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Change of i-Hop Bands Revealed
Alexander, Brown
To Be Featured
At Annual
Tommy Alexander and his Orch-
estra will be one of the two bands
which will provide music, as origi-
nally scheduled, at the annual
dance to be held from 9:30 p.m.
to 2 a.m. Friday, Feb. 10, at the
Intra Mural Building.
The Alexander organization will
share the J-Hop spotlight with
Les Brown' and his band. Alter-
nating on the bandstand during
the event, the two bands will pro-
vide a continuous evening of danc-
ing for those attending J-Hop.
In explaining his music, Alexan-
der said that he combines pro-
gressive jazz and dance music and
trys to keep it interesting enough
so that people know what's hap-
pening all the time.
Trombones Featured
The orchestra features four
trombones and tvyo baritone saxo-
phones in unison, one octave below
the lead trombone in many of their
The band is known for its brass
ensemble effects and often features
saxophone jazz solos. Most of the
arranging is done by Alexander..
Bobbi Cooke is featured on vo-
"Rebelaire," as this year's J-Hop
has been named, will feature a
southern theme. Magnolias, green
.smilax sprays and fountains,
against a background of southern
plantations, bayous and New Or-
leans street scenes, will provide
the setting.
Color Scheme
The decorations will carry out
a color scheme of gold, white and
green, while lighting effects will
be in such colors as green, blue-
green, pink and lavender.
J-HOP-Band leader Tommy Alexander revises a musical score in
preparation for Friday, Feb. 10, when he and his orchestra will
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entertain couples attending J-H
alternate with Alexander to p
In addition to the main event on;
Friday, Feb. 10, a weekend ski
mal dance have also been sched-
trip, a splash party and an infor-
The splash party will be held
from 2 to 4:30 p.m. Saturday,
Feb. 11, at the women's swimming
pool, while the informal dance has
been scheduled from 9 p.m. to 1
a.m. the same day at the League.
J-Hop ticket sales will be held
for the last time from 1 to 5 p.m.
today at the Administration Build-
ing. Tickets for the ski weekend
trip may be purchased at the same
Before students start burning the-midnight oil and draining
the perennial pot of coffee, one last weekend of parties is on the
Kappa Sigma Is turning their house into a replica of the Ar-
boretum for their party tomorrow night while Theta Chi's and their
dates will go dancing at "Midnight in a Barn."
Tomorrow afternoon the Evans Scholars' chapters from the
University and Michigan State University will hold their basketball
playoff. That evening, following the hockey game a record dance
will be held in honor of the visiting chapter.
Costume Parties
Costume parties seem to be in style this weekend. The Alpha
Epsilon Phi's will be dressed as Walt Disney characters for their
Disneyland party, while the men of Delta Tau Delta and their dates
will come dressed as songs, at their "Theme Party."
The final formal of the semester will be given by Theta Xi to-
morrow evening. Dinner will be served to the couples at the Farm
Prom the dressy to the casual, Beta Theta' Pi, Delta Chi, Delta
Kappa Epsilon and Sigma Nu are presenting informal record dances.
'Hard Times' Party
Hobos and tramps will visit the Alpha Chi Sigma house in
abundance ;or their "Hard Times" party but "Anything Goes" will
best describe the costumes at the Acacia "Suppressed Desire" party.
The Phi Gamma Delta and Chi Psi party will be the scene for all
lovers of jazz when the Boll Weevil Band entertains there tomorrow
"Deep Purple" is the theme for the winter dance at Victor
Vaughan Dormitory tonight as couples dance to the music of Bill
Bottomley and his Orchestra. Silver mobiles, angel hair clouds, and
silhouettes of a band will decorate the dance floor.
Combos will play at the Delta Upsilon, Lambda Chi Alpha and
Sigma Phi Epsilon houses for their last parties of the semester and
informal record dances will end the activities of Alpha Kappa Kappa,
Phi Kappa Sigma and Sigma Alpha Epsilon until J-Hop weekend.
op. The band of Les Brown will
rovide a continuous evening of
Church Clubs
To Present
Open Houses
The advent of exams has taken
hold of the religious clubs on
campus, and this week finds the
activity centered around panel dis-
cussions and open houses.
All superstitious members of
the Roger Williams Guild for Bap-
tist students are invited to attend
their "Friday, the 13th" party at
8 p.m. tonight to brush up on their
pet phobias.
After a League panel meeting on
"Religious Liberty" Sunday, the
Baha'i's will gather for a home-
cooked Italian dinner.
Informal Meeting
The Grace Bible Student Guild
will have an informal meeting
Sunday night, while the Congre-
grational and Disciples Guild will
have a panel discussion on their1
Student Volunteer Movement Con-
ference, held during Christmas va-
Records and cokes will be fea-
tured by the Wesleyan Guild at
their open house at 8 p.m. today.
St. Mary's Newman Club will
hold a record dance from 9 p.m.
to midnight today at ,the Father
Richard Center.
Skating Party
Burns Park will be the scene of
a skating party tonight for the
single students of the Lutheran
Student Chapel. The married
members will meet at the Center
for a film based on the Lutheran
Members of the Westminister
Student Fellowship will be enter-
taining Francis Ball from the Na-
tional Board of Missions at a re-
ception on Sunday evening.
The religious writings of John
Woolman, early American writer,
will be the featured discussion by
the Young Friends' Fellowship
group Sunday evening.
ISA Panel
To Discuss
German, U.S. Students
Will Meet To Debate
Questions of Culture
"Guinea Pigs in Democracy?
German Culture Today" will be
the topic of a discussion, which
will be held at 7:30 p.m. today in
the recreation room of the Inter-
national Center.
This is -the second in a series of
International Student Association
sponsored debates between Ameri-
can students and students repre-
senting other national groups.
Representatives of Germany and
the United States will discuss the
political and cultural basis for
democracy in West Germany.
To Outline History
Opening the event, Yoachim
Mahle, graduate student in sociol-
ogy, will briefly outline the history
of democratic thought in Germany
with special references to the cul-
tural attitudes of the people.
Mahle has studied at the Uni-
versity of Stuttgart and the Uni-
versity of Freiburg.
Aiding him on the German side
will be Peter Schlitt, a student in
graduate law who studied at the
University of Frankfort, and Hans
Jaeger, also in graduate law, who
graduated from the University of
U.S. Side of Debate
On the American side, Stu Or-
mand and Jim Prendergast, both
in law school, and Wallace Wells,
graduate student in sociology, will
Moderator Alice Spuelher will
pose questions for both sides to
According to Mahle, there
should be an attempt to relate the
government developed in Germany
with American aid to the cultural
background of the German people.
To Clarify Misconceptions
The entire- series is designed to
clarify misconceptions Americans
may have about the political and
cultural pattern of other nations,
and thus contribute to interna-
tional understanding.
Most of the topics selected for
discussion will be of a controver-
sial nature.
On Friday, Feb. 17, Swiss and
Americanstudents will participate
in the debate.
Basketball Club
Members of the Basketball
Club will meet at 4:15 p.m. to-
day in Barbour Gymnasium, to
',practice for their first game.
To passersby, the yellowed-brick
walls of the Masonic Temple give
little evidence that this building
is one of the centers of culture
for Ann'Arbor and outlying areas.
For two years, it has served as
workshop and show house for
Dramatic Arts Center Produc-
A relatively new addition to the
community's participation in the
arts, the DAC came into being
in June, 1954.
Local Organization
It was organized by a group of
private citizens and University
professors who "wanted to create
a professional theater of high
quality to form the core of the
Center, with activities in dance,
music and art developing as aux-
"At first we were faced with
the problem of whether Ann Arbor
needed such a center, and more
important if the city would sup-
port it," Prof. Wilfred Kaplan of'
the University mathematics de-
partment"and a member of the
DAC Board of Directors, remark-
"But people have shown such
an interest in our work that we
feel it an ideal time for further
expansion and attainment of even
higher ideals," he added.
Members Increase
The 900 memberships of the
first season have increased to 1200
for i the current one. Financial
assistance comes in the form of
contributions from Ann Arbor citi-
Joseph Gistirak, professional
director and actor, who directs
DAC performances, feels that the
Center reflects more than com-
munity interest.
"It's part of a new movement
in which cities are not looking so
much to broadway for their theater
fare, but rather establishing their
own resident professional groups,"
he said.
Many Appearances
Remarking that such theaters
have made appearances in several
American cities, Gistirak added,
"Probably our bill offers one of
the highest types of highbrow en-
"We try to present plays that
have the maximum of meaning,"
the director continued," and that
are of a high standing both as
dramatic and literary art."
So far, works of George Bernard
Shaw, Jean Anouilh, T. S. Eliot,
Anton Checkhov and Jean-Paul
Sartre have appeared at the Cen-
Confidential Clerk," the play cur-
rently being presented by DAC
performers, when it was unsuccess-
ful in New York, the director
smiled broadly.
"What a play does on Broadway
has little to do with us here," he
explained. "The appeal to our
audience is on much higher level
than that in New York."
He went on to say that the Ann
Arbor audience is, in general, one
of the most literate in the coun-
Popular Author
"Eliot seems to be our most
popular author," Gistirak pointed
out, remarking that "The Cock-
tail Party," presented last year,
"was most enthusiastically receiv-
Actors and actresses for DAC
plays are chosen for the parts by
Gistirak, who casts, in New York,
as well as in the Ann Arbor area.
The slim, dark-haired director
said that he "usually will hear
anyone who- wants to audition."
Several University students have
appeared in productions.
Arena-Type Theater
Commenting on the DAC's
Bureau Purposes,
Goals Explained
Purpose of the Bureau of Psy-
chological Services is to help each
student realize his abilities and
deficiencies and thereby plan a
successful college program,
Contrary to a recent Daily ar-
ticle, the Bureau does not "type"
students or give all of the Orien-
tation exams.
Members of the Counseling Di-
vision conceive of their roles as ini-
tiating a process for the student
to solve his own problems, rather
than figuring out a student's prob-
I --
arena-type theater, a form which
allows the audience to surround
the stage on all four sides, Gistirak
feels it has its advantages, especi-
ally for the presentation of come-
"Many people who don't usually'
like the theatre find themselves
attracted to ours, probably because
of the immediacy of the impact."
"The arena stage is the only
way," he continued, "for the audi-
ence to get as close to the actor
as in a movie close-up."
Helpful for Actors
Actors find it helpful also. Syd-
ney Walker who appears in one
of the leading roles of "The Confi-
dential Clerk" calls the DAC stag
"one of the best of its kind in the
"It's better for the actor's con-
centration," he declared, "and
helps to break down the barrier
between audience and actor."
Walker is switching roles with
Gistirak for the Center's coming
attraction. "Pygmalion." He wil
take over directing duties while
Gistirak assumes a major part ir
the play.
In summarizing DAC work so
far, Prof. Kaplan said, "We've set
a worthy goal and made substan-
tial progress towards attaining it
The love of art which we all share
must carry us to success."
Theatrical Entertainment Provided by DAC
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