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January 15, 1956 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1956-01-15

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At~lgatt Daily
Sixty-Sixth Year

Couldn't You Fellows Get Me to a Hospital First?"

en Opinions Are Free,
Truth Will Prevail

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only. This must be noted in all reprints.

One Night's Work-
Make $346,900
Daily Television Writer
THE GIVE-AWAY program's best friend, Uncle Sam, will be glad to
know that the addition of "Do You Trust Your Wife?" to CBS's
Tuesday night schedule brings the possible reward of the three Tues-
day night CBS quiz shows to $346,900.
If one person was versatile enough he could walk away with all
that loot in a one night fling, presuming he had worked himself up to
the summit for each program.
By correctly answering the "$64,000 Question" he would, of course,
get $64,000. And by naming the five songs in the last golden medley


3AY, JANUARY 15, 1956


Is Administration Ignoring
Reality on Faculty?

FEW ADVERSE comments have been inspired
against Friday's Daily editorial criticizing
University faculty members. Some have called
the editorial a bit too 'strong' and some thought
it came too late, but a large segment of the
faculty agreed. The Daily pointed directly to
a lamentable University educational situation.
That is-excepting University administra-
tors interviewed. It is unfortunate University
President Hatcher isn't on campus to comment,
but his vice-presidents apparently ignored real-
ity with their remarks yesterday. Both Vice-
President Niehuss and Lewis said faculty
members weren't afraid to speak out with them.
Some faculty members interviewed however
certainly recognized stagnancy among their
contemporaries. And students have been com-
plaining about the University's politically stag-
nant atmosphere for the last year and a half.
At first the students simply blamed them-
selves but it has become readily apparent that
faculty -members, who could assume leadership
in bucking this complacency, are as apathetic
as the students.
VICE-PRESIDENT Niehuss says faculty mem-
bers speak out-but where and on what?
Director of University Relations Brandon may
have hit it on the head when he said'they show
little reluctance to speak out in the (secret
confines of) Faculty Senate meetings.
What benefit is derived here? Only major-
ity views officially reach the public. Vigorous
discussion of the issues with their underlying
implications don't reach the public. Last sum-
mer's Faculty Senate controversy is an example.
If the result of the Senate vote on the
Report on the Faculty's Duties and Responsi-
bilities to Society is any indication the faculty
is pretty much in agreement with the adminis-
tration's stand on faculty dismissals. There
may have been vigorous disagreement behind
the closed doors but for public consumption on
this controversial issue the vote showed Uni-
versity and faculty opinion was close to identi-
ALTHOUGH a vote by vote record has never
been publicly tabulated, reliable sources
say there was strong support from literary
college faculty members in favor of the Report.
But, excepting a momentary dissent shortly
after the Report ,was turned down, there has
been little vigorous speaking on the issue. There
has been apparently no serious push for some
sort of reconsideration of the Report.
The faculty, to whom students look for
intellectual leadership; officially stand behind
their employers on this issue.
In the latest issue of the Michigan Alum-
nus Vice-President Niehuss discussed among
other things, teaching at the University. He

stresses the competition for advancement
among .faculty members. We are sympathetic
with faculty members who desire to get ahead
in their profession, but would hate to think
this involved an extensive suppression of their
"unpopular" ideas.
IN THE literary college political ideas, some-
times in conflict with the prevailing mood of
society, come into play. It is essential that the
nation's intellectuals, many of whom are uni-
versity professors, are not controlled by some
arbitratory standard no matter how indirect
this standard might be. It would be unfortunate
if thoughts of advancement should exert such.
a controlling influence.
It may be there is a prevailing group that
think intellectuals' independent ideas aren't
necessary. As Prof. Leslie indicated there is
feeling that "different" opinions might upset
our country's sense of security.
But many of our literary college professors
still feel idealistically that their beliefs should
be heard by the University community. As an
apparent minority they can't speak through
the Faculty Senate.
Although they may be a minority, students
need their assistance and leadership when
opportunities arise, in helping reestablish an
atmosphere of vigorous, fearless, intellectual
curiosity at the University of Michigan.
-DAVE BAAD, Managing Editor
Daily Prison Series
Gives New Viewpoint
"NOT BIZARRE, not sensational, not dra-
matic, but bread and butter facts" is the
way Earl Gibson terms his prisons series now
appearing in The Daily.
Gibson, who has been in Jackson prison
for the past seven years, is dedicated to "pro-
gressive penology." His outstanding "Spec-
ator," the prison newspaper, continues a re-
lentless crusade to improve the American prison
Since John Barlow Martin's book "Break
Down the Walls" criticizing the "outmoded"
system of penology, the public attention' has
been increasingly foc'used on this area.
Although Gibson writes primarily of his
experiences at Jackson prison, he says, "basi-
cally, all modern American prisons have identi-
cal programs and prisoners."
The George's and the Andy's with which
he illustrates his report are actual persons and
case histories.
The Daily hopes, in this series, to give a
new view of the prison picture, that of a
man who can see the situation "from the other

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Pops' Concert .Controversial

Pseudo Pseudo...
To the Editor:
THE LETTER to your column
Thursday commenting about a
pseudo-intellectual approach to
the recent Boston Pops Tour Orch-
estra Concert, is in itself surpris-
ingly "Pseudo-intellectual." The
argument, What's good enough for
Boston is almost good enough for
Ann Arbor is not valid historically
as well as being ridiculous in the
first place. Certainly the Boston
Symphony was received musically
as well here as it is in Boston -
and it played as well here as it
does in Boston. However, the Bos-
ton Pops is not the Boston Sym-
phony, since the "Pops" gets along
without the services of the regu-
lar first desk players of the Boston
Symphony-as well as having their
own conductor. To go a step fur-
ther, the "Boston Pops Tour Orch-
estra" is not the "Boston Pops,"
since the regular members of the
"Pops" are not back in staid, old
Boston as the Boston Symphony.
The orchestra we heard last
Sunday evening had about 50
"new" members who had not been
members of the tour orchestra
last year, and this was only the
end of the first week of the tour.
About the only authentic part of
the Old Boston Pops that gets this
far West of Wellesley is the music
library, with their really excellent
special arrangements; and the
conductor, who is a great show-
man and a fine musician but is not
the orchestra. Although individu-
ally fine musicians, it takes time
to Weld a fine symphony and, tho

the last part of the concert was
great fun, it was in the first por-
tion that the differences 'were ap-
The local pseudo-intellectualism
and cultural fetishism seems to be
of the type that indiscriminately
praises that from afar and de-
valuates local talent, and is some-
times indulged in by the Daily's
music critics-as in a rather poor
review and inane critique given
one of last years University Sym-
phony Band concerts which was,
musically, a very fine event.
But back to the "Pops." With-
out the purple punch, tables and
chairs in place of seat rows, and
personnel with years of fused ex-
perience, we cannot be expected
to judge from the Bostonians
auralpoint unless, of course, one is
a pseudo-intellectual.
-L. W. Lewis
Refreshments Missing.
To the Editor:
T1HE LETTER in the January
12th issue by "J. Bowler" was
most interesting and confusing. Al-
though Symphony Hall in Boston
is always sold out for the Boston
Symphony (by season subscrip-
tion), I recall great ease in obtain-
ing tickets to the "Pops" at any
time (it also seemed as though
many nights were "club nights"
with special attention paid to some
group in order to sell more tickets).
As to appreciating the "Pops,"
most people I knew considered the
"Pops" a place to pass an evening,
not something to "appreciate" as

"cultural." In effect, you took your
maiden aunt or friend Jack's sis-
ter to the "Pops," had a bottle of
wine or insipid "Pops' Punch,"
chatted, and eructated. The next
night you might take your girl
friend a bit further down Massa-
chusetts Avenue to the Savoy,
have beer or whiskey (liquor laws
are not enforced in Boston town
as they are in Ann Arbor), talk,
and belch while listening to jazz.
Both were enjoyable (each in their
own way), both representative of a
particular type of entertainment.
Either you like the "Pops" type
of music or you do not-it is a way
to fritter away an evening. As far
as being "cultural," to me it is as
"cultural" as sitting in a beer
garden listening to a concertina
and quaffing beer. As no liquid
refreshments are served in Hill
Auditorium, I was not present at
the recent much discussed Boston
"Pops" engagement.
-J. B. Stetson, M.D.
Matter of Grammar..
To the Editor:
IF YOU haven't the good taste to
keep Theodossin from writing,
you might at least have the good
sense to see that he writes cor-
Even a Big Ten school must
teach that "None ... has ... their"
is wrong (Daily, Jan. 7, p. 2; last
sentence of first movie review).
Journalistic error can be written
off as lack of ability--grammar is
a matter of education.
-Robert Dunlap, '58L

on "Name That Tune" he would
share $25,000 with his partner,
That brings his total to $76,500.
Assuming that this wizard and
his wife won the weekly grand
prize on "Do You Trust Your
Wife?" ($100 a week for a year),
and won this every week during
the year, he would receive $270,400.
His grand total for the night
would than be $346,900. Well, it's
s * *
there are two boys, ages 13 and
14. who are currently vying for
the big money offered on the "$64,-
000 Question" and "The Big Sur-
prise." Their respective categories
are "animals" and "fourteen years
of curiostiy."
It sort of makes you wonder
about the benefits of a college edu-
cation when you see these two
boys on the threshold of high
school giving long-winded answers
when you can't even understand
the questions.
And as a final note on quiz
shows here's a memo to the young
college graduate who last Tues-
day night lost $1,000 on "Name
That Tune" when he Identified
"The Michigan Victors" as being
the "Notre Dame Alma Mater":
"B u d d y, you went to the
WRONG school!"
** *
cently sponsored the national tele-
cast of the East-West football
game. Bill Lundigan did the com-
mercials from the pressbox and
was situated in front of a back-
drop on which "THE FORWARD
LOOK", Chrysler's slogan, was
printed. ,
Obviously unbeknown at the
time, Lundigan was in fact giving
just as much publicity to a rival
firm as he was giving to Chrysler.
This came about because the
director had placed Lundigan dir-
ectly in the center of the back-
drop and had taken a close-up
shot so the words "THE" and
"LOOK" were eliminated from
the picture. Thus Lundigan was
standing right in the center of the
word "FORWARD".
However, his body blocked out
the "RWA" from "FORWARD"
and all that was visible to the
viewers during all of the commerc-
ials that day were the letters
'Blithe Spirit' ...
NOEL Coward's comedy of sup,
ernatural errors, "Blithe Spir-
it," as presented on last night's
"Ford Star Jubilee" attempted to
raise the level of television comedy
from its usual Pinky Lee level. It
The story itself is not too im-
portant. Coward's first wife re-
turns after seven years of ming-
ling with Joan of Arc et al in Para-
dise as the result 'of a seance.
Only the audience and Coward
can see or hear her and from then
on most of the laughs come from
this "Cosmo Topper" situation.
"Baby" Bacall and Claudette
Colbert portrayed Coward's ex and
present wives with great skill.

THE Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553
Administration Building before 2 p.m.
the day preceding publication. Notices
for the Sunday edition must be in
by 2 p.m. Friday.
D. Lectures
Dr. Benjamin Shwadran, Editor, Mid-
dle Eastern Affairs, will speak on "il
and the Middle East," Mon., Jan. 1,
4:15 p.m., Aud. B, Angell Hall, auspices
of the Department of Near Eastern
Studies. Public Invited.
University Lecture: "Early English
Drawings," by Dr. Francis Wormad,
professor of palaeography, London Uni-
versity. Room 6, (basement) Angell
Hall, at 4:10 p.m. on Tues., Jan. 17.
The Vienna Choir Boys will be heard
in the Choral Union Series in Hill
Auditorium, Sun., Jan. 15, 2:30 p.m
A limited number of standing room
tickets are on sale at the offices of the
University Musical Society in Burton
Tower daily,until noon Sat., and Sun,
afternoon after 1:30, at the Hill Audi-
torium box office.
Student Recital: Sally Lutz, pianist,
in partial fulfillment of the require-
ments for the Bachelor of Music degree
at 4:15 p.m. today in Aud. A, Angeli
Hall, compositions by Bach, Beethoven,
Chopin, and Bloch. She is a pupil of
Marian Owen, and the program will be
open to the public.
Academic Notices
Recommendations for Departmentai
Honors: Teaching departments wishing
to ommend tentative February grad-
uates from the College of Literature,
Sciencerand the Arts, and the School
of Education- for departmental honors
(or high honors in the College of
L.S.&A.) should recommend such stu-
dents in 'a letter sent to the Office of
Registration and Records, Room 1513
Administration Building, by 8:30 a.m.,
Mon., Feb. 6, 1956.
Attention February Graduates: Col-
lege of Literature Science, and the Arts,
School of Education, School of Music,
School of Public Health, and School
of Business Administration-students
are advised not to request grades of I
or X in February. When such grades
are absolutely imperative, the work must
be made up in time to allow your
instructor to report the make-up grade
not later than 8:30 a.m., Mon., Feb. 6,
1956. Grades received after that time
may defer the student's graduation
until a later date.
To all students taking classes in the
College of Literature, Science, and the
Arts: On Tues. and Wed., Jan. 17-18
you will be invited to fill out a ques-
tionnaire asking your opinons about
several aspects of the instruction in
your classes. In order that you may
give consideration to your responses
beforehand, the general instructions
and the questions are reproduced below.
"Because learning and teaching are
reciprocal activities, it is appropriate
to review quite deliberately the rela-
tions between students and teachers i
our courses.
"It is also clear that a college edu-
cation ought to challenge the student
to increasingly mature achievement by
extending his power to reach informed
and independent judgments. But be-
cause the arts of gaining and imparting
knowledge are subtle and complex, the
act of evaluating educational progress
is not simple either for the teacher or
the student.
"In answering the questions that
follow, it may be helpful to consider
that a teacher's central aim, beyond
the immediate communication of his
subject-matter, is to encourage lively,
critical thinking. At the same time, a.
teacher's most obvious merits or even
his obvious defects may not really de-
termine the ultimate educational value
of a course, and the essential but not
so apparent labors of course-design and
development are often no less signif-
cant than a teacher's conduct of the
class sessions,

"Your thoughtful responses to this
questionnaire will assist the College ini
improving the methods and objectives
of our common educational endeavors.
"l. What is your judgment as to the
value of this course in your edu-
cation? Please point out both
its contributions and its deficien-
"2, Irrespective of your answer to
question 1, state and then evalu-
ate the objectives ,of this course.
Are they clearly apparent? How
well are they accomplished?
"3. How well was the instructor able
to stimulate your interest in the
material of this course? Give
specific reasons for your opinion,
"4. To what extent did you learn to
think critically in the subject-
matter area covered by this
"5. Keeping in mind that the re-
turns from this questionnare will
be used by the instructor in the
process of improving his teach-
ing,please mention any other
aspcts of the course or npinstrue-'.




Progress InAYSmall Dose

THE FACULTY has suddenly come into the,
student limelight in two areas, each stress-
ing the oft-forgottbn importance of student-
faculty interdependence.
In one, the question of faculty stimulation
in contr'oversial thinking, the student has ad-
mitted a need for mature leadership. The void
has never been so obvious, or the leadership so
In another area the faculty is coming to
the student, and here again a void exists which
is becoming increasingly more obvious.
Whether the blame is all do to size, and it
is unlikely that it is, faculty-student relation-
ship is falling into a flimsy "scheduled confer-
ence" type pattern. The instructor knows
little of what the student thinks of his course,
nor is the student ever fully cognizant of what
the instructor thinks of him individually and
his work.
For these reasons, the scheduled "faculty
evaluation" reports which 'students in the
Literary college will fill out Tuesday and Wed-
nesday are extremely encouraging,
HOWEVER, IT would seem that they do not
go far enough. For full, realistic evaluation
of teaching methods and course content, an
Editorial Staff
Dave Baad ......................... Managing Editor
Jim Dygert ........................... City Editor
Murry Frymer ...................... Editorial Director
Debra Durchslag ......,..............Magazine Editor
David Kaplan.............. .......Feature Editor
Jane Howard ......................Associate Editor
Louise Tyor ......................... Associate Editor
Phil Douglis. .......................Sports Editor
Alan Eisenberg .............. Associate Sports Editor
Jack Horwitz..................Associate Sports Editor
Mary Hellthaler.................Women's Editor
Elaine Edmonds ........... Associate Women's Editor
John Hirtzel ..................... Chief Photographer
Business Staff
Dick Al trom .....................Business Manager
Bob Ilgenfritz ... ,.., AssociateBusiness Manager
Ken Rogat.................... Advertising Manager

evaluation of this sort is too restricted to one
Certainly the faculty can become increas-
ingly aware of student opinion in this way,
and also the student can learn to formulate his
own thinking on this topic.
But a great deal more that, should be
brought into the open won't be.
For one, the student should know better
how his standards of evaluating a professor
and a course compare with those of his class-
Too often, students are sadly unaware that
the instructor they think is overly one-sided
may be praised by others for admitting to a
definite viewpoint. Or they may castigate a
professor -for his lackadaisical attitude while
others praise him for a sense of humor.
The same is true as to course content.
Secondly, the student should know how the
faculty answers charges against itself.
There may be a logical explanation for a
particular method of teaching of which the
student is not aware. Also, instructors never
fully explain to their classes the reasons for
stressing certain areas of the course, and over-
looking others.
ONE THING is however brought into the open
concerning faculty opinion, and it is worthy
of more thought.
Originally the faculty evaluations were
"graded" by the students on a 1-2-3-4-5 basis,
similar to the A-B-C-D-E basis of student
evaluation. But this time the faculty is asking
for a long essay criticism.
It points up very clearly what the student
has been complaining about for, a long time.
There is little he can learn from the lone
letter grade. What he needs is full explanation
of his course work, and of his individual de-
velopment in general. All he gets is a single
letter, which could mean anything.
Nevertheless the realization that students
should evaluate the faculty is an important
first step, despite its flaws. We won't refuse
progress-even in little doses.
New Books at the Library

Prison Work Program Abused, Not Used

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the second of a series of six articles
concerning today's prison and today's prisoner. The author is the
editor of the Jackson prison "Spectator" and is a present inmate
in the institution.)
THE word 'work' in the penal setting means, as it does in the free
world community, many things to many people. It does not mean
"hard labor," the phrase so loosely used in the sentence pronounced
by judges.
The latter term is a carry-over from the nineteenth century when
work in prison meant breaking rock or engaging in some of the other
more antiquated tasks designed to keep inmates occupied. In the
twentieth century the vocational picture in prisons, in the western
world, has come to be as broadly interpreted as in free society. With
the exceptions of the professions, almost every trade and occupation
is found in the larger American prison.
Inmates are found at ledger desks and typewriters; operating
turret lathes and punch presses; working in clinical laboratories and
x-ray darkrooms as technicians.
They are placed on these jobs with three main thoughts in mind:
the ability of the individual; the needs of institutional.maintenance
and industry; and the custody and security of the prison. Frequently
it is found that the latter two takes precedence over the former.
An examination of a few inmate vocations and the individuals
working on them will illustrate the variety and the dilemma faced by
the vocational supervisor in any penal institution where large numbers
of inmates are employed.
* * * *
ON ARRIVAL at the prison, Tim was processed through the
routine analysis, screening and classification. With an I.Q. of 124, a

tually worked against Tim's own welfare and that of the community
to which he was paroled.
When he sought clerical employment in free society he found that
a surety bond was required and that his practical experience in prison
bookkeeping was not in line with that required in free world industry.
He had thought, in prison, that he had finally found his spot in life.
When his goal was thwarted upon release he responded emotionally
rather than rationally.
When he returned to the prispn as a parole violator he was asked
why he had not been prepared to work as a laborer for a period of
time in order to re-establishrhimself in the community. He replied,
"You people here found I could be trusted on a clerical job. If I was
a good clerk in jail why Couldn't I be a good one in my home town?"
This is the sort of problem faced by the vocational counselor in
the penal setting. It can only be overcome by making the interests
of the individual paramount.
* * * *
ANOTHER VOCATIONAL problem involves the work habits in
the prison. Because of custodial and security needs they are short,
providing, on the average, a six-hour working' day. When the re-
leased man faces a more strenuous eight-hour day in free world
industry he finds it difficult.
The attitude of inmate workers to foreman and work supervisors
differs from that of the free world employee.
He identifies the prison foreman with custody and authority and
often feels hostile to him. On carrying this attitude over to the factory
outside prison he builds up for himself a psychological barrier difficult
to overcome.'
Fellow workers in the prison shop regard the productive worker
as "a state man" or "an apple polisher." These negative attitudes
acquired in prison work as obstacles to future community employment




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