~bg Ar4tgan Bally
Sixty-Sixth Year
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only. This must be noted in all reprints.
"They Can't FDo That to UO
Eileen' Has
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LY, DECEMBER 6, 1955
Stereotypers' Union Shows
Apathy in Settling Strike
["ODAY, five days since the start of the stereo-
typer strike in Detroit, residents of the
utomobile city are still without their daily
While circumstances are still cloudy sur-
>unding the dispute between AFL local num4
er nine and the publishers of the three papers
ffected, it is becoming increasiigly more
pparent that the union is apathetic about
nding the strike - indeed, its demands and
le reasons for the strike seem to have little
By its repeated refusal to continue working
hile negotiations are underway and the ex-
ggerated demands presented, the union has
)nsiderably reduced the chances of any public
ipport for its strike against the Free Press,
imes and News.
Basically the union has two demands -
Work performed on any newspaper published
ter than the day following the work must be
erformed at an overtime rate, even when this
ork is done during regular shift hours of the
2) Stereotyping work involved in processing
>lor plates must be done by men hired speci-
cally for color work or by present stereotypers
b overtime rates. If special crews are hired,
hey must be paid no less than a full eight
ours' pay no matter how few hours they work.
XJHILE these demands have been denied by
the local's George Robinson, they are the
%me demands stated in the Detroit Reporter,
iblished by the, same newswriters union which
as announced itself in favor of the striking
ereotypers. Since the union has not stated;
ecifically what itt demands are, and since
ie Newspaper Guild has come out in support
the union,.It seems reasonable to assume
'at these are the actual demands of the
Of the two demands, demand number one is
the more difficult to justify. To be paid in
excess of a normal day's pay even though work
takes no more than the legal eight hours is in
essence subsidation.
Now there is nothing wrong with subsidation
if the party to be subsidized is in an unequal
financial position relative to the rest of the
economy. But the $7000 average income of
the stereotyper can hardly be said to place
him in any financial straits conipared with his
fellow workers in other fields.
THE second demand introduces to the Ameri-
can newspaper industry the infamous feath-
erbedding practices of the musicians' unions.
In spite of the publishers' offers to conduct a
study of the work load, in spite of their ex-
pressed desire to prevent overwork on the part,
of any employee and to call for no more than
a normal day's work, the union has turned
down any study and insisted in imposing upon
the publishers demands for artificial and arbi-
trary overtime.
If the union members really are being over-
worked in producing the color plates as the
local claims, why should they veto a sincere
offer by the three papers to conduct a study
of the alleged claim?
Were the union to replace its two demands
with one calling for am outright gift or bonus,
it would be no more unreasonable in its dispute
with the publishers.
The union has even refused to work during
any negotiations, even though the publishers
have guaranteed that any terms of settlement
would be retroactive to last Thursday, the date
of contract expiration.
This questionable position of the union
coupled with their unjustifiable demands points
to a definite apathy on the part of the union
toward settling the strike.
This is not what could be called conducive
to public sympathy.
Hassyle Over DixonYatesPE. .
Color Line Hurting Football?
[N GEORGIA football is going to be a white
man's game. Georgia Tech and the Uni-
'ersity of Georgia will not 'be allowed to play
eams with Negroes on their squads in the
peach' state.
Why play football then, as a white man's
ame? For football's value rests in the extent
o which it acts as a common denominator.
People closely connected with athletics, for
hie most part, know the value of the game is
n its expression of the American ideal of
.ealthy competition.
But in Georgia it's going to be a white man's
FOR some, football is a sport because it is a
test of skill, physical and mental. For oth-
rs, it is a sport because it knows no criteria
ave that of ability.
Abe Sapperstein, owner-coach of the world-
eknown Harlem Globetrotters, hasnmain-
ained time and again that the greatness of
thletics lies in its ability to act as an equalizer
1 socia., relations. His team has toured the
orld, over 40 nations have witnessed its bas-
etball antics, and the players have served as
good will" ambassadors where diplomats, if
eceived at all, are welcomed in an arctic-type
But in Georgia football's going to be a white
man's game. The value of the move is evasive,
the motivation crystal-clear. Nothing is to be
equal amid the peaches. The same hands that
pick the fruit are forbidden to chase footballs
or compete with their fellow citizens. For re-
gardless of the law, Georgians see only white
when rights are on the line.
OST athletes like to think they abide by a
set of codes peculiarly their own.. It doesn't
encompass the omission of an athlete from
competition because his skin is darker, or his
language incomprehensible, as with foreigners
-- even Georgian athletes attest to both points.
If this is a generalization, Governor Griffin
had best look for opponents for his Georgia
Peaches, for competition should be hard to
come across - especially outside the South.
This brings the point home." Should a team
forbidden to play against Negroes in its homo
state be allowed to play out-of-state? And
will Michigan play Georgia as scheduled Oc-
tober 5, 1957, or find its athletes 'adverse to
such participation.
It appears, overall, that the peach is rotting,
and the stench penetrating north.
j LENGTHY backstage hassle
has been taking place between
two top Eisenhower appointees ov-
er whether to pay Dixon-Yates
approximately $5,500,000 for their
alleged out - of - pocket expenses
when the government canceled the
Dixon-Yates contract.
Admiral. Lewis Strauss, chair-
man of the Atomic Energy Com-
mission, ex-partner in the Kuhn-
Loeb banking firm, wanted it paid.
A former White House secretary
to Herbert Hoover, the man who
really sold the Ike Administra-
tion on Dixon-Yates, Strauss had
rammed the contract through Even
when his bwn AEC voted against
However, Controller General Jo-
seph Campbell, another Ike-ap-
pointee, said no.
* * *
STRAUSS and Campbell haggled
for some time. But the man who
handled Columbia University's fin-
ances under "Professor" Ike in
New York stood pat, even though
he had once voted for the Dixon-
Yates contract when he was a
member of the Atomic Energy
Campbell's refusal to budge was
why Admiral Strauss came out and
said publicly that the government
would not compensate Dixon-
In the back of the Controller
General's mind is the possibility
that two criminal conspiracy cases
may lurk in the background of the
Dixon-Yates deal.
* * *
NO. 1 is the suppression of a
rival bid against Dixon-Yates. Wal-
ter von Tresckow of the Hanover
National Bank attempted to bid.
However, when he tried to get the
prominent engineering firm of
Gibbs and Hill to work up plans
for him, he got word from Gibbs
and Hill that pressure had been
brought to bear and they could
not cooperate. Suppression of
competition in making government
bids is against the law..
No. 2 is the way Adolphe Wen-
zell's presence inside the Budget
Bureau was covered up. Wenzell
was working for the first Boston
Corp., which was to do the Dixon-
Yates financing. Yet he was also
called 'by budget director Hughes
to work inside the Budget Bureau
in advising the government.
This was possibly a more flag-
rant conflict of interest than that
of Air Secretary Talbott or Build-
ings Administrator Peter Strobel,
both of whom resigned.
WENZELL'S presence inside the
Budget Bureau was concealed in
the most flagrant manner.
When I got wind of it in the
summer of 1954, inqueries at the
Budget Bureau brought only 'a
runaround. I then. suggested to-
Senator Hill of Alabama that he,
query the Budget Bureau offi -
cially. He did so and got a bald,
bare-faced lie.
(Copyright, 1955, by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)y
"MY SISTER EMETE"' is one of
those musical divertisements
that has "moments." The "mo-
ments" come primarily because
of Robert Fosse's choreography,
which is deft, witty and in the
best Hollywood musical tradition.
That the "moments" do not come
more often can be attributed to
Director Richard Quine's passive
handling of comedy sequences.
"Eileen" is a series of observa-
tions about Greenwich Village life
among the "art" set which revolve
around the story of two sisters
from Ohio, Eileen (Janet Leigh),
who can't keep men away, and
Ruth (Betty Garrett) who can't
get a man. This is the fourth time
around for the material (previous-
ly, a Broadway play and musical
and a Hollywood comedy), but it
is still fresh and interesting.
However "Eileen" is a fairly
sketchy business with almost no
plot, and it requires a compelling
comic directorial touch to make it
come alive; unfortunately, the film
is played as musical melodrama.
Miss Garrett has very little to
do and her madcap comedy talents
are almost completely ignored.
Jack Lemmon as her sometimes
suitor has even less to do, and his
one humorous turn, a seduction
scene, is too similar to his work in
"Phffft" and "It Should Happen
To You" to be funny. Miss Leigh,
who has been studying singing and
dancing, has improved consider-
ably since, her previous musical as-
signments, but her abilities are not
sufficient to carry a film.
What does make "Eileen" worth
seeing, though, are the clever
dance patterns Performer-Choreo-
grapher Robert Fosse has provided.
There is a brilliant "challenge"'
dance he does with Tommy Rall
that exhibits some of the best tap
and acrobatic work seen in recent
films. There is also an ingenious
dixieland number and the delight-
ful Conga finale that at times
comes'too close to capturing the
comic essence of an animated car
toon. As he demonstrated on
Broadway in "Pajama Game,"
Posse has that remarkable ability
of taking commonplace dance situ-
ations and evolving them into ex-
traordinarily clever routines.
-Ernest Theodossin
to the
(EDITOR'S NOTE: In epanding
Daily circulation and coverage to De-
troit last Friday, there was no attempt
on the part of this newspaper.to act
as strikebreaker. It was hoped that,
at least on a small scale, The Daily
could till the vacuum of information
left by the three Detroit newspapers.
Since then, the Detroit Newspaper
Guild, openly sympathetic with the
Stereotypers Union, has taken up the
break with a Guild newspaper, "The
Detroit Reporter." All put of town
newspapers have increased delivery
to Detroit, while radioeand television
have increased news broadcasts. The
attempt by these agencies, as well as
The Daily, is to service the city of
Detroit with news, not in any way to
To the Editor:
On the eve of the pending merg-
er between the AFL and the CIO
we wish to commend the DAILY
for their stand on the recent news-
paper strike in Detroit. Seldom
in the annals of collegiate publi-
cation has a newspaper so daring-
ly come forward to champion the
principles of free-enterprise on
which our economy was founded.
In shipping the DAILY to De-
troit under the guise of dissemi-
nating news the editors have
struck a new high in their en-
deavor to restore the United States
to a free economy, unhampered
by big unions. The remarkable
perception of the DAILY LEAD-
ERS in taking steps to break the
strike in its infancy appears to be
a strong reassertion of the
DAILY'S support of the laissez
faire policy on which our great
nation was built.
-C. Alfred Nelson, L'56
H. Herman Moldenhauer, L'56;
C. Friedon Wittenstront, L'56
D. Warren Swanson, L'56
THE Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan'
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form' to Room 3553
Administration Building before 2 p.m.
the day preceding publication. Notices
for the Sunday edition must be in
by 2 p.m. Friday.
General Notices
Late Permission: Because of the
Christmas Formals, all women students
will have a 1:30 late permission on
Sat., Dec. 10. Women's residences will
be open until 1:25 a.m.
Late Permission: All women students
will have, a 11:00 pm. late permission
on Wed, and Thurs., Dec. 14 and 1s.
women's residences will be open until
10:55 p.m.
Social Chairmen are notified that
Women's Judiciary has authorized 11
p-m. late permission for women stu-
dents on Wednesday and Thursday, Dec.
14, 15. Post-caroling, or other Christ-
mas parties may be scheduled on these
nights in accordance with this an-
nouncement and should be registered
in the Office of Student Affairs, 1020
Administration Building on or before
Friday, Dec. 9, 1955. Chaperons may be
a qualified single chaperon or married
Conference on Higher Education. Dec.
6-7. Theme of the conference: "The
Dual System of Higher Education,"
Tues., Dec. 6, Racham Amphitheater,
2:00 p.m.: Address by President Hatcher:
"Backgrounds of the Dual System in
Michigan" Panel Discussion: "The
Roles of the Public, the Catholic and
the Protestant-Related Institutions of
Higher Education in Michigan." Tues.,
Dec. 6, Michigan League Ballroom, 7:45
p.m.: "The Dual System of Higher
Education," address by Arthur ,
Coons, President, Occidental College.
Wed., Dec. 7, Rackham Amphitheater,
9:30 a.m. Symposium: "How the Dual
System Functions in Ohio"-President
Howard Bevis of Ohio State and Presi-
dent Terry Wickham of Heidelberg
Douglass Cater, Washington editor for
The Reporter, third University Lecture
in Journalism Tues., Dec. 6, 3:00 pi.m.,
Angeli Hall, Aud. C. "A New Look at
the Power of the Press."
University Lecture, auspices of the
Department of Fine Arts, by Dr. Diego
Angulo Inlguez, on "Three Masterpiece
of Velaquez" (The Weavers, Las Meni-
nas, and The Surrender of Breda).
Rackham Amphitheater, Dec. 6, at 4:'1
Department of Near Eastern Studies,
Dr. Aziz 'S. Atiya, President of the
Coptic Institute in Cairo, Egypt and
visiting professor this year, "From Bible
Lands: St. Catherine's Monastery and
the Mt. Sinai Expedition," Wed., Dec.
7, Aud. B, Angell Hall at 4:00 p.m. This
lecture, originally scheduled for Dec,
8, has been changed.
Stanley Quartet, Gilbert Ross an
Emil Raab, violins, Robert Court,
viola, Oliver Edel, cello, with Clyde
Thompson, double bass, works by Hay-
dn, Leslie Bassett, and Brahms, at 8:30
p.m. tonight, Rackham Lecture Hall.
Open to the public without charge,.
Academic Notices
School of Business Administration
Students from other Schools and Col-
leges intending to apply for admission
for the spring semester, 1956, should
secure application forms in Room 150,
School of Business Administration, and
return as soon as possible.
Applications for Engineering Research
institute Fellowships to be awarded for
the spring semester 1955-1956 are now
being accepted in the office of the
Graduate School. The stipend is $1,000
per semester. Application forms re
available from the Graduate School.
Only applicants who have been em-
ployed.by the Institute for at least
one year on at least a half-time basi
are eligible.
Applications and supporting material
are due in the office of the Graduate
School not later than 4:00 p.m., Fri.,
Jan. 6, 1956.
Seminar in Chemical Physics. Tues.,
Dec. 6, 4:10 p.m. Room 2308 Chemistry
Building. Prof. M. Tamres will speak
on "Computer for Solving Secular Equa-
tions. "
Mathematics Colloquium. Tues., Dec.
6, at 4:10 p.m. in Room 3011 Angell
Hall. Dr. F. W. Gehring will speak on
"The Converse of Fatou's Theorem."
Coffee and tea at 3:45 in 3212 A.H.
Sociology Colloquium: Theodore
Schwartz will speak on, "A Study in
Rapid Culture Change in Melanesia,"
(Continued on Page 8)
-( ' I
'It's Sort of Frightening' For Brown
Reds on Propaganda Splurge
AP Foreign News Analyst
[N THE midst of the gentle, non-drinking
Buddhist Burmese, Nikita S. Khrushchev de-
ivered himself of a tirade against the West in
The fact that he was in a veneratedBuddhist
hrine made no difference to the Communist
oss-bent on winning friends and influencing
eople. To the Burmese present, he must have
ppeared boorish. But apparently Khrushchev
idn't care, and that lack of respect for the.
eelings of his hosts is a significant aspect of
is Asian tour.
There can be little doubt that Khrushchev
nd his entourage, both worried and annoyed
eaders in India, too. But Khrushchev is inter-
sted first of all in his impact on the broad
lasses of these countries at the moment, and
aat impact surely was there.
The Soviet visitors, to the dismay of Indian
aders, used the country to make unbridled
ttacks on the West, and to announce they had
mighty hell-bomb and were ready to use it if
he United States ever contemplated tangling
ith the Soviet Union in a war.
KHRUSHCHEV AND his flock know what
they are about, however. Apparently they
o not consider their attitude in the Asian
ountries a mistake, but on the contrary feel
hat some such show is called for.
There are several sides to the Khrushchev-
tries that the Soviet Union is cutting a wide
swath in the Orient.
The broad masses of Burmese and Indians
were not witnesses to the lapse of courtesy on
the part of the Soviet leaders. They were,
however, witness to the lavish welcomes given
Khrushchev and Bulganin, and to the degree
of popular frenzy which accompanied their
visit, for example, to Calcutta, which is a hotbed
of Indian communism. It bespoke Soviet power,
and that is what Khrushchev wants to demon-
Thus the Khrushchev junket to Asia, as well
as being a fishing expedition for allies and
influence, is in the nature of a threat against
the Western world. It is enough of a threat
to cause grave concern in the West, too.
The Soviet visitors' attitude demonstrates
quite-unmistabably to the nations of Europe
that Moscow can-and might-in the twinkling
of an eye turn over from its outward policy of
reasonable softness to its former harsh Stalinist
THE RUSSIANS on this trip have told the
1. The Soviet Union is not afraid of the
United States-it is just as strong and powerful
and now has an equally powerful nuclear
weapon. Thus the United States had better
watch its step.
2. The Soviet Union is the friend of op-
pressed peoples and the foe of colonialism, but
Daily Drama Staff Writer
RUSSELL A. BROWN comes close
to being a human dynamo. As
the co-author of "Film Flam," this
year's Union Opera, as well as the
author and star of "The Worlds of
Tommy Albright," the Hopwood
Award winning play opening this
week as a Speech Department pro-
duction, he is a portrait of activ-
ity; busy, creative, and excited.
The Vassar, Michigan speech
major, is only slightly awed by his
various simultaneous debuts in
Ann Arbor productions.
"It's sort of frightening, coming
all at once," he said with a smile.
"Sometimes, going- from one re-
hearsal to another, I stop and say
to myself, 'To think I started all
this.' But of course, it is all very
exciting. The two productions are
so dissimilar that they tend to
balance themselves in my mind."
THE YOUNG actor-playwright
describes "Film Flam" as a par-
ody on Hollywood, concerning a
famous directress named Milly B.
CeCecile who is filming a spectac-
ular production called "The Ten
Amendments." The plot, says
Brown, carries itself to "logical,
rather ridiculous extreme.".
The opera was written with two
other students, seniors Bill Rus-
sell and Chuck Reynolds, all of
whom have great interest in the
field of show business. Brown's
plans upon graduation are not
definite yet, but he expressed the
feeling that he would go into the
area of legitimate theatre, "bothj
acting and writing."
In addition to the scripting, the
talented senior handled about half
of the lyrics of the songs. Already
described as "experimental" by
director Fred Evans, the opera
--Daily-Dick Gaskill
. .. "to think I started all this!"
scribed it as "the story of an ado-
lescent of today in conflict with
his family, his friends, and his
The inspiration for the play
came from life. "It was suggested
by increasingly numerous news-
paper accounts of the past four
and five years of teen-agers vio-
lence and social rebellion. How-
ever, "he pointed out emphati-
cally," the play itself is totally fic-
tion. No representation of actual
persons or events is intended."
Brown expressed himself freely
on the state of the modern theatre,
a field of which he is increasingly
becoming a part. His own work is
not cast in the concept of Chekho-
vian drama.
"I have a strong feeling against
the type of play in which nothing
happens for two and a half hours
and no change is shown in the
Since he is playing the lead role
in his play, the theatrical jack-of-
all-trades will not be able to see
the Opera until the Detroit per-
formance during Christmas vaca-
tion, where he will also play one of
the roles, substituting for a cast,
member who is going to be married
that night.
Brown seems to have the amaz-
ing facility of finding time for
everything he wants to do and
still appearing relaxed and cheer-
"When it is all over," he said
quietly with a wistful stare, "I'm
going to start attending classes
again. I plan to renew acquaint-
ances with my professors, who will.
probably see me walk into class
and ask, 'Who are you?' And
then there are writing projects I
have to attend to when I get the
* * C
marvel. Added to the serious play-
wright and the spoofing satirist is
Brown, the professional magician.
This seems almost necessary, since
his abilities and variety of talents
are touched with some sort of
magical touch.
To be able to do all these things
all at once is quite a stunt in itself.
He performed an original levitation
trick at the past Varsity Night, and
it now seems only anti-climatic
to add that he invented the feat
of presdidigitation himself.
Brown is also the member of the
marching band, 'the "godfather"
of the puppet mascot, and a young
man who has the patronage and
interest of famed playwright El-
mer Rice. Rice, who was here on
campus last year, is now handling
"The Worlds of Tommy Albright"
and has submitted it to a Broad-
way agent.
-Sk .17