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September 17, 1956 - Image 11

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Michigan Daily, 1956-09-17

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Joint Judic Acts
As Campus Court
Ten Member Group Meets Weekly
To Determine Student Offenses
The average freshman entering the University is usually not
aware of the many rules and regulations he must live under during
college life.
' Most students soon learn about them; others, however, never seem
to learn, and often wind up facing disciplinary action.
But when a student does infringe on University statutes he is sent
before a group of his fellow students for '"trial."
Campus Supreme Court
This group of students is known as the Joint Judiciary Council, a
10 member board, serving as the campus supreme court.
Although never calculated, it is probable that a good percentage

of the student body knows little o


or nothing about the work of Joint
Judic. Even the *name of, the
organization strikes fear into the
hearts of many students.
Actually, such a fear should not
exist according to Roger Ander-
son, chairman of Joint Judic last
year. "Although the Council can't
help but bring misery into the life
of some students its existance is
intended to serve and help them",
he observed.
In addition to having original
judgment on major cases, it has
final decision on cases appealed
to it from lower campus judici-

By Lewis
It is always a pleasure for
me to be included in the large
group of University folks who
welcome the incoming fresh-
man class. My special interest
in this open letter is to call to
your attention the services that
are available to you for coun-
selling and guidance here at
the University. During your
orientation you will be made
fully acquainted with these
services and effort will be made
to get you to understand that
you should feel free to take ad-
vantage of the services.
Our experience is that many
times, for some reason or other,
Freshmen do not seem to want
. to use the counselling and
guidance agencies. Let me urge
you to acquaint yourself thor-
oughly with these agencies and
then use them to the utmost.
You will find warm and friend-
ly people about you who are
devoted to helping you in all
kinds of situations. Why don't
you try them?
The other' interest of mine
is worthy, I hope, of your early
'attention in your new college
life. Student activities in gen-
eral are part of your learning
experience. We have hundreds
of opportunities for expression
of your interest in these areas.
Ldok around, study the various
activities, and then after you
get your feet on the ground and
know your limitations, start in-
The record will show that
students who participate in the
various activities come from
small towns as often as they do.
from large communities, from
average American families, as
many are self-supporting in
college as are supported and
what is most important they
earn better than average
grades. If you want .to add this
to your college experience, you
can-see that no elite group cor-
ners the market.
Good luck and my office is
in the Administration Building.
Stop in and see me.
Vice President for
Student Affairs
Rushing Starts
September 30
Fraternity rushing at the Uni-
versity is an experience not likely
to be forgotten by "rusher" or
It is during Formal Rushing,
extending from Sept. 30 to Oct. 14,
that most of the pledges of the
coming year will first be intro-
duced to and then affiliated with,
their own organization.
With this in mind, Interfrater-
nity Council assists each house
with problems involved in meeting
and evaluating several hundreds
of prospective members.
After rushing counselors speak
to orientation groups, and an-
nounce the mass rushing meeting,
# rushing sign-ups will begin Sept.
17 in the Office of Student Af-
fairs, 1020 Administration Bldg.
September 26, the mass rushing
meeting will be held in the Michi-

Three Must Be Women
Council members' three of whici
must be women, are selected b
petitions and an interview with v
board of three Joint Judic mem
"Look at it this way," Andersol
said, "whenever there are rule
and regulations, as there must b
at an institution the size of th
University, there are going to b
infractions requiring disciplinary
"Student members of Join
Judic are closer to the students
point of view and to the situation
Thus we think it is possible and
easier to bring these people close
to an understanding of the prob.
lems encountered by the Univer-
This "understanding" is intend
ed to protect city residents as wel
as the reputation of the student
and the University. What ofter
appear and, in fact, are mino
problems, grow into major of-
fenses which reap not only bad
publicity, but physical and per-
sonal damage.
Multitude Of Sins
In helping students to keep their
minor mistakes from. growing,
Joint Judic often uses a blanket
condemnation of "conduct unbe-
coming a student", which can
cover a multitude of sins.
Joint Judic meets weekly in an
informal manner resembling more
of a roundtable discussion than a
court, which, Anderson points out,
it is not intended to be.
"The Council is not really a
court because most people who
come before it have done some-
thing and it is just our job to
establish the degree of seriousness
and determine punishment", he
After having read written sum-
maries of cases, they listen to stu-
dents tell their own story and then
ask questions.
If it is a first offense an im-
mediate decision is rendered. The
defendants are then permitted to
question the Council about it.
Judiciaries on campus have
envolved with the University and
have changed as its problems have
When the University was small,
rules were made and enforced by
Deans of the various schools. As
the school grew, these multiple
standards on regulations ran into
conflict with one another and the
administration came into the pic-
They turned disciplinary action
over to students and established
Men's and Women's judiciaries
with a Joint Judic over both. Later
the Men's Judic was found to be
of little use, since everything was
being sent to Joint Judic, and was
Every women's housing unit has
its own particular judiciary. Cases
from the judiciaries in the men's
residence halls are appealed di-
rectly to Joint Judic. Those involv-
ing men not living in dorms are
tried originally in the Council.
However, Joint Judic gets all
their cases from the offices of the
Dear of Men and the Dean of

* *
Impact Felt
By Campus,
Deferred Rushing
Biggest Step
In the first year of existence,
Student Government. Council
demonstrated its potential in
many areas of campus life.
It voted to defer sorority rush-
ing until the spring, it was instru-
mental in changing campus driv-
ing regulations, it established a
Campus Chest board, and it spon-
sored a flight to Europe.
Deferred rushing most forcibly
demonstrated the baby govern-
ment's power. On October 19, the
Council accepted a motion setting
up two committees to study rush-
ing problems. One committee was
composed of delegates from Pan-
hellenic and Assembly, the other
of delegates from Inter-Fraternity
Council and Inter-House Council.
On March 7, months after they
first began work, the two commit-
tees submitted their reports to
SGC. On the basis of a majority
report from the Panhel-Assembly
Committee, which felt that con-
sideration of the individua was of
greatest import, there was a mo-
tion that beginning in the spring
of 1957, sorority rushing would be
held in the spring.
No Recommendations
The next week, the IHC-IFC
committeexpresented its report
which contained no specific ree-
ommendations, since the commit-
tee felt that change was inadvisa-
Then, in the Union ballroom,
watched by hundreds of Univer-
sity students, the Council turned
to consideration of the Panhel-
Assembly motion.
Dramatic Debate
After hours of debate from both
constituents and SGC members,
which included extensive pro-con
arguments, the Council voted 10
to eight in favor of the motion.
Another important SGC accom-
plishment was changing the driv-
ing regulations. Previous to the
change, only students over 26 were
allowed to drive on campus.
At their February meeting, the
Regents voted in favor of the new
regulations, expressing the opinion
that students should take respon-
sibility for implementation of
At their last meeting in May,
the Council voted to approve rec-
See SGO, Page 5






u dents


21 May Drive

-Daily-Don watkins
SOON TO HOUSE ALL STUDENT ACTIVITIES-Workmen expect to complete Student Activities Buildig by February 1, 1957. Building
was initiated through student planning two years ago. To cost more than a million dollars, the building will have offices for more than
80 student organizations. Located immediately behind the Administration Bldg. and across the street from the Union, its facilities will
be readily accessible to the campus. (See complete story on page 2.)






Union Povides NumerousS ervices

The list of activities, projects,
and services provided by the Mich-
igan Union for University stud-
ents is a long and varied one.
Many special events and pro-
grams highlight each semester, but
just as important to the student
are the many every-day services
the Union provides.
One of the most appreciated
services is check-cashing.
A similar service, used by few-
er persons, is the Union ticket
service. Tickets for buses may be
purchased at the main desk.
A major service or the Union;
of course, is the hotel and room
Both alumni and students'
friends fill the Union on foot-
ball weekends, while other events
throughout the semester also bring
For the student who wants rec-
reation or relaxation, the Union
is a place to go.
A swimming pool, billiard room,

other game rooms, television,
lounges, hobby rooms and cafeter-
ias and snack bars are all avail-
able to Union member's--member-
ship is automatic upon enrolling
in the University.
Most of these facilities are free,
although there are charges for-
swimming, billiards and of course
cafeteria products.
Another convenience found in
the Union is the newly remodeled
barber shop. There's very little
waiting for haircuts there, because'
of the number of chairs.
Many Lounges and Libraries
For the studious who have no
better place to work, there's al-
ways the many lounges and li-
braries in the Union building.
Union's main desk also provides
out-of-town newspapers and lead-
ing magazines for sale.
These are the most popular ser-
vices provided by the Union for
individual students seeking relax-
ation, recreation and other con-

But the Union is also a head-
quarters for student activities on
campus. Located in the Union are
offices of Inter-House Council, In-
terfraternity Council and Union.
Also provided are meeting rooms
for student organizations.
" Plan Campus Events
Student offices of the Union
plan many campus events every
year, and the staff program is
highly organized, from an exten-
sive tryout training program the
first year to the executive com-
mittee chairmen and the senior
As part of the tryout program,
the Union will hold its mass try-
-out enlistment program Sept. 27.
It is the Union staff that or-
ganizes and sponsors many events
on campus, including department
coffee hours, open houses at Un-
iversity President Harlan Hatch-
er's home, and social events ga-
lore-particularly dances and the
infokmal Little Club.


Inter fraternity Council Wins Natio]

iHiC Group
.Revam -ped&
Last Year,
A "newborn babe" will confront
entering students this fall.
One of the major student gov-
ernments on campus has been re-
organized and improved and it
happens to be the one most closely
connected to freshmen men-and
some women.
Student government for the
Men's Residence Halls is known
as Inter-House Council. But this
group also has under it a small
number of women students who
live in the two Houses of East
Quad which were converted for
their use several years ago.
Studied Purpose
During the spring semester of
last year a committee appointed
by the old IHC studied the purpose
and duties of IHC and devised a
new structure which will begin
operation next fall.
Immediate predecessor to MHC
was the Tri-Quad; Council which
existed in 1952-53.
The IHC followed with a struc-
ture that consisted of two mem-
bers from each House in addition
to the officers.
This organization, a. 56-man
body, proved too unwieldy and
lacked any -real motivation.
, Picked House
The structure committee at-
tempted to find the best man to
serve on a new body and decided
on the House presidents. On this
assumption they revised the or-
ganization as a council of House
Purpose of IHC was also clari-
fied by the committee when they
wrote the new Constitution. The
preamble says, in effect, IHC exists
to give the men of the Residence
Halls service, coordination and
Service in-the form of programs:
athletic, social, cultural and edu-
cational; coordination between
residents, Houses and Quads; and
representation to the University
administration, other campus stu-
dent governments, the faculty, the
com'munity and the campus at
Many phases of this criterion
are already supplied by IHC, but
the students associated with the
organization hope to improve in
all fields with the new structure.
, IHC participation in the frater-
nity rushing study conducted dur-

Regents OK
Bay. Change
In January
Strict Enforcement,
Heavy Penalties
Await Law Violators
Daily City Editor
For the first time in' almost 30
years students over 21 will be able
to drive this fall.
University Board of Regents
ditched the ban prohibiting stu.
dent driving under 26, except in
special cases, by unanimous vote
last January. The new regulations
are on a two-year trial basis.
With the lower driving age, how-
ever, comes stricter penalties and
enforcement of infractions.
Students who violatd driving
regulations will be subject to a
maximum first offence fine of $50.
Second offenders may be suspend-
ed from the University.
Must Register
All students over 21 who ex-
pect to have a car on campus will
have to register with the Office of
Student Affairs. Registration fee
will be seven dollars in most cases,
four dollars in some. Driving with-
3ut registering will be considered
as serious an offence as driving
under 21.
Students under 21 will be able,
as in the past, to get special per-
mits for driving if circumstances
warrant. Health, business, com-
muting, family obligations and
certain extra-curricular avtivtIe
are considered valid grounds for'
special permits.
Fees collected from car regis-
tration will be used to provide
greater enforcement. Last year the
University had one security offI-
cer checking driving infractions.
This year it expects to have three
or four.
By-Law Reads
Explicitely the driving ban mod-
ification changes Regent By-law
sec. 8.05 to read:
"No student under 21 years of
age while in attendance at the
University may operate a motor
vehicle except under regulatidna
as set forth by' the Office of Stu-
dent Affairs.
"Any other student may be per-
mitted to operate a motor vehicle
which has been registered with
the Office of Student Affairs. Any
student violating these regulations
shall be subject to disciplinary
action by the proper University
Committee Formed
Imipetus for the change origin-
ated with former Daily Managing
Editor Gene Hartwig, '58L, who
proposed, in the spring of 195,
that a committee be set up to
study the driving ban problem.
The committee, formed by Vice-
President for Student Affairs
James A. Lewis, reported to Stu-
dent Government Council last
Regents first heard the proposal
at their December meeting when
they approved the plan in princi-
ple. It was formally okayed a
month later.
The committee included Chief
of Police Casper M. Enkemann,
City Councilman Norman Ran-
dall, Rudolph Reichert, Prof. John
Kohl of the psychology depart-
ment, Hartwig, and Student Gov-
ernment Council members Bill
Diamond, '56E and Bill Hanks,

Held Annually
Students who have distinguished.
themselves academically at the
University are recognized at the
annual Honors Convocation.
Ordinarily, the only students

For 112 years, fraternities have
played a major role in the life of
the University.
Today, for the second time in
three years, those fraternities, rep-
resented by the University of
Michigan Interfraternity Council,
hold the Grand Trophy of the
National Interfraternity Confer-f
ence , for the "most outstanding
program of interfraternity activity
at colleges and universities in theC
United States and Canada.
The organization responsible for
the winning of the award, never
before held twice by the same
school, is one which affects every-
one attending the University,
whether fraternity or not.
President's Assembly
Undergraduate fraternity system
is composed of 42 fraternities, with
a membership of over 2300. All 42
are represented and united by the
Interfraternity Council through
Fraternity President's Assembly.
This assembly considers matters
of policy and courses of action, de-
termining a fraternity policy
through voting.
In addition to FPA. the IFC

ra! Trophy
idents, representing the five geo-
graphical districts of the fraternity
system; and the senior officers.
The Junior Interfraternity Coun-
cil president also attends and votes1
on matters concerning pledges
The Junior Interfraternity
Council was founded in 1952 .to
give pledges the. opportunity to
Communication in a school as
large as Michigan is of extreme
importance, and becomes doubly
so within an organization as large
as the Michigan fraternity system.
The "Michigan Fraternities Re-
port," published four times each
semester in conjunction with the
Alumni Interfraternity Conferenc;,
serves as pipeline.
Each December, the patter of
little feet and the "run-down"
look worn by many of the brothers
heralds, not an especially wild
-weekend, but the arrival of the
IFC-sponsored Christmas party
for Ann Arbor's primary school
undergrads. This tradition, prol?-
ably more than any other, has en-
deared itself to the University's
next door neighbors.
Serenade A Tradition

-Daily-Harding Williams

i I

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