlighted by talks from Bill Ad-
ams, '57 BAd., and Janet Neary,
'58, president and vice-president
of the Student Government Coun-
cil respectively, will feature this
year's rendezvous. For the first
time, the camp will be planned in
cooperation with Interfraternity
Council, Panhellenic, Inter-House
Council, and Assembly.
President Harlan Hatcher of the
University will welcome the fresh-
men at registration in Ann Arbor
the first morning. From there,
they will proceed to their respec-
tive camps. They will be intro-
duced to such members of the
U n i v e r si t y administration as
James A. Lewis, vice-president for
student affairs, Deborah Bacon,
dean of women, and officials from
the Dean of Men's office.
Included in the program will be
special discussions with members
of the University faculty on var-
ious special interests, such as en-
gineering, medicine, s c i e n c e,
psychology and political science.
Socially, there will be square and
social dancing and cabin skits.

WCBN To Offer Dorms
News, Music, Features
On September 24, WCBN, the campus radio network, will start
broadcasting, with new services and improved programs offered to
residence halls students.
Included in the new schedules will be disc jockey shows, news
shows, programs of classical music, and frequent special feature
shows, including Winter Carnival.
Coverage of special events will be expanded to include broad-

e e
DAC Begins
Third Year
Dramatic Arts Center will begin
its third year this fall, continuing
its theater-in-the-round tradition.
Organized as a non-profit or-
ganization, the Center is headed
by a 15-member Board of Direc-
tors, consisting of University fac-
ulty members and townspeople.
The Center was started by a
group of local citizens who bought
the Arts Theatre Club assets, an
organization that closed three
years ago. ,
Last year's productions included
"Thieves' Carnival," "The Seagull,"
Nritya Darpan-Dances of India,
and other plays by Moliere, George
Bernard Shaw and T. S. Eliot.
Associated with the Center are
various other groups, such as the
Junior Arts Theater, in coopera-
tion with the Ann Arbor Public
Schools, and the Ann.Arbor play-
reading group, which meets once
a month.
Also related to DAC is the Ann
Arbor Art Association. Art ex-
hibits are put up regularly by its
members, and can be viewed even
during DAC performances.
Performers are hired from sev-
eral areas and some have been
seen on television's Kraft Theater.

casts of important campus affairs,
special lectures, debates, concerts,
On the eve of the national pres-
idential election, WCBN will re-
main on the air all night.
News coverage is by United
Press teletype service. Broadcasts
of campus events are done with
a remote unit, a suitcase-like box
containing microphones, cables
and equipment for transmitting to
one of the network studios, located
in East, West and South Quad-
Among the services extended to
its listeners last year was cover-
age of the Student Government
Council elections. Each of the
candidates for SPC offices was
given an opportunity to address
quad residents, and later, on the
night of the ballot count, the pro-
ceedings were covered direct from
the Union by way of the remote

SGC Shows
Impact In
First Year
(Continued from Page 1)
ommendations of a special Study
Committee set up a few weeks be-
fore. This committee had carefully
investigated problems related to
establishment of fees, enforcement
and adjudication of the regula-
tions. The regulations will go into
effect in September, as will the
new enforcement rulings.
Unify Campus Drives
In March the Council heard a
proposal to unify all campus fund
drives into one, to be known as the
Campus Chest. In a manner simi-
lar to the Community Chest, this
drive would eliminate the prob-
lems of students being requested
to contribute to a different drive
every few weeks.
SGC also sponsored a chartered
plane to Europe, which enabled
students and faculty members to
go abroad for approximately $300
round trip.
These were only highlights of
SGC's active first year on campus.
The Council is hopeful that it
will be able to extend its influence
and responsibility into many dif-
ferent areas.






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