"S Mmmmmm *
Four Teams Stand Out
In Big Ten Swim Race
Three teams, Michigan State,
Ohio State, and Indiana appear to
be Michigan's strongest competi-
tion in this season's race for the
Western Conference swimming
Pre-season ratings put Iowa and
Purdue next in line, with Wiscon-
sin, Illinois, Northwestern, and
Minnesota bringing up the rear.
The Wolverines, with the Ward-
rop twins, and Co-captains Mike
Delaney and John O'Reilly lead-
ing the way, will meet swimmers
from some of these schools this
weekend, at East Lansing, in the
Big Ten Invitational meet.
Award Voted
To Patt Berg
CHICAGO () - Golfer Patty
Berg was named woman athlete of
the year for 1955 yesterday for her
great accomplishments on the fair-
ways last year.
Miss Berg calls herself a "meat
and potatoes" player. "By that
I mean that last year I was hitting
the green in regulation. That's
the meat and potatoes of golf-
the key to the game.
"A year ago, I decided that my.
drives and long irons could stand
some improvement. So I concen-
trated on. that phase in practices.
,This winter I'm going in for chip-
ping ;and putting."
It is the third time Miss Berg
has been voted woman athlete' of
the year by the nation's sports
writers and broadcasters.
Ohio State, minus the services
of Ford Konno, Yoshi Oyakawa,
and divers Gerry Harrison and
Morley Shapiro, still rate as a
powerhouse in the Big Ten. Lead-
ing the Buckeyes will be Junior
Al Wiggins, who Coach Mike
Peppe, considers the best all-
around swimmer ever to attend
Ohio State.
Michigan State will -be led by
NCAA 200-yard breaststroke re-
cord-holder John Duceck, and one
of the finest groups of sophomores
in MSU history.
Among them are Ken Gest, Pete
Van Haaren and Pete Eckel, who
oddly enough placed first, second
and third, respectively in the 1954
Michigan high school 50-yard
freestyle championships.
Woolsey Leads Hoosiers
Indiana, figuring to improve on
its eighth place finish in the Big
T.en last year, has one of the best
middle distance swimmers in the
Big Ten-Bill Woolsey. Last year
Woolsey was unable to compete in
the championships when he be-
came ill Just before the meet.
Other standouts on the squad
are co-captain Bill Kerr, and Dick
Tanabe, both of whom gained
points for the Hoosiers in the Con-
ference meet last year.
Iowa and Purdue, who finished
third and fourth respectively in
Wings Win
The Detroit Red Wings hand-
ed the pacesetting Montreal
Canadiens one of their worst
defeats in the National Hockey
League this season last night,
whipping them 5-2.
the Conference last -year, each
were hit hard by the loss of star
The Hawkeyes have lost through
graduation Dick Pennington, 50-
yard freestyle champion and the
third place holder in the 100-yard
event. Returning however, will be
Lincoln Hurring, backstroke artist
/from New Zealand.
Purdue will be without the serv-
ices of Dick Halbott, who finished
second to Michigan's Ron Gora in
the 100-yard freestyle.
... by dick era.wr
UPHEAVAL is rampant in the sports world.
The professional sports have shown it - while the Brooklyn
Dodgers, Los Angeles Rams and New York Rangers have reached new
heights, the New York Yankees, Detroit Lions, and the Detroit Red
Wings have demised; college athletics have shown it - Michigan
State, Vanderbilt, and Pitt have succeeded on the gridiron beyond
expectations; and I-M sports have shown it.
Of the first 19 championships to be decided this year, only four
titles, all in the residence halls divisions, have been retained by
their former holders. Perennial titan Gomberg successfully defended
three crowns, while Lloyd repeated as touch football champion.
Sigma Phi Epsilon, which didn't win its first title last year
until paddleball competition in mid-winter has jumped off to a
fast start this year by wresting cross-country and outdoor track from
defending champs, Sigma Alpha Mu and Chi Psi, respectively.
Minnesota Ace
To Play Little
Bill Simonvich, 6' 10" center for
the Minesota cagers, will play a
small part when the Gophers meet
Michigan Saturday night on the
Minnesota court.
Minnesota Coach Ozzie Cowles,
employing a speed movement, will
probably use the mammoth center
only at the start of the game and
perhaps at the beginning of the
second half.
Simonovich, who whipped in 28
points against the Wolverines last
season, has been hampered by the
wider foul lanes this year.
;;a;:' ;,;
Don't be a
1 14 E. William
Phone NO 3-7191
10 to 12 Daily
Sunday Noon to 7
Yes! We have
* . swimming co-captain
UStaff Plans
EVANSTON, Ill. (R) - There's
nothing wrong with Northwestern
University football that a lot of
good players won't cure, and the
new Wildcat combination of Coach
Ara Parseghian and Athletic Di-
rector Stu Holcomb intend to get
That was the gist of comments
by Parseghian and Holcomb
Thursday as they were formally
introduced to the Chicago 8hapter
of the Football Writers Associa-
Parseghian, 32-year-old coach-
ing success from Miami of Ohio,
and Holcomb, nine years head
football coach at Purdue, were
frank in conceding that North-
western must catch other Big Ten
schools in recruiting to make a
creditable conference showing.
Parseghiani, who had a remark-
able 39-6-1 record in five Miami
seasons, attributed his success at
the Oxford, Ohio, school to lining
up talent by "climbing into my
auto and visiting every good high
school player in the state."
This, he admitted, is not per-
mitted under Big Ten rules, but
the "rushing" will be done by
Northwestern with all the verve
and energy allowed in conference
_ _ _
* * *
Detroit Street
Open Wednesday and Saturday
Farm-Fresh Fruits, Vegetables,
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Slow Starts for Ex-Chainps .,.
THE SAMMIES, who finished right behind first Phi Delta Theta in
last year's total points, haven't won any of the five fraternity
crowns decided so far. Neither have the Phi Delts, but their surge
usually comes later in the year.
Lambda Chi Alpha replaced SAM as football leader; Alpha Tau
Omega took over from Sigma Alpha Epsilon in wrestling and Zeta
Beta Tau's volleyball title went to Sigma Alpha Epsilon in the other
completed fraternity sports.
While Gomberg and Lloyd continue to dominate the residence
halls' fall sports picture, Williams did manage to do a little upheav-
ing in that division. The West Quadders gained a trophy for the
first time in two years by ending Adams reign over swimming.
Perhaps the most amazing case of a new power emerging has
been in the independents division. The Seldom Seen Kids have
made themselves pretty apparent in their first year of existence.
The 'Kids' are a strength-laden outfit composed primarily of
former Wolverine varsity athletes. The football, outdoor track, and
paddleball crowns are already in their possession and more will
probably be added before long.
Newman Club, the independents' overall champion for 1954-55,
hasn't won a title yet. Gleaning the leftover crowns from the
Seldom Seen Kids have been the Latvians' volleyball team and the
Actuaries handball squad.
Three new titleholders in the three completed professional frater-
nity competitions are I-M's final contribution to the topsy-turviness
of today's sports world.
Nu Sigma replaced Delta Sigma Delta at the top of pro-fraternity
football, but the Law Club and Phi Alpha Kappa usurped Nth Sigma
Nu's laurels in handball and volleyball, respectively.
* * * *
I-M Winter Sports Facilities . .
WITH ATHLETIC EXERCISE confined to the indoors for the next
W few months, it's time to examine the I-M department's indoor
sports facilities.
Plenty of action can be found on the main basketball floor of
the Sports Building. Tennis and badminton share the area with the
cage sport.
Downstairs, are another set of fine sports facilities. About 20
handball courts and almost as many squash courts are available for
those who want to "keep in shape" during the cold weather.
The squash courts are probably the most ignored by those who
frequent the I-M Building. In an effort to acquaint students with
the sport and to create interest in it, I-M officials recently staged a
colorful exhibition by the fabulous Three Khans of Pakistan. = The
Khans have monopolized the American handball scene since coming
here a few months ago.
Other special programs have been and will be staged to popularize
squash and the three sports which use the handball courts - hand-
ball, paddleball, and codeball. - The four games, which are played
with balls of varied sizes and shapes, all benefit even the most ama-
teur athlete by affording plenty of health-giving exercise.
Mention must also be made of the swimming pool with fine
opportunities for diving which is available most of the time except
during class and varsity practice periods.
Oneathing is sure. Everyone can find something for fun and
exercise at the I-M Building all winter long.
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A Campus-to-Career Case History
::::.. ..: ..... .....
"That's how I feel about the telephone District Plant Engineer's Office. There
company," says Walter D. Walker, I made field studies of proposed con-
B.E.E., University of Minnesota, '51. struction projects and drew up plans to
"When I joined the company I felt that guide the construction crews. This cor-
* I could go in any direction. And that's bination of inside and outside work
the way it's been. gave me invaluable experience.
"For the first six months I was given "In July, 1955, I came to Minneapolis
on-the-job training in the fundamentals as a: Engineer in the Exchange Plant
I of the telephone business-how lines are Extension Engineer's Office. We do fore-
put up and equipment installed. Learn- casting-not of the weather, but of fu-
* ing those fundamentals has really paid lure service needs. Using estimates of
* oil for me. growth and economic studies, we make
Ir .
I ~ "Then I hdte pprtuity t igto "our lansfo; hears a.heeaWe ig
* I worked on memory crystals-ferro- will be needed to meet future growth.
I electric crystals.-for use in digital comn- "All this has been preparing me for
puters. Ilearned how important research a real future. You see, the telephone
is to the telephone business, company is expanding by leaps and
-"After two years I came back to Mim- bounds. That's why it offers a young
:}ti;:.ii:,L:"}r.. ,n". .v" i ": ..; i.i 7::" .:: . 4.%.,w",,"nv..n O ,-::: {{ }
... . ... .