Lane Hall's
Activities Set
For Winter
World University. Fund drive, a
Brotherhood banquet and a winter
retreat are among activities which
will be sponsored'by Lane Hall in
the near future.
World University Service will
sponsor a fund and treasury drive
Feb. 23 and 24 to raise funds for
underprivileged students. World
University service is a non-profit
organization designed to help edu-
cational institutions obtain funds
for lodging and living costs, edu-
cational equipment, refugee ser-
vice, and research.
"Resources for Richer Living"
is the theme of the winter retreat
being held Feb. 2-5 at Lake Huron
Methodist Camp. William J. Mc-
Keefery, Dean of Alma College,
will be the guest speaker at the
four day meeting.
Cost of the trip is $15, including
transportation. For further infor-
mation contact Grey Austin, Lane
Hall N031511, ext. 2851.
"International Brotherhood" will
be the theme of the annual broth-
erhood" will be the theme of the
annual brotherhood banquet to be
held Feb. 23 and 24. Each religious
guild is expected to send one rep-
resentative to the banquet.
Digest Editor,
Speaks Today
The Senior Editor of Readers
Digest, largest selling magazine in
history, will speak at 3 p.m. today
in Auditorium A of Angell Hall
under auspices of the Journalism
Charles W. Ferguson has been
with the Readers Digest 20 years.
Originally from Texas, he received
a degree from Southern Methodist
University and served as a Metho-
dist minister for two years.
He was Cultural Relations Offi-
cer at the U.S. Embassy in Lon-
don in 1946 and has contributed
often to Readers Digest and
American Mercury.
Hoover Defends Scheme
For New Vice-President
WASHINGTON (M) - Herbert
Hoover soberly reminded senators
yesterday that four of the seven
most recent presidents h a v e
crumpled "at critical periods"
under the strain of their office.
He said this record is "a call to
action" toward easing the burden
of men who occupy the White
The former president, himself a
reasonably hale 81, appeared be-
fore a Senate Government Opera-
tions subcommittee and defended
his proposal that Congress create
the post of "administrative vice
president" to take some of the
work load.
He went on to say he had in
mind an official of something like
Cabinet-stature, appointed by the
president with Senate approval,
who would among other things su-
pervise many of the 65 agencies
now reporting to the president
and settle "minor conflicts" among
1,900 branches of government.
"To accomplish such purposes,"
Hoover said, "it seems to me we
need an official clothed with dig-
nity and prestige. He might even
approve the concert tours of the
Navy band."
Laughter from senators greeted
this and other references by Hoov-
er to the many chores now--in
theory, at least--the responsibility
of a president.
But there were no smiles when
Hoover, who was president from
1929 to 1933, departed from a pre-
pared text to remark:
"We're going to have to relieve
the presidents some if we're going
to keep them alive."
March of Dimes
The Washtenaw County March
of Dimes has thus far collected
$9,570 of its $57,600 goal.
Mrs. John H. Huss, chairman
of the drive, reports that Ann
Arbor has raised $6703 tt date,
more than 50% of the county
The drive began on January 3
and will extend to January 31.
Mrs. Huss stated that any person
wishing to give could send a con-
tribution to her at 1950 Long
Shore Drive.,
Lunk Likes
'U' Museum
A little known figure on campus
is William A. Lunk, Senior Pre-
parator of University Museums
Few people realize the signifi-
cance of Lunk's interesting and
important position. It is Lunk's
responsibility to prepare many of
the recent exhibits which are
found in the Museums Building.
The main planning and deci-
sion on which exhibits are to be
installed is done by the Prefect of
Likes Planning ... -
Although the major part of
Lunk's job is installing displays,
he also does some planning, as
there are always decisions to be
made by the person who is setting
up displays.
Lunk recently received his doc-
torate in zoology at the Univer-,
sity. His particular interest is in
the field of ornithology, bird study.
At present, Lunk is doing re-
search on rough-winged swallows.
Lunk has been employed in the
Museums Building since 1948,
shortly after he came to the Uni-
versity. At that time he worked
there part time while attending
... and Installation Problemsj
The job of Senior Preparator is
found particularly interesting by
Lunk because installation of every
exhibit renders an individual
problem. The job also lets him do
quite a bit of art work, one of
Lunk's extra talents.
Always wanting to take up mu-
seum work, he originally consid-
ered working in a research position
as a curator, or similar position.
His present post gives him consid-
erable opportunity to carry on
spare ,time research.
Hatcher Appointed
University President Harlan H.
Hatcher has been named to the
Commission on International Co-
operation Throuh Education of
the Association of American Col-
if you enjoy and feel you
are good at influencing and
motivating people, you
probably are interested in
a career in sales work. If,
in addition, you have qual-
ities of leadership and want
to manage a business
organization of your own
you should look into the
Sales Management Train-
ing program at Connecticut
General Life Insurance
If you qualify you can
have a position waiting for
you even if you have to go
into military service first.
There is probably no
other place where an out-
standing man can rise so
fast to the high income
brackets as in life insurance
sales or sales management
Connecticut General of-
fers an exceptionally fine
training program that will
prepare you to run an es-
tablished branch sales office
or manage a new office.
For further information
on this career opportunity,
consult your Placement
Director or write Mr.
Philip Yost, Connecticut
General Life Insurance
Company, Hartford, Con-
your future
to a
it's going places
and so can you
(Continued fromPage 4)
For appointments contact the Bureau
of Appointments, 3528 Admin. Bldg.,
Ext. 371.
Libbey-Owens-Ford Glass Co., Todelo,
Ohio, offers opportunities in Production,
Industrial Relations, Purchasing and
Traffic, Sales, Public Relations, Press
Relations, Advertising, Engineering, Re-
search and Development, Financial Con-
trol and Administration. Students in-
terested are invited to write to the
company outlining their training and
fields of interest, and they will be
given a list of the current openings.
Applications are now being accepted
for the 1956-57 term of the Internat'1
Ladies' Garment Workers' Union Train-
ing Institute. Men and women inter-
ested in trade union work and who
are between 21 and 25 are eligible. The
deadline for receiving applications is
March 1, 1956. Tuition is free and ex-
penses are paid for field work,
Katharine Gibbs School for Secre-
tarial Training, New York, New Yor4',
offers Scholarships for the 1956-57 year.
Winners may select schools in New York
winners may select schools in New
York, Boston, Providence, or Montclair.
Courses offered at the schools are one
year, two years, and a special course
for college women. The deadline for
applicatiins is March 1, 1956.
For further information contact the
Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin.
Bldg., Ext. 371.
There will be a summer placement
meeting, Wed., Jan. 18, from 1:00 to
4:45 p.m., at the Michigan Union, Room
3-G. This will be the only meeting
until Feb. 15, 1956.
Although acclaimed everywhere as the world's
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generation, they are... in fact...younger than
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Like you, they face a future that is at once
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If you expect to be a graduate engineer shortly,
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is moving into high gear... going all out to keep
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cial requirements. Quite naturally, the world
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copters of tomorrow. And for the creative en-,
gineering, for the imagination, for the technical
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Aircraft looks to you.
We would welcome the opportunity to give you
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to see if there is a place in that picture for you.
The next step is yours. Take that step and write
to Mr. Richard Auten, Personnel Department.
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