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September 28, 1955 - Image 5

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Michigan Daily, 1955-09-28

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TEBMER 28, loss



Union To Give Golden Rule Ball

Annua Dance
Will Present
Red Johnson
University and Michigan State
students will shed the tradition-
al rivalry for a few hours as they
attend the Union-sponsored Gol-
den Rule Ball to be held from 9
p.m. to 1 a.m. Saturday in the
Rainbow Ballroom of the Union.
Mirst all-campus dance of this
semester, the affair takes place
each year after the Michigan-
Michigan State game. It is held
at Ann Arbor or East Lansing de-
pending upon where the game
was played.
Red Johnson and his orches-
tra, a dine-piece band with vocal-
st, will be on hand to provide the
Unique Atmosphere
Couples will dance in a unique
atmosphere of golden rulers, col-
ored lights and gay crepe paper.
A large football will hang from
the ceiling directly in front of the
M The dance is not formal.
Dressy dresses will be acceptable
attire for coeds and suits for
their dates.
granted to all women students
Late permission has been grant-
ed to all women students until
1:30 a.m. for the Golden Rule
Golden Rule Policy
Co-sponsored by the Unions of
both Michigan State and the Uni-
versity, the dance is based on a
policy of "Do unto others as you
would have others do unto you.
Programs will be given to each
kcouple with a miniature golden
rule on the cover, patterned after
the larger golden rules decorating
the Union Ballroom.
Union officials remarked that
the dance is intended to promote
good feeling between the two uni-
Sixth Year
This is the sixth consecutive
year that the Golden Rule Ball
has been staged. When the joint
dance was originally planned
skeptics doubted whether a peace-
ful atmosphere could prevail after
the, battle on the football field.
However, in past years, only
friendship has reigned on the
dance floor.
Tickets for the dance may be
purchased immediately before and
during the dance at the entrance.
George Heinrich, chairman of
Union Dance Committee, Tony
Trittipo, Al Winklestein and Don
Seltz are the Union officials re-
sponsiblefor the production of
the affair.
a Diy Tryouts
There will be a meeting for
all women interested in work-
ing on the Women's Staff of
The Daily at 4:15 p.m. today
and 7:15 p.m. tomorrow at the
Student Publications Building
on Maynard Street.

"DO UNTO OTHERS" - Don Seltz, chairman of Golden Rule
Ball, and George Henrich, Union dance chairman, prepare to
raise the large football which will hang from the ceiling at the
dance. Golden Rule Ball will be held from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m.
Saturday in the Union Ballroom. The dance is a tradition after
the Michigan-Michigan State game.
WAA Modern Dance Club
Plans Organization Meeting

Many Places
For Studying
Now Open
Study Halls Available
In College Buildings,
At Union, Lane Hall
Freshmen entering the Univer-
sity will be very pleasantly sur-t
prised to find so many interesting
and modern places for studying.
Anything from small homey
lounges to large rooms of modern
design can be found.
Rooms in the Union, League
and Lane Hall are available in
addition 'to the General Library
and many divisional libraries and;
study halls.;
The League offers a place fora
women to study with their dates
in the third floor hall and in the
Henderson Room on the same
floor. The atmosphere is informal,
with comfortable chairs, couches
and tables. Smoking is also per-;
mitted in this room.
Open to women only is the
League Library on the third floor.
This room is also arranged infor-
mally and offers a chance for co-
eds concentrating on their books.
For breaks between studying,
the League has coke and soft
drink machines as well as the
Round-Up room in the basement.
There is also a television set
Union Study Hall
The Union offers a study hall
for men and their dates. Two
rooms are equipped with tables
and chairs, and coke machines
and telephones are nearby. Smok-
ing is allowed in the hall.
Lane Hall is equipped with a li-
brary which has regular hours dur-
ing the semester. The room is fur-
nished with' tables, comfortable
chairs, couches and has a fire-
A branch of the General Li-
brary, it has a large number of
books, basically religious refer-
ence books. There are also many
periodicals and magazines along
religious and human relation
Divisional Libraries
The General Library and its di-
visional libraries have sources for
specialized fields. These are locat-
ed in the individual college build-
ings such as education, natural
resources, fine arts, music and en-
gin eering.
One of the most modern of
campus study facilities is in the
Business Adfhinistration Building.
A large number of periodicals are
kept there.

Coeds' Engagements Announced by Parents
The engagement of Renee Sil-
verman to Morry H. Martin, son
of Mor. and Mrs. Nathan Martin
of Pittsburgh. Pa., was announced 2
by her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
William H. Silverman of Midland,
Miss Silverman, a junior, is a
drama major in the literary col-
The couple plans to have a win-
ter wedding in Pittsburgh.
. . . . . .
Judith Marks' engagement to
Harvey Victor Ring, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Irving Ring of Flint was
announced by her mother, Mrs.
Ralph Marks of Akron, 0.
Miss Marks is a junior in theY...
Mr. Ring, a senior, is a pre-
dental student. Miss Micou and Mr. Este
The couple plan to be married Ben jamin-Stober Miss Micou is a graduate of were active in the Gilbert
at Beth El Synagogue in Akron, Kingswood School. She 'has com- Sullivan Society while at the t
June 24, 1956. Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Benjamin pleted her sophomore year at the versity.
,k . of Forest Hill, N. Y. announce the TT.,r....... .u . + v.r. i.-_ A winter wAdding i s1anne

Students interested in joining
the co-recreational modern dance
club may attend the organizational
meeting to be held at 7:30 p.m.
tomorrow in the dance studio at
Barbour Gymnasium.
A lesson has been planned for
this meeting and students at-
Dixieland Music
Wi ll Be Featured
At 1st Little Club
Little Club will be open for the
first time this semester from 9
p.m. to midnight Friday in the
North Lounge on the first floor of
the Union.
Paul Brody and his orchestra
will furnish music for dancing and
listening again this year. Both
Dixieland and quiet dance music
will be featured. Unusual musical
effects will be presented by a
vibraphone, a recent addition to
the aggregation.
A 30 minute program of enter-
tainment will be presented during
. The traditional decorations of
red and white checked tablecloths
and candles will be present again
this year.
According to Don Seltz, Little
Club chairman, the affair will be
held on the Friday nights of Oct.
7, 14 and 21; Nov. 4; Dec. 2 and
Jan. 6.

tending are asked to come pre-
pared to dance. The proper attire
for women will be either leotards
or shorts and blouse while men
are asked to wear khakis and
Another organizational meeting
for those unable to attend tomor-
row has been planned for 7:30
p.m. Thursday, Oct. 13, at the
Barbour Gymnasium dance studio.
Everyone Welcome
Anyone on campus, whether ex-
perienced in modern dancing or
just interested in learning, may
join this WAA club.
Freshmen and men students are
especially invited to attend.
Club members are instructed in
techniques and composition in the
medium of modern dance, in addi-
tion to taking part in many activi-
ties of the group.
Christmas Concert
The club presents a Christmas
Concert early in December each
year. Students are needed to work
on staging, costuming, scenery,
lighting and make-up.
In addition to this program a
spring concert is also planned.
In the past the club has pre-
sented an exchange program with
the modern dance group at Michi-
gan State University.
Last yead dancers from the club
presented a television production,
"The Juggler" in conjunction with
the department of speech.

Approximately 60 women stu-
dents from abroad and their
"American Friends," after cor-
responding during the summer,
have met for the first time for
coffee and cokes during Orienta-
tion Week.
The Women's League is obtain-
ing the names and the Ann Arbor
addresses of the foreign students.
Coeds who volunteered last semes-
ter to participate in the American
Friends program who have not
received the name or address of
a student will receive them soon.
During the summer, upon re-
ceiving a name and address, coeds
were to write to their friends
from abroad explaining the activi-
ties, clothing and supplies they
would need, and life in general
at the University. In all cases
possible, correspondences were
carried on.
The American coed is to keep in
direct contact with her student
from abroad throughout the en-
tire school year. Coeds have plan-
ned to help their friends to go
shopping for clothes and books,
and also niclude them in activities
which they participate in with
other American students.

Campus Literary Magazine
Thurs., Sept. 29, 5 p.m., Student Publications Bldg.
No experience necessary to join the editorial and business
staffs of Generation. All interested students invited.

Women's Judiciary - There will
be a meeting for all members of;
Women's Judiciary at 3:30 p.m.
tomorrow in the League.
Homecoming Mass Meeting -
There will be a mass meeting for
all those interested in helping
wtih Homecoming at 4 p.m. to-
morrow in the Vandenberg Rm.
of the Women's League.
Anyone may attend this meet-
ing, and sign up for the various
Homecoming committees.
Tennis Club - Coeds interested
in joining the Women's Athletic
Association Tennis Club will meet
at 5:10 p.m. tomorrow in the small
lounge of the Women's Athletic
Building, and not at 7 p.m. as
previously scheduled.
League Petitioning- League fall
fill in positions will be announced
soon, however sophomore, junior,
senior women including transfers,
interested in petitioning may go
to the League Undergraduate Offi-
ces and talk to members of the
Interviewing and Nominating
Committee about possible open-

The International Committee of
the League directs this program
which is headed by Mary Slaw-
son. Other members of the com-
mittee include Judy Jennis, Ursula
Gebhard, Nancy Mac Donald,
Elaine Borkowski, Andrea Snyder,
and Jean Scruggs.






SEPTEMBER 27 and 28
3 o'clock to 5 o'clock P.M.

All Freshmen and Unnerelassmen







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