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September 26, 1956 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1956-09-26

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~jg I 1i au tig
Sixty-Sixth Year

"It's Terrible How The Big Money Guys Run Politics"

hen Opinions Are Free
Truth Will Prevail"

t E~

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

Dams To Supply
Irrigationt, Power'
Associated Press Writer
K ANAB, Utah - A big, sunblackened workman stopped his bulldozer
and, stepping into an inch of dust, walked to a nearby water bag.
He filled a cup and drank deeply.
A pickup truck bounced up with two other workers aboard,
The ti'uck traveled along a newly graded road, throwing *up a
screen of dust. Half an hour later, it pulled into a trailer camp and
the tired men went to wash, eat and rest.

)AY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1956


Ann Arbor Can't Afford
To Lose Parke, Davis

ONDAY'S CITY COUNCIL meeting proved presenting a favorable deal to Parke, Davis was
two things: 1)some progress is being made heartening. Although worded somewhat weak-
oward getting Parke, Davis to locate on ly, the council's resolution says in effect that
orth Campus and 2) every time Mayor Brown it-wants Parke, Davis badly enough to pay for
pens his mouth he helps undermine "town them.
nd gown" relations. Economically it is worth the city's while to
Ann Arbor, the University and Parke, Davis get Parke, Davis at any price. A 10 million
ave been negotiating since last spring when dollar research laboratory represents steady tax
he giant pharmaceutical firm first indicated income of large proportion.
was interested in an Ann Arbor location.
Progress is presently slowed -by a dispute over THE CITY is hard put, financially. It has
ho should pick up the tab for developing the little room left for attracting large industry.
rea. Immediately at stake is the $900,000 Although it is well and good to negotiate
ater bill. the best deal possible, the city runs the risk of
The basic issue is simply that if the' city losing a large taxpayer if it procrastinates too
ants to attract large taxpayers to Ann Arbor long.
has to present attractive terms. And from Mayor Brown cast the only sour-note on a
11 the gnashing of teeth that accompanied constructive meeting. His question "Where is
ss of Hoover Ball and Bearing Co. as a tax- the University five years from today if Parke,
ayer last spring, it is clear the city needs large Davis or other similar companies don't go to
dustry. North Campus?" is too ludicrous to answer. He
might better have posed the question "Where
['E UNIVERSITY has indicated it is willing will Ann Arbor be financially five years =from
to pay Its pro rata share of the development today if . . .?"
s determined by engineering studies. It claimst
iese studies are not yet completed. And on his comment that the University
There is no moral obligation on the part of "needs" expansion and "don't they need these
arke, Davis, as there is with the -University, to. companies for expansion?" we would point out
ay any of the developing costs. -that the last thing the University "needs" is
It is a business proposition; if the package expansion and that it can expand admirably
acceptable Parke, Davis will take it, if not, without Parke, Davis.
won't. .-LEE MARKS
City Council recognition of the need for Daily City Editor
Repubilcan Drawbhack

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Ike Urged To Appoint Negro

ONE OF THE main drawbacks of today's
Republican Party is its lack of more liberal
leaders. Although President Dwight D. Eisen-
hower has done a good job of injecting new
blood into the party, many members of the
Old Guard still exist.
Kansas is a good example of an Old Guard
stranglehold. Two years ago Fred Hall won
the Kansas gubernatorial election by 15,000
votes. He lost in the state primary this year by
33,000 votes. Aided by a forceful speaking style,
enthusiastic, ambitious, and the personal liking
of President Eisenhower, Hall had all the
necessary qualities to reach greater heights on
the political scale. However, Hall is a liberal
Much of his support came from the state's
labor unions. He vetoed the "Right to Work
bill this spring because he said the bill "de-
stroyed the principle of collective bargaining."
The bill had already been approved *by 18
governors, 12 of them Democrats. - In so doing,
Hall earned the undying emnity of powerful
state conservatives, congratulations of Secre-
tary of- Labor James P. Mitchell, and admira-
tion of most labor leaders.
BECAUSE of his youth and other impressive
qualities, state leaders were grooming Hall
for a future vice presidential post. At least this
was their intention until he took office in
Hall had no intention of being pushed around
by the state's powerful Republican Old Guard
led by national committeeman Harry Darby.
He first fired Lloyd Gruppenthal who had
worked the hardest to win Hall the guberna-

torial election. Gene High, state building con-
tract and personnel commisisoner and another
Old Guard member, was next on his list. He
then antagonized party members by appointing
a Missouri liberal to the executive secretary
A noted Kansas turnpike authority said,
"Hall tried to run Kansas politics like the New
ork machine. No manscan think he is bigger
'than the party, crucify his friend, and expect to
win an election."
Hall explained, "I was just one of those who
followed President Eisenhower's principles and'
got rebuffed by the Old Guard."
Hall did get involved in a building contract
scandal and often antagonized the press who
disagreed with, his liberal policies. Everything
he did seemed to arouse resentmenthin the
N KANSAS one learns not to antagonize the
old Warby faction. Hall attempted to defy
this group with his liberal ideas and failed.
What will happen to the scrappy, outspoken,
40-year-old governor, nobody knows, not even
His colleagues still admit, "Fred had the
best potential of any man in the nation to win
a vice presidential nomination. He just was not
smart enough to know how to use it."
Nevertheless, the Republicans have lost a
promising member along with others who have
been rebuffed by the Old Guard. If the Re-
publicans can eliminate this faction of the
party, which they are slowly doing, they can
verify its recognition as a party which helps
both the rich and poor.

WASHINGTON - White House
advisers are giving serious
consideration to the appointment
of a Negro, Judge William Hastie
of the U.S. Court of Appeals in
Philadelphia, to the U.S. Supreme
Court. If the appointment is made
it would' be the first time in
history that a Negro was appointed
to the Supreme Court and might
well put Eisenhower on a plane
with Lincoln in the minds of the
Negro population.
The President has the Justice
Sherman Minton vacancy to fill as
the October court term opens.
Minton was appointed by Presi-
dent Truman.
It was Truman who also ap-
pointed Judgt Hastie to be the first
Negro ever to sit on the U.S. Court
of Appeals. His elevation to the
Supreme Court is being urged,
among others, by Judge William
Denman of the U.S. Court of Ap-
peals, 8th circuit in San Francisco.
Judge Denman, a Roosevelt Demo-
crat, recently wrote President
"NEVER HAS the criticism of
godless Russia been so bitter as
on this treatment of the Negro," he
said, referring to recent southern
opposition to school integration.
"The appointment of a Negro
Judge of outstanding judicial capa-
city more than anything else
would tend to mend our deteriorat-
ing power in world diplomacy."
White House advisers, who
naturally have a weather eye out
for political reactions, are not
unmindful of the fact that the big
city Negro vote is crucial in the
November election. Most of them
also believe privately that Ike has
lost the Solid South, thus has
nothing to lose by the appointment
of a Negro. It's even suggested
that in }the end, Southern Demo-
crats would fight and filibuster the
Hastie appointment so bitterly
that the Negro vote would be lost
to the Democratic party for years
to come.
Note-Judge Hastie was recom-
mended for his first government
job, District Attorney for the Vir-
gin Islands, by my father, who was
then Governor of the Virgin Is-
lands. Harold Ickes, then Secre-

tary of the Interior and in charge
of island territories, pushed the
But because of political opposi-
tion, Hastie was first given a job
in the Interior Department's legal
division, later went to the Virgin
Islands as U.S. attorney, became
a judge, and eventually governor-
the first Nergo governor in history.
Paradoxically, the people of the
Virgin Islands, 95 per cent Negro,
turned against Hastie, as they
have against many governors, and
he ended his term extremely un-
popular with his own people.
* * *
Philadelphia builder and friend
of the Kelly family of Monaco, is
nursing some interesting figures
regarding Democratic campaign
contributions. Actually he isn't
nursing them so much as he's
rubbing his eyes to make sure
they're true.
McCloskey has taken on the
thankless job of treasurer of the
Democratic National Committee,
and is trying to raise money from
little people. It's been tried be-
fore, but never successfully. Most
campaign money in the past has
come from big donors, on the Re-
publican side, and big dinners on
the Democratic side.
However, here are the figures
Matt McCloskey has been nursing:
In the 1948 campaign, four weeks
after Truman was " nominated,
there were only 139 Democratic
contributors. In the 1952 cam-
paign, four weeks after Stevenson
was nominated, there were 614
contributors. But this year, four
weeks after the nomination, there
are 13,177 contributors.
"MOST OF IT has come in
small bills," explains McCloskey,
"an average of between $6 and
$7 apiece. So we have a long way
to go before we even begin to
touch that $7,000,000 raised by Len
Hall at the Eisenhower dinners
last January, or the money the
Republicans have raised since.
"However, on Oct. 16, every
Democratic candidate from Adlai
and Estes down is going out to
ring doorbells and ask for dollars.
Those dollars from little people are

not going to put us in hock to the
lobbyists of Washington."
Note - McCloskey referred to
Senate contentions that gas-oil
money was pumped into the last
campaign so plentifully that some
senators were obligated to the gas-
oil men before they voted on the
natural gas bill. Oil tycoons Sid
Richardson and Clint Murchison,
not only pumped money into the
GOP campaign chest but picked
up the pre-convention hotel bills
for Ike's headquarters in New York
to the tune of several thousand
dollars. In the end, concern over
this oil-gas money prompted
Eisenhower to veto the gas bill.
HARRY TRUMAN faithfully
promised Jim Finnegan, Steven-.
son's campaign manager, not to
pop off between September and
November. Finnegan was a bit
naive. Who would ever expect an
ex-President to submit to political
censorship-especially Harry Tru-
man? .
The biggest purchase of North-
east Airlines stock just before the
CAB announced Northeast would
get the coveted New York-Miami
route, was made by Mrs. Gene
Troth. She suddenly bought in
4,000 shares a few hours before the
CAB announcement.
Mrs. Troth is the mother-in-law
of Robert Gwinn, President of the
Sunbeam Company, and a close
friend of Senator Dirksen of flli..
nois . .
Several big newspapers will cir-
cumvent the State Department's
ban on sending newsmen to Red
China and will use British corres-
pondents instead.
They resent Dulles' decision that
American newsmen can't write or
interpret the news behind the
bamboo curtain."
(Copyright 1956, by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
A road, for instance, is an un-
moving line laid down across the
landscape and taken for granted
. . . It seems such an ordinary
thing. And yet, a chain of events
can follow one another down a
road and influence your life be-
yond any power to measure.
-Saturday Review of Literature

Working men, bulldozers, desert
are the ingredients that are going
into making a dam in north cen-
tral Arizona.
THE DAM is Glen Canyon, the
key unit of the 760-million-dollar
Upper Colorado River project-the
largest reclamation authorization
ever granted by Congress in a
single piece of legislation,
Most of the work today is on
construction of access roads to the
dam site in rugged Arizona country
five miles south of the Utah bor-
der, It will be almost three years
before the first concrete is poured
for the dam itself.
A year ago the Glen Canyon
Gorge of the Colorado River was
accessible only by horseback. The
nearest highways were at Kanab,
68 miles to the northwest, and at
Bitter Springs, Ariz., 40 miles to
the south.
Today, crude roads - forerun-
ners of a major highway-reach
from Kanab and Bitter Springs
to the opposite edges of the 800-
foot deep gorge.
BOTH UTAH and Arizona have
thrown hundreds of men into the
work of road building in an effort
to complete by November q road
adequate to carry equipment and
material for a mammoth diversion
tunnel to be built near the dam
The diversion tunnel will be 2,-
600 feet long and 46 feet in diam-
eter cut out of solid rock at the
bottom of the gorge. It will take
more than a year to build. Then
huge coffer dams will be erected
above and below Glen Canyon be-
fore actual work can start on the
When concrete for the big dam
begins to pour, an estimated 4,000
will be employed at the site. Many
will bring their families and a town
of 8,000 or 9,000 persons will sprout
out of the desert near Glen Can-
When completed in about 10
years, Glen Canyon Dam will be
700 feet high and about 1,000 feet
It will be the second highest dam
in the United States. Hoover Dam
is higher.
The dam will create a lake 186
miles long and up to several miles
wide, most of it in Utah.
THE DAM'S main purpose will
be to provide irrigation water and
power for the West. This unit of
the Colorado River project especi-
ally will benefit aridlands, of
Utah and Arizona and will gener-
ate power for points as far away
as Los Angeles.
Glen Canyon is the biggest unit
of the Colorado River project. It
will cost an estimated 421 million
The entire project will take more
than 50 years to complete. Eventu-
ally it will supply badly needed ir-
rigation water for more than 366,-
000 acres of land and have an in-
stalled hydroelectric power capac-
ity of 1,100,000 kilowatts.
New Books at Library
March, William - A Wiiam
Omnibus - with introduction by
Alistair5Cooke; N. Y., Rinehart &
Co., 1956.
Payne, Robert-A House of Pek-
ing; N. Y., Doubleday, 1956.
Rossiter, Clinton - The Ameri-
can Presidency; N. Y., Brace, 1956.
Salter, Cedric - Introducing
Spain; N. Y., Sloane, 1956.
Shaw, Felicity-The Happy Ex-
iles; N. Y., Harper, 1956.
Thorpe,. Margaret - Neilson of
Smith; N. Y., Oxford Univ. Press,
Wight, Frederick S. - Morris
Graves; Berkeley & Los Angelos,
University of California Press,

heat, trailer camps and dust-these
The Daily Official Bulletin is an of-
fictal publication of the University of
Michigan for which the Michigan Daily
assumes no editorial responsibility. No-
tices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN
form to Room 3553 Administration
Building before 2 p.m. the day preced-
ing publication.
General Notices
Agenda, Student Government Coun-
coi, Michigan Union, Sept. 26, 1958. Mn-
utes of meeting of Sept. 19, 1956. Offi-
cers' report: President, Interim action
Sept. 26 Young Republican Club, Rally,
Gaov. Dewey, Hill. Sept. 29 Assembly As-
soc., I-Hop, 9-1, League.
vice President, Appointments: Council,
Board in Review.
Treasurer, Finance.
Committee reports: WUS Conference,
Air Charter.
Coordinating and Counselling, Campus
Activities: Oct. 9, International Stu-
dent Association, debate on Sue Canal
-7:30 p.m., Arch. Aud. - Consul for
United Kingdom, French Consul, Cul-
tural Attache, Egyptian Embassy. Oct.
5, Wolverine Club, Pep Rally, Ferry
Field 7 p.m.
Old Business, United Nations Week-
co-sponsorship - Oct. 21-26.
New Business, Members and consti-
tuents time. Adjournment.
NEXT MEETING, Oct. 3, 1956-Union.
Enrollment in the University carries
with it obligations in regard to con-
duct, not only inside but also outside
the classroom, and students are ex-
pected to conduct themselves in such
a manner as to be a credit both, to
themselves and to the University. They
are amenable to the laws governing the
community as well -as to the ules and
orders of the University and University
officials, and they are expected to ob-
serve the standards of conduct approved
by the University.
whenever a student, group of stu.
dents, society, fraternity, or other stu-
dent organization fals to observe eith-
er the general standards of conduct as.
adopted by the proper University auth-
orities, or conducts himself or itself
in such a manner as to make'it'p-
parent that he or it Is not a desirable
member or part of the University, he
or it shall be liable to disciplinary ac-
tion by the proper University authori-
ties. (Regents' Bylaws, See. 8:03) Speci-
fic rules of conduct which must be ob-
served are:
Women Guests in Men's Residences,
The presence of women guests in men's
residences, except for exchange and
guest dinners or for social events or
during calling hours approved by the
Office of Student Affairs, is not per-
mitted. This regulation does not apply
to mothers of. residents. (Committee
on student Conduct, January 28,1947.)
Exchange and guest dinners. Exchange
dinners are defined as meals in men's
residences or women's residences at-
tended by representative groups of the
other sex. Guest dinners are defined as
meals in men's residences and wo-
men's residences attended by guests
who may or may not belong to Univer-
sity organizations. Exchange and guest
dinners may be held in organized stu-
dent residences between 5:30 and 8
p.m. for week-day dinners and between
1 p.m. and 3 P.m. for Sunday dinners.
(Comittee on Student Conduct, Janu-
ary 28, 1947) While guest chaperons
are not required, groups without resi-
dent house directors must announce
these events to the Office of Student
Affairs at ,least one day in advance
of the scheduled date.)
.Calling Hours for Women in Men's
Residences. Women guests are permitted
in men's residences only during ap-
proved social events, exchange or guest
dinners, or during calling hours which
shall conform to the following regula-
1. Women may call at University
Men's Residence Halls daily, between 3
p.m. and 10:30 p.m. This privilege is
granted because of the presence of the
Associate Adviser.
2. Women.may call at fraternities
having approved resident house dire-
tars on Friday from p.m. to 12 p.m.;
on Saturday from 2:30 to 5:30 p.m.

and from 8 p.m. to 12 p.m.; and on
Sunday from 1 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. It. is
expected that the resident house direc-
tor will be present during these hours
This privilege applies only to casual
calls and not to planned parties, which
must be submitted for approval to the
Office of Student Affairs. (This privi-
lege does not apply to a fraternity op-
erating as a rooming house.)
3. Women callers in men's residences
will be.restricted to the main floor of
the residence.
Calling hours for Men in Women's
Residences. Calling hours for men in
women's residences begin at 1:00 p.m.
Monday through Friday, and on Sat-
urday and Sunday as decided by the in-
dividual houses. Guesti must leave
women's residences at 10:25 p.m. Mon-
day through Thursday, 12:25 a.m. on
Friday and Staurday, and 10:55 p.m. on
Intoxicating Beverages. The use of
presence of intoxicating beverages in
student quarters is not permitted.
(Committee on Student Conduct, July
2, 1947.) See Appendix for Michigan





Communist .pressure on UN'

Associated Press News Analyst
UNITED STATES expects another strong
effort by the Communist bloc to install Red
China in the Unitd Nations this fall, is deter-
mined to block the effort, and confident of the
ability to do so.
By the same token, Washington displays no
sign of slackening restrictions on trade with the
3j dAitigan kiStf
Editorial Staff

- Editorial Director

Managing Editor
City Editor

Peiping regime and continues its representa-
tion that other pro-Western countries should
do the same.
The importance of UN membership in the
Far East is attested by a few words, uttered by
a spokesman for the Southeast Asian state of
Laos in connection with this week's visit by
that country's crown prince to Washington.
DISCUSSING the Laotian. government's re-
cent victory in negotiations with Communist
led forces which had held part of the country
during and since the Indochina war, the spokes-
man said the Communists had been very tough.
"But as time goes by we have become stronger
and we have been admitted to the UN. So
they are becoming frightened and agreed to
That is a testimonial of the effect of public
opinion as represented by UN approval on the
internal affairs of a small, shaky country.
Red China, by her efforts to enter the UN,
testifies that it can also be extremely import-
ant to a large, shaky country.
With UN membership, the Reds could go
about in Asia claiming the support of the world
for their program. The tag of aggressor placed
upon Peiping because of the Korean War
would be removed.
THAT CANNOT be allowed to happen, the
United States contends, until the Reds re-
lease Western political prisoners, particularly
Americans .na until thv eTleanse themselves

Mangled Masters More Appalling Than Presley

GAIL GOLDSTEIN . ....... Personnel Director
ERNEST THEODOSSIN ............ Magazine Editor
JANET REARICK ...... Associate Editorial Director
MARY ANN THOMAS ............ Features Editor
DAVID GREY ...................... Sports Editor
RICHARD CRAMER........ Associate Sports Editor
STEPHEN HEILPERN ........ Associate Sports Editor
VIRGINIA ROBERTSON ...... ......Women's Editor
JANE FOWLER ............ Associate Women's Editor
ARLINE LEWIS,............ Women's Feature Editor
VERNON SODEN .............,Chief Photographer
Business Staff
DAVID SILVER, Business Manager
MILTON GOLDSTEIN .... Associate Business Manager
WILLIAM PUSCH.............Advertising Manager
CHARLES WILSON.......:........Finance Manager
PATRICIA LAMBERIS .......... Accounts Manager

RECEITLY, two trends have be-
come evident in the musical
tastes of the so-called American
public, but only one of those has
been sufficiently deplored by the
music critics.
This is, of course, the group led
on by bad boy of music Elvis
Presley, a free-loading singer
whose expressive voice is a source
of dreadful delight to the high-
school set.
Presley, well-known hustler for
a newly rediscovered variety of
music known only as "Rock and
Roll," has been criticized by a
number of significant writers who
variously hope he will "just go

and there, it has been banned from
Army bases, school dances, fra-
ternity meetings and outings be-
cause of the occasional riots which
ensue after the rhythms of this
wild music have worked sufficient-
ly upon the untrained emotions of
the mob.
It has been claimed by some;
that the riots have approached the
intensity reached during the first
performance of "The Rite of
Spring" in Paris, in 1913, when
several critics were led off to
jail for hurling chairs at the
* * *
WHAT IS most curious to note,
'-hnweuait,. ha. whi ne n,.a , n nA

This misbegotten music has
achieved a position of some stand-
ing with the inclusion this year, in.
the Extra Concert Series, at Hill
Auditorium, of Mantovani and his
Musical Mineral Oil. The mere
fact that this organization of cat-
gut scrapers and slush pumpers
will sit in the same hall which
once held Rachmaninoff and
Koussevitzky is mildly appalling;
but even more unsettling is the
public demand which is evidently
responsible for this outrage.
* *. *
The rise of Mantovani and his
partners in crime can be directly
traced to the rise of "high-fidel-
ity." a fad which has thrust an


The virtues of either group are
not immediately apparent, al-
though it appears that our sympa-
thies are more deserved, by the
high school gang, which, after all,
has not yet been exposed to Music
Lit 41.
* * *
IN SPITE of his recent surge
of popularity, culminating in the
Concert Series job, Mantovani can
hardly be called the innovator of
musical corn syrup. That honor
must go to Andre Kostelanetz,
who, in spite of whatever abilities
he may have as a serious conduc-
tor, has, chosen to produce a rea-
sonably steady stream of "Operas
Without Words," to name only one
n 'hi-. miminnl nerversinnc_.


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