Faculty Dismissals-
Good or Bad For Campus?
(See Page 4)
Latest Deadline in the State
" * t?
VOU LXVI, No. 73
Murd ers
Daughte rs
-Daily-Esther Goudsmit
KRAMER SCORES-Ron Kramer (27) drives in for two points late in the first half of last night's
Michigan-Purdue clash. Ready to assist is Wolverine teammate Randy Tarrier y(23). Kramer's 15
points helped Michigan to a 74-67 victory.
Michigan Hopsters Whip Purdue,74-6 7
A second half surge and a sharp
shooting guard aided the Michi-
gan cagers to their second upset
victory in a row, as they out-
fought Purdue to a 74-67 decision
at Yost Field House last night.
The win boosted the Wolver-
ine's conference record to 2-1, plac-
ing them in a tie for second with
Indiana and Purdue behind the
leader, Illinois.
Jim Shearon's deadly shooting
eye was the spark that brought
Michigan roaring back from the
short end of a 37-35 half time
score. The slender 5'11" guard
pumped in 18 points, 16 of them
Chile Stops
Strle, T s
To Convene
SANTIAGO, Chile (P)-Iron-fist-
ed military control and group ar-
rests headed off a general strike
in Chile yesterday.,
The economic crisis underlying
the trouble is to be considered in
a special session of Congress to-
day. .
An official announcement by
President Carlos Ibanez' govern-
ment said the strike called by the
Central Labor Union (CUT) was a
total failure. It added that key
activities which were supposed to
be halted by the walkout were
operating normally throughout the
The state radio conceded that
about 10 per cent of the workers
L quit their jobs.
Troops Patrol Capital
Thirty-thousand troops and na-
tional police maintaining round-
the-clock patrols of Santiago
streets, kept the labor front in
the capital quiet. The authorities
said they would keep order and
"guarantee the freedom to work,"
using force only if attacked.
Ten armored cars and tanks
guarded the presidential palace,
and the armed forces controlled
public utilities and railways.
Gen. Horacio Gamboa, com-
mander of the Santiago garrison,
. warned that any person inciting
others to strike would be jailed.
He charged Communists had insti-
gated the strike.
300 Arrested
About 300 persons-including
some top CUT officials, leaders of
the political opposition to Ibanez,
and some newspapermen - are
under arrest.
The government took its drastic
action under a state of siege, a
modified form of martial law, pro-
claimed a week ago. When the
government moved further to
freeze wages, prices, and pensions
in an effort to suppress inflation,
in the second half, to lead the,
Michigan scoring.
Five Successive Baskets
At.one time in the second half
Shearon dumped in five baskets
in a row. This kind of accurate
shooting gained him a .637 shoot-
ing average. His outstanding play
didn't stop at putting the ball in
the basket. He was also a con-
sistant ball hawk throughout the
Michigan's slow start in the first
half was due primarily to exces-
sive fouling and the fact that Pur-
due just wasn't missing from the
foul line. The Boilermakers sank
15 free shots to Michigan's three
in the first half.
It was in the second half that
Michigan showed signs of begin-
ning to move. Early in the period
for the first time as Shearon be-
gan to find the range, and the
Wolverine defense began to tighten
Lead See-Sawed
The edge see-sawed back and
forth until about eight minutes
to go in the game. Again Shearon
pushed the Wolverines ahead,
stealing the ball and going the
length of the court to put in a
This proved. to be the turning
point, as other Wolverines began
to find the shooting range. Tom
Jorgensen and Ron Kramer each
threw in several baskets as Michi-
gan opened up a seven point lead,
66-59, and then started in with
stalling tactics.
The stalling worked beautifully
as Purdue was unable to gain pos-
session of the ball without foul-
ing, and the game was Michigan's.
Two in a Row
Two victories in a row in Big
ten competition for Bill Perigo's
cagers may seem surprising to
some fans, after seeing the Ohio
State trimming and thinking way
back to before Christmas when
the Freshmen whipped the var-
But the 'Blue' team is notice-
ably improving with every game.
Along with the brilliance of
Shearon is the work of sophomore
starter Bill Wright. Wright, -who
is tremendously fast, played a
great defensive game last night
and hit for eight points before he
was replaced by Jorgensen in the
second half.
See SECOND, Page 3
Indiana '
Gyiven Books
Lilly, Indianapolis pharmaceutical
manufacturer, is giving his big
library of rare books, first editions
and manuscripts, some dating back
to 1470, to Indiana University.
There were no estimates on the
value or number of books, but
book authorities consider it the
largest and most valuable gift 'of
its kind ever made to any Ameri-
can University.
The library, collected over a
period of 30 years, includes the
first printed copies of writings by
such early explorers as Columbus,
Amerigo Vespucci, Cortez and De-
The big collection also includes
most of the great works in Eng-
lish and American literature,
dating back to a copy of Chaucer's
"Canterbury Tales," printed in
1478 by England's first printer,
There are other early works in
science, medicine and American
Tries Own
Found by Police
In Critical State
An Ann Arbor man shot and
killed his wife and two young
daughters last night.
Harold A. Johnson was found by
police slumped by a phone after
taking poison in his home at 1435
Victims of the slaying were
Johnson's wife, Mar-erie, 38 years
old, and the Johnson children,
Barbara, 3, and ;Margaret 1.
Relative Phones
Police received, a call from the
murdered woman's brother, Dr.
G. E. Porterfield, of Houghton
Lake, Mich., moments after John-
son had called Dr. Porterfield to
say he'd murdered his family.
Johnson was taken to University
Hospital, where doctors said he
had a chance of pulling through.
They were unable to determine
immediately what the pink liquid
Johnson drank contained.
Dr. Porterfield said he tried to
keep Johnson on the phone but
the latter was apparently unable
to remain conscious. The Hough-
ton Lake relative was expected in
town early this morning by police
who hope to get details cleared up.
14 Blanks Found
Police said Johnsonused a .32
automatic colt and that 14 blanks
had been found, although only
nine bullets were removed from the
murder victims. They said the
gun must have been re-loaded.
Mrs. Johnson- was found shot
seven times in a chair where she
had been watching television. Bar-
bara was sprawled in a living room
chair, a bullet through her head,
clutching a toy pistol. The baby,
Margaret, had been shot through
the head in her crib.
Police were unable to dis-
cern any motive, although they
said Johnson had been drinking.
Friends described the Johnsons as
a "perfect family" and Johnson as
"a very bright man.-
Employment Uncertain
No positive record pf present
employment was available for
Johnson. Union officials said the
man worked as a part-time cashier
during the first half of 1955 and
that it was understood he was a
medical student.
Johnson is listed in the city di-
rectory as a doctor for the Na-
tional Research Council, but Uni-
versity officials .were unable to
find any record of employment or
to identify the organization.
A neighbor described Johnson
as a former heavy drinker, but
said that only yesterday afternoon
while talking with Johnson the
latter had said he was "definitely
on the wagon now."
Age Unknown
The neighbor told police Johnson
had originally been a chemistry
student but had switched to medi-
cine. He said he believed Johnson'
had been expelled from the Uni-
versity medical school for excessive
There was no record of Johnson's
Cut Crop
Too Heavy
RAMSTEIN, Germany (P) -
The United States 12th Air
Force Monday ordered fat fliers
to trim down their waistlines-
or be grounded.
Maj. Gen. Robert M. Lee,
commander of the 12th, said in
a letter to fliers and ground
personnel in Germany and
France that they must pare
down to weights prescribed in
the Air Force manual for their
height and age group.
Fatties who fail to do so
will get bad marks in their
efficiency reports and pilots
will be grounded.
New Jordan
Takes Over
AMMAN, Jordan (Al)-A new
government took over in Jordan
yesterday under royal injunction
to stamp out disorder and clean
up "disturbing elements," includ-
ing civil service employes, which
have kept the country in an up-
roar over the Baghdad Pact.
American and official sources
said the 14,000-man Arab Legion,
Jordan's crack army, was in firm
control and the country calm after
a weekend of rioting and demon-
strations. Only minor demonstra-
tions were reported yesterday. One
included the stoning of an Ameri-
can Quaker hospital at Ajloun in
eastern Jordan.
During the disorders, the State
Department in Washington report-
ed, the United States Marine
guard fired in the air Saturday
and with other personnel repelled
a mob attack on the American
consulate in the Jordan-admin-
istered sction of Jerusalem.
Washington officials and a Brit-
ish Foreign Office spokesman
charged that money was paid by
Communist sources to foment the
antipact disorders and that there
were indications Egyptian and
Saudi Arabian sources had a hand
in encouraging them.-
The new premier is Samir el
Rifai, a deputy premier in the out-
going government who changed
places with Ibrahim Hashem.
Hashem, Premier of a caretaker
regime that had promised to stay
out of pacts and hold a new gen-
eral election in four months, re-
signed Saturday.
El Rifai also promised not to
lead the country into any pacts, to
restore order and to uphold the
Arab's place in Palestine. In his
instructions to the new premier,
21-year-old King Hussein also told
him to safeguard good relations
with Arab states and all friendly
nations, build up defense forces to'
protect the country's borders and
clean the civil service of all "dis-
turbing elements."
Virginia Voters
Education IntAe
RICHMOND, Va. (AP)-Virginia voters gave l
terday to a plan to change the State Constituti
of public money for private education in the pub
Returns from well over half the state's 1
I gave the backers of the constitutional conven
margin of victory as returns mounted in near-r
Two hours after the polls closed at 6 p.m., re
cincts gave 202,167 for the convention call to 10
One District Against Plan
Only one of the state's 10 congressional di
Virginia 10th across from Washington-wasr
plan and the strength of the 10th's
opposition was about spentwith
mot ofisr' e u rns "re adye in.eE i s e n
The result of the vote-the firstse
positive step by Virginia's elector-
ate to dilute the impact of thelles
Supreme Court decision outlawing
racial segregation -means the #
General Assembly, meeting to-
morrow, has a point of departure D ailm
for a school program.
The Assembly is expected to WASHING
provide for the calling of a con- Dwight D.E
vention in the near future and set regular worki
up the machinery for the election then took son
of its delegates. him.
Governor To Give Time Schedule Closing ou
Gov. Thomas B. Stanley, whose the presider
Commission on Public Education Sept. 24 hea
came up with the tuition grant Eisenhowera
plan and recommended the con- a.m. todaya
stitutional convention to make it weekly meeti
possible, will perhaps suggest a congressional
time schedule for legislative ac- Press Secre
tion when he addresses the open- gerty said tt
ing session. off office wo
There is some difference among of his% econon
legislators on whether the conven- gress-to be
tion will act in time for this 60- about 4 p.m.
day session to pass on follow-up living quart
school legislation or whether it House. Hage
would be preferable to enact the of the proofs
rest of the school commission's study Monda
recommendations at a special ses- Into his fa
sion later, executive win
Ballots were marked "for" or President Ei
"against" a constitutional conven- wiched in the
tion which would amend the state's to Vice Pres
law to make the proposed tuition on his 43rd b
grants possible. He sent to
message hiss
M 7 e " I;soil bank pl
lAntici pates
BFlock Elimination
ration Of Surplus
opsided appoval yes-
ion to permit the use A enc To Make
blic schools.b
,862 voting precincts .Land Payments
ntion an almost 2-1
'ecord strength. WASHINGTON (P) - President
turns from 1,134 pre- Dwight D. Eisenhower proposed-
1,909 votes against it. yesterday a billion-dollar soil bank
plan to reduce crop land about 12
istricts-the northern per cent until surpluses are ab-
recorded against the sorbed and -farm prices rise again.
He blamed the surpluses for
shrinking farm income.
As had been anticipated, this soil'
Iii 1e bank proposal was No. 1 in a nine-
point program the President laI
nes Fullbefore Congress to strengthen the
administration's controversial flex-
ible price support system.
W ork Democrats contend that the ad-
ministration's program is inade-
quate to protect agriculture and
they hope to make farm troubles
TON (R) - President a major issue in this year's elec-
Eisenhower put in a tions.
ing day yesterday and
me work "home" with Calls for 'Maximum Speed'
In a special message to Con-
t his first full day at gress on agriculture, President
itial desk since his Eisenhower declared that there is
art attack, President need for "maximum speed" to
also scheduled for 9 alter an economic situation In
a resumption of *his which farmers "find their prices
ings with Republican and incbmes depressed amid the
leaders. nation's greatest prosperity."
etary James C. Hag- Taken as a whole, the Presi-
e President mocked dent's program offered little pros-'
rk on printers' proofs pect of bringing about a big boost
mic message to Con- in farm returns ahead of this
delivered Jan. 23- year's elections-a thing that
and returned to the many farm area congressmen had
;ers of the White hoped for.. The new proposals ap-
rty said he took some peared unlikely to bring noticeable
with him for further increases in prices and farm i-
y evening. come before 1957.
President Eisenhower said he
airly busy day in the expected at least 40 million acres
g of the White House, of the nation's 50 million acres
senhower also sand- of cropland would be taken out ofa
e sending of greetings production under the soil bank
ident Richard Nixon plan. The result, he said, would
birthday. be fewer crops, a halt in the a-
Congress by special cumulation of price - depressin
already controversial surpluses and an improvementin
an for farmers, dis- prices.
nominations to the
conferred on his eco- Encourage Acreage Reduction
ge, due in Congress Farmers would be encouraged to
om yesterday. reduce acreages through the offer
of government payments in the
form of cash and surplus crops.
terse Union These payments-which Agricul-
. L1ture Department officials estimat-
Ne'v lTalks ed would total about one billion
dollars this year with maximum
(r)-The Motor City's farmer participation-would be
ewspaper famine con- desiged to help compensate farm-
'day as publishers of ers for revenue they would lose on
jor Detroit dailies met land idled under the program.
argaining table with "It would be grossly unfair,"
one of three striking President Eisenhower said, "to re-
es unions. quire farmers to bear the full burd-
morning session pro- ens of this readjustment. Just as
omment from either other readjustments from war
progress, if any, had were shouldered in a considerable
toward a settlement. part by the nation as a whole, so
resumed this after- should this."
These payments would be around
three-quarters of a billion dollars
more than were paid directly to
farmers last year, but they would
fall'short of offsetting an estimat-
eed decline of $1,200,000,000 in farm
Ike Gives Example
Symphony at the Na- President Eisenhower gave this
's Convention. example of how the soil bank plan
rinciple engagements would work in cases where pay-
red with the Kansas ments in surpluses were author-
c Symphony, the Bat- ized:
>ginaw, and Lansing A farmer, with a planting allot-
and appeared on ment of 100 acres of wheat, for ex-
asts in Chicago. ample, may choose to plant only
o sang in Detroit with 80 acres and put the remaining 20
company of the New acres in non-crop and non-grazing
3pera in the role of use, but held available for plant-
young loverin Leon- ink later should market needs
Pagliacci." arise. His acreage allotment would
in last nights audi not be affected for use in deter-
SLade. aresidentmining allotments in later years.
ignores IcC
JACKSON, Miss. (A)-Officials
of several Mississippi towns said
yesterday their railroad and .bus
stations will remain segregated
despite a federal ruling against
segregating interstate passengers.
Jackson police put up segrega-
tion signs in the railroad station
and a bus station yesterday to
enforce Mississippi's segregation
Policemen will be stationed at
the Illinois Central Railroad depot
to enforce the city's stand if they
are needed, Police Chief W. D.
Rayfield said,
Some other Mississippi city offi-
cials said they would take similar
action if necessary.
patched 155
Senate, and t
nomic messa
two weeks frc
Stage P
38-day-old n
tinued yester
the three maj
across the b
the mailers,i
printing trad
A 2 -hour
duced no cc
side on what
been made t
Talks were
Community Grou il a.Police said Barbara had been
visiting her grandmother on the
next block, but were unable to dis-
cover who had brought her home
at 7 p.m., a little more than an
PShour before the fatal shootings
A general community meeting to officially begin planning a self- took place.
survey on human relations in Ann Arbor will be held at 8 p.m. to- When Dr. Porterfieldarrives in
morrow in the auditorium of St. Thomas School, 525 N. State. town this morning, he will be
At the meeting, which is open to the public, five community questioned by police on particu-
leaders will discuss possible specific topics for the survey. The group larsn
The Johnson tragedy is the first
will adopt a constitution and elect delegates-at-large to a Policy murder Ann Arbor has had since
Committee. the slaying of a nurse in 1950
The self-survey, as envisioned by a temporary steering committee, which resulted in the infamous
will aim at broad community participation, whereas most surveys "Campbell case."
are conducted by a small group of specialists.
University Vice-President for Student Affairs James A. Lewis
will speak on the possible study of international students and their Withdraws Name,
place in the community. From Primarv
The desirability for a survey on teen-agers will be discussed byF
Probate Judge Jay Payne, while Paul Wagner, a local businessman, CONCORD, N. H. UP)-Adlai
will discuss the problem of the assimilation of new residents into the Stevenson requested that his name
community. be withheld fromNew Hampshire's
Employment opportunities for members of different groups as first - of - the nation presidential
Music Students Win T11
A - medley of show tunes won'
first place among Ann Arbor talent
at last night's television auditions,
held in the Grand Ballroom of the
Michigan Union.
Elizabeth Fischer, '56SM and!
Thomas Tipton, Grad., topped all'
participating acts with a trio of
well known songs: "With a Song
in My Heart," "My Buddy," and
"Make Believe."
They were accompanied on the
piano by Clark Bedford, '57SM.
Will Sing Friday
They will also receive regular
union wages for the participation.
Together Only One Semester
Elizabeth Fischer and Thomas
Tipton have been singing together
since early in the semester. Their
first engagement of note was at
the luncheon program for the
Michigan Principal - Freshman
Conference, in the Union Ballroom,
in October.
The pair have also sung together
at the Newvman Club, where they
regularly present a program of
fh,'w times: nistineo'f bh
A ut
the Detroit S
tional Mason
In other p
he has soloE
tle Creek, Sv
radio broadct
Tipton also
the touring c
York City C
Sylvio, the y
cavallo's "Il
bonns wa 'Dii
'lur, JjUllur- ix 1Gdil1Ci1lj