Alumnus Dewey Dredges
Depths of Partisanship
(See Page 4)
Sw iga
Latest Deadline in the State
Janowitz Defends Stevenson
On End-Draft Suggestions
Calls- Recent
Predicts Conscription
Will End by 1961
Prof. Morris Janowitz of the
; sociology department yesterday de-
fended Adlai Stevenson's recent
statements on a possible end to
the military. draft.
Answering questions from an
audience of more than 100 at a
Students for Stevenson meeting,
the Democratic candidate for the
Michigan House of Representatives
declared that Stevenson was "sin-
cere" and "was not trying to sell
a cheap package"
America's armed forces are un-
dergoing "a transformation in the
uses of manpower," Prof. Janowitz
commented, and he predicted that
within five years the draft would
be brought to an end.
'Short-Service Reserve'
He offered his personal opinion
that "gradual changes to a short-
service local' reserve and a profes-
sional overseas army" would some-
day permit abolition of the draft
"without cutting down our over-
seas committments."
In presenting the Democratic
case before the semester's organi-
zational meeting of the club, Prof.
Janowitz described farm price
parity as primarily a "moral issue"
and only secondarily an economic
one. He expressed the belief gov-
ernment should take steps to pro-
tect farmers who had contributed
to the war ,effort by greatly in-
creasing production and now face
lower prices.
' Use Farm Surpluses'
He said the nation should "make
use of our farm surpluses in a
meaningful way."
Prof, Janowitz described the
Suez crisis as "perhaps aa deeply.
Frat Life'
Talk Given
Trials Begin
In Poland
For Rioters
Protests of Innocence
Issued by Defendants
POZNAN, Poland (tA')- Commu-
nist Poland opened trials of the
bread-and-freedom rioters yester-
day. There were defiant protests
of innocence from defendants and
an official admission that force
had been used to extract confes-
Police Prosecutor Alphons Leh-
mann made the admission just be-
fore trials began for 54 of the 150
arrested after the Poznan work-
ers' uprising last June 28. He said
the use of force has been stopped
and the guilty Polish officials
have been punished.
Ten Day Trials
The 150 defendants are charged
with criminal acts in the rebellion.
Major accusations affected the
group of 54, whose trials are ex-
pected to take ten days.
Two simultaneous h e a r in g a
launched the trials.
In one courtroom, three tough-
looking shabbily dressed Polish'
youths pleaded innocent to a
charge that they killed a secret
police corporal.
They admitted hitting the cor-
poral but denied they killed him.
They entered their pleas defiantly.
Nine Plead Guilty
In the other hearing, nine 'de-
fendants pleaded guilty to some
charges of storming government
offices and shooting down soldiers
and police but protested they were
innocent of other acusations.
There was nothing in the de-
meanor of the defendants to sug-
that marked Communist area
gest the abject self-accusation
purge trials in the Stalin era.
Council Elects
The Engineering Council yester-
day elected officers for the fall
New president of the Council is
Brian Moriarity, '57E, with Don
Patterson, '57E, serving as vice-
president and Norman Hozak, '58E,
In addition to the elections, the
Engineering C o u n c i l discussed
plans for the annual Slide Rule
Ball and the Engineering Open
World News
By Te Associated Press
DAMASCUS, Syria ()-Syria's
army is on the alert and ready
to aid Jordan against any further
Israeli attacks, Damascus news-
papers reported yesterday.
The Syrian army chief of staff,
General Tewfik Mizameddin, met
in urgent conference during the
day with officers of the joint Sy-
rian-Egyptian command and the
Jordania. military attache.
In Baghdad, an Iraqui govern-
ment spokesman said military ex-
perts of Iraq and Jordan are
meeting in Amman, Jordan's cap-
ital, to plan joint action against
any repetition of Israel's mid-
weekattacks in which 38dJordan
soldiers were killed and nine
PARIS WP-British and French
spokesmen reiterated yesterday
their government's determination
to press for international control
of the Suez Canal while maintain-
ing a joint military buildup in
striking distance of Egypt.
TYLER, Tex. (P-The National
Association for the Advancement
of Colored People yesterday lost
an effort to have the United States
District Court hold in contempt
two Texarkana Junior College of-
The NAACP sought contempt of
court orders against Dr. H. W.
Stilwell, president of the college,
and Bill Williams, a member of
the school's Board of Trustees.
The suit contended that Stilwell
placed himself in contempt of the
court's order opening the all-white
school to Negroes by making a
pro-segregation statement.
* * *
WASHINGTON (-) - The Bell
X2 rocket plane, which has es-
tablished both speed and altitude
records crashed yesterday killing
the pilot.
The Air Force announced the
crash occurred at Edwards Air
Force Base, Calif.
The Air Force withheld identi-
fication of the pilot pending noti-
fication of next of kin. The an-
nouncement said this was the first
flight this pilot had made in the
The experimental plane, de-
signed for study of high altitude
flight and the effect of heat pro-
duced by air friction, had chalked'
up an altitude record- of 126,000
feet and a speed record of ap-
proximately 1,900 miles an hour.
Tito Rejoins Soviet's
Party Chief on Sudden
Moscow 'Vacation' Trip
Ike Speeds Campaign;
Adlai Hits GOP 'Circus'
-Daily-Harding Williams
JANOWITZ SPEAKS-Prof. Morris Janowitz of the sociology
department, candidate for the Michigan House of Representatives,
as he addressed a Students for Stevenson meeting last night.
fundamental as the Korean War
and the Berlin blockade," and
chided the Eisenhower Admiinstra-
tion for "four years of brinksman-
The Republican party had learn-
ed much in the past generation, the
sociologist declared, and the Dem-
ocratic party should learn to "free
itself from fighting Hooverism."
However, he did claim "subsis-
tence income levels and depressed
areas"--including Detroit-consti-
tuted "pockets of poverty" stand-
ing in the way of the nation's "eco-
nomic progress."
Mrs. Albert Marckwardt of the
Ann Arbor Democratic party
stressed the importance of precinct
work in winning elections, and ap-1
proximately 50 students at the
meeting signed up to help canvass
for the party.
Discussing other Students for;
Stevenson activities during the fall
campaign, club President Dave
Marlin, '57L, mentioned future
panel discussions between profes-
sors, work at Democratic head-
quarters, a debate in cooperation
with the campus Young Democrats
against the Young Republicans,
and sponsorship of an outside
speaker of "national importance."
For Political
Opinion Opens.
Today will mark the first day of
interviewing in> the Daily's pre-
election sample of student political
Approximately 400 names have,
been drawn at random from the
files of the Student Directory, fol-
lowing scientific sampling methods.
. All answers will be treated con-
fidentially and no names of re-
spondants 'will appear in The
Daily. The poll can be successful
only if interviews are completed
with every student whose name
was drawn.
Eisenhower Intention:
'Fight Wholeheartedly'
WASHINGTON (AP) - President
Dwight D. Eisenhower, stepping
up his schedule of campaign
speeches, said yesterday he be-
lieved in fighting any battle whole-
heartedly-and with the thought
there is always "a chance to lose
He made the statement in turn-
ing aside a news conference ques-
tion as to whether he was getting
reports his re-election campaign
against Democratic Adlai Steven-
son "may be a closer race than
you anticipated."
"I have not anticipated any-
thing," President Eisenhower re-
plied with some force. "I believe
that when you are in any contest
you should work like there is-to
the very last minute-a chance to
lose it."
"This is battle, this is politics.
this is anything," he went on. "So
I just see no excuse, if you believe
anything enough, for not putting
your whole heart into it. It is what
I do."
Not Pessemistic
However.President Eisenhower
did not sound at all pessimistic.
Nor did the sum total of his re-
marks on the campaign sound as
though he were "running scared,"
despite his statement about the
possibility of losing.
President Eisenhower said he
had talked Wednesday night to his
hard-campaigning running mate,
Vice President Richard M. Nixon,
and Nixon "seemed to be highly
pleased with what he encountered."
As for the odds of his being re-
elected, President Eisenhower men-
tioned this indirectly in comment
on a statement by Dean Acheson,
secretary of state in the Truman
administration, that the Eisen-
hower administration "seemed to
be playing Russian roulette with
an atomic pistol."
Rather tartly, President Eisen-
hower said:
"If this campaign were going
to be settled on the basis of mis-
leading wisecracks, why, I would
think the betting would be very
considerably different than it
would be if it is settled just on
facts and on the record."
Stevenson Compares
Ike's Rule To 'Rome'
ST. LOUIS (A')-Adlai Stevenson
compared the Republican cam-
paign last night with the "Bread
and circuses" which the Roman
emperors used to keep the people
contented. He predicted the Re-
publicans won't be any, more suc-
cessful than the Romans were.
The Democratic presidential
nominee flew here to deliver an-
other "give 'em hell speech" after
telling a crowd at Kansas City,
Kan., earlier in the day that the
Democrats favor taking the coun-
try away from General Motors and
"turning it back to Joe Smith."
Stevenson said the Republicans
are trying "with movies, jeeps,
girls and gadgets of all kinds" to
sell the Eisenhower-Nixon ticket
again "to a docile, complacent
carefree people, all happily chant-
ing: 'Peace, prosperity and pro-
gress, ain't it wonderfull!"
Ride in Motorcade
Stevenson's speech was prepared
for delivery a.t the Missouri
Theater here, after the candidate
rode in a motorcade through the
Mid-America Jubilee grounds at
the riverfront on the way from
the airport to his hotel.
"You remember," S t e v e n so n
said, "how the Roman emperors
in their declining years tried to
keep the uneasy populace satisfied
and their minds off their troubles
with food and games, gladiatorial
-combat and spectacles.
Didn't Save Rome
. . Well, 'bread and circuses'
didn't save Rome, and it won't,
save the Republicans either!"
In probably the sharpest attackl
he has yet delivered against the
Eisenhower regime, Stevenson said
-quoting a remark he attributed
to a neorganizer of the Republican
National Convention-the opposi-
tion party seems to think of poli-
tics "as moving closer to show
"It certainly is, as they present
it,-balloons, not arguments, the
chorus line, not the political is-
"Don't think, just feel -- feel
its all fine and the product is
splendid. Pour out the money peri-I
od. Forget that mushroom cloud.j
Don't mention Suez. The worldj
stops at the waterfront."
Implies Red
Khrushchev Returns
From Yugoslav Stay
BELGRADE, Yugoslavia (A')-
President Tito surprised Western
capitals yesterday by flying to the
Soviet Union with Soviet Commu-
nist party leader Nikita Khrush-
The trip was officially described
as a vacation. There was a wide-
spread belief the real purpose was
to continue talks on the future
role that Yugoslavia will play in
relations with other East Europe-
an Communist parties.
Khrushchev arrived unexpected-
ly in Belgrade Sept. 19 on a visit
Ialso described as a vacation. Tito
and the Russian leader spent
several days talking privately. The
main subject was generally be-
lieved to be Tito's independent
brand of communism.
Indication of Inconclusion
The fact Tito returned to Russia
with Khrushchev was taken as an
indication their eight-day talks at
Belgrade were not conclusive.
There was speculation the conver-
sations had reached a.point where
the Russian needed to consult his
Kremlin colleagues.
The official Yugoslav news
agency Tanjug, reporting the Tito-
Khrushchev party left on a special
Soviet plane, said the party will
spend several days resting.
The Soviet news agency Tass
reported in Moscow that Tito and
Khrushchev arrived Thursday
night on the Black Sea coast.
Soviet Premier Nikolai Bulganin
and Foreign Minister Dmitri Shep-
ilov have been vacationing for sev-
eral days at Sochi, a Black Sea
resort town.
Band Opens
New Season
161 Strong
The University of Michigan
Marching Band will open its 1956
season Saturday with a preview of
the- football teams featured on
Michigan's 1956 football schedule.
The 161 member organization
will form a giganticfootball player
and play "Sing UCLA" in honor of
Michigan's first opponent of the
Also to be honored in the half-
time show will be the MSU Spart-
ans. Their salute from Michigan
will be the Michigan State Fight
Song. "Strains of On Brave Old
Army Team," "Go U Northwest-
ern," "Iowa Corn Song" and "Illi-
nois Loyalty Fight Song" also will
echo through the Stadium.
The Band will conclude its half-
time show with its latest dance
routine, "Five Foot Two."
When the 161 member organi-
zation takes the field it will be
accompanied by ten guidon pen-
nant bearers, a color guard, three
baton twirlers, and the drum maj-
or, Champ Patton, '57.
The band, which is conducted by
William D. Revelli, will offer an
inovation in its pre-game routine.
Working in cooperation with the
cheerleading squad it will present
a giant MI-CH yell. It will, then
present 'Mr. Touchdown USA."
Also to be included in the pre-
game preliminaries will be "The
Victors," Varsity" and The Star-
Spangled Banner." For these num-
bers the band will be conducted by
George Cavender, the Assistant
Conductor of Bands at the Uni-
The University Marching Band
has been featured several times in
nationally known magazines and
has been the subject of a movie
short shown throughout the world.
The group has been called the
"All American Band" by the na-
tions sportswriters.
Former Michigan All-American MED CONFEREN(
Al Wistert told about 1,000 frater-
nity rushees "What a Fraternity
Is" at a mass meeting at the Union
last night. Dr. Fra
Wistert, quoting from a minis-
ter's sermon, amplified the talk
with his own ideas on the value of By DEBORA WEISSTEIN
Tim Leedy, '57, Interfraternity "The Salk Polio Vaccine is safe,
Council President, gave prospective potent and effective," said Dr.
rushees some advice. Thomas Francis Jr. at the Sixth
He recommended they keep up Triennial Medical Alumni Confer-
on their studies during rushing ence here yesterday.
and reminded them of the import- Dr. Francis of the University
ance of remaining objective during School of Public Health told more
visits from house to house. than 400 doctors attending the
The IFC president also made conference that accumulated evi-
clear no one is obligated to join a dence has already begun to show
fraternity, even though he had the vaccine's, effectiveness.
rushed. He attributed the splurge of
Delta Tau Delta fraternity, win- polio cases in the spring of 1955
ner of last spring's IFC sing,. enter- to active viruses in the vaccine.
tained with some songs. The study of cases during the next
year indicated infection due to
the vaccine had not continued and
.E.-E H ead1;subsequent batches of vaccine were
subject to rigid testing and super-
neis Praises
Gives Dorm
Study Plans
Establishment of a student com-
mittee to study methods of dor-
mitory finance is scheduled for
the first meeting of the Board of
Governors of the Residence Halls.
Inter-House Council president
Robert Warrick, '57E, told a meet-
ing of the group last night this
is what he has learned from ad-
ministration officials.
The committee was promised
last spring by the Board when
room and board rates were raised
$20 per year.
The announcement came at a
special meeting of the IHC called
to consider the resignation of a
cabinet member and projects for
the year.
Refers to Report
Dr. Francis referred to a recent
Michigan polio report which re-
vealed "as of Sept. 21, of all the
113 polio cases in Michigan in
1956 diagnosed as paralytic, not
one case has been reported among
those children who had previously
received three shots of Salk Vac-
The question of vaccine effec-
tiveness in children under six has
also been answered in the affirma-
tive. It was found there was a
sharp rise in active antibodies in
innoculated infants and pre-school
Evidence from 1955 gathered
in 17 states and New York City
showed the incidence of paralytic
polio is four to five times greater
in non-innoculated persons. In the
instances where a vaccinated per-
son has contracted the disease the
ensuing paralysis has been less
'Women Cheerleaders'
Supp orters Losing Fight
to bring women on the football
The threat to the all-male com- field to lead cheers. Bunny Lifshey,
position of the University cheer- '58, circulated a petition last spring
leading squad by invasion of the among residents of Alice Lloyd
fairer sex seems to have been Hall and obtained over 100 signa-
squelched before starting. tures in favor of the feminine
Newt Loken, general manager cheerleaders.
of the cheering squad, explained Bring Out Spirit
"traditionally, Michigan has al-
ways had an all-male cheerleading Miss Lifshey exclaimed, "Girl
team. cheerleaders would bring out the
"With this in mind," he contin- spirit in this school.
ued, "I have felt the male squad Dean of Women Deborah Bacon
was a reflection of the desires of pointed out those having the most
the majority , of the University important say in the matter were
family, including students, staff Athletic Director H. 0. "Fritz"
and alumni." Crisler and University alumni.
Loken also pointed to the dif- Crisler was unable to be reached
ficulty of obtaining a new budget for comment.
to finance additions to the squad, Dean Bacon continued "my posi-
the cost of uniforms and the need tion on the subject has not
for another practice building for changed since last spring" when
the women. she stood "neutral against it."
Girls Would Not Boost Cheers She explained "Every year we
When questioned about the get two or three energetic girls
seeming lack of enthusiasm and wanting this, though they're not
cheering in the Stadium on Sat- the people who could be considered
urday afternoons, Loken explained campus leaders or scholars."
the cheerleading squad is only a "No Need for Girls"
small part of the generation of A member of the cheer-leading
He emphasized a change in the squad who preferred not to be
make-up of the squad would not named explained "there is no need
improve the quality or quantity of o girl cheerleaders on the squad,
student cheering. i we have felt no dissatisfaction
"SAFE, POTENT AND EFFECTIVE"-The Salk Polio Vaccine has been found "safe, potent and.'
effective" towards combatting paralytic poliomyelitis. This scene is typical of clinics, schools and
hospitals all over the country where a program of innoculation has been in force to protect school
children from' the ravaging effects of polio. Information on the polio vaccine was brought up to date
here yesterday by Dr. Thomas Francis, Jr. at the Sixth Triennial Medical Alumni Conference.
"hard to judge their meaning con- program of vaccination had been medicine, described the laboratory
clusively." undertaken. work and conclusions resulting in
"However, the results from the There had been a good deal of the discovery of a new disease of