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October 02, 1956 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1956-10-02

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Shows Discrepancies

A survey of voting registration requirements for students yester-
day revealed wide discrepancies in practice and interpretation of
state law in Ann Arbor and other college towns in the state.
At least one University student has received different interpre-
tations on different days from the city clerk's office on his right to
register and vote, and four different standards are in effect for stu-
dents in Ann Arbor, East Lansing, Lansing Township and Ypsilanti.
While many students in Ann Arbor face questioning on their fi-
nancial dependence, intentions after leaving school, parental control
and atttiude toward Ann Arbor as their "home", in Lansing Township,
where many Michigan State University married students live, a
simple statement of age and residence is all that is asked of a poten-
tial student voter.
In practice, however, several Ann Arbor students have reported
being asked no questions concerning their intentions, whereas others
have been denied the franchise on the grounds that they would leave
Ann Arbor upon graduation.

In East Lansing itself, married students living in the town can
register, while unmarried ones "cannot register here except under
very unusual circumstances," according to City Clerk Thelma Mc-
Dougal. She explained that.otphans and naturalized Americans whose
parents were still living abroad would probably qualify.
In Ypsilanti, students at Eastern Michigan College are per-
mitted to vote as long as they state they are free from the financial
help of their parents. If a student there is married, he is "assumed"
to be free of parental support and the question is not even asked. "We
don't want to embarrass him," Ypsilanti City Clerk Betty Fenker ex-
plained to The Daily.
Despite the differences in practice, all four city and township
clerks questioned are acting under the same constitution, supreme
court interpretations and laws of Michigan.
Now-Liberal Provisions
The now-liberal provisions in Lansing Township - where the
fact than an individual is a student is no longer an issue, and a special

registration booth has been set up for student voters - came about
as a result of negotiations between township officials and the MSU
attorney, Leland Carr, Jr.
Township clerk Belle McMillen, long a hold-out for stricter re-
strictions on student voting, now registers students "on their admis-
sion that they are residents. We take them wholesale."
Formerly Mrs. McMillen asked the questions of intention to stay,
parental control and financial independence still asked of some stu-
dent voters in Ann Arbor.
Once-Asked Qualifications
Contacted in East Lansing, Carr ,told The Daily he interpreted
the required affirmation of residency s implying that the registrant
swears he meets the qualifications for student registration which were
formerly explicitly asked.
Ann Arbor City Clerk Fred Looker, when the Lansing Township
procedure was described to him, suggested that it was in violation
of the Michigan constitution. He explained that the requirements for

student registration (asked of some - but not all - students, in
Ann Arbor) are not implied in the affirmation Lansing Township now
relies on.
The large amount of legal material bearing on the issue of
student voting is probably the major cause of confusion. Ann Arbor
city attorney Jacob Fahrner, Jr., who has the final word on registra-
tion applications in the city, uses as his guide a 1946 decision by the
Michigan attorney general reviewing the relevant decisions and sta-
The question goes back to a section of the state constitution which
says, "No elector shall be deemed to have gained or lost residency .. .
while a student in any institution of learning." On the basis of
that section, Ann Arbor once barred all students originally from other
cities from voting.
Often-Decisive Circumstance
The state supreme court in 1912 (People vs. Osborn) declared
that the fact that a person is a student is --A circumstance of no im-
See REPORT, Page 6

(See Page 4)

Y .




Latest Deadline in the State



Ask, City

To Annex


All East Ann Arbor
Uniusual Request Would Facilitate
'Existing Property Improvement'
A rare proposal for Ann Arbor to annex an entire city, East Ann
Arbor, was presented to the Ann Arbor City Council last night.
East Ann Arbor residents filed petitions last month expressing
their desire to be annexed by Ann Arbor. The issue will be presented
to Ann Arbor residents in form of a referendum vote Nov. 6.
"Annexations in which one city wants to take in another entirej
city are themselves unusual," Ann




st Dispute

White Group
Roughs Up
ANegro Pu ils
BEAUMONT, Tex. (P) - Pickets
from a new white Citizens Coun-
cil last night roughed up two
Negro students and prevented
them from attending night classes
at Lamar Tech College.
} The students were not injured,
police said. Their names were not
Police who went to the scene
met two other Negro students as
they arrived at the campus to at-
tend classes and advised them to
go home. They did.
Adults Converge
About 150 white adults con-
verged on the college about 7 p.m.
and set up a picket line.
They carried placards with slo-
gans such as "rebels with a
cause," "keep our education system
white" and "for the good of the
nation and the welfare of the in-
dividual, segregate and educate."
After the incident involving the
first two Negroes, the pickets
moved to the college administra-
tion building.
Reports Unconfirmed
There were unconfirmed reports
that a Negro student was in the
The crowd was swelled by stu-
dents attracted to the scene. Some
students joined in passing out
pamphlets and a newspaper pub-
lished by the Association of Citi-
zens Councils at Jackson, Miss.
About 30 policemen patrolled the
campus but made no effort to dis-
perse the pickets.
Ordered to Open
Lamar Tech, a four-year state-
supported school, was ordered to
admit Negro students this year by
a Federal District Court.
It has an enrollment of about
5,000 day students and 1,300 night
students. There are 26 Negroes en-
rolled in day classes and seven in
night classes.
Three crosses have been burned
on the campus since the first stu-
dent applied for admission this
Israel Group
Walks Out
Of Meeting
JERUSALEM (R) - The Israeli
delegation to the Israel-Jordan
Armistice Commission walked out
of a meeting of the commission
yesterday just as the chairman
was about to vote on a resolution
proposed by Jordan.
The Israelis took the view the
rhnr-bn mu c +rain r fn .nf .

Arbor Administrator Guy Larcom
said yesterday, "but this case is
exceptionally unique in that both
cities deem annexation desirable."
Prior to presentation to the City
Council the proposal had been
studied by Ann Arbor's City Plan-
ning Commission. Although the
commission did not present an
opinion for or against annexation,
they did conclude "the proposal to
annex East Ann Arbor shuold re-
ceive favorable consideration."
East Ann Arbor city officials ex-
plained part of their reason for
requesting annexation is "because
of its limited economic and polit-
ical potential, the city is unable to
assume fully its share of commu-
nity responsibilities."
Most of the dwellings in East
Ain Arbor were built prior to that
city's incorporation, and were sub-
ject only to minimum rural build-
ing codes. At present officials of
both cities feel the low level of ur-
ban services discourages high
grade residential construction.
Extension of Ann Arbor's city
services and resulting stricter
building codes would 'eliminate
many of the substandard dwellings
and make feasible and desirable
"improvement and rehabilitation
of existing properties," acording
to the commission's report.
Immediate financial demands
on various Ann Arbor city depart-
ments would be quite substantial,
but th1e Commission felt "short-
range costs will not be so burden-
some as to rule out completely
subsequent economic advantages."
Average assessment value per
acre in East Ann Arbor is set at
$5,100. Ann Arbor assessed acreage
value has been levied at $20,500,
including "an abnormally high
amourt of tax exempt University
In presenting the report to the
Council, the planning commission
stressed the similarity between
Ann Arbor and other "core cities,"
such as Detroit, Cleveland, Ohio,
and Peoria, Ill.
Report Lists
Soil Pay%,ments
to Farmers
culture Department said yesterday
it paid out nearly three and one-
half million dollars to farmers in
the soil bank program up to Sept.
At the same time, it said the
total of payments for 1956 proba-
bly will be somewhat less than the
almost 261 million dollars which
it had originally estimated.
The program was set up by Con-
gress this year, with both Demo-
crats and Republicans claiming
authorship. Its purpose is to at-
tack the farm surplus problem by
paying farmers to divert acreage
Prnm ~iinnP A r.,4, is~ri n

-Daily-vern Soden
MY NAME IS-Fraternity rushees meet Phi Epsilon Pi brothers
in a session typical of current fraternity rushing. Today is the
last day to sign up (at the Office of Student Affairs) for formal
rushing, Shell Glass, '59, has announced.





Prof . Smith
Law Dean.
Appointment of Prof. Russell A.
Smith as dean of the Law School
has been announced by the Board
of Regents.
Prof. Smith, secretary of the
University's Law School for the
past 11 years, took over his posi-
tion shortly after the Regents' dis-
closure of the new appointment.
The position was created "as a
result of .the increasing pressures
and administration load of the
dean of the school," according to
University officials.
Prof. Smith, a graduate of the
Law School in 1934, has been as-
sociated with the University for
all but a few years since his grad-
Among other responsibilities
Prof. Smith will be directly re-
sponsible to Dean E. Blythe
Stason for the development and
planning of educational ideas and
policies and alumni relations de-
Governor G. Mennen Williams
in 1955 appointed Prof. Smith, an
authority in labor law, to the
chairmanship of a special com-
mission under the Michigan State
Labor Mediation Act in a matter
concerning Consumers Power Co.
and the Utility Workers Union of
Prof. Smith is presently a mem-
ber of the Atomic Energy Labor-
Management Relations Panel, a
federal commission.
The professor was born in Man-
illa, Ia., Sept. 20, 1906.
He will act in an advisory capa-
city for the selection of University

Supreme Court Begms
New Civil Rights Parley
WASHINGTON (')-The Supreme Court yesterday began a session
that may go far in determining the country's future course in the
field of civil rights.
The nine-man court in the weeks and months ahead will tackle
a heavy docket of cases studded with problems of racial integration
in public schools.
It will also consider applications of the Smith Act, the govern-
ment's primary weapon against the Communist party.
Opening Session Brief
The opening session was, by tradition, held to brief formalities.
Next Monday the court will begin hearing arguments on the renewed
attacks against the Smith Act.
The court will determine later this month what action, if any, it
will take in the school segregation cases.
For Associate Justice Sherman Minton, this week and next will
be his last on the high bench. Minton, 65 years old, is retiring Ot. 15
because of ill health.
President Dwight D. Eisenhower Saturday named William J.
Brennan, Jr., of New Jersey to succeed him. Brennan's appointment
is subject to approval of the
During the summer recess three CANDIDATES HIT CU
appeals were filed from District
high court's order last year to endIke
enforced segregation in public
schools "with all deliberate speed."
Appeals Pending ALCd to SCht
Two of the appeals now pending
are from Texas school boards. The
third appeal was filed by a group LEINGTON, Ky. E')-President
of South Carolina Negro parents Dwight D. Eisenhower told 20,000
who want their children admitted cheering Kentuckians yesterday
immediately to"white schools. his administration has pointed the
Also scheduled for hearing is an nation toward "lasting prosperity"
appeal by Steve Nelson, Pittsburgh in which 70 million Americans can
Communist party leader, and by count on good paying jobs if he
14 California Communist leaders. is re-elected.
All were convicted of advocating Invading the Ohio and Kentucky
violent overthrow of the govern- midlands in a one-day campaign
ment, a criminal offense under sortie, President Eisenhower blug-
the Smith Act. geoned the Democratic-controlled

Largest Delta-WingJet
Crashes on Test Flight
LONDON (IP)-The Vulcan, world's largest delta-wing bomber,
missed the runway and crashed in flames at mist-shrouded London
Airport yesterday. Hair-trigger ejection seats catapulted the pilot'
and a British air marshal to safety, but four crewmen perished.
A distinguished crowd waiting to welcome the four-jet "Mighty
Bat" home from a testing flight to Australia witnessed the crash.
Plane Came Out of Rain
The plane, one of Britain's secret atom-bomb carriers, roared
out of driving rain and plunged into the ground while being
"talked in" because of bad visi-

Britain's bomber chief, Air Mar-
shal Sir Harry Broadhurst and
pilot Donald Howard made last-
second escapes as their ejector
seats hurled them through the
cabin roof.
Undercarriage Ripped
After an investigation, a spokes-
man for the Hawker-Siddeley
group and A. V. Roe, makers of
the Vulcan, said parts of the
undercarriage were found in a1
plowed field several hundred yards
in front of the runway.
This, the spokesman said, indi-
cated the aircraft touched down
in advance of the concrete runway
and the undercarriage was ripped
YD's To Hear
UAW Director
Campus Young Democrats will
settlement of the question of Am-
at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow in the.
Brendan Sexton, educational dir-
ector of the United Auto Workers,
will address the group.
Plans for the semester will be
discussed, according to Bill Peer,
'57, campus YD president.

Dules Talks
In ITelan
WASHINGTON (P)-Secretary of
State John F. Dulles met for 80
minutes with Iceland's foreign
minister yesterday in.a.session
both agreed "gave rise to hope" for;
hold their organizational meeting
erican troops in Iceland.
" This cautiously optimistic note
was disclosed in a joint statement
authorized after the initial meet-
ing, a get-together which both
sides insisted did not represent
"negotiations" but only prelimin-
ary talks on the problem.
Actual negotiations on Iceland's
demand that United States troops
be withdrawn from its territory
will begin "sometime in the near
future," spokesmen said.
Dulles, on behalf of the 14-na-
tion North Atlantic pact Council,
wants to maintain some of the
4,000 American troops in Iceland
to operate the giant Kefavik air
base as an important outpost in
Western defenses. ,I

Big 3 Suez
15 of 18 Countries
Join Association;
May Still Use Force
LONDON (-)--The Suez Canal
Users Association was set up yes-
terday amid reports of Western
Big Three disagreement on wheth-
er Egypt may be either persuaded
or forced to accept international
Fifteen of the 18 nations invited
to. London joined SCUA at once.
Japan, Pakistan 'and Ethopsa re-
mained on the fence.
Foreign Secretary Selwyn Lloyd
of Britain once more refused to
rule out force as a final solution."
Dislikes Force
Lloyd told newsmen just-before
leaving by plane for New ork
and the United Nations Security
Council debate on Suez:
"We dislike the use of force,but
we intend to stand by our rights
and the rights of other nations."
Lloyd and Foreign Minister
Christian Pineau of France will
meet with Secretary of State John
F. Dulles ahead of the UN del ate
in an effort to present a united
front before the Security Council.
Stopgap Group
The United States, Britain and
France sponsored the formation
of SCUA as a stopgap group to
press Egypt peacefully to give up
sole control of the waterway.
The UN Security Council is due
to debate the crisis Friday. In-
formed diplomats in London say
the United States favors a softer,
more flexible approach to Egypt.
than Britain and France.
The Americans reportedly would
like to get Egypt into talks.
The British and French would
like to chart courses that would
compel the regime of President
Nasser to come to acceptable
Control Settlement
British and French officials em-
phasized that Dulles has given
them no reason to doubt that the
United States wants anything less
than they do-a settlement based
on some form of international con-
trol of Suez.
But differences have come up
relating to tactics and methods.
While Britain and France are-
the prime movers of the case for
presentation to the Security Coun-
cil, the United States has.caution.
ed against a resolution condemn.
ing the Nasser regime.
Baum Unable
To Perform
Claramae Turner, Metropolitan
Opera contralto, will replace- Kurt
Baum in the Choral Union Con-
cert Series at 8:30 p.m. Thursday
at Hill Auditorium.
Baum will not be able to per-
form because of illness.
Miss Turner will be heard in
solos and 'duets with Herva Nelli,


70 Million Jobs; Adlai Calls for More
ools; Estes Jabs Ike; Nixon Clears Self


Sen. Douglas
Taflk Slated.
Thursday's speech by Sen. Paul
H. Douglas (D-Ill.) will be held
at 2:10 p.m. in the Union Ball-
room, it was announced yesterday
by Young Democrats President
Bill Peer, '57.
fan Thnrilac' fnu, n+i+HA "nTh

Congress in the same manner in
which former President Harry S.
Truman attacked the Republican
Congress in 1948.
Without naming him, President
Eisenhower described Adlai E.
Stevenson, the Democratic presi-
dential nominee, as an "appar-
ently confused" candidate who
wants to return to the "zig-zag,
directionless road of trial and
error" government.
Eisenhower ripped into Steven-
son and the Democrats for what

WASHINGTON (A') - Adlai E.
Stevenson called yesterday for a
federal aid-to-education program
to help provide 50,000 teachers and
100,000 classrooms each year, plus
a college education for all "able
The Democratic presidential'
nominee accused President Dwight
D. Eisenhower's administration of
having "utterly failed to develop
a comprehensive policy for educa-
He said the administration had
demonstrated a lack of "strong
leadership in the cause of our
most valuable resource-our child-
Stevenson said his program en-
visages spending of from 500 mil-
lion to one billion dollars more
each year for' the next 10 years.
. He said local communities are
having a tough time finding money
to pay for schools so future
financing will have to come largely

WACO, Tex. (A*)-Senator Estes
Kefauver said yesterday President
Dwight D. Eisenhower is "too busy
trying to win an election with sun-
shine and smiles to do anything
effective to help small farmers and
ranchers hard pressed by drought."
The Democratic vice-presidential
nominee climaxed the first day of
his second campaign tour with a
speech at the big "Heart O'Texas"
fair, hammering hard at the Re-
publicans on the farm issue.
He centered much of his attack
directly on the President, but in-
cluded some jabs at Secretary of
Agriculture Ezra Taft Benson.
Sen. Kefauver noted that 185
of Texas' 254 counties are listed
as disaster areas because of
drought, and remarked, "I am not
going to blame the drought on the
But, he went on in his prepared
text, "The natural disaster over
this state has been compounded,

MILWAUKEE (R) -Vice-Presi-
dent Richard M. Nixon reiterated
yesterday he had never accused
Adlai Stevenson or former Presi-
dent Harry 1S. Truman of being
"traitors," in the general mean-
ing of the word.
But he admitted that he did say,
that "Mr. Truman and others like
him were traitors" to the princi-
ples of the Democratic party.
Nixon made the statements in a
televised panel program, "Milwau-
kee Reports," over station WXIX-
It was on' this same program
that Truman recently accused
Nixon of having charged him, dur-
ing a 1954 campaign speech in
Texarkana, with being a traitor.
After the television appearance,
Nixon made what was billed as a
non-political talk at Marquette
University's Brooks Memorial
Union, where he got the biggest
reception of the eight-hour tour

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