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January 11, 1956 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1956-01-11

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Landlords Abusing Critical
Demand For Housing
(See Page 4)


Latest Deadline in the State

:43 19



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VALj. X.XW, No. 7!

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Johnson Motive
Remains Mystery
Murderer Still in Dazed Condition
Because of Sleeping Pill Overdose
Ann Arbor police were still unable yesterday to determine the
motive behind the murders of Harold A. Johnson, who shot his wife
and two children to death Monday evening.
Johnson, 38 yeare old University graduate, is being kept under
police guard in University Hospital, where he is recovering from a
dose of sleeping pills he took in an attempt to end his life after the
Had Gun Permit
Victims of the tragedy were 35-year-old Margery Johnson, and
the Johnson daughters, Barbara, 3, and Margaret, 1. They were.
slain in the well-furnished, new






... old face, new jersey

Four Minors
.Admit iegal
SLiquor Buy
For serving liquor to minors
Metzgers Restaurant will "no doubt
becited before the State Liquor
Control Commission," according to
local police officers.
Prosecution by the liquor com-
mission could result in a fine or
temporary loss of license.
The illegal drinking occurred
Dec. 15, the day before: Christ-
mas vacation. Police report they
checked a car at Fifth and Wash-
x ington and found five students
who had been drinking. Four of
them were minors. '
Admit Purchase
After questioning, the minors
admitted they had purchased sev-
en pitchers of beer at Metzgers
without being asked for proof of
The waitress who served them
was i4ltifiecd by poice as Lotte
Police said they were still in-
vestigating the incident to gather
facts for the Liquor Commission.
The four minors were turned
over to University officials. They
are: Mark Velder, '58, 19 years old,
Y Albert' Meyer, '57, 20 years old,
David Zolotow, '57, 20 years old,
Andrew Baumer, '58, 19 years old.
In. another drinking Incident last
Friday, a University student was
ftarrrested, by' police in front of a
ocal restrant for drunk and dis-
orderly conduct.
To Court Today,
The student, Gordon Black, '57,
was released on $50 bail. His case
comes to court today.
£ When arrested, Black was car-
rying false identification but police
officials said they had not decided
whether to charge him with using
false IDI -
r They sad he would most likely'
be charged with drunk and dis-
orderly conduct. Two other stu-
dents were involved in the inci-
dent but they were released by
police after being warned.
Waiter Metzger would not com-
ment on the pending prosecution
but claimed "we don't have any
trouble with students as a general
Clint Caster, owner of the res-
taurant where Black was arrested,
said Black never got in.
Police Press Charges
"We didn't have anything at all
to do with it. The police arrested
him in front of the restaurant and
x they're the ones who are pressing
charges," Caster said.
Caster went on to claim, "We
are continually having trouble
with students trying to get in on
false identification."
F "We're forced to have a man at
the door constantly because of the
'large number of borderline cases,
Caster commented.
Caster pointed out many stle
dents may not realize their lia-
bility. "Seldom does a student
come in on a false ID and have a
drink by himself. When he sits
down with his friends he impli-
Cates them."
'Further, Caster said, if a student
who has been drinking illegally
gets in trouble, any adults who
aided him in getting the liquor
- are liable.

brick Johnson home at 1435 West-
field Ave.
Johnson had used a .32 caliber
Colt automatic, which police say
he had a permit to keep.
Detectives spent much of yes-
terday questioning the man but
said they were unable to find any
motive. What Johnson told them
has not been released to the press
as yet and he is being closely
guarded at the hospital, where he
is kept strapped to his bed. No
definite release has been set.
As yet Johnson has not been
formally charged and police re-
ported he had no lawyer to defend
Friends of the couple and Mrs.
Johnson's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Rudolph Dahlstrom of 1202 Birk
Avenue, hinted that marital troub-
les may have been responsible for
the slayings. However, nothing
definite was indicated.
Called In-Law,
Police rushed to the Johnson
home Monday evening after a.
phone call from the man's broth-
er-in-law, Dr. G. D. Porterfield of
Houghton Lake who had spoken
to him moments earlier and heard
the slayer exclaim, "I just killed
Margery, Barbie and Margaret."
Dr. Porterfield called state police
who relayed the message to Ann
Johnson received a B.S. degree
in June, 1951, majoring in engi-
neering and .specializing in phy-
sics. He first enrolled in Septem-
ber, 1938, continuing school until
1941 when he entered the army.
He was discharged on June 3, 1943
as a private, and married Mrs.
Johnson, the former Margery
Dahlstrom, in August of that year.
Received B.A.
Johnson returned to school in
September of 1946 and remained
enrolled until he received his B.A.
in 1951.
Mrs. Johnson was also a Univer-
sity graduate, having obtained a
B.A. in education in 1942.
Both Johnson and Mrs. Johnson
were born in the Upper Peninsula,
he at Ironwood and she at Besse-
The new Johnson home was
estimated by neighbors to be worth
some $20,000. They reported Mrs.
Johnson had worked part-time at
home prior to the birth of Mar-
garet as a typist for the engineer-
ing college.
University authorities reported
Johnson as being a laboratory
assistant to the late Prof. Paul H.
Geiger, famous accoustics scien-
tist, in the early 1940's. They were
unable to locate any work he had
done for the National Research
Council, the organization Johnson
had listed as his employer in the
city directory, giving himself the
title of "Dr."

Oppose 'M'
InIce Play
Tonight's Clash
At Detroit Rink
Daily Sports Editor
Michigan's red-hot defending
national champion hockey squad
tears head-on into' the unbeaten
United- States Olympic team to-
night at the Detroit Olympia in
what could be the greatest colleg-
iate hockey game in the last five
Face-off time is 8:30, and some
5,000 fans- are expected to throng
the huge sports palace to see the
battle. Tickets are still available,
and may be purchased at two
prices-$1 and $3-until 3 p.m.
today at the Athletic Administra-
tion Building. Two dollar seats
and $1.50 round-trip bustickets
are still available at the Michigan
Union. Good seats may also be
purchased at the Olympia.
The exhibition will be the most
important for the Wolverine icers
since Dec. 16, 1948, when Michigan
scuttled Toronto, 12-1, before 18,-
000 Chicago Stadium fans to take
the North American champion-,
Olympians Sizzling
The Olympians are sizzling-
with eight consecutive victories
under their belt. They butchered
North Dakoto's co-league-leading'
Nodaks at Grand Forks twice on
New Year's weekend-and then
last Friday and Saturday, convinc-
ingly whipped Minnesota at Minn-
eapolis and St. Paul. Monday night
they walloped Canada's classy
Bar Exams
'Under Fire
LANSING (A)-A 23-man grand
jury was ordered created yester-
day to investigate charges of
cheating and bribery in connec-
tion with the state bar examina-
tion last September at Ann Arbor.
Atty. Gen. Thomas M. Kavan-
agh and Incham County prosecu-
tor Charles E. Chamberlain re-
quested the grand jury. It was
ordered impanelled by Ingham
County circuit judge Marvin J.
Judge Salmon ordered the jury
to convene Jan. 23.

England Sends Troops
To Calm Jordan Unrest
Anti-British, Anti-American Disturbances
Caused By Fear of Membership in Pact
LONDON (P-Prime Minister Anthony Eden yesterday ordered
more troops flown to the Middle East in a show of strength aimed at
keeping the peace in the disturbed region.
The British acted after anti-British and anti-American rioting
in Jordan by elements which oppose that Arab kingdom's joining the
Baghdad Pact.
'Precautionary' Move
The War Office announcement called the move "a precautionary
measure" to protect British citizens in the area-Dnut British officials
made plain the troops might be used to douse a possible flareup any-
where, including palestine.
The Eden government's top Mid-
die East expert, Evelyn Shuck-
burgh, flew to Washington yester-p
day to coordinate over-all Middle P r s n
East policy with the Eisenhower aTo1 P resent
administration. IF IU 1 L
The British expert will lay the
ground-work for talks between
Eden and President Eisenhower F r t R pt
opening in Washington Jan. 30 on
ways to counter the Russian thrust Rushing study committee will
into the Middle East. New Western make its first progress report dur-
peace moves to end the Palestine ing the Student Government Coun-
dispute will be discussed, too. cil meeting at 7:30 p.m. today in
Eden Conterrs the Union.
Eden conferred at No. 10 Down- The report is being submitted
ing St., with War Minister An- ten school weeks after passage of
thony Head just before the War a motion by League President
Office announced that paratroops Hazel Frank, '56, that a Pan-'
and ground reinforcements would hellenic-Assembly committee and
be sent to bolster Britain's "Fire an Interfratdrnity Council-Inter
Brigade" garrison on Cyprus, the House Council committee be form-
island base in the eastern Medit- ed to study "problems that may
erranean. arise in connection with the acqui-
These troops will beef up the sition of new sorority and frater-
100,000-man garrison already on nity members."
the British island colony, churned Miss Frank's motion was passed
by strife and violence from Cypri- at SGC's Oct. 18 meetingfollowing
ots demanding union with Greece. a proposal to submit the question
Cyprus serves as headquarters for of rushing problems to a seven-
Britain's air and land forces in the member committee consisting of
Middle East, while the Royal Navy housing group members and SGC
is based on Malta to the west. executive committee - appointed
Could Move Out members.
Tn caseoserou ht - Tonight's Council meeting will
in case of serious fighting, Brit- also consider recommendations by
ish forces on Cyprus could move Rod Comstock, '56E, that the com-
out i several directions. Britain mittee structure be delegated more
has a system of alliances with such power in approval of constitutions
Arab countries as Jordan, Iraq, and calendaring of events.
Iran and Libya which bind Brit-___ ___
ain to act against any aggressor.
For nearly a year the explosiveP
quarrel between Israel and her
qure ewe saadhrArab neighbors has kept the Mid-
dle East neighbors in danger- Student-Grad
The rest of the East Coast got
ous farment. It has been inten.si-
from Communist Czechoslovakia. R elationships
Other Communist attempts at ec-
onomic penetration have distrubed By JANET REARICK
the area, long a sphere of British
influence. Inter-relations of students and
alumni groups was one of the
* major' points discussed at the
N atives e meeting of the Student Relations
N ative 1.1 .,Committee of the Development

-. ,

-Laiy-Sam -Citing
THIS IS YOUR ANN ARBOR-As most students term it, Ann
Arbor's "typical" weather returned yesterday, soaking old snow
and new sleet into the watery coating of melting ice which coated
roads and pavements late yesterday afternoon and last night.
Army to Step Up Work
On Long-Ran-e Missile
WASHINGTON (UP-Gen. Maxwell D. Taylor said yesterday the
Army will put "all we've got" into the effort to perfect a missile
with 1,500-mile range.
The chief of staff also told a news conference that the Army
"expects to spend more and more of its money" in the field of mis-
siles. This field includes not only the program for the 1.500-mile, in-
termediate range rocket, but shorter range rockets and antiaircraft
Referring to the joint service project for development of a new
rocket, Taylor said that "the Army, using Redstone, and in partner-
His reference was to a new <">
ship with the Navy, is developing I
a medium missile--a 1,500 milel
bombardment rocket, named after A Stori
the Redstone, Ala., Arsenal whereA
it was designed. That missile now
has a reported range of between k
200 and 300 miles. Taylor's corn- Strikes IE ast
ment suggested that the Redstone
design is serving only as a depart- iiy'th Associated Press
ure point for building a bigger,'r
farherrahin roketA great Atlantic storm -- with
farther-reaching rocket. the strength but not the fury of
Remembering that the Air Forcea hurricane - brought damaging
also is at work on a long-range, cold to Florida yesterdaym i
5,000-mile, intercontinental ballis-o The rest of the East Coast got
tics missile-as well as on rockets mIher of he Eas Cas got
of lseiane-reotrakdminor floods, high winds, and per-
th e se range-a reporter asked misn r a -
the army chief what services would Nsistenrain.
use he rmy issle. aylr ~ No general relief was expected
use the army missile. Taylor re- before the first of next week.
plied that "we are working on the Florida crop damage ran into
principle that the nation needs the the millions of dollars.
missile'"-perhaps hinting that all to many Miamians turned on
CI-Vinac LU l itmn

Sec. Benson,
To Confer
Highway Plans
To Get Attention
WASHINGTON () -President
Dwight D. Eisenhower and admin-
istration leaders agreed yesterday
to push for quick congressional
action on the farm problem.
They talked also of the need to
get started on a big highway con-
struction effort.
Democrats, who control Congress
have also shown a desire to get
going with farm legislation. Chair-
man A. J. Ellender (D-La) called'
his Senate Agriculture Committee
to meet with Secretary Ezra Taft
Benson tomorrow morning and
with representatives of farm or-
ganizations tomorrow afternoon,
The House Agriculture Committee
went to work in a preliminary
meeting yesterday.
Message Sent
In the meantime, President Eis-
enhower arranged to send his
special message on federal aid to
school construction to Congress to-
morrow morning. His next mes-
sage will be the important one on
the federal budget, next Monday.
Pres. Eisenhower called the top
Republican leaders of the Senate
and House to the White House yes-
terday morning on his second full
day of work there in his conval-
escence from his heart attack,
Sen. William Knowland of Cali-
fornia, the Senate GOP leader,
said the President looked fine,
Knowland and Rep. Joseph Mar;
tin of Massachusetts, the House,
Republican leader, agreed there
was no talk bearing on the ques-
tion of whether Eisenhower will
run again.
Action on Farm Message
Knowland said the Republicans
want action as soon as possible on
the Eisenhower farm message,
which went to Congress Monday.
He said the feeling of urgency
was based on a desire to deal fairly
with the farmers as a vital ele-
ment of the economy, rather than
to seek votes for November.
A central feature of the pro-
gram received bipartisan support.
This was the idea of a soil bank,
under which farmers would get
cash or commodities from the gov-
ernment for cutting back on un-
necessary production.
Democrats, including Sen. Hub-
ert Humphrey of Minnesota, main-
tained that the soil bank idea ac-
tually originated among them.
However, the biggest objection
raised to the Eisenhower program
-by some Midwestern Republicans
as well as many Democrats-was
that it wouldn't act quickly enough
to help farmers whose prices and
income have been steadily dwind-
Price Supports
The Eisenhower program would
supplement the current plan of
flexible, rather than rigid, price
supports. The administration con-
tends that it was the high sup-
ports which led to the accumula-
tion of price-depressing surpluses.
On the matter of highway con-
struction aid, Knowland said the
Republican leaders were concerned
that Congress hasn't approved a
program in the year since Pres.
Eisenhower submitted his ideas,
and the highways are now "that
much more crowded."
The Eisenhower plan failed last
year largely because of Senate ob-
jections to its proposal for financ-

ing it through a big bond issue.
Critics said that this would mean
too much money being paid out in
interest, rather than on construc-
Farm Surplus
I ft %New Mob




National Roundup

By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-The United States yesterday restored a 10
million dollar cut in economic aid to India which had been ordered
by Foreign Aid Director John B. Hollister.
Secretary of State John F. Dulles is understood to have directed
personally that the aid be reinstated, partly in response to appeals
from U.S. Ambassador John Sherman Cooper in India.
The International Cooperation Administration did not announce
restoration of the cut outright.
It merely said the ICA had approved a 50 million dollar outlay
on economic and for India and added that this was the full amount
authorized by Congress for the fiscal year ending next June 30.
WASHINGTON-The Justice Department insisted yesterday upon
trial in Washington of a case testing the constitutionality of inter-
national agreements that allow foreign courts to decide the fate of
American servicemen accused of criminal offense.

In Amazon
QUITO, Ecuador (M)-Five fly-
ing missionaries from the United
States were believed yesterday to
have been seized and at least one
of them slain by savage Auca In-
The scene was a remote Ama-
zon jungle region of northeastern
A Quito radio station reported
receiving a message from a U. S.
Air Force search plane saying the,
missionaries' single-engine plane
was destroyed and that observed
beside it was the body of one uni-
dentified person.
The missionaries were members
of an evangelicalgroup which had
gone into the jungle to establish
contact with the Aucas; The Aucas
are considered the most uncivil-
ized tribe in Ecuador.
The search plane, an amphib-
ious Albatross, was dispatched
from the Panama Canal Zone to
fly over the jungle region where
the five missionaries landed in
their small Piper plane Sunday.
A last radio message 'received

Council last night.
The first problem in this coordi-
nation activity was seen as one of
reaching groups on campus
through an effective speaking pro-
gram. It was suggested that stu-
dents be reached through the four
housing organizations, and Eugene
Hartwig, '58L, proposed an "area
program" that would contact
smaller portions of the housing
Suggestions Aired
Hartwig suggested that once
students had been reached, the
Student Relations Committee work
with those particularly interested
in student-alumni relations.
In addition, Hartwig felt that a
reorganization of many locality
alumni clubs as, purely social or-
ganizations would be a "big key
to what we may want later on."
Mary Ann Thomas, '57, present-
ed rules for the Art Award being
established by the committee, and
Donna Netzer, '56, suggested
that a means of financing the
award be decided upon before def-
inite rules are made.
Geographic Plan
A plan for listing all students
by geographic locality was dis-
.cussed and Dick Snyder, '57, sug-
gested that this additional infor-
mation be obtained from a card
for the Student Relations Com-
mittee to be included on the'regis-

Detroit Strike -
Not Near End
D E T RPOI T OP-The Detroitt
newspaper strike moved through
its 41st day yesterday with no
sign of any immediate settlement.
No official bargaining sessions
were held yesterday and none was
scheduled for today.
Token picket lines have been
maintained, but last- night the
lines increased to some 150 men
around the Detroit News building.
The line moved in orderly fashion.

services woui use QT.

electric ovens and heaters against
the cold that transformers were
overloaded and power was knocked
out in some sections of the city.
The gigantic ocean storm, two
thousand miles in diameter, was
centered off the mid-Atlantic coast
about 250 miles at sea. Although
it lacked the fury of a hurricane,
it was described as three times as
big as one.
Gale force winds and persistent{
rains that began Sunday in the
Northeast caused minor floods
from New Jersey to Maine.
Gordon E. Dunn, chief storm
forecaster in the Miami Weather'
Bureau, said such a winter storm'
of this size and intensity occurs
only once every 5 or 10 years.


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