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September 28, 1955 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1955-09-28

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Sixty-Sixth Year

"Somebody's Changed The Course Of This Stream Too" BOOK REVIEW:
i? x
'~ A ~V ~ ~'~JHlooer

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only. This must be noted in all repints.
A Look At Freshman Rushing
From Both Sides
o hy Nrushee is the most important. For it is he, and
Pro. Why Not he alone, who has the power to decide a matter
Take Advantage? which is to affect his stay at the University
for the remainder of his undergraduate days.
o RUSH or not to rush - that is the THE CONSEQUENCES of two weeks of hand-
problem. shaking and social get-togethers are often
A crude paraphrase of the Bard, we admit, had to overcome by the new student. Neglect
but uppermost in the minds of most freshmen. of studies for even this short period of time
Sorority rushing is already underway and has much greater impact upon the first semes-
fraternities start in less than a week. ter freshman than upon those students who
We would advise freshmen, whether they have already become adjusted to the great
intend to join now, later or never, to rush. Too changeover from high school to college life.
often, students try to decide whether or not to Rushing, undeniably, is a good thing, but
rush in terms of whether or not they want to only after the student has had time to become
pledge. conscious of his main responsibility at the
Rushing does not involve an obligation to University.
join a fraternity or sorority. It gives the First semester rushing also works to the
fraternal groups and the freshmen a chance todisadvantage of the quadrangle house of which
mutually look at one another. the rushee is a member. The new student who
STUDENTS WHO feel fraternal living is not has developed contacts in a fraternity will
for them have little to lose by rushing. At necessarily show a decrease in spirited attitude
worst, only their time. Food is good, cigarettes toward his present house functions. With other
plentiful. interests the new freshman will not be able to
On the positive side, rushing gives the gain full benefit from his quad relationships.
freshmen a chance to meet people aind height-
ens perspective. The freshman who decides he IT'S THE OLD issue of divided loyalties. Not
does not want fraternities without ever having only will the house suffer, but the rushee
stepped foot in them is foolish. The choice is will not be able to say that he has truly seen
more enlightened if the chance to see the what independent life is like. He will be
fraternity system is taken advantage of. unable to make a fair comparison between
ANY STUDENTS who before arriving on fraternity and independent life.
M .jIt is not impossible, either, to see that
campus decided they would not oin have harmful effects can result to the fraternity
changed their mindsafter going through rush- from first semester freshman rushing. The
ang Itwortheothontereaypesoe two-week rushing period is in itself a rather
Many of the common stereotypes and evils short time in which to select future house
attributed to fraternities aren't true. Some are. memers whi edto thfrernity
They seldom resemble the Hiollywood and dmembers who willt.blendito the fraternity
and help strengthen it-.
rovel variety.
It's not overly time-consuming and it's BUT WHEN only little more than a week and
free. Why not take advantage of it? a half of campus life are added to this
-LEE MARKS period, it is only with more uncertainty that
the affiliates can properly choose their future
Con: Better Learn companions. How can evaluation of the rush-
Quad Life First ee's personality and interests be made?
He has not yet become fully interested in
IN ANY discussion of first semester rushing any activities, he has little idea of his class-
for incoming freshmen, the effects on and room worth, and most important, he has not
the relations between three groups must be had enough time to determine which fraternity
considered: the rushee, the independent house he wants among the 43 represented on this
to which he has been assigned prior to arrival' campus.
at the University and the fraternity. On the basis of these three considerations
Until each and every group has received -the rushee, the independent house and the
consideration, no truly sound opinion can be fraternity -' first semester rushing is not a
reached. sound program.
Of the three groups to be discussed, the -DICK SNYDER
Rule Needed For Ike Crisis

Story Told
In 'Pan'
Editor's Note: Mr. Yates is a me-
ber of the faculty in the Depart-
ment of Spanish. He is a frequent
book review contributor.)
Frank Hoover. World Publish-
ing Co., 250 pp.
fabulous dustpan of this
book's title is the Hoover vac-
uum cleaner. And this is Frank
Hoover's story of how his father's
tannery adjusted to the shifting
demands of a turbulentperiod in
American business history.
The fascinating Hoover saga
began back in 1875 with the Per-
fection Horse Collar which Will
Hoover devised down in Stark
County, Ohio. Frank Hoover tells
us that Will, his father, had de-
signed the "Perfection" as a prod-
uct unique in its field,- a fine
horse collar that refused to meet
competition on a price basis (it
was more expensive) and adver-
tised rather on the merits of its
unexcelled quality. This was sound
business psychology; the Perfec-
tion Horse Collar sold, and the
name succeeded in becoming a
byword among the nation's horse
*s * *
HOWEVER, the handwriting
began to appear on the wall for
the Hoover leather' enterprises
shortly after the turn of the cen-
tury. The lines are familiar to us
now. In those years America was
converting from horse power to
horsepower, and the collar indus-
try was approaching obsolesence.
By 1918, after contributing
thousands of gun slings, artillery
straps, cable traces and leggings
to a successful war effort, the
Hoover company found itself in a
situation which could have re-
solved itself into a crossroads or
a dead end. One big fact domi-
nated the company's thinking:
the leather business in 1918 was
nil. Which way, then, to turn?
* * *
the story that old Mr. Spangler, a
janitor who suffered from asths-
ma, is introduced with the little
gadget which he had fashioned
to keep the dust out of the air
while he swept the carpets at Zol-
linger's Department Store in Can-
Mr. Spangler's was a ialady
that sprouted an industry.
The rest of the story is con-
cerned with the growth of the
Hoover Company and the popu-
larization of the cleaner which
bore the family name.
~ Frank Hoover goes on to tell of
the personalities behind the ex-
panding business: the engineers,
the style men, the conservative
credit managers, the crackerjack
salesmen, and the unwavering,
dominating influence of W.H.
("Boss") Hoover himself.
Fabulous Dustpan is a story
bound to give the reader insight
into the modern phenomena of
giant industry and its founda-
IFinal Call

Ike's Health Concealedk

PRESIDENT Eisenhower's heart
attack, coming simultaneously
with publication of Harry Tru-
man's memoirs, points to two
vital facts in the lives of our presi-
1. Politicians don't want the
puublic to know the truth about
any president's health.
2. Medical checks should be
given every presidential candidate
in advance, and morebspecialized
medical care should be given a
president after he takes office.
It has long been known to inti-
mates of the President and to
newspapermen covering the White
House that he had high blood
pressure, just as it was known
during the election campaign of
1944 to intimates of Franklin
Roosevelt that the wear and tear
of public office had made terrific
inroads on his health.
But the politicians of both polit-
ical parties have hushed up the
real facts. Eisenhower himself is
the only man who has been frank
about it.
He has consistently and repeat-
edly told the politicians who want-
ed him to run again that they
could not depend on one man. He
has talked about the health ero-
sion of public office. He has re-

minded them that if re-elected he,
would be the only president to
reach the age of 70 while in office.
He has come about as close as
possible to telling that all was not
well with him aside from making
a blueprint.
Approximately one year ago at
a stag dinner attended by Vice
President Nixon, Attorney Gener-
al Brownell, Chairman Len Hall,
and other close political advisers,
Ike first made it quite clear that
they should begin building up new
GOP leaders. The only promise
they could wheedle out of him at
the time was that he wouldn't an-
nounce his decision until the
spring of 1956.
Nevertheless, Nixon and Chair-
man Hall both left that dinner to
make repeated statements that
the President was certain to run
again, even though he had indi.
cated directly to the contrary. No
later than three weeks ago in
Denver, Hall told newsmen how
the GOP planned to defeat Sen.
Wayne Morse of Oregon because
he "had criticized Ike."
"Suppose Ike doesn't run?" a
newsman asked.
"Then I commit suicide," replied
the Chairman of the Republican
National Committee who had pre-
viously heard from Ike's own lips

that the Republican Party should
begin building other candidates.
This finds a semi-parallel in the
Truman memoirs published last
week in which he tells how, early
in 1945, it was considered doubt-
ful that Franklin Roosevelt could
last much longer.
Yet in the summer of 1944 when
Roosevelt was nominated while
absent on a cruise to Alaska to
regain his health, Democratic
Chairman Bob Hannegan knew, as
Hall knew about Ike, that FDR's
health was not at all good. He
also knew that it was a fraud on
the American people to put his
name on the ballot.
The real facts about Eisenhow-
er's health have been known to
published before his nomination
by a few people.
While the President's health,
considering his age, has been rea-
sonably good, his ruddy complex-
ion is, deceptive and he is not able
to remain in the White House or
at his desk for average periods of
time. That is the reason for his
golf, his week-ends at Gettysburg,
his trips to Augusta, and his oc-
casional health problems which
have been hushed up by those
around him.
Copyright, 1955, by Bell Syndicate, Inc.

The Daily Omctail buient is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553
Administration Building before 2 p.m.
the day preceding publication. Notices
for the Sunday edition must be in
by 2 p.m. Friday.
General Notices
Concerts. The Uiversity Musical So-
ciety announces the concerts in the
Choral Union Series and the Extra Con-
cert Series to be given in Hill Audi-
torium. Season tickets are stil available
for both series; and beginning Thurs.,
Sept. 29, any remaining tickets will go
on sale for single concerts, at the
offices of the University Musical So
elety in Burton Memorial Tower.
University Choral Union. Tryouts fo
membership are yeow being held. Ap.
pointments for auditions should be
made at once at the offices of the
University Musical Society in Burtou
Memorial Tower in person or by tele-
phoning Normandy 8-7513. Members
from last season's chorus may renew
their memberships by registering at
Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. in Auditorium A.
once. The Choral Union rehearses every
in Angell Hall.
Women's Swimming Pool -- Recream
tional swimming hours: Women stu-
dents-M.T.W.Th.F., 5:00-$:00, M.T.Th.
8:15-9:15 p.m.; Co.-Rec. Swimming (with
men guests)-Sat. 7:15-9:15 p.m., Sun.
3-5; Faculty Night, Fri., 6:30-8:00 for
families with young children (under S
years), 8:00-9:30 for other faculty mem-
bers; Michigan night-Sunday, 7:15-9:15
Sports and Dance Instruction. Women
students wishing to register electively
in physical education classes may do so
in Barbour Gymnasium from 8:00 asm.
to 12 noon on Tues. and Wed., Sept. 27
and 28. Instruction is available in
swimming, diving, life saving, water
safety, tennis, intermediate golf, riding
and dance.
Rules governing participation in non.
athletic extracurricular activities. Any
regularly enrolled student is eligible to
participate in non-athletic extracurricu-
lar activities provided be not not on
academic discipline.
Responsibility for observance of the
eligibility statement is placed direecy
upon the student. In case of doubt
of status, students should inquire at
the Office of Student Affairs. Partici-
pation in an extracurricular activity In
violation of the requirements may sub-
ject a student to disciplinary action.
In interpretation of the above elii-
bility statement, the following are spe-
cifically forbidden to participate in
extracurricular activities indicated be-
a) Students on academic discipline,
i.e., notification, warning, probation,
action pending, as determined bythe
faculty of the college in which the
student is enrolled. ("Needs counsel-
ling" as used by the School of Educa-
tion and the School of Music, asocon-
stitutes ineligibility for such partici-
b) Part-time and special students
carrying less than twelve hours.
The eligibility requirements must ba
met by students participating in such
activities as are listed below. The list
is not exhaustive but is intended to
indicate the iknds of extracurricular
activities for participation in which
eligibility is necessary.
a) Participation in public perform.
ances which are sponsored by student
organizations and which require group
rehearsals. Examples: Union Opera,
Junior Girls' Play; productons-of the
Gilbert and Sullivan Society, Student
Players, and Inter-Arts Union; per-
formances of Arts Choraleand the Gle
b) Participation In public perform.
ances which are sponsored by aademe
courses and which require group re-
hearsals, for those participants who are
not enrolled in the sponsoring course
for credit. Examples: Ensemble 45, 46
(Orchestra), Ensemble 47, 48 (Bands),

Ensemble 49, 50 (Choir), Voice 11, 12,
155, 156 (Opera Workshop).
c) Staff members of student publica-
tions. Examples: Daily, Gargoyle,
Michiganensian, Technic, Generation.
d) Officers and chairmen of stand.
ing committees in student organiza-
tions, including house groups. This
includes positions in house groups such
as social, athletic, rushing, personnel,
pledge training, and publication chair-
men, house managers and stewards.
e) Class officers and candidates for
such office.
f) Members and candidates for mem-
bership in student government groups.
Examples: Student Legislature, Judici-
ary Councils. Interfraternity, Council,
Panhellenic Board, Assembly Board, In-
terhouse Council, Inter-cooperative
Council, League and Union student
overnment groups, Music School As-
sembly, Business Administration Coun-
g) Committee members for major
campus projects and dances. Examples:
Michigras, Winter Carnival, League
committees, Frosh week end, Sopho-
more Cabaret, Assembly Bali, Inter-
fraternity Council Ball, Homecoming
Dance,. Senior Ball, J-Hop.
h) Representatives of offeampus ac-
1) Representatives on student-faculty
Special permission to participate in
extracurricular activities in exception
to the regulations may be granted in
extraordinary cases by the offices of
the Dean of Women and of the Dean of
The Dean of Women or the Dean of
Men may, in extraordinary cases, deny
permission to participate in an activity
or activities.
Managers and chairmen of student
activities and projects are required to
submit to the Office of Student Affairs
an alphabetized list of all students
noartcna+ine i tvt wies uaner+the.




THE PRESIDENT has been stricken at a,
moment when he is at the height of his
popularity and his power. He has come to
represent the hope of peace in the world and
the unity of the nation at home. We are left,
his doctors tell us, with some days of anxious
uncertainty, and beyond that with a task of
carrying on through his convalescence for the
rest of his term, and beyond that with the
problem of his succession.
W eknow that at the best he cannot for sev-
eral months be exepected to do the work of
the President. We are, therefore, face to face
with what has become - almost certainly
through a bad precedent based on misunder-
standing---a grave defect of our constitutional
system. This is the lack of a clear rule as to
how the government is to be conducted when
the President is 11. Almost certainly this defect
will need to be corrected now. There is no
reason to doubt that it can be corrected.
The root of the trouble is in a grammatical
ambiguity in the text of the Constitution itself.
It says (Article II, Section 1, Clause 6) that "in
case of . .. inability to discharge the powers
and duties of the said office, the same shall
devolve on the vice-President." The question
is: to what do the words "the same" refer?
Is it "the powers and duties" of the office of
President which devolve on the vice-President?
Or is it the office itself? In other words, can
the vice-President$ discharge temporarily the
powers and the duties of the President without
himself becoming the President?
The Michigan Daily
Editorial Staff
Dave Baad ......................... Managing Editor
Jim Dygert ......................... .... City Editor
Murry Frymer.............. .. Editorial Director
Debra Durchslag ........ . ...... Magazine Editor
David Kaplan ............... Feature Editor
Jane Howard ......................... Associate Editor
Louise Tyor ........................ Associate Editor
Phil Douglis................Sports Editor
Alan Eisenberg ................ Associate Sports Editor
Jack Horwitz ................. Associate Sports Editor
Mary Helithaler.. .......Women's Editor
Elaine Edmonds.............Associate Women's Editor
John Hirtzel.................... Chief Photographer
Business Staff
Dick Alstrom.....................Business Manager

ECAUSE OF THIS uncertainty no President1
who was ill has ever allowed his powers and
duties to devolve even temporarily on the vice-
President. For it was not certain that he would
still be President if and when he recovered.
This ambiguity, which is due to faulty
grammar, can be cured. There is very little
doubt as to what the authors of the Constitu-
tion meant, and what they meant was what
common sense and practical convenience now
require. They meant that when the President
is incapacitated because he is ill, his powers
and his duties, but not the office of President,
are to be taken over by the vice-President.
The Vice-President does not become the
President. But he exercises the powers and
duties of the President. For how long does he
exercise them? "Until," says the Constitution,
"the disability be removed," that is to say
until the President is well enough to do his
necessary work again.
There can be no serious doubt that this
is the way the Constiution ought to work. Yet,
as we know, it did not work that way during
the prolong8d illnesses of Garfield and of Wil-
son. Anyone who remembers the obscurity, the
intrigue, and the confusion during Wilson's
incapacity will wish to take no chance on its
being repeated today.-
THE PRACTICAL question is how "the powers
and duties," but not the "office" can in a
seemly way be made to devolve temporarily and
constitutionally on Vice-President Nixon. It is
obvious that he cannot assume those powers
and duties on his own initiative. How then
is the temporary delegation to be effected?
The simplest procedure, it would seem,
would be for the President to call Congress in
special session and to send it a message saying
that for the time being he is unable to dis-
charge the powers and duties of his office, and{
to ask that Congress by concurrent resolution,
agree that the powers and duties shall devolve
temporarily on the Vice-President.
The Vice-President, though he acts as Presi-
dent pro tem, would continue to be Vice-
President. He would not take the Presidential
oath of office, and there would be no question
at all but that Mr. Eisenhower was the Presi-
dent of the United States.
ALTHOUGH IT IS most desirable, indeed
necessary, that the line of authority should
be made clear, the problem posed by the Presi-

Ske's Choice May' Pick Candidate

(Editor's Note: This is the second
in a series of analyses concerning
the political situation resulting
from President Eisenhower's illness.)
Daily staff Writer
Few men in recent American
history have influenced a political
party so profoundly as has Dwight
Eisenhower in his three years as
leader of the Republicans. This,
accomplishment is all the more
unique for the President's non-
political background.
In fact, the popularity which
has proved so effective a tool in
keeping dissident Republican ele-
ments behind the President is not
based primarily on his political
acts but antedates his emergence
on the political scene.
The recent conference of Re-
publican leaders provided ample
testimony to the Eisenhower im-
print on his party. Photographs
showed all 48 state chairmen car-
rying signs indicating support of
the Eisenhower-Nixon ticket in
1956, a marked contrast to the
party of four years previous, di-
vided almost equally between two
rival camps. The large turnover
in the ranks of the chairmen vis-
a-Vis 1952, largely a replacement
of old party bosses with younger
and more liberal men, was further
evidence of the trend toward a
more vigorous, modern and popu-
lar party.
* * *
BIG QUESTIONS now on the
political horizon are whether the

unrestrained by either party re-'
sponsibility or reason.
Neither restains men like Jen-
ner and Malone also, but rather
the expectation that Eisenhower
would have to be dealt with for
four more years and the knowl-
edge of what the Eisenhower
name on the ticket could do for
Neither restraint will be operative
now, and it may mean trouble for
such administration policies as
foreign aid, flexible farm supports
and the "spirit of . Geneva."
* * *
DESPITE an increase in Con-
gressional squabbles, the Presi-
dent's influence over the Repub-
lican convention in San Francisco
will be considerable, providing he
chooses to exercise it. It does not
seem likely that he will want to
dictate the convention's choice,
but he may lift several men he
considers acceptable, though per-
haps not publicly.
If the President does no more
than this, and if none of those
listed is acceptable to the "Taft
wing" of the GOP (Vice-President
Nixon is the most likely of the
Eisenhower favorites to be ap-
proved), the conservatives may
unite behind a candidate of their
own, perhaps Senator Minority
Leader Knowland.
* * *
THE TAFTITES missed their
big chance for a convention vic-
tory in 1952. With their recog-
nized leader dead and with the
blood infused by the WhiteH Touse.

control is doomed from the out-
set, but it could create consider-
able pre-election dissension. If it
does, and if the liberal, forces are
unable to readily agree upon a
candidate, the President might be
persuaded to subordinate his nat-
ural inclination not to run the
convention to a desire to avoid
a bitter convention fight.
Should the word from Wash-
ington come it will unite a major-
ity of the convention behind
whomever the President chooses
as his successor.

For Reviewers
In the course of the school
year, Daily reviewers offer their
opinions. and. 'criticisms. on
movies, plays, concerts and
other music events, art exhib-
its, television, and literature.
At the present time, The
Daily is looking for students to
help fill the various positions
on the reviewing staffs.
Whether or not you have had
experience as a reviewer, The
Daily invites anyone who is in-
terested and feels he can qual-
ify to the final reviewers meet-
ing at 8:15 p.m. tonight in the
Daily Editorial office.
This will be the final tryout
meeting of the semester for
prospective reviewers.



by Dick Bibler




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