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September 29, 1956 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1956-09-29

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Sixty-Sixth Year

'Okay - Now You Grab It At That End"

"When Opinions Are Free
Truth Will Prevail"

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

Fall Housing Crisis Past;
What About Next Year?

THE housing crisis of this fall is past. The
question is, what will happen next year, in
future years,. and whose responsibility is it to
control the situation?
For clarification of the first statment it is
necessary to look at what the Administration
has done to alleviate the campus housing
shortage of this semester.
In men's residence halls there are no stu-
dents, except for a few married' men whose
wives are off campus, living in temporary hous-
ing. Last year at this time 75 Men were housed
in the ninth floor study hall of South Quad-
rangle alone. What is more, they were not all
accommodated into adequate rooms until the
semester ended.
Women's housing is considerably more in-
adequate. In spite of the fact that the tem-
porary pools are expected to be emptied by
Monday, 900 coeds will be inconvenienced by
doubling and tripling of rooms. However, the
Couzens Hall addition has made available 270
more spaces for women's housing. A new dor-
mitory, planned for completion in 1958, will
accomodate 1200 coeds.
FOR married students, 296 units at the North-
wood Apartments will be ready within a
very short period. Foreign students have been
hopsed in. apartments about campus.
Further, in the Office of Student Affairs are
long lists of apartments available for single
and married students.
These are the facts. What do' they mean?
In spite of what has been done to alleviate the
housing shortage this fall the situation still
isn't satisfactory. Although students have been
accomodated there remain far too many hard-
ships resulting from high rent, inferior apart-
ments, crowding in residence halls and trans-
portation problems from suburban housing.
That's this year's problem. Little more can
be done about it. What we must now be con-
cerned with is the future.
Admittedly, the problem is enormous. Enroll-
ment is increasing at such rates that dormi-
tories planned for use two years hence will
not even handle next year's increase. Appro-
priations from the Legislature are a drop in
the bucket compared to what is needed. The

self-liquidation plan for residence
not working.

halls is

IT must be remembered that the task con-
fronting the University cannot be adequately
handled without the aid of the students. A
well informed student body must be capable
and ready to support The Student Government
Council and the University Advisory Commit-
tee on Housing and Environmental Health is
dealing with the Administration in regard to
the housing problem.
In the past, steps taken by the Administra-
tion, such as dormitory rent raises, have been
completed before the students were given no-
tice of the situation. By this time nothing can
be done. This results in vain complaining which
only leaves a disgruntled student body and no
reconciliation of student opinion and Admin-
istrative action.
It is the duty of the Administration to make
it possible for the students to know the circum-
stances involved in solving our housing prob-
Can enrollment be curtailed, if only until the
University can catch up on residence construc-
tion? Is it possible to lift the burden on this
campus by enlarging the facilities of other
University centers throughout the State? Is
there something better than the self-liquida-
tion plan for dormitory building?
The job of the Committee on Housing and
Environmental Health is to make valid recom-
mendations to the Administration. The com-
mittee must seeek out student opinion as a
basis for their recommendations.
- It is up to SGC to make sure that a clear
and frank line of communication is cleared to
the student body.
FINALLY, it is the duty of the student body
to sit up and take notice of what is going on.
The campus at large must be willing to take
on this responsibility if there is to be a solid
base for a constructive solution.
This problem will certainly not be solved
overnight. But with the aid of relevant infor-
mation made known to everyone the resulting
picture will go a long way toward clearing up
a seemingly insoluble mess.


r I

'Divorcement' Dated
But Interesting
IT IS unfortunate that so much of twentieth-century drama deals
with the immediate problem and is imbued with the popular mis-
conception of scientific truths.
David O. Selznick's 1932 production, "A Bill of Divorcement," is
one of those medical melodramas where the characters are doomed to
suffer because the doctors haven't been able to give the right answers.
The scene is England, the family one Fairfield, in whose, blood
flow the seeds of insanity. Hilary Fairfield simply went mad during
World War I, his mental shortcomings augmented by "shell shock" (ah,
how many of our post-World War I heroes had this difficulty). His wife,
Margaret (Billie Burke), divorced him because she wanted to marry
Gray Meredith (Paul Cavanagh) and lead a normal life.
BUT HLARY'S sister, Aunt Hester (Elizabeth Patterson with a
glint of Victorian wisdom in her eye), kept reminding Margaret that one

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0#jg- -pccrf, CAN

Kiennedy to Stump for Adlai

Mildred Didrikson Zaharias

RED Didrickson Zaharias died Thursday
morning in Galveston, Tex, at the age
of 42..
With her passing an era has ended. Babe
Ruth is gone, as is Connie Mack, Clark Griffith
and Grantland Rice and now the greatest
woman athlete in the world, the Babe, is gone.
The Babe s fabulous co-ordination and skill
earried her to the pinnacle of the sports world.
But even if she had never won a track meet or
a golf match the Babe was first, last, and always
a champion.

Wtihin her burned that extra spark of indefi-
nable something marking the difference be-
tween a star and a champion.
All the time during her long losing battle with
the disease to which she finally succumbed,
the Babe showed her championship mettle.
Against overwhelming odds she never gave up
the fight.
Mildred Didrickson Zaharias is dead and an
era passes with her--but she can never be for-
gotten because she was the Babe-and there
will never be another.

IF you ask New England political
observers whether Eisenhower
will carry Massachusetts, most will
tell you that it depends on the
brilliant young senator from this
state who came within a hairs-
breadth of winning the Democratic
Vice Presidential nomination at
Not all of them will tell you
that, of course. Some, like the
Italo-American followers of ex-
congressman Foster Furcolo whom
Kennedy knifed in favor of Re-
publican Senator Saltonstall, wll
tell you that Kennedy doesn't have
enough power to swing the state.
And genial John McCormack, the
congressman from Boston and
most powerful figure in Congress
next to Sam Rayburn, is inclined
to consider Kennedy a bit over-
Regardless of this, however, the
news is that the able young sena-
tor has definitely agreed to stump
his home state for Adlai Steven-
son. If he takes off the gloves, this
should mean that Massachusetts,
which went for Ike in 1952, will
not go for him in November.
* * *
THdUGH THERE was never
any question about Kennedy's de-
votion to Adlai Stevenson, there
has been some question as to how
far Kennedy would go in opposing
Eisenhower. The young senator's
father, like a good many of the
wealthier Boston Irish, is more
conservative than the staunchest
GOP Boston blueblood.
Joseph Patrick Kennedy, who
made several millions by getting
the first Scotch whisky conces-
sions immediately after prohibi-
tion ended, was a strong Roosevelt
backer, got big rewards from

Roosevelt, then all but walked out
on Roosevelt after FDR appointed
him ambassador to the court of St.
James. At London, Joe got pally
with the Cliveden set of Hitler ap-
peasers and became so down on
Roosevelt foreign policy that he
had to come home.
So far Sen. Jack Kennedy hasn't
followed his father's political
thinking, but he's veering in that
direction. Last August the elder
Kennedy was in Cannes, on the
French Riviera, when his son was
making his sensational bid for
the Vice Presidential nomination.
Joe spent about 12 hours on the
trans-Atlantic telephone trying to
switch delegates for his son - and
almost succeeded.
* * *
IMMEDIATELY after the Chi-
cago convention the young senator
flew to Cannes to be with his fath-
er, and was out on a yachting
cruise when his wife lost her baby
-the second prebirth -tragedy in
their famliy.
Young Kennedy is back now,
stumping for Stevenson in other
parts of the U.S.A. When the time
is ripe, he says he will go into his
home state and stump every town
to swing Massachusetts over to
Note -Whether Stevenson wins
or not, political observers believe
that the rest of the Massachusetts
Democratic slate will be elected.
Foster Furcolo, who had a fine
record in Congress, later was
elected State Treasurer, is now
running for Governor. He's ex-
pected to defeat Lt. Gov. Sumner
Whittier, Republican. The present
GOP Governor, Chris Herter, is
not running again. It's also ex-
pected the Democrats will capture

both houses of the Massachusetts.
legislature - even if Eisenhower
should carry the state.
* * *
Newspapermen accompanying
President Eisenhower didn't play
up the hostile signs which greeted
Ike at the Newton plowing contest,
but the President himself seemed
concerned about them.
Roosevelt used to drive by hos-
tile signs without even looking
at them. But Eisenhower seemed
somewhat upset when he saw a
farmer's boot caught in a bear
trap with a sign which read,.
"Trapped by Benson's Blindness."
There was also a sign showing
corn flowing out of a horn of
plenty, illustrating the prosperous
farm policies of Roosevelt and
Truman; with another sign which
read: "Ike's peace like Neville
The President asked one of his
aides who put them there. His
concern seemed that of a man
who has been liked so much that
he was bewildered that anyone
should dislike him.
I A CHANGE has taken place
around Republican headquarters.
One month ago, GOP leaders acted
as if they would condescend to
campaign, but that it wasn't really
In contrast, one Republican
money raiser recently made this
frantic approach to a wealthy New
"We know the Democrats are
going to take the House and the
Senate," he confided, "but with
enough help, we can elect Eisen-
hower, That will give us the veto
power over Congress. We've go
to elect him."
(Copyright 1956, by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

day Hilary would return, com-
pletely normal, finish his sonata,
and take his place as a family man
and musical genius.
Indeed, one Christmas morning
Hilary escapes from "that place"
and comes home. What consterna-
tion! How can Margaret explain
they are no longer married? What
will Gray say? Will Hilary's dau-
ghter, Sydney (Katharine Hep-
burn), become insane, too? Has
Sydney any right to marry Kit
Pumphrey (David Manners)? Can
Hilary ever finish his sonata? Be-
cause no one believes in Aunt
Hester's old - fashioned morality
and the doctors are so confused,
will this mess ever get straighten-
ed out?
* * *
PLOT ASIDE, "A Bill of Div-
orcement" is interesting today
chiefly as a document on three of
America's most exceptional play-
ers, Mr. Barrymore, and the Misses
Burke and Hepburn.
Mordaunt Hall, writing in the
October 3, 1932 "New York Times,"
claimed of Mr. Barrymore's per-
formance: "It is a character study
worthy of Mr.. Barrymore's talent
and his . performance' is incisive
and telling, and never for an in-
stant is he guilty of extravagant
histrionics." "Extravagant his-
trionics" is exactly what the pres-
ent generation will accuse Mr.
Barrymore of; but it is not so
much that underplaying (often
called "realism") has pushed aside
Mr. Barrymore's art, as it is that
another kind of histrionics, the
sprinkled-with-Freud Actors' Stu-
dio technique, has taken over. Un-
like many of his successors-Mar-
Ion Brando, PaulhNewman-Mr.
Barrymore has thatErarest of
skills: clear, precise English dic-
Miss Burke, in one of her few
serious roles, plays with the same
style as Barrymore. Only Miss
Hepburn, looking fresh and lovely,
offers a more modern interpreta-
tion: one can see the beginning
development of the semi-neurotic,
lean, bony type with which she has
become identified.
* * *
THE PICTURE was directed by
George Cukor (recently remem-
bered for the second "A Star Is
Born" and "Bhowani Junction"),
and Mr. Cukor handles his small
cast with great care and economy,
keeping his drama clipped to a
sparse 69 minutes.
"A Bill of Divorcement" is no
longer distinguished, but it is a
great deal of fun, and anyone in-
terested in American theater and
cinema ought to dash down to the
Orpheum before the film is inter-
sticed with television commercials.
-Ernest Theodossin
to the ~gT?1
Letters to the E5ditor must be signed
and limited to 300 words. The Daily
reserves the right to edit or with-
hold any letter.
Sigma Kappa . .
To the Editor:
j AM somewhat puzzled and per-
pleced at the Daily's, or at least
somefof its editors and reporters,
vindictive attitude toward the local
chapter of Sigma Kappa. It is
quite apparent that the antagonis-
tic view ,obviously held by a large
segment of The Daily staff toward
the Fraternity system as a whole,
has been carried over from the
editorial columnst to the news
pages. It is, however, regrettable
that the responsible members of
The Daily should let their emotions
get the best of them at a time

when such unsubstantiated charges
will hurt most-at a time when
this chapter has its last chance at
a formal rush for a year and a
Sigma Kappa is new to our cam-
pus, and therefore faces enough
difficulties without having to de-
fend the actions of their national
organization (however reprehensi-
ble such actions may be proven)
against the attacks of a sensation
hungry, circulation seeking, college
smear sheet, and of a publicity
hunting, rabble-rousing, self-ap-
pointed campus moral leader (Joe
"burden of proof" Collins):
The Daily has by its Star Cham-
ber tactics prejudiced many coeds,

The Daily Official Bulletin is an of-
ficial publication of the University of
Michigan for which the Michigan Daily
assumes no editorial responsibility. No
tices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN
form to Room 3553 Administration
Building before 2 p.m. the day prece-
ing publication.
General Notices
Meeting of the University Staff. Gen.
eral staff meeting at 4:15 p.m., Mon.,
Oct. 22, in Rackham Lecture Hall.
President Hatcher will discuss the state
of the University. All members of the
University staff, academi and non-
academic, are invited.
Moving in date for Northwood Apart-
ment tenants: The following apartments
will be ready for occupancy Oct. 2:
1800-1815, inclusve. 1831-1842, inclusive.
1849-1856, inclusive.
Please report directly to the manager
of Northwood Apartments for your
apartment keys.
Fencing instruction for men will be
offered in the Intramural Building
Boxing Room this semester on Mondays
and Tuesdays at 4:30 p.m. Training be-
gins Mon. and Tues., Oct. 1 and 2. Wea-
pons and protective equipment will be
provided. Participation in various indi-
vidual and team competitions will be
possible later in the year for men suf-
ficiently advanced in technique by that
time. Plans are also being made for
weekly coeducational fencing.
Experienced fencers may call No -
2-2400 for schedule of advanced fencing.
Rules governing participation i non-
athletic extracurricular activities. Any
regularly enrolled student is eligible
to participate in non-athletic extra-
curricular activities provided he is not
on academic discipline.
Responsibility for observance of the
eligibility statement is, placed directly
upon the student. In case of doubt
of status, students should inquire at
the Office of Student Affairs. Partici-
pation in an extracurricular activity in
violation of the requirement may sub-
ject a student to disciplinary action.
In interpretation of the above eligi-
biltiy statement, the following are spe-
cifically forbidden to participate in
extracurricular activities indicated be-
b) Part-time and special students
carrying less than twelve hours.
The eligibility requirements must be
met by students participating in such
activities as are listed below. The list
is not exhaustive but is intended to
indicate the kinds of extracurricular
activities for participation in which
eligibility is necessary.
a) Participation in public perform-
ances which are sponsored by student
organizations and which require group
rehearsals. Examples: Union Opera
Junior Girls' Play; productions of the
'Gilbert and Sullivan Society, Student
Players, and Inter-Arts Union: per-
formances of Arts Chorale and the Glee
b)Participation in public perform.
ances which are sponsored by academic
courses and which require group re-
hearsals, for those participants who are
not enrolled in the sponsoring course
for credit. Examples: Ensemble 45, 46
(Orchestra), Ensemble 47, 48 (Bands),
Ensemble 49, 50 (Choir), Voice 11, 12,
155, 156 (Opera workshop).
C) Staff members of student publica
tions. Examples: Daily, Gargoyle, Michi-
ganensian, Technic, Generation.
d) Officers and chairmen of stand-
ing committees in student organizations
including house groups. This includes
positions in house groups such as so-
cial, athletic, rushing, personnel, pledge
training, and publication chairmen,
house managers and stewards.
e) Class officers and candidates for
such office.
f) Members and candidates for mem-
bership in studen government groups.
Examples: Student Legislature, Judici-
ary Councils, Intrafraternity Council,
Panhellenic Board, Assembly Board, In-
terhouse Council, Inter-cooperative
Council, League and Union student
government groups, Music School As.
sembly, Business Administration Coun.

g) Committee members for major
campus projects and dances. Examples:
Michigras, Winter Carnival, ,League
committees, Frosh week end, Sopho-
more Cabaret, Assembly Ball, Inter-
fraternity Council Ball, Homecoming
Dance, Senior Ball, J-Hop.
h) Representatives of off-campus ac-
i) Representatives of student aculty
Special permission to participate i
extracurricular activities in exception
to the regulations may be granted in
extraordinary cases by the offices of the
Dean of women and the Dean of Men.
The Dean of Women or the Dean of
Men may, in extraordinary cases, deny
permission to participate in an ac~tivity



.1 j


GOP Overcoming Complacency

REPUBLICAN LEADERS have rapidly become
aware that the election in November may
not be a walk-away for President Eisenhower.
The chief executive seems to be dropping bit
by bit his role of benevolent grandfather. His
attack on the Democrats Wednesday in Peoria,
where he called the Democratic farm program'
"mockery and deceit," was by far his strongest
since the 1952 campaign.
His announcement Thursday that he is step-
ping up his campaign activities at the request
of some of his nervous party associates is again
ndicitive of what has been taking place within
the ranks of the Republican party.
A rash of polls taken in the midwest and

south within the past two weeks show that the
Democrats have made clear gains over 1952.
PARTY WORKERS in key parts of the coun-
try have reported difficulty in getting voters
interested. And in some areas, it has been diffi-
cult even to get party workers interested.
This apparent complacency reminded Repub-
lican leaders of the 1948 dream that turned
into a nightmare and they certainly don't want
a repetition.
The political situation is healthy when a man
of the President's great personal popularity still
has to deliver the goods before he can feel the
election is "sewed-up."

Suez Solution Must Have Support

Tito's Trip to Moscow

Associated Press News Analyst
SOMEHOW OR OTHER, reports from Europe
that Marshal Tito has gone to Russia to
intervene in Russian internal affairs just don't
seem to fit.
If Khrushchev and Bulganin are in trouble
with the Stalinist old guard of the Soviet, it
is hard to see how Tito, the old guards long-time
enemy, could be expected to be persuaded that
the downgraders of Stalin are correct.
We have in these European reports a re-
currence that things are bad in Russia and the
satellites to the point of some'sort of break.
Over the years such reports have proved to be
merely wishful thinking.
Western observers have doubted all the time
that the so-called co-operative government in
Russia would prove permanent, or that the
Molotov forces would accept downgrading with-
out a struggle. That struggle may well be going
on under cover. It's the Tito angle which seems

FROM THIS DISTANCE it seems more logical
that Tito himself is either in trouble or else
mad about recent criticism of his politics froni
Russian sources.
His Yugoslav party has been accused of not
being truly Communist, which he may consider
a violation of the "co-existence" agreement with
Khrushchev. Tito may be insisting that the
international Communists keep their fingers
out of his pie, as they promised when they
agreed that their was not the only road to
Communist goals.
There is also the possibility that the Kremlin
still considers Titoism a subversive element
among the satellites, and is trying to persuade
him into greater neutrality on such issues as
satellite autonomy. Khrushchev may be fright-
ened at the results of his limited liberalization
Tito, whatever else you may think about him,
has been a pretty shrewd operator. He backs

brought to the United Nations
amidst predictions that nothing
useful can be expected to come
from the move. Must we t ke this
defeatism for granted? That de-
pends, I venture to think, on what
is behind the move. Have Great
Britain and France turned to the
UN because they have run out of
ideas, and cannot think of what
else to do? Or will they, with the
United States in the role of medi-
ator on behalf of their interests,
work out a Western policy which
fits the realities of the United
arise from the assumption that
Great Britain and France will ask
the Security'Council to approve as
the terms of a settlement the pro-
posals which were agreed to by 18
out of the 22 nations who were at
the first London conference. These
are the proposals for international
"operation" of the canal. As at
least two members of the Security
Council, the Soviet Union and
Yugoslavia, are expected to refuse

accept them. The second is that
the Western proposals are, there-
fore, -themselves negotiable, and
that we are in the United Nations
in order that a negotiation can be
brought about. The alternative-
which is to treat the Western pro-
posals as essentially non-negoti-
able, as in thennature of an ulti-
matum-would be sterile and cer-
tain to alienate the kind of inter--
national opinion which the West
has gone to the UN to win. It will
be better not to have gone at all
than to refuse to negotiate when
we got there.
- * * . .
A POLICY of negotiation inside
the UN should have as its primary
objective the working out of pro-
posals which have wide and pow-
erful international support. Great
Britain and France, and in a meas-
ure the United States as well, are
in a weak position which they must
correct before they can hope to
come to satisfactory terms with
Nasser. They have exposed to all
the world the fact that the military
threats were mostly bluff. They
have exposed it to the world that
the talk about a boycott was based

end the moral and political isola-
tion in which we find ourselves.
How is that to be done? By re-
membering that there were two
plans at the first London confer-
ence, the Western plans for inter-
national operation and the Indian
plan for international supervision,
and they by offering in the UN to.
found the new negotiations on both
of these plans. The differences be-
tween the two plans can be enor-
mous or they can be small, depend-
ing upon how much the two sides
want to agree,
* *
THIS PRIMARY negotiation
would not be with Nasser but in
fact with India and with the Soviet
Union. It is not possible to negoti-
ate successfully with Nasser as
long as we propose terms which the
Soviet Union and all of Asia will
back Nasser in rejecting. in the
UN we have a chance to cori'ect
the mistake which we made, so it
seems to me, at the first London
conference. The mistake was to
prefer a plan which, however de-
sirable, was impractical to a plan
which has the support of all the
nations concerned.
This is not to forget to minimize

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