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VOL. LXVL No.d 67
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en o Stories
Of Year Named
Geneva Conference, Ike's Illness
Top List of Foreign, National News
Nineteen Fifty-Five was a year of change, in face if not in facts.
Speculation was high this time last year that a Big Four con-
ference "at the summit" would be held, that Malenkov, Churchill,
Mendes-France and Eisenhower would meet to attempt an East-
West settlement.
When in fact the Big Four did- meet at Geneva in July, only
Eisenhower was still in office.
Geneva -Hope Fades
Much of the news of the year centered around the rise to power'
of Krushchev and Bulganin, Eden and Faure, the changes in policy
they effected, the conference they held with Eisenhower, and its dis-
appointing ,aftermath.
With the year nearly ended, the antagonisms of old still remain.
If the fears of the 'world are not as great as when the year began,
neither are its hopes.
' Of the ten top news stories of the year, the most important was
datelined Geneva.
That quiet Swiss resort town became the center of the world's
attention as it hadn't been since the days of the League of Nations.
Again the cause was peace.
Few Fruitful Results
East and West met in a series of four conferences. Tangible
results came only from the two less auspicious, the scientific con-
ference to exchange information on peaceful uses of the atom and
the quiet ambassadors meeting which led to the release of Americans
held in China.
A tacit agreement that war was to neither side's advantage
was said to have resulted from the meeting of the heads of govern-
ment, but it was difficult to tell whether the "spirit of Geneva"
survived the deadlock of the subsequent foreign minister's conference.
Bulganin, Khrushchev Arrive
The apparent cause of much that was new in 1955 was an effort-
less, bloodless almost friendly shift in the leadership of the Soviet
Georgi Malenkov, believed to have held the real power in Russia,
was revealed as a mere figurehead when he announced his resignation
to an astonished world.
His successor as Premier was a former political general, Nikolai
Bulganin. But the man in control, or perhaps just the first among
equals, was the Communist Party secretary, bald, stocky Nikita
If any year may be said to have a "man," Khrushchev was 1955's
"Man of the Year." The new regime was characterized by con-
ciliation and even accessibility, an unheard of attribute for Soviet
'Happiness Boys'
The long-debated Austrian peace treaty was signed, and Khrush-
Soviets Veto
Japan UN
Denounce Action
As 'Veto Abuse'
Russia yesterday cast its third veto
against Japan in three days to bar
Tokyo's application for U.N. mem-
The United States angrily de-
nounced this action as an "abuse
of the veto power."
Gloomy Follow-Up
Dtil .61s R
This development was a gloomy
foilowup to Wednesday's historic
decisions which saw the Security
Council and General Assembly ap-
prove 16 new members. Eleven of
the happy countries making the
grade took seats behind shiny
nameplates in the huge assembly
hall and all were greeted enthusi-
astically by cheering delegates.
Bitterness arose in the Security
Council, however, when Arkady A.
Sobolev, Soviet delegate, vetoed a
resolution by Henry Cabot Lodge
Jr., chief American representative,
-The U. N. plans to spend
$173,000 for added seating and
equipment in the Assembly
Hall and committee rooms to
take care of the 16 nations
approved as new members
f a v or ing Japan's application.
Japan had geen knocked out Tues-
day and Wednesday by Russian
vetoes and an angry Lodge assailed
yesterday's action. He said it would}
be widely resented in the world.
Bargaining Pawn
In Washington, the State De-
partment charged that Russia has
vetoed Japan in order to keep a
"bargaining pawn" (in negotia-
tions with the Japanese. The State
Department appealed to Russia to
reverse its stand quickly.
-Daily-John Hirtzel and Dick Gaskill
"GOD REST YE MERRY.. ." -- Christmas spirit pervades as carols ring through the bitter night air. Evans Scholars join with Delta
Gamma before the sorority house on Hill Street.
- -._
ReciveClVacation Starts Today;
ceiv* *e
Israel Attack
On Syrians
chev led Russian delegations, fon
in their romps through Yugosla
dly dubbed "The happiness boys," The Assembly sat for long hours Iiot I I sfas p rtes
via, Geneva, jndia and Burma, Thursday in an effort to clean upD enounced
'S, Page t_____itsagenda.______Pt nBy DONNA HANSON
KABUL, Afghanistan (P'-Snow "Bah, humbug," Scrooge scoffed. GUNITED NATIONS, N. Y. P)
--and a comparatively cool reception "God bless us every one," Tiny Tim prayed. Premier Gamal Abdel Nasser of
greeted Soviet Premier Nikolai "Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night," Santa Claus Egypt told the UN last night he
Bulganin and Communist party laughed. considered the Israel attack on
leader Nikita S. Khrushchev when "Two whole weeks without school," Marcia Flucke, '58 said. Syria last Sunday an attack on
"Two holewee.s ithutscoolEgypt as well.
tey arrived yesterdayon the last Today marks the opening of "two whole weeks without school" chag increasing Israeli
for thousands of Michigan students and faculty members who will iaggression on Arab countries and
Afghan Premier Mohammed be traveling to homes and vacation - said Egypt "is bound to deal with
Daud and a guard of honor were points all over the c untry. this situation herself" with armed
at the airport, but nowhere were Extra Transportation force to insure her safety.
there the roaring crowds which I i- i
had greeted the Russians in India i preparation for departi To Security Council
and Burma. Michigan students, additional Nasser stated this position in a
In keeping with the Afghan gov- means of transportation have beenRoundup letter to Secretary General Dag
ernment's apparent intent to play ped ra plMian e lit fHammerskjold asking him to "con-
h down the visit, flags and bunting New orkband Mminache-ivey this message to the members
appeared belatedly on public build- By The Associated Press of the Security Council."
Ing etedy bound, school-fatigued students.
In yeseh . From behind his ticket cage at WASHINGTON - Secretary of', Omar Loutfi, Egypt's permanent
In a brief speech at te airpor the Ne York Central Depot, Agriculture Ezra Taft Benson representative to the UN delivered
Bulganin said Russia "knows Af- W. Hachey said, "Hafta add extra predicted yesterday that the five- Nasser's letter on the eve of a
fi', ,'' ;* ^ghanistan is increasingly following coaches and special trains for year decline in farm prices-now meeting of the 11-nation Council
a policy of neutrality ,while seek- home-bound students." Bah, hum- a controversial political issue-will to consider a Syrian complaint
r,..,ing peace." He declared conditions bug!! come to an end next year under against the Israeli attack.
*{'-, "exist "for expanding and strength- For the past week, the campus influence of a broadened adminis- Repercussions of the Galilee
'" > ening Afghan-Soviet relations." scene has been a flurry of frost- tration farm program. battle came in other capitals.
Observers here said the quiet bitten carolers, dejected blue book He said he believes that farm U.S. Slows Action
reception was planned because the carriers and frustrated Christmas prices as a whole will not dip be- In Vahington, the United
- government did not wish to spark shoppers. low the present level-which is 81 States was-reported to have slowed
news story came from Geneva, where Soviet Premier Nikolai Bul- the latent anti-Russian feeling Anxiety Prevails per cent of the pa'rity price goal action on Israel's request for
Edar Faure and British Prime traditional among Afghans. The In the classroom an omnipresent of federal farm-aid programs. American tanks, planes and other
wight D. Eisenhower, French Premier government wants close Russian air of anticilpation resided as fac- Prices for the first 11 months of weapons - perhaps 50 million
ties, these sources said, but does ulty members distributed and this year averaged 85 per cent of dollars worth in all - on account
not want to appear a Soviet's sat- 1 collected the dreaded pre-Christ- parity. of the attack on the Syrians. The
ysellite. mas blue books. With a cheery * * State Department sent word to
silanti i pposes The Kremlin leaders flew to. this "Merry Christmas" professors dis- ALGIERS, Algeria-Continuing Israel it must have more time to
mountainous kingdom on the missed their students, stood clear political murder and terrorist consider the shopping lists because
southern borders of the Soviet of the exits and walked slowly out attacks in Algeria yesterday of tensions resulting from the raid
eD em ocratsUnion from Stalinabad, capital of of the room, laden with blue books brought the week's toll to more and because of American' policy
L thSoitRepbico T''dl-fk Eyet to be cretd than 8 rebels, natives and FrenchI governing the sale of weapons.
Bad weather had forced them to on the hill, the scene is one of settlers killed. George Allen, assistant secre-
WASHINGTON (") - Two working men who belong both to the bypass Kabul yesterday and land rooms scattered with half-filled Near Bone, terrorists shot and tary of state, conferred with Is-
CIO and the Republican party complained yesterday that they and I in Termez, Soviet city 400 miles suitcases an not-quite-finished killed 84-year-old Bertrand Laca- raeli Ambassador Abba Eban at
likeminded unionists are being forced to contribute to the Democrats. north of the Afghan capital. argyle socks lying on desks and banne, former mayor of the Alger- the State Department Tueqday.
chairs. Gayly-colored wrappings ian town of Duvivier. The killing Barring further difficulties, it
Harry F. Brothers of Ypsilanti, Mich., who said he had been a --------- ' are stuffed in wastebaskets and of the old man enraged nearby seems certain that eventually Is-
menber of the CIO United Auto Workers for 15 years, told a news Y books are optimistically piled up French settlers. Two Moslems had rael will get the weapons, or most
conference called by Sen. Curtis (R-Neb): Iritisl ajo- next to the luggage in preparation their throats cut near Guelma and of them, but not, however, until
"It's no secret that the union bosses are taking vast sums from of "two whole weeks" of pre-exam two others were killed near Batna. the Syrian incident is cleared up
union dues and are placing them at the disposal of the Democrats. Fatallv Tra s study. In the worst incidents of the through United Nations investiga-
"As a Republican, I bitterly oppose being compelled to make in- Men already look forward w'ith last four days, 15 rebels wer killed tion and hearings.
voluntary contributions through the use of my dues to finance the i glee to New Year's Eve parties and Wednesday when they were uap- Britain Protects
party I vote against at the aLLI i Christmas meals. ped in a cave near Debel i'Dira. Britain formally protested to Is-
polls.ta True, everyone looks forward to * * * rael against the raid and an-
"And there are millions of rank NICOSIA, Cyprus UP-A British "two whole weeks of no school" CLEVELAND - Sen. Clinton nounced support of Syria's com-
and file men in this country who army major turned a guerrilla but what then? EXAMS! Bah, Anderson (D-NM), chairman of plaint against Israel in the Se-
S are as bitter about it as I am." band's ambush of his jeep into a humbug! the Joint Congressional Atomic curity Council Friday.
In Ne sWalter J. Brauninger of Chelsea, death trap yesterday for the guer- - Committee, last night announced In Cairo, Nasser had told news-
Mich., a CIO UAW member since rilla leader, a fugitive with a broad plans to get more informa- men Egypt "will take action if an-
DETROIT (P)- Negotations be- 1942, told the same conference $14.000 price on his head. ov&e- Ita - Bo tion on present and potential other Israeli attack occurs"
tween striking AFL CIO stereo- that independent surveys in Mi- Ma. Brian Coombe, 34, seized a .j peacetime uses of nuclear energy
typers and Detroit's three major chigan showed 40 per cent of Sten gun and wentainto action e L T Ta- "out into the open." iwi Cs
newspapers were in recess yester- uipon members had voted the Re- afterthef ld.i na cc, n
F or Defense.
Pointed Oui
U.S. to Finance
New Installatio
PARIS (P--An urgent rel
from Secretary of State Ji
Foster Dulles that the So
Union has re-opened the cod;
effected a decision yesterday
the North Atlantic Treaty OrgE
zation to construct a trans-Er
pean air-raid warning net,
The NATO net will reach f
Norway to Turkey and will
backed by a new jam-proof c
munications web The begin
of this installation will be finan
by the United States.
Secretary Dulles' report
acted on by foreign, finance, a
defense ministers of NATO.,
NATO Backs Planners
NATO's own military plate,
backed Dulles with a waring
the Russian military threat
greater now than ever before,
Soviets now have speedy
bombers capable of blasting
part of the NATO area with t
mendous nuclear explosives.,
Proposals submitted in per
by Gen. Alfred M. Gruentl
supreme Allied commander
Europe, for a more efficient
ordination of air defenses as a s
toward their eventual integrat
were accepted promptly by
NATO ministers. The Gruent
program will lump the var
national air defenses in four
gions-North, Central and So
Europe, and Britain.
Gruenther told a news conf
ence later that his command si
felt coordination of air force-
as much as the NATO maemb
can undertakehnow.
Gruenther's headquarters
have the specific responsibility
operating Europe's early warn
line, the equivalent here to
American-Canadian Distant Es
Warning line across North Am
The communications network
be built at the estimated cost
rougly 42 million dollars, M
until ize a new American inventi
It is called the "scatter" syst4
Defense Secretary Charles
Wilson, on behalf of the U.S. g
ernment, offered to finance
construction of three pilot link
an offer which the NATO mi
ters immediately accepted. (
link will cover the shorter hope
Norway. The others will ' l
Supreme Headquarters .A111
Powers in Europe with Naples, :
Naples with the Allied base
Izmir, Turkey.
Only 250 Men
Gruenther stressed that a ra
screen would be of little, use
European defense if its warni:
could not be transmitted back
headquarters and the consequ
orders transmitted to guided n
sile stations and air bases. He s
the whole system could be oper
ed around the clock with only
The radar screen, the commu
cations net and future guided n
sie stations will be a joint NA
enterprise. Gruenther was un
to estimate the total cost.
The ministers quickly appro-
plans for the joint defense buil
in 1956 and the tentative goals
1957 and 1958
Colleges Get
Du Pout Gift
du Pont de Namours and Co., I:
Inc., yesterday announced gra
of $900,000 to more than 100 ui
versities and colleges for the ni
academic year.
This is an increase over 1
year's grants which totalled $81
Crawford H. Greenewalt, pre
dent of Du Pont. said "we h
THE BIG FOUR-The year's top
ganin, United States President D
Minister Anthony Eden conferred
Ike's Plan
Not Revealed
B agerty
GETTYSBURG, Pa. (P)-Presi-
dential press secretary James C.
Hagerty said yesterday he knows
nothing of a report that the White
House is dabbling a finger in the
March 13 primary in New Hamp-
The result was to keep in the
air the intriguing question of what
President Eisenhower's intentions
are toward a second term and
when he will offer the answer.
On that, Hagerty had nothing at
all to say.'
The President himself was iso-
lated from the political reverbera-
tions around the Gettysburg White
House press room. For him, it was