Sixty-Sixth Year
" Don't Be Afraid 'n- I Can Always Pull You Back"
When Opinions Are Free,
Truth Will Prevail
:, ri
Choir Boys Excellent
In A ll-Mozart Program
PREPARING young voices for public performance presents many
problems not found when working with more mature singers.
As was evidenced by their all-Mozart performance Sunday, the Vienna
Choir Boys do overcome these problems.
The boys sing with a balance and blend that compares favorably
with many adult choruses. One was especially impressed with the
clarity of line obtained by the Choir Boys. This clarity of contrapuntal
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only. This must be noted in all reprints.
Evaluations A Serious Matter
IT IS UNFORTUNATE, now that the Literary
college has come to believe that student
opinion might have some value in furthering
its educational objectives, that so many in
the College think the faculty evaluations are
Both faculty and students are guilty of
furthering this atmosphere.
Certainly the evaluations will not change the
college overnight. But they can lead to a
much greater degree of student-faculty under-
standing. They can be an aid both to the
teacher, and to the student.
However, this can only come about within an
atmosphere of serious, mature consideration.
The evaluations must be constructive. They
must be fair, and especially important, truthful.
HE IDEA of faculty evaluation is a rela-
tively new one. A considerable segment of
the Literary college faculty still feel they over-
estimate the value of student criticism. A
considerable segment of the student body feel
they are unimportant, certainly nothing which
will be heeded.
But many evaluations will be heeded, and
certainly all will be read. And there is no
danger of any 'retaliation" since they will only
be read after final grades have been entered.
It is a serious mistake to take the evaluation
process lightly. Unfortunately, there are too
many students who do not feel qualified to
do any serious thinking outside of exam
memorization. They will find this period an
opportune time to cut classes.
Yet, it is rather lamentable that so many
students have such a low opinion of their own
Should this pathetic self-evaluation be proved
widespread today and tomorrow, it will not be
surprising if the faculty and administration
come to agree with it. .1
-MURRY FRYMER, Editorial Director
Man of Democracy
IT HAS been said that if Benjamin Franklin Carolina. In early Philadelphia it was Frank-
had not been born'someone would have had lin's paper that published the events.of the
to invent him. times which' later blew up into the Revolu-
In the years since his birth, 250 years ago tionary War.
today, Franklin's stature as a magnificent spe-
cimen of the boy who made good has been HONEST with himself and his fellow man,
growing constantly. Franklin was most concerned with freedom
He was prolific as an author, sagacious and of the press. ". .. when truth and error have
practical 'as a politician and diplomat and fair play, the former is always an overmatch
cleverly productive as a scientist. What he for the latter," he believed.. This tenet ruled
has left to posterity can be measured in the his life in all his capacities.
material sense of his books and inventions, but As a man who played such an important role
the most brilliant measurements are in the A bimthoaeochanintands
spiritual words of depth and foresight regard- for many, as the guiding direction for judgment
ing the facets of man's complex life, and for the formation of values. After 165
In 1784 he made the point that legislatures years since his death, the country which he
should pay a great deal of attention to sup-
porting colleges. The year before he said helped create still owes Franklin the respect
"., . .in my opinion, there never was a good for the courage and thought which brought
war, or a bad peace." These remarks after the them togetlher into one sovereign nation.
close of the American Revolution have been Even today, his remarks in the HISTORICAL
quoted1 many times, by many politicians, after REVIEW OF PENNSYLVANIA that "They that
many wars. can give up essential liberty to obtain a little
One of his earliest careers which people tend temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor
to slight was his life as a printer and news- safety," deserves thought in the tautly drawn
paperman. He started newspapers in Massa- lines of international diplomacy.
chusetts, New York, New Jersey and South -DAVID KAPLAN, Feature Editor
A Necessary Art.
Discusses 'Meaningful Dissent'
SECRETARY of State John Foster Dulles, a
man active in the practice of semantics,
haz found another new name for policy --
"deterrence." It is applied not as a name for
something he is going to start embarrassing
the Reds with tomorrow, but as an explanation
for our past embarrassments.
In short, John Foster has finally found a ra-
tionalization for the results of the Korean,
Indochinese and Formosan crises. Whether it
is adequate rationalization is of no concern for
results cannot be changed. However, John
Foster should think more seriously about today
and tomorrow.
We do not suggest, however, that he apply
this "deterrence" thing. It involved, so he
said, going to the "brink of war" without get-
ting into war, thereby averting war.
Perhaps we are being naive about wars, but
going to the brink of war does not seem a way,
to keep out of one. If the United States did go
to the brink of some wars (as a matter of poli-
cy, yet) and still managed to avoid any, she was
indeed fortunate. But avoiding the wars was
in spite of, not because of, going to any brinks.
As a matter of fact, a necessary condition
for getting into a war is that you first get to
the brink of one. Having reached that point,
you would probably not have many choices as
to the next step except to cross your fingers
or uncross your guns.
Our Secretary of State calls this "deterrence"
thing "a necessary art." Getting into trouble
can, under certain circumstances, be an art,
but we seriously doubt its necessity.
-JIM DYGERT, City Editor
Basis of Controversy. .
To The Editor:
BEFORE we applaud the state-
ment by University officials
that teachers are free and inde-
pendent to say what they please
(i.e. to dissent)-and that they,
in fact, do so-let us refresh our
memories. It was less than a year
ago that the University professors
-H. Chandler Davis and Mark
Nickerson-were "dismissed" from
the University faculty for-subver-
sion? incompetency? indoctrinat-
ing? No. They were dismissed be-
cause they invoked their constitu-
tional right to use the fifth amend-
True dissent is not an exercise
in erudition. Controversy, if it is
to be meaningful, must spring
from man's natural quest for more
knowledge, for stimulation, and for
challenge. Professor Toynbee be-
lieves that nations become great
through a response to challenge.
In the same manner, through
challenging and understanding
their innermost feelings and act-
ing upon them, individuals become
great. Take away this controversy,
this desire and ability to learn
from others who hold "uncom-
mon" or "radical" views, and what
we have left is intellectual deteri-
oration. The body may live on, but
the mind is dead-the source of
its creative activity, the food nec-
essary for its very existence, is
To expect the university to in-
vite a Marxist to lecture or debate
Marxian political theory would be
hoping for too much. I ask only
that a university' which has a
speaker ban, which fires two if its
faculty members for being "con-
troversial" which submits silently
to the teacher loyalty oath-have
the courage and decency to refrain
from speaking out so piously on
"civil liberties"-as it did the other
In this case a long silence would
be more meaningful than a loud
and hypocritical lament.
-Earl Mandel, '56
Urges Preparedness...
To the Editor:
N HIS article in last Saturday's
Daily, Mr. Frymer not unrea-
sonably concludes that the mili-
tary draft is an unfortunate cir-
cumstance for America's young
men. But the balance of the
article dealing with alternatives
to the draft seems decidedly un-
sound and poorly reasoned.
Mr. Frymer attaches importance
to the defense capability of a
strong and well trained reserve.
This may be, but training a man
for the complexities of modern
warfare simply cannot be accom-
plished in two nights a week plus
fifteen days of active duty per
year .. .
This writer has had some mea-
sure of recent experience observ-
ing and evaluating the mobiliza-
tion potential of a number of Air
National Guard units in several
states. These units were far above'
the average reserve standards:
most personnel had had previous
active duty training, equipment
compared favorably with that
possessed by similar active duty
units, and they had trained for
the maximum time allowable for
reserve components. In spite of all
such advantages, these units ab-
solutely could not be brought to
combat-readiness within several
months after their call to active
The conclusion seems inescap-
able that the brunt of any future
conflict will fall squarely on the
forces-in-being at the time of the
attack. In an era where the time
to mount an effective defense is
limited to days, or perhaps even
hours, the time-lag between the
calling of a reservist to active duty,
and his training to combat effec-
tiveness might reasonably prove
fatal to the nation.
That is why, Mr. Frymer, and
others of low morale, the nation
must have adequate forces-in-be-
ing at all times. In any month
where voluntary enlistments are
numerous enough to fill the re-
placement need, the draft quota
will decrease to zero. Otherwise
the "unlucky" one in however-
many-it-is will just have to resign
himself to his public service with
whatever degree of good grace he
can muster.
-N. W. Stroup, 158L
None at All?...
To the Editor:
IN REPLY to Lee Mark's recent
editorial on drinking laws in
Michigan, we, typical coeds, feel
the author is a horrible man.
Drinking shouldn't be permitted
on campus at any age, let alone
Marks' idealism is' way up in
the clouds, an example of a pseu-I
do-intellectual ivory tower. Mod-
ern education as a true discipline
of the mind prescribes clear and
indestructible thought processes.
Alcohol clouds one's mind and de-
ters it from its rational course on
-the highway of empiricism. Stu-
dents must maintain their mental
equilibrium at all times whether
in class or in their extra-curricu-
lar activities off campus.
Alcohol should be confined to
medicinal purposes. There is
enough alcoholism among those
over 21. Why extend this vice to
the younger members of our so-
ciety? Let's human up and follow
our more sober moral instincts.
-Carol B. Schwartz '59
Mary Robinson '59
lines was notably evident in the
first number the group sang --
"Sancta Maria Mater Dei."
* * *
aspect of the Choir Boys is their
wonderful treatment of dynamics.
In the "Laudate Dominum" the
choir executed one of their nicest
crescendos from very soft to loud.
One was not aware of the lim-
ited range possessed by the Boys,
which is often the downfall of
boys' choirs. By careful program-
ing to avoid the extreme highs
and lows and by using several
voice ranges the Choir was able
to adequately cover the entire So-
prano-Alto range.
The, one problem that the Choir
Boys weren't able to overcome was
that of intonation. Faulty pitch
was audible throughout the per-
formance. But, when you realize
that these boys are at an age when
most youngsters have no thoughts
of even listening to a concert let
alone give one, their accomplish-
ments are quite remarkable.
THE HIGHLIGHT of the per-
formance was the presentation of
Mozart's operetta "Bastien and
Bastienne." It was very approp-
riate that this work was given by
the Choir Boys as it was written
when Mozart was only 12 years
old-about the same age as the
members of the Choir.
The entire operetta was per-
formed with good taste and, what
is more important, good singing.
-Bruce Jacobson
Just Kids
clowning of Howard Keel and
Dolores Gray with the hustle of a
Baghdad bazaar and the sductive
allure of the Vizier's harem, add
generous portions of the music of
Borodin, stir slightly with Vic Da-
mone and Ann Blyth, dust care-
fully with tinsel a la Hollywood
and you have "Kismet," to be
tasted only with tongue in cheek.
** *
Spectacle and Love" is hardly that,
but it has its moments, particu-
larly when Damone makes him-
self scarce. Young Vic delivers his
lines with all the passion of a
thoroughly embalmed mummy.
Keel plays a street poet-turned-
magician who spends his time
keeping out of the clutches of
Vizier Sebastian Cabot and in the
clutches of the Vizier's wife of
wives, Dolores Gray. The plot is
further complicated by the love
interest between Keel's daughter,
Ann Blyth and Caliph Damone.
Happily, the camera focuses most-
ly on the goings-on between Keel
and Miss Gray, wh steadfastly
refuses to take anything seriously,
MGM and "Kismet" included.
Consequently, they provide most
of the fun.
among the most sumptuous yet,
and certainly add to the illusion
of oriental splendor. Some occas-
ionally original choreography and
music purloined from "Prince
Igor" and elsewhere brighten up
the scene considerably.
But "Kismet" is definitely at its
best when it blatantly admits that
it's kidding.
-Tammy Morrison
THE Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553
Administration Building before 2 p.m.
the day preceding publication. Notices
for the Sunday edition must be in
by 2 p.m. Friday.
General Notices
that final examinations at the end of
the first semester of the University year
1955-56 begin Mon., Jan. 23, and end
Thurs., Feb. 2. The final day of regu-
larly scheduled classes is Sat., Jan. 21.
There will, for this semester, be no
"dead period" between the end of classes
and the examination period.
University Lecture in Journalism.
Charles W. Ferguson, Senior Editor, The
Reader's Digest, "The Secret of The
Reader's Digest" at 3:00 ,p.m. In Ad.
A, Angell Hall, Tues., Jan. 17.
University Lecture: "Early English
Drawings," Dr. Francis Wormald/'Pro-
fessor of Palaeography, London Univer-
sity. Room ,. (basement) Angell Hall,
at 4:10 p.m. Tues., Jan. 17.
American Chfmical Society Lecture.
wed., Jan. 18, 8:00 p.m., Room 1300
Chemistry Building. F. E. Johnson of
Eastman Kodak, "Color Pictures the
New Way." Open to the public.
Guest Organist: Jean Langlais, French
organist and composer. 4:15 p.m. Wed.,
Jan. 18. in Hill Auditorium, playing
compositions by Buxtehude, Couperin,
Bach, Franck, Ch. Tournemire, and
Andre Fleury; three of his own works.
Open to the general public without
Academic Notices
Application forms and further Infor-
mation relative to the cooperative course
in electrical engineering may be ob-
tained from Prof. Carey, 2518 E. Eng.,
during the next two weeks. Interviews
with companies involved will be sched-
uled during first eight weeks of the
spring. Cooperative arrangements can
be made with the following companies:
General Electric, Michigan Bell, De-
troit Edison, Consumers Power, Allis-
Chilmers, Chrysler, Bendix Aviation
(Missile Section).
History 11, Lecture Group 2, final ex-
amination Jan. 25, 9-12 a.m. in Ad. A,
except discussion sections 16 and 17
which will meet in 229 Angell Hall.
History 91, final examination Feb. S,
9-12, will meet in 2235 Angell Hall.
Placement Notices
The Air Force and Army are looking
for experienced public school teachers
for their Dependents' Schools overseas.
They will interview interested persons
at The University of Michigan In Febru-
ary and March.
Applicants must have had at least
two years' teaching experience in pub-
lic schools. Eighty-five to ninety per-
cent of the vacancies are in the ele
rentary grades. Salary is $4525 for
twelve months service. Transportation
to and from the overseas assignment is
women who apply for the Air Force
jobs must be between the ages of 23
and 40; men, between 23 and 50. The
Army is accepting both men and women
applicants between the., ages of 2
and 55. No exceptions are made to
the minimum age requirements.
Applicants for Air Force positions
should apply for an interview by send-
ing a completed Standard Form No. 57
to Mrs. Blanche Kranz, Office of Civili-
an Personnel, Selfridge Air Force Base,
Mount Clemens, Michigan. These form
are available at any Post Office. Inter-
views will be held at the Univ. of Mich.
on Feb. 13, 14, and 15. Only those who
have definite appointments will be In-
terviewed at that time.
Interviews for Army teaching posi-
tions will be held at the Univ. of Mich.
on Feb. 29 and March 1, 2, and 3. Per-
sons seeking appointments for inter-
views should call the Bureau of Ap-
pointments, Ext. 489.
Representatives from the following
will be at the Bureau of Appointments:
Tues., Jan. 17:
Board of Presbyterian National Mis-
sions - men and women in Educ.,
Engrg., Social Work, Lab. Tech., Nurs-
ing, Dietetics, and LS&A for positions
in Teaching, Supervision, Dietetics,
Nursing, Christian Educ., Engrg., Lab,
Tech., Social Work, and Office Work,
located in U.S., Alaska and Puerto
Rico, and for Summer Work Camps
located in U.S. and abroad.
Tues., Jan. 17:
Chrysler Corp., Detroit, Mich.-men in
LS&A or BusAd. for Product Planning.
Ford Motor Co., Detroit, Mich. -
women for Stenographic position and
for position as Statistician in the Ind'1
Relations Dept.
Libby-Owens-Ford Glass Fibers Co.,
Toledo, Ohio-men in LS&A and BusAd.
for Mgt. Training leading to positions
in Management, Sales and Acctg.
Wed., Jan. 18:
Permanent Foreign Aid Out
Associated Press News Analyst
PRESIDENT Eisenhower's proposal that Con-
gress give the foreign economic aid program
a more permanent look seems headed for the
Although Congress has frequently come
around on this topic after initial displays of
reluctance during the last eight or ten years,
the going has become progressively more diffi-
cult for the annual appropriations.
Indeed, the State Department itself had been
turning away from the program and attempt-
ing to whittle it down until Russia adopted a
similar one for herself last summer. That
caused President Eisenhower and Secretary
Dulles to take another look, especially with re-
gard to Asia. Some increased spending was
decided upon, with participating nations being
Editorial Staff
Dave Baad .......................... Managing Editor
Jim Dygert ............................... City Editor
Murry Frymer ................... Editorial Director
Debra Durchslag .....................Magazine Editor
David Kaplen........ .............. Feature Editor
Jane Howard .....................Associate Editor
Louise Tyor ......................... Associate Editor
Phil Douglis..........,.............. Sports Editor
Alan Eisenberg...............Associate Sports Editor
Jack Horwitz ................ Associate Sports Editor
Mary Hellthaler ..................... Women's Editor
Elaine Edmonds .,......... Associate Women's Editor
John Hirtzel ................... Chief Photographer
Business Staff
Dick Alstrom .....................Business Manager
Bob Ilgenfritz.......... Associate Business Manager
encouraged to undertake long-range programs
with assurances of continuing American aid.
SUCH assurance is needed particularly with
regard to agricultural and heavy industry
development, which cannot be attempted on a
one-year basis.
The President did not ask that specific sums
of money be guaranteed for future years, but
merely that Congress should accompany this
year's appropriation with an expression of
long-range policy giving the Administration
some authority for telling recipient countries
that programs that might undertake would not
be, dropped in midstream.
Now the two members of the Senate who
are most powerful on this subject-Democratic
George and Republican Knowland-have said
they won't go for it; even though it is primari-
ly directed-at Knowland's pet area, Asia. It's
a sort of boomeranging bipartisanship.
It is traditional for Congress to object to
measures which seem to commit future Con-
gresses. It is especially difficult to admit pub-
licly, in an election year, when the nation's
budget is being balanced for the first time in
years and lower taxes are considered possible,
that the world position of the United States
may require increasing outlays over a long
period of years.
AN ECONOMIC aid program will, of course, be
approved. The Administration will prob-
ably have the authority to do almost every-
thing it wants todo. If it doesn't have the
word of Congress on the determination of the
nation to carry the job through, it will still
have the record to show. And the record is
that the United States will do what has to be
'WhyI'm, In Jail? Had Nothing to Do'
(EDITOR'S NOTE: Training for vocations in prison, Earl
Gibson writes, is abused in 'outside' life, rather than used. What
about avocations? The Jackson prison 'Spectator' Editor, a pres-
ent inmate in the institution, presents this story in the third of
this series on American prison problems.)
WAYS OF PASSING THE TIME in prison are just as necessary
Sfor mental and physical health as they are in the free world
The office worker in Detroit needs his golf; the machinist needs
his two weeks vacation; the husband needs his evening at the hockey
game or the fights just as the wife needs her bridge- club or sewing
In this area, modern penologists have realized avocation is more
than a need-it is a necessity for reform and prison security. As a re-
sult, one finds football games, baseball games, boxing, track and field
meets, hobbycraft, orchestras, chess clubs, motion pictures and a wide
range of avocations.
The purpose of these different activities are both therapeutic and
practical. Two thousand men shouting at a football game succeed in
getting much tension out of their systems. One man doing an oil
painting in his cell finds respite from the daily, monotonous routine
of prison life.
"I always sleep better after a game and all week look forward to
the next one." Yes, the game provided an outlet for the tension and
frustration built up during the week.
* * * *
"SURE, I LIKE leathercraft," said another inmate, "It's not only
the few dollars I make from it but I get a kick out of making some-
thing practical with my hands. I feel I've accomplished something
worthwhile. I'm going to do this at home in the evenings when I make
parole. That's mainly why I'm in jail-nothing to do in the evenings,
but now that I've learned this<...",
These examples indicate without further comment how men find
themselves through these programs and discover not only talent but
also aptitudes leading to easier adjustment upon release from prison.
"I got my detail today for the chess club. See you there."
A detail is the official authority to proceed to a 'certain part of
the prison on pass. In most prisons good behavior and a certain pro-
bation period is required before these details are granted to an inmate.
In this way the administration succeeds in keeping the inmates in
line where otherwise they might encounter more disciplinary trouble
than usual.
The prison with a successful avocational program is seldom if ever
the one with a disciplinary problem.
* * * *
MANY OF THE inmate avocational programs are, with official